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The Incredible Secret Money Machine PDF

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the \ db\e \"ere seCret by Don Lancaster ' Don Lancastse r INCREDIBLE SECRET MONEY MACHINEI I Synergetlcs Press Box8 09 ThatcAZh er8 5552 • • (92482)8 -4073 Copyright© 197189,,92 2001b yD onL ancaster. PublisbhyeS dy nergePrtiecsss 386We0s tF irSstrte eBotx, 809, ThatchAZe,r,8 55.5 2 (298)8-4 04273. THIRDE DITION FIRST PRINTING-2001 All rightsr eserveRde.p roducotriu osnew ,i thouetxp ress permissiono,f e ditoroirpa ilc tocroinatle inn ta,n ym anner, is strictplryo hibited. No liabilisi atys sumefdo dra magerse sultfrionmg th e use of the informatcioonnt aihneerde iTnh.eo nlwya rranteyx,p reosrs implieisd ," approximate quantity one." InternatioSntaaln daBorodk NumberIS BN 97-18-882311--927 Printienadt innaejTaahar t cAhrizeorna,,U SA. INTRODUCI10NT O THES ECONEDD ITION FourtYeeeanr Lsa t.e.r. Histoaryl wayrse peaIttss elf. Firsta sa trageadnydt heans a farce. Somehoiwt I sh asb ecomteh ef alolf1 992T.h iIsn credible Secret MoneyM achiniesn owf ourteyeena rosl dA.n di ss ellbientgt tehra n everB.u tt hel asrte mainmionugn taoiftn h emh asj usvatn isheodu to f my storeroSooma . r eviswioounl sde emt ob ei no rder. Probabtlhyeg reatiensdti caotfyo oru orn goienngt hUSiIashs omw lonygo uc ank eepy oucro pyo fa nI SMMb efoirteg etpse rmanently rippeodf fT.h ea veratgiem see emtso b ef iftweeeen ksA. h allfi fe, sorto fO.r m aybae timbee twereeni ncarnations. Ig uesIsa m noti ntroe visiosnoiI sw mo,n 'Wti.t ha fewo bvious adaptimoonsst,o fth is bookis as accuraantdea su sefnuolw a sIt was thenI.fn otm ores o.I nsteIaw di,ll le avteh inegxsa cttlhyew ayt hey werea ndj usta dda fewc ommenthesr oen w herwee a rea ndw here wes eemt obe headed. AndI w ilald da sorenleye deadn d oft-reqiunedsettxeor d o unodu t thipsa rticueldairt ion. Whent hiIsS MMw asw rittpeenrs,o naclo mputewresr ew ondrous beastiaensdy, o uh adt oc ontinuoduesfleynw dh yy ouh ado nea nd whayto ud iwdi tthh em. Thesoef c doauyrssea,, p ersocnoaml putiesr essentfioaral n ym oneym achinAet.t hev erlye asyto,us houlbde comfortawbilteah w ordp rocesas odre,s ktpoupb lisphaicnkagg aen d a programmlianngg uatgheay to uc anr elattoe. Intro 1 - The choiocfea machiniess implIefy. o ut hincko mputearsr ej usta workt oolli kaen yo thegro,I BMS.h oulydo ub eliecvoem putearsr e forfun andf ocro mputiansag n e ndu nttoh emselgvoeM sa,c . Here'as f ewo themro neym achinaer eatsh asto mehoswe emw orth commentionn.g . . networking Oneo ft heb iggemsits takIeh sa vem adeo vert hey earissn ot realizjiunshgto wi mportapnetr sonnaelt workiisnO.gr h asb ecome. Networkiinssg i mplays sociawtiitnhog t heresi,t hoenre -on-oorn e electronYiocuarlp leyr.s onnaeltw orcko nsiosftp se oplyeo uk nowt hat areo utsiodfye o uirm mediate fwaomrikol,ry c ,h urcWhh.o ,f oro ne reasoonra nothewri,le li thsehra ryeo uirn teroesrct asna dvanycoeu r money machinOer.e xposyeo ut oi deaasn dc onceptthsay to uw ould noto therwitsuen yeo urself into. Obviowuas yst op ersonanleltyw oarrke t og ot oc lumbe etintgos , teacohr t akaen yc oursteoa, tt enevde ntsw,r itset oripeasr,t iciipna te seminaarsn ds hows,v isuintu supalla cedsov, o luntseeervri cweo rko,r run a voichee lpliOnres .i mpgleyt o ftfh eb eatepna th. Iti sh artdo i magianney m oneym achine tdhaeystseh adto esn ot havea nda ggressiuvseeal myo demT.h eraer et enosf t housaondfs electrbounlilce btoianr dwsh iccho vearn ya nda lilm aginasbpleec ial intereJsusttsa . p honec alalw ayT.h er eabli ggiheesr aer eG Eniaet (80603)8 -96a3n6dC ompuSeravte( 80804)8 -81T9o9g.e thtehre,s e provimdaen yh undreodfst housanodfds o wnloaodnsa ni ncredible varietoyft opiwcasi tifnogyr o uA.t a stonishlionwpg rliyc es. Theb oardtsh acth argaer eo ftemnu chc heaptehra tnh eo newsh o don otH.o w'tsh aatg aiTnh?e b igb oardasr eu sualalfyt er-h"oluorasd levelferosmr"a jonra tiotnaaxlp reparoerrsc omputseerrv icbeu reaus. Thescea nh ave laocccaelsn osd eisn h undreodrse vent housaonfd s placienst hec ountSroyt .h eayr ep robabal lyo ccaall flo ry our,a ther thana londgi stanoncee.B ecausoeft heihri gheprr ofitlheess,be i g boardasl saor em orel iketlohy a ve exawchtaltyy o un eeda ndh igher qualiitnyf ormaitnig oenn eral. Iti sp robabnloyta good idetao s tayrto uorwn BBSM.o stp eople grossly underetshteti immaett,he ed ollarst,h esa tnudp endeonuesr gy commitmeinttt a kes. Theryi dailcsuolo ovuesrleys tihmoawtm ea ny calltehrse wyi lgle th owo fteonrf orho wl ongW.i thm ostb oardyso,u also twyiplilc gaeltlo yn loyn eu ploafdo re very6 00o rs od ownloads. Itis vastlbye ttteorw orkw itahn e xistbionagr odr b ecomaen a ssistant sysop ofnoer. Thee lectrnoentiwco rksionlgu ttihoant b'ese nb yf arth eg reatest equalifzoermr e hasb eent heD ialoIgn /ormation lSoecravtaietcd e (41855)8 -27F0o0rD. i alocgan s upplyyo ui nstaanbts traocfat lskl e y papersi na nyt echnifciaellF dr.o ma nywhereA.ta ny time.t hWehiirl e Intro 2 - $12p0e rh ourch argmeisg hatp peasrt eeaptf irsgtl ancDei,a liosg oftebnyf atrh eq uickaensdtc heapewsatyt od oa nys erioruess earch. Especiiafly loyud on oth avet hef oggiest onfow thieortneo b egin. Althouygohuc ans ubscrtioDb iea lyoogu rseiltif sb, e ttteoru set he servicoefsa qualilfiiberda wrhioak nn owasl olf t hes hortcutasn dh as alolf t hee xpensrievseo uarncdea ccemsasn uals. Dialaolgs noo wo ffears q uarter-lparteievc �en isnegrv ice. Anothgerre aBtB So fs peciianlt erteoms otn eym achifnoel ikss t he WholeE artLhe ctroLnilnc,k o rt heW ELLf ors hortF.o unadt ( 415) 332-43L3o5ts.h e roen a lternaetnee rgayn,ds mall-is-beautiful. Ih avem uchm orei nffoo ry ouo nw hatw e area boutto l ooakt . Theb rackientt sh et exste nydo ut os omed ownloadfaiblloeefsm ine founidnm y PSRTr oundtaobnGl Een ieS.t artw itthh ed irectaonryd crosrse fereinnfc iel #e4s7 8-4f8o2l,l obwye( d# 21I7N TROAL.TXTj. a sensitivtioot tyh ers Oneo ft hem oref undamenftaaclot fsl ifiest haftr iencdosm ea nd gob ute nemiaecsc umulIatit ses .u peirm portainnte verythiynogu d o tot rayn dl ooakt t hinfgrso m" thepierr"s pecBtliuvnet.il fyy o,u p iss someonoef ft,h ecya nr etutrno h aunyto uf ory earso re vedne cades. Bruiseedg otse ntdo r otq UickAlnyd.h army ouf orevienwr a ys that youw oulds eldosmu spect. Theraer ea lwaymsu ltiwpalyes o fd ealing awniytt ahs kS.o me confroontth;e drso n otS.o mea rel owl eveolt;h earsr en otSo.m e are quieott;h ecrsa nbe unnecessalroiuldSy.o mea pployn lpyr ecistehley minimunme cessfaoryr cteod ot hej obo;t hedrso n otSo.m e puty ou center sottahgetersh; i pradr tay g ranfaolrltw oon. Thep looyf a voidzienrgso u mg amecse rtaisntliygl ole sO.n lmyu ch mores ot odayT.h esdea ys,it hasa newn ameI.ti sn owc allseede king outW IN-WIsNi tuatiinoe nvesryt hinygo ud o.Es peciailfil tyi nvolves otheorsn a no ngoionrgl ontge rbma sis. ReF ploys I'ldi kteor enamaen db rieefxlpya nodn t heo rigiInSaMlMc oncept ofh aving optahyey rso uf ory our funw. haJtdu estte rminwehsi ch directtihoecn a sfhl owsI na nyt ransactiIonln o?t osf i nstanctehse, "obvious" tahnas"twt ehre y" ist ghoinodk f ory oui sn otn ecessarily theo nloyn ep ossible. I'dlelf ian Ree versCeads hF lowo,r R eFa sa nym ethody ouc ould conjuurpet oc ausael olf t hen icketlohs e ado no ute xactIlnty h e opposiotfte h e" usuadli"r ectAndi onp.r efereanbdlu yp i ny ouorwn pocket. Knaonwdiu nsgi nrge levaanndtw orkabRleeF sa rek ey secrettsoa sucescsfumlo nemya chinvee nture. Some ReFe xampltesh ahta vew orkefdo rm e doI ncluHdaev:i ng theF oresSte rvicep aym e tos taIyn a mountavaicna tiocna biasn a Iotro 3 - firleo okoGuett.t ipnagi sde verhauln dred doylelaa(rrso rsa i milar perkfso)rd rinkrionogt beeveerry W ednesdnaiyg hatsa volunteer firemFaonrm.i nvga riocusl ubsa ndus erg rouptsog aibni gd iscounts ona ltly peosfn ew softwarhea,r dwaarned,a dvancfer eetbieec hnical infGoe.t tihnigr eadsa sysop ona BBSt op icukp f reaec ceasnsd actuagletltyi npga iad r oyaaltsyo thecraslt lh es ervicRee.c eivinfgr ee tonefro tres titnogy ienledg atipvee r-patgoene rc ostosnm yd esktop publishOirn,bg e.c omian dge velooprea rn I ndependent Software Vendotrh agti veyso uf reoerd iscouhnatreddwa raen dso ftware. ScamsY?e sA.n d,n o,t hedyo n ota pplyt oe verybodAyn.d a ny speciRfCiFcc ertainwliylo ln lwyo rkf ora scanfte wo fy ouY.o ur selecptledo dyo ehsa vteo f iitn ttoh eb ipgi cturoefw hoy oua rea nd wheryeo ua reh eadiBnugt.i, fy oud ot unyeo urseilnftt oh eR CFp loy anda lwaayssk y oursehlofw t hec asfhl ofwo arn yt ransacticoannbe reverseydo,u 'blela mazeadth owm anyw ayst hivsi rtuuanlklnyo wn toocla nbe putt ous e foyro u. Oneo ft heg reataensdtt hem ostg eneroaflR CFs camiss the adlJetorAlna ald.v etoirsai nayle ditomraitaelr wihailc phu rportedly proviudseesf aunlda pparenctolmyp leetnedr eadienrf ormantoito n easifloyu nedl sewherWeh.i llee avian vge rys tropnegr ceptiinto hne reademri'nsdo fw hoy oua rea ndw hayto uh avfeo sra lAel.o nwigt h a verys trounrgg teo w hiopu tt heVIiSrA c ard. Yourk eyt oa cceptaabdlvee toriisaa flasi lJra luree ceiveThde. readsehro uwladl akw ayf romy ousrt oryw itlho tosf w elcomaen d usefuiln formatthiaowtno ulbde d iffifcourtl hte mt of inedl sewhere. Stand-ailnofnoer matthiaoctnl earnleye dnso f urthienrv olveomre nt inpuftr oymo ua sa na uthoorra dvertiser. Att hes amet imey,o uwa ntt hemt oe ndu pf eeltihnagit tw oulbed verfyo oliinsdhe feodtr h emt on otg et somem oref rowmh erweh at theayl reagdoytc amef romI.d ealyloyua,rd vetosrhioaulbel ds trong enougohn i tosw nt om akey ourre adewrsa ntt osa vet hemiarg azine foreveorr,e lstee aorut youpra rto fi t. Anothuseerf uplu blisphlioniygs t hee ditoreixaclh angienw, h ich youa ccepatds pacaes p artipaaly menfto re ditorial ymoaut erials submaista na uthoTrh.im si nimitzheems a gazincea'soshu tt hed oor whilgeiv inygo ua na da tl itotrln eo c osBtu.t n eveusre anyed itorial exchangfeosrt otpaaly menAtl.w ayisn siosnta tl eapsatrt icaals h. Thipsr events ygoiuvtrii nmgae n de ffoartw ayf orn othiantga lInl retu[rn.# 20A8D VETORL.TXT) bad scenes Ify oua rei na pokerg amef otrw enmtiyn utaesn dd on otk nowwh o them arkis t,h eyno ua ret he maBrykt .h waey ,t het ermma rkc omes frotmh ec arney midwwhaeyrs eu ckelrsi terhaaldal l ya r'geXd "us ted ont hebiarc wki tchh alAkf.t ear f rienpdaltoy n t heb ack. Intro 4 - Lifes eemtso g oi nt hreyee acry clSeose .v eryn owa ndt heintp ays tot akaen i nventaonrdys eei fw haty oua red oinagn dw hoy oua re doinigtw itihsw haty our ealwlayn tA.r ey oun owh andlisnomge thing fosro meo rganizatthiaiotsbn e incgo mplettehwlayr tebdys omep etty politoircc sh ildeigsohg amesI?s t hec oursyeo ua ret eachisntgi ll relevaAnrtey? o ud oinwgh aty ouw antw itwhh oy ouw antA?r ey our biasaensd p rejudhiucretsi ynogu D?o youh avea.lt,lh ef actWsh?a ti s workianngd w hati sn'Wth?a ti sf una ndw hati sn otA?r et heh ours youa res pendionnga nyp rojepcaty infgo rt hemselovreo st herwise rewardyionugA? r ey oui gnoroibnvgi onuesw d irectiIosan gsu?i tlrti p gettingo nly aoiud?H aveo net imfer ienbdesc ompes ycheince rgy sinksA?r ec hurcohrf amidleym anditnogom ucho fy ouern ergy? . Juslti kcel eanian cgl oseittp, a ytso r earratnhgees ceneervye ry nowa ndt henJ.u sdte citdhea yto ua ren owg ointgo c eascee rtain activitoiuetsr igdhet-,e mphaostihzeerc sh,a ngyee to therasn,db egin somet hinagnse wA.n da ctuadloli yt . As usuatlh,eb eswta yt og ets omethitnohg a ppeisn t oa skf ori t. Theb eswta yt op revesnotm ethifnrgo mh appeniinstg o j ussta yn o. Byf atrh eb eswta yt op revean ttu g-ofi-swt aonr o tp icukp y ouern d oft her opeO.ft eny,o ubre swta yt oc ommuniciastt eot elslo meone exacthloywy ouf eel. Delamya yb et hes urefsotr om fd eniaBlut.d raggitnhgi nogustw ill ofteonn lmya kea bads cenweo rseC.u ti to fnfo wu sintgh em inimum possifbolrec aett hel owepsots siebflfee clteivveeA ln.d d on'tta ltko anyoneel saeb ouitt . Oneo ft heb iggebsatds ceneasr ounhde raet m y Synergehtaldc s beeno urf oreisganl eBse.s iddeiss pleacsuisntgo maenrdsl ositnigm e andm oneyo nt hemw,e j uswte renh'atn dlitnhge mw elalt a llSo. w e simpsltyo ppaeldfl o reisganl eAsn.d h avneo r egreattas l l. Investments Notm uchn ewh ereI.fi tc alylosu o nt hep honei,ti sd efinintoetl y ani nvestmNeonrti .fit isn owb reakinnegwh ighasn dd rawilnogto sf mediaat tention. Naturayolul ya,d juysotu irn vestmetnost usi yto url ifestyyoluer, agea,n dy ouorb ligatYioound so.r ecogntihzaeat l iln vestmaernet s cyclihcaavli,nt gi mewsh ent heyd'olw le laln do thewrhse nt hedyo poorlYyo.ua voicdo llectuinblleyesossu a rea collecatnodwr o,r kosf artu nleysosu a rea na rtiYsotu.u sed iscoburnotk earnsdy uud or ead theW alSlt reJeotu rnal. As beforyeo,ui nveisnyt o urseFlifra.sn td f oremost. Keougphl anasr en owc all4e0d1 -KB'ess.i dperso vidyionuwig t ha freael ternattioiv nes uratnhceery,e maianna lalr oungdo od deaTlh.e sameg oefso IrRA accounbtusto, n a lowesrc ale. How woulydo ul ikae z erroi sikn vestmtehnatpt a ys1 8%y eairn Intro-5 andy eaoru ta,b soluttaexfl rye eW?i thn on eedt os om ucha sr eport youirn vestmienncto meS?i mplpya yofafl olf y ouVrI SAa ndC redit Reservbei lalnsd t Henk eept hemt hawta y.T heries n oo thesra fe investmyeonuct a nf inadn ywheraeta nyp ricte1;t acta no ffyeoru ev en remotetlhyig so oda return. Supplsyi deec onomidcosn 'ste emt om aket oom uchs ensient he average momnaecyh inRee.m embetrh aat d ollar unespqeunaftli sv e orm ored olluarnse arneYdo.u s houalldw ays tohfai nnykd olltahra t goeosu ty oudro oirn t ermosf t hel argneurm beorf i ncomimnogn ey machindeo llnaerse detdoc reaitte. I'vree cently expmayn tdreadd ionfhg i gbhe tsat ocksB.u yl owa nd selhli gahn da ltlh aVte.ry sadltyh,o sger eaHte nry Lankfporridc e histoarrieen so wt hemselhviesst oBryu.tq uotaerse e asiglyo ttferno m $5 on-liBnBeS s erviceUsn.l imictleods iqnugo teast perm onthO.r complestteo chki storiinme asc hinree adabfloer mf ort enc entas minutoefd ownloadtiinmge . I'vree cenwtrliyt tae vne ryu sefsutlo ctkr adiannga lypsriosg ram. Onet hintgh ep rograbmr inhgosm ei st hayto uw ilgle te ateanl iivfe youa ren otg reedeyn ough. Ydooum 'ulclhb ettoenrt hel ongaenrd largperri csew ingtsh atnry intgo s econgdu estsh inognsa day-by-day basis. Wihssi icmhi ltaotr h ee ngineecroinncg etphta mto sto ft he energiyna nyw avefoursmu alwliyll lii en i tlso wf requehnacrym onics. [#221 GENIEVSTa.nPdS[ )# 22G3E NIEVST.TXT) Myc urrentstra tegy ist ob uyo n 3a0 %d roapn ds elolna 30%r isoef anyh igbhe tsat ocwki thiitn"s n ormatlr"a dirnagn geI.fy ouprr ice seem"sh ighy"o,u 'gleltm orea ggressoinv see llianngdl essso o n buyinEgv.e ns hortoinna gn ye xtreumepm oveI.f t hep ricsee ems "lowy"o,u g etm orea ggressoinbv uey inagn dl essso o ns elliYnogu. keepa veragidnogwn ,n om attheorw m uchi th urts. Someo ft hes tocIkh sa vfeo unadt tracitnicvleuA ddeo beS ystems, whichha sc onSistgeinvtelmnye a 60%a veraagnen uarle turny,e ar aftyeera sri ncdea yo neO.t herosfi nterdeosi tn cluSdeaega t,eA pple Computearn,dC hip&s Tecnhologie.s Beyonodwn ingy ouorw nh omeo utrigIh'tmn, o ta ta lclo nvinced tharte aels taitset hagtr eaatn i nvestmAetnl te.a Is'tv nee vedro ne welwli tiht I.g norihnigd decnl osicnogs trse,a els tate commissions tentdo b et ent imehsi ghtehra tnh osoef o theirn vestmeUnntlsi.k e mosto theirn vestmeynotuas r,e p enalifzoerhd o ldianngy l anodr builditnhgrso upgrho perttya xeYso.u rp OSitiisoa n m atteorfp ublic recorldi.q Uidiisat nyo utrijgohkte . Baanndsk a vin&g lso afni ascos are nYootu.m ighhta vel iabiultiitlyii,mt pyr,o vememnati,n tenance, emotionianlv olvemaenndtc ,o llecptrioobnl eamssw ellA.n dt he propervtayl ucehsa ngmeu chm ores lowtlhya hni gbhe tsat ocks. Ift hidso esn otd issuaydoeu d, o remember tthheta htr emeo st importvaanltu fea ctobresh ind most aonfyr epaile cper operty are locatiloonc,a tiaonndl, o catiAonnda. l waygse ty ouorw na ppraisal Iotro 6 -

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