πN → K The Importance of Λ Process for the Pole Structure of the P11 Partial Wave T-matrix in the Coupled-Channel Pion-Nucleon Partial 6 0 ∗ Wave Analysis 0 2 n B. Zauner, S. Ceci and A. Sˇvarc a J 5 Rudjer Boskovic Institute Bijeniˇcka Cesta 54 1 10000 Zagreb, Croatia v 5 E-mail: [email protected] 3 0 February 2, 2008 1 0 6 0 / h 1 Introduction p - p ThepolestructureofP11partialwaveinpion-nucleonscatteringstillhasissues. e Different analyses give different number of poles and different pole positions. h : Theanalysisthatismostwidelyused(VPI/GWU)[1],reportsasingleresonant v poleinthefirstRiemannsheet. Wewillshowthatthisanalysisdoesnotexclude i X other poles, namely poles in W=1700 MeV region, and that they appear the r moment we include the πN →KΛ inelastic channel. a 2 Tools and data sets Tools We are using a coupled-channel CMU-LBL type formalism. For the collec- tionofformulaewereferthereadereithertooriginalpaperbyCutkoskyet.al[2] or to one of the more recent CC PWAs; Zagreb[3] or Pittsburgh/ANL[4]. Data Sets For elastic channel, we used single energy solutions from SAID site[5]. For the πN → KΛ channel, we used T matrix element we obtained in a single channel partial wave analysis from experimental data. We fitted data to three ∗Thecompletesetoftransparencies canbefoundat http://hadron.physics.fsu.edu/NSTAR2005/TALKS/Friday/Parallel C/Zauner.pdf 1 partial waves - S11, P11 and P13. We had a single resonance per wave, except in P11, where we allowed for two. Error bars were put a posteriori, in order to make statistical weight of this partial wave data smaller. P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 0.15 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.05 ReT-pNKL0.0-50 ImTpNKL00.1.25 -0.1 0.1 -0.15 0.05 -0.2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 01 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 s[GeV2] s[GeV2] Figure 1: The πN →KΛ P11 partial wave T matrix element. 3 Poles around 1700 MeV are a direct conse- quence of inelastic channels 3.1 Fitting only FA02 First,weshallshowthatpolesaround1700MeVarenotartefactsofthe CMU- LBL model. We fitted only FA02 SES (and had a free unitarizing channel to preserve unitarity) and found out that a single pole is sufficient to describe the data well. There is no sign of any pole structure in the 1700 MeV region. P11 BZ05 NCHA=2 NDAT=61 CI=5 CF=1 ../dat/par/P11.407.dat χ2R[10-6]=3466920 P11 BZ05 NCHA=2 NDAT=61 CI=5 CF=1 ../dat/par/P11.407.dat χ2R[10-6]=3466920 ReTpNpN0000....2413 ImTpNpN00000.....24563 2]Im s [GeVaa-------bb0000000-.....ss..76542031((ddeett GG)) PP1111 00000000000000..............1223344122334455555555 [MeV]-2 Im Wsaa3456789bb0000000ss0000000((ddeett GG)) PP1111 00000000000000..............1223344122334455555555 0 0.1 -0.8 00..11 200 00..11 -0.9 00..0055 100 00..0055 1 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 01 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 1.5 2 2.5 Re3 s [GeV32.]5 4 4.5 5 00 0 1200 1400 1R60e0 Ws [Me1V8]00 2000 2200 00 Figure2: Resultfor FA02with a singlepole in the resonanceregion. Two right graphs show pole positions, where one can see good agreement with Particle Data Group pole positions (black rectangles on the picture) If we add another pole, agreement with the data is slightly improved in the high energy region, as seen in fig.3. In the right part of fig.3, one can see that Roperresonancedidnotmove,andthatwegotanotherresonancein2300MeV region, far above the region we are interested in. Therefore we conclude that VPI/GWU SES do not need a pole in the 1700 MeV region. Consequently, there is no need for the N(1710)P11 resonance. 2 P11 BZ05 NCHA=2 NDAT=61 CI=5 CF=1 ../dat/par/P11.412.dat χ2R[10-6]=3118170 P11 BZ05 NCHA=2 NDAT=61 CI=5 CF=1 ../dat/par/P11.412.dat χ2R[10-6]=3118170 0.4 0.6 aabb-ss0((ddeett GG)) PP1111 00..0066 aa9bb0ss0((ddeett GG)) PP1111 ReTpNpN000...213 ImTpNpN0000....2453 2]Im s [GeV-------0000000.......7654231 00000000........0000000023452345 [MeV]-2 Im Ws345678000000000000 0000000000..........00000000002345623456 0 0.1 --00..98 00..0011 120000 00..0011 1 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 01 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 -11.5 2 2.5 3Re 3s. 5[GeV2]4 4.5 5 5.5 6 00 0 1200 1400 1600Re W1s 8[M00eV]2000 2200 2400 00 Figure 3: Result for FA02 with two poles in the resonance region. 3.2 Including the πN → KΛ channel When we include the πN → KΛ T matrix (now we have three channels to fit - elastic, inelastic and unitarizing), we see that a single pole in the resonance region miserably fails to reproduce the data. Moreover, in CMU-LBL model, we have two poles in the subthreshold region that are simulating background. Inclusion of the inelastic channel (when we put a single pole in the resonance region) forces them to simulate real resonances, as one can see in fig.4. P11 TEST NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/P11.382.dat χ2R[10-6]=39509000 P11 TEST NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/P11.382.dat χ2R[10-6]=39509000 P11 TEST NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/P11.382.dat χ2R[10-6]=39509000 P11 TEST NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/P11.382.dat χ2R[10-6]=39509000 ReTpNpN0000....02413 ImTpNpN00000.....45673 ReT--pNKL--000000......0000000422131 ImTpNKL0000000......0011112..28246821 --00..211 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 00..2011 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 ---000...0007651 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 000...00024601 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 aabbss((ddeett GG)) PP1111 aabbss((ddeett GG)) PP1111 -0-.01 00..55 890000 00..55 2]Im s [GeV------000000......765423 000000......234234 [MeV]-2 Im Ws345670000000000 000000......234234 -0.8 00..11 200 00..11 -0.9 100 -1 1.5 2 2.5 Re3 s [GeV32.]5 4 4.5 5 0 1200 1400 1R60e0 Ws [Me1V8]00 2000 2200 00 Figure 4: Result for FA02 SES and πN → KΛ T matrix element. We used a single pole in resonant region. After further fitting, and trying various number of resonances, first number of poles in the resonant region that reproduces both data sets well and does not force the background poles into resonant region is four. In the fig.4 we can see that we have pole structure at around 1700 MeV, i addition to the Roper resonance pole. 4 Conclusions Procedure that was presented here points out that the lack of evidence for N(1710)P11 in many recent analyses is due to the single channel treatment. Introduction of inelastic channels (namely, πN →KΛ) is crucial to the confir- mation of the existence of N(1710)P11. 3 P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 P11 BZ05 NCHA=3 NDAT=61 CI=13 CF=2 ../dat/par/book08/P11.011.dat χ2R[10-6]=436563 0.4 0.6 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.25 0.05 ReTpNpN00..21 ImTpNpN00..43 ReT-pNKL0.0-50 ImTpNKL00.1.25 0.2 -0.1 0.1 0 0.1 -0.15 0.05 -0.2 -0.11 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 01 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 1 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 01 1.5 2 2.5s[G3eV2]3.5 4 4.5 5 Figure 5: Result for FA02 SES and πN → KΛ T matrix element. We used 4 poles in resonant position. References [1] R. A. Arndt et. al., Phys. Rev. C69, 035213 (2004). [2] R.E. Cutkosky, C.P. Forsyth, R.E. Hendrick and R.L. Kelly, Phys. Rev. D20, 2839 (1979). [3] M. Batini´c, I. Sˇlaus, A. 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