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The Impact of Small-Cell Bandwidth Requirements on Strategic Operators Cheng Chen Randall A. Berry, Michael L. Honig Vijay G. Subramanian NGS, Intel Corporation Dept. of EECS, Northwestern University Dept. of EECS, University of Michigan Hillsboro, OR 97124 Evanston, IL 60208 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 [email protected] {rberry, mh}@eecs.northwestern.edu [email protected] Abstract—Small-cell deployment in licensed and unlicensed While the deployment of small-cells will increase overall 7 spectrum is considered to be one of the key approaches to cope datacapacity,italsocomplicatesthenetworkmanagementand with the ongoing wireless data demand explosion. Compared to 1 resource allocation for SPs. This includes how to differentiate traditional cellular base stations with large transmission power, 0 thepricingschemesandoptimallysplittheirlimitedbandwidth small-cellstypicallyhaverelativelylowtransmissionpower,which 2 makes them attractive for some spectrum bands that have strict resourcesbetweenmacro-andsmall-cells,takingintoaccount n power regulations, for example, the 3.5GHz band [1]. In this the fact that users in the network are also heterogeneous a paper we consider a heterogeneous wireless network consisting in terms of mobility patterns. Moreover, these decisions are J ofoneormoreserviceproviders(SPs).EachSPoperatesinboth furthercomplicatedbyregulatoryrestrictionsoncertainbands, 9 macro-cells and small-cells, and provides service to two types of such as the designation of new spectrum in the 3.5GHz band users: mobile and fixed. Mobile users can only associate with ] macro-cells whereas fixed users can connect to either macro- or only for small-cells. T small-cells. The SP charges a price per unit rate for each type I of service. Each SP is given a fixed amount of bandwidth and A. Contributions . s splitsitbetweenmacro-andsmall-cells.Motivatedbybandwidth Our paper analyzes the impact of regulatory requirements c regulations, such as those for the 3.5Gz band, we assume a that certain bands be used only for small-cells on competitive [ minimum amount of bandwidth has to be set aside for small- service providers that allocate bandwidth between macro- and cells. We study the optimal pricing and bandwidth allocation 1 strategies in both monopoly and competitive scenarios. In the small-cell networks. We also analyze the associated social v monopoly scenario the strategy is unique. In the competitive welfare. At present new spectrum is typically apportioned 4 8 scenario there exists a unique Nash equilibrium, which depends based on an auction, and another goal is to provide insight on the regulatory constraints. We also analyze the social welfare 3 into the social welfare achieved via winner-take-all auctions. achieved,andcompareittothatwithoutthesmall-cellbandwidth 2 Given the policy implications of such an analysis, we briefly constraints.Finally,wediscussimplicationsofourresultsonthe 0 effectivenessoftheminimumbandwidthconstraintoninfluencing discuss these results at a high-level; detailed results are in . 1 small-cell deployments. Section V. 0 The scenario that we consider in the paper is the following. 7 I. INTRODUCTION The spectrum regulator needs to allocate B units of newly 1 Current cellular networks are expected to evolve towards available bandwidth to two competitive SPs. Each SP has an v: heterogeneous networks (HetNets) to cope with the explo- initialendowmentoflicensedbandwidthBo andBo,andgets i sive demand for wireless data [2], [3]. This requires service 1 2 X a proportion of the new bandwidth, denoted as Bn and Bn. providers (SPs) to deploy small-cells in addition to traditional 1 2 Theregulatordeterminestherulesforthisassignmentusingan r macro-cells. While typical macro-cells, such as cellular base a appropriate auction procedure; e.g., an allocation of Bn =B stations,typicallyhavelargetransmissionpowerandtherefore 1 and Bn =0 corresponds to the outcome of a winner-take-all arecapableofcoveringuserswithinalargeregion,small-cells 2 auction that SP 1 wins.The initial bandwidth can be allocated have much lower transmission power and are used to provide byeachSPtoeithermacro-cellsorsmall-cells.Incontrast,the servicetoalocalarea.Thisuniquecharacteristicofsmall-cells new bandwidth can only be used for small-cells, as enforced enablesthemtobeanattractivechoiceinsomespectrumbands by the regulatory constraint. that have strict power regulations. For example, in 2012, the In Figure 1 we present a typical result that we obtain FCC proposed to create a new Citizens Broadband Service in for different partitions of the new bandwidths amongst the the 3550-3650 MHz band (3.5GHz Band), previously utilized two SPs. The blue line represents the social welfare achieved for military and satellite operations [1]. Due to the low power when the SPs cooperate and the new bandwidth comes with constraint within this band, only small-cells can be deployed. no restrictions; the red line represents the social welfare ForSPsthatwanttousethisbandtoexpandtheirservice,this achieved when the SPs cooperate and the new bandwidth is type of bandwidth regulation needs to be taken into account restricted to small cell use; and the green curve represents the in determining optimal resource allocation strategies. social welfare achieved when the SPs compete with the new ThisworkwassupportedbyNSFundergrantAST-134338. bandwidthrestrictedonlytosmallcelluse.Fromtheresultsof ourpreviouswork[13],itiseasilyverifiedthatbluelineisalso SPs. We show that in the monopoly scenario the SP simply the social welfare achieved when the SPs compete and there increases its small-cell bandwidth to the required minimum isnorestrictionontheusageofthenewbandwidth.Itisclear amount if its original small-cell bandwidth is less than the fromFigure1thattheintroductionofrestrictionsontheusage constraint. This applies to both social welfare and revenue- of new bandwidth results in a reduction in social welfare, and maximization. With two competitive SPs, there always exists additionally,onlyspecificpartitionsofthenewbandwidthwill a unique Nash equilibrium that depends on the regulatory lead to this reduced social welfare value being achieved with constraints. We illustrate this by considering three cases competingSPs.Itshouldalsobenotedthattheassignmentthat corresponding to whether the original equilibrium allocation resultsfromawinner-take-allauctionyieldsmuchlowersocial satisfies the two constraints. We characterize the equilibrium welfare; these correspond to the two endpoints in the figure. for each case. NumericalinvestigationsalsoshowthattheSPwiththelarger 3. Social Welfare Analysis: We also quantify the influence amount of initial bandwidth endowment obtains the highest of the regulatory constraints on the social welfare. We con- marginal revenue increase from any new bandwidth with the clude that if the equilibrium without constraints violates the otherSPlosingrevenuewhenthisoccurs.ThelargerSPwould constraints, then social welfare loss is inevitable. However, thus, bid higher to reduce the influence of the smaller SP. the social welfare loss is always bounded, and the worst Thus one of the main contributions of our paper is to case happens when the spectrum regulator requires the SPs highlight the possibility of such negative outcomes with the to allocate all bandwidth only to small-cells. In this extreme specific designation chosen for small cells, and also to point case there are no macro-cells, and consequently none of the outthenecessityofcarryingoutsuchanalysisbeforedeciding mobile users receives wireless service. on other regulatory constraints for newly available spectrum B. Related work bands. PricingandbandwidthallocationproblemsinHetNetshave Bo=1, Bo=1.2, B=10 attracted considerable attention. In [4]–[6], small-cell service 1 2 781.5 is seen as an enhancement to macro-cell service. In contrast, small-cellandmacro-cellserviceareconsideredtobeseparate 781 servicesin[7]–[14],[17],thesameasourmodelinthispaper. Onlyoptimalpricingisstudiedin[4],[6],[11],[12],while[5], 780.5 e [7]–[10],[13],[14],[17]considerjointpricingandbandwidth ra fle allocation, as in this paper. Additionally, except for [11]– W 780 la [14], [17] that include the competitive scenario with multiple ic oS SW* SPs, all the other work assumes only one SP. In this paper, 779.5 wo SW* we investigate both monopoly and competitive scenarios, and w adopt a model similar to that in our previous work [10], [13] 779 SWNE w (which did not consider bandwidth regulations). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present 778.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the system model in Section II. We consider monopoly and B1n competitive scenarios in Section III and Section IV, respec- tively. Social welfare analysis is in Section V. We conclude Fig.1. SocialwelfareversusBn withlargeB.HereSW∗ istheoptimal 1 wo in Section VI. All proofs of the main results can be found in social welfare without regulatory constraints, SW∗ is the optimal social welfare with regulatory constraints, and SWNE iswthe equilibrium social the appendices. w welfarewithregulatoryconstraints. II. SYSTEMMODEL We now summarize our other contributions in this paper: Weadoptthemathematicalmodelinourpreviouswork[13] 1. Incorporating Bandwidth Regulations into the HetNet for the analysis. We now describe the different aspects of it Model: Prior related work that considers bandwidth allocation while pointing out the additional elements considered here. assumes SPs are free to split spectrum between macro- and A. SPs small-cells in any way. Here, we add additional small-cell bandwidth constraints that impose a minimum amount of We consider a HetNet with N SPs providing separate small-cell bandwidth to the SPs. This is primarily motivated macro- and small-cell service to all users. Denote the set by the 3.5GHz Band released by the FCC that can only be of SPs as N. Each SP is assumed to operate a two-tier usedtodeploysmall-cells.Theintroductionofsuchbandwidth cellular network consisting of macro- and small-cells that are constraints has a direct influence on the optimal pricing and uniformly deployed over a given area. We further assume bandwidth allocation strategies of SPs. all SPs have the same density of infrastructure deployment. 2. Characterizing the impact of the regulatory constraints We normalize the density of macro-cells to one. The density for SPs in both monopoly and competitive scenarios: We of small-cells is denoted as N . In our setting, macro-cells S analyze scenarios with both a monopoly SP and competitive havehightransmissionpower,andthereforecanprovidelarge coverage range. In contrast, small-cells have low transmission C. User and SP Optimization power, and consequently local coverage range. Figure 2 illustrates the network and market model. We Each SP i has a total amount of bandwidth B exclusively i now introduce the optimization problems corresponding to licensed.1 Since we assume all macro- and small-cells use both users and SPs. We assume each user is endowed with a separate bands, each SP i needs to decide how to split its utility function, u(r), which only depends on the service rate bandwidthintoB ,bandwidthallocatedtomacro-cells,and i,M it gets. For simplicity of analysis, in this paper we assume B , bandwidth allocated to small-cells. When determining i,S that all users have the same α-fair utility functions [15] with this partition, every SP is required to conform to (possible) α∈(0,1): bandwidth regulations enforced by the spectrum regulator. Specifically,SPiisrequestedtoguaranteeaminimumamount r1−α u(r)= , α∈(0,1). (1) of bandwidth allocated to small-cells, and this lower bound is 1−α denoted as B0 . i,S Thisrestrictionenablesustoexplicitlycalculatemanyequilib- For a fixed bandwidth allocation, the total achievable data riumquantities,whichappearstobedifficultformoregeneral rate provided by the macro-cells of SP i is C =B R , i,M i,M 0 classesofutility.Furthermore,thisclassiswidelyusedinboth where R is the (average) spectral efficiency of the macro- 0 networking and economics, where it is a subset of the class cells. The total available rate in small-cells of SP i is given of iso-elastic utility functions.2 by C = λ B R , where λ > 1 reflects the increase in i,S S i,S 0 S Each user chooses the service by maximizing its net payoff spectralefficiencyduetosmallercellsize,andpossiblygreater W, defined as its utility less the service cost. For a service deployment density. Each SP i provides separate macro- and with price p, this is equivalent to: small-cell services and charges the users a price per unit rate for associating with its macro-cells or small-cells, namely, W =max u(r)−pr. (2) pi,M and pi,S. r≥0 B. Users For α-fair utility functions, (2) has the unique solution: Weassumetheusersinthenetworksarealsoheterogeneous and categorize them into two types based on their mobility r∗ =D(p)=(u(cid:48))−1(p)=(1/p)1/α, (3) patterns. Mobile users can only be served by macro-cells. In contrast, fixed users are relatively stationary, and can connect where D(p) here can be seen as the user’s rate demand to either macro- or small-cells (but not both). Denote the function. The maximum net payoff for a user is thus: rdeesnpseictiteivseloyf. Nmootbeiltehautstehreshaentderofigxeendeituyseorfsthase uNsemrsacnadn aNlsfo, W∗(p)=u(D(p))−pD(p)= α p1−α1. (4) 1−α arise from an equivalent model that assumes (N +N ) as m f the total density of users, who are mobile with probability Recall that fixed users can choose between any macro- or N /(N +N ) and stationary with probability N /(N + small-cell service offered by any SP, while mobile users can m m f f m N ). After user association, let K and K denote the onlychoosethemacro-cellserviceprovidedbyaSP.However, f i,M i,S mass of users connected to the macro- and small-cells of SP here, we assume mobile users have priority connecting to i, respectively. (Note that K consists of fixed users only, macro-cells, which means macro-cells will only admit fixed i,S whereas K can consist of both mobile and fixed users.) users after the service requests of all mobile users have been i,M addressed. For the association rules, we adopt the same process de- Bandwidth Allocation : scribed in [13]. That is, users always choose the service with Pricing Decision : lowestpriceandfillthecorrespondingcapacity.Ifmultipleser- vices have the same price, then the users are allocated across them in proportion to the capacities. Once a particular service Macro-cells Small-cells capacity is exhausted, then the leftover demand continues to fill the remaining service in the same fashion. Each SP determines the bandwidth split and service prices SP 1 SP 2 to maximize its revenue, which is the aggregate amount paid by all users associating with their macro- and small-cells. Mobile Fixed Service Competition Users Users Meanwhile they also need to conform to the constraints on small-cell bandwidth allocation. Specifically, SP i solves the 2Ingeneralα-fairutilitiesrequirethatα≥0toensureconcavity;requiring Fig.2. SystemModel. α>0 ensures strict concavity but allows us to approach the linear case as α→0.Therestrictionofα<1ensuresthatutilityisnon-negativesothata usercanalways“optout”andreceivezeroutility.Notealsothatasα→1, 1ForthemonopolySPscenario,wewillignorethesubscript. weapproachthelog(·)(proportionalfair)utilityfunction. following optimization problem: this case it is given by: N λ1/α−1B maximize Si =pi,MKi,MD(pi,M)+pi,SKi,SD(pi,S), BSW =Brev = f S , (7a) (5a) S S N λ1/α−1+N f S m subject to Bi,M +Bi,S ≤Bi,Bi,M ≥0,Bi,S ≥Bi0,S, BSW =Brev = NmB . (7b) (5b) M M N λ1/α−1+N f S m 0<p ,p <∞. (5c) i,M i,S 2.IfB0 > Nfλ1S/α−1B ,theoptimalbandwidthallocation Alternatively,asocialplanner,suchastheFCC,mayseekto is changeSd to:Nfλ1S/α−1+Nm allocate bandwidth and set prices to maximize social welfare, BSW =Brev =B0, BSW =Brev =B−B0. (8) which is the sum utility of all users, subject to the same S S S M M S constraints (5b) and (5c). This is given by: Consequently there will be both a welfare and revenue loss if this case applies. N (cid:88) In both cases the optimal macro- and small-service prices maximize SW= [K u(D(p ))+K u(D(p ))]. i,M i,M i,S i,S are market-clearing prices, i.e., the prices that equalize the i=1 (6) total rate demand and the total rate supply in both cells. Theorem 1 states that if the original optimal bandwidth D. Sequential Game and Backward Analysis allocation without the bandwidth regulations already satisfies the imposed constraint, then the SP just keeps the same We model the bandwidth and price adjustments of SPs in bandwidth allocation. If the original bandwidth allocation the network as a two-stage process: violates the regulatory constraint, then the SP increases the 1) Each SP i first determines its bandwidth allocation small-cell bandwidth to the required level. This is because B ,B betweenmacro-cellsandsmall-cells.Denote the added regulatory constraint does not change the concavity i,M i,S the aggregate bandwidth allocation profile as B. of the revenue or social welfare function with respect to the 2) GivenB(assumedknowntoallSPs),theSPsannounce small-cell bandwidth, and further increasing the bandwidth prices for both macro-cells and small-cells. The users allocation to small-cells will only lead to more revenue or then associate with SPs according to the previous user social welfare loss. association rule. IV. COMPETITIVESCENARIOWITHTWOSPS We then do backward induction. That is, we first derive the In this section we turn to the competitive scenario with two priceequilibriumunderafixedbandwidthallocation.Wethen SPs,eachofwhichmaximizesitsindividualrevenue.Applying characterizethebandwidthallocationequilibriumbasedonthe the results from [13], the price equilibrium given any fixed price equilibrium obtained. bandwidth allocation is always the market-clearing price. We thereforefocusonthebandwidthallocationNashequilibrium. III. MONOPOLYSCENARIOWITHASINGLESP Considering the case without the additional regulatory con- straint, using the results from [13], there exists a unique We first study the bandwidth allocation when a single SP Nash equilibrium and the bandwidth allocations of two SPs is operating in the network. This is similar to the analysis in at equilibrium are given by: our previous work [10], except here we have an additional regulatory constraint that imposes a minimum bandwidth N λ1/α−1B N B BNE = f S 1 ,BNE = m 1 , (9a) allocation to small-cells. This added constraint will change 1,S N λ1/α−1+N 1,M N λ1/α−1+N the optimal bandwidth allocation strategy for the monopoly f S m f S m SP. In [10] it is concluded that for the set of α-fair utility BNE = Nfλ1S/α−1B2 ,BNE = NmB2 . (9b) functions we use in this paper, the revenue-maximizing and 2,S N λ1/α−1+N 2,M N λ1/α−1+N f S m f S m social welfare-maximizing bandwidth allocation turn out to With the additional regulatory constraints, we have the fol- be the same. The following theorem states that the optimal lowing theorem characterizing the corresponding Nash equi- bandwidthallocationsunderbothobjectivesarestillthesame, librium between two SPs. butaddingalargevalueforthebandwidthsetasideforsmall- Theorem 2: With two SPs, with a constraint on minimum cells changes the optimal bandwidth allocation. small-cell bandwidth, the Nash equilibrium exists and is Theorem 1 (Optimal Monopoly Bandwidth Allocation): unique. Moreover, the total bandwidth allocated to small-cells For a monopoly SP, the optimal revenue-maximizing and by the two SPs is no less than that without the regulatory social welfare-maximizing bandwidth allocation strategies are constraints. the same and can be determined by the following cases: Theorem 2 states that the existence and uniqueness of the rem1.aiInfsBtS0he≤saNmfNeλfS1aλ/sS1α/−tαh1−a+1tNBwmi,ththoeutotphteimreaglublaantodrwyidctohnastlrloaicnatt.ioInn Nstraasihntesq.uTihliibsricuamnbisepprreosveerdveudsianfgtesrimadidlainrgmtehtehoredgsualsatporroyvcidoend- in our previous work [13], with some modifications. The last Case C: Only one constraint is violated. Without loss part of the theorem may be more subtle than it appears. One of generality, we assume at the Nash equilibrium without may try to argue that if any of the constraints is violated, that regulations, only SP 2’s small-cell bandwidth allocation falls SP then needs to increase its bandwidth allocation to small- below the required threshold. In this case, the new Nash cells. It would then hold that the total bandwidth allocated equilibrium is characterized by the following proposition: to small-cells surely increases. However, the logic does not Proposition 2: In case C, the Nash equilibrium with regu- carry through if only one constraint is violated at the Nash latory constraints is one of the following two types: equilibrium omitting the constraint. In that case, the SP with Type I. Both SPs increase their small-cell bandwidth alloca- violated constraint must increase the bandwidth allocation to tionstoexactlytherequiredamount,i.e,B =B0 ,B = 1,S 1,S 2,S small-cells. However, the other SP, whose equilibrium small- B0 . 2,S cell bandwidth allocation without regulations satisfies the Type II. Only SP 2 allocates exactly the required minimum constraint, may potentially decrease its bandwidth in small- amountofbandwidthto small-cells,i.e,B >B0 ,B = 1,S 1,S 2,S cells in response to the increase in bandwidth allocation of B0 . 2,S its competitor. In that case, determining the change in total Notethatequation(10)alsoappliestogiveconditionswhen bandwidth requires a more detailed analysis. Nonetheless, a type I equilibrium arises. Theorem 2 indicates even in that case the total bandwidth While the type I Nash equilibrium in both cases B and in small-cells would not decrease. We will present a specific C indicate both SPs allocate exactly the required minimum example later. amount to small-cells, they are quite different. In case B both Depending on whether the regulatory constraints are vio- SPs increase their small-cell bandwidth allocations, whereas lated or not at the Nash equilibrium without the constraints, in case C, one SP increases its small-cell bandwidth while there are three cases we need to cover independently. We will the other SP decreases its small-cell bandwidth. Another seethat,ineachcase,theNashequilibriumbehavesdifferently. difference that is worth pointing out is that in case C, the Case A: Both constraints are satisfied. The new Nash SP whose small-cell bandwidth allocation without regulations equilibrium is the same as the Nash equilibrium without violates the constraint always operates at exactly the required regulations. minimum point at the new Nash equilibrium, while it will CaseB:Bothconstraintsareviolated.TheNashequilibrium furtherincreaseitssmall-cellbandwidthbeyondtheminimum without regulations is no longer valid. The following proposi- point in a type II equilibrium for case B. tion characterizes the properties of the new Nash equilibrium. Next we use a specific example in Figure 3 to illustrate the Proposition 1: In case B, the Nash equilibrium with regu- different Nash equilibrium regions as a function of the small- latory constraints is one of the following types: cell bandwidth constraints discussed in the preceding cases. Type I. Both SPs increase their small-cell bandwidth alloca- Thesystemparametersforthiscaseare:α=0.5,N =N = m f tionstoexactlytherequiredamount,i.e,B =B0 ,B = 50,R = 50,λ = 2,B = 2,B = 1. In this example the 1,S 1,S 2,S 0 S 1 2 B0 . original equilibrium small-cell bandwidth allocations without 2,S Type II. One SP increases its small-cell bandwidth exactly the regulatory constraints are: B =1.34,B =0.67. Re- 1,S 2,S to the required amount, while the other SP increases further gionAcorrespondstotheNashequilibriumincaseA,whichis beyond the required amount, i.e, B = B0 ,B > alsotheequilibriumwithouttheregulatoryconstraints.Region 1,S 1,S 2,S B0 or B >B0 ,B =B0 . B.IandRegionB.IIcorrespondtothetype-Iandtype-IINash 2,S 1,S 1,S 2,S 2,S It is conceptually easy to characterize the necessary and equilibrium in case B where both constraints are violated at sufficient conditions for the first type of Nash equilibrium to the original equilibrium, and the same rule applies to Region hold since at that equilibrium the marginal revenue increase C.I and C.II. with respect to per unit of bandwidth increase in small-cells V. SOCIALWELFARE should be non-positive for both SPs. This can be analytically expressed via the two corresponding inequalities: In this section we focus on social welfare analysis. In our previous work [10] [13], we showed that for the set of α- αλ2B0 R λ R0−α−R0 −α− S i,S 0R0−α−1+ fair utility functions we use here, the bandwidth allocation S S M Nf S at equilibrium is always socially optimal in both monopoly (B −B0 )R and competitive scenarios. With the additional regulatory i i,S 0R0 −α−1 ≤0, for i=1,2. (10) N M constraints on the minimum amount of small-cell bandwidth m allocations, this is not necessarily true. Obviously, if the Here, R0 and R0 are defined as follows: S M equilibriumwithoutregulationsalreadysatisfiestheregulatory λ (B0 +B0 )R constraints, then the preceding result still holds, i.e., in case R0 = S 1,S 2,S 0, (11a) A in the previous section. Otherwise, a social welfare loss is S N f incurred compared to the case without regulatory constraints. R0 = (B1−B10,S +B2−B20,S)R0. (11b) DenoteSW∗wo,SWNwE astheequilibriumsocialwelfarewithout M Nm and with regulatory constraints, respectively. The following 1 2) The optimal social welfare with the regulatory con- straints, which we denote as SW∗. 0.9 Region Region w Region 3) The equilibrium social welfare with regulatory con- 0.8 C.II B.II B.I straints, SWNE. w/ 0.7 The next theorem compares the three scenarios depending Region C.I 0.6 on the total amount of newly available bandwidth B. 0BS,20.5 Theorem 4: Depending on the amount of new bandwidth B, there exists a bandwidth threshold T 0.4 Region A Region C.II (Bo+Bo)N λ1/α−1 0.3 T = 1 2 f S , (14) N m 0.2 and we have the following conclusions: 0.1 1.IfB >T,thenSWNE ≤SW∗ <SW∗ .Thefirstinequality w w wo 0 isbinding,i.e,SWNE =SW∗ <SW∗ ,ifandonlyifequation 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 w w wo B10,S (10) holds. 2. If B ≤ (B1o+B2o)Nfλ1S/α−1, then SWNE ≤ SW∗ = SW∗ . Fig. 3. Nash equilibrium regions for 2 SPs as the bandwidth regulations Nm w w wo vary. The first inequality is binding, i.e., SWNE =SW∗ =SW∗ , if w w wo and only if the following condition is met: theoremstatesthatthelossinsocialwelfareislowerbounded, Bn ∈(cid:104)B− B2oNfλ1S/α−1,B1oNfλ1S/α−1(cid:105),Bn =B−Bn. andtheworstpointoccursatthescenariowheretheregulatory 1 N N 2 1 m m (15) constraints require both SPs to allocate all bandwidth only to small-cells. Theorem4statesthatifthetotalamountofnewlyavailable bandwidth is too large, no matter if the two competing SPs Theorem 3 (Social Welfare): Compared to the case with- maximize revenue or social welfare, we always have some out the regulatory constraints, social welfare loss is incurred social welfare loss compared to the case without regulatory when the following inequality is true: constraints. This can be explained as follows. Using the set Nfλ1S/α−1 (cid:88)B < (cid:88)B0 . (12) of α-fair utility functions, without regulatory constraints the N λ1/α−1+N i i,S socially optimal bandwidth allocation strategy is to allocate f S m i∈N i∈N bandwidth to macro- and small-cells based on a fixed pro- We have: portion. If the total amount of newly available bandwidth is SWNE (cid:16) N λ1/α−1 (cid:17)α not large, simply following the original allocation satisfies w ≥ f S , (13) SW∗wo Nfλ1S/α−1+Nm tHhoewreevgeurl,atwiohnenretqhueiaremmoeunnttaonfdneiswthbaenredfworiedthsobceiaclolymeosptliamrgael., where the bound is tight exactly when Bi0,S =Bi,∀i∈N. since the new bandwidth is required to be allocated to small- Inpractice,aspectrumregulator,suchastheFCC,mayseek cells only, the original optimal proportion would no longer be tofindanoptimalwaytoallocatenewlyavailablespectrumso valid given the small-cell bandwidth constraints. As a result that the market equilibrium yields the largest social welfare. of this, social welfare loss relative to the original allocation Wenextuseourresultstoanalyzethecasewherethespectrum scheme becomes inevitable. Further, note that the bandwidth regulator needs to allocate a total available new bandwidth B threshold at which this loss begins occurring is proportional to two competitive SPs. SP 1 and 2 each have initial licensed to Nf , so that when there are more fixed users willing to use bandwidth Bo and Bo, and get a proportion of the new smaNlml-cells,thethresholdincreases.Itisalsoincreasinginλ , 1 2 S bandwidth, denoted as Bn and Bn. The initial bandwidth is the gain in spectral efficiency of small-cells and in the initial 1 2 freetouseforeithermacro-cellsorsmall-cells.Incontrast,the allotment of licensed bandwidth. newbandwidthcanonlybeusedforsmall-cells.Asmentioned Theorem 4 also indicates that when the amount of newly before this is motivated by the 3.5GHz band, where FCC available bandwidth is below the threshold, there exists a regulates the power constraint to be very small, and therefore bandwidth split that achieves the optimal benchmark social it can only be used for small-cell deployment [1]. welfare. This result suggests that if a spectrum controller is Thespectrumregulatorneedstodeterminetheoptimalsplit planning to enforce bandwidth regulations on newly released ofthenewbandwidthsuchthatthesocialwelfareundermarket bands, it should consider the possible impacts on the market equilibrium is maximized. We consider the following three equilibrium without regulations carefully. In particular, if the scenarios for any possible bandwidth partition (Bn,Bn): amount of newly available bandwidth is too large, imposing 1 2 1)Theoptimalsocialwelfarewithoutregulatoryconstraints, suchregulationsmightleadtosocialwelfarelosscomparedto SW∗ . Note, from [13], this is the same as the equilibrium the scenario where the regulations were not imposed. On the wo socialwelfarewithoutregulatoryconstraints.Thiswillbeused other hand, if the amount of new spectrum is small compared as a benchmark. to the existing bands already licensed to SPs in the market, the influence on the market equilibrium from the introduction forinnovation,spectrumcaps,andthemanagementofharmful of bandwidth regulations on the new bands is minor and interference. controllable,andthereforewillnotincuranylossinthesocial REFERENCES welfare. Figure1and4illustrateTheorem4.Thesystemparameters [1] FCC, “Enabling Innovative Small Cell Use In 3.5GHZ Band NPRM & Order”,2012. we use in both cases are: α = 0.5,N = N = 50,R = m f 0 [2] Qualcomm,“LTEAdvanced:HeterogeneousNetworks,”whitepaper,Jan. 50,λS = 4,B1o = 1,B2o = 1.2. The Figures differ in the 2011. amount of new bandwidth. In Figure 1, B = 10, while in [3] A. Ghosh et al., “Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: From Theory to Practice,”IEEECommunicationsMagazine,June2012. Figure 4, B =6. We can see that when the amount of newly [4] N.Shetty,S.Parekh,andJ.Walrand,“EconomicsofFemtocells,”IEEE available bandwidth is not large, there is a bandwidth split GLOBECOM,Hawaii,USA,Nov.2009. that achieves the optimal benchmark social welfare. 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While this change is relatively straightforward in the monopoly scenario, it turns out to be much more complicated in the competitive scenario with two SPs. Specifically, the existence and uniqueness of Nash equi- libriaarestillpreservedafteraddingtheregulatoryconstraints. However, the equilibria can exhibit very different structures andcharacteristicsastheconstraintsvary.Wealsoshowedthat the introduction of such regulations may shift the equilibrium away from an efficient allocation, thus incurring some social welfare loss. Our results suggest that adding such regulatory constraints complicates the resource allocation schemes in the HetNets. While these constraints may be introduced by the spectrum regulator to address other concerns, they can ultimatelyreducethesocialwelfareachieved.Forfuturedirec- tions,weareplanningtostudyotherpolicyconsiderationsthat wedidnottakeintoaccountinthispaper,liketheimplications APPENDIXA Then at the Nash equilibrium without constraints, we have: PROOFOFTHEOREM1 B R D =λ u(cid:48)(R )+λ2 1,S 0u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R ) TheproofofTheorem1isstraightforwardandwecanapply 1 S S S N S f theresultsin[10]directly.Inparticular,iftheoriginaloptimal B R −u(cid:48)(R )− 1,M 0u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R ) (18) bandwidthallocationstillholdswiththeaddedregulationcon- M N M m straints, then we are done. Otherwise we have to increase the (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) =λ u(cid:48)(R )+R u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R ) − u(cid:48)(R )+R u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R ) small-cell bandwidth allocation. Both the revenue and social S S S S M M M welfare are concave functions in the small-cell bandwidth −λ2B2,SR0u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R )+ B2,MR0u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R )=0. (19) allocation, and at the original equilibrium point the marginal S N S N M f m revenue and social welfare increase with respect to per unit At the equilibrium with constraints, similarly we have: increase in bandwidth are equal for both macro- and small- cells. Hence, when the small-cell bandwidth increases, we (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) D =λ u(cid:48)(R(cid:48) )+R(cid:48) u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R(cid:48) ) − u(cid:48)(R(cid:48) )+R(cid:48) u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R(cid:48) ) entertheregionwherethemarginalrevenueandsocialwelfare 1 S S S S M M M increase with respect to per unit increase in bandwidth for B R −λ2 2 0u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R(cid:48) )≤0. (20) small-cells is smaller than that of macro-cells. As a result, the S N S f best option is to operate at the boundary point, i.e., allocating exactly the required minimum amount of bandwidth to small- However, since u(cid:48)(r)+ru(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) decreases in r, u(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) < 0 cells. and increases in r, and the fact that RS(cid:48) < RS,RM(cid:48) > RM, the inequality sign in (20) should be reversed. Therefore we have a contradiction. APPENDIXB PROOFOFTHEOREM2 APPENDIXC As this is a concave game, to prove the existence and PROOFOFTHEOREM3 uniquenessoftheNashequilibrium,wecanusetheuniqueness Applying the same arguments we used in proving Theorem theorem (Theorem 6) in Rosen’s paper [16], which gives 1, we know that since increasing the small-cell bandwidth sufficientconditionintermsofacertainmatrixbeingnegative allocationbeyondtheoriginalequilibriumpointonlydecreases definite. In our previous work [13] it was proved that the the social welfare, then the worst case occurs at the point that requiredmatrixisnegativedefiniteforthecorrespondinggame all bandwidth is required to be allocated to small-cells. without bandwidth restrictions. Here the only difference is that we have additional linear constraints on the bandwidth APPENDIXD allocations, which does not have any effect on this result. PROOFOFTHEOREM4 Therefore, the same arguments also apply here. As for the second part of the theorem, denote RS and RS(cid:48) For scenario 2) and 3), as long as the sum of the small- as the average service rate in small-cells with and without cell bandwidth allocations of the two SPs at the equilibrium the regulatory constraints, respectively. Suppose at the Nash withouttheconstraintsislargerthanthesumoftheregulation equilibrium with constraints, the sum bandwidth allocation to constraints, then they are the same. This requires: small-cells is less than that without the regulatory constraints, then we have: N λ1/α−1(Bo+Bn+Bo+Bn) f S 1 1 2 2 ≥Bn+Bn, (21) R(cid:48) <R . (16) N λ1/α−1+N 1 2 S S f S m Denote Di = ∂∂BSi,iS, it follows that: which yields the following condition: D +D =λ (cid:104)2u(cid:48)(R )+R u(cid:48)(cid:48)(R )(cid:105)− B ≤ (B1o+B2o)Nfλ1S/α−1. (22) 1 2 S S S S N m (cid:104) (cid:105) 2u(cid:48)(RM)+RMu(cid:48)(cid:48)(RM) . (17) Otherwise,iftheprecedingconditionisnotsatisfied,thesocial welfare corresponding to the second scenario is also less than Since 2u(cid:48)(r)+ru(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) decreases in r, and we know that that corresponding to the first scenario, i.e, SW∗ <SW∗ . w wo at the Nash equilibrium without constraints, D1 = D2 = 0, On the other hand, the only possible way for scenario 3) to we can conclude that D1 +D2 > 0 at the equilibrium with achieve the optimal social welfare corresponding to scenario constraints. As a result, at least one of D1 or D2 must 1)istoensuretheNashequilibriumisexactlythesameasthe be greater than 0 at equilibrium. Without loss of generality, one without the regulation constraints. This requires: suppose D >0 at the equilibrium with constraints. 2 Given D2 > 0 , it must be that B2(cid:48),S = B2, and D1 ≤ 0. Nfλ1S/α−1(B1o+B1n) ≥Bn,Nfλ1S/α−1(B2o+B2n) ≥Bn, This is because if D1 > 0 also holds, B1(cid:48),S = B1 and it Nfλ1S/α−1+Nm 1 Nfλ1S/α−1+Nm 2 contradicts with the fact that R(cid:48) <R . (23) S S which can be simplified to: (Bo+Bo)N λ1/α−1 B ≤ 1 2 f S , (24a) N m (cid:104) BoN λ1/α−1 BoN λ1/α−1(cid:105) Bn ∈ B− 2 f S , 1 f S . (24b) 1 N N m m When SW∗ <SW∗ , it means the required minimum sum w wo bandwidth allocation to small-cells is larger than the sum bandwidthinsmall-cellsattheequilibriumwithoutconstraints. Since we know that at the original equilibrium the social welfare is maximized and the social welfare is a concave function with respect to the sum bandwidth in small-cells, in this case the social welfare maximizing point with the constraints is therefore exactly the required minimum small- cell bandwidth point, i.e, when B +B = B0 +B0 . 1,S 2,S 1,S 2,S Theonlypossibilityforscenario3)toachievethisistoensure B = B0 ,B = B0 at the Nash equilibrium with 1,S 1,S 2,S 2,S constraints. As a result, equation (10) becomes exactly the condition for SWNE =SW∗. w w

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