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The impact of hydrodynamic interactions on the preferential concentration of inertial particles in turbulence Itzhak Fouxon Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel Weconsideradilutegasofinertialparticlestransportedbytheturbulentflow. Duetoinertiathe particles concentrate preferentially outside vortices. The pair-correlation function of the particles’ concentration is known to obey at small separations a power-law with a negative exponent, if the hydrodynamicinteractionsbetweentheparticlesareneglected. Thedivergenceatzeroseparationis thesignatureoftherandomattractorasymptotedbytheparticles’trajectoriesatlargetimes. How- everthehydrodynamicinteractionsproducearepulsionbetweentheparticlesthatisnon-negligible at small separations. We introduce equations governing the repulsion and show it smoothens the 2 singularattractorneartheparticleswherethepaircorrelationfunctionsaturates. Theeffectismost 1 essential at the Stokesnumberof order one, where the correlations decrease by a factor of a few. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 47.55.Kf,47.10.Fg,05.45.Df,47.53.+n n a J The effect of inertia on the motion of particles driven Inthis Letter we derive equations thatinclude the hy- 3 bythestationaryturbulentflowhasenjoyedmuchatten- drodynamic interactions and describe the effect of the 1 tion of the researchers recently [1–12]. The progress in interactions on the pair-correlationfunction of particles’ the understandingofthe behavioroftracerparticles[13] density. The analysis is performed at small inertia, as ] madeitnaturaltotrytounderstandtheimpactofinertia measured by the dimensionless Stokes number St. The D that real particles have always. It was recognized quite depletion of the power-law in the pair-correlation func- C early that inertia brings new qualitative effects [2] and tion due to hydrodynamic interactions is found. The . evensmall inertia canhave a profoundeffect onthe spa- results are extrapolated to assess the impact of hydro- n i tialdistributionofparticlesintheflow[4]. Howeversmall dynamic interactions at St 1, where the preferential l ∼ n theinertiais,theparticles’motioninrealspacehasaran- concentration is maximal [9]. [ dom attractor: at large times the trajectories asymptote The hydrodynamic interactions between two particles a multi-fractal set that evolves in time keeping its sta- do not admit exact analytic expressions and a simpli- 1 tistical properties constant [4, 5]. The full set of fractal fication is necessary to perform the theoretical analysis v 5 dimensions of the attractor was found recently [12, 14] [15–20]. For heavy particles considered here the hydro- 8 for real turbulence. The derivation involvesno modeling dynamicinteractionsaredeterminedbytheperturbation 8 and considers the statistics of turbulence as given but flow caused by the inertial slip of the particles with re- 2 unknown. The statistics ofdensity is log-normaland de- spect to the surrounding flow. This flow obeys linear . 1 terminedcompletelybythepair-correlationfunction[14]. equations and the method of superposition is available 0 The latter obeys a power-law with a negative exponent to derive the forces acting on the particles as sums of 2 at small separations [3–12]. The divergence at zero sep- specialcases. The hydrodynamicinteractionsareimpor- 1 aration is the signature of the singular spatial structure tant mainly when two particle move toward each other : v ofthe attractor,while the exponentgivesthe correlation along the line of centers with equal velocities [15]. Say, i codimension of the attractor. These results are derived when the distance between the surfaces of the particles X neglecting the hydrodynamic interactions, while one of measured in the units of their radius is 0.01 the differ- r a the main applications is to collisions where the particles ence between the forces in this case and all other cases come near each other and the interactions become im- is about two orders of magnitude [15, 16]. To capture portant. An example is the formation of rain in clouds the main effect we account only for the hydrodynamic where droplets can grow thanks to the collisions with interactionscausedbythemotionoftheparticlestoward other droplets, see [4, 15] and references therein. The each other. This is reasonable as this is the component rate of the collisions is proportional to the probability of the motion describing the particles’ approach. that turbulent fluctuations bring the particles together We assume that without particles the forces stirring anditismeasuredbythe pair-correlationfunctionofthe thefluidproducetheturbulentflowu(t,x)andthepres- density at the separation equal to the diameter of the surep0(t,x)thatsolvetheNavier-Stokes(NS)equations particles. The hydrodynamic interactions produce a re- [21]. The flow in the presence of particles v(t,x) obeys pulsionthatcanbestrongenoughtopreventthecollision completely. An example is the fall of a heavier particle ∂ v+v v = p+ν 2v, v =0, (1) t ·∇ −∇ ∇ ∇· onto the lighter one in the still air under the action of gravity. The repulsive force grows as the inverse of the where the particles are accounted via the no-slip bound- distancebetweentheparticles’surfaces,andintheframe ary condition (b. c.) v(x xi(t) = d/2) = vi(t) and | − | of hydrodynamics the particles never collide [15–19]. farfromthe particlesthe flowv andthe pressurep must match u(t,x) and p0(t,x). Here xi and vi are the par- 2 ticles’ coordinates and velocities, respectively. The par- disperse. The cutoff does not enter the final result after ticles’ diameter d is assumed to be much smaller that the proportionalityconstantis fixedby the demandthat the Kolmogorovscale of turbulence η determined by the n(0)n(r) tends to n 2 =1 at large r. Say if the cutoff h i h i kinematicviscosityν,see[21]. Theflowaroundparticles is due to a finite volume, then the particles spend most separated from the rest by distances much larger than d of the time at separations comparablewith the volume’s is the sum of u and the Stokes flow caused by the rela- size. Occasionally they are brought close by the random tive motion of the particle throughthe flow at the speed flow. ThefrequencyoftheseeventsismeasuredbyP(R). v u(t,x ). For heavy particles the latter is damped We first re-derive n(0)n(R) from P(R) at R d i i − h i ≫ via the linearfriction forceτv˙ =u[t,x (t)] v where τ where the hydrodynamic interactions are negligible and i i i − isthe Stokes’time andthe Reynoldsnumber Re associ- one can use Eq. (2). At St 1 or µ 1 there are no p ≪ ≪ atedwiththeperturbationflowisassumedsmall[1]. The fluctuations of n at R η, see Eq. (3), so we assume ∼ efficiencyofrelaxationismeasuredbytheStokesnumber R η. ThenthedistanceobeysR˙ =V[t,x(t)+R(t)] St λτ, where λ ν/η2 is the characteristic value of V[≪t,x(t)] σR. Here σ = V [t,x = x(t)] can b−e u≡and λ−1 is th∼e minimal time-scale of variations of expressedv≈ias = u [ti,jx=∇xj(t)i]asσ =s τ[s˙+s2], u|∇. A|t St 1 the particles follow the flow closely and seeEq.(2). Byiijncom∇pjreissibilitytrs=0,sotrσ−= trs2. one finds v≪i = u τ[∂tu+(u )u], where the RHS One has R(t)=W(t)R(0), where W˙ =σW, so − − ·∇ is evaluated at x . The estimate for Re based on the i p latter expression validates Re 1 at St 1. Thus at P(R) δ[R(t) R] = δ R(0) W−1R /detW .(4) p ≪ ≪ ≡h − i − St 1 one can introduce the particles’ velocity field (cid:10) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:11) ≪ Introducing ζ = τtrs2 one may write detW(t) = x˙ =V[t,x (t)], V u τ[∂ +u ]u. (2) t ′ ′ i i t exp( ζ(t)dt). From the definition λ ≡ − ·∇ − 0 | i| ≡ While V u is relatively small, it brings a qualitatively −limt→R∞lndetW(t)/t we have hζi = | λi|,Psee [22]. − The ”Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem”P(”FDT”) holds new effect: V = τ u u =0, though u=0. ∇· − ∇j i∇i j 6 ∇· ζ = (1/2) ζ(0)ζ(t) dt, where the double angular The continuity equation ∂tn+∇·(nV)=0 on the par- bhriacketsdesigRnhahtedisperiision[23]. Attmuchlargerthan ticles’ density n has no constant solution at τ > 0. The the correlation time λ−1 of σ, see [21], one can neglect particlestrajectoriesapproachamulti-fractalsetinspace in Eq. (4) the contribution of the time interval of order and the steady-state fluctuations of the density obey t near t = 0 and perform independent averaging over c n(0)n(r) =(η/r)−µ, r η, µ=2 λ /λ , (3) W(t) and the velocity field at t < 0. The latter av- h i ≪ (cid:12)X i d(cid:12) eraging averagesR(0) producing the steady state condi- where the angular brackets stand for sp(cid:12)(cid:12)atial aver(cid:12)(cid:12)aging tionP(R)= exp 0tζ(t′)dt′ P W−1R ,cf. [24,25]. o[3f–1th2e], phnairt=icle1s’anfldowλiVar.e tBhoethLyapuλnoavnedxpλoneanretsn[2eg2-] The solutionD(indep(cid:16)eRndently o(cid:17)f Rc(cid:0)ut) is P(cid:1)(ER)∝R−α, i d a|tivλei|an∝dStth2eairndleλaddin≈gλodr(dSetr=be0Ph)a=vioλrud,awthSerte≪λud 1∼iλs (cid:28)exp(cid:18)Z0tζ(t′)dt′(cid:19)(cid:12)W−1(t)Rˆ(cid:12)−α(cid:29)=1, Rˆ≡R/R. (5) tisePrtmhieneds−tthhe Lexypaopnuennotvialexdpivoenregnetncoefouf.fluTidhepalrattitcelers’dien- At St 1 one has(cid:12)(cid:12) α 1(cid:12)(cid:12)giving W−1(t)Rˆ −α turbulence back in time [4, 12, 13]. Importantly for the exp[ α≪λu t]. Furthermore≪at St 1 on|e can use|Gau≈s- − | d| ≪ diftoillvyleorwfrgioenmngc,et∂hateundccoocmnatnprliebbteuetnisoeonglulietncitotoendv[,1−a2s]u.ciaEnnqE.bq(e.3(s)3eie)snhdaeesxrpizvleiercdo- tshiaenFaDpTprgoixviemsateixopn fortζh(etx′)pd(cid:16)t′R0tζ(t′e)xdpt′((cid:17)2it whiλch).usTinhge analytically [4] at St 1. As St increases, the power- substitution inhEq. ((cid:16)5R)0reproduc(cid:17)eis≈α=µ in|EPq. (i|3). ≪ law holds for St < St where µ first increases and critical The observationthatthe divergencelesspartofthe in- then decreases to become zero at St = St . At critical ertial correction V u can be omitted from V without St>St the power-law breaks down [5]. The pref- − critical affecting the results to the leading order in St implies erential concentration is maximal [9] at St 1, but sig- nificant [5] already at St 1. This is bec∼ause St 0 R˙ =σ′R=sR ζR/D, σ′ =s δ ζ/D, (6) is a singular limit: limr→0≪limSt→0 n(0)n(r) = 1, w→hile − ij ij − ij h i limSt→0limr→0 n(0)n(r) = ,soatasufficiently small where D =2,3 is the dimension, should give the same α scale the inertiahis alwaysiim∞portant. (the part of σ describing the divergenceof V is ζδij/D). ′ The hydrodynamic interactions demand a different This can be verified substituting W = W in Eq. (4) framework: theparticle’svelocityisdeterminednotonly where W˙′ = σ′W′. Equation (6) says that outside the by its position, but also by the position of the particle vortices,attrs2 >0,theparticlesareattractedduetoin- with whichitinteracts,sothe particles’flow is no longer ertia. Inertia produces a spherically symmetric contrac- defined. Tofind n(0)n(r) weusethatitisproportional tion or expansion of all R, impossible for incompressible h i tothePDFP(R)ofthedistanceRbetweentwoparticles flow, while the rest of its effects are negligible. ′ in the steady state. The existence of the latter demands Using Eq. (5) with W = W one also sees that the a cutoff R at large R, as on average the two particles statistics of s in Eq. (6) can be considered as the one of cut 3 u in the fluid particle’s frame and not the particle’s at z > 0. Compared with ρ˙ = ξ z holding without j i ∇ − frame, while s can be assumed independent of ζ. The interactions, the hydrodynamic interactions deplete the values of W−1Rˆ that determine the average in Eq. (5) inertialcorrectiontotheradialcomponentoftherelative are exp(λ|u t), so| P(R) is determined by the events for velocity by the factor of F(R), when the correction de- | d| which R decreases exponentially from the most proba- scribes approaching particles. Thus the interactions are ble, large, values of R at the rate λu . This is the same expected to eliminate the inertial enhancement of P(R) forfluidparticlesas λu determine|sdth|erateofexponen- at R d, so P(R) and n(0)n(R) saturate at R d. | d| ∼ h i ∼ tial divergence of trajectories backward in time. Inertia Theeffectivedescriptionexplainedpreviouslyaccount- changes the volume of points that contract at this rate. ing only for the trace of s˙+s2 gives (F−1 =1 d/R) Toaccountforhydrodynamicinteractions,weconsider − twoparticlesseparatedbyR∼d,well-separatedfromthe R˙ =sR [1 d/R]ζR/D, (10) rest. Welookfortheflowaroundtheparticlesintheform − − v(x)=u(x)+U[x x(t)]andp(x)=p0(x)+P[x x(t)]. − − for ζ > 0 and Eq. (6) otherwise. Equation (10) trans- Substitution in Eq. (1) and the use of Re 1 give, p ≪ formstoEq.(6)atR dandthusreproducestheresults ≫ P =ν 2U, U(x=d/2)=x˙ u[t,x(t)], (7) at R ≫ d, while capturing the main effect of the hydro- ∇ ∇ − dynamic interactions at R d: the cancelation of the U(x R =d/2)=x˙ +R˙ u[t,x(t)+R(t)],(8) approaching inertial compon∼ent of the relative velocity. | − | − The particles cancollide due to sR term but the inertial with U, P vanishing at large x. This is the problem of enhancementof the collisionvelocityvanishes. Equation two particles moving at speeds J1 = x˙ u[t,x(t)] and (10)shouldbesuppliedwiththeboundaryconditions(b. − J2 = x˙ + R˙ u[t,x(t)+R(t)] in the fluid at rest at c.) at R = d, describing the physics of the collision, e. − infinity [15]. The motion can be written as (i=1,2) g. absorbing b. c. for coalescence. Consider the events that form the inertial enhancement of P(R) at R d Ji =( 1)iJrRˆ/2+Ji ( 1)iJrRˆ/2, J J2 J1.(9) and thus have trs2 >0. As one tracks R(t) back in t∼ime − − − ≡ − it grows exponentially at the rate λ . The interactions d wpahretriceleJsras≡thJe·sRuˆp.erWpoesictioonnsiodferthteheforfocercsepsroFdiuocnedtbhye btresc2omvaerineesgolivgeirblteheatsatm∼e−ti|mλde|-−sc1awl|eheλ|re−R1(,t)th≫endt.hSeinbcee- d the first term and the rest. At Jr < 0 the former de- haviorofP(R)atR dshouldbeca|ptu|redbyassuming scribes particles’ motion toward each other along the trs2 >0 during all th∼e time-interval the interactions are line of centers at the same speed Jr/2. In this case relevant. Thus to understand the behavior of P(R) at theparticlesexperienceequalresistanceF(R)Jr /2τ (we R d we use Eq. (10) for any sign of ζ. We find set the mass to unity). At R d Stokes’|law| holds, ∼ ≫ F(R) ≈ 1. For R ∼ d the flow is not the superposi- ρ˙ =ξ (1 exp[ ρ])ζ/D, Rˆ˙ =sRˆ ξRˆ. (11) tion of two Stokes flows and F(R) 1/(1 d/R), see − − − − ∼ − [15]. This behavior makes the collisions in the still air impossible [15]. We use F(R) = 1/(1 d/R) for quali- The dynamics of the orientation decouples and ξ in the tative estimates. The rest of the terms−in Eq. (9) do not equation on ρ can be considered as given, cf. [25]. As change the distance between the particles and the de- mentioned, s (and thus ξ) and ζ in can be considered viation from Stokes’ law for them is much weaker [15]. independentwhere the statisticsofsij canbe considered Studying the impact of hydrodynamic interactions on astheoneof jui inthefluidparticle’sframe. Thenξ is ∇ the particles’ approach to each other, we account for thesamenoisethatgovernstheexponentialseparationof the main effect and neglect the latter deviations,so that fluidparticles,soe. g. ξ isthefirstLyapunovexponent h i τF = J ( 1)iθ( J )J [F(R) 1]Rˆ/2,where θ(x) of the motion of fluid particles, cf. [13, 24, 25]. The istihes−tepif−unc−tion. S−ubtrracrtingthe−equationsonx¨ =F1 Kraichnan model [13] prescribes ξ = λu1 + ξ′ where ξ′ and x¨+R¨ =F2 and considering R≪η we find iasnda ζwh=ite noλise+hξζ′′(td1e)fiξ′n(et2t)hie=K2raλiu1cδh(nta2n−mt1o)d/eDl f.orTthhies i | | ′ τw˙ =sR w+[1 F(R)] w RˆsR θ RˆsR w Rˆ, problem, wPhere ζ is a white noise which amplitude is − − (cid:16) r− (cid:17) h − ri fixed by the ”FDT” as ζ′(t1)ζ′(t2) = 2 λi δ(t2 h i | | − where w R˙. AtSt=0 onefinds the equationfor fluid t1). One can write the Fokker-Planck equaPtion on the ≡ PDF P(ρ) of ρ which gives that in the steady state the particles w = sR: there are no interactions for inertia- probability current must be constant. The constant is lessparticlesthatcausenofriction. Solvingtheequation zeroforreflectingb. c. atρ=0. Thisgivesthecondition tothefirstorderinStandusingσ =s τ[s˙+s2]wefind − ′ 2 R˙ =σR+zθ(z) 1 F−1(R) R, z τRˆ[s˙+s2]Rˆ. P = 2D −µD+µ(D−1)exp[−ρ]+µexp[−2ρ], − ≡ P 2D+µ(1 exp[ ρ])2 (cid:2) (cid:3) − − Tounderstandtheeffectofthehydrodynamicinteraction force, which is radial, we multiply with Rˆ. Introducing where µ = 2 λ /λ , see Eq. (3), and we used [13] i d ρ = ln(R/d) and ξ = RˆsRˆ we have ρ˙ = ξ z/F(R) that in the K|rPaichn|a|n m|odel λ1 = λd . Expanding the − | | 4 Log−log plot of the frequency of occurencies of distances normalized by the distance These modifications are less important at µ 1 where 1 (η/10d)µ (η/d)µand(η/r)µneartheparticle≪sisalmost St=0.2, C=1 malized frequency of occurrences−−010−...01555 St=0.4, C=2 vlEhtcanhoeqtern(Ti.i0osfsh)iy(nadne3met)(thradiemhbi)ts≈iahooeslvneidsoeufDsaflmofrweow=eafrirredttio2rhuceemarrrdelµalosytnbfh∼ydafeλoormte−mrh1.1,eae,rIxtfemnamhpnceoeecitmcwdooetneraiffelctldoerkwmcfaittnshaootgeid,frsebeatewluetimσ[r,2Sbgsp5hteueo]nael∼rewsetEnrha1aciqncee.wc.rt.e(oh1arWtWe2rnhre)deeee-. logarithm of nor−−32−−..32551 lo2garithm of th3e distance i4n the units o5f the diamet6er 7 wsptrkαrhaoβeccreee=lsesǫs,αsC,sβz(γ(te∆)risot=)tm−hs1eekahanǫanαtmtβik3saV∆ytmrktixm≤+sefαttαrβk≤if(ctβk)(s/kyi√sm+a2b1p−o)il∆e,δcαVteβwgk(eifasnkene)dcr2ao/ftn2eαsk√dtaa2bnriyet, independent standard Gaussian variables. At C 0 → one gets the Kraichnan model [25]. We consider C 1. FIG. 1: Shown is the plot of log(P(ρ)exp[−2ρ]) versus ρ. ′ ∼ Wemodelζ as λ +ζ wherethezero-meanGaussian The power-law starts saturating at ρ ≈ 2.1 for St = 0.4 and ′ | i| 2 ρ≈2.4 for St=0.2. tnooiesensζuriesrtehneew”FPedDeTa”c.h∆Thteanrdesoubltesysof|P4 λi1|0=6hrζenie∆wta/l2s × for C = 2, St = 0.4 and C = 1, St = 0.2, where St2 λ ∆t are shown in Fig. 1. When ρ reached RHS to the first order in µ 1 and integrating, ≡ | i| ≪ ρ=0 itPwas reset at ρcut =1800 (underestimating P(ρ) nearρ=0). Atρ=ρ reflectingb. c. wereused. The P =Nexp ρD µρ+µ(3D 1)(1 exp[ ρ])/(2D) max (cid:16) − − − − results agree qualitatively with the Kraichnanmodel. µ(D 1)(1 exp[ 2ρ])/(4D) , (12) We introduced the equations describing the two- − − − − (cid:17) particle dynamics of inertial particles at small St with the account of hydrodynamic interactions. The interac- whereN isthenormalizationfactor. Atµ=0werecover P(ρ) exp[ρD]equivalenttoP(R)=const. Thehydro- tionseliminatetheinertialeffectsintheparticles’vicinity ∝ and the divergent power-law in the correlation function dynamic interactions produce the last two terms in the of the density saturates. The density is smooth at scales exponent. At exp[ ρ] 1 or r d these saturate at a constant and n(0)−n(r)≪ P[ln(≫r/d)](d/r)D reproduces r d, in contrast to the singular density in the single- ∼ h i ∝ particle approximation. Our equations are useful even Eq. (3). At ρ 1 the linear term in the Taylor ex- ≪ without the interactions, for problems such as collisions pansion of the hydrodynamic interactions’terms cancels µρ and n(0)n(r) N˜exp[µ(D +1)ln2(R/d)/(4D)] of water droplets in clouds mediated by turbulence. − h i ≈ depends on r weakly. Between ρ 1 and exp[ ρ] 1 ThisworkwassupportedbytheISFGrantNo. 671/09 ≪ − ≪ there is a smooth transition between the two behaviors. and the BSF Grant No. 2010314. [1] M.R.MaxeyandJ.J.Riley,Phys.Fluids26,883(1983). Mod. Phys.73, 913975 (2001). [2] M. 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