PETRI KÄRKI The Impact of Customer Order Lead Time-Based Decisions on the Firm's Ability to Make Money Case Study: Build to Order Manufacturing of Electrical Equipment and Appliances ACTA WASAENSIA NO 257 ________________________________ INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 25 UNIVERSITAS WASAENSIS 2012 Reviewers Professor Olli-Pekka Hilmola Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Industrial Management Prikaatintie 9 FI–45100 Kouvola Finland Doctor Yongjiang Shi University of Cambridge Centre for International Manufacturing Institute for Manufacturing 17 Charles Babbage Road Cambridge, CB3 0FS, UK England III Julkaisija Julkaisupäivämäärä Vaasan yliopisto Maaliskuu 2012 Tekijä(t) Julkaisun tyyppi Petri Kärki Monografia Julkaisusarjan nimi, osan numero Acta Wasaensia, 257 Yhteystiedot ISBN Vaasan yliopisto 978–951–476–385–1 Teknillinen tiedekunta ISSN Tuotantotalouden yksikkö 0355–2667, 1456–3738 PL 700 Sivumäärä Kieli 65101 Vaasa 194 Englanti Julkaisun nimike Asiakastoimitusaikaa koskevien päätösten vaikutus yrityksen kannattavuuteen. Tapaustutkimus: Tilaukselle valmistettavat sähkölaitteet ja -kojeet. Tiivistelmä Vuosikymmenten ajan tieteellisissä julkaisuissa on käsitelty toimitusnopeuden ja -joustavuuden tärkeyttä kilpailukyvyn ylläpitämisessä ja parantamisessa. Näiden tutkimusten ulkopuolelle ovat kuitenkin monesti jääneet toimialat, joissa valmis- tetaan tuotteita asiakastilauksille. Tästä syystä monilta teollisuuden osa-alueilta, kuten sähkölaitteita ja -kojeita valmistavalta teollisuuden alalta, ovat puuttuneet konkreettiset menetelmät varmentaa asiakastoimitusaikaa koskevien päätösten vaikutukset kannattavuuteen ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on todentaa toimitusaikojen ja niihin liittyvien toimitusaikajoustojen vaikutus kannattavuuteen ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Tutki- mus on suoritettu tapaustutkimuksena kolmessa kansainvälisillä markkinoilla toimivassa, suomalaisessa sähkölaitteita ja -kojeita valmistavassa yrityksessä. Tutkimus suoritettiin haastattelemalla kyseisten yritysten avainhenkilöitä, ana- lysoimalla yritysten tilaus-toimitusrekistereitä ja talouslukuja. Näiden pohjalta luotiin konkreettinen analysointimenetelmä, jonka avulla toimitusaikaan liittyvien joustopäätösten vaikutuksia pystytään vertaamaan kannattavuuteen ja asiakastyy- tyväisyyteen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että toimitusaikapohjainen joustavuus vaikuttaa positiivisesti yrityksen kannattavuuteen ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Lisäksi tutki- muksessa nousee esille nopeiden toimitusten parempi kannattavuus. Tutkimus osoitti, että nopeat toimitukset voivat olla kannattavampia valmistavalle yrityksel- le kuin pidemmän ajan toimitukset huolimatta siitä, että nopeiden tilausten han- kinta- ja tuotantokustannukset olivat yleisesti ottaen kalliimpia. Asiasanat Aikapohjainen, jousto, reagointi, kilpailu, strategia, kannattavuus, asiakastyyty- väisyys, tapaustutkimus. V Publisher Date of publication Vaasan yliopisto March 2012 Author(s) Type of publication Petri Kärki Monograph Name and number of series Acta Wasaensia, 257 Contact information ISBN University of Vaasa 978–951–476–385–1 Faculty of Technology ISSN Department of Production 0355–2667, 1456–3738 PL 700 Number Language FI–65101 VAASA, FINLAND of pages 194 English Title of publication The Impact of Customer Order Lead Time-Based Decisions on the Firm’s Ability to Make Money – Case Study: Build to Order Manufacturing of Electri- cal Equipment and Appliances Abstract The importance of speed as one of the key dimensions for building competitive advantage has been studied for decades. However, the research on how customer order lead time-based decisions impact on competitive advantages, such as prof- itability and customer satisfaction in build-to order type of manufacturing, is limited. For this reason, many industrial niches lack the tangible methods for testing the actual impact of lead time-based decisions. This research work addresses the identified gaps by conceptualizing a step-by- step approach and conducting a multi-case study on Finnish based case firms operating in the electrical equipment and appliances business. In this process, key managers and specialists are interviewed and nearly 2000 order delivery transactions from three case firms are analyzed by using correlation analysis. The results of this study show that time-based flexibility exists and different ranges of time-based flexibility are offered to different customers and customer groups; order level prices can be time-dependent; and a firm gains better profits when it is able to provide shorter order lead times for customers and customer groups. It is also shown that a firm which is able to offer time-based flexibility for certain customers and customer groups without premium pricing the flexibil- ity has the most satisfied customers. An interesting observation in the research is the improved profitability from shorter order lead times even when the firm has to pay price premiums to its sub-contractors for time-based flexibility. The rea- sons behind this irrational logic of increased purchase costs without increasing the price and still producing better profitability is briefly addressed in this study together with proposals for future research. Keywords Time-based, flexibility, responsiveness, competition, strategy, profitability, customer satisfaction, case study. VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. This doctoral research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. I take this opportunity to express my grati- tude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Petri Helo for the valuable guidance and advice. You have motivated me in all steps of the pro- cess. Your enthusiasm, creativity and never-ending energy have given me the strength to push forward. I am really honored to have had the chance to work with you. I would like to express my warmest gratitude to the reviewers and examiners of my work, Professors Olli-Pekka Hilmola of the University of Lappeenranta (Fin- land) and Professor Yongjiang Shi of the University of Cambridge (England). Your academic support and input are greatly appreciated. I am indebted to a number of people from the field of electrical equipment and appliances manufacturing sector for your trust, support, helpfulness and time. It has truly been fascinating to create something totally new with you. Thank you. I want to express also my deepest gratitude to John Shepherd, who revised the language of my study. Also would like to take this opportunity to thank Tarja Salo, who helped me to lay my work on the paper according to the University writing instructions. Without some financial support, doctoral studies are almost impossible. Thus, I would like to acknowledge the financial support granted to me by Finnish Acad- emy and Emil Aaltonen Foundation. I would also like acknowledge gratitude to the University of Vaasa for the academic and technical support given to me. Above all, I would like to thank my wife Satu for her support and great patience at all times. Our kids Sara and Patu, and my father Väinö for the understanding and encouragement you all have given me during the years. I cannot thank you enough. The dream has now come true and I want to dedicate this study to you Satu, Sara, Patu and to my father Väinö. Merikaarto, December 2011 Petri Kärki IX CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................. VII 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Evolving complexity of competitiveness ............................................ 1 1.2 Background and motivation ................................................................ 2 1.3 Research objectives and questions ...................................................... 6 1.4 Scope and limitations of the study ...................................................... 9 1.5 Significance of the study .................................................................. 11 1.6 Research structure ............................................................................ 12 2 TIME-BASED LITERATURE REVIEW. ................................................... 13 2.1 Literature review approach ............................................................... 13 2.2 Time as an approach for creating competitive advantage ................. 13 2.2.1 Toyota Production System, lean and time ......................... 14 2.2.2 Time-based competition ................................................... 16 2.2.3 Quick response manufacturing ......................................... 17 2.2.4 Summary of time.............................................................. 18 2.3 Time-based literature review ............................................................ 18 2.4 Quantifying the benefits of time ....................................................... 21 2.5 Competitive advantage ..................................................................... 24 2.5.1 Building competitive advantage ....................................... 25 2.5.2 Demand and supply chain management in building competitive advantage ...................................................... 26 2.5.3 Building competitive strategy ........................................... 27 2.5.4 Characteristics shaping the competition ............................ 29 2.5.5 Constantly outperforming ................................................. 30 2.6 Competitive manufacturing strategy ................................................. 31 2.7 Summary, conclusions, and applicability of the approach ................. 33 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESES ........................... 35 3.1 Business opportunity recognition ...................................................... 35 3.1.1 What does time have to do with business? ........................ 35 3.1.2 What does a customer want? ............................................ 36 3.1.3 Why should we focus on what customers want? ............... 36 3.1.4 Where to focus on fulfilling customer needs? ................... 37 3.1.5 What is the goal of a business? ......................................... 38 3.2 Hypotheses of the study .................................................................... 39 3.2.1 Hypothesis for the first research question ......................... 40 3.2.2 Hypotheses for the second research question .................... 41 3.2.3 Hypotheses for the third research question ....................... 41 3.2.4 Hypotheses for the fourth research question ..................... 42 4 METHODOLOGY AND CASE DATA GATHERING .............................. 43 4.1 The research approach ...................................................................... 43 4.2 Population and delimits .................................................................... 45 X 4.3 Data gathering process...................................................................... 47 4.4 Data analysis .................................................................................... 50 4.5 Statistical methods ............................................................................ 52 4.5.1 Scatter plot ....................................................................... 52 4.5.2 Histogram ........................................................................ 53 4.5.3 Correlation analyses ......................................................... 53 4.6 Summary of analyses ........................................................................ 55 4.7 Reliability and validity analysis ........................................................ 55 4.7.1 Reliability ........................................................................ 56 4.7.2 Validity ............................................................................ 56 5 CASE FIRMS, ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ............................................. 58 5.1 Describing the cases ......................................................................... 58 5.1.1 Mighty Machines ............................................................. 58 5.1.2 Power Control .................................................................. 59 5.1.3 Agile Grid ........................................................................ 60 5.1.4 Summary of description of the case firms ......................... 60 5.2 Approach for overall analysis ........................................................... 62 5.3 Approach for time-based flexibility analysis ..................................... 63 5.4 Testing research question one and hypotheses .................................. 65 5.4.1 Mighty Machines ............................................................. 67 Interviews .................................................... 67 Data analyses ............................................... 68 Customers.................................................... 70 Customer segments ...................................... 72 Summary of the analysis at Mighty Machines ..................................................... 75 5.4.2 Power Control .................................................................. 76 Interviews .................................................... 76 Data analyses ............................................... 77 Customers.................................................... 77 Customer segments ...................................... 79 Summary of analysis at Power Control ........ 80 5.4.3 Agile Grid ........................................................................ 81 Interviews .................................................... 81 Data analyses ............................................... 81 Customers.................................................... 82 Customer segments ...................................... 85 Summary of analysis at Agile Grid .............. 87 5.4.4 Summary of research question 1 and its hypotheses .......... 88 5.5 Approach for pricing and lead time analysis ..................................... 89 5.6 Testing research question two and hypothesis ................................... 90 5.6.1 Mighty Machines ............................................................. 91 Interviews .................................................... 91 Data analyses ............................................... 91 Customers.................................................... 92 Customer segments ...................................... 94