The Impact of Collisionality, FLR and Parallel Closure Effects on Instabilities in the Tomakak Pedestal: Numerical Studies with the NIMROD code J. R. King,1 A. Y. Pankin,1 S. E. Kruger,1 and P. B. Snyder2 1Tech-X Corporation, 5621 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303, USA 2General Atomics, PO Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186–5608, USA The extended-MHD NIMROD code [C.R. Sovinec and J.R. King, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 5803 (2010)] is verified against the ideal-MHD ELITE code [H.R. Wilson et al. Phys. Plas- mas 9, 1277 (2002)] on a diverted tokamak discharge. When the NIMROD model complex- 7 ity is increased incrementally, resistive and first-order finite-Larmour radius effects are destabi- 1 lizing and stabilizing, respectively. The full result is compared to local analytic calculations 0 which are found to overpredict both the resistive destabilization and drift stabilization in com- 2 parison to the NIMROD computations. Published version: Phys. Plasmas 23, 062123 (2016) n [] a J PACSnumbers: 52.30.Ex52.35.Py,52.55.Fa,52.55.Tn,52.65.Kj 1 Keywords: edgelocalizedmodes,peeling-ballooningmodes,extended-MHD,codeverification 3 ] I. INTRODUCTION uncertaintyarisesfromthelinearphaseofELMevo- h lution. Giventhedifficulty(orimpossibility)ofmea- p - suring the small perturbations that seed an ELM, a m Understanding the complex physics of instabili- reasonable model is to seed it from unstable PBMs ties in the tokamak pedestal region is essential for s thatgrowfromsmall-waveperturbations. Although a ensuring that tokamaks achieve their highest per- the stability boundary is well described by ideal l formance. Computation plays a critical role in fur- p MHD, details of the mode spectrum depend upon . thering the knowledge of edge dynamics, includ- specific non-ideal effects. In particular, resistive ef- s ing advances in the understanding of type-I edge- c fects may destabilize and first-order finite-Larmour- i localizedmodes(ELMs)[1]. Nonlinearcomputation radius(FLR)effectsmaystabilizethemodes. These s ofELMdynamicsremainschallenging,butisbecom- y latter effects, part of which is drift stabilization, re- h ing tractable with modern computing resources [2– quire two-fluid modeling with advanced FLR clo- p 8]. ELM modeling can be roughly broken into sures. Itisimportanttoverifythatcodesaccurately [ threeregimes: theearlylinearregime, thenonlinear capture these effects within regimes of interest. In regime, and an energy loss regime. Two important 1 thispaper,westudytheseeffectsonthelinearmodes v aspectsofthelinearstagearethestabilityboundary with the extended-MHD NIMROD code [13, 14]. 2 within an operational space; e.g., pedestal current Type-I ELM stability boundaries are dominated 4 and pressure gradient; and the linear growth rate by drives described by ideal MHD as the ideal- 0 foreachtoroidal-modenumber; i.e.,thegrowth-rate MHD operator is stiff; i.e., near the ideal-MHD 0 or mode spectrum. The dominant instability drive 0 stability boundary small changes in pressure and that sets the linear-stability boundary is from the . current-density gradients lead to large changes in 2 peeling-ballooningmode(PBM)[9–11]basedonthe the growth rate due to the ideal-MHD terms be- 0 ideal-MHDmodel. Thelinearspectrumiscriticalto 7 coming large. Thus only small profile changes are the next phase, the nonlinear regime as it seeds the 1 requiredtocrosstheboundary, andnon-idealmodi- dynamics. Non-ideal effects can greatly impact the : ficationstothegrowthratebecomesecondarywhen v growth-ratespectrumandarethusimportantinde- describingtheboundarylocationwithinoperational Xi terminingthenonlinearELMdynamics. Inthefinal phase space. This ideal-MHD stiffness is a general regime, high-fidelity simulation of the energy loss r property that impacts the behavior of a wide class a requires modeling of the fast conductive and con- of plasma-instability phenomena. For example, in vective transport, and accurate coupling to neutrals addition to ELM stability, it also describes the dy- and the wall. State-of-the-art computations are be- namics of disruptions caused by core-mode activity ginningtopushtheboundaryofcurrentcapabilities [15, 16]. However, type-I ELMs are more compli- to modeling that captures accurate dynamics with cated than core-mode disruptions given the broad these additional effects that are relevant during en- toroidal-mode spectrum and associated nonlinear ergy loss [7, 8, 12]. coupling. Similar to studies of core-mode disrup- Asthesubsequentnonlinearevolutionandenergy tions, comprehensive understanding of ELM onset lossinsimulationsisgreatlyimpactedbytheampli- requires evolving the equilibrium on the transport tudesofinitiallinearperturbations;alargesourceof time scale through the instability boundary with a 2 verified code that includes non-ideal terms to calcu- modelwhichincludesbothparallel-closureandFLR- late an accurate initial linear-mode spectrum. drift effects. The resulting impact on the growth- MHD codes that study ELM instabilities can be ratespectruminanalyzed. Comparisonsofthecom- placedintotwobroadcategories: 1)extended-MHD puted drift-stabilized growth rates are made to ana- codes (e.g. NIMROD and M3D-C1 [17]) and 2) lytictreatmentsofthePBMinSec.IV.InSec.Vthe reduced-MHD-based codes (e.g. BOUT++ [18] and density and temperature are varied at fixed plasma JOREK[19]). ThedefinitionofextendedMHDused β (thus the ion gyroradius, ρi, is modified) in order inthisworkincludesthefullideal-MHDforceopera- to ascertain how the FLR effects are impacted. In tor (see Ref. [20] and references therein). Using the thisstudy,thebootstrapcurrentisfixed(thezeroth- full operator retains the fast compressional-Alfvén order effect from variations of density modify the waves that enforce force balance and thus are crit- bootstrap current) and the impact of FLR drift ef- ical to extended-MHD transport calculations with fectsareisolated. Sec.VIsummarizesthisworkand sources and sinks (e.g. [21]). Relative to reduced places it within the broader context of modeling of modeling, theextended-MHDapproachalsohasad- ELM relaxation events in the tokamak edge with vantages in avoiding low-β approximations and a transport effects. straight-forwardimplementationoftheFLRclosures as discussed in Section III. However, the inclusion of the full force operator comes at a cost of in- II. VERIFICATION BENCHMARK creasednumericaldifficultieswhensolvingtheequa- tions associated with the fast waves [22–26]. Veri- Webeginwithastudyofahighresolution,lower- fication for all regimes is important, and previous single-null, JT-60U-like equilibrium (‘Meudas-1’), work [27] verified the ideal-MHD terms for a non- whichwasoriginallyemployedinabenchmarkofthe diverted, peeling-ballooning unstable test case. As MARG2D and ELITE codes [32], including a close one expects that transport calculations across the approach to the X-point [29]. This extends previ- ELM stability boundary coupled with an instability ous benchmarks [27] of ELITE and NIMROD as it model that captures FLR drift stabilization signifi- includes diverted magnetic topology and a higher cantly impacts dynamics, emphasis on verifying lin- edge safety factor (q = 6.74, the safety factor at 95 ear physics of extended-MHD codes thus naturally 95% of the normalized poloidal flux) that leads to follows. increased resolution requirements. An ideal-MHD In this work, a verification of the full extended- limit is achieved in NIMROD by using flat density MHD, initial-value NIMROD code with the ideal- andresistivityprofilesinsidethelastclosedfluxsur- MHDELITEcode[10,11,28]isperformedusingthe face (LCFS) with small resistivity, S =108 where S Meudas-1-case comparison [29]. This is a diverted is the Lundquist number (S = τ /τ ), τ is the R A A tokamak case that is peeling-ballooning unstable. Alfvén time (τ = R /v ), v is the Alfvén veloc- √ A o A A As we later discuss, the inclusion of the x-point sig- ity (B/ m n µ ), τ is the resistive diffusion time i i 0 R nificantly modifies the mode structure; making the (τ = R2µ /η), R = 2.936m is the radius of the R o 0 o comparison in full magnetic geometry an important magneticaxis,η istheelectricalresistivity,µ isthe 0 additional verification. To assess the impact of the permeabilityoffreespace,m isaspeciesmass(the α two-fluid, FLR effects, we compare our results with α subscript denotes ions or electrons in this work), drift stabilization to a calculation of drift stabiliza- and n is a species density. The deuteron mass α tion on the resistive PBM from Ref. [30]. Although (m =3.34×10−27kg)isused. Inordertoreproduce i theapproximationsmadeduringtheanalysisoffirst- thevacuumresponsemodeloutsidetheLCFSthatis order FLR PBMs in Ref. [30] preclude quantitative used by ELITE, a low density (0.01 of the core den- comparison,wemakeaqualitativecomparisonofour sity) and high resistivity (107 times the core resis- first-order FLR computations to analytics. tivity) is prescribed beyond the LCFS (more details The paper proceeds as follows: In Sec. II we sum- on these approximations are in Ref. [27]). marize the benchmark and give an overview of our The normalized growth rates (γτ where the lin- A methodology. The exhaustive details of the meth- earized mode grows as exp[γt]) vs. toroidal mode odsusedinthiscomparison, inparticularthemech- number (n ) from NIMROD and ELITE are plot- φ anism whereby a vacuum region is effectively in- ted in Fig. 1. There is good agreement between the cludedthroughextended-MHDmodeling, areprevi- codes except for n =4 where there is a 27% rela- φ ouslyavailableinRefs.[27]and[31]andthusourde- tivedifference. Allothercaseshavearelativediffer- scriptionofthisaspectisbrief. InSec.IIIthemodel ence of less than 8% with typical differences of 5%. complexityisgraduallyincreasedfromtheideal-like The NIMROD convergence in terms of the maxi- model through a resistive-MHD model with exper- mum polynomial order of the spectral elements is imentally relevant profiles to a full extended-MHD shown in Fig. 2. Convergence is most challenging 3 Figure 1: [Color online] Growth rates for the ‘Meudas- 1’ benchmark. ELITE with Γ = 5/3 and Γ = 0 are Figure 3: [Color online] Poloidal cross section of the ra- comparedagainstresultsfromNIMRODwithΓ=5/3). dial magnetic field component of the n = 11 peeling- Associated NIMROD data available in Ref. [33]. φ ballooning mode from the ‘Meudas-1’ benchmark case. Figure 3 shows a poloidal cross section of the magnetic (B ) eigenmode. The mode develops R an ‘interference-pattern’ structure near the X-point when inboard and outboard finger-like structures overlap. The finite-element-mesh nodes are super- imposed atop the smallest-scale sub-figure. As es- tablished by Fig. 2, this simulation is spatially and temporally converged. The high resolution required to resolve these high-q , diverted cases motivated 95 developmentofmemory-scalingimprovementsinthe NIMROD code. III. INCREASING THE MODEL Figure 2: [Color online] Spectral convergence of the COMPLEXITY NIMRODcodefortheideal-likeparameters. Themaxi- mum polynomial degree (P) of the basis functions com- Initial-value extended-MHD computations, while posing the spectral elements in increased in each subse- more computationally expensive than ideal-MHD quent line plotted. Associated NIMROD data available calculations with ELITE, are able to include addi- in Ref. [33]. tional effects that are more representative of exper- imental conditions: at high wavenumbers where the resolution require- • Instead of a magneto-static vacuum outside ments are most stringent (the poloidal mesh is com- the LCFS, NIMROD includes a cold-plasma posed of 72×512 spectral elements). These cases region. converge from the unstable side where the growth • Finite-dissipation effects such as resistivity, rate decreases with enhanced resolution. Thus the viscosity and thermal conduction. excellent agreement between NIMROD and ELITE • Density and temperature profiles that pre- at high nφ in Fig. 1 may be spurious and indicate scribetheassociateddriftsandresistivitypro- that slightly more resolution is required for nφ>25, file. however, the shown growth rates are likely within • Parallel-closureeffectsthatrepresentlargedif- 5% of their converged values. Studying nearly ideal fusivities oriented along the magnetic field. cases with extended MHD codes such as NIMROD • First-order FLR-closure and two-fluid effects. ischallenginggiventhevanishinglysmalldissipation operators,andconvergenceisachievedmorequickly Reference[31]investigatesthefirstthreeoftheseef- withtheadditionalnon-idealtermsintheextended- fects with the Meudas-1 case. We further this work MHD equations, as in the cases in Sec. III. by including the last two effects. The first three 4 effects are also re-investigated and different modifi- cations to the growth rates are found. These differ- ences are expected as slightly different profiles for density and temperature are used in order to avoid spuriouselectrostaticmodeswiththetwo-fluid,first- order FLR model. Ref. [31] avoided these modes by employing only the single-fluid resistive-MHD model. In calculations beyond the ideal model, the den- sity profile is n (ψ ) = n (p(ψ )/p )0.3 where e n e0 n 0 n =6×1019 m−3andψ isthenormalizedpoloidal e0 n flux. Herepisthepressureasprescribedbytheideal gaslaw,p=n T +n T ,whereT isaspecies’tem- e e i i α perature. This choice does not match Ref. [31], but effectively avoids spurious electrostatic modes with Figure4: [Coloronline]GrowthratescomputedbyNIM- thetwo-fluid,first-orderFLRmodel. Thesespurious RODonthe‘Meudas-1’casewithfourdifferentmodels: modes are discussed in more detail in Sec. V. The ideal MHD (ideal), resistive MHD with reconstructed pressure-profile gradient is specified by the Meudas- density,temperature,andSpitzer-resistivityprofiles(1f), 1 case and setting the edge temperature to 200eV the 1f model with parallel Braginskii closures (1f-Par), leads to a core temperature of 5806eV. The edge the 1f-Par model with ion gyroviscosity, a full extended temperature is modified independent of the MHD- MHD Ohm’s law (including the Hall, ∇pe, and elec- stability (determined by p0) by the transformation tron inertia terms) and separate temperature evolution equations with cross-heat fluxes (2f-Par-FLR). Associ- p(ψ )→p(ψ )+p wherep isaconstant. Without n n c c ated NIMROD data available in Ref. [33]. scrape-off-layer (SOL) profiles of density and tem- perature, which are not included in standard recon- structions, this choice of the edge temperature also where W is the rate-of-strain tensor specifies the temperature outside the LCFS. SOL profiles are required to get both the correct profiles W=∇v+∇vT −(2/3)I∇·v, (4) outsidetheLCFS,whichdeterminesthevacuumre- sponse, and simultaneously set the correct resistiv- a full extended-MHD Ohm’s law, ity at the mode resonant location when Spitzer re- sistivity is used. The non-ideal viscous, conductive J×B ∇p m ∂J E=−v×B+ − e +ηJ+ e , (5) andparticlediffusivitiesaresettoasmallvalue,one n e n e n e2 ∂t e e e tenth of the resistivity at the LCFS. Figure4plotsthegrowthratescomputedbyNIM- andseparatetemperatureevolutionswithcross-heat ROD on the ‘Meudas-1’ case with four different fluxes, models: ideal MHD (ideal), resistive MHD with 5p reconstructed density, temperature, and Spitzer- q = α bˆ×∇T , (6) resistivity profiles (1f), the single-fluid model with ×α 2qαB α parallel Braginskii closures (1f-Par) where the par- (2f-Par-FLR).Herev isthebulk-ionflow, ν isthe allel viscosity is i ki ion parallel diffusivity, χ is the species’ parallel kα (cid:18) (cid:19) diffusivity, q (e) is the species’ (electron) electric 1 α Πki =miniνki bˆbˆ− 3I charge, J is the current density, bˆ is the magnetic unit vector (bˆ =B/B), and I is the identity tensor. (cid:16) (cid:17) × 3bˆ·∇v ·bˆ−∇·v , (1) Aneffectiveioncharge(Z)ofthreeisassumed. Each i i modelbuildsonthepreviouslylistedandincludesall and the parallel heat flux vector is prior terms. Electron viscosity is not included. Whenadensityprofileisincluded,thenormalized q =−n χ bˆbˆ·∇T , (2) kα i kα α growth rate of the mode remains constant with the single-fluidmodelwhentheAlfvéntimeiscomputed and a two-fluid model with parallel closures that in- at the mode resonant surface. Our calculations are cludes ion gyroviscosity normalized by the Alfvén time as computed with Π = mipi [bˆ×W·(cid:16)I+3bˆbˆ(cid:17) the values at the magnetic axis. These values re- ×i 4ZeB mainconstantwhenadensityprofileisincludedsuch −(cid:16)I+3bˆbˆ(cid:17)·W×bˆ], (3) that the normalized mode growth rate is effectively increased. 5 The effect of the resistivity profile is more nu- field,withoutcurvatureterms(slabapproximation), anced. Finite resistivity allows for reconnection and in the low-β limit (see, e.g. [40]). Use of within the model by relaxing the frozen-flux con- the full gyroviscous operator is critical as in addi- straint. This permits resistive-ballooning modes tion to effects that appear as diamagnetic drifts, that grow faster than their ideal counterparts. Al- it also contains terms proportional to first-order ternatively,theresistivedissipationcanstabilizethe FLRmagnetic-curvatureandgrad-Bdrifts[41]. Our modes by acting as a dissipative term and modify- modelingcontainsnotjustthefirst-orderFLRdrifts ing the response outside the LCFS from that of a from ion gyroviscosity, but also the drifts from the vacuum to that of a plasma. Figure 5 of Ref. [31] cross-heat fluxes that enter the equations on the showsthattheplasmaresponseisstabilizingrelative same order. to a vacuum region. Overall, these effects stabilize Just as the large balance of the ideal-MHD forces the ballooning modes at low-nφ and destabilize the can cause numerical difficulties with the ideal-MHD modes at high-nφ as seen in Fig. 4 when comparing force operator, the partial gyroviscous cancella- the single fluid and ideal normalized growth rates. tion leads to similar numerical pitfalls and verifi- The effect of including small particle, viscous, and cation is important. The implementation of these thermal diffusivities on the resistive-MHD mode is terms in NIMROD are verified in cylindrical and small (not shown). slab magnetic geometries against analytic calcula- Including the Braginskii parallel closures with tions for tearing [14, 40, 41] and ion-temperature- large coefficients (χ = 109 × η /µ and χ = gradient[42](ITG)modes. Totesttheeffectofthese ke 0 0 ki ν = 108 ×η /µ ) has little effect on the growth terms against analytic theory in full tokamak mag- ki 0 0 rates. When thermal conduction is large, the tem- neticgeometry,weperformaqualitativecomparison peraturequicklyequilibratesalongfieldlinestopro- with analytic theory in Sec. IV. Full verification is duce an isothermal response. Thus NIMROD com- precluded by the approximations made in the ana- putations that show little effect from the parallel lytic theories. closures are consistent with the ELITE results that Thefirst-orderFLRmodelisvalidforthetoroidal find the shape of the mode growth-rate spectrum modespresentedalthoughthisisnotnecessarilythe is largely not sensitive to the value of the ratio of caseforgeneraledgemodemodeling. Assumingk ’ specific heats, Γ, as seen in Fig. 1. When the re- (q/r+1/R)n andevaluatinglocalquantitiesatthe φ sponse to the compressible motion associated with peak of the mode eigenfunction (ψ =0.969) on the n the sound wave is eliminated (Γ = 0 in the ELITE outboa√rd midplane, the normalized ion-gyroradius computations), the growth rate is slightly enhanced (ρ = Γm T /ZeB) as a function of toroidal mode i i i relative to the adiabatic limit. If the growth rates iskρ ’0.0055n . Ifthefirst-orderFLRassumption i φ aremodifiedbeyondthissmalleffect,itwouldbean isviolated,more-complexfull-ion-orbitkineticmod- indication that changes in the energy equation can eling is required to simulate large-fluctuation ELM impacttheMHDresponse, andthusthatclosureef- dynamics. For this case, computations produce ap- fects are significant. Although the short-mean-free proximately the same results with and without the path Braginskii-like closure [34, 35] is used in our cross-heat fluxes. This is consistent with drift an- NIMROD compuatations, we note that other clo- alytics [40] that shows that the cross-heat flux is sures, such as long-mean-free path [36] or the gen- only significant at very low values of plasma β (here eral approach of solving drift-kinetic equation [37] the β = 2µ p/B2 is 0.1%). Perhaps coincidentally 0 for a closure can be applied. However, for this case for this case, the effects of the resistive destabiliza- where the parallel-closure effects are negligible, dif- tion and drift stabilization largely counteract one ferent parallel closures are unlikely to significantly another. The drift stabilized growth rates are not modify the results. less than the ideal calculation until n (cid:38)24. φ With the full two-fluid, FLR model, there is a stabilizing effect on the intermediate and high-n φ modes as expected from analytic treatments [30]. IV. COMPARISON TO DRIFT ANALYTICS A common reduced-MHD approximation for first- order FLR closures is to assume that the ion- gyroviscous force and the advection by the diamag- To gain insight into our two-fluid computations, netic drift exactly cancel (this is colloquially known we compare with analytic descriptions of drift sta- asthegyroviscouscancellation,see,e.g. [38]). How- bilization of the ballooning mode. The dispersion ever,asdiscussedbyRamosinRef.[39],“thesecan- relation for drift stabilizations of the ideal, incom- cellations are only partial and not very useful in pressible ballooning mode is practice for general magnetic geometries...”. This cancellationisonlyvalidwithalarge,uniformguide ω(ω−ω )=−γ2 (7) ∗i I 6 Figure5: [Coloronline]GrowthratescomputedbyNIM- Figure6: [Coloronline]GrowthratescomputedbyNIM- ROD with the ideal, single-fluid (1f) and full FLR (2f- ROD with the ideal, single-fluid (1f) and full FLR (2f- Par-FLR) models in comparison to the analytic dis- Par-FLR) models in comparison to the analytic disper- persion relation of the FLR-stabilized, ideal ballooning sionrelationofRef.[30],Eqn.(43)withthesameparam- modewithfullandreducedω values. AssociatedNIM- etersastheNIMRODcomputationsexceptreducedω ∗α ∗α ROD data available in Ref. [33]. values and a reduced resistivity (0.35 of the NIMROD value). Associated NIMRODdata availablein Ref.[33]. where γ is the ideal growth rate in the absence of I drifteffectsandω isthecomplexfrequency(ω =iγ) parewiththistheoreticaltreatment,parametersare [43]. The diamagnetic drift velocity is typically computed on the outboard midplane at the radial defined as the perpendicular-to-the-magnetic-field locationwherethemodestructurepeaks, consistent flow contribution from the pressure gradient within with the previous ω∗i calculation. This yields lo- the context of a two-fluid, or generalized Ohm’s cal values of the safety factor, q = 7.34, normalized law. For a tokamak, neoclassical effects damp the magnetic shear, s = 8.8 and normalized pressure poloidal diamagnetic flow contribution. Thus in our gradient, α=28.8, wherethedefinitionsofRef.[30] case the remaining toroidal diamagnetic flow deter- areused. The∆0 stabilityparameterisdetermined B mines the diamagnetic frequency, ω = k ·v = byusingtheidealgrowthrate(Γ=5/3)andsolving ∗i ∗i n /(n q )∂p /∂ψ where k is the mode wavenumber. Eqn. 35 of Ref. [30]. ∆0 varies with toroidal mode φ i i i B Figure5showsthecomparisontothisdispersionre- number but falls in the range of −17.4 to −12.1. lation with full and reduced diamagnetic drift val- Comparison of HRP Eqn. (43) with ω = 0 and ∗ ues. The value of ω is computed at the radial lo- the NIMROD resistive-MHD results differ by a fac- ∗i cation where the mode structure peaks. The nor- tor approximately 2.5 at large toroidal mode num- malized frequency from the diamagnetic drift veloc- berswheretheanalyticcalculationresultsingreater ity, ω τ , varies linearly with toroidal mode num- growth rates and there is no stabilization at low ∗i A beras0.00483n . This‘local’approximation, which n . As the analytic calculation is a local calcula- φ φ neglects the radial variation of the ω profile, is tion, it does not capture the stabilizing influence on ∗i known to over-estimate the effect of drift stabiliza- the global mode of finite resistivity, in particular it tion[44,45]. Wefindthatareductionofthevalueof misses the effect of modifying the response outside ω (approximatelybyafactorof2-4)givesthebest the LCFS from that of a vacuum to that of a resis- ∗i agreementbetweenEqn.(7)andthetwo-fluidNIM- tive plasma. Our interest is largely to compare and ROD calculation. A similar comparison of ELITE contrast the predicted drift stabilization and thus tothetwo-fluidBOUT++modelonadifferentcase we reduce the resistivity to 35% of the value used finds the drift stabilization is over-predicted [45] by intheNIMRODcomputationswhencalculatingthe a comparable factor. analytic values of HRP Eqn. (43). This produces One of the limitations of Eqn. (7) is that it does growth rates with ω∗ = 0 that roughly match the not include the effect of resistive destabilization on NIMROD resistive-MHD computations at high nφ the high-n modes, as is included in our two-fluid as shown in Fig. 6. φ computations. The analytic treatment of Ref. [30] More significantly, Fig. 6 compares the results of provides a dispersion relation (Eqn. (43) of the ref- our linear NIMROD computations with the drift- erence; referred to as HRP Eqn. (43) in this discus- stabilized growth rates computed from Eqn. (43) of sion) that includes the effect of resistive destabiliza- Ref. [30]. Again, the analytics of HRP Eqn. (43) tion in addition to drift effects. In order to com- over-estimate the effect of drift stabilization where 7 of drift-stabilization is stronger at low densities (ρ √ i scales as 1/ n at constant β) as expected. The i cases with n = 3×1019 m−3 are not plotted for e n > 18 as the most unstable mode is no longer φ thepeeling-ballooningmodebutratheradominatly electro-static mode related to the ITG as studied in thecontextNIMRODtwo-fluidadvanceinRef.[42]. ThisregionisexcludedasexaminationofITGmode dynamics is outside the scope of this work. VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Our comparisons to the ideal PBM growth rates Figure7: [Coloronline]GrowthratescomputedbyNIM- computed by the ELITE code and analytic descrip- RODonthe‘Meudas-1’casewiththe1fmodelwithpar- tionsoftheresistive,two-fluidPBMprovideanother allel Braginskii closures (1f-Par; single-fluid limit), and verificationtestoftheNIMRODcodeasameansto three different densities with the two-fluid, FLR model study the tokamak edge. Quantitative agreement with parallel Braginskii closures (2f-Par-FLR): the core with ELITE is achieved for these cases, extending densitiesaren =3×1019,6×1019 and1.2×1020 m−3. e prior work [27] that did not include diverted mag- Associated NIMROD data available in Ref. [33]. netic topology. Two-fluid and FLR-drift effects can both produce stabilizing (drift stabilization through the sheared the reduction of ω that leads HRP Eqn. (43) ∗ motion of the ion and electron fluid responses) to qualitatively agree with the two-fluid NIMROD and destabilizing (species decoupling and enhanced computations is between 2 to 4 (dependent on n ). φ growth through mediation by the more mobile elec- There is little effect on the low-n modes and the φ tron fluid) effects (see, e.g., [40, 41]). At intermedi- iondrift-waveresonancepredictedinRef.[30]isnot ate and large mode numbers, the inclusion of finite- observed. resistivityisdestabilizingwhiletheFLR-drifteffects are stabilizing. These effects are largely offsetting, resulting in a toroidal-mode growth-rate spectrum V. FLR PARAMETER SCAN with the full extended-MHD model that resembles the ideal calculation. This result is not general but In order to ascertain the role of two-fluid effects rather case dependent. Consistent with ELITE cal- further, we vary the density and temperature while culations that vary the ratio of specific heats from scaling parameters to maintain constant β and S the adiabatic through the isothermal limit, we find (other dissipation parameters are scaled relative to the addition of anisotropic thermal conduction pro- resistivity). In experimental discharges, the zeroth- duces only a small modification of the growth rate. order effect on the edge of modifying the density Relative to the NIMROD calculations, analytics is modify the plasma collisionality and thus the [30] over-predict both the effects of resistive desta- bootstrap current. This causes a transition from bilization and FLR-drift stabilization for the case ballooning-likemodesathighdensitytopeeling-like studied. Qualitativeagreementwiththeanalyticde- modes at low density. Our computations use a fixed scriptions of the peeling-ballooning mode is found equilibriumcurrentandthusarenotsensitivetothis where high-n modes are susceptible to resistive φ effect. Instead, we isolate the effect of the modifi- destabilizationanddriftstabilizationinboththean- cation of ρ (and the associated ion skin depth, d ) alyticsandNIMRODcomputations. Oneofthelim- i i within the context of our two-fluid, first-order FLR its of the analytic derivation is a ‘local’ approxima- model. This contrasts with Ref. [46] that examines tion which leads to the over prediction of FLR-drift these effects in concert and Ref. [47] that considers stabilization [44]. Given the highly complex nature onlytheeffectofmodificationstothecurrentprofile. of both the configuration of the tokamak edge and Figure 7 shows the linear growth rate from NIM- the two-fluid model equations, quantitative agree- ROD computations for resistive-MHD and three ment is not expected as the local approximation ne- two-fluid cases with varying densities (the core den- glects the global configuration and profile effects. sity is varied from 3×1019 m−3 to 1.2×1020 m−3 Regarding our investigation into the impact of where 6×1019 m−3 is the value used in the prior the size of the ion gyroradius within the context computations discussed in the paper). The effect of NIMROD’s full first-order FLR, two-fluid model, 8 we find significant changes on the growth rates of N. Aiba for providing the Meudas-1 equilibrium. high-n modes at varying densities but constant β. This material is based on work supported by US φ However, the most unstable mode number is largely Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of unchanged. Thus we conclude the zeroth-order ef- Fusion Energy Sciences under award numbers DE- fectofmodificationstothebootstrapcurrentlargely FC02-06ER54875 and DE-FC02-08ER54972. This dominates the determination of the most unstable research used resources of the National Energy Re- mode during collisionality scans while lower densi- searchScientificComputingCenter,aDOEOfficeof ties (large ρ ) increase the magnitude of the drift Science User Facility supported by the Office of Sci- i stabilization on the high-n modes consistent with ence of the U.S. Department of Energy under Con- φ the discussion of Ref. [48]. tract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Acknowledgments We thank Carl Sovinec, Chris Hegna and Nate Ferraro for discussions involving this paper and [1] A. W. Leonard, N. Asakura, J. A. Boedo, M. 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