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The immature instars and biology of the crane fly genus Brachypremna osten sacken (Diptera : tipulidae) PDF

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Preview The immature instars and biology of the crane fly genus Brachypremna osten sacken (Diptera : tipulidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(3), 1991, pp. 613-621 THE IMMATURE INSTARS AND BIOLOGY OF THE CRANE FLY GENUS BRACHYPREMNA OSTEN SACKEN (DIPTERA: TIPULIDAE) Jon K. Gelhaus and Chen W. Young (JKG) Department of Entomology, The Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103; (CWY)Section ofInvertebrateZoology, The CarnegieMuseum ofNatural History, 4400 ForbesAve., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 5213. 1 Abstract. The egg, larva and pupa ofthe crane fly Brachypremna dispellens (Walker) from Florida and of an incompletely reared species of Brachypremna from Peru are described and illustrated, with briefcomments concerning the habitats and behavior of the larva. Comparisons are made with the immature instars ofother Tipulinae, and the phylogenetic position ofthis primarily neotropical genus is briefly discussed. This paper represents the first detailed descriptions and illustrations ofthe semiaquatic larva and the first complete treatment ofthe pupa for Brachypremna. Key Words: Brachypremna, crane fly, larva, pupa The immatures oftipuline crane flies are to Illinois and New Jersey (United States) poorly known despite their great ecological (Alexander 1965), and two species occur- (and sometimes economic) importance (Al- ring in Australia (Oosterbroek and Jonas exander 1920, Pritchard 1983). While the 1989). The immatures ofonly B. dispellens larvae and pupae of over 40% of the de- were previously known: the pupa was in- scribed genera and subgenera ofTipulinae completely described and illustrated by Al- are in some part known, this knowledge is exander(1920) and the larva wasdiagnosed derived from only four percent ofthe spe- in a key (Alexander and Byers 1981). cies. Ourignorance isproportionallygreater Recently, we were able to collect and rear when examiningjustthe Neotropical fauna; numerous larvae of Brachypremna dispel- ofthe 29 generaand subgenera ofTipulinae lens from Florida, and one ofus (JKG) col- that occur there (Alexander and Alexander lected and incompletely reared anotherspe- 1970), we know the immatures for only 6 cies of Brachypremna from Peru. We ofthesegroups(21%),andthisderivedfrom provide here the first complete descriptions less than one percent of the species! This and illustrations ofthe immatures for these paper, describingthe immatures oftwo spe- two species in the genus, as well as addi- ciesofthetipulinegenusBrachypremna Os- tional information regardingthe biologyand ten Sacken, is a small contribution toward behaviorofthe larvae. Terminology follows rectifying this lack ofknowledge. that of Byers (1961) and Gelhaus (1986). The genus Brachypremna has an essen- Brachypremna Osten Sacken tially Neotropical distribution; of the 38 species, 35 arestrictly Neotropical,with one Generic diagnosis. The immature stages widespread American species, B. dispellens o^dispellens and the undetermined species (Walker), extending from Brazil northward from Peruareverysimilar(detaileddescrip- 614 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tions followthisgeneric treatment, with the 977 lists Holorusia (in the generic key for most distinctive features listed here): pupae of Tipulinae) as also having only a Larva: Thoracic segments with short, slightly curved sheath, but the description brown pile, contrasted with elongate and and illustration (Fig. 497) indicate a strong- abundant, mostly reddish-brown hairs on ly recurved one; in addition, all specimens posterior metathorax and abdomen (hairs of Holorusia we have examined have a usually covered with debris) (Fig. 6); ab- strongly recurved sheath. In all other re- dominalhairslaterallyforminglongitudinal spects, however, thesetwogeneraareunlike fringe(Figs. 6, 10)andtransverseband ven- Brachypremna in the pupal stage, including trally on segment VIII (Fig. 10); each ab- possessingextendedrespiratoryhorns(equal dominal segment with about 6 annulations; to or far exceeding the length of the wing minutedarkspiracleslaterallyonI-VII;spi- sheaths), and small inconspicuous abdom- racular disc small, with six short spiracular inal spines. lobes, dorsal pair oflobes scarcely evident Unlike the pupal head illustrated in Al- (Fig. 9); lateral and ventral pairs of lobes exander(1920: Fig. 474), specimensofboth short and extensively darkened, each with species ofBrachypremna showed the apices large translucent spot; spiracles nearly oftheantennalandmaxillarypalpal sheaths quadrate in outline; anal papillae absent, closelyapproximate(Fig. 13), andthesheath butapairofoval, raised membranousareas of the labium narrowly divided medially. closebehind hairs on segment VII (Fig. 10). The posterior spiracles ofthe pupa are not Pupa: Sheaths of maxillary palps short recessed as seen in some other Tipulinae and only slightly curved overall, not re- (e.g. Dolichopeza) but, as noted by Byers curved (Fig. 12); thoracic respiratory horn (1961), a spiracular yoke is nonetheless relativelyshort; mesonotumwith threepairs present in Brachypremna. oflargetubercles(Fig. 1 1);abdominal spines Relationships.—The generic relation- generally slender, those ofgenital segment ships of the Tipulinae are poorly known, particularly well-developed dorsally (Figs. andthefewattemptsatgroupingshavebeen 14, 15), segment also with only two pairs of made withoutjustification or lack discrim- ventral spines. ination between ancestral and derived fea- Discussion.—ThelarvaofBrachypremna tures (e.g. Alexander 1965). Although is unlikely to be confused with that ofany Brachypremna, Megistocera and Dolicho- other tipuline genus. Although as noted by peza have sometimes been grouped in the Rogers (1949), the larva ofBrachypremna subtribe Dolichopezaria (e.g. Alexander does bear a superficial resemblance to that 1920), this is based on only a general sim- of Tipula (Schummelia) (Gelhaus 1986, ilarity of the adults, and is not supported Figs. 93, 98, 99), it is easily distinguished by an examination ofthe immature stages from all tipulines, including Tipula (Rogers 1949). The adults of Megistocera (Schummelia), by the presence of a longi- and Brachypremna do share some similar tudinal abdominal hair-fringe on each side, features of wing venation, and the pupae the lack ofanal papillae and the contrast in have slightly curved maxillary palpal length between the thoracic and abdominal sheaths,butthelattercharacterstate,atleast, hairs. The pupaofBrachypremnadiffersless maybetransitionalbetweenashort,straight from other tipulines, but the apex of the sheath (found in the Limoniinae and Cy- maxillary palpal sheath is only slightly lindrotominae) and the strongly recurved curved, not strongly recurved, which serves sheath found in most ofthe Tipulinae. This toseparateitfrompupaeofmostNewWorld characterinterpretation also correlates with tipuline genera, except Leptotarsus (Lon- the probable phylogenetic position ofthese gurio) and Megistocera. Alexander 1920: twogenera, alongwith others, as beinggen- VOLUME 93. NUMBER 3 615 erally "primitive" within the TipuHnae as raisedventrolateral swellingslargeandcon- a whole (Alexander 1965, Gelhaus, unpub- spicuous. lished data), and Brachypremna itself may Fourth (final) instar larva: Length 15.0- represent an eariy, and isolated, lineage of 18.5 mm, width 2.3-2.8 mm. Head: Mas- the Tipulinae. The phylogenetic position of sive, well-sclerotized, oval-shaped and Brachypremna will remain questionable slightly depressed (Figs. 1, 2). Each antenna until many more of the Southern Hemi- about3X aslongaswide. Foursensorypores spheregenerabecomeknownasimmatures. laterally at boundary offrontoclypeus, with severalothersclusteredoppositebaseofeach Brachypremna dispellens (Walker) antenna; no setae on frontoclypeus. Ante- riormargin ofheaddorsallydividedbypair Alexander (1920): 984-985, pupal descrip- ofsclerotized bands, enclosing lateral areas tion. Figs. 474^77 (head, respiratory of epipharynx, basal half of enclosed area horn, leg sheaths, male caudal sheaths); with pair ofsensory pores, apical halfwith Alexander and Byers 1981: 10, larval di- fineyellowhairandscatteredsensoryblades. agnosis. Mandible with two distinct teeth apically, Description.—£'^^.- Length: 0.7 mm; an additional tooth ("molar ridge," Byers width: 0.4 mm. Black, surface of chorion 1961) and hair tuft ("brustia," Byers 1961) smooth, with no terminal filament. nearbase(Fig. 4). Maxillaasin Fig. 2, paired Firstinstarlarva:(Fig. 5). Length: 2.0mm; setae on cardo extremely sort and incon- width: 0.2 mm. Head: pale, but similar to spicuous. Hypopharynx (Fig. 3) with five fourth instar. Antenna a single segment, rounded teeth; hypostomal bridge (Fig. 2) granulose. Mandible with proportionally with seven, relatively acute teeth. Thorax: larger basal tooth, mandible appearing Pro-, meso- and anterior one-fourth of equally bifurcate. Hypopharynx with three metathoracic segments completely covered teeth, lateral teeth divergent, median tooth with microscopically short, fine, brown pu- highestandbroad. Maxillarycardowithtwo bescence,contrastedwithlong, patchymac- sockets (setae not evident). Thorax: Mostly roscopic hairs foundelsewhere on metatho- with fine, appressed, short hairs in closely- rax and abdomen (Fig. 6). Macrosetae set distinct transverse rows. Abdomen: extremely short, pale and difficult to see. Sparsecoveringofscattered, erectshort, pale Abdomen: Macrosetae dark and uniformly hairs; macrosetae longer, slender and pale. short (difficult to see among the hairs), Spiracularregion:Witheightapparentlobes, placement as in Figs. 7 and 8. Macroscopic a singlepaireachofdorsalandventral lobes, hairs elongate and abundant, dorsally ar- and divided lateral lobes; ventral lobes ranged in six or seven irregular transverse broadest and pigmented. Each lateral lobe rows ofpatches, the longest hairs dark, ob- with a narrowupperpartand broaderlower scuring the macrosetae, all others reddish part. Apical margin ofeachdorsal lobewith brown (Fig. 7); hairs similarly arranged but two groups oflong hairs, each group ema- less abundant ventrally (Fig. 8). Short hairs nating from single base. Dorsolateral lobes scatteredthroughout. Lateralhairsin nearly each with apical margin oflong hairs, each continuous longitudinal fringe or row, best ventrolateral lobe with one long seta, and seen viewed dorsally or ventrally (Figs. 6, one short sensory peg, remainder ofmargin 10); longest hairs completely encircle pos- withhair. Apical margin ofeach ventral lobe terioredge ofsegment VIIL Spiracles small, with four majorgroups ofhairs, each group dark, oval located above lateral setae on emanating from single base, three smaller each segment I-VII (in addition tolargeter- groupsanda single, short, forkedhair. Spir- minal pair on spiracular disc). Spiracular acles each with about 10 pores. Two oval, disc: Small and strongly invaginated me- 616 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON dially. Sixshortlobesencirclingdisc, lateral reaching to venter of abdominal segment andventrallobeseachaboutaslongaswidth IV, sheaths ofprothoracic legs the shortest at base, dorsal lobes scarcely evident, with (Fig. 12). Abdomen: Slender spines laterally length half basal width (Fig. 9). Posterior andalongposteriormarginsofallsegments, surface of each dorsal lobe smooth and spines elongate and thin, about one-third lightly sclerotized, sclerites extending be- length ofabdominal segment III (Fig. 11). tween spiracles; each lobe with a border of Two spines laterally on II-VII, with a small short dark hair around apex and meeting tubercle located between (Fig. 12). Dorsal between lobes. Posteriorsurface ofeach lat- spines along posterior margin ofsegments, eral lobe brown, surrounding a subcircular four spines on I (two long, two short), 5-6 translucent area; each lobe black on apical on II-VII (fourlong. Fig. 1 1); ventral spines half, withbrush ofbrown stouthairsatapex. alsoalongposteriormargin,twolargespines Posterior surface ofeach ventral lobe shelf- onIII-IV, fourlarge spineson V-VII, apair like with sclerite at base below spiracles, of minute spines anterior to these on III- apical halfoflobe black with large, subcir- VII (Fig. 12). Terminal segment with two cular, translucent spot subapically, two long pairs of elongate spines, one pair directed macrosetae arising within each spot. Each dorsally, one pair posteriorly, posterior ventral lobe with a border of dark hair spines each with small tubercle near base; around edge. Spiracles flatandnearlyquad- two pairs of short spines anterior to both rate. Apatchoflonghairanteriorlybetween large spines and to genital sheaths (Figs. 14, dorsal and lateral lobes with shorter hair 15). Genital sheaths ventral to large spines; continuing to near ventral lobes, short hair malesheathsasinglepair,short,andslightly in two isolated bands extending anteriorly curved, with constrictionsat midlength and to dorsal lobes, and also below anus. Anal subapically (Fig. 14); two pairs of closely papillae absent from around the anus. A appressed female sheaths (Fig. 15). Minute pair ofoval, darkened, raised areas ventro- spiraclessublateral oneach segment III-VII, laterally on segment VII (Fig. 10). posterior pairon terminal segment exposed Pupa: Length 16.2-18.6 mm, width 2.8- and larger. 3.0 mm. Overall dark reddish brown, Specimens examined. U.S.A.: D.C.: darkest sublaterally along abdomen. Head: Washington, May 1913, R. C. Shannon, Antennal sheath expanded along first four head of pupa (UMAA). Rorida: Alachua segments with distinct tubercle at base. Co., nospecifiedlocality,J. S. Rogers, larval Sheaths of maxillary palps short, slightly head capsule (UMAA); Highlands Co., curved overall (not recurved as in other Ti- Archbold Biological Station (near Lake pulinae), apices lying close to those of an- Placid), outflow stream ofAnne Lake, IV- tennal sheaths (Figs. 12, 13). Sheaths ofla- 15-1989, J. Gelhaus, C. Young, 6 larvae, 2 bial palpi separated and indented medially, pupae, 5 larval and pupal skins (reared). apices slightly divergent. Thorax: Respira- Highlands Hammock State Park, small mm tory horn 1.0-1.4 in length, with slight stream, IV-16-1989 (female collected), J. bend at midlength and minute annulations Gelhaus, C. Young(eggs and first instarlar- alongentire length (Fig. 1 1), apex darkened vae); Putnam Co., Welaka, R. E. Bellamy, with transverse series ofsmall pores. Dor- Jr., larval headcapsule (UMAA). We have sum ofthorax with three pairs oflarge tu- deposited specimens in the collections of bercles in transversely oblongarrangement, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- a pair oflow tubercles located further pos- delphia, PA; Carnegie Museum ofNatural teriorly, anotherpairlaterallyatbaseofeach History, Pittsburgh, PA and Snow Ento- wing sheath (Figs. 11, 13). Leg sheaths mological Museum, Lawrence, KS. VOLUME 93, NUMBER 3 617 '"*5^ '*">. ft^Ti^ >s^^ mm .1mm 1 Figs. 1-5. Brachypremna dispellens larva. 1, head, dorsal. 2, head, ventral. 3, hypopharynx, ventral. 4, mandible, ventral. 5, first instar larva, lateral. Scale: 1 mm, Figs. 1, 2; 0.1 mm. Figs. 3-5. Brachypremna sp. Description.—As in dispellens except as follows: Although reared to pupal stage, the male Fourth (final) instar larva (from exu- genitalia ofthe pharate adultwere not com- vium): Bodylength 16.0mm;width 2.7 mm. pletely developed in the single specimen to Macroscopic hairs on dorsum ofabdomen allow identification. In addition, eight spe- reddish brown, longest hairs not darkened. cies ofthis genus have been recorded from Long hairs anterior to spiracular disc ex- Peru, with several species occurring at the tending ventrally as semicircular fringe be- same locality where this single larva was tween dorsal lobes and anterior to anus, all taken. hairs in fringe equally long. 618 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ':''' "^'^^%.Yr-'^7f/!^-^'y^-^ ^ ' '"*"^^^'^-"^*r^*v-*-'*^>*-^...- ^S ''<. ^'^^4.,,,.,,.,,.,^^ -^ ;.AH..*,-in-*'^'^*'^-*''-'^'*''-' "">s.^' 1mtn .1mm Figs. 6-10. Brachypremnadispellenslarva. 6, habitus, lateral, insetshowinglateral macrosetae. 7-8, typical abdominalsegment,dorsalandventral, insetofmacroseta. 9,spiraculararea. 10,terminalabdominalsegments, ventral aspect. Scale: 1 mm. Figs. 6-8; 0.1 mm, Figs. 9, 10. Pupa: length 15.8 mm; width 2.8 mm. acters listed in the description of the Pe- Respiratory horn notsostronglybent, length ruvian species. 1.2 mm. Dorsal spines on I-II subequal in Biology length. Malegenital sheathsshortandthick, without subterminal constriction. Habitat: Virtually our entire knowledge Specimens examined. Peru: Madre de ofthe larval habitat o^Brachypremna isde- Dios: Parque Manu, Pakitza, elev. 250 m, rived from the widely distributed species, seepage area, IX-17-1989, J. Gelhaus, lar- dispellens. Although the first known larva val skin, pupa (Academy of Natural Sci- was taken from a log near a stream (Alex- ences, Philadelphia). ander 1920), Rogers(1949: 13)reported that Discussion.—The immatures of the two larvae were taken from "wet to saturated known species of Brachypremna may be black organic soil of seepage areas, damp easily separated by the distinguishing char- shaded stream banks, or low, wet grass- VOLUME NUMBER 93, 3 619 mps ^C>h^ nn i^. i-si' #t (l''Cf^ -rg* 1(191 t-! I;- W^^ff^ 1mm -i>=^ 15 mm 1 Figs. 11-15. Brachypremna dispellem pupa. 1 1-13, habitus, dorsal, ventral, lateral; mps-maxillary papal sheath. 14-15, terminal abdominal segments, lateral; 14, male; 15, female. Scale: upper, Figs 11-13" lower Figs. 14-15. 620 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON lands. They occurbeneath the liverworts or of the long hairs seen abundantly in later damp moss mats ofswamp hummocks and instars. beneath and among the matted stolons and The larvae of both species have the cu- roots of the luxuriant carpet grass sods of rious habit ofpropelling the fecal material low, wet, meadow-like situations." into the air, even while remaining in the We collected larvae of B. dispellens by soil, and the lid of any rearing chamber sieving the soil of a heavily shaded bank quickly becomes fouled with many fecal along a small sandy stream; the soil was pellets. This behavior has been seen in oth- damp, dark humus, with little sand and er, mostly semi-aquatic, tipuline larvae, many fine plant roots. Surroundingareas of particularly species of Tipula {Yamatoti- more sandy soil contained no larvae. Soil pula), and can serve as an easy way to de- had a slight cover ofleaflitter, and the lar- termine positions of the larvae in the soil vae were found within 3-4 cm of the soil in the rearing dishes. In natural situations, surface. though, this peculiar behavior may serve The single larva of the species found in the opposite purpose. Peru was collected from the surface ofsat- urated mud under a thin layer ofleaflitter Acknowledgments in a densely shaded seepage area. We would like to thank Mark Deyrup, Developmentaltime: Larvae ofdispellens directorofthe Archbold Biological Station, collected in mid-April began pupating by lateApril; thepupal periodrangedfrom 10- Lake Placid, Florida, forallowing us to col- 14 days. Eggs were obtained from a single lectatthe Station whileattendingthe North American Dipterists' Society meetings, and female of dispellens and took 30 days to Mark L. O'Brien, University of Michigan, hatch. AnnArbor(UMAA) fortheloan ofBrachy- Food: Because of the sluggish nature of the larvae and the difficulty of observing premnadispellens larvae from the J. S. Rog- them in soil, no direct observations were ers' Collection. We would also like to thank made on larval feeding in either species of George Byers, University ofKansas and an Brachypremna. Fecal pellets of dispellens anonymousreviewerfortheircommentson were examined, though, and were found to the manuscript. Fieldwork in Peru by the consist of recognizable plant fragments, firstauthorwassupportedbyanawardfrom probably derived from leaflitter. the Biological Diversity in Latin America Larval behavior: As noticed by Rogers (BIOLAT) Project, Smithsonian Institu- (1949), larvae of Brachypremna are ex- tion, Marsha Sitnik, (acting) program ad- tremely sluggish. For example, in the lab- ministrator, and this paper is contribution oratory, one healthy larva ofdispellens re- no. 14, BIOLAT Project, Smithsonian In- mained still and curled on the soil surface stitution. Fieldwork in Florida by the sec- ond author was supported by the Graham forover40 minutes, although most tipuline Netting Research Fund, Carnegie Museum larvaewould have burrowed away from the ofNatural History. light within a few minutes. This unrespon- siveness, combined with the "dirty" ap- Literature Cited pearance of the larva (due to the trapping of soil among the long body hairs), make Alexander,C. P. 1920. Thecrane-fliesofNewYork. larvae extremely difficult to detect in the Part II. Biology and phylogeny. Cornell Univer- soil, except by sieving the soil with water. sityAgriculturalExperimentStation,Memoirs38: 691-1133. Even first-instar larvae of dispellens were noticed to have debris adhering to them al- A..et1a9l6.,5.edsF.,amAilCyatTailpougliodfateh,epDpi.pt1e6r-9a0o.f/A/m/eStroincea, though they possess only a sparse covering northofMexico.UnitedStatesDepartmentofAg- VOLUME NUMBER 93, 3 621 riculture Handbook 276, Washington, D.C. (re- Gelhaus, J. K. 1986. Larvae ofthe crane fly genus print 1983). Tipula in North American (Diptera: Tipulidae). Alexander,C. P. and M. M. Alexander. 1970. Family University Kansas Science Bulletin 53: 121-182. Tipulidae, fasc. 4: 1-259. In Papavero, N., ed.. Oosterbroek,P.andT.Jonas. 1986. Catalogueofthe CatalogueoftheDipteraoftheAmericassouthof Australian-OceanianTipulidae(Insecta,Diptera). the United States. Museu de Zoologia, Universi- Amsterdam (privately published), 242 pp. dade Sao Paulo. Pritchard,G. 1983. BiologyofTipulidae.AnnualRe- Alexander, C. P. and G. W. Byers. 1981. Tipulidae, view Entomology 28: 1-22. pp. 153-190. In McAlpine,J. F. etal.,eds.. Man- Rogers, J. S. 1949. The life history ofMegistocera ual ofNearctic Diptera, Vol. 1. Research Branch longipennis (Macquart) (Tipulidae, Diptera), a Agriculture Canada, Monograph 27, 674 pp. memberofthe neuston fauna. Occasional Papers Byers, G. W. 1961. Thecrane flygenusDolichopeza Museum Zoology, University Michigan 521: 1- inNorthAmerica.UniversityKansasScienceBul- 14. letin 42: 665-924.

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