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The IGBT device: physics, design and applications of the insulated gate bipolar transistor PDF

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Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Devices RelatedTitles TheIGBTDevice:Physics,DesignandApplicationsoftheInsulatedGateBipolarTransistor (ISBN978-1-4557-3143-5) PowerElectronicsHandbook,ThirdEdition(ISBN978-0-12-382036-5) WideBandgapPowerSemiconductorPackaging:Materials,Components,andReliability (ISBN978-0-08-102094-4) Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Devices Materials, Physics, Design, and Applications Edited by B. Jayant Baliga WoodheadPublishingisanimprintofElsevier TheOfficers’MessBusinessCentre,RoystonRoad,Duxford,CB224QH,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OX51GB,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2019ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 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BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-0-08-102306-8(print) ISBN:978-0-08-102307-5(online) ForinformationonallWoodheadPublishingpublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:MatthewDeans AcquisitionEditor:KaylaDosSantos EditorialProjectManager:ThomasVanDerPloeg ProductionProjectManager:DebasishGhosh CoverDesigner:GregHarris TypesetbyMPSLimited,Chennai,India List of Contributors Cornelius Armbruster Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg,Germany B.JayantBaliga NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh,NC,UnitedStates Ishwara Bhat Electrical Computer and Systems Engineering Department, RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute,Troy,NY,UnitedStates Subhashish Bhattacharya North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, UnitedStates T.PaulChow RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute,Troy,NY,UnitedStates Srabanti Chowdhury Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis, Davis, California,UnitedStates Chao Fei Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, UnitedStates ZhiboGuo RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute,Troy,NY,UnitedStates Andreas Hensel Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany Patrick Hercegfi Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany Noriyuki Iwamuro University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Tsukuba,Ibaraki,Japan TsunenobuKimoto KyotoUniversity,Kyoto,Japan Dirk Kranzer Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany Fred C. Lee Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,UnitedStates xii ListofContributors Qiang Li Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, UnitedStates Stefan Scho¨nberger Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany Ju¨rgen Thoma Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany Yuchen Yang Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,UnitedStates Preface In 1979, I derived a theoretical relationship between the specific on-resistance of unipolar semiconductor power devices and the basic properties of the semiconduc- tormaterialwhileemployedbytheGeneralElectricCompany.Mytheoryproduced the Baliga’s figure-of-merit (BFOM) for power devices that can be used to predict the performance enhancement produced by replacing silicon with wide bandgap semiconductors. The most technologically mature semiconductor after silicon was gallium arsenide (GaAs) at that time due to its applications for infrared lasers and light emitting diodes. The BFOM predicted a13.6-foldreduction inthe specificon- resistanceofunipolar power devices byreplacing siliconwithGaAs extendingtheir applications to higher voltages and power levels. The existing manufacturing infra- structure at GE for GaAs devices prompted its management to assign a team of 10 scientistsandtechnicianstoworkundermyguidancetocreateaGaAs-basedpower device technology in the early 1980s. I organized a focused effort to create GaAs epitaxiallayerswithlowerdopinglevelstomakehighvoltagedevices,createapro- cess platformto makehigh performanceohmic andSchottkycontacts, and innovate novel device structures to exploit the material. This effort culminated in the first wide bandgap semiconductor power devices—Schottky rectifiers and vertical metal(cid:1)semiconductor field-effect transistors—in the 1980s that validated the theo- reticalpredictions. My equation predicted a reduction in resistance by a factor of 200-times when replacing silicon with silicon carbide using the know properties in the 1980s. By the early 1990s, silicon carbide wafers became commercially available allowing the demonstration ofthe first high voltage Schottkydiodesat the PowerSemiconductor Research Center under my leadership in 1992. We were able to demonstrate a high performance SiC power metal-oxide-field-effect transistor (MOSFET) using avail- able 6H-SiC material in 1997. Measurements of the impact ionization coefficients for silicon carbide under my direction provided data that increased the BFOM to 1000 for silicon carbide. These break-throughs encouraged major investments in development of better material anddevices in the United States, Europe, and Japan. The first commercial SiC product, a high voltage Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) diode, became available in the early 2000s. The market for these devices has now grown to over $200 million due to their applications as antiparallel diodes for sili- coninsulatedgatebipolartransistors(IGBTs)innumerousapplications. After many years of effort to improve the interface properties between 4H-SiC and thermally grown oxide, it became feasible to introduce the first SiC power MOSFETs into the market in 2011. The initial concerns of application engineers regardingthereliabilityofthese devices have beenovercomebyrigorous testingby xiv Preface the industry. The devices are now finding acceptance in applications such as PV inverters and power supplies. The devices must compete against mature silicon power devices—the IGBT and the superjunction FETs. The main impediment to market growth has been the much higher cost of SiC power devices. Considerable effort is underway around the world to drive down the cost of SiC power devices whichportendsahealthymarketprojectionintothefuture. The evolution of GaN power devices took an unusual path with the growth of GaN layers on silicon substrates by using a transition layer toaccommodate the lat- tice mismatch. This breakthrough has made the GaN high electron mobility transis- tor (HEMT) structure possible with a highly conductive two-dimensional electron gas layer. These lateral devices offer much superior drift region resistance. However, it has been a challenge to create normally-off devices and even the normally-on structures still suffer from dynamic on-resistance issues. Some compa- nies have taken the approach of building normally-on GaN HEMT products using the Baliga-Pair or Cascode configuration. Others have employed structural modifi- cations to obtain a positive threshold voltage. These devices have been shown to enable power circuits to operate at multi-MHz switching frequencies to make very compact electronics possible. The ability to integrate multiple devices on a single chipcreatesopportunitiestomakepowerICproductsaswell. This book on wide bandgap semiconductor power devices was motivated by the success of my book “The IGBT Device” published by Elsevier in 2015, which won the prestigious PROSE award for the best book published that year in engineering and technology. The IGBT book provided an extensive description of the applica- tions of the IGBT in all sectors of our society and its social impact during the last 25years. For this book on wide bandgap semiconductor power devices, I wanted to cover the entire spectrum from material properties to device structures to their applica- tions. I was pleased that all the people I approached to make contributions to the book enthusiastically accepted my proposal. Unfortunately, some of the authors failed to fulfill their promises due to commitments to their employers. Despite this, the contents of this book provide a comprehensive discussion of the state of the art for wide bandgap semiconductor power devices that is beneficial to the power elec- tronicscommunity. The book begins with an introductory chapter where I have provided an over- view of the benefits of wide bandgap semiconductor materials for power devices. Various types of power device structures are described in the chapter to familiarize thereaderwiththetechnologydiscussedinmoredepthintherestofthebook. Chapter 2, SiC material properties, prepared by Professor Kimoto from Kyoto University, provides information on the basic properties of silicon carbide material thatisrelevanttopowerdevicedesignandanalysis.Theemphasisisonthe4H-SiC polytype because of its dominance for manufacturing SiC power devices. The dis- cussion includes defects that influence the minority carrier lifetime due to its rele- vanceforbipolarSiCpowerdevicessuchasveryhighvoltageIGBTs. Chapter 3, Physical properties of gallium nitride and related III(cid:1)V nitrides, pre- paredbyProfessorBhatfromRensselaerPolytechnicInstitute,providesinformation Preface xv on the basic properties of gallium nitride material. The electrical properties of the two-dimensional electron gas in the AlGaN/GaN heterojunction structure are included because of its importance to the lateral GaN HEMT devices that have been commercialized. A discussion of defects produced during the growth of GaN layers on silicon substrates is included here due to its relevance to the reliability of thesedevices. Chapter 4, SiC power device design and fabrication, prepared by Professor Iwamuro from the University of Tsukuba, provides a comprehensive discussion of silicon carbide power diodes and transistors. The physics of operation of SiC P(cid:1)i(cid:1)N diodes and JBS rectifiers is described and their performance is quantified for various blocking voltages. The design of a robust edge termination is critical to maximizing their performance. An extensive discussion of the SiC power MOSFET structure with either the planar or trench gate approach is provided. Good short- circuit capability for these devices is essential to their acceptance in applications. ThepotentialtodevelopveryhighvoltageSiCIGBTsisanalyzedhereaswell. Chapter 5, GaN smart power devices and ICs, prepared by Professor Chow from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, provides a thorough discussion of gallium nitride power devices. Lateral power devices based up on GaN-on-Si technology with the HEMT structure are covered in detail here. Prospects for making GaN-based power ICsareincludedinthechapter. Chapter 6, GaN-on-GaN power device design and fabrication, prepared by Professor Chowdhury from University of California Davis, describes recent prog- ress with design and fabrication of vertical GaN devices using bulk GaN substrates. The challenges of making the CAVET structure with enhancement-mode operation aredescribedhere. Chapter 7, Gate drivers for wide bandgap power devices, prepared by Professor Bhattacharya from North Carolina State University, highlights the importance of providing adequate gate drive capability for wide bandgap semiconductor power devices. The challenges and solutions for driving these devices to achieve higher operating frequencies are described here. The operation of SiC and GaN devices at higher frequencies offsets the higher cost of the devices due to reduction of size, weight, and cost of passive elements. The chapter also provides insight into design- ing drivers for very high blocking voltage IGBTs with extremely high dV/dt transi- entsinpowercircuits. Chapter 8, Applications of GaN power devices, prepared by a group of profes- sors from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, describes potential applications for GaN power devices. A number of converter designs implemented by the authors for power supply applications are described here. The improvement in efficiency by replacingsiliconwithGaNdevicesisquantifiedhere. Chapter9, Applications of SiC devices, prepared by authors from the Franhaufer Institute, provides a focused perspective of the benefits of silicon carbide power devices on solar (PV) inverters. The benefits of replacing silicon devices with SiC devicesforinverterefficiencyarequantifiedhere. In the final chapter, I have provided a perspective on the history of wide band- gap semiconductor power device development since 1980. Some technology trends

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