The Idea of Justice . The Idea of Justice amartya sen The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 2009 Inmemoryof John Rawls ©2009 by Amartya Sen All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sen, Amartya, 1933- The idea of justice / Amartya Sen. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-674-03613-0 (alk. paper) 1. Justice. 2. Social contract. 3. Rawls, John, 1921-2002. Theory of justice. 4. Ethics. I. Title. JC578.S424 2009 320.01’1--dc22 2009014924 Contents Preface vii Acknowledgements xxi Introduction AnApproachtoJustice 1 part i The Demands of Justice 1 ReasonandObjectivity 31 2 RawlsandBeyond 52 3 InstitutionsandPersons 75 4 VoiceandSocialChoice 87 5 ImpartialityandObjectivity 114 6 ClosedandOpenImpartiality 124 part ii Forms of Reasoning 7 Position,RelevanceandIllusion 155 8 RationalityandOtherPeople 174 9 PluralityofImpartialReasons 194 10 Realizations,ConsequencesandAgency 208 v contents part iii The Materials of Justice 11 Lives,FreedomsandCapabilities 225 12 CapabilitiesandResources 253 13 Happiness,Well-beingandCapabilities 269 14 EqualityandLiberty 291 part iv Public Reasoning and Democracy 15 DemocracyasPublicReason 321 16 ThePracticeofDemocracy 338 17 HumanRightsandGlobalImperatives 355 18 JusticeandtheWorld 388 Notes 417 NameIndex 451 SubjectIndex 462 vi Preface ‘In the little world in which children have their existence’, says Pip in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations, ‘there is nothing so finely perceivedandfinelyfelt,asinjustice.’1IexpectPipisright:hevividly recollects after his humiliating encounter with Estella the ‘capricious and violent coercion’ he suffered as a child at the hands of his own sister.But thestrong perceptionof manifestinjustice appliesto adult humanbeings aswell.Whatmoves us,reasonablyenough,is notthe realizationthattheworldfallsshortofbeingcompletelyjust–which few of us expect – but that there are clearly remediable injustices arounduswhichwewanttoeliminate. This is evident enough in our day-to-day life, with inequities or subjugations from which we may suffer and which we have good reason to resent, but it also applies to more widespread diagnoses of injusticeinthewiderworldinwhichwelive.Itisfairtoassumethat ParisianswouldnothavestormedtheBastille,Gandhiwouldnothave challengedtheempireonwhichthesunusednottoset,MartinLuther King would not have fought white supremacy in ‘the land of the free andthehomeofthebrave’,withouttheirsenseofmanifestinjustices that could be overcome. They were not trying to achieve a perfectly just world (even if there were any agreement on what that would be like), but they did want to remove clear injustices to the extent they could. Theidentificationofredressableinjusticeisnotonlywhatanimates ustothinkaboutjusticeandinjustice,itisalsocentral,Iargueinthis book, to the theory of justice. In the investigation presented here, diagnosisofinjusticewillfigureoftenenoughasthestartingpointfor vii preface criticaldiscussion.2But,itmaybeasked,ifthisisareasonablestarting point, why can’t it also be a good ending point? What is the need to go beyond our sense of justice and injustice? Why must we have a theoryofjustice? Tounderstandtheworldisneveramatterofsimplyrecordingour immediate perceptions. Understanding inescapably involves reason- ing. We have to ‘read’ what we feel and seem to see, and ask what those perceptions indicate and how we may take them into account without being overwhelmed by them. One issue relates to the reliability of our feelings and impressions. A sense of injustice could serve as a signal that moves us, but a signal does demand critical examination,andtherehastobesomescrutinyofthesoundnessofa conclusion based mainly on signals. Adam Smith’s conviction of the importance of moral sentiments did not stop him from seeking a ‘theoryofmoralsentiments’,norfrominsistingthatasenseofwrong- doingbecriticallyexaminedthroughreasonedscrutinytoseewhether it can be the basis of a sustainable condemnation. A similar require- ment of scrutiny applies to an inclination to praise someone or something.* We also have to ask what kinds of reasoning should count in the assessment of ethical and political concepts such as justice and injus- tice. In what way can a diagnosis of injustice, or the identification of what would reduce or eliminate it, be objective? Does this demand impartiality in some particular sense, such as detachment from one’s own vested interests? Does it also demand re-examination of some attitudes even if they are not related to vested interests, but reflect localpreconceptionsandprejudices,whichmaynotsurvivereasoned confrontation with others not restricted by the same parochialism? Whatistheroleofrationalityandofreasonablenessinunderstanding thedemandsofjustice? These concerns and some closely related general questions are addressed in the first ten chapters, before I move on to issues of *Smith’sclassicbook,TheTheoryofMoralSentiments,waspublishedexactly250 years ago in 1759, and the last revised edition – the 6th – in 1790. In the new anniversaryeditionofTheTheoryofMoralSentiments,tobepublishedbyPenguin Bookslaterthisyear(2009),Idiscuss,intheIntroduction,thenatureofSmith’smoral andpoliticalengagementanditscontinuingrelevancetothecontemporaryworld. viii preface application, involving critical assessment of the grounds on which judgements about justice are based (whether freedoms, capabilities, resources, happiness, well-being or something else), the special rel- evanceofdiverseconsiderationsthatfigureunderthegeneralheadings of equality and liberty, the evident connection between pursuing jus- tice and seeking democracy seen as government by discussion, and thenature,viabilityandreachofclaimsofhumanrights. What Kind of a Theory? Whatispresentedhereisatheoryofjusticeinaverybroadsense.Its aimistoclarifyhowwecanproceedtoaddressquestionsofenhancing justice and removing injustice, rather than to offer resolutions of questions about the nature of perfect justice. In this there are clear differences with the pre-eminent theories of justice in contemporary moral and political philosophy. As will be discussed more fully in the Introduction that follows, three differences in particular demand specificattention. First, a theory of justice that can serve as the basis of practical reasoning must include ways of judging how to reduce injustice and advance justice, rather than aiming only at the characterization of perfectlyjustsocieties–anexercisethatissuchadominantfeatureof many theories of justice in political philosophy today. The two exer- cises for identifying perfectly just arrangements, and for determining whether a particular social change would enhance justice, do have motivationallinksbuttheyareneverthelessanalyticallydisjoined.The latterquestion,onwhichthisworkconcentrates,iscentraltomaking decisions about institutions, behaviour and other determinants of justice, and how these decisions are derived cannot but be crucial to atheoryofjusticethataimsatguidingpracticalreasoningaboutwhat shouldbedone.Theassumptionthatthiscomparativeexercisecannot be undertaken without identifying, first, the demands of perfect jus- tice,canbeshown tobeentirelyincorrect(asis discussedinChapter 4,‘VoiceandSocialChoice’). Second,whilemanycomparativequestionsofjusticecanbesuccess- fullyresolved–andagreeduponinreasonedarguments–therecould ix