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BEALL, MARY KAy CANADIAN God Gives Us a Song: A Collection of Texts 2012 Conference Report. Margaret Leask, Hi ce Times for Worship. Mary Kay Beall Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- (rev. by) Benjamin Brody 63:1:39 Win ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 2012 The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, BECKSTEAD, SHARON L. July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. Beckstead yinn The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Robin Knowles Wallace 63:1:7 Win July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. Beckstead 2012 ANNUAL INDEX and Robin Knowles Wallace 63:1:7 Win Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi Chorale 2012 (rev. by) Margaret Leask 63:2:49 Spr 2012 Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- 2012 Annual Index, Volume 63 BEGBIE, JEREMY S. vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian Compiled by Jason Runnels Resonant Witness: Conversations Between Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, Music and Theology. ed. Jeremy S. Beg- Presbyterian, and United Churches of bie and Steven R. Guthrie (rev. by) Canada through their History. Hilary David Schneider 63:2:50 Spr 2012 Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 AINSWORTH, HENRY BENEDICTINE MONKS OF CANZONA (BAROQUE CHORAL From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition CONCEPTION ABBEY ENSEMBLE ) in the English Language from Psalm The Revised Grail Psalms: A Liturgical Canzona Sings German Hymns/Singt Translation to Hymn During the Psalter. Benedictine Monks of Concep- Deutsche Kirchenlieder. (rev. by) Mar- Protestant Reformation. Max Stern tion Abbey (rev. by) John Core 63:2:53 garet Leask 63:3:50 Sum 2012 63:4:6 Aut 2012 Spr 2012 CATHOLIC ALDREDGE-CLANTON, JANN BIBLIOGRAPHIES Mary, Star of Hope: Marian Congrega- Inclusive Hymns for Liberation, Peace, and HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- tional Song as an Expression of Devo- Justice. Jann Aldredge-Clanton (rev. by) ald Sebesta 63:1:25 Win 2012 tion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Nancy Rock Poti 63:3:52 Sum 2012 HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- United States from 1854 to 2010. ALSTOTT, OWEN ald M. Sebesta 63:2:41 Spr 2012 Stephanie A. Budwey 63:2:7 Spr 2012 Hymns of Light, Vol. 1. Owen Alstott (rev. HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- by) Carson Cooman 63:3:53 Sum 2012 ald M. Sebesta 63:3:41 Sum 2012 CD REvIEws A Changed Heart. David Haas (rev. by) AMERICAN BLUMHOEFER, JONATHAN E. Andreas Teich 63:2:48 Spr 2012 The John Beatty Manuscript: An Eigh- Set Apart to Sing: A History of Music at Companions in the Way. Hilariter, dir. teenth-Century American Tunebook. Park Street Church, Boston, 1809- Andrew Donaldson (rev. by) Margaret David W. Music 63:2:27 Spr 2012 2009. Jonathan E. Blumhofer 63:4:11 Leask 63:1:38 Win 2012 Aut 2012 ANGEL, CHRIS Flor y canto—tercera edicion. (rev. by) Flor y canto—tercera edicion. (rev. by) Bropy, BENJAMIN Raquel Mora Martinez and Chris Angel Raquel Mora Martinez and Chris Angel God Gives Us a Song: A Collection of Texts 63:4:40 Aut 2012. 63:4:40 Aut 2012 ce Times for Worship. Mary Kay Beall Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi Garden of Joy. Dan Damon (rer. by) Chris (rev. by) Benjamin Brody 63:1:39 Win Chorale (rev. by) Margaret Leask Angel 63:1:39 Win 2012 2012 63:2:49 Spr 2012 ANGLICAN BRUMM, JAMES HART The Gift of Genevan Psalmody for Today CPWI Hymnal. The Church in the The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Sprung from its Historical Context. Province of the West Indies (rep. by) Odes of Solomon. trans. James H. Calvin Seerveld (rev. by) Margaret Leask Raymond Glover 63:2:49 Spr 2012 Charlesworth (rev. by) James Hart 63:1:44 Win 2012 From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition Brumm 63:1:43 Win 2012 CHARLESWORTH, JAMES H. in the English Language from Psalm BUDWEY, STEPHANIE, A. The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Translation to Hymn During the Mary, Star of Hope: Marian Congrega- Odes of Solomon. trans. James H. Protestant Reformation. Max Stern tional Song as an Expression of Devo- Charlesworth (rev. by) James Hart 63:4:6 Aut 2012 tion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Brumm 63:1:43 Win 2012 Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- United States from 1854 to 2010. CHINESE vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian Stephanie A. Budwey 63:2:7 Spr 2012 A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody: Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Reflec- From Its Misstonary Origins to Contem- Presbyterian, and United Churches of tions of an Emerging Scholar. Stephanie porary Indigenous Productions. Fang- Canada through their History. Hilary A. Budwey 62:2:6 Spr 2012 Lan Hsieh (rev. by) Kit Ying Law Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 BYRD, SUZANNE 63:2:36 Spr 2012 ANNIVERSARIES Singing Grace = Von der Gnade Singen: Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With 2013 HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES. Cari P. European Methodist Songbook. ed. Ulrike Asian Congregational Song. Swee Daw Jr. 63:3:29 Sum 2012 Schuler and S T Kimbrough, Jr. (rev. by) Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 ANTHEMS Suzanne Byrd 63:3:54 Sum 2012 CHORAL Music REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. CALVIN, JOHN REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. D. Sida Roberts 63:1:45 Win 2012 Gaining a New Appreciation for Calvin D. Sida Roberts 63:1:47 Win 2012 REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. and Music: The Past, Present, and REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. D. Sida Roberts 63:2:54 Spr 2012 Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. D. Sida Roberts 63:2:54 Spr 2012 Sum 2012, reviews moved to the monthly Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum Sum 2012, reviews moved to the monthly e-mail newsletter The Verse 2012 e-mail newsletter The Verse BANFIELD, STEPHEN CAMBODIA COMMUNION Music and the Wesleys. ed. Nicholas Tem- Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With HYMN INTERPRETATION: “For Everyone perley and Stephen Banfield (rev. by) Asian Congregational Song. Swee Born, A Place at the Table.” Lauren Erika K. R. Hirsch 63:3:53 Sum 2012 Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Hall 63:3:42 Sum 2012 Winter 2012 ¢ Vol. 63, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 43 COMPETITIONS HYMN PERFORMANCE: An Introduction to A Treasury of Faith: Lectionary Hymns, News: Search for a new hymn or song. Chord Symbols on Lead Sheets (ST. Series A. Dan Damon and Gracia 63:1:4 Win 2012 ELIZABETH 1998). Edward L. Doem- Grindal (rev. by) John R. Kleinheksel Jr. News: Macalester Plymouth Hymn Com- land 63:3:45 Sum 2012 63:4:39 Aut 2012 petition 2011. 63:2:5 Spr 2012 DONALDSON, ANDREW GUTHRIE, STEVEN R. News: Macalester Hymn Writing Contest Companions in the Way. Hilariter, dir. Resonant Witness: Conversations Between for 2012. 63:2:5 Spr 2012 Andrew Donaldson (rev. by) Margaret Music and Theology. ed. Jeremy S. Beg- CONFERENCES Leask 63:1:38 Win 2012 bie and Steven R. Guthrie (rev. by) 2012 Conference Report. Margaret Leask, DONALDSON, HILARY SERAPH David Schneider 63:2:50 Spr 2012 Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- HAAS, DAVID ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian A Changed Heart. David Haas (rev. by) The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, Andreas Teich 63:2:48 Spr 2012 July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. Beckstead Presbyterian, and United Churches of HALL, JONATHAN and Robin Knowles Wallace 63:1:7 Win Canada through their History. Hilary Calvin Hampton: A Musician Without 2012 Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 Borders. Jonathan Hall (rev. by) Amanda News: International Hymn Conference hristian Music: A Global History. Tim Husberg 63:2:37 Spr 2012 Scheduled for 2015. 63:4:4 Aut 2012 Dowley (rev. by) Hilary Seraph Donald- HALL, LAUREN CONTESTS son 63:3:50 Sum 2012 HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Take My Life, see Competitions DOwLEY, TIM That I May Be.” Lauren Hall 63:1:29 CONVOCATIONS Christian Music: A Global History. Tim Win 2012 see Conterences Dowley (rev. by) Hilary Seraph Donald- HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Touch Me, COOMAN, CARSON son 63:3:50 Sum 2012 Lord, With Thy Spirit Eternal.” Lauren Hymns of Light, Vol. 1. Owen Alstott DOWNING, EDITH SINCLAIR Hall 63:2:42 Spr 2012 (rev. by) Carson Cooman 63:3:53 Sum For Us, God’s People Now. Edith Sinclair HYMN INTERPRETATION: “For Everyone 2012 Downing (rev. by) R. Frederick Crider Born, A Place at the Table.” Lauren CoRE, JOHN 63:4:41 Aut 2012 Hall 63:3:42 Sum 2012 Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Meditations DUFNER, DELORES HYMN INTERPRETATION: “We Call Out to and Hymns. ed. Eric Lund ( by) John And Every Breath a Song. Delores Dutner You.” Lauren Hall 63:4:36 Aut 2012 Core 63:2:51 Spr 2012 (rev. by) John A. Dalles 63:4:39 Aut HALL, NANCY The Revised Grail Psalms: A Liturgical 2012 2012 conference report. Margaret Leask, Psalter. Benedictine Monks of Concep- EPISCOPAL, SEE ALSO ANGLICAN Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- tion Abbey (rev. by) John Core 63:2:53 Calvin Hampton: A Musician Without ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 Spr 2012 Borders Jonathan Hall (rev. by) Amanda HAMILTON, DONNA CRIDER, R. FREDERICK Husberg 63:2:37 Spr 2012 A Greener Place to Grow: 50 More Hymn For Us, God’s People Now. Edith Sinclair Epp, MAUREEN Texts. Adam M. L. Tice (rev. by) Donna Downing (rev. by) R. Frederick Crider Sound in the Land: Essays on Mennontte Hamilton 63:2:48 Spr 2012 63:4:41 Aut 2012 Music. ed. Maureen Epp and Carol Ann HAMPTON, CALVIN DALLES, JOHN A. Weaver (rev. by) Margaret Leask 63:4:42 Calvin Hampton: A Musician Without And Every Breath a Song. Delores Dufner Aut 2012 Borders. Jonathan Hall (rev. by) Amanda (rev. by) John A. Dalles 63:4:39 Aut ESTONIA Husberg 63:2:37 Spr 2012 2012 A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of HANNA, KRISTEN DAMON, DAN Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and Hymn Stories for Children: The Apostles’ Garden of Joy. Dan Damon (rev. by) Chris Estonia. S. T. Kimbrough Jr. 63:4:16 Creed. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna Angel 63:1:39 Win 2012 Aut 2012 L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna A Treasury of Faith: Lectionary Hymns, FENNER, CHRIS 63:3:52 Sum 2012 Series A. Dan Damon and Gracia Theodulf: Theologian at Charlemagne’s Hymn Stories for Children: Lent and Grindal (rev. by) John R. Neinheksel Jr. Court, Poet, and Bishop of Orléans. Easter. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna 63:4:39 Aut 2012 Chris Fenner 63:1:13 Win 2012 L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna Daw, CARL P. JR. 2013 HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES. Carl P. GLOVER, RAYMOND 63:3:52 Sum 2012 Daw Jr. 63:3:29 Sum 2012 CPWI Hymnal. The Church in the HASKEL, MARILYN Province of the West Indies (rev. by) Alice Parker’s Melodious Accord Hymnal. DERKSEN, JOHN Raymond Glover 63:2:49 Spr 2012 Alice Parker (rev. by) Marilyn Haskel Sing Praise: Hymns and Songs for Refresh- ing Worship (rev. by) John Derksen GRAHAM, FRED 63:2:37 Spr 2012 63:2:52 Spr 2012 2012 conference report. Margaret Leask, Hawn, C. MICHAEL DIGITAL RESOURCES Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- The Sounds of our Offerings: Achieving News: Singing the Faith Plus 63:2:5 Spr ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 Excellence in Church Music. Charlotte 2012 GRIMMINGER, DAN Kroeker (rev. by) C. Michael Hawn News: Worship Live Goes Electronic Evangelicals in Mexico: Their Hymnody 63:2:54 Spr 2012 63:4:4 Aut 2012 and its Theology. Dinorah B. Méndez HILARITER DOEMLAND, EDWARD L. (rev. by) Dan Grimminger 63:1:38 Win Companions in the Way. Hilariter, dir. HYMN PERFORMANCE: The Hymn Tune 2012 Andrew Donaldson (rev. by) Margaret LEONI and Its Texts. Edward L. Doem- GRINDAL, GRACIA Leask 63:1:38 Win 2012 land 63:1:31 Win 2012 Preaching From Home: The Stories of Seven HIRSCH, ERIKA K. R HYMN PERFORMANCE: A Consistent Jazz- Lutheran Women Hymnwriters. Gracia Music and the Wesleys. ed. Nicholas Tem- Based Harmonization of a Classic Tune. Grindal (rev. by) Chelsea Stern 63:3:54 perley and Stephen Banfield (rev. by) Ed Doemland 63:2:4 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 Erika K. R. Hirsch 63:3:53 Sum 2012 44 ¢ The Hymn Vol. 64, No. 1 ¢ Winter 2013 Hopson, HAL H. Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- LATVIA Metrical Psalms for the Church Year. Hal vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of H. Hopson (rev. by) Jason M. Runnels Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and 63:1:41 Win 2012 Presbyterian, and United Churches of Estonia. S. T. Kimbrough Jr. 63:4:16 HsIrEH, FANG-LAN Canada through their History. Hilary Aut 2012 A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody: Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 LAw, Kit YING From Its Misstonary Origins to Contem- HYMNARY.ORG A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody: porary Indigenous Productions. Fang- RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina From Its Misstonary Origins to Contem- Lan Hsieh (rev. by) Kit Ying Law Schneider 63:1:6 Win 2012 porary Indigenous Productions. Fang- 63:2:36 Spr 2012 INDIA Lan Hsieh (rev. by) Kit Ying Law HUSBERG, AMANDA Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With 63:2:36 Spr 2012 Calvin Hampton: A Musician Without Asian Congregational Song. Swee LEASK, MARGARET Borders. Jonathan Hall (rev. by) Amanda Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 2012 Conference Report. Margaret Leask, Husberg 63:2:37 Spr 2012 INDONESIA Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- HYMN PLAYING Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 HYMN PERFORMANCE: The Hymn Tune Asian Congregational Song. Swee Canzona Sings German Hymns/Singt LEONI and Its Texts. By Edward L. Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Deutsche Kirchenlieder (rev. by) Mar- Doemland 63:1:31 Win 2012 INTERNATIONALE garet Leask 63:3:50 Sum 2012 HYMN PERFORMANCE: A Consistent Jazz- ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT FUR Companions in the Way. Hilariter, dir. Based Harmonization ofa Classic Tune. HYMNOLOGIE Andrew Donaldson (rev. by) Margaret By Ed Doemland 63:2:44 Spr 2012 News: International Hymn @onference Leask 63:1:38 Win 2012 HYMN PERFORMANCE: An Introduction to Scheduled for 2015 63:4:4 Aut 2012 The Gift of Genevan Psalmody for Today Chord Symbols on Lead Sheets (ST. Sprung from its Historical Context. JAZZ ELIZABETH 1998). Edward L. Doem- Calvin Seerveld (rev. by) Margaret Leask land 63:3:45 Sum 2012 HYMN PERFORMANCE: A Consistent Jazz- 63:1:44 Win 2012 Based Harmonization ofa Classic Tune. Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi HYMN SOCIETY IN THE UNITED By Ed Doemland 63:2:44 Spr 2012 Chorale (rev. by) Margaret Leask STATES AND CANADA JEWISH 63:2:49 Spr 2012 News: Executive Committee Nominees HYMN PERFORMANCE: The Hymn Tune Remembering Hugh D. McKellar: 4 63:2:4 Spr 2012 LEONI and Its Texts. By Edward L. December 1932-8 February 2012. News: McElrath-Eskew Research Fund Doemland 63:1:31 Win 2012 Margaret Leask 63:43:5 Sum 2012 63:3:4 Sum 2012 JOSSELYN-CRANSON, HEATHER Sound in the Land: Essays on Mennonite HYMNS SOCIETY OF GREAT Gaining a New Appreciation for Calvin Music. ed. Maureen Epp and Carol Ann BRITAIN AND IRELAND and Music: The Past, Present, and Weaver (rev. by) Margaret Leask 63:4:42 News: International Hymn Conference Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. Aut 2012 Scheduled for 2015 63:4:4 Aut 2012 Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum LECKEBUSCH, MARTIN E. HYMN STUDIES 2012 Never Let the Songs End: New Hymns to HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Take My Life, KEYBOARD Inspire and Uplift. Martin E. Lecke- That I May Be.” Lauren Hall 63:1:29 HYMN PERFORMANCE: An Introduction to busch (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace Win 2012 Chord Symbols on Lead Sheets (ST. 63:1:42 Win 2012 HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Touch Me, ELIZABETH 1998). Edward L. Doem- LIECHTY, ANNA L. Lord, With Thy Spirit Eternal.” Lauren land 63:3:45 Sum 2012 Hymn Stories for Children: Lent and Hall 63:2:42 Spr 2012 REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. Easter. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna HYMN INTERPRETATION: “For Everyone D. Sida Roberts 63:1:47 Win 2012 L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna Born, A Place at the Table.” Lauren KIMBROUGH, S. T. JR. 63:3:52 Sum 2012 Hall 63:3:42 Sum 2012 A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of Hymn Stories for Children: The Apostles’ HYMN INTERPRETATION: “We Call Out to Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and Creed. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna You.” Lauren Hall 63:4:36 Aut 2012 Estonia. S. T. Kimbrough Jr. 63:4:16 L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna HYMN TEXTS Aut 2012 63:3:52 Sum 2012 see Texts—By First Line Singing Grace = Von der Gnade Singen: LIM, SWEE HONG HYMN TUNES European Methodist Songbook. ed. Ulrike Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With see Llunes—By Name Schuler and S T Kimbrough, Jr. (rev. by) Asian Congregational Song. Swee HYMN WRITERS, MULTIPLE Suzanne Byrd 63:3:54 Sum 2012 Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 2013 HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES. Carl P. KLEINHEKSEL, JOHN R., JR. LITHUANIA Daw Jr. 63:3:29 Sum 2012 A Treasury of Faith: Lectionary Hymns, A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of HYMNAL COLLECTIONS OF NORTH Sertes A. Dan Damon and Gracia Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and AMERICA Grindal (rev. by) John R. Kleinheksel Jr. Estonia. S. T. Kimbrough Jr. 63:4:16 RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina 63:4:39 Aut 2012 Aut 2012 Schneider 63:4:5 Aut 2012 KROEKER, CHARLOTTE LOFTIS, DEBORAH CARLTON HYMNALS The Sounds of our Offerings: Achieving FROM THE EXECUTIVE DiRECTOR. Debo- A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of Excellence in Church Music. Charlotte rah Carlton Loftis 63:1:3 Win 2012 Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and Kroeker (rev. by) C. Michael Hawn FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Debo- Estonia. S. T. Kimbrough Jr. 63:4:16 63:2:54 Spr 2012 rah Carlton Loftis 63:2:3 Spr 2012 Aut 2012 Hymnal Companion to “Evangelical FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Debo- The Adventure of Collecting Hymnals: A Lutheran Worslnp.” Paul Westermeyer rah Carlton Loftis 63:3:3 Sum 2012 Beginning Primer. A. Merril Smoak, Jr. (rev. by) Charlotte Kroeker 63:1:40 Win FROM THE EXECUTIVE DiRECTOR. Debo- 63:1:21 Win 2012 2012 rah Carlton Loftis 63:4:3 Aut 2012 Winter 2013 © Vol. 64, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 45 LOH, I-TO PAX CHRISTI CHORALE. CPWI Hymnal. The Church in the Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bam- Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi Province of the West Indies (rev. by) boo.” I-to Loh (rev. by) David W. Music Chorale (rev. by) Margaret Leask Raymond Glover 63:2:49 Spr 2012 63:4:41 Aut 2012 63:2:49 Spr 2012 Emily Dickinson and Hymn Culture: Tra- Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With PHILIPPINES dition and Experience. Victoria N. Mor- Asian Congregational Song. Swee Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With gan (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Asian Congregational Song. Swee 63:3:51 Sum 2012 LORD’S SUPPER Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Evangelicals in Mexico: Their Hymnody see Communion Poti, NANCY ROCK and its Theology. Dinorah B. Méndez (rev. by) Dan Grimminger 63:1:38 Win LUND, ERIC Inclusive Hymns for Liberation, Peace, and 2012 Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Meditations Justice. Jann Aldredge-Clanton (rev. by) Flor y canto—tercera edicion (rev. by) and Hymus. ed. Eric Lund (rer. by) John Nancy Rock Poti 63:3:52 Sum 2012 Raquel Mora Martinez and Chris Angel Core 63:2:51 Spr 2012 PRESBYTERIAN 63:4:40 Aut 2012 MALAYSIA Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur For Us, God’s People Now. Edith Sinclair Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian Downing (rev. by) R. Frederick Crider Asian Congregational Song. Swee Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, 63:4:41 Aut 2012 Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Presbyterian, and United Churches of Garden of Joy. Dan Damon (rev. by) Chris MARTINEZ, RAQUEL MORA Canada through their History. Hilary Angel 63:1:39 Win 2012 Flor y canto—tercera edicion (rev. by) Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 God Gives Us a Song: A Collection of Texts Raquel Mora Martinez and Chris Angel PSALMS ce» Times for Worship. Mary Kay Beall 63:4:40 Aut 2012 From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition (rev. by) Benjamin Brody 63:1:39 Win McKELLAR, HUGH D. in the English Language from Psalm 2012 Remembering Hugh D. McKellar: 4 Translation to Hymn During the Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi December 1932-8 February 2012. Protestant Reformation. Max Stern Chorale (rev. by) Margaret Leask Margaret Leask 63:43:5 Sum 2012 63:4:6 Aut 2012 63:2:49 Spr 2012 MENDEZ, DINORAH B. RAABE, NANCY M. Hymn Stories for Children: Lent and Evangelicals in Mexico: Their Hymnody One-Minute Devotions for the Church Easter. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna and its Theology. Dinorah B. Méndez Musician: Cycle A. Nancy M. Raabe L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna (rev. by) Dan Grimminger 63:1:38 Win (rev. by) Emily Snider 63:1:43 63:3:52 Sum 2012 2012 REFORMATION Hymn Stories for Children: The Apostles’ MENNONITE, CANADIAN From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition Creed. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna Great Canadian Hymns. Pax Christi in the English Language from Psalm L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna Chorale (rev. by) Margaret Leask Translation to Hymn During the 63:3:52 Sum 2012 63:2:49 Spr 2012 Protestant Reformation. Max Stern Hymnal Companion to “Evangelical 63:4:6 Aut 2012 Lutheran Worsiip.” Paul Westermeyer METHODIST A Comparison of Forgotten Hymnals of REVIEWS (rev. by) Charlotte Kroeker 63:1:40 Win Methodism from Lithuania, Latvia, and A Changed Heart. David Haas (rev. by) 2012 Estonia. S. T. Kambrough Jr. 63:4:16 Andreas Teich 63:2:48 Spr 2012 Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bam- Aut 2012 A Greener Place to Grow: 50 More Hymn boo.” |-to Loh (rev. by) David W. Music News: Singing the Faith Plus 63:2:5 Spr Texts. Adam M. L. Tice (rev. by) Donna 63:4:41 Aut 2012 2012 Hamilton 63:2:48 Spr 2012 Hymns of Light, Vol. 1. Qwen Alstott (rer. A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody: by) Carson Cooman 63:3:53 Sum 2012 Moors, T. WES From Its Missionary Origins to Contem- Inclusive Hymns for Liberation, Peace, and Total Praise: Songs and Other Worslip porary Indigenous Productions. Fang- Justice. Jann Aldredge-Clanton. (rev. by) Resourcefso r Every Generation. ed. Sher- Lan Hsieh (rev. by) Kit Ying Law Nancy Rock Poti 63:3:52 Sum 2012 man R. Tribble (rev. by) T. Wes Moore 63:2:36 Spr 2012 Jubilate, Amen! A Festschrift in Honor of 63:3:55 Sum 2012 A Treasury of Faith: Lectionary Hymns, Donald P. Hustad. ed. Paul A. Richard- MORGAN, VICTORIA N. Series A. Dan Damon and Gracia son and Tim Sharp (rev. by) Larry Wolz Emuly Dickinson and Hymn Culture: Tra- Grindal (rev. by) John R. Kleinheksel Jr. 63:1:41 Win 2012 dition and Experience. Victoria N. Mor- 63:4:39 Aut 2012 Metrical Psalms for the Church Year. Hal gan (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace Alice Parker’s Melodious Accord Hymnal. H. Hopson (rev. by) Jason M. Runnels 63:3:51 Sum 2012 Alice Parker (rev. by) Marilyn Haskel 63:1:41 Win 2012 Music, DAvip W. 63:2:37 Spr 2012 Music and the Wesleys. ed. Nicholas Tem- Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bam- And Every Breath a Song. Delores Dufner perley and Stephen Banfield (rev. by) boo.” 1-to Loh (rev. by) David W. Music (rev. by) John A. Dalles 63:4:39 Aut Erika K. R. Hirsch 63:3:53 Sum 2012 63:4:41 Aut 2012 2012 Never Let the Songs End: New Hymns to The John Beatty Manuscript: An Eigh- Calvin Hampton: A Musician Without Inspire and Uplift. Martin E. Lecke- teenth-Century American Tunebook. Borders. Jonathan Hall (rev. by) Amanda busch (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace David W. Music 63:2:27 Spr 2012 Husberg 63:2:37 Spr 2012 63:1:42 Win 2012 ORGANS Canzona Sings German Hymns/Singt One-Minute Devotions for the Church The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Deutsche Kirchenlieder. (rev. by) Mar- Musician: Cycle A. Nancy M. Raabe July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. Beckstead garet Leask 63:3:50 Sum 2012 (rev. by) Emily Snider 63:1:43 and Robin Knowles Wallace 63:1:7 Win Christian Music: A Global History. Tim Preaching From Home: The Stories ofS even 2012 Dowley (rev. by) Hilary Seraph Donald- Lutheran Women Hymnwriters. Gracia PARKER, ALICE son 63:3:50 Sum 2012 Grindal (rev. by) Chelsea Stern 63:3:54 Alice Parker’s Melodious Accord Hymnal. Companions in the Way. Hilariter, dir. Sum 2012 Alice Parker (rev. by) Marilyn Haskel Andrew Donaldson (rev. by) Margaret Resonant Witness: Conversations Between 63:2:37 Spr 2012 Leask 63:1:38 Win 2012 Music and Theology. ed. Jeremy S. Beg- 46 © The Hymn Vol. 64, No. 1 ¢ Winter 2013 bie and Steven R. Guthrie (rep. by) RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina TAIWAN David Schneider 63:2:50 Spr 2012 Schneider 63:3:5 Sum 2012 Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Meditations RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina Asian Congregational Song. Swee and Hymns. ed. Eric Lund (rev. by) John Schneider 63:4:5 Aut 2012 Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Core 63:2:51 Spr 2012 SCHULER, ULRIKE TEICH, ANDREAS Sing Praise: Hymns and Songs for Refresh- Singing Grace = Von der Gnade Singen: A Changed Heart. David Haas (rev. by) ing Worship (rev. by) John Derksen European Methodist Songbook. ed. Ulrike Andreas Teich 63:2:48 Spr 2012 63:2:52 Spr 2012 Schuler and S T Kimbrough, Jr. (rev. by) Singing Grace = Von der Gnade Singen: Suzanne Byrd 63:3:54 Sum 2012 TEMPERLEY, NICHOLAS European Methodist Songbook. ed. Ulrike Music and the Wesleys. ed. Nicholas Schuler and S T Kimbrough, Jr. (rev. by) SEBESTA, DONALD M. Temperley and Stephen Banfield (rer. Suzanne Byrd 63:3:54 Sum 2012 HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- by) Erika K. R. Hirsch 63:3:53 Sum Sound in the Land: Essays on Mennonite ald Sebesta 63:1:25 Win 2012 2012 HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- Music. ed. Maureen Epp and Carol Ann TEXTS—By First LINE ald Sebesta 63:2:41 Spr 2012 Weaver (rev. by) Margaret Leask 63:4:42 All people that on earth do dwell. From HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Don- Aut 2012 Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition in ald Sebesta 63:3:41 Sum 2012 The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Odes the English Language from Psalm of Solomon. trans. James H. SEERVELD, CALVIN Translation to Hymn During the Charlesworth (rev. by) James Hart The Gift of Genevan Psalmody for Today Protestant Reformation. Max Stern Brumm 63:1:43 Win 2012 Sprung from its Historical Context. 63:4:6 Aut 2012 The Gift of Genevan Psalmody for Today Calvin Seerveld (rev. by) Margaret Leask For Everyone Born, A Place at the Table. Sprung from its Historical Context. 63:1:44 Win 2012 HYMN INTERPRETATION. Lauren Hall Calvin Seerveld (rev. by) Margaret Leask SHARP, TIM 63:3:42 Sum 2012 63:1:44 Win 2012 Jubilate, Amen! A Festschrift in Honor of From this valley we soon shall be leaving. The Revised Grail Psalms: A Liturgical Donald P. Hustad. ed. Paul A. Richard- The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Mani- Psalter. Benedictine Monks of Concep- son and Tim Sharp (rev. by) Larry Wolz toba, July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. tion Abbey (rev. by) John Core 63:2:53 63:1:41 Win 2012 Beckstead and Robin Knowles Wallace Spr 2012 SHORNEY, GEORGE H. 63:1:7 Win 2012 The Sounds of our Offerings: Achieving Remembering George H. Shorney, FHS: Glory, praise, and honor belong to you, O Excellence in Church Music. Charlotte December 16, 1931—March 31, 2012. Christ. Theodulf: Theologian at Charle- Kroeker (rev. by) C. Michael Hawn Carlton R. Young 63:3:7 Sum 2012 magne’s Court, Poet, and Bishop of 63:2:54 Spr 2012 SINGAPORE Orléans. Chris Fenner 63:1:13 Win Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With 2012 Resources for Every Generation. ed. Asian Congregational Song. Swee Take My Life, That I May Be. HYMN Sherman R. Tribble (rev. by) T. Wes Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 INTERPRETATION. Lauren Hall 63:1:29 Moore 63:3:55 Sum 2012 Wonder Reborn: Creating Sermons on SMOAK, A. MERRIL JR. Win 2012 Hymns, Music, and Poetry. Thomas H. The Adventure of Collecting Hymnals: A Touch Me, Lord, With Thy Spirit Eternal. Troeger (rev. by) Adam M. L. Tice Beginning Primer. A. Merril Smoak Jr. HYMN INTERPRETATION. Lauren Hall 63:1:44 Win 2012 63:1:21 Win 2012 63:2:42 Spr 2012 We call out to you. HYMN INTERPRETA- RICHARDSON, PAUL SNIDER, EMILY TION. Lauren Hall 63:4:36 Aut 2012 Jubilate, Amen! A Festschrift in Honor of One-Minute Devotions for the Church Donald P. Hustad. ed. Paul A. Richard- Musician: Cycle A. Nancy M. Raabe THAILAND son and Tim Sharp (rev. by) Larry Wolz (rev. by) Emily Snider 63:1:43 Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With 63:1:41 Win 2012 SOCIAL ISSUES Asian Congregational Song. Swee RosBeErts, D. SIDA HYMN INTERPRETATION: “For Everyone Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. Born, A Place at the Table.” Lauren 'THEODULF D. Sida Roberts 63:1:47 Win 2012 Hall 63:3:42 Sum 2012 Theodulf: Theologian at Charlemagne’s REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSITIONS. Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- Court, Poet, and Bishop of Orléans. D. Sida Roberts 63:2:54 Spr 2012 vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian Chris Fenner 63:1:13 Win 2012 ROMAN CATHOLIC Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, THE CHURCH IN THE PROVINCE see Catholic Presbyterian, and United Churches of OF THE WEST INDIES Canada through their History. Hilary RUNNELS, JASON M. CPWI Hymnal. The Church in the Metrical Psalms for the Church Year. Hal Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 Province of the West Indies (rev. by) H. Hopson (rev. by) Jason M. Runnels SOUTH KOREA Raymond Glover 63:2:49 Spr 2012 63:1:41 Win 2012 Raising the Bamboo Curtain: A Visit With SCHNEIDER, DAVID Asian Congregational Song. Swee Tice, ADAM M. L. Resonant Witness: Conversations Between Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum 2012 Wonder Reborn: Creating Sermons on Music and Theology ed. Jeremy S. Beg- STERN, CHELSEA Hymns, Music, and Poetry. Thomas H. bie and Steven R. Guthrie (rev. by) Preaching From Home: The Stories of Seven Troeger (rev. by) Adam M. L. Tice David Schneider 63:2:50 Spr 2012 Lutheran Women Hymnwriters. Gracia 63:1:44 Win 2012 SCHNEIDER, TINA Grindal (rev. by) Chelsea Stern 63:3:54 A Greener Place to Grow: 50 More Hymn 2012 conference report. Margaret Leask, Sum 2012 Texts. Adam M. L. Tice (rev. by) Donna Hamilton 63:2:48 Spr 2012 Nancy Hall, Tina Schneider, Fred Gra- STERN, MAX ham 63:4:29 Aut 2012 From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition TRIBBLE, SHERMAN R. RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina in the English Language from Psalm Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Schneider 63:1:6 Win 2012 Translation to Hymn During the Resources for Every Generaiion. ed. RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Tina Protestant Reformation. Max Stern Sherman R. Tribble (rev. by) T. Wes Schneider 63:2:6 Spr 2012 63:4:6 Aut 2012 Moore 63:3:55 Sum 2012 Winter 2013 © Vol. 64, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 47 TROEGER, THOMAS H. Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum Presbyterian, and United Churches of Wonder Reborn: Creating Sermons on 2012 Canada through their History. Hilary Hymns, Music, and Poetry. Thomas H. OLD 113TH. Gaining a New Appreciation Seraph Donaldson 63:2:18 Spr 2012 Troeger (rev. by) Adam M. L. Tice for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, WALLACE, ROBIN KNOWLES 63:1:44 Win 2012 and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. EDITOR’s NoTEs. Robin Knowles Wallace TUNEBOOKS Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum 63:1:2 Win 2012 The John Beatty Manuscript: An Eigh- 2012 EpITOR’S NOTES. Robin Knowles Wallace teenth-Century American Tunebook. OLD 124TH. Gaining a New Appreciation 63:2:2 Spr 2012 David *V. Music 63:2:27 Spr 2012 for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, EDITOR’S NOTES. Robin Knowles Wallace TUNES—By NAME and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. 63:3:2 Sum 2012 71st New. The John Beatty Manuscript: Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum EpDITOR’S NOTES. Robin Knowles Wallace An Ejighteenth-Century American 2012 63:4:2 Aut 2012 Tunebook. David W. Music 63:2:27 Spr OLD HUNDREDTH. From Psalm 100 to Emily Dickinson and Hymn Culture: Tra- 2012 Hymn: The Transition in the English dition and Experience. Victoria N. Mor- ALL LANDs. Gaining a New Appreciation Language from Psalm Translation to gan (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, Hymn During the Protestant Reforma- 63:3:51 Sum 2012 and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. tion. Max Stern 63:4:6 Aut 2012 Never Let the Songs End: New Hymns to Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum PsALM 42. Gaining a New Appreciation Inspire and Uplift. Martin E. Lecke- 2012 for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, busch (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace Au Fort DE MA DETRESSE. Gaining a and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. 63:1:42 Win 2012 New Appreciation for Calvin and Music: Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum The Meeting Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba, The Past, Present, and Future of the 2012 July 15-19, 2012. Sharon L. Beckstead Genevan Psalm Tune. Heather Josselyn- RASA SAYANG. Raising the Bamboo Cur- and Robin Knowles Wallace 63:1:7 Win Cranson 63:3:22 Sum 2012 tain: A Visit With Asian Congregational 2012 Song. Swee Hong Lim 63:3:10 Sum CONTRITION. Gaining a New Appreciation WATTS, ISAAC 2012 for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, From Psalm 100 to Hymn: The Transition RENDEZ A DiEvu. Gaining a New Appreci- and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. in the English Language from Psalm ation for Calvin and Music: The Past, Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum Translation to Hymn During the Present, and Future of the Genevan 2012 Protestant Reformation. Max Stern Psalm Tune. Heather Josselyn-Cranson CONVERSE. The John Beatty Manuscript: 63:4:6 Aut 2012 63:3:22 Sum 2012 An Ejighteenth-Century American WEAVER, CAROL ANN RussIA. HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Touch Tunebook. David W. Music 63:2:27 Spr Sound in the Land: Essays on Mennonite Me, Lord, With Thy Spirit Eternal.” 2012 Music. ed. Maureen Epp and Carol Ann Lauren Hall 63:2:42 Spr 2012 DONNE SECOURS. Gaining a New Appreci- Weaver (rev. by) Margaret Leask 63:4:42 ation for Calvin and Music: The Past, ST. ELIZABETH 1998. HYMN PERFOR- Aut 2012 Present, and Future of the Genevan MANCE: An Introduction to Chord Sym- Psalm Tune. Heather Josselyn-Cranson bols on Lead Sheets. Edward L. Doem- WEZEMAN, PHYLLIS VOS land 63:3:45 Sum 2012 Hymn Stories for Children: Lent and 63:3:22 Sum 2012 ST. MICHAEL. Gaining a New Appreciation Easter. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna JUSTICE. HYMN INTERPRETATION: “We Call Out to You.” Lauren Hall 63:4:36 for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna Aut 2012 and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. 63:3:52 Sum 2012 Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum Hymn Stories for Children: The Apostles’ LAsstT UNS ERFREUEN. HYMN PERFOR- MANCE: A Consistent Jazz-Based Har- 2012 Creed. Phyllis Vos Wezeman and Anna monization of a Classic Tune. Ed THIRSTING. Gaining a New Appreciation L. Liechty (rev. by) Kristen Hanna Doemland 63:2:4 Spr for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, 63:3:52 Sum 2012 LEONI. HYMN PERFORMANCE: The Hymn and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. WESTERMEYER, PAUL Tune LEONI and Its Texts. By Edward Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum Hymnal Companion to “Evangelical L. Doemland 63:1:31 Win 2012 2012 Lutheran Worship.” Paul Westermeyer Mit FREUDEN ZART. Gaining a New TOMA Mi VOLUNTAD. HYMN INTERPRETA- (rev. by) Charlotte Kroeker 63:1:40 Win Appreciation for Calvin and Music: The TION: “Take My Life, That I May Be.” 2012 Past, Present, and Future of the Lauren Hall 63:1:29 Win 2012 WoOLz, LARRY Genevan Psalm Tune. Heather Josselyn- TOULON. Gaining a New Appreciation for Jubilate, Amen! A Festschrift in Honor of Cranson 63:3:22 Sum 2012 Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, Donald P. Hustad. ed. Paul A. Richard- NausAH. The John Beatty Manuscript: An and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. son and Tim Sharp (rev. by) Larry Wolz Eighteenth-Century American Tune- Heather Josselyn-Cranson 63:3:22 Sum 63:1:41 Win 2012 book. David W. Music 63:2:27 Spr 2012 YOUNG, CARLTON R. 2012 UNITED CHURCHES OF CANADA Remembering George H. Shorney, FHS: OLD 100TH. Gaining a New Appreciation Toward a Musical Praxis of Justice: A Sur- December 16, 1931—March 31, 2012. for Calvin and Music: The Past, Present, vey of Global and Indigenous Canadian Carlton R. Young 63:3:7 Sum 2012 and Future of the Genevan Psalm Tune. Song in the Hymnals of the Anglican, 48 ¢ The Hymn Vol. 64, No. 1 ¢ Winter 2013

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