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The Hutchinson Dictionary of World Mythology. PDF

254 Pages·2007·1.232 MB·English
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The Hutchinson Dictionary of World Mythology Preface The Hutchinson Dictionary of World Mythology is a reference book, with entries arranged in A–Z format. To go directly to a particular entry, click on the link in the table of contents. There are also links between entries – click on any underlined word to jump to the related entry. © Copyright Research Machines plc 2005. All rights reserved. Helicon Publishing is a division of Research Machines plc. Helicon Publishing New Mill House 183 Milton Park Abingdon Oxon OX14 4SE e-mail: helicon@rm.com Web site: www.helicon.co.uk Table of contents A Abnoba Abuk Acheron Achilles Actaeon Adapa Aditi Admetus Adonis Adrasteia Aeëtes Aegisthus Aeneas Aeneid Aeolus Aesir Aeson afterlife Agamemnon Aglaia Agung, Mount Ahalya Ahat Ahau Kin Ah Mun Ahriman Ahura Mazdah Air Spirit Aither Ajax Ajax Alalu Alcestis Alkmene Amalthea Amanominakanushi-no-kami Ama-no-uzume Amaterasu Amaunet Amazon Amazon Amida Amitabha Amma Amon Amphitrite Amphitryon Anahita Ananta Anat Anath ancestors Anchises Andromeda Angra Mainyu animals Antaboga Antaeus Antigone Antiope Antiope Anu Anu Anubis Apaosha Apep Aphrodite Apollo Apsu Ara and Irik Areop-Enap Ares Argonaut Argonauts, Voyage of Argos Argula Ariadne Artemis Arthur Ascanius Asgard Ashera Asklepios Astarte Asura Ataentsic Atalanta Athene Atlantis Atlas Atrahasis Atreus Atum Avalokiteshvara Aztlan B Baal Baba Iaga Bacab Bacchus Baladeva Balar Balarama Balder bannik Barong Bastet Basuki Batara Guru Batara Kala Bedawang Beli the Great Bell Bird Brothers Bellerophon Beowulf Bes Bintu Black Misery Bladder Festival Blodeuwedd Boann Bodhbh Bodhisattva Bota Ili Botoque Brahma Brân the Blessed Brer Rabbit Brighid Buddhism C Cadmus Calais and Zetes Calchas Callisto Can Nü Cao Guojiu cargo cults Cassandra Castor and Polydeuces Cathbhadh Cú Chulainn Centaur Centeotl Centzon Totochtin Cepheus Cerberus Ceres Cernunnos Cerynean Hind Cessair Chac Chalchiuhtlicue Chaos Charon Charybdis Chibinda Ilunga Chicomecoatl Chimera Chinawezi Chiron Chitimukulu Chronos churning of the ocean Circe Clotho Clymene Clytemnestra Coatlicue Cocijo Cocytus Conán the Bald Conchobar Confucius Conla corn, origin of cornucopia cosmology Coyote creation Crow and Crab Cuichu culture hero Cupid Cybele Cyclops D Daedalus Daghdha Daitya Daksha Danaë Danaïd Danu Dao De Jing Dasharatha Dazhbog death, origin of Deianeira Deirdre Demeter Deucalion Devi Diana Dian Cécht Diarmaid Dido Di Jun Diomedes Diomedes Dionysos Dioscuri Dis Pater Djunggun domovoi Dôn Donar Donn dragon Draupnir Dreamtime Dumuzi Durga dvorovoi Dxui E Ea Eaglehawk and Crow Earth Diver Ebisu Echidne Echo Ehecatl Eight Immortals Eileithyia El El Dorado Elegba Elysium Emituofo Emma-ho Enki Enkidu Enkimdu Enlil Ennead Eochaidh mac Eirc Eos Epimetheus Epona Erebos Ericthonius Erinyes Eros Erymanthian Boar Eshu Etana Euphrosyne Europa Eurydice Eurynome Eurystheus F Fafnir Faro Fates Father Sky Faunus Fenrir Fer Diadh Ferghus Filial Piety, The Twenty-Four Examples of Finn Fir Bholg fire, origin of Fireshade and Fireshine Five Ages Five Suns flood myths Fomorian Frea Freyja Freyr Frigg Frum, John Fu Furies Fu Xi G Gaia Galateia Ganesha Ganga Ganymede Garang Garuda Gautama Gautama Geb Gefion Gerd Gesar Khan Gigantomachy Gilgamesh Ginnungagap Gitchi Manitou Gla Glooskap Goibhniu Golden Fleece Gong Gong Gorgons Gourd Children Graces Graeae Gráinne Great Mother Greek and Roman deities Gri-gum Gu Guanyin Gucumatz Gwydion H Hachiman Hades Hammer God Hanuman Han Xiang Han Zhongli hares and rabbits Hathor Haumia Hebe Hector Hecuba Heh and Hehet Heimdall Hekate Hekatoncheires Hel Helen Helios Hellen Hephaistos Hera Herakles Herakles, Labours of Hermaphroditus Hermes Hesperides Hestia He Xiangu Hina Hine-hau-one Hine-nui-te-po Hippolyte Ho-no-susori and Hiko-hoho-demi Honoyeta Horus Hreidmar Hrungnir Huehueteotl Huitzilopochtli humanity, origin of Hunaphu Hun Dun Hydra Hymir Hyperion Hypsipyle I Icarus Ifa Iliad Ilyap'a Imhotep Inari Indra Ing Inti Invasions, Book of Io Iolofath Irik Ishtar Isis Islands of the Blessed Itzamna Ivan the Fool Ix Chel Ixion Izanagi and Izanami J Jade Emperor jaguar Jambudvipa Janaka Janus Jason Jataka Jimmu-tenno Jizo Jocasta Jotunheim Juno Jupiter Jurupari K

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