The human circadian timing system in aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Depression THE HUMAN CIRCADIAN TIMING SYSTEM IN AGING, ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND DEPRESSION ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op dinsdag 30 januari 2007, te 12:00 uur door Yinghui Wu geboren te HuangShan, Volksrepubliek China PROMOTIECOMMISSIE Promotores: Prof. dr. D.F. Swaab Prof. dr. J.N. Zhou Overige leden: Prof. dr. R.M. Buijs Prof. dr. G.A. Kerkhof Prof. dr. W.A. van Gool Dr. M.P. Gerkema Dr. G.T. J. van der Horst Faculteit der Geneeskunde This investigation was carried out at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience with financial support from Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (01CDP019, 02CDP014, 04CDP026) National Key project for Basic Science of China (G1999054007) Hersenstichting Nederland (11F03.07) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Publication of this thesis was financially supported by Netherlands Insitute for Neuroscience Van Leersumfonds KNAW University of Amsterdam Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (ISAO) Stichting Onderzoek Licht & Gezondheid (SOLG) J. E. Jurriaanse Stichting Book design: Henk Stoffels, Amsterdam Print: Gildeprint bv, Enschede Contents Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Chapter 2 Molecular changes underlying reduced pineal melatonin levels 47 in Alzheimer’s disease: alterations in preclinical and clinical stages Chapter 3 A promoter polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A gene 65 is associated with the increased MAOA activity in Alzheimer’s disease Chapter 4 Pineal clock gene oscillation is disturbed in Alzheimer’s disease, 77 due to functional disconnection from the “master clock” Chapter 5 Distribution of melatonin receptor MT1 immunoreactivity in 95 the human hypothalamus and pituitary gland: colocalization of MT1 with vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing hormone Chapter 6 Decreased MT1 melatonin receptor expression in the 117 suprachiasmatic nucleus in aging and Alzheimer’s disease Chapter 7 Increased number of neurons expressing melatonin receptor 133 MT1 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in depression, and its relation to age at onset and disease duration Chapter 8 General discussion 147 References 175 Summary 210 Nederlandse samenvatting 215 List of publications 220 Acknowledgements 221 List of abbreviations 222 Curriculum vitae 224 Chapter 1 General introduction Content A. The circadian timing system and its molecular basis: changes in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, 9 depression and other circadian rhythm disorders B. The human pineal gland and melatonin in aging and Alzheimer’s disease 28 C. Melatonin receptors: localization, molecular biology and physiological significance 36 D. Scope of the thesis 41 A. The circadian timing system and its molecular basis: changes in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and other circadian rhythm disorders Partly based upon the paper: Y-H Wu, D.F. Swaab, Sleep Medicine, accepted The past decade has been an extremely exciting and fast paced time for circadian biol- ogy, in which the basic molecular mechanisms underlying the mammalian circadian clock were defined. This paper reviews the circadian timing system and its molecular components that provide the mechanisms for the regulation of circadian rhythms in mammals including humans, and relates them to the circadian abnormalities in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and other circadian rhythm-related diseases. The circadian timing system Temporal variations in endocrine, metabolism, autonomic, pharmacokinetics, and in some aspects of disease show the pervasive influence of the circadian clock on human physiology and pathophysiology. These circadian rhythms, as they are called, are the external expression of an internal timing mechanism that measures daily time. Cir- cadian clocks are normally set or entrained by periodic environmental cues, with the daily light-dark cycle as the most pervasive and potent entraining stimulus in mam- mals. An entrained circadian clock ensures that rhythms in physiology and behavior are in tune with the 24-h day. Three major components are present in all circadian systems identified to date: (a) a light input pathway to a self-sustained master circadian pacemaker, (b) the circadian pacemaker, and (c) output pathways by which the circadian pacemaker regulates overt rhythms in biochemistry, physiology, and behavior throughout the organism 1. 9 chapter 1 Suprachiasmtic nucleus: the “central biological clock” In mammals, the endogenous biological circadian clock is located in the suprachias- matic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus 2, 3. The SCN is situated just above the optic chiasm, on each side of the third ventricle 4, 5. SCN neurons are not homog- enous, but are classified according to their neuropeptide content 4, 6. A simplified view of the rodent SCN has a core of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) expressing neurons and a surrounding shell of arginine vasopressin peptide (AVP) expressing neurons. Both parts of the SCN each contain approximately 10,000 tightly packed neurons in the mouse 4, and 16,000 neurons in the rat 5. In the ventrolateral part of the rodent SCN, neurons synthesize VIP, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and/or peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI). In between these two cell populations, a distinct popula- tion of somatostatin (SOM)-positive neurons is found. Gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) is present throughout the SCN and colocalizes with the above-mentioned neurotransmitters. In addition, many more neurotransmitters have been reported to be present, such as galanin and antiotensin II (for review see 7). Animal experiments have shown that lesions of the SCN abolish the locomotor activity rhythm as well as other rhythms, while transplantation of a fetal SCN may restore circadian activity rhythms in such lesioned animals 7-13. Interestingly, a restored rhythm adapts to the circadian rhythm of the donor, not to that of the recipience 14. In both night-active (nocturnal) and day-active (diurnal) mammals, most SCN neurons are active during the daytime and inactive at night time 7, 15-17. The circadian rhythm in metabolic activity of the SCN is also similar in diurnal and nocturnal mammals, with a peak at midday 18. Humans and other mammals share a very similar anatomy and physiology of the circadian system, which strongly supports the critical role of the SCN in humans. The human SCN is also located in the anterior hypotha- lamus, bilaterally next to the third ventricle and on top of the optic chiasm, just as in other mammals (Fig. 1). The human SCN has similar structures and contains similar neurotransmitters AVP, VIP and GABA to the rodent 6, 19. The AVP and VIP neu- ropeptide show a clear circadian pattern in the human SCN 20, 21 (Fig. 2). The bilateral human SCN is about 1 mm3 in volume and contains about 100.000 neurons 22. The vasopressin subnucleus of the SCN has a volume of 0.25 mm3 and contains some 10.000 vasopressin neurons on each side 23. The human SCN additionally contains neurotensin as an important neurotransmitter 19. The projections from the retina to the human SCN and from the SCN to other brain regions of the hypothalamus in human are very similar to those in rat 24, 25. The circadian system is functionally similar in hu- man and other mammals, and can be phase-shifted by light and melatonin, the most important day and night signals for the SCN, respectively 26. Finally, the importance of the SCN for circadian rhythms in humans is revealed by clinical observations. Pa- tients who had a lesion in the suprachiasmatic region in the hypothalamus, e.g. as the 10 general introduction A. B. SCN Fig. 1 The location of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the human brain. A. Midsagittal view of the human brain. B. a thionin-stained coronal section of the human brain. 11 chapter 1 A. 0.2 mm III Fig. 2 A. Distribution of arginine vasopressin (AVP)-expressing and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing neurons in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in con- secutive frontal sections. Drawing showing the distribution of the AVP neurons (dots) and VIP neurons (circles) through the mid-portion of the SCN. B. Circadian fluctuations of the AVP and VIP-expressing cell numbers in the human SCN. The data is represented by mean ± S.E.M. (gray area indicates S.E.M.) III: third ventricle. Top is caudal, bottom is rostral. Modified from Hofman (2000). result of metastasis, indeed showed a decreased expression of vasopressin in the SCN and disturbed circadian rhythms 19, 27-29. In addition, in a patient with a hypothalamic astrocytoma that destroyed the SCN bilaterally, disruptions of the day/night rhythm of the wake/sleep pattern was observed 30. Input to the SCN The endogenous biological clock, the SCN, can function autonomously, independent of any external time cues, but its intrinsic period is not exactly 24 h. The endogenous circadian clock is entrained to a 24-h environmental cycle by environmental cues, in particular light/dark cycles. Some blind people who lack the synchronizing input 12