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INDEX TO VOLUME LII AUTHORS Albarelli, Dean: Tacit (poe Dooley, David: During the Rosary; The Allen, Brooke: Sorcerers’ Appre ( review) Matisse Revealed (revie Flower, Dean: Nature Does Not Exist Shades of Matthew Arnold for Us (review) Applewhite, James: Charles Cynicism and Its Discontents Balée, Susan: Victorian \ Other Mind Trips (7 Frisardi, Andrew: The Anomaly of Ed- Sexy Wits (revieu . win Muir Bawer, Bruce: Reading at Risk Fromm, Harold: Peter Conrad, Mod selves: The Novels ernist Rhetor (review) Stadler (review) Gwynn, R.S.: Subject Matters (revie André Gide, Evangelist es Cléante to Elmire; 1969 (poems) Behrendt, Stephen C.: Deer Season: Hales, John: Hiking In, and Hiking U.S. 41; Mrs. Sewell’s Poems (poems) gv Poisson- (poem) niére; Night Train, Sweder (poems) Harrison, Jeffrey: White Spaces (poem) Brock, Geoffrey: Odysseus Old; The Hazo, Samuel: A Time of No Shadows Upper Room (poems) . ae (poem) Bunin, Ivan: Rusya, trans. by Graham Henson, Stuart: Nocturne; Up There Hettlinger (story) (poems) meats Cambridge, Gerry: Island Lette Hettlinger, Graham, trans.: Rusya, by ( poem) wend Ivan Bunin (story) aaa Hooper, Patricia: The Statues; Eve; Cardullo, Bert: Blood, Snow and Tears. Suicide Is Painless Equinox (poems) [he Happiness of Your Fri nds and Horace: Prayer to Venus, trans. by Neighbors . ee Craig Watson (poem) Mirror Images, or Children of Para- Hornby, Richard: O'Neill Our Con- temporary Williams and Miller on Broadway Theatre in London Gift (poems) ane he Shakespeare’s Globe Christine de Pisan: Five ems from Jarman, Mark: Dark Night of the Bril- the French of Christine Pisan, liant Talker (review) trans. by Charles Martin and Jo- Eyewitnesses of Majesty (review) . hanna Keller a Jeffers, Thomas L.: Lawrence, Sons and Clark, Robert S.: Music Chronicle. . . Lovers, and the End of Sex F International Festival: Bergen, Nor- Keller, Johanna and Charles Martin, trans.: Five Poems from the French of Christine de Pisan ; spective peace sits Lea, Sydney: Authority (poem) .... Cox, Brian: Ted Hughes (1930-1998): Lewis, Tess: Music Was the Food o A Personal Retrospect ; Love: So Was Architecture, Painting Davis, Alan: Fiction Chronicle (review) . and Verse Day, Lucille Lang: Red Shoes; Christ- Lieberman, Laurence: Wolf of the mas Eve at the Cemetery (poems) . Skies (poem) ' 245 Disch, Thomas M.: Job Opportunities Lind, Michael: The Three Countries in Contemporary Poetry (review) . of the American Mind 6 Donaghy, Michael: Black Ice and Rain; Logan, William: Nativity (poem)... 280 Irena of Alexandria; Refusals (poems). Loughery, John: Rothko or Pollack?. 129 THE HUDSON REVIEW The Hard Supjects:,.. <0... 6556005 289 Reeve, F.D.: Voices; Three Fish (poems) Portraiture: Public and Private Lives 439 Richman, Robert: Watching You Read Che Portraits of Ingres 641 (poem) McDonald, Peter: The Mild Autumn; Rogers, Pattiann: Almanac (poem).... The Watercolourists (poems) 624 Seaton, James: Santayana Today McDowell, Robert: A Rare Moment for Shukman, Henry: The Venice Faxes All of Us (review) 346 RODIN asss facets one etic atC ole nine ire etna as 546 Father Walt and the Divine Average Siegel, Marcia B.: Nijinsky in Transla- ( review) tion (review) McMahon, Lynne: Not Falling (poem). Simon, John: “When the Ecstatic Body McQuilkin, Rennie: The Lighters Grips” ( poe m) Skloot, Floyd: Seed (poem) Mahapatra, Jayanta: Dust (poem) Slavitt, David R.: Shine in the Dread- Makuck, Peter: The Trouble with full Dark: The Sidnean Psalms..... 563 NN ied osc eS dion hak eyed wee RS 2 Stevenson, Anne: The Miracle of Martin, Charles and Johanna Keller, Camp 60; Innocence and Experi- trans: Five Poems from the French ence; Postscriptum; Vertigo (poems). 205 of Christine de Pisan Sullivan, Alan: Potala; Jade Mountain Martin, Charles: Against a Certain (poems) Kind of Ardency; Just a Smack at Sullivan, Alan and Timothy Murphy, EATS A DOOMS) ce ciclo b.5sslenivcces trans.: The Fire-Drake (poem)...... 587 Mason, David: Varieties of Poetic Ex- Sutton, Dorothy: Gorgeous George perience (review)... POEMS) 5566s asa ee cy nee Te 281 Mayhall, Jane: Serenade (poem) Szirtes, George: Prayer for My Daugh- Merwin, W.S.: Sonnet; The Open ter; Cromer Green at the Regency Land (poems) Café (poems) Moyer, Kermit: Lycanthropy (story) Thiel, Diane: Twelve-Day Buddhist Si- Mullen, Alexandra: Wilkie Collins’ lent Retreat (P00) «5620450552500 277 Beached Tale (review) Thompson, N. S.: A Fallen Angel Murphy, Timothy and Alan Sullivan, (poem) trans.: The Fire-Drake (poem)...... 5: Here Comes Everybody: British Po- Murphy, Timothy: The Muromachi Cty TORY ccc nes ice aces aces OOF Cranes (poem) Thorpe, Adam: Discipline (poem) .... 632 Nelson, Marilyn: For the Feast of Cor- Tillinghast, Richard: Poetry Chronicle pus Christi; Morning-Star (poems) .. 27 on) A Pee ees a 507 Nurkse, D.: A Delay in Vorkuta; The Walsh, Patrick: Missing Person (poem). 106 Formal Gardens at Karia; Home Be- Watson, Craig, trans.: Prayer to Venus, fore Light (poems) by Horace (poem) Phillips, Robert: Watson, George: The Magus of the (poem) 402 North: Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-97) . 2 Utterly Unlike (review) 689 Webster, Diana: Cannibals and Kava. . Pritchard, William H.: Authorizing Wilhelmus, Tom: Epater les Bourgeois Samuel Johnson (review) (review) All That Jazz (review) Wilkin, Karen: Matisse and Picasso in Fort Worth. .. BOOKS REVIEWED ( Listed by Author) Acocella, Joan, ed.: The Diary of Vaslav trans. by Jeffrey M. Green (Tom Nijinshy: Unexpurgated Edition, trans. Wilhelmus) by Kyril Fitzlyon (Marcia B. Siegel). 475 Ausonius: Three Amusements, trans. by Appelfeld, Aharon: The Conversion, David R. Slavitt (Thomas M. Disch). 313 INDEX TO VOLUME Lil! 703 Bacchylides: Epinician Grennan, Eamon: Relations: New and yrambs of Bacchylides, tra Selected Poems (Richard Tillinghast) R. Slavitt (Thomas M Hannay, Margaret P., Noel J. Kinna Barker, Pat: Another mon, and Michael G. Brennan, eds:.: Flower)... The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Barnes, Julian: England Herbert (David R. Slavitt) ....... Flower)... ; Herbert, Mary Sidney: The Collected Barrett, Andrea: The \ Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, ed. by whal (Susan Balée) Margaret P. Hannay, Noel.J . Kinna Bausch, Richard: Somec mon, and Michael G. Brennan (Da- Me (Dean Flower) Belli, Angela and Jack Couk Blood and Bone: Poe (Thomas M. Disch) Holmes, Richard: Coleridge: Darker Re Bly, Robert: Eating the H flections, 1804-1834 (Mark Jarman) $99 New and Selected Poems (Robe Hudgins, Andrew: (R. S. Gwynn) Boland, Eavan: The Lost I Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer: East into Upper Tillinghast) ... East (Susan Balée) Booth, Philip: Lifeline Kinnamon, Noel J., Margaret P. Han- (Robert Phillips). nay, and Michael G. Brennan, eds.: Brennan, Michael G., Ma The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Hannay, and Noel J. Kinnamon, Herbert (David R. Slavitt) ¥ eds.: The Collected Works of M Sid. Kirschten, Robert, ed.: The Selected Po- ney Herbert (David R. Slavitt ems, by James Dickey (R.S. Gwynn) . 323 Brokaw, Tom: The Greatest ( Leithauser, Brad: The Odd Last Thing (Robert McDowell) She Did (R.S. Gwynn) Busch, Frederick: The Nig Lessing, Doris: Mara and Dann (Tom (Dean Flower). . ‘ Wilhelmus) Byatt, A.S.: Elementals (Alan Davi Collins, Wilkie: Jolani; or, 7 1s it was. A Romance, ed. by Ira B. Nadel Lipking, Lawrence: Samuel Johnson: The (Alexandra Mullen) . Life of an Author (William H. Prit- Conrad, Peter: Modern Tir chard) . Places (Harold Fromm) Coulehan, Jack and Angel: Lopez, Barry: About This Life: Journeys Blood and Bone: Poems on the Threshold of Memory (Dean (Thomas M. Disch) Flower) , Loving, Jerome: Walt Whitman: The Dickey, James: The Selected Poe Song of Himself (Robert McDowell) Robert Kirschten (R.S. Gi Douglas, Ellen: Truth (Ala Lynch, Thomas: Still Life in Milford Dove, Rita: On the Bus wu (Thomas M. Disch) (Robert Phillips) Mahler-Werfel, Alma: Diaries: 1898 Dubus III, Andre: House 1902, selected and trans. by An- Fog (Tom Wilhelmus) thony Beaumont (Tess Lewis) . . Elder, John: Reading the M Mahon, Derek: The Yellow Book (David Home (Dean Flower) Mason) Epstein, Joseph: Narcissw Mahoney, Rosemary: A Likely Story: One Pool: Familiar Essays (Susai Summer with Lillian Hellman (Brooke Fairchild, B.H.: The Art (David Mason) ..... Mahony, Phillip, ed.: From Both Sides Gates, David: The Wonders of Now: The Poetry of the Vietnam War and World (Dean Flower) Its Aftermath (Thomas M. Disch) Giddins, Gary: Visions of Jazz: The First Merwin, W. S.: The Folding Cliffs (David Century (William H. Pritcha cas Mason) ‘ Goldbarth, Albert: Beyond (Thomas M Miles, Josephine: Collected Pozms, Disch) 1930-83 (Richard Tillinghast) THE HUDSON REVIEW Miller, Alyce: Stopping for Green Lights Spurling, Hilary: The Unknown Matisse: (Alan Davis) A Life of Henri Matisse: The Early Moore, Lorrie: Birds of America (Susan Years, 1869-1908 (Brooke Allen) .. Balée) Stadler, Matthew: Allan Stein (Bruce Motion, Andrew: Keats (Joseph Ep- Bawer) .. stein) Stern, Gerald: This Time: New and Se- Mount, Jem (and Sam) lected Poems (R.S. Gwynn) Sudhalter, Richard: Lost Chords: White Musicians and Their Contributions to 1 Ane BAS Peer ay ae ge ne : Jazz (William H. Pritchard) Munro, Alice: The Love of a Good Swenson, Karen: A Daughter’s Latitude: Woman (Susan Balée) New ©& Selected Poems (Robert Phil- Murphy, Timothy: The Deed of Gift 689 (UPGRIES RAEINEN Tc ox eie cee aces Taylor, Eleanor Ross: Late Leisure Nadel, Ira B., ed.: Jolant; or, Tahiti as it (Richard Tillinghast) . . 507 Was. 4 Romance, by Wilkie Collins Theroux, Paul: Sir Vidia’s Shadow (Alexandra Mullen) (BROOKE ANCE) onic cs. ascepwecseas Nijinsky, Vaslav: The Diary of Vaslav Tilghman, Christopher: The Way People Nijinsky: Unexpurgated Edition, ed. by Joan Acocella, trans. by Kyril Fitz- lyon (Marcia B. Siegel) 5 Updike, John: Toward the End of Time Offutt, Chris: Out of the Woods (Susan (Susan Balée) Balée) Van Walleghen, Michael: The Last Ne- Perlman, Elliot: Three Dollars (Dean anderthal (Robert Phillips) Flower) Vu, Tran: The Dragon Hunt, trans. by Petsinis, Tom: The French Mathemati- Nina McPherson and Phan Huy cian (Susan Balée) Duong (Alan Davis) Powell, Anne, ed.: A Deep Cry: First Wallace, David Foster: Brief Interviews World War Soldier-Poets Killed in France with Hideous Men (Dean Flower) ... and Flanders (Thomas M. Disch) ... 5 Warner, Alan: The Sopranos (Alan Powers, Richard: Gain (Tom Wilhel- FRMER ro neo anh oma ie aie Grane 339 Warner, Michael, American Ser- Proulx, Annie: Close Range (Dean mons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther King, Jr. (Mark Jarman) Weber, Katharine: The Music Lesson Stopped (Richard Tillinghast) ...... L (Tom Wilhelmus) Wetzsteon, Rachel: Home and Away Richman, Robert: Voice on_ the Wind Eee WP ENED Fy 5\ce ivo ie payee e,o sdo-e bie ace Se: (David Mason) Wilson, A.N.: God’s Funeral (William H. Salter, Mary Jo: A Kiss in Space (Robert PEHCHACO) 5 iso is 'cas dole siviale vate teors IKIorI Phillips) 689 Winterson, Jeanette: The World and Saramago, José: Blindness, trans. by Other Places (Alan Davis) Giovanni Pontiero (Susan Balée) .. 167 Wood, James: The Broken Estate: Essays Shapiro, Karl: The Wild Card: Selected Po- on Literature and Belief (Brooke ems, Early and Late (David Mason)... 14] Allen) Sheridan, Alan: André Gide: A Life in the Zwinger, Ann Haymond: The Near- Present (Bruce Bawer) sighted Naturalist (Dean Flower) .... 305 VOLUME LII Spring 1999 (No. 1) pages 1-176; Summer 1999 (No. 2) pages 177-352; Autumn 1999 (No. 3) pages 353-528; Winter 2000 (No. 4) pages 529-704 ae |

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