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INDEX TO VOLUME XLVIII AUTHORS Baer, William: The Cuban Girl (poem) A Fine and Private View (review) .. 485 Fromm, Harold: O, Paglia Mia! (re- Balée, Susan: Two-Part Harmony (re- view) view) Postmodern Ecologizing: Circum- Bawer, Bruce: Violated by Ideas: Re- ference Without a Center (review) . 691 flections on Literature in an Age of Goedicke, Patricia: Montana Pears Identity Politics (poem) Greening, John: Letter from England . Poetry Chronicle Bell, Madison Smartt: Miroir Danjere. 587 Grosholz, Emily: Tour of the Flower Bly, Robert: A Family Picture; Reading Depot at Sanary (poem) Silence in the Snowy Fields, The Boy Gwynn, R.S.: Make the World Cohere Looking for His Parents (poems) ... 425 (review) Bogin, Nina: Seven Hawks; The Or- Haines, John: The Ancestors; Rodin: chards of Vandoncourt; Let’s Share The Gates of Hell; Clouds at 30,000 the Frugal Meal; There’s No Hour; Feet (poems) Stockholm, Summer 1990 (poems) . Poetry Chronicle Buckley, Christopher: Dreaming the Henley, Jim: Ozymandias III (poem) Clouds of 1956 (poem) Hoey, Allen: The Winter of Little Snow Bowers, Neal: The Age of Surrender (poem) (poem) Hooper, Patricia: The Best Hour Calbert, Cathleen: Silent Men (poem) . 619 (poem) Cardullo, Bert: Schindler’s Miss ..... 121 Hornby, Richard: Aging Actresses ... Mirabile visu et dictu Mathematical Drama Spanish and American LA’s 99-Seat Theatre Family Affairs Cross-Gender Casting Chapman, Robin S.: The Blue Hat Hyett, Barbara Helfgott: Two Snakes (poem) (poem) Clark, Robert S.: Music Chronicle ... Davis, Alan: The Purest Wilderness: Jarman, Mark: The Primal Storyteller Feasting and Fasting in Fiction (re- (review) view) Kooser, Ted: Poet; Lawn Chairs; A Day, Lucille: In the Hidden Garden: Midwinter Letter (poems) Two Translations of the Song of Krist, Gary: Comedy (review) Songs g Lieberman, Laurence: Romp of the Disch, Thomas M.: Poetry Chronicle . 339 Cave Healer (poem) The Evidence of Things Not Seen Loughery, John: Faded Glory (review) Redefining an Art Form Dobyns, Stephen: When a Friend; Rat- Just Deserts tletrap (poems) American _‘T reasures: Whistler, Dooley, David: Bloom and the Canon Stettheimer, Scully (review) McDowell, Robert: When Baseball Epstein, Joseph: Elizabeth Bishop: Made Out Never a Bridesmaid MacInnes, Mairi: The Ghostwriter The Pleasures of Reading (poem) Filbin, Thomas: Why Ask Why? (re- Makuck, Peter: Costly Habits (story) view) Mason, David: The Country I Remem- Fisk, Josiah: Houston Grand Opera .. 287 ber: A Narrative (poem) Flower, Dean: Poe, Borges, and the Louis Simpson’s Singular Charm (re- Analytic Detective Story (review) ... 153 702 THE HUDSON REVIEW The Poetry of Life and the Life of Siegel, Marcia B.: Revivals as Forgeries Poetry Murphy, Timothy: Hadrian Bereaved; The Mustard Seed Garden; The Thomas, Randolph: May Prescott (sto- Drunken Sage (poems) ry) Nurkse, D.: Peace after Long Sickness; Tuohy, Frank: Bennett Award Accep- Crossing the Ark Mountains (poems) . tance Speech, 1994 Omanson, Bradley: Class (poem) Tuttleton, James W.: Getting to Know Pfluger, Carl: Progress, Irony and Hu- Edith (review) man Sacrifice Rehabilitating Victorian Values (re- Phillips, Robert: Spinach Days (poem) . 611 view) Potter, Ellen: Native Intelligence (story) . 433 Van Walleghen, Michael: The Last Ne- Pritchard, William H.: Appreciating anderthal; Ghost (poems) Kingsley Amis (review) i3 Looking Back at Lessing (review) .. 3 Watson, George: The Art of Disagree- Reading Joseph Epstein (review) ... ment: C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) .... Rhodenbaugh, Suzanne: Preparing for Wilhelmus, Tom: Ranches of Isolation Immortality (poem) (review) Rogers, Pattiann: The Consequences Without Color: Zora Neale Hurston of Death (poem) (review) Schultz, Robert: When Men Look at Wolf, Michele: Keep Going; The Di- Women: Sex in an Age of Theory . 365 orama; Seizure (poems) BOOKS REVIEWED (Listed by Author) Amis, Martin: The Information (Gary Bunting, Basil: Complete Poems (John Krist) Greening) Benstock, Shari: No Gifts from Chance: A Burns, Ken and Geoffrey Ward: Base- Biography of Edith Wharton (James W. ball: An Illustrated History (Robert Tuttleton) McDowell) Bishop, Elizabeth: One Art: Letters, se- Cabral de Melo Neto, Joao: Selected lected and ed. by Robert Giroux Poetry, 1937-1990, ed. by Djelal Ka- (Joseph Epstein) dir (John Haines) Bloch, Ariel and Chana Bloch, trans.: Carter, Stephen L.: The Culture of Dis- The Song of Songs: A New Translation belief: How American Law and Politics with an Introduction and Commentary Trivialize Religious Devotion (Bruce (Lucille Day) PINE Hao bo pie bee kaise Stweye 397 Bloch, Chana and Ariel Bloch, trans.: Christopher, Nicholas: 5° and Other The Song of Songs: A New Translation Poems (John Greening) .......... 508 with an Introduction and Commentary Coetzee, J.M.: The Master of Petersburg (Lucille Day) (Dean Flower) Bloom, Harold: The Western Canon Dillard, Annie: Mornings Like This: (EAE TIBOR) oon 5 058 os csaves 333 Found Poems (John Haines) Boyd, William: The Blue Afternoon (Gary Disch, Thomas M.: The Priest: A Gothic Krist) Romance (Thomas Filbin) Brazeau, Peter and Gary Fountain: Re- Doctorow, E.L.: The Waterworks (Tom membering Elizabeth Bishop: An Oral Wilhelmus) Biography (Joseph Epstein) Dove, Rita: The Darker Face of the Earth: Brookner, Anita: A Private View (Dean A Verse Play (Thomas M. Disch) ... 346 Flower) Dwight, Eleanor: Edith Wharton: An Ex- Buell, Lawrence: The Environmental traordinary Life (James W. Tuttleton) Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture Epstein, Joseph: With My Trousers Rolled (Harold Fromm) (William H. Pritchard) INDEX TO VOLUME XLVIII 703 Falk, Marcia, trans.: The Song of Songs: Levine, Philip: The Simple Truth (John A New Translation; The Song of Songs: CRCOTHND oe < os dba cc ict ceeeeen e 508 A New Translation and Interpretation McBreen, Joan: A Walled Garden in (Lucille Day) Moylough (John Haines) Fountain, Gary and Peter Brazeau: Re- McCarthy, Cormac: The Crossing (Tom membering Elizabeth Bishop: An Oral Wilhelmus) Biography (Joseph Epstein) McDonald, Walter: Counting Survivors Fussell, Paul: The Anti-Egotist: Kingsley (John Haines) Amis, Man of Letters (William H. Prit- Mahfouz, Naguib: Arabian Nights and chard) Days, trans. by Denys Johnson-Davies Ginsberg, Allen: Cosmopolitan Greetings: (Alan Davis) Poems 1986-1992 Markides, Kyriacos C.: Riding with the Goodman, Susan: Edith Wharton’s Inner Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity Circle (James W. Tuttleton) (Bruce Bawer) .................. 397 Gordimer, Nadine: None to Accompany Markus, Julia: Dared and Done: The Mar- Me (Alan Davis) riage of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Graham, _Jorie: Materialism (R.S. Browning (Susan Balée) Gwynn) Miles, Jack: God: A Biography (Bruce Greger, Debora: Off-Season at the Edge of WROWOT :i)iis'a sc ha dees k's 6 ss ae as 397 the World (John Greening) ....... 508 Millier, Brett C.: Elizabeth Bishop: Life Gunn, Thom: Collected Poems (RS. and the Memory of It (Joseph Epstein) Gwynn) Hacker, Marilyn: Selected Poems (Thom- Moore, Thomas: Soul Mates: Honoring MT RMEINY ¢ oen dss 005k bp cen the Mysteries of Love and Relationship Winter Numbers (Thomas M. Disch) . 339 (Bruce Bawer) .................. 397 Heller, Joseph: Closing Time (Alan Moseley, Merritt: Understanding Kings- Davis) ley Amis (William H. Pritchard) Helpern, Alice: The Technique of Martha O’Brien, Edna: House of Splendid Isola- Graham (Marcia B. Siegel) tion (Tom Wilhelmus) Himmeifarb, Gertrude: The De-Moral- O’Brien, Tim: In the Lake of the Woods ization of Society (James W. Tuttle- CARRE IVEY oedcn thes cece cccce | | OS narrpeae ee 388 Paglia, Camille: Sexual Personae (Har- Howatch, Susan: Absolute Truths Se ) ar ee (Bruce Bawer) Vamps and Tramps: New Essays (Har- Hudgins, Andrew: The Glass Hammer OM PRYOR) on. csi ccs ewcc cease 308 Cemomas M. Disch) ...........2500% 339 Pamuk, Orhan: The Black Book, trans. Hurston, Zora Neale: Novels and Stories; by Giineli Gin (Dean Flower) .... 485 The Complete Stories (Tom Wilhel- Peck, M. Scott: The Road Less Traveled: mus) A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Irwin, John T.: The Mystery to a Solution: Values and Spiritual Growth (Bruce Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Le | ES ey er 397 Story (Dean Flower) Phillips, Robert: Breakdown Lane (R.S. John Paul II, Pope: Crossing the Thresh- Gwynn) old of Hope (Bruce Bawer) ........ 397 Rafferty, Charles: The Man on the Tower Kinnell, Galway: Imperfect Thirst (Thom- (John Haines) Me NESTE) «ois 5. oo cece wecc eereler See Ranke-Heinemann, Uta: Putting Away Kooser, Ted: Weather Central (John Childish Things: The Virgin Birth, the ONIN $66. 6.506: da, 58S acs 508 Empty Tomb, and Other Fairy Tales You Kumin, Maxine: Women, Animals, and Don’t Need to Believe to Have a Living Vegetables: Essays and Stories (Tom Faith (Bruce Bawer) ............. 397 Wilhelmus) Rogers, Pattiann: Firekeeper: New and Kung, Hans: Credo (Bruce Bawer) Selected Poems (Thomas M. Disch) .. 339 Lauterbach, Ann: And For Example Roscoe, Will: Queer Spirits: A Gay Men’s (Thomas M. Disch) Myth Book (Bruce Bawer) ......... 397 Lessing, Doris: Under My Skin (William Rushdie, Salman: East, West (Dean ROP RMNEEIOED cise ccesecuasdnes 317 Flower) 704 THE HUDSON REVIEW Salter, Mary Jo: Sunday Skaters (Thom- Tate, James: Worshipful Company of as M. Disch) Fletchers (Thomas M. Disch) pease 339 Salwak, Dale: Kingsley Amis: Tillinghast, Richard: The Stone Cutter’s Novelist (William H. Pritchard) .... 137 Hand (John Haines) Schine, Cathleen: The Love Letter (Gary Trevor, William: Felicia’s Journey (Dean Krist) Flower) Schurmann, Franz: American Soul Ward, Geoffrey and Ken Burns: Base- (Bruce Bawer) ball: An Illustrated History (Robert Simpson, Louis: The King My Father's McDowell) Wreck (David Mason) Washington, Peter: Madame Blavatsky’s Ships Going into the Blue (David Ma- Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Medi- son) Skloot, Floyd: Music Appreciation (John ums, and Misfits Who Brought Spir- ROPOEMMEMED acaie ost apnb ss nba ike owitis 508 itualism to America (Thomas M. Smiley, Jane: Moo (Gary Krist) Spong, The Rt. Rev. John Shelby: Res- Williams, C.K.: Selected Poems (Thomas urrection: Myth or Fact? (Bruce M. Disch) Williamson, Marianne: IJlluminata: States, Bert O.: Dreaming and Storytell- Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage ing (Mark Jarman) (Bruce Bawer) Sumner, Melanie: Polite Society (Gary Wojahn, David: Late Empire (Thomas M. Disch) VOLUME XLVIII Spring 1995 (No. 1) pages 1-176; Summer 1995 (No. 2) pages 177-352; Autumn 1995 (No. 3) pages 353-528; Winter 1996 (No. 4) pages 529-704 PUONSITTAELD SSETRAVTIECSE . Statemento f (Reaqnudb iyr 3e9U d.S .C 3685) ‘The Hudson Review r‘ aluesd wuineet orC1 9r9c5 ataettieoB ant ow RTamn ceFTrsheeoe nnTeH eyu ed son Review Noaos le[n2ss elPsne Pculaistiilaonone dN o. ai. 2s7a gS eOpntee mber 1995 2 No Emant sn Natureo fCr ewtation || a50P85r ec ed1i2Mn ongte | Publi5s1he5d0 Nesrest toF ilingO ste 7 Quarter ly 1% $24.00 >— P(_1 eae aaaneeo trt eR eaque sSteead tCornoo wnatdCo no ne, Soutv end, ontC osteO at | 2735 684 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021 raee Renaen esS aeetre 2175 «T(oGtuaa Pm oasf1a 5 n0c1to)ra Rneqd1u 5e00s2t))a Crosman asi0 RTeam ana ‘e(ThsMee ameHn auddn sdoC no mpuRteev iMeawt‘i,An dgd rAIexnnecsse.ss, )o fP6 8a4a rePra rEkG RA vwennu e, NewEs tioYr o(rDk,0N otNeL we avYeo rk 10021 3 (FSraemeeOt esss,t CroeumbepoyMtn a rs naenct Oaer yFr ee) ‘The Hudson Review, Inc., 684 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021 {Tous FreeO tetruton (Sum of1 80a nd1 50) Paula Deits and Frederick Morgan, 684 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021 (9T otwO ietr(Sbueun otf1 i5o ann 1 5%) n (1) Ofce Une,L eftoveSrpsot,t ed Ronald Koury, 684 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021 (2)R enn tromN ews Agents © O(tthsen ra urmweraac ornrpdeoa rc aattrened s a8si‘ mmrsue sa3s isb n uaesmn teta ta DerdeB)d ai( dnOotro!eN asOos nt aL aesawc vee KlS Ta iesaMPre r)aat !Oe yf Mereatier Pe" Cmes B(tCe eae drresscesph uoOawkfurSce OaraAss oPmntO u KaS! OD rSe (Toad( Seemo f15 g,1 5011),a nd1 582) Ft Mame (18180gx7 1 00) The Hudson Review, Inc., 684 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021, is a New York Benbership corporation not authorized co issue stock whose mesbers are: Paula Deitz, John N. Loomis, Vincent M. Macchia, Predefick Morgan, George Parker, Jr., Charles K. Warner, all at above address, int em 11, none, check box.U seb lank sheets 15@,,a n dt Management, +4}-}4 — j}-_—_}__}

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