The How of WOW .................11182$ $$FM 01-19-0510:15:53 PS PAGEi .................11182$ $$FM 01-19-0510:15:53 PS PAGEii How d The of W O W A G G S T W P B ’ A T O N Y C A R L S O N AMACOM American Management Association NEW YORK • ATLANTA • BRUSSELS • CHICAGO • MEXICO CITY • SAN FRANCISCO SHANGHAI • TOKYO • TORONTO • WASHINGTON, D. C. .................11182$ $$FM 01-19-0510:15:54 PS PAGEiii SpecialdiscountsonbulkquantitiesofAMACOMbooksare availabletocorporations,professionalassociations,andother organizations.Fordetails,contactSpecialSalesDepartment, AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Tel.:212-903-8316.Fax:212-903-8083. Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththe understandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderinglegal, accounting,orotherprofessionalservice.Iflegaladviceorother expertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetentprofessional personshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Carlson,Tony. ThehowofWOW:aguidetogivingaspeechthatwillpositivelyblow ’emaway/TonyCarlson. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-8144-7251-6 1. Publicspeaking. 2. Communicationinmanagement. I. Title. PN4193.B8C37 2005 808.5(cid:1)1—dc22 2004022112 (cid:1)2005AnthonyCarlson. Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thispublicationmaynotbereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinwholeorinpart, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofAMACOM, adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Printingnumber 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .................11182$ $$FM 01-19-0510:15:54 PS PAGEiv Contents Acknowledgments vii Prologue:RisingAbovetheCrowd 1 PART I—Why Should You Care? 7 1. TakeOfftheBushelBasket 9 2. Tried...ButNotNecessarilyTrue 21 3. UnderstandingtheAudience 31 4. PerformanceReady 41 PART II—Before Saying Yes 49 5. You’retheStar 51 6. DoIReallyNeedtoDoThis? 59 PART III—Before You Write a Word 75 7. BePrepared 77 8. FindtheHook 87 9. KeeptheFocusonYou 125 v .................11182$ CNTS 01-19-0510:15:57 PS PAGEv vi Contents PART IV—As You Write 135 10. GettingDowntoIt 137 11. OfHeadlines,Humor,andAha!s 165 PART V—Showtime 191 12. BeforeYouSayaWord 193 13. StandandDeliver 211 14. AftertheTalking’sDone 229 AppendixA—TheSpeaker’sChecklist 241 AppendixB—ResearchResources 245 AppendixC—WhenSomeoneElseWillWrite YourSpeech 249 AppendixD—HowAbouttheROI? 265 Index 269 .................11182$ CNTS 01-19-0510:15:57 PS PAGEvi Acknowledgments In the general chatter after a major speech given by a client of mine once, a person who had liked the speech came up to me, knowingthatIhadwrittenit. ‘‘Greatstuff.Tellme,howlongdidittaketowritethatspeech?’’ Foronceinmylife,Ihadtherightriposteready. ‘‘Allmylife,’’Isaid.AndIwasserious. Writers draw something fromeveryone with whom they come in contact, every article they read, movie they see, experience theyhave.It’scommontothinkthatofcreativeartists,poets,and fiction writers. But it is also true of the best commercial writers, for the stories they tell are a distillation of the stories they have heard,read, andseen,winnowedto thecore,shinedup andpol- ished andpresented again,like new.It’s nicer tosay thatthan to thinkthatwejuststealmaterialwilly-nilly. It’s in that context that I say that all of this work is mine and minealone.Soanyerrorsaremineandminealone. That is not to say I didn’t receive tremendous support from a widerangeofpeopleintheconceptionandbirthofthisbook,and thespeechestowhichIreferinit. At the head of that list is clearly my family, not only for their encouragement—cattle prods were occasionally necessary—and patience—‘‘Quiet, kids, Dad’s working on his book again . . . vii .................11182$ $ACK 01-19-0510:16:01 PS PAGEvii viii Acknowledgments still!’’—but also for providing such a rich source of stories and anecdotes,whichIshamelesslyexploittobringsomecolortothe presentationpaletteofmyclients. Mywife,Donna,andchildren,KatieandJenny,aremoreapart ofthisbookthanthey’lleverknow.Asismylatefather,Don,who firsttold meabout settingupa strawmanin aspeech morethan 30 years ago, my mother, Madeline, whose fierce Irish pride and love supports all the dreamers in her extended family, and my brother,Gus,whoclearedthepathinthepublishingworldforme. There is also much in this book inspired by a small number of executives who over the years have had faith in my advice even whenlawyersandsomePRgreyhairswerecounselingotherwise. At the top of this group is Bob Ferchat, who began as a boss but opened his mind to me as a mentor and his heart to me as a friend. Withoutquestion,IwanttothankEllenKadin,whoasaneditor used just the right amount of carrot and stick to get this project outofmymindandontothepage. I have imposed on the time and goodwill of all these people and many more. And now I have the cheek to ask to impose on yours. You may not like what I have to say. You may not agree withallor anyofit.Butyou haveonlymediocritytolose.Andan audiencefullofwowstogain. Tony Carlson .................11182$ $ACK 01-19-0510:16:01 PS PAGEviii The How of WOW .................11182$ HFTL 01-19-0510:16:05 PS PAGEix .................11182$ HFTL 01-19-0510:16:06 PS PAGEx