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Copyright © 2015 Matthew Meyer Edited by Zack Davisson Some rights reserved. The text in this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License. This means you are free to share, copy, and adapt the text of this book for noncommercial purposes. If you alter or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under a similar license. The images in this book have all rights reserved. You may not reproduce, redistribute, or remix them without permission from the artist. www.matthewmeyer.net www.yokai.com This book is dedicated to my wife, who is my favorite yōkai of all, and to all of the fans who supported my second Kickstarter project. A. L. Koehl, Aaron Dilliplane, Aaron W. Thorne, Adam Buckheit, Adam Ef, Al Billings, Albert Lew, Albert Martinez, Albert Tsang, Alberto M., Alex Johnson, Alex T Guerrero, Alexander "Guddha" Gudenau, Alexander Brown, Alexander Lucard, Allen Sorensen, Alvin Leung, Amorita Malagon, AndLiew, Andreas Hamm, Andrew Clough, Andrew Lohmann, Andrew Talarico, Andy K, Angelia Pitman, Angelique Blansett, Anthony Catino, Antoine aka Illyan, Antonio Vincentelli, Antti Hallamäki, Antti Luukkonen, aoife and ryan, April Gutierrez, Ariel Mei Roberts, Arnold Cassell, Ash Brown, Bambu, Barac Wiley, Barry E. Moore, Bel Tomov, Ben W Bell, Benjamin Daws, Benjamin Fox, Brad Gabriel, Brad Mushill, Brandon Hall, Bredon Clay, Brett Slocum, Brian "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, Brian Dysart, Brian Sulz, Brianne Bedard, Brigitte Colbert, Bronwen Everill, Brook West, Camellia Samir El-Antably, Cameron Gehlert, Campbell Ruddock, Cara Terry, Carlo Bottiglieri, Carlos Zermeño, Carter Allen, Caspian Moore, CHAMP WU, Chandra "Ritsuna" Graham, Charles Liao, Chen X. Chen, Cheryl Costella, Chris Hales, Chris Mihal, Chris Olsen, Christina M Hughes, Christopher, Claire MacPherson, Clark and Carrol, Contento Anthony, Corey M. Modrowski, Courts Casswell Towns, Craig S. Weinstein, Cudinski Family, Curt sherman, Cynthia Pierce, D. P. Rider, Damien Hunter, Damon-Eugene Rich, Daniel B. Nissman, Daniel Joseph Tavares Moore, Daniel Stein, David G Barnes, David Inacio, David Rubenach, Dawn Oshima, Deborah Spiesz, Debra Dickinson, Dennis Hougaard Boje, Derek Gutrath, Dimitri Widroiajegodomitcher, Dion C. Perez, Doskoi Panda, Doug Sarver, Dr Paul Dale, Drew (Andrew) South, Dylan Boates, E.L. Winberry, Eden Brandeis, Edouard Foraz, Elliott Sawyer, elRoy, Eric Bertish, Eric Zylstra, Erik & Anna Meyer, Erik Norman Berglund, Filip Källman, "Filkertom" Tom Smith, Forrest Service, Frances McGregor, Frank Laycock, Gary and Sandra Meyer, Gary Gaines, Gary Lau, Gary Tanigawa, GC Lim, Gilbert Pettingell, Glenn McLean, Gordon Garb, Grant Voakes, Greg Zuro, Guilherme Reis Bonfim, Gwen Sato-Herrick, H Lynnea Johnson, H. Hrubey, Hayley G. Hofmar-Glennon, Heather Blandford, Heather Hintze, Heidi Ellis, Helena Alves, HIROAKI KAMIDATE, Hitomi Meyer, Ilsa Enomoto, Imran Inayat, India Swift, Ingmar, Iris Mei Cooper Ingham, Iso Stein, Israel Cortes, Ivy Antunes, J Schultz, J,A,E Yip, Jaap Kreijkamp, Jacob Dylan Riddle, Jacob E. Boucher, Jacqueline Skelton, Jai Goggan aka. J-Ace, Jak Butanabe, Jakob Asbury, Jakob Frederiksen, James and Julia Ford, James Edward Johnson, Jamie Taylor, Janna Solis, Jason Aaron Wong & The Wong Family, Jason Koivu, Javier Aparicio Ferrer, Jeff M, Jeff Siegel, Jeff Sweeney, Jeffrey Friesen, Jeffrey Peralta, Jen B, JF Garrard, John, john guthrie, John Merklinghaus, John Santagada, John William Bass, Jon C, Jonathan Cabildo, Jonathan Jacobs, Jorge L, Jose Luis Equiza, Josh Haycraft, Josh Scott, Joshua Beale, Joshua W. Pittman, Juha-Pekka Pulkkinen, Julia B. Ellingboe, Julian Chan, Jussi Myllyluoma, Justin Varney, Kali Lynn, Karla Steffen, Karon Flage, Karra L., Kat Nakaji, Kathryn Blue, Katy Richard, Kay James, Kay M, Kazumi Teune, Kelly Lowrey, Ken T., Kenji Ishii, Kenny Loh, Kenton and Paula Meyer, Kerwell, Kira Graham, Knurenko Veronika, Krista Hoxie, Kristian Jansen Jaech, KuwaNeko, Kyle McLauchlan, Larry Lade, Lars Ericson, Laurel S, Leo Hourvitz, Leonard Kim, Leora Effinger-Weintraub, Leslie Barrett Beck, Lexi Akemi, Lin Zhou, Lisa Kaiffer, M. H. Boroson, Maggie Griffeth, Maggie Young, Marie Mint, Mark Franklin, Mark Gieringer, Mark Terrano, Mark Wilko, Markus Ullrich, Mary Kathryn Hammond, Mary Prince, Masako Castile, Matt Erik Katch, Matthew Benson, Matthew Higgins, Matthew Hochberg, Mauro Ghibaudo, Max Kaehn, Maximilian Hoetzl, Mendel Schmiedekamp, Michael "Kyoflamez" Bridgemohan, Michael Brandon Jones, Michael Brewer, Michael Cammarata, Michael D. Blanchard, Mike (kirstgrafx) Lee, Mike Pallas, Mike Urano, Mikkel "Hobbosnorken" Keilhau, Mira Solmeyer, Mitchell Olson, Mon Geslani, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Don Hall, Ms. Annie Nohn, Nathan Olmstead, Nathan Seabolt, Nathan Smyth, Nick Tantra, Nikki Tran, Noriko & Hiroto Ichihashi, Occams Electric Toothbrush, Olai Amund, Olna Jenn Smith, Pablo Rambla, Patrick Donoghue, Patrick Lipo, Patrick Tan Wei Ming, Patty Kirsch, Patty Mitchell, Paul Gorman, Paul Hachmann, Paul T Smith, Paul Thorgrimson, Penchour, Peter Riordan, Peter, Emma, Gabriella and Emilia Rossi, Petter Wäss, PnutBandit, Polly Whitmore, porusan, Rachael Hixon, Raphaela Cologna , Rebecca Mutton, Reid Hirata, Revek, Reverance Pavane, Richard and Cheryl Everill, Rob Chow, Robert & Linda Hewitt, Robert E. Stutts, Robert Farley, Robert Lee Mayers, Robert Richard Franke III, Robin, Rommy Driks, Rufus, Ryan Yoo, S.Y. Inamura, Sabina Kneisly, Samantha Balyeat, Samuel Coudry-Lemay, Sangha Farms, Sarah Joan Christensen, [email protected], Scott A. Harrison, Scott Richardson, Sean Holland, SEM, Shane Williamson, Shayna Harris, Shean, Semeicha and Sapphira Mohammed, Sheila Mazur, Shermaine Nicole A. Garcia, Sian Nelson, Simone D. Bennett, Stef Maruch, Stefan Wagner, Stefanie Kreutzer, Steph Turner, Stephanie Wagner, Stephen A. Caldwell, Stephen Hazlewood, Stephen Hill, Stephen I., Stephen Shiu, Steve Jasper, Steven Moy, Stewart Falconer, Stuart Martin, Susan Patrick, T.S. Luikart, tagno25, Talon Johnson, Tatiana Alejandra de Castro Pérez, Tenkai, Tereza Kulovaná, Tetsuko Toda, The Bhoo, The Reiters of Haddonfield, Thorjw, Thuy Nguyen, Tim Elrod, Toast Peters, Tom Phillips, Tony Love and family, Toshimitsu & Mikiko Umeda, Tury G, Universe Frog, Vaughan Monnes, Victoria E.S. Pullen, Vintson Knight, Wm. Ellery Samuels, Ph.D., Xiaocheng (Jack) Shi, Yawei, Yoshiko Sawai, Youkai Lonely Hearts Society C ONTENTS Map of Japan Pronunciation Guide Introduction In the Country Ōmagatoki, Chimi, Mōryō, Jami, Shīsā, Hiyoribō, Hiderigami, Ao bōzu, Furutsubaki no rei, Ippondatara, Ouni, Buruburu, Namahage, Yamajijii, Sansei, Satori, Imori, Tsurubebi, Furaribi, Ubagabi, Sagari, Yosuzume, Okuri inu, Hihi, Nobusuma, Yamachichi, Momonjii, Nodeppō, Noderabō, Furuutsubo, Abumiguchi, Kura yarō, Kosenjōbi, Kawa akago, Ikuchi, Umi zatō, Sazae oni, Shinkirō, Suiko, Shiranui, Ryūtō, Tenome, Dodomeki, Tesso, Amanozako, Amanojaku, Yamata no Orochi In the Underworld Meido, Jigoku, Enma Daiō, Datsueba, Keneō, Gozu, Mezu, Ashura, Gaki, Ono no Takamura In the City Kowai, Amefuri kozō, Tōfu kozō, Katsura otoko, Shirime, Ōkaburo, Kejōrō, Iyaya, Ōkubi, Kasha, Hone karakasa, Nurikabe, Sōgenbi, Haka no hi, Oitekebori, Nue, Itsumade, Onmoraki, Waniguchi, Nyūnai suzume, Teratsutsuki, Gagoze, Shuten dōji, Ibaraki dōji, Hashihime, Hannya, Kurozuka, Momiji, Rokujō no Miyasundokoro, Oboroguruma, Kiyo hime In the House Amikiri, Yama oroshi, Hahakigami, Shōgorō, Nyoijizai, Eritategoromo, Yanari, Sakabashira, Tenjō kudari, Makuragaeshi, Abura akago, Hikeshi baba, Kanbari nyūdō, Kurote, Ikiryō, Shiryō The Sorcerer's Parlor Goryō, Tatarigami, Sanshi, Abe no Seimei, Taira no Masakado, Takiyasha hime, Osakabe hime, Sugawara no Michizane, Sutoku Tennō, Tamamo no Mae, Sesshō seki, Shikigami, Tanuki tsuki, Inugami, Kanashibari, Katashiro, Wara ningyō, Hitobashira, Ichijama, Ushi no koku mairi, Taizan Fukun no Sai, Hinode Acknowledgments Yokai References and Further Reading Index of Yōkai P G RONUNCIATION UIDE The Japanese words in this book have been transliterated into English based on the Hepburn romanization rules. Care has been taken to write the Japanese names and words without altering their structure too much so that they are easy for English readers to digest. Even with these considerations, figuring out the pronunciation of transliterated Japanese can sometimes be counterintuitive to native English speakers due to the vast differences between the two languages. To help you read the Japanese words in this book, please follow this pronunciation guide. V OWELS The five Japanese vowels are a, i, u, e, o, pronounced ah, ee, ooh, eh, and oh. As a rule, each vowel receives a full syllable, even when adjacent to another vowel. Avoid the temptation to blend vowels together. For example, the ao in ao bōzu should be read as two syllables, not one (ah-oh, not ow). M ACRONS Japanese occasionally uses the double vowels aa, uu, ee, oo, ou. In this book, double vowels are indicated with macrons to make them easier to read and pronounce: ā, ū, ē, ō. These macron vowels should be pronounced just like the vowels above and held for two syllables. For example, the bōzu in ao bōzu should be pronounced with three syllables, not two (boh-oh-zu, not boh-zu).

In Japan, it is said that there are 8 million kami. These spirits encompass every kind of supernatural creature; from malign to monstrous, demonic to divine, and everything in between. Most of them seem strange and scary—even evil—from a human perspective. They are known by myriad names: bakemon
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