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The Hot-Blooded Insects The Hot-Blooded Insects STRATEGIES AND ~ MECHANISMS OF -· THERMOREGULATION ~~~;~ BERND HEINRICH SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG GMBH Copyright © 1993 by Bernd Heinrich Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg in 1993 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1993 All rights reserved 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 978-3-662-10342-5 ISBN 978-3-662-10340-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-10340-1 This book is printed on acid-free paper and its binding materials have been chosen for strength and durability. Designed by Gwen Frankfeldt Contents Prologue 1 Night-Flying Moths 17 2 Butterflies and Wings 76 3 Dragonflies Now and Then 117 4 Grasshoppers and Other Orthoptera 143 5 Beetles Large and Small 191 6 Bumblebees Out in the Cold 227 7 Tropical Bees 277 8 Hot -Headed Honeybees 292 9 The Tolerance of Ants 323 10 Wasps and the Heat of Battle 334 11 Flies of All Kinds 343 12 Sweating Cicadas 369 13 Warm Caterpillars and Hot Maggots 382 14 Fever 411 15 Cold Jumpers 422 16 Social Thermoregulation 447 Summary 510 References 525 Acknowledgments 585 Index of Authors Cited 590 General Index 598 Prologue N o aspect of the physical environment is more important to insects than temperature. In most environments tem perature fluctuates through time, but insects also ex perience extreme temperature variations in space. A large mass, such as a human body weighing 65 kg, would register no mea surable temperature increase by stepping from shade to sunshine for several minutes; a 10 mg fly, however, heats up some 10 C 0 in only 10 seconds when it lands in a sunfleck. Needless to say, the thermal environment faced by insects is potentially much more severe than it is to us or to any other vertebrate animal. And it is probably not an exaggeration to claim that insects have evolved some of the most amazing feats of thermal adaptation and ther moregulation in the entire animal kingdom. Yet, little over 20 years ago, that statement would have seemed eccentric. As we sat one night in 1969 in front of a white sheet illuminated by a lantern on Mount Kainde in New Guinea among dark forest trees festooned with orchids, moss, and tangles of lianas, one after another beautiful moth, of dozens of different species, flew out of the darkness. I captured the arriving insects by net and thrust a thermocouple probe into each one to measure its body tempera ture. My host, Peter Shanahan, owner of the coffee plantation and of the white sheet, kindly tolerated my unusual routine. I was grasping for any and all clues that might ultimately allow me to figure out what to me seemed a deeply puzzling question: How could moths, who have no sweat glands, no lungs, no cap illary system for peripheral blood circulation, and no major mus cles besides those used for flight-how could such creatures possibly regulate their body temperature and fly at the same time? After two years of grappling with the problem for my Ph.D. thesis under George A. Bartholomew and Franz Engelmann at UCLA, I had only recently become convinced that some sphinx moths could, indeed, stabilize their thoracic temperature within 2-3 °C of 40 °C while in free flight over a wide range of air temperatures. But it was still a mystery to me how they did it. There were no clues to go on and no precedent. Except for work being done at one other laboratory, there was also little or no interest in the question. Almost nobody was thinking about "insect thermoreg ulation" then. It had been difficult enough for me to trust my own previous data of a sphinx moth stabilizing its thoracic temperature in flight over a wide range of ambient temperature while its level of heat production appeared to remain totally unchanged. This result was either unprecedented or a big faux pas. I suspected the latter because a team of other researchers on the topic had just published not one but a whole series of papers with a conclusion entirely different from mine. But now in New Guinea I was pleasantly shocked to find that some of the smaller moths with large wings barely heated above air temperature. Some of the sphinx moths, however, maintained thoracic temperatures near the phenome nally high level of 46 °C . The night was chilly, and these large, narrow-winged moths, being heated some 9 °C above my own body temperature, were clearly not warm-blooded. They were hot-blooded. As would later become apparent from comparative studies of many other insects described in this book, neither the "hot" nor the "cold" moths that night were an exception. Some moths (and other insects) even fly with body temperatures near DoC, the freezing point of water. In a few short years I've come to believe that certain insects are among the most highly evolved organisms on earth with respect to mastering temperature as a variable of the physical environment. In that and many other respects they are as adequate as any homeotherm. The insects were the first animals on earth to evolve social systems. They were the first group of organisms in the history of life on earth to fly. Millions of years before the dinosaurs appeared, the invention of flight by insects had already made their diversi fication possible. And flight made many of them the first endo thermic, or hot-blooded, and ultimately also thermoregulating animals on earth. (Later, endothermy became not only a conse quence of flight, but also in some cases a necessity for it.) 2 THE HOT-BLOODED INSECTS Insects are delicate microscopic whiteflies and massively chunky goliath beetles. They are colorful butterflies flying lonely missions through the jungle, and they are teeming masses of blind termites building towering castles of clay taller than a two-story building. It is difficult to imagine a group of animals more different from us, or more varied. As Howard Ensign Evans so aptly pointed out, it is as if they were an independent form of life from another planet. Their riot of forms and exuberance of diverse life-styles make them ideal organisms for the comparative studies needed to umavel evolutionary mechanisms, especially those that relate to temperature adaptation. Despite their usefulness for illuminating general theoretical insights, insects have often been looked upon as if they were indeed from another planet. As I write, a just published book on new directions in ecological physiology gives less than passing lip service to this, the most abundant, diverse, and species-rich group of animals on earth. Yet I believe (and this is a personal opinion that I hope will be supported in this book) that insects, perhaps more than any other animals, have much to teach us about how physiological adaptations contribute to be havior and ecology. In insects the implications of thermoregulation have routinely been explored to the ecological levels of organization (particularly in bees, beetles, butterflies, and grasshoppers) because their ther moregulation is often closely and intimately related to ecology. In contrast to our close study of vertebrate animals, however, our ignorance of physiological mechanisms in insects still looms large, and it is still plagued by glaring controversies and disagreements. As one of the more prominent workers on insect thermoregulation has told me, "One of the things I most like about working with insects is that much physiology is so poorly understood that you constantly confront the sorts of basic questions that were solved in vertebrates a century or two ago. Vertebrate physiology seems bankrupt by comparison." I share this idea that, in comparison with vertebrate biology, the study of insects has yielded many important new insights, and there is more still to learn. There are several reasons for the slow progress with insects until recently. Undoubtedly one impediment was the view of insects as primitive animals easily classified as "poikilotherms"-animals whose body temperature follows that of the environment. This notion was hardly one to spark exciting questions. Another reason for slow progress on insect thermal physiology is their body size. Julian S. Huxley speculated in 1941 (in "The PROLOGUE 3 Uniqueness of Man") that insects have been cut off from further "progress" by their breathing mechanism: "The land arthropods have adopted the method of air-tubes or tracheae, branching to microscopic size and conveying gases directly to and from the tissues, instead of using a dual mechanism of lungs and a blood stream. The laws of gaseous diffusion are such that respiration by tracheae is extremely efficient for very small animals, but becomes rapidly less efficient with increasing size, until it ceases to be of use at a bulk below that of a mouse. It is for this reason that no insect has ever become, by vertebrate standards, even moderately large." He goes on to argue that it is also for this same reason that none has become even moderately intelligent, because none has reached a size large enough to provide the minimum number of neurons required for "the multiple switchboards that underlie intelligence. " The small body size of insects that clamps a low ceiling on their intelligence also severely taxes human ingenuity to study their physiology of thermoregulation. Thermoregulation can be accom plished only by studying intact organ systems, and it usually involves the simultaneous and smooth operation of many organ systems, those involving locomotion, water balance, blood circu lation, and gas exchange. All must often be operating simulta neously before the phenomenon under study can be observed. And instrumental observations are difficult and often nearly im possible to make without doing gross damage to the system when that system is of minute dimensions. Many aspects of normal experimentation that are easily possible with vertebrate animals are difficult with insects. But this is part of their charm. The available evidence for some physiological mechanisms in insects is sometimes still more circumstantial than one might wish. Since the insects' small size often places a large burden on an experimentalist's skill and the instruments used, it is sometimes debatable whether or not the data on the simplest of measure ments, such as body temperature, are reliable. This is a legitimate concern, and I shall point out repeatedly in this book where I believe studies have gone astray. I hope here to provide not only a review and a synthesis of over 1,000 technical research papers from the scientific literature, which has been growing steadily since 1965 (see Figure P.l), but also a critique of the available work and suggestions for how it may be improved. Most of these articles are each as long as some of the following chapters, and I've been forced to reduce many of them to one-liners. For these 4 THE HOT-BLOODED INSECTS 80 • • • 70 • (;j • • • ~ 60 ~ • • c: ~ "5 ~ 50 o E • Q) :E i • • .£; 40 oc: • • o~ • • ~ • :c 30 :a::l. • • '0 ~ • E • ~ 20 • 10 •• • 1960 1970 1980 1990 Fig. P.I Number of publications on insect thermoregulation per year from 1965 to 1990, as retrieved by a computer search (BIOSIS database, cross indexing body temperature/thermoregulation and insects/Insecta) by Craig A. Robertson. perhaps unavoidable indignities I apologize, nevertheless. Much of the work I explore has not been previously consolidated and critically digested so as to make it accessible even to a scientific audience. If the data are taken into consideration, then we have come a remarkably long way in understanding insect thermoregulation since a thermometer was first laid alongside the abdomen of PROLOGUE 5 insect resting in a little closed container over a century ago, even though only a tiny fraction of the species which might reasonably be expected to thermoregulate has been examined. Despite the million or so insect species that exist, it is reasonable to expect that mechanisms of thermoregulation are relatively conservative because research so far has been consistent with this supposition. Patterns are emerging and major puzzles are being solved, and I felt that it was now appropriate to consolidate our information. No generalities may be made until accurate empirical infor mation is established. In insect biology, because of the very small size, the complexity, and the variety of animals, and also the ease of getting (some) data (and ease of misapplying it), there is much imperfect knowledge of how different physiological systems in teract. Furthermore, the same sets of data often have entirely different relevance when viewed from the ecological rather than the physiological perspective. Both views are necessary, but both are often not available from the same data set. It is difficult for me to imagine a scientific field at times so muddled with contro versies as a result of imperfect information or the complexities of getting good information and applying it critically to the appro priate perspective. These are problems for any young field, and to counter them I describe experiments in those cases where there is reasonable doubt, one way or the other, on how to interpret them. Indeed, I feel that the designs of the experiments used to answer questions are fascinating in their own right, and try to give at least a feel for how new knowledge in the field is acquired. This book is based on the primary literature. Nevertheless, there are numerous reviews of insect thermoregulation and particular details of insect thermoregulation that the reader may wish to consult for other coverage, for historical knowledge, and for other points of view. Biochemical considerations (Hochachka and So mero, 1984), the effects of energetics (Heinrich, 1979) and loco motion on thermoregulation (Kammer and Heinrich, 1978; Heath and Heath, 1982), and aspects of thermal energy budgets and the thermal environment affecting body temperature are found else where (Parry, 1951; Gates, 1980; Gates and Schmerl, 1975; Porter and Gates, 1969; Willmer, 1982; Cossins and Bowler, 1987). Other selected aspects of invertebrate (Wieser, 1973) and insect thermoregulation have been previously reviewed (Cloudsley Thomson, 1970; Heinrich, 1974, 1981; May, 1979, 1985; Casey, 1988). In organizing this book I faced the choice of highlighting topics 6 THE HOT-BLOODED INSECTS

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