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Preview The host galaxy of the super-luminous SN 2010gx and limits on explosive nickel-56 production

Draftversion October 16,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE HOST GALAXY OF THE SUPER-LUMINOUS SN 2010GX AND LIMITS ON EXPLOSIVE 56NI PRODUCTION Ting-Wan Chen1; Stephen J. Smartt1; Fabio Bresolin 2; Andrea Pastorello3; Rolf-Peter Kudritzki 2; Rubina Kotak 1; Matt McCrum 1; Morgan Fraser 1; Stefano Valenti 4,5 Draft versionOctober 16, 2012 ABSTRACT 2 Super-luminous supernovae have a tendency to occur in faint host galaxieswhich are likely to have 1 low mass and low metallicity. While these extremely luminous explosions have been observed from 0 z = 0.1 to 1.55, the closest explosions allow more detailed investigations of their host galaxies. We 2 present a detailed analysis of the host galaxy of SN 2010gx(z =0.23), one of the best studied super- ct luminous supernovae. The host is a dwarf galaxy (Mg = −17.42±0.17) with a high specific star O formation rate. It has a remarkably low metallicity of 12+log(O/H)= 7.5±0.1 dex as determined from the detection of the [OIII] λ4363˚A line. This is the first reliable metallicity determination of 5 a super-luminous supernova host. We collected deep multi-epoch imaging with Gemini + GMOS 1 between200−550daysafterexplosiontosearchforanysignofradioactive56Ni, whichmightprovide furtherinsightsontheexplosionmechanismandtheprogenitor’snature. Wereachgriz magnitudesof ] m ∼26, but do not detect SN 2010gxat these epochs. The limit implies that any 56Ni production O AB wasbelowthatofSN1998bw(aluminoustypeIcSNthatproducedaround0.4M⊙ of56Ni). The low C volumetric rates of these supernovae (∼ 10−4 of the core-collapse population) could be qualitatively h. matched if the explosion mechanism requires a combination of low-metallicity (below 0.2Z⊙), high p progenitor mass (>60M⊙) and high rotation rate (fastest 10% of rotators). - Subject headings: Supernovae: general — Supernovae: individual (SN 2010gx) o r t s 1. INTRODUCTION shock-interaction of the SN ejecta with massive C-O a shells (Blinnikov & Sorokina 2010). [ Recently, the new generation of wide-field sur- vey projects, such as the Panoramic Survey Tele- Neill et al. (2011) showed that most SLSNe tend to 1 scope And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS- occur in star-forming dwarf galaxies, which have high v specific star formation rates. Their intrinsic rate is 1) (Kaiser et al. 2010) and the Palomar Transient 7 10−8Mpc−3year−1; or 10−4 of the normal core-collapse Factory (PTF) (Rau et al. 2009), have carried out 2 SN rate (Quimby et al. 2011; Gal-Yam 2012). However searchesforsupernovaewithoutaninherentgalaxybias. 0 beyond this we lack information on their explosion sites Quimby et al. (2011) identified a class of hydrogen- 4 andwhattheprogenitorstarpopulationmaybe. Anim- poor “super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe)” with typ- 0. ical g−band absolute magnitudes of around −21.5 , portant question is whether or not the apparent prefer- 1 which is 10 to 100 times brighter than normal core- encetheyhavefordwarfhostgalaxiesisrelatedtorequir- 2 collapse SNe. Their intrinsic brightness has allowed ing low metallicity progenitor stars. As low metallicity 1 them to be discovered in the Pan-STARRS1 survey be- affects stellar structure and evolution through changes v: tween z = 1−1.55 (Chomiuk et al. 2011; Berger et al. in stellar winds, opacity and rotation, quantitative mea- surements are required. In this letter we study the host i 2012). Pastorello et al. (2010) studied one of the clos- X est examples, SN 2010gx (z = 0.23), in detail show- galaxy of one of the nearest SLSNe, SN 2010gx, and searchforevidenceoflateemissionfromradioactive56Ni r ing it to transition to a normal type Ic SN at 40 a days after peak, while multi-colour photometry rules decay. out 56Ni as powering the peak magnitude. Two phys- 2. OBSERVATIONS ical mechanisms for SN 2010gx(and the supernovae like it from Quimby et al.; Chomiuk et al.) have been pro- We used Gemini South and North Observatories with posed. One is that the type Ic SN is boosted in lumi- Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) to collect nosity by energy deposition from magnetar spin down griz photometry between 200−550 days after the max- (Kasen & Bildsten2010). Thesecondistheshockbreak- imum of SN 2010gx (Table1). To check for the pres- out through a dense wind (Chevalier & Irwin 2011), or ence of residual supernova flux at 200−350 days after peak, we aligned and rescaled all images to the same 1Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and pixelgridusingIRAF/geomapandgeotran packages Physics,Queen’sUniversityBelfast,BelfastBT71NN,UK and made the assumption that the final image taken in 2Institute for Astronomy, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, January 2012 only contains flux from the host galaxy. HI96822, USA 3INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, vicolo We performed imaging subtraction using the High Or- dell’Osservatorio5,35122Padova,Italy derTransformofPSFANdTemplateSubtraction(hot- 4Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc. pants) software 6, to subtract the January 2012 images SantaBarbara,CA93117,USA 5Department of Physics, University of California Santa Barbara,SantaBarbara,CA93106-9530, USA 6http://www.astro.washington.edu/users/becker/hotpants.html 2 Chen et al. from the earlier epochs. The host galaxy subtracts off lines) of ∼ 6˚A in the red, and ∼ 4.5˚A in the blue. The almost perfectly and no SN signalis detected. To deter- combinedblueandredspectraprovidespectralcoverage mine a limiting magnitude for the SN flux in the three between4300and8500˚Aandtheoverlapregionwasused epochs, we added 6 fake stars, one at the supernova po- to ensure a uniform flux calibration. Three strong lines sitionandfive within a surroundingradiusof0.6 arcmin ([OIII] λ5007,[OIII] λ4959,andHβ) lie within the over- toeachofthe 200−350daysimages. We ranthis proce- lap region. We measured the line fluxes in both spectra duremultiple timeswitharangeoffakestarmagnitudes and applied a linear scaling to bring the blue spectrum andrepeatedimagesubtractionwithhotpants. Wede- into agreement with the red. The line fluxes of these termined5σand3σdetectionlimitsbyrequiringthatwe three lines agreed to within 3% after this rescaling. couldvisuallydetectafakeSNexactlyatthe positionof Linefluxmeasurementsweremadeafterfittingapoly- SN 2010gxand that the measured standarddeviation of nomial function to subtract the continuum, and Fig.3 the set of fake stars added was 0.2 and 0.3 magnitudes shows the final combined spectrum of the host galaxy respectively. The resulting upper limits are in Table1. with this continuum subtracted. We fitted Gaussian The apparent magnitudes (SDSS AB system) of the lineprofileswithinacustombuiltIDLenvironment,fix- host galaxy,SDSS J112546.72-084942.0,are g =23.71± ing the full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the mean 0.14, r = 22.98 ± 0.10, i = 22.90 ± 0.13 and z = of the three strong lines; 6.03˚A and 4.45˚A for the red 22.98±0.16. These were obtained from aperture pho- and blue spectra respectively (see Table2). We further tometry (within IRAF/daophot) on the best seeing normalized the spectrum and determined the equivalent images, using a zero-point calibration achieved with 10 widthofeachfeature. Theuncertaintyestimationis cal- SDSS reference stars. As deep, pre-explosion images of culatedusingtheexpressionfromP´erez-Montero& D´ıaz the host galaxy were not available, we compared our (2003),derivedfromtheequivalentwidthofthelineand photometry results to both SDSS catalog magnitudes, the rms of the continuum (also listed in Table2). and our own photometry performed on the SDSS im- ages. In the g−band, the SDSS catalog Petrosian mag- 3. ANALYSIS nitude for the object is 22.8 ± 0.5, while we measure 3.1. 56Ni mass estimation for SN 2010gx 22.6±0.6magintheSDSSimage. Thelargeuncertainty The fact that SN 2010gx was not detected after the is due to the marginal detection. Our deep Gemini im- host galaxy image subtraction at epochs between +226 age shows the host resolved from a fainter neighbouring and+334daysallowsus todetermine anupper limitfor galaxy (which is unresolved from the host in SDSS). If we use a large aperture on our Gemini g−band image, the mass of 56Ni ejected. This is somewhat uncertain as it relies on assuming that the gamma ray trapping in toincludefluxfromtheneighbouringgalaxythenweob- taing =23.29±0.16mag. Within the uncertainties,the SN 2010gx behaves like in other Ic SNe in the nebular phase,andthelateluminosityisdirectlyproportionalto SDSS and Gemini magnitudes are similar and there is the mass of 56Co present at any epoch. no hint that the +550 days Gemini images are brighter We measured SN 2010gx fluxes at the effective rest than the SDSS images and contain SN flux. wavelength of the ri− filters and used a luminosity dis- Long slit spectroscopy of SN 2010gx was carried out tance of 1114.7Mpc (m = 40.24). We determined on 5 June 2010 (Pastorello et al. 2010) with the Gemini u the upper limit of the luminosities and compared with SouthTelescope+GMOS.TheB600grating(IDG5323) SN 1998bw(Clocchiatti et al. 2011), a Ic SN with a high was used (1800s exposure) to obtain a spectral coverage in the observer frame of 4300−6400˚A (henceforth re- 56Nimass,inJohnsonV andCousinsRintherestframe (see Fig.2). The most interesting measurement is the ferred to as the “blue spectrum”). Although this spec- i−band limit for SN 2010gx flux at +226 days, which is trum contains flux from SN 2010gx, we fitted a high or- significantly below what we would expect if SN 1998bw derpolynomial(order15)throughtheSNcontinuumand subtracted off this contribution leaving a flat spectrum wereat this distance. If we take 0.4M⊙ as the represen- tative 56Ni mass for SN 1998bw (McKenzie & Schaefer for which emissionlines between 3500−6000˚A could be 1999;Sollerman et al.2000;Maeda et al.2006),thenthe measured. WecouldnotmeasuretheHαlineinthisspec- flux limit of SN 2010gx (0.8 that of SN 1998bw; Fig.2), trumasitwascontaminatedbyastrongskylineandslit nodding was not employed. A second spectrum was ob- suggests an upper limit of about 0.3M⊙ of 56Ni ejected by SN 2010gx. tainedon23Dec. 2011withGMOSattheGeminiNorth Telescope, using the R400 grating (ID G5305; 3×1800s 3.2. Host galaxy metallicity and other properties exposures), to cover 5070−8500˚A (henceforth referred We carried out an abundance analysis of the host to as the red spectrum). The use of an order-blocking galaxy based on the determination of the electron tem- filter (GG455) truncated the wavelengthcoveragein the perature, and detection of the [OIII] λ4363 auroral line blue. Detrending of the data, such as bias-subtraction, (see Bresolin et al. 2009 for further details). Firstly, the wasestablishedusingstandardtechniqueswithinIRAF. emission line fluxes were reddening corrected using the For the red spectra, individual exposures were nodded Seaton (1979) Milky Way law of A =3.17×E(B−V). along the slit, and we used two-dimensional image sub- V We assumed case B recombinationwhich requires an in- tractiontoremovetheskybackground. Thespectrawere trinsic line ratio of Hα/Hβ = 2.86 and Hγ/Hβ = 0.47 wavelength calibrated using daytime arcs (CuAr lamp) at T = 104K (Osterbrock 1989). The observed ra- andfluxcalibratedwiththespectrophotometricstandard e tio of Hα/Hβ = 3.88 yields an extinction coefficient Feige 34. For both red and blue spectra, a 1.5′′ slit was used, c(Hβ)= 0.48, which we used to calculate reddening- correctedline fluxes. The observedline fluxesanderrors yieldingaresolution(asmeasuredfromnarrownightsky are listed in Table2. SN 2010gx host 3 We confidently detected the [OIII] λ4363 auroral line ing a Salpeter initial mass function with red horizontal (S/N∼ 6) in the GMOS spectrum (see Fig.3), allowing branch morphology. The measured colours give reason- ustoestimatetheelectrontemperatureandcalculatethe able agreement with a population model of age between oxygen abundance directly. As in Bresolin et al. (2009), 20 to 30 Myr, and a stellar mass around 6.17×107M⊙. we used a custom-written pyraf script based on the We also employed the MAGPHYS galaxy SED models IRAF/nebula package. The direct method of estimat- ofda Cunha et al.(2008). Fig.1showstheobservedSED ingoxygenabundancesusestheratiooftheintensitiesof andthe redshiftedMAGPHYSbest-fit model spectrum [OIII]λ4959,λ5007/[OIII]λ4363linestodeterminatethe : totalstellarmassof1.58×108M⊙ andhence aspecific electron temperature (T ) in the ionized gas region. We star formation rate (sSFR) of 2.59×10−9year−1. e findanoxygenabundanceof12+log(O/H)=7.46±0.10 4. DISCUSSION ANDCONCLUSION dex, remarkably low even for dwarf galaxies (see Fig.3). Assumingasolarvalueof8.69±0.05dex(Asplund et al. It has already been demonstrated that the peak lumi- 2009), this implies that the host galaxy is 1.2 dex below nosity of super-luminous SNe such as SN 2010gx can- solar abundance or just 0.06Z⊙. notbe due to 56Ni (Pastorello et al. 2010;Quimby et al. The reddening-corrected, and z−corrected flux of Hα 2011; Chomiuk et al. 2011). Chomiuk et al. illustrated is 3.49 × 10−16 (ergs−1cm−2), from which we deter- that applying Arnett’s rule (Arnett 1982), results in an mined the star formation rate (SFR) of the host to be unphysicalsolution, with the massof 56Ni exceeding the 0.41M⊙year−1fromthecalibrationofKennicutt(1998): total C+O ejecta mass. Our search for a luminous tail SFR (M⊙year−1)= 7.9× 10−42 L(Hα) (ergss−1). We phase in SN 2010gx was not motivated by what powers also estimated the SFR from the [OII] λ3727 line flux, the peak luminosity, rather it is to determine if there is whichgives 0.36±0.10M⊙year−1 (Kennicutt 1998) and any sign of radioactive 56Co at this stage and any simi- larity to 56Ni-rich Ic SNe such as SN 1998bw. The only is consistentwith Hα measurement. Berger et al.(2012) robustconclusionwecandrawisthatthereisunlikelyto used [OII] λ3727 to estimate the SFR of the ultra- be any excessive mass of 56Co above and beyond about luminous PS1-12bam host, which at z = 1.566 has Hα shiftedtotheNIR.TheagreementbetweentheSFResti- 0.3M⊙. At a similar phase, SN 2010gx is fainter than SN 1998bw as shown in Fig.2. This limit on the late matesfrom[OII]λ3727andHαforthehostofSN2010gx luminosity will also allow restrictions on the magnetar supports [OII] λ3727 being reliable for these types of models of Kasen & Bildsten (2010) when put in context galaxies at higher redshift. We detected the galaxy ISM absorption of the Mg II λλ2796/2803˚A doublet in the with other super-luminous supernovae of similar types (Inserra et al. in prep). Geminispectrumof1Apr. 2010(Pastorello et al.2010). Our detection of the [OIII] λ4363 auroral line gives Theequivalentwidthsare1.6±0.2and2.6±0.3˚Arespec- confidence to our measurement of the remarkably low tively, giving a ratio W2796/W2803 = 0.6. The strength metallicityof12+log(O/H)=7.46±0.10dex(0.06Z⊙). of the line λ2803 component is comparable with that In Fig.3 we show a compilation of other dwarf galax- seentowardGRBlinesofsiteandsomewhathigherthan ies with the [OIII] λ4363 direct method measurements, observed for PS1-12bam (Berger et al. 2012). The fact including four GRB hosts from Kewley et al. (2007). that the line ratio is significantly smaller than 2 (the The host of SN 2010gx is on the lower end and is ratio of their oscillator strengths) suggests we are not amongst the lowest metallicity dwarf galaxies known. It on the linear regime, nor the square root regime on the has been clear from the early discoveries of these SNe curve of growth which prevents further use of the lines at z < 1 (Pastorello et al. 2010; Quimby et al. 2011; as physical diagnostics. Nevertheless the absorption line Chomiuk et al. 2011), that the hosts are faint dwarf strengths are similar to PS1-12bamand GRB sightlines. galaxies and Neill et al. (2011) showed that they have The line centroids give identical redshifts (z =0.231) to high sSFRs. If the extremely low value we determine is the[OIII]emissionlines(z =0.230)detectedinthesame a common factor amongst these SNe then it will be a spectrum, giving reassurance that the Mg II absorption major constraint on the progenitor channel. does arise in the host. ThemagnetarscenariosuggestedbyKasen & Bildsten The g−band absolute magnitude of the host galaxy is (2010)toexplainthese SNemaybenefitfromlowmetal- M =−17.42±0.17(adoptingaHubbleconstantofH = g 0 licity progenitors. Massive stars rotate more rapidly at 72kms−1Mpc−1, Ω = 0.3, Ω =0.7, to obtain the lu- M λ SMC metallicity (0.2Z⊙) than solar (Hunter et al. 2008 minosity distance 1114.7 Mpc; Wright 2006), applying ; Martayan et al. 2007), although 0.06Z⊙ is unexplored the MilkyWay extinctionof0.13(Schlafly & Finkbeiner territory. Evolutionary models of rotating stars have fo- 2011)), a k-correction 0.27 ± 0.08 (Chilingarian et al. cusedattentiononlowmetallicityenvironmentsasmass- 2010) and a correction for internal dust extinction of loss is reduced (Mokiem et al. 2007) hence angular mo- ∼0.5mag. Thelattercomesfromthemeasuredintrinsic mentum loss is lower(Maeder & Meynet 2000). The en- Hα/Hβ ratioandassumingR =3.16(applicableforan V ergy input required from a magnetar requires the neu- LMC environment ; Pei 1992)7 tron star to be both highly magnetic (B ∼ 1014G) and The observed photometric g − r, r − i colour rotating rapidly at formation (P ∼ 2−20ms). It must i terms were corrected for Milky Way extinction also occur in a Wolf-Rayet or carbon-oxygen star, since (Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011) and used to fit the SED there is no sign of hydrogenin the spectra of SN 2010gx of a stellar population model (Maraston 2005). We or any similar SNe. Gal-Yam (2012) gives an estimated used the low-metallicity (Z∼ 1/20Z⊙) models, assum- relativerateofthe number of2010gx-likeSNe compared to the total core-collapse SN rate of 10−4. If the pro- 7 Thiswouldbereducedby0.05magifweusedavaluesuitable genitorchannelrequireslowmetallicity(aswemeasure), foranSMCenvironment;RV =2.93(Pei1992). high mass (to produce a WC star) and fast rotation (to 4 Chen et al. produce a rapidly rotating magnetar) then this very low low metallicity (e.g. in IZw13 at 0.02Z⊙) (Brown et al. rate may not be unexpected. Young et al. (2008) esti- 2002) could suggest that pulsational mass-loss is more mate that ∼1% of the star formation in the Local Uni- prevalent at low metallicity. This one measurement is verse (z < 0.04) is in galaxies with Z < 0.2Z⊙; around intriguingnewinformationontheseextremeSNebutfur- 13% of massive stars above the SN threshold of 8M⊙ thermeasurementsofthemetallicity,starformationrate are>60M⊙ (assumingaSalpeterIMF);andabout10% and volumetric rates of these supernovae are requiredto of O-stars in the SMC rotate faster than ∼300kms−1 constrain their explosion channels further. (Mokiem et al.2007). Onecanspeculatethatallofthese three conditions are required to produce the rate of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2010gx-like SNe and the estimated rate (which is itself S.J.S acknowledges support from the European Re- uncertain)wouldbe qualitativelyreproduced. Thehigh- searchCouncilintheformofanAdvancedGrant. T.-W. mass requirement could also be substituted for an in- ChenappreciatestoMeng-ChungTsai,ZhengZhengand teractingbinarysystemwhichcausesspin-upintheCO- Kai-Lung Sun for valuable comments and Prof. Christy corethatcollapses,similartotheproposedGRBsystems Tremonti, Dr. Elisabete da Cunha and Dr. Stephane (Cantiello et al. 2007). The Chevalier & Irwin (2011) Charlot for useful advice; thanks to all QUB SN group scenario of interaction with a dense wind would prob- members for discussions. ably require extreme progenitor mass and pulsational Facilities: Gemini North and South (GMOS) mass-loss. The fact thatwe see Wolf-Rayetstarsatvery REFERENCES Amor´ın,R.,P´erez-Montero,E.,V´ılchez,J.M.,&Papaderos,P. 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Right: Photometryofthehostgalaxy(redcircle)withthebest-fit(χ2=0.58) modelgalaxySED(blackline)fromMAGPHYS(daCunhaetal.2008),thebluelineshowsthesamemodelwithoutattenuationbydust. 6 Chen et al. 100 SN 2010gx- i SN 1998bw- Rc SN 2010gx- r s] SN 1998bw- V g n A / s / 10 g r e 7 3 0 1 g ] s 2.2 o g [l n A y sit 1 g/s/ 1.8 o r e in 7 1.4 m 3 0 u 1 L [ 1 222 226 230 0.1 100 150 200 250 300 Phase [Days] Fig. 2.—ThelimitingluminositiesofSN 2010gx compared withSN 1998bw (Clocchiatti etal.2011). At226 days wehave afluxlimit of0.8thatofSN1998bw. SN 2010gx host 7 6 5 1 0.3 s] Hγ [NII] [SII] g n 4 [OIII] A 2/ m 0.0 c 3 0 s/ [OIII] g/ 4300 4400 6500 6600 6700 6800 r e 7 2 [OII] 1 -0 x [1 1 Hγ u [NII] Fl 0 Hδ Hβ Hα [NeIII] [OIII] [OIII] [SII] -1 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 Wavelength [Angs] 1100 SN 2010gx Host, this work Green Pea, Amorin et al. 2012 99..55 GRB Host, Modjaz et al. 2008 Skillman et al. 1989 Richer and McCall, 1995 99 )) HH 88..55 O/O/ (( gg oo +l+l 88 22 11 77..55 Lee et al. 2006 Kewley et al. 2007 77 Guseva et al. 2009 Lee et al. 2004 Hoyos et al. 2005 Berg et al. 2012 66..55 --1100 --1122 --1144 --1166 --1188 --2200 --2222 MM BB Fig. 3.—Upper: SpectrumofthehostgalaxyofSN2010gx. The[OIII]λ4363˚Aaurorallineisshownintheinset. Bottom: Luminosity- metallicity relationship for dwarf galaxies in the local Universe, showing the metallicity as measured using the direct (Te) method, and usingdatafromtheliteraturelistedinthefigurekey. Greylinesaretheboundaryofnormalgalaxymass-metallicityrelationadaptedfrom Kudritzkietal.(2012),wheremetallicitieshavebeencalculatedusingbluesupergiants. Date MJD Phase g r i z Telescope Instrument 2010Jun4 55351.97 56.5 21.13(0.19) GS GMOS-S 2010Jun8 55354.93 58.9 23.55(0.28) 21.52(0.09) 21.31(0.12) WHT ACAM 2010Jun8 55355.48 59.3 21.58(0.13) 21.31(0.16) FTS EM03 2010Jun13 55360.47 63.4 23.91(0.30) 21.81(0.20) 21.56(0.13) FTS EM03 2010Jun13 55360.92 63.8 23.95(0.49) 21.83(0.12) 21.58(0.29) LT RATcam 2010Jun16 55363.48 65.8 >23.73 21.91(0.16) FTS EM03 2010Jun29 55376.38 76.3 22.47(0.21) 22.38(0.33) FTS EM03 2010Dec30 55560.63 226.1 H22.90(0.13) H22.98(0.16) GN GMOS-N >25.94(0.17) >24.58(0.29) al. 2011Jan14 55575.32 238.1 H23.71(0.14) H22.98(0.10) GS GMOS-S t >26.42(0.18) >25.68(0.11) e n 2011Feb28 55620.12 274.5 H23.20(0.13) H23.00(0.13) GS GMOS-S he >24.78(0.13) >23.35(0.32) C 2011May20 55701.28 340.5 H23.72(0.13) GN GMOS-N >26.00(0.15) 2011May25 55706.08 344.4 H23.08(0.08) H23.02(0.11) H23.06(0.16) GS GMOS-S >25.35(0.15) >24.60(0.20) 2012Jan18 55944.22 538.0 H23.03(0.10) GS GMOS-S 2012Jan20 55946.23 539.6 H23.17(0.11) GS GMOS-S 2012Jan21 55947.21 540.4 H23.62(0.11) GS GMOS-S TABLE 1 Observed photometry ofSN2010gxand itshost galaxy. Datauntil2010Dec30 are fromPastorello et al. (2010). The symbol”H” indicateshost galaxy photometry,andthe”>”expressesthelimitingmagnitudeoftheSN(5σ). Phasehasbeencorrectedfortimedilation,basedontheSNexplosionatMJD55282.51. 8 SN 2010gx host 9 SDSSname SDSSJ112546.72-084942.0 RA 11:25:46.72 Dec -08:49:42.0 Redshift 0.23 Apparentg (mag) 23.71±0.14 Apparentr (mag) 22.98±0.10 Apparenti(mag) 22.90±0.13 Apparentz (mag) 22.98±0.16 Galacticextinctiong (mag) 0.13 k-correctiong (mag) 0.27±0.08 Internal extinctiong (mag) ∼0.5(RV =3.16) Luminositydistance(Mpc) 1114.7 Absoluteg (mag) -17.42±0.17 PhysicalDiameter(kpc) 3.1 HαFlux(ergs−1 cm−2) 3.49e-16 SFR(M⊙ year−1) 0.41 Stellarmass(M⊙) 108.17 sSFR(year−1) 2.76×10−9 12+log(O/H) 7.46±0.1 Line MeasuredFlux±Error (ergs−1 cm−2) [OII]λ3727 1.297e-16±4.33e-18 [NeIII]λ3868 6.120e-17±2.65e-18 Hδ λ4102 4.254e-17±2.97e-18 Hγ λ4340 5.267e-17±3.59e-18 [OIII]λ4363 2.269e-17±2.33e-18 Hβ λ4861 1.285e-16±3.25e-18 [OIII]λ4959 2.129e-16±3.37e-18 [OIII]λ5007 6.569e-16±8.13e-18 Hαλ6563 4.996e-16±5.07e-18 [NII]λ6584 9.807e-18±8.21e-19 [SII]λ6717 1.918e-17±7.96e-19 [SII]λ6731 1.820e-17±9.29e-19 c(Hβ) 0.48±0.04 -W(Hβ)(˚A) 52 TABLE 2 Mainproperties of the hostgalaxyof SN2010gx.

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