S.C. D e f e n s e T r i a l A t t o r n e y s’ A s s o c i a t i o n I N T H I S I S S U E: • Judicial Profile of the Honorable Frank R. Addy, Jr. • Judicial Profile of the Honorable Timothy Martin Cain • Information on the SCDTAA Summer and Annual Meetings • Reflections from the First Association President PAC Golf Tournament Summer Meeting SPRING 2012 April 25, 2012 Asheville, NC July 26-28 VOLUME 40 Trial Academy ISSUE 1 Charleston, SC WWW.SCDTAA.COM June 6-8, 2012 P ’ President’s Message Letter From The Editors EDITORS’ RESIDENT S P M AGE ESSAGE by Molly H. Craig by David A. Anderson, Jack Riordan, and Breon Walker It is with great enthusiasm that I write to you as examination of an economist, and opening and clos- the President of the South Carolina Defense Trial ing statements. We have assembled an all-star No successful and relevant organiza- Attorneys’ Association. I am humbled and honored faculty of trial lawyers from the defense and the “As a general rule the most successful man in life tion can thrive without taking stock of to serve this organization and to follow in the foot- plaintiff’s bar and the Honorable Doyet A. Early, III is the man who has the best information.” Benjamin its past accomplishments and its history. steps of our Past Presidents, the true will preside over the mock trial on April 13, 2012 in Disraeli (21 December 1804- 19 April 1881) At the suggestion of our Association giants of the South Carolina defense bar. the Charleston County Courthouse. The mock trial President, Molly Craig, we have insti- For over seventy years, the SCDTAA has will be led by a jury consultant company and tried In accord with the above quote from the twice tuted a section called “Reflections.” provided its members valuable benefits before live jurors. We will have two juries; one drawn elected British Prime Minister (which equally applies With this initial edition you will learn at all levels of education, programming, from Charleston County and another drawn from to successful women), the editorial board strives to from Ben Moore, our first duly elected networking, amicus support, and lobby- Hampton County. The entire trial demonstration enhance our readers’ success by providing useful and president, of how the association got its ing efforts in our Legislature. During my and the jury deliberations will be videotaped for use start. In future editions you will hear timely information. The Defense Linehas earned the nine years on the Board, I have served in our CLEs throughout the year. Although live from others who held leadership roles in reputation of being a great resource to the members under some of the Association’s most attendance sold out the first day of registration, due the association as they reflect back on David A. Anderson of the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ talented presidents which provided me to the high demand, we have arranged a webcast our rich history. Association. This year’s editors hope to continue with with an education on how to serve our alternative for those who still would like to watch 2012 is shaping up to be an exciting the tradition of excellence by publishing three members by blending current legal Trial SuperstarsTM. year in our association. The Summer editions: this initial spring edition, along with follow- issues with institutional knowledge. By The SCDTAA website has the full calendar of CLE Meeting at the Grove Park Inn is sched- on editions in the summer and fall of 2012. the time an individual becomes the president of our and other events we are hosting this year. Our uled for July 26-28. This will be a great A magazine serving the South Carolina Civil organization, he or she has not only served on the specialized CLE programs, as well as the program- opportunity to enjoy informative CLEs Defense Bar is only as good as the contributions of its Board of Directors but has also held the offices of ming at the Summer Meeting and Annual Meeting while socializing with family and friends. members. We welcome your feedback and assis- secretary, treasurer, and president-elect. As will focus on trial techniques and tactics designed to The Annual Meeting will be held at The tance in providing timely and informative articles for compared to other organizations, our process of lead- give our members practical, useful information to Sanctuary on Kiawah Island, SC, publication; whether you are a new associate or a ership may take longer, but it makes certain that the take back and use in their daily practices. Our Trial November 8-11. You will most certainly people leading our Association are knowledgeable Academy will be held in Charleston on June 6-8, seasoned veteran, we welcome your input. You may want to attend this event, where you will about all facets of the SCDTAA. Indeed, it has been 2012 under the leadership of Jamie Hood and co- notice some changes in the 2012 publication, includ- be presented with instructive educa- Jack Riordan a wonderful journey and I am now excited to draw chairs, Jay Davis and Sarah Wetmore. Our Clerk of ing an increase of photographic content. For those tional credits and an opportunity to visit upon that education and experience as we go forward Court in Charleston County, Julie Armstrong, and who are handy with a camera, please submit your with our Judiciary in a renowned resort in 2012. With the great help of an outstanding her staff graciously agreed to allow us to use the photos electronically to one of the editors or to setting. Our Association Officers are Board, along with the guidance of our officers, courthouse for the mock trials as well as the two days Aimee Hiers. We also plan to feature two judicial working hard to provide you with both Sterling Davies, Curtis Ott, Ron Wray and Gray of instruction given by experienced trial lawyers to profiles with each edition and will concentrate on the information and opportunities to be Culbreath, we have been hard at work for what will the participants of the Trial Academy. In July, the one Circuit Court and one Federal Court Jurist. more successful in your practice. We surely be another terrific year for the SCDTAA. Summer Meeting will be held at The Grove Park Inn These informative profiles provide a candid look at appreciate those talented individuals There are many exciting opportunities and bene- in Asheville, North Carolina, July 26-28, 2012. The the talented judiciary that our State enjoys. In this who have contributed to this edition and fits available to our members in 2012. In recent Honorable Frank R. Addy, Jr., The Honorable J. Mark edition you will enjoy learning about Federal District encourage more involvement by all. Let years, we added a Corporate Counsel Seminar, Hayes, II and The Honorable Roger M. Young will be Judge Timothy M. Cain and Eighth Circuit Court us hear from you! Judge Frank R. Addy, Jr. Deposition Boot Camps, PAC golf tournament and a participating in our CLE program. Anthony Livoti, Breon Walker Construction Law CLE. These programs were highly along with co-chairs, Bill Besley, Erin Dean and Walt successful and will be continued in 2012. In addition Barefoot are in charge of the Summer Meeting which Continued from page 2 join a substantive law committee, write an article for to our Trial Academy, Summer Meeting, Annual will be an outstanding event. Our final event of the The DefenseLine, offer to speak at one of our many Meeting as guests of the SCDTAA. Please mark your Meeting, legislative and judicial receptions, we are year is our Annual Meeting scheduled for November CLE programs, attend our legislative and judicial calendars as this meeting will be one you do not want very pleased to host a new program entitled “Trial 8-11, 2012. I am excited that our Annual Meeting receptions and of course, attend the Summer to miss. William Brown, along with co-chairs, John SuperstarsTM”. Over the years, participants in our will take place at a new venue for the SCDTAA – The Meeting at the Grove Park Inn or the Annual Meeting Kuppens and Johnston Cox, are finalizing an impres- trial academies have repeatedly requested an actual Sanctuary at Kiawah Island. We are thrilled with the at The Sanctuary. You will find that active participa- sive agenda for our CLE program as well as social and trial demonstration by experienced trial lawyers. In close proximity and premium accommodations of tion in the SCDTAA is rewarding both personally and response to the requests, we have organized the this wonderful resort. The Sanctuary was the recip- networking opportunities. professionally. 2012 Trial SuperstarsTM, a live trial carried out by ient of the 2010 Forbes Five Star and AAA Five The members of the Board are working diligently We are all excited about the plans we have for some of the finest trial lawyers in the country. For Diamond Awards. Of course, Kiawah Island is well to ensure that our new initiatives this year, as well as 2012! Thank you for the opportunity to serve this lawyers with limited trial experience or lawyers who known for the breathtaking views, world class golf all regular programming, will be successful and prestigious organization. have tried many cases to verdict, there is nothing courses, fine dining as well as the home of the 2012 enjoyed by all. Our organization is fortunate to have more inspiring than watching a case tried by excel- PGA Championship. As always, the members of the such a talented and committed Board. Nevertheless, lent, experienced lawyers. This live trial presenta- state and federal judiciary are invited to our Annual the Association has plenty of room for new leaders tion will offer the opportunity to see highly effective and I encourage all of our members to become cross-examinations of expert witnesses, the direct Continued on next page involved in any aspect of the SCDTAA. I urge you to 2 3 P ’ President’s Message Letter From The Editors EDITORS’ RESIDENT S P M AGE ESSAGE by Molly H. Craig by David A. Anderson, Jack Riordan, and Breon Walker It is with great enthusiasm that I write to you as examination of an economist, and opening and clos- the President of the South Carolina Defense Trial ing statements. We have assembled an all-star No successful and relevant organiza- Attorneys’ Association. I am humbled and honored faculty of trial lawyers from the defense and the “As a general rule the most successful man in life tion can thrive without taking stock of to serve this organization and to follow in the foot- plaintiff’s bar and the Honorable Doyet A. Early, III is the man who has the best information.” Benjamin its past accomplishments and its history. steps of our Past Presidents, the true will preside over the mock trial on April 13, 2012 in Disraeli (21 December 1804- 19 April 1881) At the suggestion of our Association giants of the South Carolina defense bar. the Charleston County Courthouse. The mock trial President, Molly Craig, we have insti- For over seventy years, the SCDTAA has will be led by a jury consultant company and tried In accord with the above quote from the twice tuted a section called “Reflections.” provided its members valuable benefits before live jurors. We will have two juries; one drawn elected British Prime Minister (which equally applies With this initial edition you will learn at all levels of education, programming, from Charleston County and another drawn from to successful women), the editorial board strives to from Ben Moore, our first duly elected networking, amicus support, and lobby- Hampton County. The entire trial demonstration enhance our readers’ success by providing useful and president, of how the association got its ing efforts in our Legislature. During my and the jury deliberations will be videotaped for use start. In future editions you will hear timely information. The Defense Linehas earned the nine years on the Board, I have served in our CLEs throughout the year. Although live from others who held leadership roles in reputation of being a great resource to the members under some of the Association’s most attendance sold out the first day of registration, due the association as they reflect back on David A. Anderson of the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ talented presidents which provided me to the high demand, we have arranged a webcast our rich history. Association. This year’s editors hope to continue with with an education on how to serve our alternative for those who still would like to watch 2012 is shaping up to be an exciting the tradition of excellence by publishing three members by blending current legal Trial SuperstarsTM. year in our association. The Summer editions: this initial spring edition, along with follow- issues with institutional knowledge. By The SCDTAA website has the full calendar of CLE Meeting at the Grove Park Inn is sched- on editions in the summer and fall of 2012. the time an individual becomes the president of our and other events we are hosting this year. Our uled for July 26-28. This will be a great A magazine serving the South Carolina Civil organization, he or she has not only served on the specialized CLE programs, as well as the program- opportunity to enjoy informative CLEs Defense Bar is only as good as the contributions of its Board of Directors but has also held the offices of ming at the Summer Meeting and Annual Meeting while socializing with family and friends. members. We welcome your feedback and assis- secretary, treasurer, and president-elect. As will focus on trial techniques and tactics designed to The Annual Meeting will be held at The tance in providing timely and informative articles for compared to other organizations, our process of lead- give our members practical, useful information to Sanctuary on Kiawah Island, SC, publication; whether you are a new associate or a ership may take longer, but it makes certain that the take back and use in their daily practices. Our Trial November 8-11. You will most certainly people leading our Association are knowledgeable Academy will be held in Charleston on June 6-8, seasoned veteran, we welcome your input. You may want to attend this event, where you will about all facets of the SCDTAA. Indeed, it has been 2012 under the leadership of Jamie Hood and co- notice some changes in the 2012 publication, includ- be presented with instructive educa- Jack Riordan a wonderful journey and I am now excited to draw chairs, Jay Davis and Sarah Wetmore. Our Clerk of ing an increase of photographic content. For those tional credits and an opportunity to visit upon that education and experience as we go forward Court in Charleston County, Julie Armstrong, and who are handy with a camera, please submit your with our Judiciary in a renowned resort in 2012. With the great help of an outstanding her staff graciously agreed to allow us to use the photos electronically to one of the editors or to setting. Our Association Officers are Board, along with the guidance of our officers, courthouse for the mock trials as well as the two days Aimee Hiers. We also plan to feature two judicial working hard to provide you with both Sterling Davies, Curtis Ott, Ron Wray and Gray of instruction given by experienced trial lawyers to profiles with each edition and will concentrate on the information and opportunities to be Culbreath, we have been hard at work for what will the participants of the Trial Academy. In July, the one Circuit Court and one Federal Court Jurist. more successful in your practice. We surely be another terrific year for the SCDTAA. Summer Meeting will be held at The Grove Park Inn These informative profiles provide a candid look at appreciate those talented individuals There are many exciting opportunities and bene- in Asheville, North Carolina, July 26-28, 2012. The the talented judiciary that our State enjoys. In this who have contributed to this edition and fits available to our members in 2012. In recent Honorable Frank R. Addy, Jr., The Honorable J. Mark edition you will enjoy learning about Federal District encourage more involvement by all. Let years, we added a Corporate Counsel Seminar, Hayes, II and The Honorable Roger M. Young will be Judge Timothy M. Cain and Eighth Circuit Court us hear from you! Judge Frank R. Addy, Jr. Deposition Boot Camps, PAC golf tournament and a participating in our CLE program. Anthony Livoti, Breon Walker Construction Law CLE. These programs were highly along with co-chairs, Bill Besley, Erin Dean and Walt successful and will be continued in 2012. In addition Barefoot are in charge of the Summer Meeting which Continued from page 2 join a substantive law committee, write an article for to our Trial Academy, Summer Meeting, Annual will be an outstanding event. Our final event of the The DefenseLine, offer to speak at one of our many Meeting as guests of the SCDTAA. Please mark your Meeting, legislative and judicial receptions, we are year is our Annual Meeting scheduled for November CLE programs, attend our legislative and judicial calendars as this meeting will be one you do not want very pleased to host a new program entitled “Trial 8-11, 2012. I am excited that our Annual Meeting receptions and of course, attend the Summer to miss. William Brown, along with co-chairs, John SuperstarsTM”. Over the years, participants in our will take place at a new venue for the SCDTAA – The Meeting at the Grove Park Inn or the Annual Meeting Kuppens and Johnston Cox, are finalizing an impres- trial academies have repeatedly requested an actual Sanctuary at Kiawah Island. We are thrilled with the at The Sanctuary. You will find that active participa- sive agenda for our CLE program as well as social and trial demonstration by experienced trial lawyers. In close proximity and premium accommodations of tion in the SCDTAA is rewarding both personally and response to the requests, we have organized the this wonderful resort. The Sanctuary was the recip- networking opportunities. professionally. 2012 Trial SuperstarsTM, a live trial carried out by ient of the 2010 Forbes Five Star and AAA Five The members of the Board are working diligently We are all excited about the plans we have for some of the finest trial lawyers in the country. For Diamond Awards. Of course, Kiawah Island is well to ensure that our new initiatives this year, as well as 2012! Thank you for the opportunity to serve this lawyers with limited trial experience or lawyers who known for the breathtaking views, world class golf all regular programming, will be successful and prestigious organization. have tried many cases to verdict, there is nothing courses, fine dining as well as the home of the 2012 enjoyed by all. Our organization is fortunate to have more inspiring than watching a case tried by excel- PGA Championship. As always, the members of the such a talented and committed Board. Nevertheless, lent, experienced lawyers. This live trial presenta- state and federal judiciary are invited to our Annual the Association has plenty of room for new leaders tion will offer the opportunity to see highly effective and I encourage all of our members to become cross-examinations of expert witnesses, the direct Continued on next page involved in any aspect of the SCDTAA. I urge you to 2 3 S.CS.. CD.e fDeenfseen sTer iTarli aAlt tAotrtnoerynse’y sA’s sAoscsioactiiaotnion VolVuomluem 4e0 4 N0u Nmubmerb e1r •1 S•p rSipnrgi,n g2,0 212012 S.CS.. CD.e Dfeenfesen sTer iTarli aAlt tAotrtnoernyse’y sA’s sAoscsioactiiaotnion VoVluomluem 4e0 4 0Nu Nmubmebr e1r •1 S•p rSipnrgin, g2,0 210212 DDeTHeTEHfEfeennssee OFOFFICFEICRESRS DDeTeHTEHfEfeennsseeLLININEE OFOFFICFEICRESRS PRPERSIEDSEIDNETNT LLININEE PMRoPMEllRSyoE IlHDlSy.EI DHNCE.Tr aNCiTgraig MP.OoMPl.l. yoOB lH.loy .B x HC o1.rx a5C i10rga58ig0, 81,7 127 M2 eMeteientgi nSgt rSeterteet PC.hOPCa..rh OlBae.o rsBlxteo os1nxt5 ,o1 0nS58,C 0,S 821C,97 2142970 M4210 eM1eetientgin Sgt rSeteretet C(8h4C(a38hr4)la e35rs)7l et75os-7n4t7o,4 -nS34,54C S 3 F2C5A 9 XF24 A(980X4 41(0381)4 37)2 27-2126-310630 SCDTAA Docket MEMBER (m8o4(ml83ly4o). cl35lry)a7. ci57gr7a-@4i7g4h-@4o3o45hd3o Flo5aAd wXFl.a Ac(wX8o. m4c(83o4m) 37)2 722-126-136030 PRPERSEIDSIEDNETN’ST ’MS EMSESSASGAEGE N momllyo.lclyra.cigra@[email protected] PRPERSEIDSIEDNETN’ST ’MS EMSESSASGAEGE EWS PRPERSIEDSEIDNET NETL EECLETCT MoMlloyl lHy .H C.r Cairgaig 2 2 PStRePSErRtSlienEIrDgSliE InGDNg.ET GDN E.aT LvD EEiaeCLvsETieCsT MoMlloyl lHy .H C. rCairgaig 2 2 SP.tOeSPr.t.l OeiBnr.gol iB nxGg o1. x G2D .15a D2v1ia5e9vs1ie9s LELTETTETRE FRR FORMO MTH TEH EED EIDTOITROSRS PC.oOPClu..o OmBl.uo bmBxia ob1,x i2a S1,5C 21S 529C19 292912111 LELTETTETRE RFR FORMO MTH TEH EE DEIDTIOTROSRS C(8o0C(l38uo0)ml u37bm)7 i97ab-7,2i a9S3,-C02 S03 2C 0F9 0A22 XF91 A(218X1 0(138)0 37)4 87-4085-206526 DaDviadv iAd. AA.n Adnedrseornso, nJ,a cJka cRki oRridoardna, na,n adn Bdr Beoreno Wn aWlkaelkrer 3 3 Carlock, Copeland & Stair congratulates David J. Harmon 9,633 different law firms ranked nationally in one or (s8d0a(s83vd0i)ae 37vs)i7@e 79sm7-@2g9m3c-2l0ga30cw0l .aFc0wAo X.Fmc Ao(X8m 0(830) 37)4 784-085-025626 DaDvaidv iAd .A A. nAdnedrseorsno, nJ,a cJkac Rk iRoriodradna, na,n adn Bd rBeoreno Wn aWlkaelkrer 3 3 and Lee C. Weatherly on being selected to join the Firm's more of 75 major legal practice areas and in metro- sTdRasETvdRAiaeESvsAUi@[email protected] SCSDCTDATAA DA ODCOKCEKTET partnership politan or state rankings in one or more of 119 major SCSDCTDATAA AD ODCOKCEKTET TCRuTErCtRAuisErS tAULisS.R UOLE.RtR tOERtt FirFmir mAn Annonuonucnemceemnetsn t&s &M eMmebmebrse rins itnh eth Nee Nwesws 5 5 David J. Harmon has practiced law in Charleston, legal practice areas. CP.uOCrP.t.u iOsBrt .oLi sBx. oLO1.xt 4t O17t4t373 FirFmir mA nAnnonuonucnemceemnetsn t&s &M eMmebmebrse risn itnh eth Ne eNwesws 5 5 SC since graduating with honors from the University PC.oOPClu..o OmBl.uo bmBxia ob1,x i4a S1,7C 43S 72C39 22902202 JUJDUIDCIICAILA PLR PORFOILFEIL: ET:H TEH HE OHNOONROARBALBEL FER FARNAKN RK. RA.D ADDYD, YJ,R J.R. Attorney Charles Appleby Recognized as a Top Young of South Carolina School of Law in 2004. He has C(8o0C(l38uo0)ml u32bm)5 i42ab-5,2i a4S2,-C02 S02 2C 0F9 0A22 XF90 A(228X0 0(238)0 37)9 97-9399-537957 JUJDUIDCIICAILA PLR PORFOILFIEL: ET:H TEH EH OHNOONROARBALBEL EFR FARNAKN KR .R A. DADDYD, YJ,R J.R. Leader by The State Newspaper (c8o0t(ct83@o0)t tt32u@)r5 tn24ue5r-r2n4p2ea-2r0dp20ga0 edF0tgA. ceXFot A.m(cX8o 0(m830) 37)9 799-399-359757 DaDviadv iAd. AA.n Adnedrseornson 1717 been successful in both jury trials and in appellate cotcto@[email protected] DaDvaidv iAd .A A. nAdnedrseorsnon 1717 work, contributing to a brief that resulted in a Collins & Lacy, P.C. attorney Charles Appleby is SECSERCERTAERTAYRY JUJDUIDCIICAILA PLR PORFOILFEIL: ET:H TEH HE OHNOONROARBALBEL TEI MTIOMTOHTYH MY AMRATRINTI CNA CIANIN recognized as one of the area’s top young leaders by SREoSCnREaRolCnEdaRT KlAEd.RT KAWY.Rr WaYyr aIIy II JUJDUIDCIICAILA PLR PORFOILFIEL: ET:H TEH EH OHNOONROARBALBEL ETI TMIOMTOHTYH MY AMRATRITNI NC ACIANIN published Supreme Court opinion affirming the RP.oORnP..ao OBlnd.ao lKBxd. o 1KWx0. r15Wa08yr 5a9IIy8 9II JacJka cRki oRridoardnan 1919 summary judgment for the client. Harmon brings an The State Newspaper being named to this year’s class PG.rOePG..e rOBne.veo Binxll ove1ix,l0 l eS15,C0 8S5 92C89 926906303 JacJkac Rk iRoriodradnan 1919 environmental background to the field of law, having of “20 Under 40.” The State, coining this year’s class G(8r6eG(48er6)en 42ev)7in ll12vei-75l,l 1e3S-,65C 23S 62CF29A 2 X6F9 A0(86X3 60(483)6 42)7 12-7715-072502 2021011 A1N ANNUNAULA ML EMEETEINTIGN GW RWARPA UPP UP the “next wave of leaders in the Midlands,” specifi- received his master's degree in oceanography with a (r8w6a(r84yw6@)a 42yg)@7w 21bg7-lw5a1bw3-l56fai3rw2m6 fiF2.rAcm oXF.m Ac(Xo8 m6(846) 42)7 217-715-705202 2A0n2A1t0hn11ot Ah1no NyAn NWNyU N.W ALU.Li AvL oMLivt EiMoEtEiTEITNIGN GW RWARPA UP PUP 2121 cally highlighted Charles’ involvement in planning rwarwy@[email protected] concentration in wetland science and management. IMMIMEMDEIADTIEA TPEA SPAT SPTR PERSIEDSEIDNETNT AnAthnothnoyn Wy .W L.i vLoivtioti 2121 the successful Famously Hot New Year Celebration in He has authored and contributed to several IGMraIMGMyr EaMTDy. E ICTAD.uT IlCEAbT urPeElbAa rPStehATaS tPhTR PERSEIDSEIDNETNT YOYUONUGN GLA LWAYWEYRE URP UDPADTAETE January 2012. “With his tenacity and attention to GPPC..roOOaGPPClyu....ro O OamBBTly.u..oo b mBCTBxxi.a ouo b77,Clxx ib33a uS r77,l66eCb 33a88Sr t6e62Cha889 t22h902202 YJaOrYJeUaOdrNUe HGdN . GH LGA .L aWGrAraYWarEurYaxREu RxU PUDPADTAETE 2222 pmuebnlitsahl eldaw a,r tdicelteasil ianngd tah eb orookle i na ntdh et afixe lidn coef netnivvierso no-f every detail of the now famous Famously Hot New C(8o0C(l38uo0)ml u37bm)7 i97ab-7,1i a9S8,-C31 S38 2C 3F9 3A22 XF90 A(228X0 0(238)0 37)7 97-7197-617767 JarJeadre Hd .H G. aGrraaruraxux 2222 conservation easements in South Carolina. Year’s Celebration, Charles proved all the naysayers (g8c0u(g83lcb0)ur 3el7ba)7r te79ha7-@1t9h8g-@1w38b3g3lw aF3bwA lXfaFi rwA(mX8fi .r0(cm83o0.)mc 37o)7m 797-197-167767 THTEH 2E0 21021 S2U SMUMMEMRE MR EMEETEINTIGNG wrong who said ‘folks would not come out for a large Lee C. Weatherly's practice focuses on complex gEcXugEElcbXCurEleUbaCrTteUhIaV@TtEhIgV@ wCEgbO wlCaMbwOlafMMiwrmIfMTir.TmcIoET.mTcEoEmE TAHnTAtEHhn otE2hn0 o2y1n 02Wy1 S.2W U LS.iM UvLoMMivtiEoMtREi RM EMEETEITNIGNG 2323 community celebration in the dead of winter’”, said civil cases involving medical malpractice, automobile EXEEXCEUCTUIVTEIV CEO CMOMMIMTTITETEEE AnAthnothnoyn Wy .W L.i vLoivtioti 2323 City Center Partnership President and CEO Matt TerTme rEmx pEixrepsir e2s0 122012 andmotor carrier accidents, correctional health care, TDearTvDmeiadr v mEAixd .Ep AAixrn.pe dAisren e2rdss0e o21rns02o1n2 SSCCSSDDCCTTDDAATTAAAA A22A00 2211001111 AA11 NN AANNNNUUNNAAUULLAA MMLL EEMMEEEETTEEIITNNTIIGGNNGG constitutional law, premises liability, class action Kennell. “This event helped put the ‘mojo’ back in DWaaDvWltiadeav rl AitdHe. r.AA HB.n .adA rBenerdafseoroeronsftooont WiWlliiallmia mS. SB.r Bowronwn 2323 Main Street and will reap economic and social claims, commercial litigation, contract disputes and WWailWWllitaeailmrllt iaeH Smr. .H B SB.a .rBr oeBawfrronoeowftonot WiWlliiallmia mS. SB. rBorwonwn 2323 rewards for our community for years to come.” WEriilWcEli raKiilmcl.i aK EmSn. . gE SBlne.rg boBlawerrbondawtrndt DRDIR UIP UDPADTAET /E M / IMDIADTALTALNATNICTI RCE RGEIGOINOANLA RLE RPEOPROTRT HOA liability. He has been lead counsel in over 60 Charles applied his legal knowledge in retail/hospi- EJorisEcJh orKiusca.h K EuL.na. g EHLlne.og bwHlaeaorbrwdadtardrdt DRDIR UI PUDPADTAET E/ M / IMDIADTALTALNATNITCI CR ERGEIGOINOANLA RL ERPEOPROTRT jury trials and is an active member of both the South SaSmaumeul eOl uOttuetnte ann adn Pde Pggeyg gWy aWrdard 2424 tality to collaborate with city leaders such as Mayor JAonstJAhhonoustnahhy uoL anW. yL.H W.Lo Hi.wv ooLawitrvidaortdi Carolina and Kentucky Bars. Weatherly has been AGnratAGhhnroaatnhmhyoa nPWmy. . PWPLo..i vw PLoeoitvlwiloetill SaSmaumeul eOl uOttuetnte ann adn Pde Pgeggyg Wy aWrdard 2424 Steve Benjamin and Chief Randy Scott, as well as published numerous times and is frequently asked to GWr.a GWMhr.aac MmhEalc hmPEa.l nhPPea.o ynwP eWoeywlh lWeitlehlite RERFELFELCETCIOTINOSNS local businesses and community groups like the City RERFELFELCETCITOINOSNS speak to professional groups. Lee is also the recruit- TWe.r WTmMe. rcEMmExlc hpEEaixlrnhepeasiryn e 2eWs0y h12Wi30teh1it3e BeBnejanmjaimn iAn. AM. oMooreo,r eJ,r .Jr. 2525 Center Partnership for the inaugural celebration that TAe. rTJAmeo. rh JmEnoxs hEptnoixrsnpet iosCr neo2 sxC0 2o1x0313 BeBnejanmjaimn iAn .A M. oMooroe,r eJ,r .Jr. 2525 ing attorney for the Charleston, SC office. Weatherly drew in tens of thousands of attendees from 23 differ- AD.. AJDJo.a. h yJJ noaDshyatn oDvsniats o,vC niJso rC,x. oJrx. LELGEIGSLISALTAIVTEIV UEP UDPADTAETE received his Juris Doctor from the University of ent states. “We here at Collins & Lacy are proud to DR.y aDRJna.y yaJA anD.y aEA Dva. iarsEhv,aa isrJrhr,t. aJrr.t LJeEfLJfGe ETfIGfSh TLIoShArLdoTAarIdhTValIEVh lEU PUDPADTAETE 2626 Kentucky College of Law and his Bachelor of Arts have attorneys like Charles who can bolster the RE.y aRMEn.yi atMAcnh.i teAEcl.ahl reEGhlalra riGfrhftaritirfhftith JefJfe Tffh Tohrodradhalhl 2626 from the Centre College of Kentucky. excellent legal counsel they provide to South EJa. mEMJa.e imtsMc ehiBtsec. lhBlH eG.ol lroH iGdfofroiitfdhfith APAPPEPLELLALTAET DE EDCEICSIIOSINO ON POEPNESN TSH TEH DE ODOORO FRO FRO IRN ITNETRENRENTET JAa. mJSAae.hm saS enhBsea. nBMHe.oa MHosdosaeosydsey APAPPEPLELLALTAET ED EDCEICSIIOSINO NO POEPNESN TSH TEH ED ODOORO RFO FRO RIN ITNETRENRENTET Collins & Lacy P.C. Named to the 2011- 2012 Best Law Carolina businesses with strong community ties and AM.e ASMli.hs eSaslianhs easM naMe. M aNMs.i csaNhesioysclhesoyls SWSEWEEPESPTSATKAEKSE ISN I SNO SUOTUHT HCA CRAORLOINLIAN..A.F..O.FRO NRO NWOW Firms List a commitment to service,” said Managing Partner TMeerMTmliese rsElmiasx spEMaixr .epM Nsir. ie c2Nsh0i oc12lhs40o1ls4 SGWiSGleEWislE eEMPsE .SM PTSS.Ac TShKAcaEhnKSaeE nnISe,N nJI N,rS .JO SrU.OTUHT HC ACRAORLOILNIAN.A..F..O.FRO RN ONWOW 2727 Ellen Adams. Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce the TMearTMmrekar mEArkx. EpAAixl.rl pieAsislorl ein2sso0 2n10414 GiGleisl eMs .M S.c Shcahnaenne, nJ,r .Jr. 2727 firm has been recognized in the Best Law Firms MWailMWlrikaai lmrlAika. GmAA..l lGiBAs.leol isBnsleoesnyley LELSESS ISS INSO NTO MT OMROER IEN I SNU SSUTSATIANIANBALBEL DE EDSEIGSINGN Collins & Lacy Founding Partner Selected as Legal Elite WEriilWnEli raiDilmnl.i a DDmG.e. DaGBne.e aBsnleesyley LELSESS ISS INS ONTO MT OMROER EIN I NSU SSUTSATIANIANBALBEL ED EDSEIGSINGN 2011-2012 list released by the U.S. News Media BUBIULDILIDNIGN GCO CNOTNRTARCATCSTS Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce found- EJorihEnJno rDi hnF.n . D DKF.e.u DapKnepuaepnnpsens Group and Best Lawyers®. The business defense BUBIULIDLIDNIGN GC OCNOTNRTARCATCSTS ing partner Joel W. Collins, Jr. has been recognized JWo.h JWEnod. h FwEn. adKFrw.du aK prLpudaep wLnpsaseownnsson CaCleable Mb .M R.i sReirser 3333 firm received both first and second tier ranking in WJo.h WJEno.d h PwEn.d a “PwrJ.daa “rcLJdkaa ”wLc aksR”woio nsRrodionarndan CaCleable Mb .M R. iRseirser 3333 by his peers as a member of the Greater Columbia numerous practice areas for both the Columbia and JBorheJBnoor nheP no.C n“P. MJ.C a“..c JMWka”.ca kWlRk”iae oRlrrkideoarrndan IS IOS NOLNINLIEN DE IDSPISUPTUET REE RSEOSLOULTUIOTINO CNO CMOIMNIGN GTO T O Business Monthly’s 2011 Legal Elite. This is the Greenville metropolitan areas: BSraeBrSaorahner oaECnh.. MCWE...eM WWtm.a eWoltkmraeelorkreer IASN IAOS AN NOR LANEIRLNAEIE NNA EDE N AIDESRPIAS UYRPTO UYEUTO ?ERU E?RSEOSLOULTUITOINO NC OCMOIMNIGN GTO T O second year that Collins has been selected to receive SaSraahr aEh. EW. eWtmetomreore The 2011 - 2012 “Best Law Firms” rankings marks PASPAT SPTR PERSIEDSEIDNET NCTO CMOMMITMTIETET EME EMMEBMEBRER ANA NA RAERAE AN ENAERA RYO YUO?U? this prestigious honor. Joel Collins co-founded PWAiPlSWlAiTaiS lmlPiTaR mPAER.S AECID.So EICaDNtoEeTaN stCTeO sCMOMMIMTTIETTEE ME EMMEBMEBRER WWeeWWnneeddnnyydd JJyy.. JJKK.. ee KKeeeffeeeeerrffeerr 33553355 the second edition of this annual analysis. “It is an Collins & Lacy in 1984 as a firm that would concen- WiWlliaillmia mA. AC.o Caoteastes honor for Collins & Lacy to be selected for inclusion COCROPROPROARTEA TCEO CUONUSNELS ECLH CAHIRAPIRERPESROSNON SOSUOTUHT HCA CRAORLOINLIAN MA OMVOEVSE TSO T OLI MLIIMT IPTU PNUINTIIVTEIV DE ADMAAMGAEGSE:S: trate primarily on business defense litigation. He CDOuCDRnOcuPRanOnPcR aOASnRT. EASMT .CE cMO ICnUctONIonUSstNEhoSLs EhCLH CAHIRAPIREPRESROSNON SOSUOTUHT HC ACRAORLOILNIAN AM OMVOEVSE TSO T OLI LMIIMTI PTU PNUINTIITVIEV ED ADMAAMGAEGSE:S: in this prestigious list,” said managing partner Ellen currently chairs the firm’s Professional Liability DDRuDDnI uRcRnaIE cnRPa RESnPE. RSSMEE. NScMIETnAcNtTIoTnIAsVtTohEIsVhE TTHHTTEEHH EFFEAA FFIIAARRIINNRREENNSSEESSSS IISSNN II NCCN II CCVVIIIIVLLVI IJJLLUU JJSSUUTTSSIITCCTIIEECC EAAE CC AATTCC OOTT FFOO 22FF00 221100111111 Adams. “Our firm is proud to be recognized for the practice group. Joel’s reputation in the courtroom DSRaDSmI RaRuImE eRPlu EReWPEl. RS WOEE.SuN OEtTtNAueTTtntIAeVTnEIVE JosJeopsehp Wh .W R.o Rhoehe 3737 work we enjoy doing for our clients.” Collins & and professional standing has led his peers to SYOaSYUmaONumUGeN ulL GeWA lW L.W AOYW.Eu ORYttuESeRt ntPSeR nPERSIEDSEIDNETNT JoJsoepsehp Wh .W R. oRhoehe 3737 Lacy’s first-tier rankings will be featured in the consider him one of South Carolina’s preeminent WHWAHTA VTI OVILOALTAETSE PSU PBULBICLI PCO PLOICLIYC?Y? YJaOrYJUeaONdrUG eHNd L.G AH GWL.aA YGrWrEaaYRruErSxaR uPSxR PERSEIDSEIDNETNT November issue of U.S. News & World Report’s WHWAHTA VT IVOILOALTAETSE PSU PBULBILCI CPO PLOILCIYC?Y? attorneys, according to Martindale-Hubbell. He also JEaXrJEEeaXCdrEUe HCdTIU. V HTGE.Ia VGDrErIa aRDruErIaxRCuETxCOTROR BrBiarnia Ln. LQ. uQisueinsebnebrreyr rayn adn Edr Eicr iCc. CS.c Shcwhewitezietrzer 3939 Money issue. The mission of “Best Law Firms” is to is named one of the Best Lawyers in America©, one BrBiarnia Ln. LQ. uQisueinsebnebrreyr rayn adn Ed rEicr iCc .C S.c Shcwhewitezietzrer 3939 EAiXmEAEeXiCmeEU eCHTeUIi eVHTrEIsiVe DrEsI RDEIRCETCOTROR help guide referring lawyers and clients – from the of the oldest and most respected peer-reviews in the AEiDmAEITeiDmOeI eRTHeOSi eRHrSsiers CCAACCSSAAEESS E ENN OO NNTTOOEETTSSEE SS 44334433 country’s largest companies and individuals needing legal profession. EDDaEvDITiDadOIv TRAidO.S RAAn.S dAenrdseornson corporate legal advice. These rankings showcase DJaacDvJkaiad cRv kAiido .R rAAdio.na rdAndenardnseornson VEVREDRIDCITC RTE RPEOPROTRSTS 4646 Continued on next page JBarceJBkoar nceRk oiC onR.r MidCoa..r MndWa.a nWlkaelrker VEVREDRIDCITC RT ERPEOPROTRSTS 4646 5 BreBorne oCn. MC..M W.a Wlkaelrker S.C. Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association Volume 40 Number 1 • Spring, 2012 S.C. Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association Volume 40 Number 1 • Spring, 2012 DeTHEfense OFFICERS DeTHEfenseLINE OFFICERS PRESIDENT LINE PMRoEllSyI DHE. NCTraig MP.oOl.ly B Ho.x C 1ra5ig08, 172 Meeting Street PC.hOa. rBleosxt o1n5, 0S8C, 2197420 M1eeting Street C(8h4a3r)l e5s7t7o-n4,4 S3C5 F2A9X4 (08143) 722-1630 SCDTAA Docket MEMBER (m84ol3ly). c5r7ai7g-@44h3oo5d FlaAwX. c(8o4m3) 722-1630 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE N [email protected] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE EWS PRESIDENT ELECT Molly H. Craig 2 PSRteErSliInDgE GN.T D EaLvEieCsT Molly H. Craig 2 SPt.Oer.l iBngo xG .1 D2a5v1ie9s LETTER FROM THE EDITORS PC.oOl.u mBobxia 1, 2S5C1 299211 LETTER FROM THE EDITORS C(8o0lu3m) 7b7ia9,-2 S3C0 02 F9A2X1 (1803) 748-0526 David A. Anderson, Jack Riordan, and Breon Walker 3 Carlock, Copeland & Stair congratulates David J. Harmon 9,633 different law firms ranked nationally in one or (s8d0a3v)ie 7s7@9m-2g3c0la0w .FcAoXm (803) 748-0526 David A. Anderson, Jack Riordan, and Breon Walker 3 and Lee C. Weatherly on being selected to join the Firm's more of 75 major legal practice areas and in metro- [email protected] SCDTAA DOCKET partnership politan or state rankings in one or more of 119 major SCDTAA DOCKET TCRuErtAisS UL.R OERtt Firm Announcements & Members in the News 5 David J. Harmon has practiced law in Charleston, legal practice areas. CP.uOrt.i sB oL.x O1t4t73 Firm Announcements & Members in the News 5 SC since graduating with honors from the University PC.oOl.u mBobxia 1, 4S7C3 29202 JUDICIAL PROFILE: THE HONORABLE FRANK R. ADDY, JR. Attorney Charles Appleby Recognized as a Top Young of South Carolina School of Law in 2004. He has C(8o0lu3m) 2b5ia4,-2 S2C0 02 F9A2X0 (2803) 799-3957 JUDICIAL PROFILE: THE HONORABLE FRANK R. ADDY, JR. Leader by The State Newspaper (c8o0tt3@) t2u5rn4e-2rp2a0d0g eFtA.cXo (m803) 799-3957 David A. Anderson 17 been successful in both jury trials and in appellate [email protected] David A. Anderson 17 work, contributing to a brief that resulted in a Collins & Lacy, P.C. attorney Charles Appleby is SECRETARY JUDICIAL PROFILE: THE HONORABLE TIMOTHY MARTIN CAIN recognized as one of the area’s top young leaders by SREoCnaRlEdT KA.R WYray II JUDICIAL PROFILE: THE HONORABLE TIMOTHY MARTIN CAIN published Supreme Court opinion affirming the RP.oOn.a lBdo Kx. 1W0r5ay8 9II Jack Riordan 19 summary judgment for the client. Harmon brings an The State Newspaper being named to this year’s class PG.rOe.e Bnovixll e1,0 S5C8 929603 Jack Riordan 19 environmental background to the field of law, having of “20 Under 40.” The State, coining this year’s class G(8r6e4e)n 2vi7ll1e-,5 3S6C2 2 F9A6X 0(8364) 271-7502 2011 ANNUAL MEETING WRAP UP the “next wave of leaders in the Midlands,” specifi- received his master's degree in oceanography with a (r8w6a4y)@ 2g7w1b-l5a3w6fi2rm F.AcXo m(864) 271-7502 2A0n1th1o AnNy NWU. ALLiv MotEiETING WRAP UP 21 cally highlighted Charles’ involvement in planning [email protected] concentration in wetland science and management. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Anthony W. Livoti 21 the successful Famously Hot New Year Celebration in He has authored and contributed to several IGMraMyE TD. ICATuElb rPeAaSthT PRESIDENT YOUNG LAWYER UPDATE January 2012. “With his tenacity and attention to GPPC..roOOaly.u. mBTB.oo bCxxia u 77,lb 33Sr6e6Ca88 t2h9202 YJaOrUedN GH .L GAaWrrYaEuRx UPDATE 22 pmuebnlitsahl eldaw a,r tdicelteasil ianngd tah eb orookle i na ntdh et afixe lidn coef netnivvierso no-f every detail of the now famous Famously Hot New C(8o0lu3m) 7b7ia9,-1 S8C3 32 F9A2X0 (2803) 779-1767 Jared H. Garraux 22 conservation easements in South Carolina. Year’s Celebration, Charles proved all the naysayers (g8c0u3lb)r e7a7t9h-@18g3w3b laFwAXfi r(m80.c3o)m 779-1767 THE 2012 SUMMER MEETING wrong who said ‘folks would not come out for a large Lee C. Weatherly's practice focuses on complex gEcXuElbCreUaTthIV@Eg wCbOlaMwfMirmIT.TcoEmE TAHntEh o2n0y1 2W S. ULMivoMtEi R MEETING 23 community celebration in the dead of winter’”, said civil cases involving medical malpractice, automobile EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Anthony W. Livoti 23 City Center Partnership President and CEO Matt Term Expires 2012 andmotor carrier accidents, correctional health care, TDearvmid E Ax.p Airnedse 2rs0o1n2 SSCCDDTTAAAA 22001111 AANNNNUUAALL MMEEEETTIINNGG constitutional law, premises liability, class action Kennell. “This event helped put the ‘mojo’ back in DWaavlitde rA H. .A Bndaerersfooont William S. Brown 23 Main Street and will reap economic and social claims, commercial litigation, contract disputes and WWaillltiaemr H S. .B Barroewfonot William S. Brown 23 rewards for our community for years to come.” WEriilcli aKm. ESn.g Blerboawrndt DRI UPDATE / MIDATLANTIC REGIONAL REPORT HOA liability. He has been lead counsel in over 60 Charles applied his legal knowledge in retail/hospi- EJorisch Ku.a ELn.g Hleobwaardrdt DRI UPDATE / MIDATLANTIC REGIONAL REPORT jury trials and is an active member of both the South Samuel Outten and Peggy Ward 24 tality to collaborate with city leaders such as Mayor JAonsthhuoan yL W. H. oLwivaortdi Carolina and Kentucky Bars. Weatherly has been AGnrathhoanmy WP.. PLoivwoetill Samuel Outten and Peggy Ward 24 Steve Benjamin and Chief Randy Scott, as well as published numerous times and is frequently asked to GWr.a MhacmEl hPa. nPeoyw Welhlite REFLECTIONS local businesses and community groups like the City REFLECTIONS speak to professional groups. Lee is also the recruit- WTe. rMmc EExlhpairneesy 2W0h1it3e Benjamin A. Moore, Jr. 25 Center Partnership for the inaugural celebration that TAe. rJmo hEnxsptiorne sC 2ox013 Benjamin A. Moore, Jr. 25 ing attorney for the Charleston, SC office. Weatherly drew in tens of thousands of attendees from 23 differ- AD.. JJoahyn Dsatovnis C, oJrx. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE received his Juris Doctor from the University of ent states. “We here at Collins & Lacy are proud to DR.y aJany A D. aEvaisrh, aJrr.t LJeEfGf TIShLoArdTaIVhlE UPDATE 26 Kentucky College of Law and his Bachelor of Arts have attorneys like Charles who can bolster the RE.y aMni tAc.h eElal rGharirfftith Jeff Thordahl 26 from the Centre College of Kentucky. excellent legal counsel they provide to South EJa. mMeitsc hBe.l lH Goroifdfith APPELLATE DECISION OPENS THE DOOR FOR INTERNET JAa.m Sehsa nBe. MHoaosdsey APPELLATE DECISION OPENS THE DOOR FOR INTERNET Collins & Lacy P.C. Named to the 2011- 2012 Best Law Carolina businesses with strong community ties and AM. eSlihsasnae M M. aNsischeoyls SWEEPSTAKES IN SOUTH CAROLINA...FOR NOW Firms List a commitment to service,” said Managing Partner MTeerlmis sEax pMir.e Nsi c2h0o1ls4 SGWileEsE MPS. TSAchKaEnSe nIN, J Sr.OUTH CAROLINA...FOR NOW 27 Ellen Adams. Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce the TMearmrk EAx. pAilrleisso 2n014 Giles M. Schanen, Jr. 27 firm has been recognized in the Best Law Firms MWailrlika mA. GA.ll iBseosnley LESS IS NOT MORE IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Collins & Lacy Founding Partner Selected as Legal Elite WEriilnli aDm. DGe. aBnesley LESS IS NOT MORE IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN 2011-2012 list released by the U.S. News Media BUILDING CONTRACTS Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce found- EJorihnn D F.. DKeuapnpens Group and Best Lawyers®. The business defense BUILDING CONTRACTS ing partner Joel W. Collins, Jr. has been recognized JWo.h En dFw. aKrudp Lpaewnsson Caleb M. Riser 33 firm received both first and second tier ranking in WJo.h End Pw.a “rJda Lcak”w sRoionrdan Caleb M. Riser 33 by his peers as a member of the Greater Columbia numerous practice areas for both the Columbia and JBorheno nP .C “.JMa.c kW”a Rlkieorrdan IS ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMING TO Business Monthly’s 2011 Legal Elite. This is the Greenville metropolitan areas: BSraeroanh CE..M W. eWtmalokreer IASN O ANRLEINAE N DEIASRP UYTOEU ?RESOLUTION COMING TO second year that Collins has been selected to receive Sarah E. Wetmore The 2011 - 2012 “Best Law Firms” rankings marks PAST PRESIDENT COMMITTEE MEMBER AN AREA NEAR YOU? this prestigious honor. Joel Collins co-founded PWAiSlliTa mPR AE.S ICDoEaNtTe sCOMMITTEE MEMBER WWeennddyy JJ.. KKeeeeffeerr 3355 the second edition of this annual analysis. “It is an Collins & Lacy in 1984 as a firm that would concen- William A. Coates honor for Collins & Lacy to be selected for inclusion CORPORATE COUNSEL CHAIRPERSON SOUTH CAROLINA MOVES TO LIMIT PUNITIVE DAMAGES: trate primarily on business defense litigation. He CDOuRnPcaOnR AST.E M CcOInUtNoSsEhL CHAIRPERSON SOUTH CAROLINA MOVES TO LIMIT PUNITIVE DAMAGES: in this prestigious list,” said managing partner Ellen currently chairs the firm’s Professional Liability DDuRnI cRaEnP RSE. SMEcNITnAtToIsVhE TTHHEE FFAAIIRRNNEESSSS IINN CCIIVVIILL JJUUSSTTIICCEE AACCTT OOFF 22001111 Adams. “Our firm is proud to be recognized for the practice group. Joel’s reputation in the courtroom DSRaIm RuEePl RWE.S OENuTttAeTnIVE Joseph W. Rohe 37 work we enjoy doing for our clients.” Collins & and professional standing has led his peers to SYaOmUNuGe l LWAW. OYuERttSe nPRESIDENT Joseph W. Rohe 37 Lacy’s first-tier rankings will be featured in the consider him one of South Carolina’s preeminent WHAT VIOLATES PUBLIC POLICY? YJaOrUeNdG H L.A GWaYrEraRuSx PRESIDENT November issue of U.S. News & World Report’s WHAT VIOLATES PUBLIC POLICY? attorneys, according to Martindale-Hubbell. He also JEaXrEeCdU HT.I VGEa DrrIaRuExCTOR Brian L. Quisenberry and Eric C. Schweitzer 39 Money issue. The mission of “Best Law Firms” is to is named one of the Best Lawyers in America©, one Brian L. Quisenberry and Eric C. Schweitzer 39 EAXimEeCeU HTIiVerEs DIRECTOR help guide referring lawyers and clients – from the of the oldest and most respected peer-reviews in the AEiDmIeTeO RHSiers CCAASSEE NNOOTTEESS 4433 country’s largest companies and individuals needing legal profession. EDDaIvTidO RA.S Anderson corporate legal advice. These rankings showcase DJaacvkid R Aio. rAdnadnerson VERDICT REPORTS 46 Continued on next page JBarceko nR iCo.rMda. nWalker VERDICT REPORTS 46 5 Breon C.M. Walker Ellen Adams, Managing Shareholder of Collins & Collins & Lacy, P.C. Attorney Elected as President of Kids’ and only to those individuals who have made it their Collins & Lacy, P.C. Receives Triple Honors in Statewide MEMBER Lina ctyh,i sc osmpemceianlt ewda, y“ Ibt yis hniisc ep etoe rsse. e HJoee ls reercvoegsn aizse da ChRanecbee cocf aS oKu.t hH Caalbroelringa has been elected president of lwifoer’sk ewros’r kco tmo peennhsaanticoen tshyes tSemCW. CEA and/or the SC CoTmhmeu nCicoaltliionnss &Aw Laardcsy ,P rPo.Cgr.a mMarketing Department MEMBER NEWS wonderful illustration of Collins & Lacy’s commit- nonprofit Kids’ Chance of South Carolina. received triple recognition for its communications NEWS Collins & Lacy Attorney Elected to Leadership Greenville’s CONT. mCaernotl itnoa e.”xcellence in serving the businesses of South coKrpidosr'a Ctiohnan dceev oelfo Spoeudt hin C 1a9r9o2li nbay, Itnhce. Sis. Ca. nWoonrpkreorfist' Alumni Association Board of Directors pTrhoeg rhamonso drus riinngc ltuhdee d2 0a1n1 AAnwnauradl oPfa lmExectteoll eAnwcaer disn. CONT. Compensation Educational Association. Its purpose Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce Ross Strategic Communications, an Award of Excellence in Collins & Lacy Founding Partners Selected for Leadership is to provide financial scholarships for children of B. Plyler has been elected to serve on the Alumni Internal Benefits Communications, and an Award of in the Law Awards SouthCarolina workers killed or seriously injured in Association Board of Directors for Leadership Merit in Online and Electronic Publications. The Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce that work-related accidents. “I am honored to serve in Greenville. Plyler is a graduate of the Leadership South Carolina Chapter of the International founding partners, Joel Collins and Stan Lacy have this new role as president and to continue to fulfill the Greenville Class of 2011. Leadership Greenville is a Association of Business Communicators (IABC/SC) been selected as recipients of the South Carolina mission of Kids’ Chance,” said Halberg. “Kids’ Chance program designed and facilitated by the Greenville hosted its annual awards program, the Palmetto Lawyers Weekly 2012 Leadership in the Law Awards. graduates are working as lawyers, doctors and nurses. Chamber of Commerce to help develop informed, Awards, Tuesday November 1, 2011 in Columbia. They will be recognized at the Leadership in the Law It is rewarding work to help them succeed.” committed and qualified leaders for Greenville Established in 1999, the Palmetto Awards annually awards dinner on Thursday, March 15th at the County. Since the program began in 1973, there recognize outstanding achievements in communica- Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston. The Collins & Lacy, P.C. Founding Partner Named Lawyer of have been approximately 1,650 participants. Many tions across the Palmetto State. More than 60 profes- awards were designed to spotlight those members of the Year alumni have served in key leadership positions sionals from businesses, government entities and the legal community whose leadership, both in the Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce found- within their businesses and organizations, as well as non-profits statewide attended this year’s event, during legal profession and in the community, has made a ing partner Stanford E. Lacy has been named Lawyer city council, county council, school board, members which the Collins & Lacy Marketing Department was positive impact on our state. The recipients were of the Year for his work in workers’ compensation of Congress and judges.“By serving on the Alumni recognized in the above three categories. selected by a panel of judges based on their outstand- law in South Carolina. Association Board of Directors, I look forward to the ing achievement in the following key areas: dedica- continuation of my active involvement in this Garlock Copeland & Stair’s Blog on Insurance Coverage Best Lawyers in America, the oldest and most tion to the legal profession, achievement in their legal outstanding organization and the opportunity to Recognized respected peer-review publication in the legal profes- career, along with mentoring and community involve- continue to work closely with Greenville’s business Carlock, Copeland & Stair's blog, Insurance sion, designated Lacy as the “Columbia, SC Best ment. Joel Collins, together with Stan Lacy, co- leaders,” said Plyler. Plyler is a senior associate with Coverage Corner, was been selected as a LexisNexis Lawyers Workers' Compensation Law - Employers founded Collins & Lacy in 1984 as a firm that would Collins & Lacy practicing in the areas of insurance Top Blog for Insurance Law - 2011. The Insurance Lawyer of the Year” for 2012. Lacy is the only attor- concentrate primarily on business defense litigation. coverage and transportation law. Ross is a summa Coverage Corner focuses on legal updates, opinions ney in the the Columbia metro region to receive this cum laude graduate of Wofford College, where he and other relevant information for Insurance honor. The region includes Camden, Columbia, Collins & Lacy, P.C. Attorneys Rebecca Halberg and Brian received his undergraduate degree in Government Coverage and Bad Faith Litigation, and its authors Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Sumter and West Comer Elected as Shareholders and History and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. include members Michael Ethridge and Katherine Columbia. Collins & Lacy P.C. is pleased to announce He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Sullivan. You can subscribe to the Insurance Steven Naifeh, President of Best Lawyers, says, Rebecca K. Halberg and Brian A. Comer have been South Carolina School of Law. Coverage Corner by clicking on "Add this Blog" under “We continue to believe – as we have believed for elected as shareholders of the statewide business Subscribe at www.insurancecoveragecorner. com. more than 25 years – that recognition by one’s peers Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys Recognized as ‘Lawyers defense firm. is the most meaningful form of praise in the legal of the Year’ Fifteen Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys named to Best Rebecca Halberg practices in workers’ compensa- tion, regularly appearing before the South Carolina profession. We would like to congratulate Stan Lacy Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. is pleased to Lawyers in America Workers' Compensation Commission. As the newly on being selected as the ‘Columbia, SC Best Lawyers announce that shareholders Gray T. Culbreath and Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. is pleased to elected President of Kids’ Chance South Carolina, Workers' Compensation Law - Employers Lawyer of T. David Rheney have been recognized as 2012 announce that 15 of its attorneys have been named Rebecca continually gives back to families of workers the Year’ for 2012.” “Lawyers of the Year” in their respective practice to the 2012 edition of Best Lawyers in America, one who were injured or killed on the job. She earned her Founding Partner Honored with Lifetime Service Award areas by Best Lawyers, one of the most respected of the most respected peer-reviewed publications in undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass peer-reviewed publications in the legal profession. the legal profession. The attorneys are recognized for Collins & Lacy, P.C. and the South Carolina Communication from the University of North Gray Culbreath, a shareholder whose practice their leadership in 18 different categories. W. Workers’ Compensation Educational Association Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Juris Doctor from the focuses on complex litigation and business and Howard Boyd, Jr., Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – (SCWCEA) are pleased to announce founding part- University of South Carolina School of Law. commercial disputes, has been named the 2012 Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, ner Stanford E. Lacy has been honored with the Brian Comer practices in products liability and Lifetime Service Award. Lawyer of the Year in Columbia, South Carolina, for Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, James professional liability and chairs the firm's Products “Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants” by Brice, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Product Liability Practice Group. Brian was a magna cum The SCWCEA Lifetime Service Award is given by Best Lawyers. Culbreath, immediate past President of Liability Litigation – Defendants, Deborah Casey laude graduate of the University of South Carolina the SCWCEA Board to individuals who have the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Brown, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Employment Honors College in International Studies and contributed significantly to the success and better- Association, leads GWB’s newly established Columbia Law Management,Gray T. Culbreath, Shareholder, Economics. He also served as Student Body ment of the SCWCEA and/or the South Carolina office, along with partners John T. Lay, Johnston Cox, Columbia, S.C. – Bet-the-Company Litigation, President during his undergraduate career. Brian workers’ compensation system. The Board unani- John Hudson, and Shelley Montague. Commercial Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Mass mously determined there was one individual that received his Juris Doctor from the University of David Rheney, Immediate Past President of the Tort Litigation / Class Actions – Defendants and completely fit the criteria of this great designation. South Carolina School of Law and an International South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, H. Mills “Stan Lacy lives and breathes workers’ compensa- Masters in Business Administration degree from the has been named the 2012 Lawyer of the Year in Gallivan, Senior Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – tion. His institutional knowledge of the Association University's Moore School of Business, with a Greenville, South Carolina, for Insurance Law. Arbitration, Mediation, Workers’ Compensation Law and the South Carolina workers’ compensation concentration in German. Brian is the founder and Rheney leads the firm’s Insurance Practice Group. – Employers, Arthur L. Howson, Shareholder, system is invaluable, and his presence and wit are contributing author of The South Carolina Products Attorneys honored as “Lawyers of the Year” have Greenville, S.C. – Real Estate Law, Banking and infectious,” said Chris Daniel, 2011 SCWCEA Liability Law Blog, a blog for individuals and product received particularly high ratings by their peers. Finance Law, Jennifer E. Johnsen, Shareholder, President and Claims Director for Companion manufacturers who are interested in this area of law. Only a single lawyer in each practice area in each Greenville, S.C. – Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Property & Casualty Group. The Lifetime Service community is given the annual recognition. Award is not an annual event. It is given sparingly Continued on next page 6 7 Ellen Adams, Managing Shareholder of Collins & Collins & Lacy, P.C. Attorney Elected as President of Kids’ and only to those individuals who have made it their Collins & Lacy, P.C. Receives Triple Honors in Statewide MEMBER Lina ctyh,i sc osmpemceianlt ewda, y“ Ibt yis hniisc ep etoe rsse. e HJoee ls reercvoegsn aizse da ChRanecbee cocf aS oKu.t hH Caalbroelringa has been elected president of lwifoer’sk ewros’r kco tmo peennhsaanticoen tshyes tSemCW. CEA and/or the SC CoTmhmeu nCicoaltliionnss &Aw Laardcsy ,P rPo.Cgr.a mMarketing Department MEMBER NEWS wonderful illustration of Collins & Lacy’s commit- nonprofit Kids’ Chance of South Carolina. received triple recognition for its communications NEWS Collins & Lacy Attorney Elected to Leadership Greenville’s CONT. mCaernotl itnoa e.”xcellence in serving the businesses of South coKrpidosr'a Ctiohnan dceev oelfo Spoeudt hin C 1a9r9o2li nbay, Itnhce. Sis. Ca. nWoonrpkreorfist' Alumni Association Board of Directors pTrhoeg rhamonso drus riinngc ltuhdee d2 0a1n1 AAnwnauradl oPfa lmExectteoll eAnwcaer disn. CONT. Compensation Educational Association. Its purpose Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce Ross Strategic Communications, an Award of Excellence in Collins & Lacy Founding Partners Selected for Leadership is to provide financial scholarships for children of B. Plyler has been elected to serve on the Alumni Internal Benefits Communications, and an Award of in the Law Awards SouthCarolina workers killed or seriously injured in Association Board of Directors for Leadership Merit in Online and Electronic Publications. The Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce that work-related accidents. “I am honored to serve in Greenville. Plyler is a graduate of the Leadership South Carolina Chapter of the International founding partners, Joel Collins and Stan Lacy have this new role as president and to continue to fulfill the Greenville Class of 2011. Leadership Greenville is a Association of Business Communicators (IABC/SC) been selected as recipients of the South Carolina mission of Kids’ Chance,” said Halberg. “Kids’ Chance program designed and facilitated by the Greenville hosted its annual awards program, the Palmetto Lawyers Weekly 2012 Leadership in the Law Awards. graduates are working as lawyers, doctors and nurses. Chamber of Commerce to help develop informed, Awards, Tuesday November 1, 2011 in Columbia. They will be recognized at the Leadership in the Law It is rewarding work to help them succeed.” committed and qualified leaders for Greenville Established in 1999, the Palmetto Awards annually awards dinner on Thursday, March 15th at the County. Since the program began in 1973, there recognize outstanding achievements in communica- Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston. The Collins & Lacy, P.C. Founding Partner Named Lawyer of have been approximately 1,650 participants. Many tions across the Palmetto State. More than 60 profes- awards were designed to spotlight those members of the Year alumni have served in key leadership positions sionals from businesses, government entities and the legal community whose leadership, both in the Collins & Lacy, P.C. is pleased to announce found- within their businesses and organizations, as well as non-profits statewide attended this year’s event, during legal profession and in the community, has made a ing partner Stanford E. Lacy has been named Lawyer city council, county council, school board, members which the Collins & Lacy Marketing Department was positive impact on our state. The recipients were of the Year for his work in workers’ compensation of Congress and judges.“By serving on the Alumni recognized in the above three categories. selected by a panel of judges based on their outstand- law in South Carolina. Association Board of Directors, I look forward to the ing achievement in the following key areas: dedica- continuation of my active involvement in this Garlock Copeland & Stair’s Blog on Insurance Coverage Best Lawyers in America, the oldest and most tion to the legal profession, achievement in their legal outstanding organization and the opportunity to Recognized respected peer-review publication in the legal profes- career, along with mentoring and community involve- continue to work closely with Greenville’s business Carlock, Copeland & Stair's blog, Insurance sion, designated Lacy as the “Columbia, SC Best ment. Joel Collins, together with Stan Lacy, co- leaders,” said Plyler. Plyler is a senior associate with Coverage Corner, was been selected as a LexisNexis Lawyers Workers' Compensation Law - Employers founded Collins & Lacy in 1984 as a firm that would Collins & Lacy practicing in the areas of insurance Top Blog for Insurance Law - 2011. The Insurance Lawyer of the Year” for 2012. Lacy is the only attor- concentrate primarily on business defense litigation. coverage and transportation law. Ross is a summa Coverage Corner focuses on legal updates, opinions ney in the the Columbia metro region to receive this cum laude graduate of Wofford College, where he and other relevant information for Insurance honor. The region includes Camden, Columbia, Collins & Lacy, P.C. Attorneys Rebecca Halberg and Brian received his undergraduate degree in Government Coverage and Bad Faith Litigation, and its authors Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, Sumter and West Comer Elected as Shareholders and History and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. include members Michael Ethridge and Katherine Columbia. Collins & Lacy P.C. is pleased to announce He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Sullivan. You can subscribe to the Insurance Steven Naifeh, President of Best Lawyers, says, Rebecca K. Halberg and Brian A. Comer have been South Carolina School of Law. Coverage Corner by clicking on "Add this Blog" under “We continue to believe – as we have believed for elected as shareholders of the statewide business Subscribe at www.insurancecoveragecorner. com. more than 25 years – that recognition by one’s peers Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys Recognized as ‘Lawyers defense firm. is the most meaningful form of praise in the legal of the Year’ Fifteen Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys named to Best Rebecca Halberg practices in workers’ compensa- tion, regularly appearing before the South Carolina profession. We would like to congratulate Stan Lacy Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. is pleased to Lawyers in America Workers' Compensation Commission. As the newly on being selected as the ‘Columbia, SC Best Lawyers announce that shareholders Gray T. Culbreath and Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. is pleased to elected President of Kids’ Chance South Carolina, Workers' Compensation Law - Employers Lawyer of T. David Rheney have been recognized as 2012 announce that 15 of its attorneys have been named Rebecca continually gives back to families of workers the Year’ for 2012.” “Lawyers of the Year” in their respective practice to the 2012 edition of Best Lawyers in America, one who were injured or killed on the job. She earned her Founding Partner Honored with Lifetime Service Award areas by Best Lawyers, one of the most respected of the most respected peer-reviewed publications in undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass peer-reviewed publications in the legal profession. the legal profession. The attorneys are recognized for Collins & Lacy, P.C. and the South Carolina Communication from the University of North Gray Culbreath, a shareholder whose practice their leadership in 18 different categories. W. Workers’ Compensation Educational Association Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Juris Doctor from the focuses on complex litigation and business and Howard Boyd, Jr., Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – (SCWCEA) are pleased to announce founding part- University of South Carolina School of Law. commercial disputes, has been named the 2012 Bet-the-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, ner Stanford E. Lacy has been honored with the Brian Comer practices in products liability and Lifetime Service Award. Lawyer of the Year in Columbia, South Carolina, for Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, James professional liability and chairs the firm's Products “Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants” by Brice, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Product Liability Practice Group. Brian was a magna cum The SCWCEA Lifetime Service Award is given by Best Lawyers. Culbreath, immediate past President of Liability Litigation – Defendants, Deborah Casey laude graduate of the University of South Carolina the SCWCEA Board to individuals who have the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Brown, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Employment Honors College in International Studies and contributed significantly to the success and better- Association, leads GWB’s newly established Columbia Law Management,Gray T. Culbreath, Shareholder, Economics. He also served as Student Body ment of the SCWCEA and/or the South Carolina office, along with partners John T. Lay, Johnston Cox, Columbia, S.C. – Bet-the-Company Litigation, President during his undergraduate career. Brian workers’ compensation system. The Board unani- John Hudson, and Shelley Montague. Commercial Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Mass mously determined there was one individual that received his Juris Doctor from the University of David Rheney, Immediate Past President of the Tort Litigation / Class Actions – Defendants and completely fit the criteria of this great designation. South Carolina School of Law and an International South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, H. Mills “Stan Lacy lives and breathes workers’ compensa- Masters in Business Administration degree from the has been named the 2012 Lawyer of the Year in Gallivan, Senior Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – tion. His institutional knowledge of the Association University's Moore School of Business, with a Greenville, South Carolina, for Insurance Law. Arbitration, Mediation, Workers’ Compensation Law and the South Carolina workers’ compensation concentration in German. Brian is the founder and Rheney leads the firm’s Insurance Practice Group. – Employers, Arthur L. Howson, Shareholder, system is invaluable, and his presence and wit are contributing author of The South Carolina Products Attorneys honored as “Lawyers of the Year” have Greenville, S.C. – Real Estate Law, Banking and infectious,” said Chris Daniel, 2011 SCWCEA Liability Law Blog, a blog for individuals and product received particularly high ratings by their peers. Finance Law, Jennifer E. Johnsen, Shareholder, President and Claims Director for Companion manufacturers who are interested in this area of law. Only a single lawyer in each practice area in each Greenville, S.C. – Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Property & Casualty Group. The Lifetime Service community is given the annual recognition. Award is not an annual event. It is given sparingly Continued on next page 6 7 John T. Lay, Shareholder, Columbia, S.C. – Bet-the- heads GWB's e-discovery and trucking litigation Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. is shortlisted for judged by professional communicators in Florida. Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Product teams, is partner-in-charge for Charlotte. Benchmark Litigation’s Awards Founded in 1970, The International Association of MEMBER Liability Litigation – Defendants, C. Stuart Mauney, The Benchmark Litigation’s inaugural awards for Business Communicators provides a professional MEMBER NEWS Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Mediation, Personal Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys Elected to SCDTAA the Southeast region is to be held on Thursday, network of about 15,000 business communication NEWS Injury Litigation, Professional Malpractice Law, C. Leadership March 8, in Atlanta, GA. Contenders from Alabama, professionals in more than 80 countries. The CONT. William McGee, Managing Partner, Greenville, S.C. – GREENVILLE, S.C. – Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Southern Region encompasses 22 state and city CONT. Personal Injury Litigation, Personal Injury Litigation is pleased to announce that attorneys Ronald K. Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South chapters throughout the South and also includes – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Wray II and Breon C. M. Walker were elected to lead- Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West several Caribbean island nations. Defendants,Phillip Reeves, Shareholder, Greenville, ership positions within the South Carolina Defense Virginia will attend the evening ceremony when Nexsen Pruet Earns Most First Tier Rankings in State and S.C. – Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants, Trial Attorneys’ Association (SCDTAA) at the organi- recipients will be announced. Haynsworth Sinkler Charleston Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, T. David zation’s 2011 annual meeting. After several years of Boyd, P.A., a SC-based law firm, is a finalist in three Rheney, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Insurance service on the Executive Committee for the categories: “SC Firm of the Year”, “SC Litigator of Nexsen Pruet is proud to announce its results in the Law, Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants, Luanne SCDTAA, Shareholder Ron Wray has been elected to the Year” - John H. Tiller, Shareholder, Charleston annual U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” C. Runge, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Legal serve as the organization’s Secretary. As the leader of office, “SC Case of the Year” - Relates to Federal rankings. With 47, Nexsen Pruet has the most first- Malpractice Law – Defendants,Daniel B. White, GWB’s Litigation practice group, Wray’s practice action against national bank, plaintiffs alleged bank tier rankings in South Carolina. And with 13, Nexsen Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Commercial focuses on commercial transportation, products violated Fair Credit Reporting Act. Pruet has the most first-tier rankings in Charleston. Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation / liability, and other complex litigation. He is currently In total, the firm earned 56 first-tier rankings in five Class Actions – Defendants, Personal Injury recognized as a South Carolina Super Lawyer and by Marcy J. Lamar Selected for Best Lawyers in America North and South Carolina cities: Charleston, Litigation – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Best Lawyers in America. McKay, Cauthen, Settana, & Stubley, P.A. is pleased Columbia, Greensboro and Greenville (SC). Defendants, Railroad Law, Ronald K. Wray II, Breon Walker, an associate with the firm, has been to announce that Marcy J. Lamar, a member of the Three new associates have joined Nelson Mullins Riley & Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Commercial elected to serve a three-year term on the SCDTAA’s McKay Firm Workers’ Compensation Team, has been Scarborough in its Columbia office. Litigation, Railroad Law Executive Committee. As a member GWB’s selected selected by her peers for inclusion in Best Susan Hills Nelson practices in the areas of busi- Insurance and Business and Commercial practice Lawyers in America® 2012, in the field of workers’ Gallivan, White & Boyd Recognized as a “Best Law Firm” groups, her practice focuses on personal injury litiga- compensation defense litigation Mrs. Lamar was also ness litigation and franchise law and litigation, with in 17 Categories tion, products liability disputes, and commercial liti- selected for the honor in 2010 and 2011. an emphasis on automobile franchise litigation. Ms. Nelson previously clerked for Judge John D. GREENVILLE, S.C. – Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A., gation. Walker earned her undergraduate degree is pleased to announce that it has been recognized as from the University of South Carolina Honors College Joseph Sandefur Elected to President of the Horry County Geathers of the South Carolina Court of Appeals. She a “Best Law Firm” for 2011-2012 by U.S. News and and her law degree from the Emory University Bar for 2012 earned her Juris Doctor, summa cum laude, from the Charleston School of Law in May 2009. She was the Best Lawyers. The firm is recognized for its leader- School of Law. Prior to joining GWB, Walker prac- The law firm of McAngus Goudelock & Courie is top graduate in her law school class. While in law ship in 17 different practice group categories. Tier 1: ticed in both the criminal and civil divisions of the pleased to announce that attorney Joseph Sandefur school, Ms. Nelson successfully argued a case as a Greenville, S.C. including: Banking and Finance Law, South Carolina Attorney General’s Office. has been elected to serve as president of the Horry student practitioner in the Fourth Circuit Court of Commercial Litigation, Employee Benefits County Bar Association for 2012. Mr. Sandefur’s (ERISA) Law, Employment Law – Management, Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd lawyers receive distinctions practice focuses on civil and construction litigation. Appeals. She was an associate research editor on the Charleston Law Review and a member of Moot Insurance Law, Mediation, Personal Injury Litigation Best Lawyers, the oldest peer-review publication He received a B.A. in English from Rollins College in Court. Ms. Nelson earned her Bachelor of Science – Defendants, in the legal profession, has named 8 of Haynsworth Florida and received his Juris Doctor from the from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, Railroad Sinkler Boyd, P.A.’s lawyers as “Lawyers of the Year” Florida Coastal School of Law. He is a member of the at Georgetown University in May 1999. Tara Cloer Law, Real Estate Law, Transportation Law, in its 18th edition of The Best Lawyers in America® South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys Association Sullivan practices in the areas of complex business Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers (2012). John H. Tiller has been named the Best and the South Carolina Bar Assocation, where he litigation, focusing on lender liability and banking Lawyers’ 2012 Charleston-SC Product Liability serves on the House of Delegates for the 15th Circuit Tier 2: Greenville, S.C. including: Construction fraud, and franchise and distribution litigation. She Litigation Lawyer of the Year. Todd W. Smyth has and also on the Judicial Qualifications Committee. Law, Copyright Law, Healthcare Law, earned her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, in 2010 been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Charleston-SC Litigation – Intellectual Property and Trademark Law Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Lawyer of the Nelson Mullins' Marketing Department Honored for from the University of South Carolina School of Law, Gallivan, White & Boyd Launches Columbia Office with Year. William C. Boyd has been named the Best Communications Work where she was a member of the Order of the Wig and Robe, Order of the Coif, and Phi Delta Phi; served on Top Litigators Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Mergers & Acquisitions The Marketing Department of Nelson Mullins the editorial board of the South Carolina Law Gallivan White & Boyd PA announces the estab- Law Lawyer of the Year. Thomas R. Gottshall has Riley & Scarborough LLP received the 2011 Award of Review; and received a CALI Award in Civil lishment of a Columbia law office and the addition of been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Excellence in Media Relations from The Procedure I. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in a skilled team of litigators. John T. Lay, Jr., Gray Product Liability Litigation Lawyer of the Year. H. International Association of Business Political Science and Criminal Justice and Culbreath, Johnston Cox, John Hudson and Shelley Sam Mabry III has been named the Best Lawyers’ Communicators Southern Region Oct. 13 during the Criminology, summa cum laude, from the University Montague join GWB as partners in the Columbia 2012 Greenville Product Liability Litigation - organization's annual conference in New Orleans. of South Carolina Honors College in 2007. office. James Brogdon, Childs Thrasher and Breon Defendants Lawyer of the Year. G. Dewey Oxner, Jr. The award recognizes the Marketing Department for Walker serve as associates. Laura Jordan joins the has been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Greenville its "Nelson Mullins and Lahive Join Forces" Miles Coleman practices in the areas of appellate office as Of Counsel. The Columbia office opened Health Care Law Lawyer of the Year. J. Derrick campaign. The seven-month project involved devel- law and business litigation. Prior to joining Nelson June 13, 2011 in the Capitol Center. "Our firm is Quattlebaum has been named the Best Lawyers’ oping and implementing a comprehensive communi- Mullins, Mr. Coleman clerked at the U.S. Court of known for having a deep bench of experienced litiga- 2012 Greenville Litigation - ERISA Lawyer of the cations/media relations plan to promote the addition Federal Claims in Washington, D.C.He earned his tors who can try complex cases," said Mills Gallivan, Year. Matthew P. Utecht has been named the Best of more than 40 attorneys, staff, and technical Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the University of GWB senior shareholder. "This group is cut from the Lawyers’ 2012 Greenville Medical Malpractice Law specialists from a Boston intellectual property firm. South Carolina School of Law in May 2009. While in same cloth. They have tried numerous cases, they Lawyer of the Year. More than 150 communicators in business, industry, law school, he was the symposium editor of the are leaders, and that's what we're looking for - lead- private communications agencies, government, and South Carolina Law Review, an editor of the Harvard ers." The Columbia office follows the opening of an nonprofit entities competed in three categories: Journal of Law and Public Policy, a member of the office in Charlotte earlier this year. Chris Kelly, who Communications Management, Communications Skills, and Communications Creative. Entries were Continued on next page 8 9 John T. Lay, Shareholder, Columbia, S.C. – Bet-the- heads GWB's e-discovery and trucking litigation Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. is shortlisted for judged by professional communicators in Florida. Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Product teams, is partner-in-charge for Charlotte. Benchmark Litigation’s Awards Founded in 1970, The International Association of MEMBER Liability Litigation – Defendants, C. Stuart Mauney, The Benchmark Litigation’s inaugural awards for Business Communicators provides a professional MEMBER NEWS Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Mediation, Personal Gallivan, White & Boyd Attorneys Elected to SCDTAA the Southeast region is to be held on Thursday, network of about 15,000 business communication NEWS Injury Litigation, Professional Malpractice Law, C. Leadership March 8, in Atlanta, GA. Contenders from Alabama, professionals in more than 80 countries. The CONT. William McGee, Managing Partner, Greenville, S.C. – GREENVILLE, S.C. – Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Southern Region encompasses 22 state and city CONT. Personal Injury Litigation, Personal Injury Litigation is pleased to announce that attorneys Ronald K. Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South chapters throughout the South and also includes – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Wray II and Breon C. M. Walker were elected to lead- Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West several Caribbean island nations. Defendants,Phillip Reeves, Shareholder, Greenville, ership positions within the South Carolina Defense Virginia will attend the evening ceremony when Nexsen Pruet Earns Most First Tier Rankings in State and S.C. – Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants, Trial Attorneys’ Association (SCDTAA) at the organi- recipients will be announced. Haynsworth Sinkler Charleston Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, T. David zation’s 2011 annual meeting. After several years of Boyd, P.A., a SC-based law firm, is a finalist in three Rheney, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Insurance service on the Executive Committee for the categories: “SC Firm of the Year”, “SC Litigator of Nexsen Pruet is proud to announce its results in the Law, Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants, Luanne SCDTAA, Shareholder Ron Wray has been elected to the Year” - John H. Tiller, Shareholder, Charleston annual U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” C. Runge, Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Legal serve as the organization’s Secretary. As the leader of office, “SC Case of the Year” - Relates to Federal rankings. With 47, Nexsen Pruet has the most first- Malpractice Law – Defendants,Daniel B. White, GWB’s Litigation practice group, Wray’s practice action against national bank, plaintiffs alleged bank tier rankings in South Carolina. And with 13, Nexsen Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Commercial focuses on commercial transportation, products violated Fair Credit Reporting Act. Pruet has the most first-tier rankings in Charleston. Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation / liability, and other complex litigation. He is currently In total, the firm earned 56 first-tier rankings in five Class Actions – Defendants, Personal Injury recognized as a South Carolina Super Lawyer and by Marcy J. Lamar Selected for Best Lawyers in America North and South Carolina cities: Charleston, Litigation – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Best Lawyers in America. McKay, Cauthen, Settana, & Stubley, P.A. is pleased Columbia, Greensboro and Greenville (SC). Defendants, Railroad Law, Ronald K. Wray II, Breon Walker, an associate with the firm, has been to announce that Marcy J. Lamar, a member of the Three new associates have joined Nelson Mullins Riley & Shareholder, Greenville, S.C. – Commercial elected to serve a three-year term on the SCDTAA’s McKay Firm Workers’ Compensation Team, has been Scarborough in its Columbia office. Litigation, Railroad Law Executive Committee. As a member GWB’s selected selected by her peers for inclusion in Best Susan Hills Nelson practices in the areas of busi- Insurance and Business and Commercial practice Lawyers in America® 2012, in the field of workers’ Gallivan, White & Boyd Recognized as a “Best Law Firm” groups, her practice focuses on personal injury litiga- compensation defense litigation Mrs. Lamar was also ness litigation and franchise law and litigation, with in 17 Categories tion, products liability disputes, and commercial liti- selected for the honor in 2010 and 2011. an emphasis on automobile franchise litigation. Ms. Nelson previously clerked for Judge John D. GREENVILLE, S.C. – Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A., gation. Walker earned her undergraduate degree is pleased to announce that it has been recognized as from the University of South Carolina Honors College Joseph Sandefur Elected to President of the Horry County Geathers of the South Carolina Court of Appeals. She a “Best Law Firm” for 2011-2012 by U.S. News and and her law degree from the Emory University Bar for 2012 earned her Juris Doctor, summa cum laude, from the Charleston School of Law in May 2009. She was the Best Lawyers. The firm is recognized for its leader- School of Law. Prior to joining GWB, Walker prac- The law firm of McAngus Goudelock & Courie is top graduate in her law school class. While in law ship in 17 different practice group categories. Tier 1: ticed in both the criminal and civil divisions of the pleased to announce that attorney Joseph Sandefur school, Ms. Nelson successfully argued a case as a Greenville, S.C. including: Banking and Finance Law, South Carolina Attorney General’s Office. has been elected to serve as president of the Horry student practitioner in the Fourth Circuit Court of Commercial Litigation, Employee Benefits County Bar Association for 2012. Mr. Sandefur’s (ERISA) Law, Employment Law – Management, Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd lawyers receive distinctions practice focuses on civil and construction litigation. Appeals. She was an associate research editor on the Charleston Law Review and a member of Moot Insurance Law, Mediation, Personal Injury Litigation Best Lawyers, the oldest peer-review publication He received a B.A. in English from Rollins College in Court. Ms. Nelson earned her Bachelor of Science – Defendants, in the legal profession, has named 8 of Haynsworth Florida and received his Juris Doctor from the from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Product Liability Litigation – Defendants, Railroad Sinkler Boyd, P.A.’s lawyers as “Lawyers of the Year” Florida Coastal School of Law. He is a member of the at Georgetown University in May 1999. Tara Cloer Law, Real Estate Law, Transportation Law, in its 18th edition of The Best Lawyers in America® South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys Association Sullivan practices in the areas of complex business Workers’ Compensation Law – Employers (2012). John H. Tiller has been named the Best and the South Carolina Bar Assocation, where he litigation, focusing on lender liability and banking Lawyers’ 2012 Charleston-SC Product Liability serves on the House of Delegates for the 15th Circuit Tier 2: Greenville, S.C. including: Construction fraud, and franchise and distribution litigation. She Litigation Lawyer of the Year. Todd W. Smyth has and also on the Judicial Qualifications Committee. Law, Copyright Law, Healthcare Law, earned her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, in 2010 been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Charleston-SC Litigation – Intellectual Property and Trademark Law Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants Lawyer of the Nelson Mullins' Marketing Department Honored for from the University of South Carolina School of Law, Gallivan, White & Boyd Launches Columbia Office with Year. William C. Boyd has been named the Best Communications Work where she was a member of the Order of the Wig and Robe, Order of the Coif, and Phi Delta Phi; served on Top Litigators Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Mergers & Acquisitions The Marketing Department of Nelson Mullins the editorial board of the South Carolina Law Gallivan White & Boyd PA announces the estab- Law Lawyer of the Year. Thomas R. Gottshall has Riley & Scarborough LLP received the 2011 Award of Review; and received a CALI Award in Civil lishment of a Columbia law office and the addition of been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Excellence in Media Relations from The Procedure I. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in a skilled team of litigators. John T. Lay, Jr., Gray Product Liability Litigation Lawyer of the Year. H. International Association of Business Political Science and Criminal Justice and Culbreath, Johnston Cox, John Hudson and Shelley Sam Mabry III has been named the Best Lawyers’ Communicators Southern Region Oct. 13 during the Criminology, summa cum laude, from the University Montague join GWB as partners in the Columbia 2012 Greenville Product Liability Litigation - organization's annual conference in New Orleans. of South Carolina Honors College in 2007. office. James Brogdon, Childs Thrasher and Breon Defendants Lawyer of the Year. G. Dewey Oxner, Jr. The award recognizes the Marketing Department for Walker serve as associates. Laura Jordan joins the has been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 Greenville its "Nelson Mullins and Lahive Join Forces" Miles Coleman practices in the areas of appellate office as Of Counsel. The Columbia office opened Health Care Law Lawyer of the Year. J. Derrick campaign. The seven-month project involved devel- law and business litigation. Prior to joining Nelson June 13, 2011 in the Capitol Center. "Our firm is Quattlebaum has been named the Best Lawyers’ oping and implementing a comprehensive communi- Mullins, Mr. Coleman clerked at the U.S. Court of known for having a deep bench of experienced litiga- 2012 Greenville Litigation - ERISA Lawyer of the cations/media relations plan to promote the addition Federal Claims in Washington, D.C.He earned his tors who can try complex cases," said Mills Gallivan, Year. Matthew P. Utecht has been named the Best of more than 40 attorneys, staff, and technical Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the University of GWB senior shareholder. "This group is cut from the Lawyers’ 2012 Greenville Medical Malpractice Law specialists from a Boston intellectual property firm. South Carolina School of Law in May 2009. While in same cloth. They have tried numerous cases, they Lawyer of the Year. More than 150 communicators in business, industry, law school, he was the symposium editor of the are leaders, and that's what we're looking for - lead- private communications agencies, government, and South Carolina Law Review, an editor of the Harvard ers." The Columbia office follows the opening of an nonprofit entities competed in three categories: Journal of Law and Public Policy, a member of the office in Charlotte earlier this year. Chris Kelly, who Communications Management, Communications Skills, and Communications Creative. Entries were Continued on next page 8 9 National Moot Court Competition Team and the Aldridge Crawford, Environmental. Greater were held at its annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Attorney Eli Poliakoff Recieves Award Mock Trial Competition Team, and was president of Columbia Business Monthly invited Midlands attor- An active member of DRI, Mr. Kuppens has held Nelson Mullins Charleston associate Eli Poliakoff MEMBER the Christian Legal Society and the Federalist neys to nominate the attorneys they consider the numerous positions within the organization, and he has received the Firm's Edward W. Mullins, Jr., MEMBER NEWS Society. He was the winner of the Kate Bockman best in their practice areas. There were 10 different is the immediate past chair of DRI’s Product Liability Excellence in Marketing Award, in recognition of his NEWS Memorial Moot Court Competition and the J. practice categories, and the top 10 in each category Committee. Mr. Kuppens also serves on the Board of service to Firm clients in new, cutting-edge legal CONT. Woodrow Lewis Moot Court Competition. Mr. were selected for inclusion in the October 2011 Directors of the South Carolina Defense Trial issues in healthcare law and Medicare compliance CONT. Coleman earned his Bachelor of Arts from Bob Jones edition. The ballots were tallied by an independent Attorneys Association. issues. Mr. Poliakoff advises Firm clients regarding University in 2005. accounting firm. new Medicare Secondary Payer ("MSP") compliance Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough Elects New Managing requirements, including Medicare reporting rules, Fifteen S.C. Nelson Mullins Attorneys Named Attorney Jim Irvin Named as Vice Chair of DRI Product Partner MSP billing guidelines, and Medicare issues for liti- 'Best of the Year' Liability Committee The partnership of Nelson Mullins Riley & gants or prospective litigants. He assists a wide spec- Best Lawyers, a legal peer-review publication, has Jim Irvin, a partner in Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP has elected Columbia partner trum of the Firm's clients on MSP requirements, named 15 South Carolina Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough's Columbia office, will begin the second James K. Lehman as its new managing partner. He including healthcare providers, medical device Scarborough LLP partners as the 2012 Best Lawyers year of his term as vice chair to the Trial Techniques will oversee the Firm's 12 East Coast offices and manufacturers, entities subject to product recalls, of the Year in their respective practices and cities: and Technology Substantive Law Group of the more than 430 attorneys and government relations and product liability and asbestos defendants. He is a C. Mitchell Brown has been named the Best Defense Research Institute's (DRI) Product Liability professionals, as well as more than 500 support staff. frequent author and speaker on MSP-related issues Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Appellate Practice Committee. Mr. Irvin was elected to this position in Mr. Lehman will maintain his practices in the areas and compliance strategies. In addition, Mr. Poliakoff Lawyer of the Year. 2010 and has completed one year of his two-year of business litigation and investigations and environ- has identified emerging legal requirements in the Daniel J. Westbrook has been named the Best term. The Products Liability Committee is one of mental litigation. He replaces David E. Dukes, who is healthcare industry resulting from federal healthcare Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Health Care Law the largest and most active committees within DRI. stepping down after serving as managing partner of reform and the 2009 Stimulus Act. He is a resource Lawyer of the Year. The committee is comprised of 18 Specialized the Firm since 2001. Mr. Dukes will continue to serve for clients throughout the firm on recent changes to Litigation Groups (SLG). As the name suggests, each on the Firm's Executive Committee and will the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability David E. Dukes has been named the Best Lawyers’ SLG is focused on either a specific type of product, continue his national litigation practice. "David has Act (HIPAA) and on new requirements regarding 2012 Columbia-SC Bet-the-Company Litigation group of products or particular issues within prod- led the Firm through phenomenal growth over the technology and health information privacy. He regu- Lawyer of the Year. ucts liability law. Each SLG is guided by a steering past decade despite significant challenges," Mr. larly advises Firm attorneys and clients on strategies David G. Traylor, Jr. has been named the Best committee comprised of knowledgeable and talented Lehman said. "I look forward to continuing his work to comply with new HIPAA requirements and designs Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Product Liability practitioners. With more than 3,200 members, the expanding our services to our clients, broadening our HIPAA/health information privacy training programs Litigation - Defendants Lawyer of the Year. Products Liability Committee is as diverse as the geographic reach, and attracting talented profession- and policies for Firm clients. Mr. Poliakoff also Dwight F. Drake has been named the Best Lawyers’ practice areas it encompasses. als to the Firm." "Jim has proven his skills as a leader advises clients on new legal considerations related to 2012 Columbia-SC Government Relations Practice by leading various Firm committees and through his the selection and implementation of electronic Lawyer of the Year. Attorney Jim Irvin Named to Advisory Board for City of role as Operations Partner of the Firm," Mr. Dukes health records systems, including recently imple- G. Mark Phillips has been named the Best Lawyers’ Columbia said. "He is an exceptional leader in our Firm and in mented health information exchanges between 2012 Charleston-SC Product Liability Litigation - Jim Irvin, a partner in Nelson Mullins Riley & our community in addition to being a highly sought- healthcare providers. Defendants Lawyer of the Year. Scarborough's Columbia office, has recently been after business litigator and counselor." George S. Bailey has been named the Best elected to the Advisory Board for City Year In the fall of 2004, Mr. Lehman returned to Nelson Attorney Kaymani D. “Kay” West to Serve as Federal Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Litigation - Trusts & Columbia. As a member of City Year Columbia’s Mullins after serving as Senior Vice President, Magistrate Judge Estates Lawyer of the Year. Advisory Board, Mr. Irvin will contribute to the devel- General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary to Safety- Kaymani D. "Kay" West will leave her 10-year posi- John T. Moore has been named the Best Lawyers’ opment of strategic plans that will scale the number Kleen Corp., where he helped the corporation tion as partner in Nelson Mullins Riley & 2012 Columbia-SC Financial Services Regulation of young people in service in high-need urban emerge from Chapter 11 protection in what, at the Scarborough's Columbia office to join the bench Jan. Law Lawyer of the Year. schools with City Year, and increase their impact on time, was one of the larger and more complicated 1 as Federal Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District student and school success. The City Year Columbia bankruptcies in U.S. corporate history. Before first Court for the District of South Carolina, Florence Karen Aldridge Crawford has been named the Best Advisory Board is a volunteer board that provides joining Nelson Mullins in 1995, he worked at law Division. Ms. West, who practices in several areas of Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Litigation - strategic direction for the organization on multiple firms in Washington, DC, and New York. After law litigation, is replacing The Honorable Shiva V. Environmental Lawyer of the Year. fronts. City Year is a national service organization school he served as law clerk to Judge Robert F. Hodges, who is returning to the Columbia Division. Neil E. Grayson has been named the Best Lawyers’ founded in 1988 that unites young people of all back- Chapman of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Ms. West was selected by the U.S. District Court 2012 Greenville Mergers & Acquisitions Law Lawyer grounds for a year of full-time service in high-need Judges after screening by a panel of local legal and of the Year. schools nationwide. In communities across the Four New Partners in Columbia Office of Nelson Mullins community leaders. Her term runs eight years. "I am Neil Jones has been named the Best Lawyers’ 2012 United States and through two international affili- Riley & Scarborough honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Greenville Litigation - Intellectual Property Lawyer ates, these diverse young leaders help turn around Four Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough attor- bench," Ms. West said. "Nelson Mullins has afforded of the Year. high-need schools and keep students in school and neys have been promoted to partner in the Columbia me many opportunities to grow and learn through P. Mason Hogue, Jr. has been named the Best on track to graduation by working to improve their office. The new partners are: Matt Bogan, whose representing clients in their court matters, and I look Lawyers’ 2012 Columbia-SC Securities/Capital attendance, behavior and course performance. practice focuses in the areas of appellate law, busi- forward to applying my skills to my future work." Ms. Markets Law Lawyer of the Year. ness litigation, and consumer financial services liti- West joined Nelson Mullins in 2001 as a second Attorney John F. Kuppens Elected as DRI National Director gation. Julie Flaming, whose practice focuses in the career after 16 years with an electric utility Nelson Mullin’s Legal Elite Attorneys in Columbia John F. Kuppens, a partner in Nelson Mullins Riley areas of pharmaceutical and medical device litiga- company. She earned her Juris Doctor from the Greater Columbia Business Monthly has selected & Scarborough's Columbia office, has been elected to tion, product liability, business litigation, and elec- University of South Carolina in 2000. During law six Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP partners a three-year term as a National Director for DRI – tronic discovery and litigation readiness. Chris school she served as research editor for the ABA Real to its 2011 list of Legal Elite: Sue Erwin Harper, The Voice of the Defense Bar. DRI is an international Genovese, whose practice focuses on complex Property, Probate and Trust Journal and was vice Labor Law; Frank B.B. Knowlton, Bankruptcy; Betsy organization of attorneys defending the interests of commercial litigation, including business torts, fran- president of the Black Law Students Association. Johnson Burn, Bankruptcy; George B. Cauthen, business and individuals in civil litigation, and it has chise and distribution litigation, and class actions. She received the 2000 Compleat Lawyer Award and Bankruptcy; Stacy K. Taylor, Environmental; Karen more than 22,000 members. DRI's National Elections Jeremy Hodges, whose practice is focused on Continued on next page consumer financial services and business litigation. 10 11