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J. theor. Biol. (2003) 220, 407–418 doi:10.1006/jtbi.2003.3104, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Altruism: Gene-culture Coevolution, and the Internalization of Norms Herbert Gintisn Santa Fe Institute and Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, 15 Forbes Avenue, MA 01060, Northampton, U.S.A. (Received on 5 December 2001, Accepted in revised form on 4 June 2002) An internal norm is a pattern of behavior enforced in part by internal sanctions, such as shame,guiltandlossofself-esteem,asopposedtopurelyexternalsanctions,suchasmaterial rewards and punishment. The ability to internalize norms is widespread among humans, although in some so-called ‘‘sociopaths’’, this capacity is diminished or lacking. Suppose there is one genetic locus that controls the capacity to internalize norms. This model shows that if an internal norm is fitness enhancing, then for plausible patterns of socialization, the allele for internalization of norms is evolutionarily stable. This framework can be used to model Herbert Simon’s (1990) explanation of altruism, showing that altruistic norms can ‘‘hitchhike’’ on the general tendency of internal normsto be personally fitness-enhancing. A multi-level selection, gene-culture coevolution argument then explains why individually fitness-reducing internal norms are likely to be prosocial as opposed to socially harmful. r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction human agents have socially programmable ob- jective functions. Human behavior thus depends An internal norm is a pattern of behavior notonlyonbeliefs,whichconcernconstraintson enforced in part by internal sanctions, including action(takingactionXwillleadtoresultY),but shame, guilt and loss of self-esteem, as opposed values, which are the very goals of action. to purely external sanctions, such as material Suppose there is one genetic locus that rewards and punishments. Humans internalize controls the capacity to internalize norms. I norms through socialization by parents (vertical develop models of gene-cultural coevolution to transmission) and extraparental conspecifics (ob- show that if an internal norm is fitness enhan- lique and horizontal transmission). The capacity cing, then the allele for internalization of norms to internalize norms is widespread among hu- is evolutionarily stable. Moreover, if the fitness mans, although in some so-called ‘‘sociopaths’’, payoff to the internalized norm is sufficiently this capacity is diminished or lacking (Mealey, large, or if there is a sufficiently high rate of 1995). Human behavior is commonly modeled phenotypiclevelassortativemating,theallelefor assuming agents have objective functions which internalization is globally stable. they maximize subject to constraints. In these Basic sociological theory holds that society’s terms, the capacity to internalize norms means values are transmitted through the internaliza- tion of norms (Parsons, 1967; Grusec & nTel.: +1-413-586-7756; fax:+1-413-586-6014. Kuczynski, 1997). Successful societies tend to E-mailaddress: [email protected] (H.Gintis). URL: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/Bgintis. foster internal norms that enhance personal 0022-5193/03/$35.00 r2003Elsevier Science Ltd. Allrights reserved. 408 H.GINTIS fitness,suchasfuture-orientation,goodpersonal by helping those in distress and punishing anti- hygiene, positive work habits, and control of social behavior) at personal cost.w Adding an emotions, as well as altruistic norms that altruism norm allows us to model Herbert subordinate the individual to group welfare, Simon’s (1990) explanation of altruism. Simon fostering such behaviors as bravery, honesty, suggested that altruistic norms could ‘‘hitch- fairness, willingness to cooperate, and empathy hike’’ on the general tendency of internal norms for others (Brown, 1991). People follow internal to be personally fitness-enhancing. Of course, norms because they value this behavior for its internal norms may persist even if they are own sake, in addition to, or despite, the effects fitness-reducing both for individuals and the the behavior has on personal fitness and/or group (Boyd & Richerson, 1992; Edgerton, perceived well-being. For instance, an individual 1992). I develop a multi-level gene-culture who has internalized the value of ‘‘speaking coevolutionary model to elucidate the process truthfully’’ will dosoeven in caseswhere the net whereby altruistic internal norms will tend to payofftospeakingtruthfullywouldotherwisebe drive out norms that are both socially harmful negative.It followsthatwhere peopleinternalize and individually fitness-reducing. a norm, the frequency of its occurrence in the population will be higher than if people follow Socialization and Fitness-Enhancing the norm only instrumentally; i.e. when they Internal Norms perceive it to be in their interest to do so. Why does the capacity to internalize Suppose there is a norm C that can be norms have adaptive value? It might be argued internalized by a new member of society. Norm that if a norm is fitness enhancing, a non- C confers fitness 1þt41; while the normless internalizing agent could simply mimic the phenotype, denoted by D, has baseline fitness 1. behavior of an internalizer. But this assumes There is a genetic locus with two alleles, {a} and that agents maximize fitness. In general, how- {b}. Allele {a}, which is dominant, permits the ever,inanyspecies,individualsdonotmaximize internalization of norms, whereas {b} does not. fitness but rather a objective function that has We assume that possessing at least one copy of a evolved to reflect biological fitness more or less imposesafitnesscostuAð0;1Þ;onthegroundsthat accurately for a given environment. If the Homo there are costly physiological and cognitive pre- sapiens objective function were perfectly requisites for the capacity to internalize norms.z adapted, internalization would not be fitness- We assume ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ41; so the cost of the enhancing. But the rapid cultural evolution and internalization allele is more than offset by the highly variable environments (Richerson et al., benefit of the norm C. There are five phenogeno- 2001) that characterized the period in which types, whose fitnesses are listed in Fig.1.y Homo sapiens developed doubtless led to a Families are formed by random pairing, and situation in which the unsocialized human offspring genotypes obey the laws of Mendelian objective function deviated strongly from fitness segregation. Thus, there are six familial maximization.The internalization of normsthus genotypes, aaaa, aaab, aabb, abab, abbb, and permitted rapid cultural adaptation towards bbbb. We assume also that only the phenotypic fitness-maximization, while a purely genetic adaptive process would have taken orders of wFor reviews of the evidence on the importance of altruism in human societies, see Sober & Wilson (1998), magnitude longer in time. In short, non- Gintis(2000a,b), andFehr &Ga¨chter(2002). internalizers fail to mimic internalizers not zAssuming u40 is conservative, in that it biases the because they cannot, but because they model against the global stability of the internalization donotwantto(sociopaths,forinstance,dooften allele. However, the contrasting assumption uo0 is also mimic internalizersFdisplaying empathy and plausible. I will point out the implications of uo0 where appropriate. helpfulness, for exampleFbut only as long as yFeldman et al. (1985) develop a model similar to ours. it suits them to do so). Their model, however, is haploid, assumes uniparental transmission, and the phenotypic trait is kin-altruistic. Altruism is the tendency of individuals to Ours, by contrast, is diploid, assumes biparental transmis- behaveprosociallytowardsunrelatedothers(e.g. sion, andabstractsfrom kin-altruism. HITCHHIKER’SGUIDETOALTRUISM 409 Individual Individual be the fraction of the population carrying the C Phenogenotype Fitness phenotype, and let gA½0;1(cid:8): We assume a fraction gp of aa-types and a fraction np of aaC (1-u)(1+t) C C ab-types who have not internalized C through aaD (1-u) parental transmission, are influenced by extra- abC (1-u)(1+t) parental transmission to switch to C. bb abD (1-u) types are not affected by extraparental trans- bbD 1 mission. Fig. 1. Fitnesses of the five phenogenotypes. Here u is The resulting system consists of four equa- thefitnesscostofpossessingtheinternalizationallele,andt tions in four unknowns (bbC cannot occur, and is the excess fitness value of possessing the norm C. Note one offspring phenogenotype is dropped, since thatbbC cannotoccur. the sum of phenogenotypic frequencies equals unity). It is straightforward to check that there traits of parents, and not which particular are three pure equilibria (i.e. equilibria in which parent expresses them, are relevant to the the whole population bears a single phenogen- transmission process. Therefore, there are three otype). These are aaC, in which all agents familial phenotypes, CC, CD, and DD, and 18 internalize the fitness enhancing norm, aaD, in familial phenogenotypes, of which only 14 can which the internalization allele is present but occur. The frequency of familial phenogeno- the phenotype C is absent, and bbD, in which types are as shown in Fig.2, where pðiÞ neither the internalization allele nor the norm represents the frequency of phenogenotype i ¼ is present. aaC;y;bbD: A check of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian The rules of gene-culture transmission are as matrix of the dynamical system shows that the follows. If familial phenogenotype is xyzwXY, aaD equilibrium is unstable. Eigenvalues of the where x,y,z,wA{a,b}, X, YA{C,D}, an offspring system at the aaC equilibrium are given by is equally likely to inherit xz, xw, yz, or yw. An offspring whose genotype includes a copy of the (cid:1) 1(cid:5)g 1(cid:5)g(cid:2) a allele is equally likely to inherit X or Y.8 But 0;1; ; : 2ð1þtÞ 1þt an offspring of genotype bb always has the normless phenotype D. The transition table is The unit eigenvalue is semisimple,ww so the shown in Fig.3.z linearization of the equilibrium aaC, in which The above accounts only for parental trans- the fitness-enhancing norm is internalized, is mission. In addition, extraparental transmission stable. However, we cannot conclude that the is ubiquitous in human society, in the form of nonlinear model itself is stable. Extensive simu- social pressure (rumor, shunning, and ostra- lations fail to find a case in which the aaC cism), rituals (dancing, prayer, marriage, birth, equilibrium is unstable.zz Moreover, in the case and death), and in modern societies, formalized where the a allele is incompletely dominant, the institutions (schools and churches).** To unit root disappears, so stability is assured (this account for extraparental transmission, let p C remark applies as well to all cases in which unit roots appear, some of which are discussed 8Simulations show thatthe assumptionthat the a allele below). is dominant is not critical. The stability results described belowcontinuetohold,andindeedmorestrongly,whena isless thanfullydominant. wwAn eigenvalue is semisimple if its algebraic and zBiased parental transmission, in which heterogeneous geometric dimensions are equal. Semisimple unit roots of familial phenotypes are more likely to transmit one lineardynamical systems arestable. phenotype to offspring that the other (Cavalli-Sforza & zzThe process of coding this and the other models Feldman,1981) is discussedbelow. presented in this paper is tedious and error-prone. To nnExtraparental transmission is generally individually ensure accuracy I wrote the simulations in two completely costlyandthebenefitsaccruetounrelatedothers.Henceit different languages, one Lisp-like (Mathematica) and the is a form of altruistic behavior, and ideally should not be other procedural (C++), and verified that the results introduced until our analysis of altruism is completed. We agreedtosixdecimalplacesoverthousandsofgenerations introduceit nowpurelyfor expositionalpurposes. ofsimulation. 410 H.GINTIS Familial Frequencyin Phenogenotype ReproductivePool aaaaCC p(aaC)2(1_ u)2(1+ t)2/p aaaaCD 2p(aaC)p(aaD)(1_ u)2(1+ t)/p aaaaDD p(aaD)2(1_ u)2/p aaabCC 2p(aaC)p(abC)(1_ u)2(1+ t)2/p aaabCD 2(p(aaC)p(abD)+ p(aaD)p(abC))(1_ u)2(1+ t)/p aaabDD 2p(aaD)p(abD)(1_ u)2/p ababCC p(abC)2(1_ u)2(1+ t)2/p ababCD 2p(abC)p(abD)(1_ u)2(1+ t)/p ababDD p(abD)2(1_ u)2/p _ aabbCD 2p(aaC)p(bbD)(1 u)(1+ t)/p _ aabbDD 2p(aaD)p(bbD)(1 u)/p _ abbbCD 2p(abC)p(bbD)(1 u)(1+ t)/p _ abbbDD 2p(aaC)p(aaD)(1 u)(1+ t)/p bbbbDD 2p(bbD)2/p Fig. 2. Frequencies of phenogenotypes. Here, p% is chosen so the sum of the frequencies is unity. Note that aabbCC, abbbCC, bbbbCC, andbbbbCD are notlisted,sincebbC cannotoccur. assume this is the case in this paper. It follows Familial OffspringPhenogenotypicFrequency Type aaC aaD abC abD bbD thatfort42=ð1(cid:5)uÞ(cid:5)1;aaCisagloballystable aaaaCC 1 equilibrium.yy aaaaCD 1/2 1/2 Therearefourplausibleconditionsthatrender aaaaDD 1 the bbD equilibrium unstable, in which case aaC aaabCC 1/2 1/2 will be globally stable. The first is uo0; which aaabCD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 means that the apparatus upon which internali- aaabDD 1/2 1/2 aabbCD 1/2 1/2 zation depends has net positive (pleiotropic) aabbDD 1 fitness effects independent from its contribution abbbCD 1/4 1/4 1/2 to the internalization of norms. The second is abbbDD 1/2 1/2 that t is sufficiently large that ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ42: ababCC 1/4 1/2 1/4 Third, if parental transmission is sufficiently ababCD 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 ababDD 1/4 1/2 1/4 biased in favor of C, the internalization equili- bbbbDD 1 brium is globally stable. The fourth condition leading to the global Fig. 3. Phenotypic inheritance is controlled by geno- stability of the aaC equilibrium is that there is type. Note that aabbCC, abbbCC, bbbbCC, and bbbbCD are notlisted,sincebbC cannotoccur. some assortative mating that overcomes the tendency of the internalization allele to become ‘‘diluted’’.Supposeeachtypemateswithanother The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the of its type with probability z; and with an unnormed equilibrium bbD are given by random member of the population with probability 1(cid:5)z: Then the eigenvalues of the (cid:3)ð0;0;1(cid:5)u;1ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ(cid:4): 2 Therefore this equilibrium, in which no inter- nalization occurs, is locally stable if ð1þtÞð1(cid:5) yyThe above result depends on our assumption of unbiased parental transmission. Suppose, however, that a uÞo2;andunstablewhentheoppositeinequality fraction of offspring who would acquire norm C under holds. There may exist equilibria involving more unbiased transmission in fact acquire D. In this case, thanonetypeofbehavior,althoughthesystemis inspection of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian tells us that too complex to determine whether or not this is theaaCequilibriumislocallystableprovideddotandthe bbDequilibriumisstableprovidedð1(cid:5)dÞð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞo2: the case. Extensive simulations suggest that if Thus, parental transmission biased against the internaliz- such equilibria exist, they are not stable. I shall ablenormCis hostile tointernalization. HITCHHIKER’SGUIDETOALTRUISM 411 bbD equilibrium become phenogenotypes, which we can write as aaaaAACC,y,bbbbBBDD, only 36 of which f1zð1(cid:5)uÞ;1zð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ;1(cid:5)u; 2 2 can occur. We write the frequency of familial 1zð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞð1þzÞg: ð1Þ phenogenotype j as pðjÞ; and we assume the 2 populationissufficientlylargethatwecanignore Therefore,thereis alwaysadegreeof assortative randomdrift.Forillustrativepurposes,herearea mating that renders the bbD equilibrium un- few of the phenogenotypic frequencies: stable. Thus, it is plausible that some combina- pðaaaaAACCÞ tion of assortativemating, parental transmission biased towards the internal norm, and high ¼ pðaaACÞ2ð1(cid:5)sÞ2ð1þtÞ2ð1(cid:5)uÞ2=p%; returns to the internal norm, assures the global stability of the aaC equilibrium.88 pðaaaaAACDÞ Altruism ¼ pðaaACÞpðaaADÞð1(cid:5)sÞ2ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ2=p%; We now add a second dichotomous pheno- pðaaaaAACDÞ ¼ 2pðabACÞpðabBDÞ typic trait with two variants. Internal norm A is altruistic in the sense that its expression benefits pðabADÞpðabBCÞÞð1(cid:5)sÞð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ2=p%; the group, but imposes fitness loss sAð0;1Þ on those who adopt it. The normless state, B, is pðbbbbBBDDÞ ¼ pðbbBDÞ2=p%; neutral, imposing no fitness loss on those who adopt it, but also no gain or loss to other and so on, where p% is chosen so the sum of the members of the social group. frequencies is unity: p% ¼ pðaaaaAACCÞþ?þpðbbbbBBDDÞ: We assume A has the same cultural transmis- sion rules as C: individuals who have a copy of The rules of cultural transmission are as before. allele a inherit their phenotypes from their If familial phenogenotype is xyzwXYZW, where parents, while bb individuals always adopt the x,y,z,wA{a,b},X,YA{A,B}, and Z,WA{C,D}, an normless phenotype BD. In addition, there is offspringisequallylikelytoinheritxz,xw,yz,or extraparental transmission, as before. There are yw.Anoffspringwhosegenotypeincludesacopy now three genotypes and four phenotypes, of the a allele is equally likely to inherit X or Y, giving rise to nine phenogenotypes that can andequallylikelytoinheritZorW.Offspringof occur, which we denote by aaAC, aaAD, aaBC, bb geneotype always have the normless pheno- aaBD, abAC, abAD, abBC, abBD, and bbBD, type BD, unless they are socialized extraparen- and three that cannot occur, bbAC, bbAD, and tally.zz The transition table is shown in Fig.4. bbBC. We represent the frequency of pheno- We assume both genotypic and phenotypic genotype i by pðiÞ; for i ¼ aaAC;y;bbBC: fitness, as well as their interactions, are We maintain the assumption that families are multiplicative. Thus, the fitness of the nine formed by random pairing and the offspring phenogenotypes that can appear with positive genotype obeys Mendelian segregation. We frequency are as shown in Fig.5. The resulting assume also that only the phenotypic traits system consists of eight equations in eight of the of parents, and not which particular parent nine offspring phenogenotypes. One offspring expresses them, are relevant to the transmission phenogenotype is dropped, since the sum of process. Therefore there are nine family pheno- phenogenotype frequencies must be unity. types, which can be written as AACC, AACD, It is straightforward to check that there are AADD, ABCC, ABCD, ABDD, BBCC, BBCD, fivepureequilibria.TheseareaaAC,inwhichall and BBDD. It follows that there are 54 familial agents internalize both the altruistic and fitness enhancing norms, aaAD, in which only the 88The same results hold for a haploid version of the altruistic norm is internalized, aaBC, in which model, except that there is no unit root in the aC equilibrium. Moreover, if a is not completely dominant in the diploid model, the unit root disappears and the zzExtensive simulations show that if a is incompletely equilibrium is unambiguouslystable. dominant,the results describedbelow continue to hold. 412 H.GINTIS Familial OffspringPhenogenotypicFrequency type aaAC aaAD aaBC aaBD abAC abAD abBC abBD bbBD aaaaAACC 1 aaaaABCC 1/2 1/2 aaaaBBCC 1 aaaaAACD 1/2 1/2 aaaaABCD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aaaaBBCD 1/2 1/2 aaaaAADD 1 aaaaABDD 1/2 1/2 aaaaBBDD 1 aaabAACC 1/2 1/2 aaabABCC 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aaabBBCC 1/2 1/2 aaabAACD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aaabABCD 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 aaabBBCD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aaabAADD 1/2 1/2 aaabABDD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aaabBBDD 1/2 1/2 aabbABCD 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 aabbBBCD 1/2 1/2 aabbABDD 1/2 1/2 aabbBBDD 1 abbbABCD 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/2 abbbBBCD 1/4 1/4 1/2 abbbABDD 1/4 1/4 1/2 abbbBBDD 1/2 1/2 ababAACC 1/4 1/2 1/4 ababABCC 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 ababBBCC 1/4 1/4 1/2 ababAACD 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 ababABCD 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 ababBBCD 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 ababAADD 1/4 1/2 1/4 ababABDD 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 ababBBDD 1/4 1/2 1/4 bbbbBBDD 1 Fig. 4. Culturaland biological transition parameters. only the fitness-enhancing norm is internalized, Individual Individual Individual Individual aaBD, in which agents carry the gene for Phenogenotype Fitness Phenogenotype Fitness internalization of norms, but no norms are in aaAC (1-u)(1-s)(1+t) aaAD (1-u)(1-s) aaBC (1-u)(1+t) aaBD (1-u) fact internalized, and bbBD, in which internali- abAC (1-u)(1-s)(1+t) abAD (1-u)(1-s) zationisabsent,andneitheraltruisticnorfitness- abBC (1-u)(1+t) abBD (1-u) enhancing norms are transmitted from parents bbBD 1 to offspring. A check of the eigenvalues of the Fig. 5. Payoffsto ninephenogenotypes. Jacobian matrix shows that the aaAD and the aaBD equilibria are unstable. inequalities. However, many simulations under The Jacobian of the altruistic internalization varying parameter sets have failed to turn up an equilibrium aaAC has eigenvalues instance of instability.*** (cid:1) The eigenvalues of the Jacobian for the aaBC 1 1 1(cid:5)g 1(cid:5)g 0;1; ; ; ; ; equilibrium are 2ð1þtÞ ð1þtÞ 1(cid:5)s 2ð1(cid:5)sÞð1þtÞ (cid:1) (cid:2) 1 1 1 1(cid:5)n 1(cid:5)n 0;1; ; ; ; 4ð1(cid:5)sÞð1þtÞ;4ð1(cid:5)sÞð1þtÞ : 2ð1þtÞ ð1þtÞ 2ð1þtÞ2ð1(cid:5)uÞ2 (cid:2) 1 1(cid:5)s It is easy to check that the linearization of this ð1(cid:5)sÞ; ;1þg(cid:5)s : 2 4ð1þtÞ equilibriumisstableifsog;sincetheunitrootis semisimple. We cannot conclude that the equili- nnnWhenalleleaisincompletelydominant,theunitroot brium itself is necessarily stable for all para- disappears, so the aaAC equilibrium is unambiguously meters s; t; u; g; and n satisfying the above stable. HITCHHIKER’SGUIDETOALTRUISM 413 Thus, aaBC is stable when gos; and unstable phenotype, since only such types are capable of when the opposite inequality holds. internalizing a norm, and non-internalizers will Finally,theeigenvaluesoftheJacobianforthe not desire to mimic internalizers. bbBD equilibrium are We assume an agent with the a allele and phenotype XY meets an agent of type WZ with f0;0;0;0;1(cid:5)u;1ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ; probability ap ; where p is the fraction 2 WZ WZ of the population with phenotype WZ, and 1ð1(cid:5)sÞð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ;1ð1(cid:5)sÞð1(cid:5)uÞg: 4 2 switches to WZ if that type has higher fitness than XY. The parameter a is the measure of the Asinthesinglephenotypecase,thisisunstableif strength of the tendency to shift to high-payoff uo0 or ð1þtÞð1(cid:5)uÞ42; and is stable if either phenotypes. of the opposite inequalities hold. Moreover, it It is easy to see that adding a replicator can be shown that adding assortative mating dynamic does not change the single phenogen- leads to the instability of the bbBD equilibrium otype equilibria. By checking the eigenvalues of under the same conditions as in the single the Jacobian matrix, we find that the aaAD and phenotype case, shown in eqn (1). aaBD equilibria remain unstable, and the repli- In sum, under plausible conditions, one inter- cator dynamic does not affect the conditions nalization equilibrium is stableFthe altruism for stability of the unnormed equilibrium bbBD. equilibrium when g4s and the nonaltruism The condition g4s for stability of the altruism equilibrium when s4g: Since we expect s to be equilibrium aaAC now becomes small, whereas the ubiquity of extraparental transmission favors a high g; the altruism g(cid:5)s ao ; ð2Þ equilibrium appears the more plausible of the 1(cid:5)g two. Under not implausible conditions, either a high return to the internal norm, assortative so a sufficiently strong replicator dynamic can mating of agents that internalize, or pleiotropism undermine the stability of the aaAC equili- in the form uo0; the only stable equilibrium of brium.www The condition s4g for stability of thesysteminvolvesinternalization.Thedynamics, the non-altruism internalization equilibrium which we present below, support this conclusion. aaBC when the replicator dynamic is included now becomes Copying High-Fitness Phenotypes: g(cid:5)s The Replicator Dynamic a4 ; 1þg(cid:5)s The above models of cultural transmission have been strongly criticized in the literature for andthisequilibriumisunstablewhenthereverse suggesting that agents adopt norms independent inequality holds. Thus in this case, s4g con- of their perceived payoffs. In fact, people do not tinues to ensure that aaBC is stable, but there is always blindly follow the norms that have been now for sufficiently large a; this equilibrium is inculcated in them, but at least at times treat stable even when g4s:zzz compliance as a strategic choice (Wrong, 1961; In sum, adding a replicator dynamic changes Gintis, 1975). The ‘‘oversocialized’’ model of the the stability properties of the model in only one individual developed above may be improved by important way: a sufficiently strong replicator adding a phenotypic copying process reflecting process can render the non-altruistic yet the fact that agents shift from lower to higher internalized equilibrium aaBC, rather than the payoff strategies. We represent this process as wwwThis model also has a semisimple unit root, so a replicator dynamic (Taylor and Jonker, 1978; stability was checked by extensive simulations. A similar Samuelson, 1997; Nowak and Sigmund, 1998; resultholds forthe haploid model. Gintis, 2000b). In the current context, there are zzzThis model also has a semisimple unit root, so four phenotypes whose relative fitness ranks stability was checked by extensive simulations. A similar result holds for the haploid model, except the relevant them as BC4AC4BD4AD, and only agents inequalityforstabilityofaaBCbecomesthemuchstronger, with a copy of the a allele will copy another andhence implausible, inequality a4ðg(cid:5)sÞ=sð1þg(cid:5)sÞ: 414 H.GINTIS altruistic equilibrium, aaAC, stable. Realisti- within groups, a high ratio of between-group to cally, while the replicator process is key to within-group variance on the phenotypic trait is understanding social change, in general we easily maintained, and hence high-payoff groups expect this to be a relatively weak force, and quickly outpace low-payoff groups. Because certainly too weak to undermine altruistic altruism hitchhikes, the mechanism that gener- norms,unlesstheyincursubstantialfitnesscosts. ally undermines group selection, a high rate Norms do not come labeled ‘‘altruistic norm’’, of inter-group migration (Maynard Smith, 1976; ‘‘instrumental practice’’. Rather, they are inex- Boorman & Levitt, 1980) does not undermine tricably intermingled. It is quite common to internalization, as long as altruistic individuals believe that immoral acts lead to disease, for adopt the A norms of the groups to which they instance, just as does poor hygiene. Human migrate. psychology has to be uncritical absorbers of To test this argument, I created an agent- hosts of beliefs and values, only a small fraction based model of society with the following of which can be seriously questioned by an characteristics (the specific assumptions made individual member of society conditions us. are not critical, unless otherwise noted). The society consists of 256 groups, each initially comprising100members,arrangedspatiallyona Why is Altruism Predominantly Prosocial? torus (a 16(cid:11)16 grid with the opposite edges Internal norms may be either pro- or anti- identified). Each group was seeded with ten social. Indeed, there are many accounts of social aaACtypes,tenaaBCtypes,74bbBDtypes,and norms that are severely socially costly, such as one each of the other possible types. In all those involving invidious displays of physical groups, t ¼ 0:3 and u ¼ 0:05: Each group was prowess (Edgerton, 1992). The reason for the then randomly assigned a value of g between 0 feasibility of anti-social norms is that once the and 0.60, a value of a between 0 and 0.5, a value internalization gene has evolved to fixation, of s between 0.01 and 0.10, and a value of z (the there is nothing to prevent group-harmful degree of assortative mating) between 0 and phenotypic norms, such as our A, from also 0.70. Each group was also assigned an A emerging, provided they are not excessively phenotype with a fitness effect between (cid:5)1 and costly in comparison with the strength of the 1, such that if a group’s A-fitness effect is q; and replicator process. The evolution of these if a fraction f of the group exhibit the A phenotypes directly reduces the overall fitness phenotype, then each member of the group has of the population. its fitness augmented by fq: Yet as Brown (1991) and others have shown, In each round, for each of the 256 groups, I there is a tendency in virtually all successful simulated the model as described in the previous societies for cultural institutions to promote sections, and update the frequencies of prosocial and eschew anti-social norms. The the various types in each group, according to most reasonable explanation for the predomi- the fitness effect of their A phenotype and nanceof prosocialnormsis gene-culturecoevolu- the fraction of the group that exhibits this tionary multi-level selection: societies that phenotype. A fraction of each group (typically promote prosocial norms have higher survival 5%) then migrated to a neighboring group. If rates than societies that do not (Parsons, 1964; altruistic migrants adopt the A norm of their Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman, 1981; Boyd & new groups, migration never undermines the Richerson,1985;Boyd&Richerson,1990;Soltis stability of the altruism equilibria. To be et al., 1995). Note that the usual arguments conservative, we assume here that agents take againsttheplausibilityofgeneticgroupselection their genes with them to a new group, and they do not apply to our model. This is because take their C phenotype to this new group (since altruism is (a) phenotypic, and (b) ‘‘hitchhikes’’ C is the same for all groups), but they abandon on the fitness-enhancing phenotypic norm. Be- their A phenotype when they migrate (e.g. an cause altruism is phenotypic, and because a high aaAC type becomes a aaBC type in the new degree of cultural uniformity can be maintained group). This assumption is maximally geared to HITCHHIKER’SGUIDETOALTRUISM 415 undermine the altruism phenotype since immi- then more likely to move to high-fitness pheno- grants never exhibit altruism. We then allow for types, it hurts the groups they are in, and on some random drift in the individual groups balance lowers group fitness. parameters s; a; g; and z; as well as the payoff of (g) The altruistic equilibrium was attained as altruism to the group, q: long as the initial average assortative mating Our final modeling assumption is that when probability z was at least 12.5%. An increase in group size drops below a minimum (generally, I the rate of assortative mating led to more set this to zero or ten agents), it is replaced by a globally stable altruism equilibria, but had no copy of a randomly chosen other group. measurable effect on the equilibrium values of I ran this model many times with varying other variables. numbers of rounds, and varying the parameters (h)TheemergenceoftheaaACagentsandthe described above. The system always stabilized elimination of anti-social internal norms were by 100 periods, and the specific assumptions both due to population growth alone. The concerning the parameters were never critical. extinction and replacement of groups by more The following conclusions hold for these successful groups accounted only for the change simulations: in the frequency of g and a (extinctions began to occur after 20 rounds, and more than 1500 (a) Groups exhibiting the non-internalization extinctions typically occurred in a 100 round equilibrium bbBD were quickly driven from the simulation). population, except under the joint assumptions thataltruisticagentsbecomenon-altruisticwhen These simulations thus strongly support the they migrate, and the migration rate is over basic arguments of this paper. In particular, a 20%. high level of migration does not undermine the (b) The equilibrium fraction of groups for altruistic equilibrium, since most of the effects which the non-internalization equilibrium was occur on the cultural rather than the genetic stable was highly variable and dependent upon level.Moreover,plausiblepatternsofpopulation the specifics of the initial distribution of groups. growth and migration account for the prosoci- Thusinequilibrium,thoughallgroupswerenear ality of the altruism phenotype A. The critical the internalization equilibria (aaAC and aaBC), assumption that drives the model is simply that in some this was globally stable and in others, there is a fitness-enhancing effect of the selfish C only locally. phenotypic norm sufficiently strong to ensure (c) The equilibrium fraction of the population that C can invade a population of D agents. The exhibiting the altruistic phenotype was greater ability of the altruism phenotype A to ‘‘hitch- than 85% (the mean at the start of each hike’’ on C is quite robust. simulation was 10%). (d) All but the highest prosocial A phenotypes were eliminated from the population, so that the Altruistic Punishment Can Sustain Cooperation mean fitness effect of the altruistic phenotypes When Altruistic Participation Cannot was greater than 0.9 (the maximum possible was Consider the following ‘‘social dilemma’’.888 1.0, and the mean at the start of the simulation Each member of a group can either cooperate or was approximately zero). In particular, no shirk.Shirkingcostsnothing,butaddsnothingto groups with anti-social norms ever survived in the payoffs of the group members. Cooperating equilibrium. costs sn40; but contributes an amount fn4sn (e) The mean level of extraparental socializa- shared equally by the other members. Selfish tion,gwasalsoveryhigh,beingatleast45%(the individuals will always shirk in this situation, so mean at the start of the simulation was 30%). the potential gains from cooperating will be (f) The mean strength of the replicator forgone. If the situation is repeated sufficiently dynamic, a; was 9% (the mean at the start of frequentlywiththesameplayers,andifthegroup the simulation was 25%). This shows that while a higher a helps individuals, because they are 888ThissectionisanelaborationonBoydetal.(2001). 416 H.GINTIS is sufficiently small, cooperation can be sustained small (as is likely to be the case except under even with selfish players (Trivers, 1971; Axelrod extremeconditions,sincenoonehasanincentive & Hamilton, 1981). However, with large groups toshirk),thenthisvalueofswillbeclosetozero and/or infrequent repetition, universal shirking is for each altruistic punisher. But then the virtually inevitable (Boyd & Richerson, 1988), as altruism equilibrium will be stable according has been confirmed repeatedly in experiments to eqn (2), even when it would be violated for with humans (Ledyard, 1995). s ¼ sn: Given the potential gains to society of people Since the fitness costs of altruistic punishment internalizing the altruistic norm A¼‘‘always are low, a replicator dynamic is unlikely to cooperate’’ in the above situation, the absence render the altruism equilibrium unstable in this ofthisnorminsocietysuggeststhatthecostsn is case. Moreover, there is evidence that altruistic simply too high to sustain as an equilibrium of actsserveascostlysignalsofagentfitness(Gintis the aaAC form. However, experimental results et al., 2003), in which case the altruistic (Fehr & Ga¨chter, 2002) and ethnographic data phenotype is cannot be undermined by the (Boehm 1993, 2000), not to mention everyday tendency to shift from lower to higher payoff observation, suggest that the threat of being phenotypes. punished by other group members for shirking may serve to sustain cooperation where the Conclusion internalized value of cooperating does not. Punishment can succeed where the norm of We have developed a plausible model of cooperation cannot because the expected cost per altruistic cooperation and punishment that does period of punishing shirkers is typically much not depend on repeated interaction, reputation smaller that the cost of cooperating. This is effects, or multi-level selection. The latter because (a) punishment such as shunning and obtains because there is no net within-group ostracizing are inherently low cost, yet effective penalty to either the altruistic gene or the when directed by large numbers against a few altruistic norm, even though there is a penalty transgressors; and (b) the punishment need be to individuals carrying the gene and behaving carried out only when shirking occurs, which is according to the norm. likely to be infrequent in comparison with the One shortcoming of our model is that payoffs number of times cooperationmustbecarriedout. areassumedconstant,whereasinmanycases,we Nevertheless, altruistic punishment likely has would expected payoffs to be frequency depen- strictly positive cost, so a selfish individual still dent, as when group members are engaged in a will refrain from engaging in this activity. While non-cooperative game. For instance, the payoff a genetic group selection model can explain the tobeingself-interestedmayincreasewhenagents evolutionary stability of altruistic punishment are predominantly altruistic. In a related paper (Gintis, 2000b), such models are sensitive to (Gintis, 2003), I show that such a situation gives group size and migration rates (Eshel, 1972; rise to a heterogeneous equilibrium, in which Rogers, 1990). The gene-culture coevolutionary both altruists and self-interested types partici- model presented in this paper, by contrast, pate.Sincethepayoffstothetwotypesareequal suffers less from these problems. in equilibrium, once again we can dispense with To see this, suppose a fraction p of a group multi-level selection in specifying an equilibrium with n members consists of altruistic punishers. with a positive level of altruism. Topreventintentionalshirking byselfishagents, There are two objections that biologists each must be prepared to inflict a punishment naturally raise to this model of altruism. First, sn=pn on a shirker. Suppose a fraction q of the if the C norm is individually fitness enhancing group nevertheless shirks (or perhaps is simply while the A is not, why is there not a genetic perceived to shirk under conditions of imperfect mutation (for instance at another genetic locus) information). Then the total amount of punish- that allows the individual to distinguish between ment per altruistic punishment is s ¼ qsn=p: altruistic and fitness-enhancing behaviors, and If p is large (as in our simulations) and q is hence to eschew the former? The answer is that

Page 1. J. theor. Biol. (2003) 220, 407–418 doi:10.1006/jtbi.2003.3104, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on. The Hitchhiker's Guide
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