Originally entitled The History of the War in the Air (Being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force), this all embracing and proposed multi volume work (uncompleted), has been long out of print.
It features some of the most detailed accounts of the aerial battles from this period of history (1920s) as recorded by him first hand in conversations between himself and the Airmen concerned who described their actions while flying their primitive wood and canvas machines.
Professor Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh was an English scholar, poet and author of some note.
He was born in London in 1861.
He was the Professor of English Literature at Glasgow University and also was the Chair of English Literature at Oxford University.
On the outbreak of the Great War he turned to the war as his primary subject of research.
His finest book on the subject is the first volume of The War in the Air (1922).
Sadly, before he could begin work on the second volume he died from typhoid (contracted during a visit to the Near East) in 1922.
Raleigh is buried at North Hinksey, near Oxford.
Raleigh Park at North Hinksey, near Harcourt Hill where he lived from 1909 to his death, is named after him.
Other long out of print and recently reprinted titles as part of this series include:
My War In The Air By Captain Alan John Bott MC RFC; Recollections Of The Great War In The Air By James Roger McConnell (American Volunteer with the French Air Force - The Lafayette Escadrille) & The German Air Force I Knew (1910 - 1918) By Major Georg Paul Neumann Imperial German Army Air Service.