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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 12 3 1 32X ? i m Til K HISTORY OF THE CORPS <ii' ROYAL SAPPERS AND MINERS. nv T. W. J. CONNOLLY, giARTEUMASTEB-SEROEANT OF TIIK COIU'S. CO CO O 3?litb Scbcntcfu tColourcb J*llustrations. " ormost (llsastrouachancps, Ofmoving nrrltlmts, hy Hood and (icid; Ofhair-brcadtli scaix's 1' tin' iniinliicntdeadly Itroacli."—.V/(rtA'«;)Crtrc. " Thrre Is a corps wldrli is often alxint hlni, nnseen an<l iinsusperttNl,and wlileh is lalMiurlngas hard lorlilni In penceasothersdo in wur."—TheTini'S. IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol,. I. LONDON: t... LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 1855. losnoN: rniMRn kv w. rrowr.fi Axnsex;:.sTAMFonnstrketandCHAhiNo moss. rUEFA( E. In 1830, soon after Lieutenant Robert Dasliwood, K.K., was appointed Aeting Adjutant of tl.e Royal Sappers and Miners at \\\,(,lwieli, he was direeted !)y Brigade-Major, now ('olonel Matson, to prepare a list ofofficers of the Royal Engineers who had commanded, from time to time, the different companies of the corps. I assisted him in the duty ; hut while he was in the midst of his work, he wys prematurely cut off by death, and the task of completing the statement devolved on mo. It now forms a referential record at the hea(l-(,uarter office. Led in its progress to consult old documents and returns, I conceived the idea ofmaking myselfacquainted with the whole history of the corps. With this view, after daily fulfilling the routine duty of the office, I spent all my leisure intervals in bringing to light old books and papers, which for years had been buried in disused depositories and stores. Whilst thus engaged, twoActingAdjutants, LieutenantsF. A. Yorke and T. Webb, R.E., were successively appointed to the eorps at Woolwich. Both officers entered with some spirit into the attemi)t to trace a history of its services ; but before they had proceeded to any great length, were interrui)ted in their labours by removal to other stations in consequence of promotion. Adjutant Yorke, however, succeeded so far, that he drew up a brief account of the formation of the sappers. a 2 iv I'inii'Wci;. comiiujiK'ing with tlu* (iibmltar company in 1772, and detailed its subsequent augnicntations and reductions. Tins statement also forms a permanent record in the office ; and Captain \\\)hU made fair progress with an outline account of its active ser- vices. To both ()ffi(;cr8 it was my good fortune to alford sucli aid as tliey recjuired, in tlie coih-ction of information for tlieir respective (efforts. In 1847, when medals were granted to the veterans of the last war, Hrigade-Major, now ('olonel Sandham, observed the readiness with which I spoke of historical events in which the corps was concerned, and of the services of j)articular indi- viduals who had belonged to it. He also saw the facility with which I supplied the information re(|uired to estjiblish the claims of the several apjdicants for medals and clasj)s. This induced him, after some little conversfition on the subject, to direct me to prepare for publicatioi isfory of the corps. Much fragmentary matter I had ai...idy accumulated, for twelve years had been consumed by me in wading through books and documents in quest of dates and occurrences. Nevertheless, it was not without serious misgivings that 1 set myself officially to the task, and the researches and labours embodied in the following pages are the result. In the intervals of important and onerous public duty, the materials for the memoir have been collected and the work methodized and written. Necessarily severe was the applica- tion required under such circumstances ; but by steady perse- verance, even at tinjcs when my health was scarcely al)le to bear up against the exertion it needed, I have succeeded, without omitting any service that I know of, in completing the history to the siege ofSebastopol. The work (certainly is one ofno pretension, and on this score may be regarded as having cost but little toil in its |)reparation ; I'lfKIWCK. Imt I may olworvf, tluit from tin ali.-fiuv of mail) partii'iilar records, the uiiaccoiintaldo iu'«;l»'(t in furnisliin}.'; otlirrs, and tlio strikiii*j; impcrfoctions in many of tlu; rcmaininu; pajn'rs, arisinf^ from complexity, vagueness, obliteration, or decay, more tiian ordinary ditlicuity, research, and troultle were expe- rienced, in gathering the materials essential to give anything like a reasonahle delineation of the events narrated in the Memoir. Paucity of detail in numbers, want of description with reference to jjarticular occurrcMices, and gaj)8 in many years from the loss of muster-rolls and official documi'nts, run through a period of nearly half a century, from 1772 to 1815 : and strange as it may aj)pear, even the casualties in action so carefully reported in other corj)s, have, from some inexplicable cause, either been omitted altogether in the war despatches or given inaccurately. In later years, however, the connexion between the officers of the Royal Engineers and the soldiers of the Royal Siippers and Miners has been so fully establisluMl, tiiat attention to these important minuti.'c forms a decided fea- ture in the improved command of the corps. In employujents of a purely civil character in which the Royal Sajjpers and Miners haveshared, care has been taken to explain, as fully as the records and collateral evidence would admit, the nature of its duties ; and, likewise, to multiply authorities to prove the estimation in which it was held for its services and conduct, 'i'his has been maiidy done, to offer a practical reply to an association, incorjjorated within the last twelve years, which, in the course of a futile agitation, endea- voured by injurious statements to lessen the corps in public esteem. All mention ofthe Royal Engineers in this memoir has been studiously suppressed, except when such was unavoidable to give identity to the <lifFerent duties and services of the Royal

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