TheU seo fP leasure Bookbsy M ichFeolu cault Madnesasn dC iviizlatiAo Hni:s toorfyl nsaniintt hyeA geo fR eason TheO rdeorf T hingAsn: A rchaeoloofgt yh eH umanS ciences TheA rchaeoloofgK yn owled(gaen Tdh eD iscouronsL ea nguage) TheB irtohft heC liniAcn:A rchaeoloofgM ye dicaPle rception I,Pi erRriev iere, shlaavuignehrgte mdy mothemry, siesrta,n d my brother.C a.s.eo. f P Aa rriciintd hee N inetenethC entury Disciplainnde PunTihsehB :i rtohft heP rison TheH istoorfyS exuiatlyV,o lumeIs,2 ,a nd3 HerculBianreb inB,e intgh eR ecentDliys coveMreemdo irosf a N ineteenth CentuFrrye ncHhe rmaphrodite Power/KnowleSdeglee:c tIendt erviaenwdOs t heWrr itin1g9s7,2 -1977 The UsoefP leasure Volum2e o fT heH istory ofS exuality MicheFlo ucault Translfartoetmdh F er ench byR obeHrutr ley VintaBgoeo ks . DAi visioofRn a ndomH ouseI,n c. New York VINTAGBEO OKSE DlTlOMNA,R CH1 990 Translactoipoynr i©gh 1t9 85b yR andomH ouseI,n c. Allr ighrtess ervuendd eIrn teartnionaanldP an-AmeriCcoapny right ConventioPnusb.l ishientd h eU niteSdt atbeysV intagBoeo ksa, divisoifoR na ndomH ouseI,n c.N,e w Yorakn,ds imultaneoiuns ly Canadbay R andomH ouseo fC anadLai miteTdo,r ontOor.gii nally publisihneF dr ancaesL 'Us agdeep si aibsyiE rdist ioGnasl limard. Copygrhit© 1984b yE ditioGnasl limaFridr.sA tme ricaend ition publisbhyeP da ntheBoono ksa,d ivisoifoR na ndomHo useI,n ci.n, Octobe19r8 5. LibraorfCy o ngresCsa tagliong-inP-ublicaDtaitoan FoucauMlitc,h elT.h eh istoorfsy e xuality. TranslaotfiH oins toidrele a s exualite. Includbeisb lgiroaphirceafle renacnedis n dexes. Contenvt.sI :.A n introducti2o.nT -hveu. s eo fp leasure. I.Se xc ustoms-History-Cowlolrekcst.Ie .dT itle. HQ1 2.6F8131980 301.41'7 794-60 ISB0N- 3945-1722-1 Manufactuirnte hdeU niteSdt atoefsA merica to9 8 Contents TranslatAocrk'nso wledgmenvtis i Intrond uc1t io Chapt1e rM odificat3i ons Chapt2e rF ormosfP roblemati1z4a tion Chapt3e rM oralaintdPy r acotfit chSeee lf2 5 PARTO NE TheM oraPlr oblemaotfi zation Pelasure3s3 Chapt1e rA prhodisi3a8 Chapt2e rC hresis5 3 Chapt3e rE nkarteia6 3 Chapt4e rF reedaonmTd r uth7 8 PARTT WO Dietet9i5c s Chapt1e rR egimienGn e nera9l9 Chapt2e rT heD ieotfP leasures 109 Chapt3e rR isaknsDd a ngers 117 Chapt4e rA ctE,x pendiDteuarteh1, 2 5 PARTT HREEE conomi1c4s1 Chapt1e rT heW isdomM aorfr iag1e4 3 Chapt2e rI schomaHcohuusse'h o1l5d2 Chapt3e rT hrPeoe liocfMi oedse rati1o6n6 PART FOURE rotic1s8 5 Chapte1 rA ProbleRmealtaitci 1o8n7 Chapt2e rA BoyH'osn or2 04 Chapt3e rT heO bjeocftP leasu2r1e5 PARTF IVE TruLeo ve 227 Conclus2i4o7n Notes 255 Bibliograp2h7y 3 Index 281 Transltaor's Acknowlegdments A numebro fp eopcloen tritbout theitdsr anslaatt ion, Berkealneedly s ewOhueotrf re e.s pferotc htae u thwoorr'ks, themya daeno ccasoifco onm munfirowt hyi Ica hm g rautle.f PetBerro wgne nerosuhsalrhyeik dsn owleodfcg lea ssical mattaenrhdsi f sma iliwairtiththa yeu thporrjo'escH iti caclo mmentsa niw nevraaebl lsuee rvice. StepWh.eF no srteerv ietwhteerd a nslatapi roanc twiictehd eye saungdg emsatnecydh anogfpe hsr asevoilrotgauyla,ll ly ofw hicIih n ocrporianttteohdt e e xt. DenHiosl lainesrw esreevdeq ruaels ttihoacntrs o pupped whemny r eianddgi ndo qtu imtaet tchhse o phistoiftc haet ion authporro'sse . JamFeasu bdiroenuw pa l iosfrt e liEanbgllevi esrhs oifo ns thej omGrar eteekx Wtist.h ourte mchmoiesn datIwi oounlsd, havrei skmeadni yn cacuracies. Marie-CPlearuidgmeoy wn i,ef ,h elpmeedw itvha rious probloefmm isc rnot-eirpretthaaittsiw ,oi ntt,hh kei nodf difficuelvteirreeysa deenrc ounbtuoetnr lsty r anslhaatvoer s tor esolve. Ia m ibntdemedo sttoP auRla binHoeow ff.e raeddv aincde encaoguerment-smuoprrpatol- aetv ery stage. Iw isthod edicatEen gltvihesirhss tioo nmt ehmeo royf MicheFlo ucault. R.H. May1 985 vii Intorduction 1 Modifications This osefsr tiuedisisb e esi pnugb hleidls aterI h tahda n antaitceiadpn,di na f romt hat is dailefftroegInwe tit.lh le r explwahiyn. Itw as intteon ndbeeeid ta hh eirs toofsr eyx ubaelha viors noarh istoofrr eyp rteasteinbounatsh ,i stoof"r sye xuality" -the quomtaarthkiasov acne e rtiamoiprnt aMnyca ei.wm a s nottow riath ei stoofsr eyx bueahla vainopdrr sa cttircaecsi,n g thesiurc cefsrosmisvt,eh eeivro luatnidto hne,di irs semina tionno;wr a si tto a naltyhzseec ienrteilfiigocir,po huisl,o sophiicdaelta hsr ouwghhi cthh ese behabveieonr s have represIew rt sodt w eolnlt haqtu irteec eanntd bannaolt ioof"n s elxiutatyos" t:a dnedt acfohrmeid tb ,r ack etiintfgsma iliairnoi rtdyte,ora naltyhzteeh eoreatnidc al practciocnatwlei xtwthh iichtha s been aTshset oecrima ted. itsdeilndfo atp peart hubene tgiiln onfit nhngei tneeenth centuar fcayt,t hasth oublend e ituhnedre restniomra ted overeirnptreIttdeo itnost o metohtihnteghr aa ns im plree casotfvi oncga bubluaotrb yvi,o iudtso lenyso m ta rtkh e suddeemne rgoeftn hctaeot w hi"cshe xuarleeifrtTsyh.u"e s e of twhoer dw as estaibnlc iosnhneedc tion r with othe phenomtehndeae :v eloopfmd einvte rseo fk fnioewlldesd ge (embratchbiein ogl omgeicchaaln oifrs empsr odauscw teiloln ast hien divoirsd oucavilaa rli oafbn ethsa vtihoeers )t;a blish menotfa s eotfr ulaensnd o rms-in parti npt arratd itional, new-whfiuocnhsd u ppionrr etl igjiuoduipsce,id aalg,o gical, 3