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The History and Philosophy of Yoga PDF

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S1UDYGUIDI forT heY ogaT radition 800-HouDri stance-LeaCronuirnsgoe n TheH istoarnyd P hilosoopfhY yo ga TraditiYoongaaSl t udies Saskcahtwean,C anada LEGAL NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT ThiSst udGyu idaen da lolu ro themra terifaolrs thidsi stanlceea rnicnogu rsaer ec opyrighitne d then ameo fG eorgF euerstYeoiunm .a y NOT reproduacney o ft hesmea teriawlist houptr i­ orp ermissiforno mT VS.T hiisn cludreesp ro­ ductiaosnh andoutosn,t heI nternoerft o,cr o m­ mercipaulr poseTsh.i sS tudyG uidei sn otf orr esale. Pleasree spect intercnoaptyiroinlgaahlwta ndt hel egal righotfsT VSa ndt hec reatoofrt hiSst udGyu ide. Thisd istance-leacronuirnsgie s NOtTr ansferrable. -TradiYtoigoSant auld ies ©Copyirgth 2003, b2y0G 1e0o gr Feuesrtein Allr gihtsr eesrved TraiditonYaolg aS tudie,s P.BOo.x6 61,E astned,S K SON OTO,C anada. Emailt:y [email protected] Pleastey pe tahdidsr esosn thef irpsatg e ofa lylo urc ommunicatiotnous s . 800-HPohuirl osHoipshtyao,nr dyL i teraotfYu orgea Distancren-iLCneogau r(sseu ggessctheedd ule) Mont1h Listaenndm aken oteTsh eL osTte achinogfYs o ga 7.h5o urs - - StudGyu id-Ree ad caonmdp l"eFtoRere flectainodHno sm"e wo#r1ak n d#2 ( dnoo stu bmit) 1.P ractiGcuaild elines 2.O verview 3.A dditioSnoaulr cMea terials 4.I ntroduction Mont2h StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r3(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C haptBeuri ldiBnlgo cks Month3sa nd4 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r4(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt2e:rT heW heelo fY oga Month5sa nd6 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r5(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt3e:rY ogaa ndO theHri ndTur aditions CompleQtuee tsionn#a1i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Mont7h StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r6(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt4e:rY ogai nA ncieTnitm es Month8 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r7(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt5e:rT heW hisperWeids domo ft heE arlUyp anishads Month9sa nd1 0 Study G-Rueiadaden cd ompl"eFtoRere flectainoHdn osm"e wo#r8(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt6e:rJ ainYao ga CompleQtuee tsionn#a2i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgennttoy outru tor) Month1s1 a nd1 2 Study G-Rueiadaden dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r9(k d noo stu bmit) 1.C hapt7e:rY ogai nB uddhism Month1s3 a nd1 4 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r10k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt8e:rT heF lowerionfYg o ga CompleQtuee tsionn#a3i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Mont1h 5 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r11k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt9e:rT heH istoarnydL iteraotfuP raet anjYaolgaa- Month1s6 a nd1 7 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r12k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1e0rT :h eP hilosoapnhdPy r actoifcP ea tanjala-Yoga CompleQtuee tsionn#a4i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Month1s8 a nd1 9 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r13k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1er1:T heN ondualAipsptr oatcohG odA mongt heS hivWao rshipers Month2s0 a nd2 1 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainoHdno sm"e wo#r1k4( do snuobtm it) 1.C hapt1e2rT :h eV edantAipcp roaAcmho ngt heV ishnWuo rshipers CompleQtuee tsionn#a5i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Month2 2 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r15k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1e3rY :o gaa ndY oginisnt heP uranas Month2 3 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r16k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1e4rT :h eY ogiIcd ealiosftm h eY oga-Vasishtha Month2 4 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainodHno sm"e wo#r17k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1e5r G:o d,V isioannsd,P owerT:h eY oga-Upanishads Month2 5 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainoHdno sm"e wo#r1k8( do snuobtm it) 1.C hapt1e6rY :o gai nS ikhism CompleQtuee tsionn#a6i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Contaccotus ret utaobro uyto uErs sya# 1t opic. Month2s6 a nd2 7a nd2 8 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn dc ompl"eFtoRere flectainodHn osm"e wo#r19k( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1e7rT :h eE soteriocfiM semd ievTaaln tra-Yoga CompleQtuee tsionn#a7i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) Month2s9 a nd3 0 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainodHno sm"e wo#r2k0( dnoo stu bmit) 1.C hapt1er8Y :o gaa sS piritAulaclh emy CompleQtuee tsionn#a8i(p rlee assueb mtihtia ss simgenntto ytouutro r) SubmEists ya# 1 Contaccotus ret utaobro uyto uErs sya# 2t opic. Month 31 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainoHdno sm"e wo#r2k1( do snuobtm it) 1.C hapt1e9rT :h eN ineteenth-CYeongtau ry Month3s2 3,3 a nd3 4 StuGduyi d-Ree aadn cdo mpl"eFtoRere flectainodHno sm"e wo#r2k2( dnoo stu bmit) Reesarcahn dw riEtses ya# 2 Month3 5 SubmEists ya# 2t oy our tutor Contents • CONTENTS PREFACE xi PRACTICAGLU IDELINFEOSR S TUDENTS 1 IH.o wt oS tudy 1 1S.e -ltSfudy 1 2.Re mediAaclt ion 1 IIC.ou rsOebj etvcies 3 II.OI rganizoaftt hMieao tne riinta ihlBssni der 4 1I.n spiQruio(ntsgeo )rP reamble/Overview 4 2.Ma iPnoi nts 4 3A.d ditiSoounracMlea terials 4 4.Fu rtRheeard (ionLrgi stening) 4 5F.o Rre eflction 4 6H.o mework 5 IVC.ou rsRee quirements 6 1R.e quiRreeadd inLgsi taenndi ng 6 2.Ho mework 6 3E.s yssa 7 4.Qu estionnaires 8 5I.d entiYfyouirSn ugb imsosnis 8 6.In teractYiounrTg u twoirt h 8 7.Ce rcttaieofi fC ompletion 9 OVERVIEW 11 IB.a sCiocm ponoefnTh teYs og aT radition 11 IIO.v erOarlgla nizoafTt heiYo ognaT radition 12 InvocBateiforoeTn e achings 15 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aY:olg saS hcolvasr. YogaP ractitioner 16 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2:aI lnPs r saeio fS tu(dSyv haydyaa) 23 Homewo#r k1 25 StudyG uidef ort heY oga TraditioDni stance-LearnCionugr se- TVS Contents • II INTRODUCTIOTNH:EI MPULSTEO WARD TRANCSENDENCE 27 IR.e achBieynogn tdh Eeg oP eornsality 27 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i3:aT lhsYeo gao fS cience 29 IIT.e chlnoogoifEe ass atnW de st 30 II.RI ealaintMdyo deolfRse ality 31 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i4:aY olgsaS ymbolism 32 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i5aT:lh sWe a ro fth Geo ds anAdn tgiods 39 IVY.og aa ntdh Meo deWme st 40 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i6aE:la ssa tnW de st 42 Homewo#r2k 44 PAROTN EF:O NUDATNISO 45 WhaYtog aM eansM et o 46 Chapt1e:Br u idlinBgl okcs 47 Overview 47 IT.h Ee ssenocfYeo ga 47 SourcRee ad#i1 nD:ga skhinuarmti-Stotra 51 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i7aT:jel os- Bindu- Upansihad 52 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i8aI:lYs so g aa R eligion? 54 IIW.h at'isna N ame?T-hTee rYmog a 59 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i9aT:lr sa ditDieofinnailto ifYoo gnas 60 IIDIe.g rees- Tonrfsa cSeenldTfehnPecr ea:c ti(taYigoionnrYe o gri ni)6 0 IVG.u idLiinhgg:tT hTee acher 63 ThWea shermaantdnh Lei on 67 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1a0Slel:se Rceta dionng s the uG-uDripslRceei lationship 68 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1 a1Tl:hsGe u rDui:ps eller ofD arksnse 71 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aT2lh:sGe u rFuu nocnt:i BroadcaRsetail(niEgtx yc erpt) 73 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aT3lr:su G eu ruFsa,l se GuursC,r aGzuyr (usE xcerpt) 74 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1a4Eli:sg [heVtr soens ] thTee ac(hGeurr u-Ashtaka) 79 V.L eamiBneygo ntdh Seel fT:h De ispclie 81 OnD ispclsiehip 84 VIG.i viBnrigtt ho N eaw I dentIintiyti:a tion 86 VI.IC raWziys doamn Cdr aAzdye pts 89 SourcRee ad#i2n:Sg i dadS-hidhddan-tPdahdai(t Seecltion9)1 Homewo#r3k 92 StudyG uidef or thYeog a TraditioDni stance-LearnCionugr se- TVS Contents • 111 Chapt2e:Tr h eW heeolfY oga 93 IO.v erview 93 IIR.aj -aYogaT:h Re espdleenYntog ao f iSrpiKtiunagls 95 II.HI athoag-aCY:u ltivaanAtdaimnagn tBionyde 95 IVJ.n anoag-aSY:en egi witEhy eot fWh ised om 96 TheTr ipura-aRsayha 98 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1 a:5Jl nsa Ynoag-aT:h Pea th ofW isdom 99 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aY6lo:gsa o fD iesrcnment 101 SourcRee ad#i3n:Ag m rtia-BiUpnadinus-had 130 V.B haktoig-aTY:h eS e-lTrfanesndciPnogw eorfL ove 160 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aT7lh:sDe e ptohfB hakti 180 SourcRee ad#in4:Bg h akuttiro-afSN arada 122 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aB8lh:sa kti-Yoga 142 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i1aW9lo:sr shGiopv in(dBjaha a- GovinAdsarcb)ie tdoS hankara 172 VIK.a rmao-gYaF:r eedionAm c tion 134 VI.I ManotgraSa:-ou Ynad saV ehicolfTer n asecndence 141 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:0l WsAo r lodfS ound 124 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i21aM:las n troag-aSY:o undOiuntg thDee pWtiht hin 148 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:2Tl hesG ayatarnirt-aM 151 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:3Tl hseS acred SyOml lab1l45e VI.IL Iayao-gYa: ovDliintsghsU en iverse 196 IX. InYtogeagA:r M aold eSmy hntesis 17 1 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:4Al usr odbo'iLsni ef aYnogda 127 Homewo#r4k 108 Chapt3e:Yr o gaan d OtHhinedruT raditions 182 IA. B rid'-sEyVei eowft hCeu ltHuirsatloo flrnyd ia 128 IIT.h eG loowfP yschPiocw -eYrogaan Ads cteicism 168 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:5Tl apsa :sC reatFriiev e 178 II.DI eilghitnN oth:iY noggaa nd Wtahyoe f R enunciatio1n39 IVY.og aa nHdi ndPuh isloophy 198 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i26a:Rle sefl ctioontn hsOe n e 214 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i27a:Tlh sLe i feo fS hankara 215 V.Y ogaA,y ure-dVaa,nS dd idhMae dincei 231 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i28a:Iln sd ian NatMuerdoinpcea2i t3h2i c StudyG uidef ort heY oga TraditioDni stance-LearnCionugr se- TVS Contents • IV VIY.og aa nHdi ndRue ligion 244 Homewo#r5k 248 Questio#n n1a ire 249 PARTTW O:P RE-CALSISCAYLO GA 253 Chapt4e:Yr o gianA ncietnT imes 255 IH.i stfoorrS ye- lUfnderstanding 255 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i2a:9Jl esaG ne bs'eCsro ntribution towaarN de wE psitemology 256 IIF.r oSmh amantioYso gma 264 II.YI oga anEdn itghmeIa ntudisca- rSasCvviaitzliai tion 268 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i30a:Tlh se uIsna-drSasvati CviiilzatRievoints eids 270 IVS.ac rfiicaen Mde ditaTthiReoi nt:Yu oaglao f thRegi -Veda 278 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i31aT:lhs Fe ourV edas 281 SourcRee ad#in5:Rg gi -Ved(a Sleection) 287 V.S peolflT rsa nesncdceenT:h Mea giYcoagla of thAeht avar-Veda 289 SourcRee ad#in6Ag:ht avar-Ved(a Sleection) 289 VIT.h Mey sterViroautBsyr ao thhoeords 289 Homewo#r6k 292 Chapt5e:Tr h eW hispeWriesdd oomft he EarlUyp ainshads 293 IO.v erview 293 IIT.h Ber ih-AardanayU-apkansihad 330 II.TI hCeh dnodgya-pUainshad 340 IVT.h eTa itytaiU-rpiainshad 305 V.O thAenrc iUepnatns ihads 307 VIT.h Eea rYlogya U pansihasd 311 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i32a:Tlh sUe n iveWrissdaolm ofthUep ansihads 341 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i33aE:la sr Ulpya nishadic MeditaUtpaisoann:a 329 Homewo#r7k 333 Chapt6e:Jr a iYnoag aT:h eT eachnigos ft he VictorFiooruds-k Mears 335 IH.i stoOrviecravli ew 335 AdditiSoounracMlea ter#i34a:Slh so Briotgr apihes of RishaNbehmai,, P aarnsdh va 341 StudyG uidef ort heY oga TraditioDni stance-LearnCionugr se- TVS

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