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THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL VOLUME XXXV EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Cambridge members C.M. ANDREW, Pu.D. ProFessor D.E. D. BEALES, Litt.D., F.B.A. Proressor T.C.W. BLANNING, Pu.D., F.B.A. Proressor W.O. CHADWICK, O.M., K.B.E., D.D., F.B.A. Proressor P. F. CLARKE, Litt.D., F.B.A. ProFrEessor PATRICK COLLINSON, M.A., F.B.A. PrRoFessor SIR GEOFFREY ELTON, Litt.D., F.B.A. Proressor D. K. FFELDHOUSE, Litt.D. V.A.C. GATRELL, Pu.D. Proressor SIR HARRY HINSLEY, M.A., F.B.A. H. M. PELLING, Litt.D., F.B.A. Proressor Q.R.D. SKINNER, M.A., F.B.A. American members Proressor H. JAMES (Princeton University), M.A., Px.D. Proressor G. PARKER (University of Illinois), Pu.D., F.B.A. EDITORS .S. MORRILL, Pu.D. TEINBERG, Pu.D. PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge cB2 1RP 40 West 2oth Street, New York, ny 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Victoria 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1992 Printed in Great Britain by the University Press, Cambridge CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXXV (Page numbers are at the end of each entry) ARTICLES AND COMMUNICATIONS Steven G. Ellis A border baron and the Tudor state: the rise and fall of Lord Dacre of the North. - Retha M. Warnicke More’s Richard III ted the npenenly ghin E. W. Ives Henry VIII’s will — a forensic conundrum . y Markku Peltonen Politics and science: Francis Bacon and the true : itlnciion of states . Joachim Whaley Obedient senvetina? Lniliaten a to sudetay aad society in the first half of the seventeenth century: the case of Johann Balthasar Schupp Richard Cust Anti-puritanism sw _— plies Charles I _ Ginn Yarmouth Jane H. Ohlmeyer The ‘ pial Plot’ a ‘Giga —a wind F J.C. Davis Religion and the struggle for freedom in the English Revelation David Armitage The Cromwellian Protectorate and the languages of empire Joyce Lee Malcolm Charles II and the reconstruction of royal power Colin Lee ‘Fanatic magistrates’: religious and political conflict in three Kent boroughs, 1680-1684 : Mark Goldie John Locke’s circle and jones II T.C. Barnard Reforming Irish manners: the religious societies in. Dublin during the 1690s Donald Winch Adam Smith: Scottish ieee phiibisigibiie as qeiitesl economist ; William C. Lowe George III, peerage ciienion wad politics, 1760-1784 Betty Wood White women, black slaves and the law in early national Georgia: the Sunbury petition of 1791 ; Jj. R. Oldfield The London Committee and snchiiliontion of ey opinion against the slave trade : David Womersley Gibbon’s weiliadabeed Hineey: the French Revelsiien sail English political vocabularies . ; Jeremy Jennings The Déclaration des droits de oo et du sree wnt its critics in France: reaction and idéologie : Elizabeth Sparrow The Swiss and Swabian agencies, am ited , L. J. Riall Liberal policy and the control of public order in western Sicily 1860-1862 . Nigel Brailey Sir Ernest Sutow, — ana hain: the trials of a diplomas i3 n the age of high imperialism . Mark Mazower The Messiah and the bamgooiiie: Venison ond polities i3 n Greece, 1909-1912 . Michael Dawson Money and the ead a of the F _" —— Act A. D. Harvey Who were the Auxiliaries? F Geoffrey Roberts Infamous encounter? The Merekalow-Welasacher meeting of 17 April 1939 IV INDEX Alfred-Maurice de Zayas The Wehrmacht bureau on war crimes . ; Nicholas Atkin The challenge to Jaicité: church, state and schools in ~— France, 1940-1944 . Steven Fielding What did‘ t he wai? —y dee meaning at the 1945 general election Harold L. Smith The polities of Cesneneition elescen: the ogee p9a y for equal work issue, 1945-1955 : : ‘ Geoffrey Swain The Cominform: Tito’s ietanidiemil? . D.W. Dean Conservative governments and the restriction of Commonwealth Immigration in the 1950s: the problems of constraint Wesley K. Wark In Never-Never Land? The British archives on intelligence REVIEW ARTICLES AND HISTORIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWS John Breuilly Hamburg: the German city of laissez-faire D.C. Coleman New business history for old? : Geoffrey Crossick Consensus, order and the social history of saniehecen Riad : G. M. Ditchfield Religion, ee and progress in eighteenth- century England ‘ : Michael Duffy Realism and toashitiens in Nahsocnih- coneiany British foreign policy ‘ ‘ ‘ Niall Ferguson Germany and theo rigin of the First World Wer: new perspectives . , Sylvia R. Frey Republicnniain: sources, meanings, saidu sages in Aisaaiticn history Helen Graham Seike aid ann ihev iew tiie the pully James S. Hart New perspectives on parliaments . : Henry Horwitz The disadvantaged in early modern Britain . N. H. Keeble Rewriting the Restoration Catherine Merridale Reassessments of pisinineinery enia David Moon Recent books on the Russian peasantry . Sheilagh C. Ogilvie Germany and the seventeenth-century crisis . Frank O’Gorman An age of progress and reform?. Antoine Prost What has happened to French social blaneey?. David Reynolds Britain and the Cold War . S. J. Salter National Socialism, the Nazi regime and ein sinciille H. M. Scott The second ‘Hundred Years War’, 1689-1815. Nigel Smith Literature as history : ‘ David Stevenson Solomon and Son, British style Alan Taylor Common revolutionaries. Robert Tombs L’année terrible, 1870-1871 . Brian Ward Dissecting the dream: civil rights and race¢ Wlations iin the United States . BOOKS REVIEWED Martine Acerra and Jean Meyer, Marines et révolution. By H. M. Scott 443 Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, 1870: La France dans la guerre. By Robert Tombs 713 Bernard Bailyn, Faces of revolution, personalities and themes in the struggle for American independence. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 Roger Bartlett (ed.), Land commune and peasant community in Russia: communal forms in Imperial and early Soviet society. By David Moon 953 Richard Bessel (ed.), Life in the Third Reich. By S. J. Salter 487 Adolf M. Birke and Kurt Kluxen (eds), England und Hannover/England and Hanover. By H. M. Scott 443 Jeremy Black, A system of ambition? British foreign policy 1660-1793. By Michael Duffy 227 Jeremy Black, British foreign policy in the age of Walpole. By H. M. Scott 443 Jeremy Black, The collapse of the Anglo-French alliance 1727-1731. By H.M. Scott 443 Jeremy Black, Natural and necessary enemies: Anglo-French relations in the eighteenth century. By H. M. Scott 443 Jeremy Black and Philip Woodfine (eds), The British navy and the use of naval power in the eighteenth century. By H. M. Scott 443 Burnett Bolloten, The Spanish Civil War. Revolution and counter revolution. By Helen Graham 969 Helen Bradford, A taste of freedom. The ICU in rural South Africa 1924-1930. By Shula Marks 505 D. A. Brading The first America. The Spanish monarchy, creole patriots, and the liberal state 1492-1867. By Sabine MacCormack 753 James E. Bradley, Religion, revolution and English radicalism. Non-conformity in eighteenth- century politics and society. By G. M. Ditchfield 681 J. S. Bromley, Corsairs and navies 1660-1760. By H. M. Scott 443 Martin Broszat (transl. V.R. Berghahn), Hitler and the collapse of Weimar Germany. By S. J. Salter 487 Tom Buchanan, The Spanish Civil War and the British labour movement. By Helen Graham 969 Arden Bucholz Moltke, Schlieffen and Prussian war planning. By Niall Ferguson 725 R. A. Burchell (ed.), The end of Anglo-America: historical essays in the study of cultural divergence. By Alan Taylor 937 Rebecca Bushnell, Tragedies of tyrants: political thought and theater in the English Renaissance. By Nigel Smith 213 David Cannadine, The decline and fall of the British aristocracy. By John Cannon 246 Christine Carpenter, Locality and polity. A study of Warwickshire landed society, 1401-1499. By S.J .G unn 999 Dino Cinel, The national integration of Italian return migration, 1870-1929. By Richard Bosworth 1004 G. Claeys, Citizens and saints: politics and anti-politics in early British socialism. By Frank O’Gorman 689 G. Claeys, Thomas Paine: social and political thought. By Frank O’Gorman 689 Peter Clarke, A question of leadership: Gladstone to Thatcher. By Patrick Cormack 755 VI INDEX Jonathan G. Coad, The royal dockyards 1690-1850: architecture and engineering works of the sailing navy. By H. M. Scott 443 Marilyn Shevin Coetzee, The German Army League. Popular nationalism in Wilhelmine Germany. By Niall Ferguson 725 Conal Condren, George Lawson’s Politica and the English Revolution. By Nigel Smith 213 Conal Condren and A.D. Cousins (eds), The political identity of Andrew Marvell. By Nigel Smith 213 Alain Corbin, Le village des cannibales. By Robert Tombs 713 Patrick Crowhurst, The French war on trade: privateering 1793-1815. By H. M. Scott 443 Uriel Dann, Hannover und England: 1740-1760: Diplomatie und Selbsterhaltung. By H. M. Scott 443 R. P. T. Davenport-Hines (ed.), Capital, entrepreneurs and profits. By D.C. Coleman 239 R. W. Davies (ed.), From tsarism to the New Economic Policy. By Catherine Merridale 959 David Brion Davis, Revolutions. Reflections on American equality and foreign liberations. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 D. M. Dean and N. L. Jones (eds), The parliaments of Elizabethan England. By James S. Hart 927 John Morgan Dederer, War in America to 1775. Before Yankee Doodle. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 Anne Deighton (ed.), Britain and the first Cold War. By David Re-nolds 501 Anne Deighton, The impossible peace: Britain, the division of Germany, and the origins of the Cold War. By David Reynolds 501 Peter Donald, An Uncounselled King. Charles I and the Scottish troubles, 1637-1641. By David Stevenson 205 Jack R. Dukes and Joachim Remak (eds), Another Germany: a reconsideration of the Imperial era. By Niall Ferguson 725 Jost Diilffer and Karl Holl (eds), Bereit zum Krieg. Kriegsmentalitat im wilhelminischen Deutschland 1890-1914. Beitrége zur historischen Friedensforschung. By Niall Ferguson 725 Modris Eksteins, Rites of spring. The Great War and the modern age. By Niall Ferguson 725 Bernt Engelmann (transl. Krishna Winston), Jn Hitler’s Germany. Everyday life in the Third Reich. By S. J. Salter 487 Richard J. Evans, Death in Hamburg: society and politics in the cholera years 1839-1910. By John Breuilly 701 Stig Forster, Der doppelte Militarismus: die deutsche Heeresriistungspolitik zwischen Status- quo-Sicherung und Aggression 1890-1913. By Niall Ferguson 725 Michal Frohlich, Von Konfrontation zur Koexistenz: Die deutsch-englischen Kolonialbeztehungen in Afrika zwischen 1884 und 1914. By Niall Ferguson 725 Jim Fyrth and Sally Alexander (eds), Women’s voices from the Spanish Civil War. By Helen Graham 969 Immanuel Geiss, Der lange Weg in die Katastrophe. Die Vorgeschichte des Ersten Weltkriegs 1815-1914. By Niall Ferguson 725 Richard L. Greaves, Enemies under his feet: Radicals and nonconformists in Britain, 1664-1677. By N. H. Keeble 223 INDEX VII Jack P. Green and J.R. Pole (eds), The Blackwell encyclopedia of the American Revolution. By Alan Taylor 937 Tim Harris, Paul Seaward and Mark Goldie (eds), The politics of religion in Restoration England. By N. H. Keeble 223 Peter Harrison, ‘Religion’ and the religions in the English Enlightenment. By G.M. Ditchfield 681 Charles Harvey (ed.), Business history: concepts and measurements. By D. C. Coleman 239 Peter Hayes, Industry and ideology. IG Farben in the Nazi era. By S. J. Salter 487 J.J. van Helten and Y. Cassis (eds), Capitalism in a mature economy. Financial institutions, capital exports and British industry, 1870-1939. By D. C. Coleman 239 Ruth Henig, The origins of the First World War. By Niall Ferguson 725 Paul Heywood, Marxism and the failure of organised socialism in Spain 1879-1936. By Helen Graham 969 Eric Homberger, John Reed. Lives of the left. By Catherine Merridale 959 Thomas A. Horne, Property rights and poverty. Political argument in Britain, 1605-1834. By Henry Horwitz 233 Gerald Howson, Aircraft of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. By Helen Graham 969 Walter Jackson, Gunnar Myrdal and America’s conscience: social engineering and racial liberalism 1938-1987. By Brian Ward 985 Wolfgang Jager, Historische Forschung und politische Kultur in Deutschland: die Debatte 1914-1918 tiber den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges. By Niall Ferguson 725 Clyve Jones (ed.), A pillar of the constitution: the house of lords in British politics 1640-1784. By James S. Hart 927 Timothy Kenyon, Utopian communism and political thought in early modern England. By Nigel Smith 213 Esther Kingston-Mann and Timothy Mixter (eds), Peasant economy, culture, and politics of European Russia, 1800-1921. By David Moon 953 Isaac Kramnick, Republicanism © bourgeois radicalism: political ideology in late eighteenth- century England and America. By Alan Taylor 937 Rudolf Kroboth, Die Finanzpolitik des Deutschen Reiches wahrend der Reichskanzlerschaft Bethmann Hollwegs und die Geld- und Kapitalmarktverhdltnisse (1909-1913/14). By Niall Ferguson 725 B. Kuklich, Thomas Paine: Political Writings. By Frank O’Gorman 689 Helga Kutz-Bauer, Arbeiterschaft, Arbeiterbewegung und biirgerlicher Staat in der Zeit der Grossen Depression. Eine regional- und sozialgeschichtliche Studie zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung im Grossraum Hamburg 1873 bis 1890. By John Breuilly 701 Michael Laffan (ed.), The burden of German history 1919-45. By S. J. Salter 487 John W. Langdon, july 1914. The long debate, 1918-1990. By Niall Ferguson 725 M. Lee, jr, Great Britain’s Solomon. James VI and I in his three kingdoms. By David Stevenson 205 Richard Lentz, Symbols, the news magazines, and Martin Luther King. By Brian Ward 985 Philippe Levillain and Rainer Riemenschneider, La guerre de 1870-71 et ses conséquences. By Robert Tombs 713 Leonard W. Levy, Constitutional opinions. Aspects of the Bill of Rights. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 VIII INDEX Jonathan Liebenau (ed.), The challenge of mew technology. Innovation in British business since 1850. By D. C. Coleman 239 Mary Lindemann, Patriots and paupers: Hamburg, 1712-1830. By John Breuilly 701 David Loewenstein, Milton and the drama of history: historical vision, tconoclasm and the literary imagination. By Nigel Smith 213 A.J. Macinnes, Charles I and the making of the Covenanting movement, 1625-1641. By David Stevenson 205 P. Mandler, Aristocratic government in the age of reform: Whigs and Liberals, 1830-1852. By Frank O’Gorman 689 Michel Margairaz, L’état, les finances et leconomie. Histoire dune conversion, 1932-1952. By Richard Vinen 756 Gordon Martel, The origins of the First World War. By Niall Ferguson 725 Peter Mathias and Sidney Pollard (eds), The Cambridge economic history of Europe, VIII. By Barry Supple 249 L. G. Mitchell (ed.), The writings and speeches of Edmund Burke. By Frank O’Gorman 689 Enrique Moradiellos, Neutralidad benévola. By Helen Graham 969 John Morrill (ed.), The Scottish National Covenant in its British context, 1638-51. By David Stevenson 205 Detlev Miihlberger (ed.), The social basis of European fascist movements. By S. J. Salter 487 Klaus-Jiirgen Miiller, The army, politics and society in Germany, 1933-45. Studtes in the Army’s relation to Nazism. By S. J. Salter 487 I. Newbould, Whiggery and reform, 1830-41: the politics of government. By Frank O’Gorman 689 Gerald Newman, The rise of English nationalism: a cultural history 1740-1830. By H. M. Scott 443 Donald G. Nieman, Promises to keep: African—Americans and the constitutional order, 1776 to the present. By Brian Ward 985 Kenneth O’Reilly, ‘Racial matters’: The FBI's secret file on black America, 1960-1972. By Brian Ward 985 Antony Pagden, Spanish imperialism and the political imagination. By M. J. Rodriguez- Salgado 245 Miriam Halpern Pereira, Valentim Alexandre and Magda Pinheiro (eds), Mousinho da Silveira, Obras, 1780-1849, 1, 11. By Harold Livermore 247 Joel Perlmann, Ethnic differences: schooling and social structure among the Irish, Italians, Jews & blacks in an American city, 1880-1935. By Brian Ward 985 Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution. By Catherine Merridale 959 Paul Preston, The politics of revenge. Fascism and the military in twentieth-century Spain. By Helen Graham 969 James Pritchard, Louis XV’s navy 1748-1762: a study of organization and administration. By H. M. Scott 443 Henry D. Rack, Reasonable Enthusiast. John Wesley and the rise of Methodism. By G. M. Ditchfield 681 Eric G. Reiche, The development of the SA in Niirnberg 1922-1934. By S.J. Salter 487 James C. Riley, The Seven Years War and the old regime in France: the economic and financial toll. By H. M. Scott 443 INDEX IX N. A. M. Rodger, The wooden world: an anatomy of the Georgian navy. By H. M. Scott 443 Mary B. Rose (ed.), International competition and strategic response in the textile industries since 1870. By D. C. Coleman 239 Francois Roth, La guerre de 1870. By Robert Tombs 713 Jacques Rougerie, La Commune. By Robert Tombs 713 Ellis Sandoz, A government of laws. Political theory, religion, and the American founding. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 Gregor Schéllgen (ed.), Escape into war? The foreign policy of Imperial Germany. By Niall Ferguson 725 H. M. Scott, British foreign policy in the age of the American revolution. By Michael Duffy 227 Paul Seaward, The Cavalier Parliament and the reconstruction of the old regime, 1661-67. By James S. Hart 927 William Serman, La Commune de Paris (1871). By Robert Tombs 713 Robert Service, Lenin: a political life. Volume Two: Worlds in collision. By Catherine Merridale 959 Adrian Shubert, A social history of modern Spain. By Helen Graham 969 E. A. Smith, Lord Grey, 1764-1845. By Frank O’Gorman 689 David Spadafora, The idea of progress in eighteenth century Britain. By G. M. Ditchfield 681 Susan Staves, Married women’s separate property in England, 1660-1833. By Henry Horwitz 233 Shannon C. Stimson, The American revolution in the law. By Sylvia R. Frey 471 Lawrence Stone, Road to divorce. England 1530-1987. By Henry Horwitz 233 David Syrett, The royal navy in American waters 1775-1783. By H. M. Scott 443 F.M.L. Thompson (ed.), The Cambridge social history of Britain 1750-1950. By Geoffrey Crossick 945 John A. Tilley, The British navy and the American Revolution. By H. M. Scott 443 Nicholas Tracy, Navies, deterrence and American Independence: Britain and seapower in the 1760s and 1770s. By H. M. Scott 443 Richard H. Ullman, Securing Europe. By lan Clark 758 Chris Ward, Russia’s cotton workers and the New Economic Policy. By Catherine Merridale 959 Robert Weisbrot, Freedom bound: a history of America’s civil rights movement. By Brian Ward 985 Richard Williams, Hierarchical structures and social value: the creation of black and Irish identities in the United States. By Brian Ward 985 Gordon S. Wood, The radicalism of the American Revolution. By Alan Taylor 937 Christine D. Worobec, Peasant Russia: family and community in the post-emancipation period. By David Moon 953 Reinhold Zilch, Die Reichsbank und die finanzielle Kriegsvorbereitung von 1907 bis 1914. By Niall Ferguson 725

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