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The Historical Figure of Jesus PDF

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TheH istoFriigcuoafrJl ee sus Byt hsea maeuh tor ThTee ndenocfti hSeeys n opTtriacd ition PaualnP da lesJtuidnaiiasnm PautlhL,ea wa nd JtehweiP seho ple JesusJ uadnadi sm StudytihSneyg n oipGcto spelsM a(rwgiaDtrahev t)i es JewiLsahwf o rmJ estuots h Mei shnah Pa:uP laMsats ter JudaiPsrma:eca tniBdce l6i3eB fCE6-C 6E E.P .S A ND E R S TheH istoFriigcuoarflJe e sus ALLENL ANE THEP ENGUIN PRESS ALLEN LANE THE PENGU[N PRESS Publisbhyet dh eP enguGirno up PenguBiono kLst d2, 7Wr ighLtsa neL,o ndown 85 TEZn,g [and PenguiBno okUsS A [nc3.,75 H udsoSnt reeNte,w YorkN,e w York1 001U4S,A PenguBiono kAsu straLltidaR, i ngwoodV,i ctorAiuas,t ralia PenguiBnoo kCsa nadLat d1,0 A lcornA venueT,o rontOon,t arioC,an adaM 4v3 82 PenguiBno ok(sN Z)L t1d,8 2-1Wai90r auR oad,A ucklalnadN, e w Zealand PenguiBno okLst dR,e gisteOrffiecde sH:a rmondswortMhi,d dlesEenxg,l and Firpsutb li1sh9e9d 3 1 3579108642 Firesdti tion Copyrigh©t E.P .S ande1r9s,9 3 Them orarli ghotft hea uthohra sb eean sserted AU rightrses erveWdi.t houIitm iritnhger ighutnsd ecro pyrirgesehrtv ed aboven,op arotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducsetdo,ri endo r introduicnetdaor etrievsayls teomr,t ransmititnae ndyf. o rmo rb yan y mean(se lectronic, mechanicarle,c oprhdooitrnoo gct ohpeyriwnigs,e ), withotuhtep riorw rittpeenr missoifbo ont ht hec opyrigohwtn earn d thea bovpeu blisohfte hri bso ok Filmsie1nc 0 /1pt2M o notypBee mbo Typesebty D .tiIxn ternatiLoinmailt eBdu,n gayS,uff olk A C[Pc atalorgeuceo frodtr h ibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heB ritisLhi brary For JaScuks aann d C ONTENTS Mapo fP alestiintn hee T imeo fJ esus Vlll Lisotf A bbreviations x ChronologTiacballe Xl Preface Xlll I Introduction 2 An OutlionfeJ esuLsi'ef 10 3 PolitiSceatlt ing 15 4J udaisamsa R eligion 33 5 ExternSaolu rces 49 6 TheP robleomfst heP rimarSyo urces 57 7 Two Contexts 78 8 TheS ettianngdM ethoodf J esuMsi'n isyt r 98 9 TheB eginnionfJg e suMsi'n istry 1I2 IO Miracles 132 I IT heC omingo ft heK ingdom 169 12T heK ingdomI:s raGeeln,t ialnedsI ndividuals 189 13T heK ingdomR:e versoafVl a lueasn dE thicPaelr fection1i9s6m 14C ontentainodnO ppositiinoG na lilee 205 15J esuVsi'e wo fH isR olei nG od'Psl an 238 16J esuLsa's Wte ek 249 17E pilogTuhee:R esurrection 276 AppendiIx:C hronology 282 AppendiIxIJ :e suDsi's ciples 291 Notes 292 Indeoxf P assages 3I 5 Indeoxf N amesa ndS ubjects 329 vii O 10 20 30 I._'.. ..,.,.;= ::::::1 "_ _ ' �i1es AURANJT1S: J J J J I I CAeSareA ..... r�m�-;.;§:� 'Pales111tt il1tneime oe f Jesus .,A'­ --� Bordoefr Herod's realm .�"- --- D ToA rchelaus � ToH erodnt iaAps g To Philip IIIIIIJ ToP rovionfSc yer ia Salo5m peo rtion ABBREVIAT IO N S Antiqj.os ephJuesw,iA snht iitqiuine jsos,e phWuosr'k esd,i ted andt ransblyaH t. eSdtJ . ThackerMaayr,c uRsa,l ph AllenW ikgraennd L ouiFse ldmLaone,bC lassical Libr1a0rv yos,l.L ,on doann Cda mbridMgAe,1 926-65 BCE Beofrteh Ceo mmoEnr (a= BC) CE CommoEnr (a= AD) HJP EmiSlc hiirHeirs,to oftry h Jee wiPsephoel i n Atgheoe f JesCuhsr irsetv,ia sneeddd itbeyGd e zVae rmesF,e rgus Millaarn dM artiGno odma3n v,o lins 4. p arEtdsin,­ burg1h9,7- 387 J&J E. SPad.ne rJses,au nsd JudLaoinsdmao,nn Pd hil adpehlia, 1985 JLJM E.P .S andJeerwsi,Lasw h f romJ estuots h Mei shnFaihv:e StudLionedso,an n Pdh ilad1e9l9p0h ia, NRSV NewR eviSsteadn dVaerrdso ifto hnBe i ble P&B E. SPa.dn erJsu,d aiPsrma:ca tniBdce el i6ef,3B CE-6C6E , LondaonnPd h ilpahdi1ea9l,9 2 RSV ReviSsteadn dVaerrdso ifto hnBe i ble SSG E.P .S andaenrMdsa rgaDraveite Sst,u dgty hiSeny noptic GopselLso,n daonnPd h ilaad,1e98 l9p hi War josephTuhse,J ewWiar,sojhs ephWuors(k'sa a sb ove) II Paratlo(l Meal9t 1.t4.- 1I7MI a r2k1. 8-2m2 eantsh tahte passaargpeesa ratloel aheco lt her) x

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