The Hidden isdottl the in HolByi ble � .&--..-..----( ·�----' Geoffreyl�o dson Geof'}{fordesBo n Internatiofnaamlolusyse nsitaiuvteh,o orf'f' he Kingtlorn oft hGeo dcso,n sidtehresi nnemre anintghsa atr e hiddeinn t hes torioefts h eb ook ofG nsif(hts brinnge wv italtiott yh eO ldT estamenHte. m akesi t manifesmtolryem eaningffuolre verCyh ristwihaonh as founddi fficiulnat cyc eptian wgh olllyi temreaalo inf( toB iblicsatlo ries. Accorditnogt hea uthotrh,e riesa sacrelda nguaogfe allegoarnyds ymoblw hichp rovidseesv erkaely tso unlockt hew isdowmh ichi sc oncealientd h em yths, parablaensd,a llegoroifte hseB iblTeh.e m ore incredisbolmeeo ft he stomraiyse ese mt,h em ore importanitti st os eefko ra credibilnen emre aninf(. OtheQru esbto okbsy G eoffrey Hodson thien clude Seconadn dT hirVdo lumeosf H idden Wiasndd om, ReincarnatioFna:l lFaacyc t or ISBN:0 -8356-0033$-55. 50 byj ane EAv ans Coveanr The Hidden Wisdom int he HolByi ble VOLUMEI by GeoffHroedys on @ Thipsu blicamtaidoepn o ssible wirthh ea ssistoafnt cheeK ernF oundation t THE THEOSOPHICALP UBLISHINGH OUSE WheatoInLU, . S.AM.a dIr aIsnd,i a Ind oLon, Englda n C!'he TheosophiPcuabll ishHionugs e1,9 67 Publishbeydt he TheosophiPcuabll ishHionugs ea ,d epartmeonfTt h e Theosophical iSnoA cmieertiycW ah,e atonIl,l inboyi s, arrangemweintthT heT heosophiPcuabll ishHionugs e, Madras,I ndia 4thQ ueBsoto kp rin1t9i8n3g LibraorfyC ongreCsast alCoagr dN umber6:7 -8724 ISBN8 356-0033-5 Manufactuirnet dh eU niteSdt atoefsA merica DEDICATION Thiwso rki sd edicattoeP dh iloJ udaeus, theg reaAlte xandrSiaagne . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I gratefauclklnyo wlethdeg vea lueads sistiannth cee p roduc tiono fth isw orkr eceivferdo mm y wifeS,a ndram,y valued literaasrsyi stMaynrtaG, . F rasearn dm y frienNde,llK .G riffith. I alswoi sht oe xpremsys gratefauclk nowledgmeton Ltil lian Collifnosrh erw orkin thep reparaotfit ohnei ndeaxn,d t om y valuefdr ienRdosm a and BriaDnu nninghfaomr t heigre nerous heltph roumgahn yy earasn dt hep rovisioofsn t enographers. Origen ofAl exandroinae,o ft hem ostl earneodft heG reek Fatherwsh,o liveind theT hirdC enturwyr,o tine hisD e Prnicipiis: "Where thef oWuonrtddh atth ingdso neac cordtionth ge histocryo ulbde a daptteodth esem ystisceanls ehsem, a de useo f themc,o ncealifnrgo mt hem ultittuhdeed eeper meaningb;u tw herien t hen arratoiftv hee d evelopmoefn t supersenstuhailn gtsh,e rdei dn otf ollotwh ep erformance oft hoscee rtaeivne nwthsi cwhe rael reaidnyd icabtyeth de mystical methaenS icnrgi,p tiunrtee rwoivnet heh istothrye accounotf somee ventth adti dn ott akep lacsoem,e timewsh act oulndo th avhea ppenseodm;e timwehsac to uld, butdi d not." • • • • • MoseMsa imonedae fsa,m ouRsa bbiJ,e wisthh eoloagnida n historTiaalnm,u dipshti,l osoapnhdpe hry sic(i1a1n3 5-1A2.0D5. ) wrote: "Evertiym et hayto ufi ndin oubroo ksa talteh er eality ofw hicshe emism possiab slteo,r wyh icish repugnaton t botrhe asoann dc ommons ensteh,e bne s urteh atth et ale contaian psr ofoualnlde gorvyei lindge eap lmyy sterious trutahn;dt heg reattehrea bsurdoiftt yh el etttehred, e eper thew isdoomf t hes pirit." Inth e Kathopani1s-ha3dt- o13 - 3-D9r,.R adhakrishnan's translaftrioomTn h eP rincUippaanli shwaedfin sd:, "Knowt heS elafs t heL ordo ft hec hariaontdt hebo dy as, veritlhye,c harikonto;w t hei ntelalsect th ec harioteer andt hem inda sv,e riltyh,er eins. Thes ensetsh,es ya yar,e theh orsethse; o bjecotfss e nse the path(st herya ngoev er;) ( thsee lfas)s ociawtietdthh e body,t he seannsdet sh em ind-wismee nd eclareis- the enjoyer. He whoh asn o understandwihnogs,me i ndi sa lways unrestrahiinssee dnse,s a reo uto fc ontraso lw,i ckehdo rses aref ora charioteer. He,h owevewrh,o hasu ndsetrandiwnhgo,s emin d is alwayrses trainheidss, e nseasr eu ndecro ntraoslg ,o od horsaerse f ora charioteer. He,h owevewrh,o hasn o understanwdhionh ga,s n o controovle hri sm ind (andi s)e veirm purree,a chneost thatg oablu tc omebsa cik nto munldifaen.e He,h owever, hawshu on derstandwihnogh ,a cso ntrol ovehri sm ind a(nids e)v epru rer,e achtheast g oaflr om whichhe i sn otb ornag ain. Hew hoh asth eu ndernsdtianfgo trh ed rivoefrt hceh ariot and contrtohlers e ionfh ism indh,e r eachtehsee ndo fth e journethya,t s upremaeb odoef th e all-pervading." Thiwso rki sf ounduepdo thne KinJga meBsi blaen dal lq uotations andr eefrencaerset akefrno m thavte rsni.o CONTENTS PAGE AUTHOR'PSR EFACE ............................. i INTRODUCTIO.N.. ...................................................................,... .......v. ....... PARTO NE MANKIND'SQ t.:EST FOR LIGHT CHAPTER I.C hristiaannidtt hye M odernW orld II.T heS ymboliLcaanlg uag...e . ... ..... . .......... .. . . .. ..2 .1 . .... III.P robleAmrsi siFnrgo ma LiterRaela dinogf t heB ible, and SoSmoel uti.o .n.s . ...... .... .. ..... .. .. . ...... . 2..4.. .. IV. Examploefst heI nterpretoafAt liloeng orie.s... .............. 39 V. TheS unS tandSst iUlplo nG ibeo.n.. .. ............. ...4.8. ............... VI. TheA geleWsiss dom... .... ... . . .. .. .. ..... . .. ... . .. ... . .... . . ...5. 6. . .... . ... .. . PART TWO THE MYSTERIESO F THE KINGDOM I.S omeK eyso fI nterpretation 75 II.F ourM ajorK eys. . .. .....................8.4. ......... PARTT HREE A PORTIONO F THE ALPHABETO F THE SACRED LANGt.:AGE I.A RosetSttao nfeo rt heL anguaogfeS ymbol...s. . ... .... 9 .9 .... .. .. II.T heS ymboliosfmN umber..s. . ......... ......... . .....1.4.5. ..................