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HeyJ XXXVII (1996), pp. 539-545 INDEX ARTICLES AND NOTES AND COMMENTS Baptismal Transformation of the Gentile Worid, John Bligh, 371-381 Bligh, John, Baptismal Transformation of the Gentile World, 371-381 Brinkman, B. R., Due vedute di Roma, 176—192 Bruno R. Brinkman: Publications, 391-397 Divine Commands, Christian Platonism and God’s Nature, Paul Rooney, 155-175 Due vedute di Roma, B. R. Brinkman, 176—192 Egan, Philip A., Lonergan on Newman’s Conversion, 437-455 Endean, Philip, Rahner, Christology and Grace, 284—297 Ernst Troeltsch: End Result of Neo-Protestantism or beyond Neo-Protestantism?, Pierre Gisel, 360-370 The Ethical Significance of Illeity (Emmanuel Lévinas), Michael Purcell, 125-138 Evil and Opportunity Cost, Mark Wynn, 139-154 Faith, Knowledge and Feeling: Towards an Understanding of Kuhn’s Appraisal of Schleiermacher, William Madges, 47-60 Fish and The Bible: Should Reader-Response Theories ‘Catch On’?, Paul R. Noble, 456-467 The Future and the History of Ideas, Mary Anne Perkins, 322-335 Gisel, Pierre, Ernst Troeltsch: End Result of Neo-Protestantism or beyond Neo- Protestantism?, 360-370 ‘A Great Theologian of Our Time’: Mohler on Schleiermacher, Michael J. Himes, 24—46 Griffith-Dickson, Gwen, ‘Outsidelessness’ and the ‘Beyond’ of Signification, 258-272 The Heythrop Journal (1960-1996): From In-House Review to International Journal, A. H. T. Levi, 250—257 Himes, Michael J., ‘A Great Theologian of Our Time’: Mohler on Schleiermacher, 2446 Hinze, Bradford E., Johann Sebastian Drey’s Critique of Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Theology, 1-23 Johann Sebastian Drey’s Critique of Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Theology, Bradford E. Hinze, 1—23 Kendall, Daniel: see O’Collins, Gerald The Legacy of Bultmann, John Macquarrie, 348-359 © The Editor/Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford, UK and Cambridge, USA. 540 INDEX Levi, A. H. T., The Heythrop Journal (1960-1996): From In-House Review to International Journal, 250-257 Liberation Theology and the Search for Peace in Ireland, John Marsden, 399-420 Lonergan on Newman’s Conversion, Philip E. Egan, 437-455 Macquarrie, John, The Legacy of Bultmann, 348-359 Madges, William, Faith, Knowledge and Feeling: Towards an Understanding of Kuhn’s Appraisal of Schleiermacher, 47-60 Marsden, John, Liberation Theology and the Search For Peace in Ireland, 399-420 Meynell, Hugo, Scientism, Deconstruction, Atheism, 336—347 Milbank, John, The Sublime in Kierkegaard, 298-321 Noble, Paul R., Fish and the Bible: Should Reader-Response Theories ‘Catch On’?, 456-467 O’Collins, Gerald & Kendall, Daniel, Overcoming Christological Differences, 382-390 ‘Outsidelessness’ and the ‘Beyond’ of Signification, Gwen Griffith-Dickson, 258-272 Overcoming Christological Differences, Gerald O’Collins and Daniel Kendall, 382-390 Perkins, Mary Anne, The Future and the History of Ideas, 322-335 Purcell, Michael, The Ethical Significance of Illeity (Emmanuel Lévinas), 125-138 Rahner, Christology and Grace, Philip Endean, 284—297 Revelation, Creation and Law, Thomas F. Torrance, 273-283 Rooney, Paul, Divine Commands, Christian Platonism and God’s Nature, 155-175 Schleiermacher as ‘Catholic’: A Charge in the Rhetoric of Modern Theology, John E. Thiel, 61-82 Scientism, Deconstruction, Atheism, Hugo Meynell, 336-347 Shakespeare, Steven, Stirring the Waters of Language: Kierkegaard on the Dangers of Doing Theology, 421-436 Stirring the Waters of Language: Kierkegaard on the Dangers of Doing Theology, Steven Shakespeare, 421-436 The Sublime in Kierkegaard, John Milbank, 298-321 Thiel, John E., Schleiermacher as ‘Catholic’: A Charge in the Rhetoric of Modern Theology, 61-82 Torrance, Thomas F., Revelation, Creation and Law, 273-283 Wynn, Mark, Evil and Opportunity Cost, 139-154 REVIEWS Ashton, John: Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel, Oriol Tufii, 527 Astley, Jeff and Francis, Leslie (eds.): Critical Perspectives on Christian Education, John Sullivan, 476 Bachmann, Mathias-Lutz: see Delgrado, Mariano Balz, Horst and Schneiders, Gerhard (eds.): Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume 1: ’Aapwv —‘Evwy, Bridget Upton, 86 INDEX 541 Barrett, C. K.: Paul: An Introduction to his Thought, David Way, 198 Bayertz, Kurt: GenEthics: Technological Intervention in Human Reproduction as a Philosphical Problem, M. J. lozzio, 504 Blakely, Thomas D., van Beek, Walter E. A. and Thomson, Dennis (eds.): Religion in Africa: Experience and Expression, M. F. C. Bourdillon, 241 Blondel, Maurice (trans. Alexander Dru and Illtyd Trethowan): ‘The Letter on Apologetics’ and ‘History and Dogma’, John Sullivan, 502 Bowman, Alan K. and Woolf, Greg (eds.): Literacy and Power in the Ancient World, Andrew Louth, 215 Boyarin, Daniel: A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity, David Way, 198 Boyle, Philip: see O’ Rourke, Kevin Brown, M. L.: Donne and the Politics of Conscience in Early Modern England, E. M. Knottenbelt, 232 Brueggemann, Walter: The Bible and Post-Modern Imagination: Texts Under Negotia- tion, Joseph J. Feeney, 83 Bull, Marcus: Knightly Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade: The Limousin and Gascony c.970-c. 1130, Bernard Hamilton, 514 Bushkovitch, Paul: Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, W. F. Ryan, 517 Butterworth, Helen: see Peters, Henriette Caird, G. B. (completed and edited by L. D. Hurst): New Testament Theology, Geoffrey Turner, 200 Camenisch, Paul F. (ed.): Religious Methods and Resources in Bioethics, M. J. lozzio, 107 Carlson, Maria: ‘No Religion Higher than Truth’: A History of the Theosophical Movement in Russia, W. F. Ryan, 521 Carruthers, Peter: The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice, Clare Palmer, 96 Cavarero, Adriana: /n Spite of Plato: A Feminist Rewriting of Ancient Philosophy, Robin Waterfield, 492 Clark, Mary T.: Augustine, Peter Burnell, 221 Craig, Leon Harold: The War Lover: A Study of Plato’s ‘Republic’, Robin Waterfield, 494 Crewdson, Joan: Christian Doctrine in the Light of Michael Polanyi’s Theory of Personal Knowledge, John Sullivan, 473 Crowe, Frederick E.: see Doran, Robert M. Cubitt, Geoffrey: The Jesuit Myth: Conspiracy Theory and Politics in Nineteenth- Century France, Anthony Levi, 523 Cupitt, Don: After All: Religion Without Alienation, B. R. Brinkman, 478 Cupitt, Don: The Last Philosophy, B. R. Brinkman, 478 Davies, Julian: The Caroline Captivity of the Church: Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, John J. LaRocca, 234 Dekker, E.: see Jaczn, A. Vos Delgrado, Mariano and Backmann, Mathias-Lutz (eds.): Theologie aus Erfahrung der Gnade. Anndherungen an Karl Rahner, Michael G. Parker, 207 den Bok, N. W.: see Jaczn, A. Vos Doran, Robert M. and Crowe, Frederick E. (eds.): Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, Volume 10: Topics in Education, John Sullivan, 104 Drane, James F.: Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical-Ethical Decision Making, M. J. lozzio, 504 Dru, Alexander: see Blondel, Maurice Evans, G. R.: Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages, Martin Stone, 98 542 INDEX Francis, Leslie: see Astley, Jeff Freedman, David Noel (ed.): The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Jennifer Dines, 193 Gellman, Jerome I.: The Fear, the Trembling and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac, Julia Watkin, 500 Genia, Vicky: Counseling and Psychotherapy of Religious Clients: A Developmental Approach, Mary Anne Coate, 511 Gerson, Lloyd P.: Plotinus, Kevin Corrigan, 495 Gilbert, Mary Wood: see King, Thomas M. Gilley, Sheridan and Sheils, W. J. (eds.): A History of Religion in Britain: Practice and Belief from Pre-Roman Times to the Present, Michael J. Walsh, 112 Godbeer, Richard: The Devil’s Dominion: Magic and Religion in Early New England, Anthony Egan, 520 Godzieba, Anthony J.: Bernhard Welte’s Fundamental Theological Approach to Christology, Michael G. Parker, 209 Goodman, Martin: Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire, Averil Cameron, 214 Goulder, Michael: A Tale of Two Missions, Bridget Upton, 526 Grant, Colin: A Salvation Audit, Michael M. Winter, 211 Grillmeier, Aloys: Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume Two, Part Two: The Church of Constantinople in the Sixth Century, R. M. Price, 468 Grillmeier, Aloys: Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume Two, Part Four: The Church of Alexandria with Nubia and Ethiopia after 451, R. M. Price, 468 Grosch, Paul: see Vardy, Peter Haliman, David G. (ed.): Ecotheology: Voices from South and North, Celia Deane- Drummond, 505 Hamington, Maurice: Hail Mary? The Struggle for Ultimate Womanhood in Catholicism, Sarah Jane Boss, 471 Hanlon, Gregory: Confession and Community in Seventeenth-Century France. Catholic and Protestant Coexistence in Aquitaine, Anthony Levi, 519 Harrington, Daniel J.: The Gospel of Matthew, J. R. Duckworth, 197 Harrington, Wilfrid J.: Revelation, Bernard P. Robinson, 89 Hefner, Robert W. (ed.): Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation, John Saliba, 90 Hick, John: Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion, Gerard Loughlin, 91 Hick, John: The Metaphor of God Incarnate, Gerard Loughlin, 91 Higgins, Kathleen M.: see Solomon, Robert C. Hjelde, Sigurd: Die Religionswissenschaft und das Christentum: Eine historische Untersuchung iiber das Verhdltnis von Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Nicholas Lash, 483 Hughes, Gerard J.: The Nature of God, Paul Helm, 93 Hunter, David G. (trans. and ed.): Marriage in the Early Church, R. M. Price, 108 Hurst, L. D.: see Caird, G. B. Jaczn, A. Vos., Veldhuis, H., Looman-Graaskamp, A. H., Dekker, E. and den Bok, N. W. (eds.): John Duns Scotus: Contingency and Freedom, Lectura I, 39, Rory Fox, 484 Jaeger, C. Stephen: The Envy of Angels: Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950-1200, R. N. Swanson, 516 Jeanrond, Werner: Theological Hermeneutics: Development and Significance, Geoffrey Turner, 206 King, Thomas M. and Gilbert, Mary Wood (eds.): The Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan, John Sullivan, 231 INDEX 543 Knuuttila, Simo: Modalities in Medieval Philosophy, Martin Stone, 99 Konickal, Joseph: Being and My Being: Gabriel Marcel’s Metaphysics of Incarnation, John Sullivan, 502 Kopas, Jane: Sacred Identity: Exploring a Theology of the Person, John Sullivan, 210 Landes, Richard: Relics, Apocalypse and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes, 989-1034, Michael J. Walsh, 225 Limberis, Vasiliki: Divine Heiress: The Virgin Mary and the Creation of Christian Constantinople, Andrew Louth, 223 Looman-Graaskamp, A. H.: see Jaczn, A. Vos Loomie, Albert J. (ed.): English Polemics at the Spanish Court: Joseph Creswell’s ‘Letter to the Ambassador from England’, The English and the Spanish Texts of 1606, John J. LaRocca, 114 Lustig, Andrew et al. (eds.): Theological Developments in Bioethics, M. J. lozzio, 107 McDermott, T. (ed.): Aquinas: Selected Philosophical Writings, Rory Fox, 485 McGinn, Bernard: The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism, Volume II: The Growth of Mysticism, Philip Sheldrake, 227 McGuckin, John A.: St Cyril of Alexandria: The Christological Controversy. Its History, Theology and Texts, Andrew Louth, 216 Mackey, James P.: Power and Christian Ethics, John Sullivan, 513 McLynn, Neil B.: Ambrose of Milan: Church and Court in a Christian Capital, R. M. Price, 218 Maier, Christoph T.: Preaching the Crusades: Mendicant Friars and the Cross in the Thirteenth Century, R. N. Swanson, 229 Mathews, Thomas F.: The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art, Fredric W. Schlatter, 110 Miller, Jerome A.: /n the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post-Modern World, Joseph J. Feeney, 83 Minns, Dennis: /renaeus, Peter Burnell, 221 Mori, Gianluca: Tra Descartes e Bayle: Poiret e la teodicea, Alastair Hamilton, 100 Miiller, Wolfgang P.: Huguccio: The Life, Works and Thought of a Twelfth-Century Jurist, Robert Ombres, 226 Netton, Ian Richard: Al-Farabi and His School, Rory Fox, 497 Neveu, Bruno: Erudition et religion aux XVIle et XVIlle siécles, Andrew Louth, 235 O’Connell, Marvin R.: Critics on Trial: An Introduction to the Catholic Modernist Crisis, John Sullivan, 524 O’Neill, John: Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-being and the Natural World, Clare Palmer, 507 O’Rourke, Kevin and Boyle, Philip (eds.): Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teachings, Julie Clague, 212 Paget, James Carleton: The Epistle of Barnabas: Outlook and Background, Stuart G. Hall, 528 Pattison, George (ed.): Kierkegaard on Art and Communication, John Norris, 103 Perkins, Robert L. (ed.): ‘Fear and Trembling’ and ‘Repetition’, John Norris, 499 Peters, Henriette (translated by Helen Butterworth): Mary Ward: A World in Contemplation, Philip Endean, 230 Peterson, David L. and Richards, Kent Harold: /nterpreting Hebrew Poetry, Joseph Mulrooney, 85 Pottier, Bernard: Dieu et le Christ selon Grégoire de Nysse, Anthony Meredith, 204 544 INDEX Raspa, Anthony (ed.): Pseudo-Martyr, by John Donne, E. M. Knottenbelt, 232 Renault, Francois: Cardinal Lavigerie: Churchman, Prophet and Missionary, Andrew Porter, 237 Reynolds, Philip L.: Marriage in the Western Church: The Christianization of Marriage During the Patristic and Early Medieval Periods, R. M. Price, 108 Richards, Kent Harold: see Peterson, David L. Richards, E. Randolph: The Secretary in the Letters of Paul, Michael Prior, 87 Rousseau, Philip: Basil of Caesarea, Anthony Meredith, 219 Rudd, Anthony: Kierkegaard and the Limits of the Ethical, Julia Watkin, 102 Sarot, Marcel: God, Passibility and Corporeality, Rory Fox, 488 Schneiders, Gerhard: see Balz, Horst Scribano, Maria Emanuela: Da Descartes a Spinoza: Percorsi della teologia razionale nel seicento, Alastair Hamilton, 100 Selman, Francis: St Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Truth, Rory Fox, 485 Sheils, W. J.: see Gilley, Sheridan Sokolowski, Robert: Eucharistic Presence: A Study in the Theology of Disclosure, Raymond Moloney, 205 Solomon, Robert C. and Higgins, Kathleen M. (eds.): The Age of German Idealism, Martin Stone, 498 Sparshott, Francis: Taking Life Seriously: A Study of the Argument of the ‘Nicomachean Ethics’, Gerard J. Hughes, 491 Swatos, William H. (ed.): Religion and Democracy in Latin America, Michael J. Walsh, 525 Swinburne, Richard: The Christian God, Gerard J. Hughes, 479 Symington, Neville: Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis and Religion, Mary Anne Coate, 508 Thiel, John E.: Nonfoundationalism, Nicholas Lash, 474 Thomson, Dennis: see Blakely, Thomas D. Tierney, Mark: Dom Columba Marmion: A Biography, Aidan Bellenger, 238 Tilghman, B. R.: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Joseph J. Godfrey, 489 Trethowan, Illtyd: see Blondel, Maurice Trundle, Robert C. Jr: Ancient Greek Philosophy: Its Development and Relevance to Our Time, Robin Waterfield, 490 Tuana, Nancy (ed.): Feminist Interpretations of Plato, Robin Waterfield, 492 Turner, Denys: The Darkness of God: Negativity in Christian Mysticism, Martin S. Laird, 469 Van den Brink, Gijsbert: Almighty God: A Study of the Doctrine of Divine Omnipotence, Rory Fox, 488 van Beek, Walter E. A.: see Blakely, Thomas D. Vardy, Peter and Grosch, Paul: The Puzzle of Ethics, Julie Clague, 512 Veldhuis, H.: see Jaczn, A. Vos Velecky, Lubor: Aguinas’ Five Arguments in the Summa Theologiae la, 2, 3, Peter Vardy, 486 Villa-Vicencio, Charles: A Theology of Reconstruction: Nation-building and Human Rights, Anthony Egan, 105 Watts, Fraser and Williams, Mark: The Psychology of Religious Knowing, Mary Anne Coate, 508 Weston, Michael: Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy, John Norris, 501 Widdicombe, Peter: The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius, Anthony Meredith, 202 INDEX 545 Williams, Mark: see Watts, Fraser Wolfe, Michael: The Conversion of Henri IV: Politics, Power and Religious Belief in Early Modern France, Katherine Stern Brennan, 113 Woolf, Greg: see Bowman, Alan K. Wright, Charles D.: The Irish Tradition in Old English Literature, Jane Stevenson, 224 Yates, Timothy: Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century, Aylward Shorter, 239 Zitnik, Maksimilijan (compil.): Sacramenta: Bibliographia Internationalis, Michael J. Walsh, 475

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