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Preview The Herald May 18, 1950

THE HERALD Serving Maywood, Bellwood, Forest Park, Hillside, Westchester, Northlake, Broadview, Berkeley, Melrose Park and Stone Park VOL LXVI, No. 20 THyRSDAY, MAY 18, I960 PRICE 10 CENTS ^aturda^ ^5 ^dorced News of the Week Bus Line Checks Rideis in Plan fot Zone Fares See page 3 Wednesday Is School Patrol Day in Maywood See page 6 District 88 Band Presents Concert Friday See page 3 Vacation Bible School Teachers' Clinic Today See page 3 DELICATELY TINTED BLOOMS that cover the giant old magnolia tree in the yard of the Stanley Jurewicz home, 1104 North 17th avenue, Melrose Park, attract two little neighbors, Roseann Klescewski, 1736 North 18th, and Frank Wilderssin, 1737 North 18th. Page 2 The HERALD village president ' and his four Pack 112 Is cohorts on the board of trustees, Flying High to put the $950,000 sewer bond deal through on election day. May “The best pack meeting we’ve "Hogwash!" fers to a “growing mountain of 1, 1950. After >ccepting defeat dissension”) proved themselves ever had,” said the Cub Scouts of the dictator and the president ac­ LOOKING Reader Deplores disgustingly unfit as leaders and pack 112 again as they tumbled cused each other of using ‘'Rail­ "Juvenile" Politics above all as public servants. This roading Tactics.” Haw! Talk out the doors of Stevenson school FOR last outburst cops the cake. about killing the goose that laid Tuesday evening. May 9. Their SOMETHING? To the Editor: The political row The village president was elect­ the golden egg! feet were on the ground but their which exploded last week between ed in April of last year. It took A village can only be as great spirits were soaring high and their Why Not Try Bellwood’s president and a self- all this time to finally find out if as its people, particularly its lead­ he actually accepted the position ears were still buzzing froirr the styled political dictator came at ers, want it to be. Juvenile tend­ NESSELER'S or if he had turned it over to his thrilling hum of the tiny motors a time which makes the incident Buddy-Buddy, who terms himself encies, in resorting to name call­ in the model planes flown for VARIETY STORE more ludiarous than unfortunate. the most powerful political leader ing, certainly cannot contribute to them by Mayrose Motors Pal club. SO N. Fifth Av. Maywood 688S Both individuals have on many anything but disrespect, disrup­ in the suburbs. These young men were most occasions (last week’s Herald re­ tion and disgust. This year Bellwood is celebrat­ obliging and the Cubs were Flood control, efficient and eco­ ing its fiftieth year in existence amazed by their skill, and patience nomical service to be rendered by as a village. This proud distinc­ and perseverance too; no gripes or the various municipal departments, tion certainly would not have been frowns over a crack-up, were and many other highly important possible if the people of Bellwood there. Cubs? problems are held in abeyance would have tolerated political It was simply swell fun and the while two people who can do so leaders who take delight in pit­ group even had a movie and much toward making Bellwood a ting one religious denomination, games and Wesley Renzas of May- village you, I and our children one civic, social, fraternal or pa­ rose Motors, Inc., gave us more More people have started on the road to financial could be rightfully proud of, de­ triotic organization, or one neigh­ thrills and moments of thoughtful­ nounce each other publicly as nin­ independence through home ownership than in any bor against the other, by malicious ness too, when he told us of his compoops. Shame! gossip and dastardly lies. navy combat flying and reminded other way. The healthfully good and friend­ The existence of gambling ma­ us that unity and strength bring chines in Bellwood for the first ly neighbor policy which we all peace. time in fifty years, also indicates 57 Years of Dependable Service, 7899-7950 have a right to enjoy in a com­ Another exciting and educa­ that the platform on which the munity such as ours has taken an tional month for Cubs and lead­ president and four trustees were DAVIES REALTY GO. awful beating since this self-pro­ successfully elected was in its en­ ers has passed with "Things that claimed mogul took it upon him­ Fly” as the theme. A chartered tirety just a lot of smelly hog­ self to take control of the political bus trip was taken to the airport 1209 S. 5th Ave. Maywood 162 reins in Bellwood. wash. where each Cub sat in the cap­ The spat between the president tain’s seat of a huge DC-6 and What makes this incident ab­ and his dictator possesses the ear­ touched controls to his heart’s solutely ludicrous is the fact that marks and scent of the same content, nibbled snacks to his this political dictator worked just stuff. tummy’s delight, and asked ques­ as hard, if not harder, than the ALFRED A. WITTERSHEIM. tions galore, all adequately an­ Guess How Old swered by Capt. William Davis, Cubmaster. The size of those THE FIRST NATIONAL SAYS— planes was more tremendous than we ever imagined. Her Dress Is? A United States Savings Bond is the best investment in Cubs receiving awards this the world. month were: Ronald Cucci, Rob­ ert Greene, Stephen Lupie and Well, she won’t commit her­ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MAYWOOD Dean Jaynes. Current events: FKIfNDLY BANKIN& SERVICE self. But, she attributes the per­ Baseball every Wednesday, 6:S0 p.m. Fifth Ave. and Lake St. Mayweed 7 700 at Stevenson school, supervised by petually fresh and undated ASK ABOUT OUR BOND A MONTH CLUB "Chuck” Palmer. Next pack meet—"Indians!” Outdoor look of her dresses to our con­ display, 2-5 p.m., June 10. stantly efficient and consider­ ate attention. Prompt pick-ups EXCEPTIONAL VALUES See Yeur Friendly and deliveries. New Porlor and Bedroom Sets Ford Dealer PRICED FOR QUICK SALE FOR LET US CLEAN. GLAZE At Our New and Used Furniture Outlet BODY • FENDER WORK AND REPAIR YOUR FURS— Locoted in Our Warehouse AND PAINTING THEN STORE THEM FOR YOU UNTIL NEXT SEASON Jackson Complete PAINT JOB.. MAYWOOD MOTOR CO. EVANS CLEANERS S XOR.AG £5 end^VAlf C O. AND DYERS . 1912 AFFILIATED WITH ALLIED VAN LINES 1510 MADISON ST. MAYWOOD 2 N. SIXTH AVE. AT MAIN PHONES: MAYWOOD 8600-8«01 MELROSE PARK 8300 Published Every Thursday by THE PUBLIC PRESS, NO LESS THAN PUBLIC OFFICE, IS A PUBLIC TRUST MAYWOOD HERALD COMPANY MAYWOOD 7100 EUdid 3-3200 T 712 Soufh Fifth Avenue, Maywood, III. he hebaid The Herald serves Maywood, Melrose Park, Forest Park, Bellwood, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview, Berkeley, Northlake Village and Stone Park DELIVERED BY CARRIER BOY FOR 20c PER MONTH ESTABLISHED 1884 Mail Subscription Price $3.00 in Advance in Cook County $3.50 Per Year Outside Cook County Entered as Second Class Matter December 21, 1939, at the Post Office in Maywood. Illinois, Under the Act of March 5, 1879. For Single Copy, 10 Cents Back Numbers 10 Cents )L LXVI, No. 20 THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1950 PRICE 10 CENTS river Hits Two, Gets Highest Scouting Award West Towns Checks Riders Monday With View to harged with Establishing Zone Fares unning Light Each adult passenger boarding following requests by attorneys of a West Towns bus next Monday several villages for the zoning facob Grosch, 62, of 3022 North will be given a postal card zone method of assessing fares. The Ibourn avenue, Chicago, will fare questionnaire, which he is asked to fill in and drop in the suggested one-zone rate is 10 :e charges of failure to obey mail to the company. The infor­ cents. ■fflc control devices and driving mation on these cards will be the All of the suburban towns west lie intoxicated when he appears basis for consideration of a zon­ of the river would be in Zone 3, magistrate court tomorrow ing system which may replace the according to the suggested divi­ riday). present flat 15-cent fare rate. sion for the survey. This means, The charges are the result of The postal cards will be given for example, that passengers rid­ only to those paying the full 15- ing the St. (Charles bus from Bell­ tragic accident Monday after- cent fare, explained P. W. Ger- wood to Hines hospital would pay Dn in which his car struck and hardt. West Towns general man­ the one-zone fare. A Lake street iously injured two Proviso ager; riders on passes, transfers, passenger going to Oak Park would ;h school sophomores, Frances 6-cent fares or school tickets will pay the two-zone fare. Imes and Carol Krueger, as not be included in the survey. The The questions asked in the pos­ )y were crossing the busy inter- check will be in progress from tal card survey will be: “Where :tion at Fifth avenue and Madi- 5 a.m. to about 3 p.m. Monday, did you board this bus? What 1 street. and is intended to cover passen­ other CWT line, if any, will you Vlatthew Wiersema, 2115 South gers leaving their homes for work use to reach your destination? The "Thanks" badge, highest honor in Girl Scouting, is th avenue, in an eye-witness or shopping on the outgoing trip Where will you end your trip on ;ount of the accident, told police C'resented to Mrs. Clarence Mohr, 405 Augusta boulevard, only. CWT buses ? Do you ride the it his car, crossing Madison y John Prater, Lincoln school principal, on behalf of the The check was authorized by bus daily, weekly or occasion­ eet with the green light, was the Illinois Commerce commission ally?” P-TA, as Mrs. Jerry Evans looks on. The scene is at the •ced to swerve in order to avoid ; Grosch car, which was tfavel- presentation ceremony during the P-TA meeting May 2. Commended NEW CHAMBER ' west on Madison and failed OF COMMERCE stop for the red light. Mrs. Mohr shortly will com­ meeting of the troop and then only Next Monday, May 22, after UfBcials at Westlake hospital plete ten years of service as a Girl because of serious illness or ex­ the stores close at 9:30 p.m., jorted Tuesday that the girls Scout leader at Lincoln school, treme necessity, always providing Maywood business men will re in good condition. Frances, during which time she has rarely reliable and qualified leadership meet in the Village hall to re­ ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold been absent from the weekly to assume charge of the troop dur­ organize and form a new Holmes of 1931 South Seventh ing her absence. chamber of commerce. The enue, suffered cuts and bruises Armed Forces Day The citation asserted that Mrs. meeting will be conducted by both knees and a possible frac- Mohr has been a capable, compe­ Louis E. Nelson, chairman and re of the left leg. Carol, daugh- Events Planned tent leader who has given all the now president of the Greater r of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Krueger girls who have been in Girl Scout Maywood association. 1906 South Fifth avenue, sus- work with her a well-rounded ex­ for Saturday ined cuts and bruises of the perience, instilling in them, by ilp and left knee and a possible study, work and play and appli­ Post 133 to Get Several local events are sched­ icture of her right shoulder, cation, the fine ideals of the Girl uled to mark the nation’s first ley were taken to the hospital Scout movement. Through her at­ Plans of Addition Armed Forces day, Saturday, May the Maywood police ambulance. tendance at training sessions, lead­ 20. The U. S. Naval Ordnance ers’ meetings and other Girl Scout Monday Night Grosch has been released on plant in Forest Park and National activities, she has promoted the il. Guard armories and air beises are aims and purposes of the Girl Plans of the proposed addition to be scenes of the observances. Scout program! and applied them to the clubhouse of Maywood post srkeley Requires The naval ordnance plant will in her own life. Mrs. Mohr has No. 133, American Legion, will hold open house all day, from 9 taken a prominent part in the be presented for approval at the ectrical Permits a.m. to 4 p.m. Maywood town committee activi­ post meeting at 8:15 p.m. Mon­ Maywood and Melrose Park . Gapt. George DeRoche ties and served in various capaci­ day, May 22, in the clubhouse. The Berkeley village board, at units of the National Guard are ties in the Lone Tree Area also. Fifth avenue and Legion street. A glance at the record of recent •ecent meeting, appointed a new scheduled to participate in the Mrs. Mohr, affectionately nick­ Conceived as a memorial to achievement of the Berkeley ctrical commission. Hereafter, mammoth parade on Michigan named “Daisy,” has brought many Maywood men who died in World three-man police force clearly re­ 'mits will be required for all avenue, which will begin at 3 adults into Girl Scouting, each of Wars I and II, the beautiful two veals that it was no accident that ctrical work done within the p.m. Saturday. the five troops at Lincoln school story structure will occupy all of its chief, Capt. George DeRoche, lage limits, it is announced. Per- The 66th Fighter Wing wiU having been inaugurated on the the ground currently owned by received one of the three safety ts will be issued by the elec- give flying exhibitions at O’Hare intiative of Mrs. Mohr. Mrs. Mohr Maywood post and will provide awards presented May 3 by the cal inspector, Ralph Hoener, airport. Park Ridge, between 9 is considered a shining example enlarged meeting quarters,' in­ Cook county traffic safety com­ !4 Madison street, Berkeley. (Continued on next page) of what a Girl Scout leader should creased recreational facilities, mission. clinic Today for Teachers be and all who know her are en­ large banquet hall and snack bar. The award was presented be­ thusiastic in their approval of this Rudolph H. Maiwurm, Maywood, cause Captain DeRoche and his honor being bestowed on her by is the architect for the addition. men kept Berkeley free of traffic if Vacation Bible School the Lincoln School Parent-Teacher Martin M. Finstad, general deaths for the entire year. In association. chairman of the building commit­ other fields of police duty, too, tee, will outline the plans at Mon­ however, his policy of prompt ao- \.n instruction clinic will be held lowing department groups with day’s meeting, asking for their (Continued on page 6) lay (Thursday), at the First their instructors: Kindergarten, '}eatute^ approval and designation of full esbyterian church. Fifth and Mrs. Elmer Snyder; primary, Mrs. authority to the committee for MELROSE WANTS le in Maywood, for all teachers Eser; Junior, Mrs. Leon Tomp­ their execution. Harold Huebner, i officers who plan to assist in kins; Intermediate, Mrs. George chairman of the sub-committee TWO POLICEMEN : work of the Daily Vacation Smallman; and an administration At College .................................56 )le school in their local churches. class for superintendents, which Bellwood Briefs..........................20 on finance, will announce a bond Examinations for policemen in program to finance the estimated Melrose Park are scheduled for The Proviso Ministerial asso- will be conducted by the Rev. Mer­ Churches ...........................38, 54 $50,000 structure. If approved, the Saturday, June 3, at 9 a.m. in the :tr gieoil venvea idhtheaairlsn s tteesno agfca ahntgidhne egds uif(gniCvg heeti hcsoateiug ootUns tsnaa inrtfeeoddar- trbeiylrLl i autPnhno ecw chhe lwrausdri.clileh sb. ef rsoemrv edth aet 1P2r ensoboyn­ HDGCereiorlalls oths.Sw cNoWoroudott r ilcPdNeu ezszw..l..e..s.. .................................................*.......».............................2.5631414 HbanouIdnned b sfn reiaewrdn, didliltst hi oebon ef fotshtlooleol d w LFinetioggn i sotmmna.deemn baaenrrdes Avpcoirtlerkldsaiingidnseego n nhtt,ao lo 6laf 1 nc8tno houNenu ocnbricolt heamc rdh1e a1nomtthf b ofeaifrrv seRe, n.a aunNced­,. cation Bible schools, in which Interested people and churches ;rne etnhraonll e1d, 0f0o0r yeoauchn gosft etrhs e hlaavset tahries ufirngee do ptpoo rttuakniet ya dofv abnetcaogme inogf MMaelyrwosoeo dP aNrke wMse r.r..y..-.g..o...-.R...o..u..n...d... 278 mnaermd beSrosr eonfs otnh, e ccoommmmititteteee : seBcerer­­ poTlichee cboomamrdi sshioopneesr s.to select two Movies ............................. 53 tary; Commander William G. policemen, he said. Applicants r:ehoe r s ymtehaaelr lsc .ocnhvilednrieenn cwe hoof mwoisthh etros bpBeeibottlpeel res clhweoahodelensr sf othra emryeo lingcgoi omouesu ri ntoys otruounucgr­ NNeowrtsh laokfe BrPoaartdyv-iLeiwne..s.. ......................3.570 TESkhaeordlm dSa, shJ arJn.., e IrCl,e haWadrilinellgsi a, WmF .r LeMd. uWFn.di giVngoginleksr-,, hmoladuvjs et o lbfi veg eobdo edtiwn cethehnaer a2vc1it lelaran,g dea n3a5dt ymleeuaarssstt ri!iir’hrsesec te ahra a wctpft lioii9aonlr:lrni3 tct;0 hb i;bnee ew m getoahenin rietsssitnh r ivneuaipa grtc ls sul9e iaa ornnaybfi.cd l met hap .cee tdl wr eiifnvtoiohitodclhe--., bhtiBtenioiornfgtinoshhe;irrae vmemset ta h t(ceciM(ol aMinlnaiia niybcycswr wteoowr nouoaotocdanrdt kcdo 6t. r3 8sh4R 0a7F6eav8)ovre)..,er hoHfoauridf gr R tghteeihenxver­­. SWWSPorpeeocosdviatirdsclt ioshn A.eg.P.sfs..fta .ae..tri..d t....e .N...r..e.......w...........s....... ................................ .................................. ............ .........3535223202 mAMtSec.eac Ai pnDOsai oosar’in Mensa DtdaliRdn elCl.ugle s hysC,ate hrallelmRe sWap by Ru.m a.i ClnodFodnionc drhg Ddr .Harc.n .o , mKJL.mo iphListn.,­ laafairmn coydeim e nama Crtci.hu ooisnmetAf. m bpReips losificbiolaeentrdieto r nsb Wse ofmiorg ragefyl re otsbhmwee o hrPetaxohd­­, Armed Forces Day Eyents Planned for Saturday CONCORDIA BAND CONCERT SUNDAY (Continued from preceding page) For the ordnance plant, its role Capt. K. J. Biederman, TJSN, Concordia Teachers’ college Overture—“Phedre” ___Jules Masserl a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and the public in the nationwide celebration will caot m7m50a0n dWinegs to fRfiocoesr eovfe ltt hreo asdta, tiaonn­ band, just returned from a ten- Flcuetret o Sloolro —Fl“uAtell eagnrdo ,”P iafnroom”. .....“.Con| is invited to visit the air base replace individual service “days,” day 2,000-mile concert tour of ............................. B. Moliq nounced plans for the open house Janice Hegan during those hours. formerly celebrated annually. program, pointing out that the Michigan and Ontario, will pre­ “Little March”...............Clare Gruidml sent its home concert on Sunday “March Burlesque,” from "CaricaJ prime objective of the celebration ture Dance Suite”..James F. McF DRY CLEANING! will be to familiarize the public evening. May 21, at 8 o’clock, in “Fiddle-Faddle” .............Leroy Anders! Concordia college gymnasium, "Caribbean Fantasy”....John Morrissf MARION! with the state of the nation’s “March,” from “Suite in E flat”.. I IT'S defenses. Theme of the observ­ 7400 Augusta, River Forest. No .................................................. Gustav Ho| admission charge will be made, “Concerto in E flat Major,” lof ance, he said, is "teamed for de­ piano and orchestra..........Franz Lil Getting ready for Memorial Day? fense.” but a free will offering will be (Band accompaniment scored by I accepted. R.T.FR.) Need dry cleaning?—Want clothes "Gay"? paUrtricguinlgar lyth eh igghe nsecrhaolo lp uabnldi c teacnhd­ The following program will be “SymphonyM Ianr gBa reflta tL”u_e__cPkeaul Faucl| Want things keen?—Superbly neat? presented at the home concert: Overture—Nocturne—Scherzo— ^MARION'S" cleaning CAN'T be beat! ntoic aalv ascilh othoel mstsuedlveensts oafn tdh efa couplptioers­ M.a..r..c..h...—.....“..N....a...t.i..o..n...a...l. ...E...m....b...l..e..mE.” E..... ...B....a..g...l.ey CFoinncaloerdia Teachers’ college I tunity to inspect personally the one of the 13 schools owned, cq MARION CLEANERS giant Forest Park torpedo facility, visitors with views of the differ­ trolled and operated by the the veteran navy officer said that ent stages of manufacture and theran church, Missouri syn| Saturday’s open house will mark the finished product, and movies, The following local churches 1401 SO. FIFTH AVE. 17th AND MADISON the first public inspection of the to be shown continuously during members of the Missouri syn<| 5 N. FIFTH AVE. ALL PHONES facilities since October, 1948. the course of the day, are on the St. John’s, 307 South 27th; .MAYWOOD 5276H Animated displays, providing program. Paul’s, 11th and Lake; Bethlehd 15th and Harvard; Faith, Lind and Monroe; Good Shephel Sixth and Warren; Christ chur| Northlake. Miss Hegan is a resident Forest Park. Miss Luecke Isl member of the music faculty [ Concordia. Ralph Wetzstein, former mej ber of the faculty at St. Pail Lutheran school, Melrose Pa and assistant in summer ba work at Proviso high schd served as concert manager of Ontario concerts. Richard T. Rp fing, chairman of the music partment at Concordia Teachd college, has been director of ba work at Concordia since 1925. Northlake Plans Inter-Community July 4 Event “Northlake Fire Prevention d; h£is been the name selected the all-day outdoor exhibition be staged by the Northlake department, Independence c July 4. According to Chief Wilbur F haus, the show ^will start a-, p.m. with a parade in Northla] ’The parade will terminate at Veterans’ Park district grou. just east of Westward Ho Co' try club, where a program sta ing in the afternoon and end in the evening with fireworks be presented to the public. Pest reason in the world for ’The chief is planning on issu having your Buick safety-checked invitations to neighboring fire partments to participate in this May—you’ll get a great deal more program. pleasure out of driving it. One of the features of the d_ a I program will be the staging of You’ll travel carefree all summer if ever popular water fights betw. you have a Buick specialist check Our own shop is Buick headquarters visiting fire fighting units. Northlake’s oldest unit was ' over your brakes and wheel bear­ —our men are trained and experi­ represented Sunday, May 7, in ings now—see that your steering is enced old hands on Buicks. Bring West Suburban post, VFW, true and easy—look into stop lights, your Buick to us for your pre­ rade. The department’s new piece of fire flighting equipme taillights, turn indicators, horn and summer safety check-over, and let a 1950 Dodge truck, led other warning signals. us make sure you can wheel over parade. the highroad in perfect peace of mind. bodies Make it safe in May—and you can AND fenders play safely all summer. REPAIRING PROMPT ESTIMATES Wheels Balanced Frame ohcI Steering Alignment I FACTORY TRAINED MEN WALTEB PECKAT CO. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Modern Spray BootK . Matched Colors ... All Worl Done in Our Own Shop ont SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF USED BUICKS AND OTHER MAKES (ALL PRICED RIGHT) Guaranteed. MAYWOOD 574 110 MADISON ST. PHONE MAYWOOD 2000 TURNER AUTO BODY! 511 MAIN STREET ^Aeii botfei' aulomoMlos Btc built BUICK will build them ^ yUe-iike A WHITER NON-YELLOWING WHITE Gorgeous mod­ ern colors to choose from. So easy to care for — wipes * SELF WASHING clean with a * REAL PAINT ECONOMY swish of a damp cloth. * EXTRA COVERAGE Any way you look at it, Moore’s ^ ONE COAT COINERS House Paint does more for you. NON-YELLOWING Self-washing — a strong rain PREVIOUSLY PAINTED WALLS, NEW PLASTER. WALLPAPER. washes the top layer whistle L BRICK INTERIOR. ALL TYPES OF WALL80ARD A radiant clean without disturbing under­ white that neath paint film. AVAILABLE IN NEW SAVES TIME stays white LONGER LASTING even after re­ EYE-THRILLING SAVES MONEY peated scrub­ Sun, rain, snow, sleet—Moore’s House Paint is blended to re­ bings — that’s DECORATOR APPROVED ^035 Tile-Like En­ sist the elements — blended to last longer and give your home amel. It’s non­ MUTED COLORS 4# GAL yellowing. real paint protection. NO CLOG SO EASY TO USE NEW CONGO WAIL TILE SCREEN ENAMEL T i 1 e - L i k e glides on like magic. Flows Preserve your screen’s usefulness! Beautiful! Easy to care for! easily, smooth- Keep them free of rust Anemedasz inrgelfyin isihnienxgp.e nWsivipe!e s Ncelevaenr w1 yit h, ouat 1 mef foo sr tt. aanwda ys hwooit ha nna oyfrinesgh inpsaecintst 85 with the, swish of a damp cloth. It’s real paint­ job. BLACK, Qt. ing joy! LESS COVERS PLASTER CRACKS FILLS NAIL HOLES AND^EAMS GORGEOUS COLORS HARMONY COLORS New, rich, gor­ EASY TO APPLY geous s p ri n g WASHES PERFECTLY colors. A truly SATISFACTION beautiful array — easy to GUARANTEED Choose. Come $095 in f o.r your free color OR chart. GAL, YOUR MONEY LOOKS LIKE BAKED BACK T i 1 e - L i k e looks a %d washes like earing ^dioor i^eaut^ baked on en­ amel. Dirt, grime and MARBLE TILE grease do not penetrate Tile- Like’s porce­ • REALLY STAYS PUT lain - smooth • EXTRA TOUGH WEARING surface. BRIGHT, CLEAN COLORS USE TILE-LIKE Use Tile-Like For hard wearing floor beauty that really lasts, insist on Marble-Like Enamel on Picture Porch and Deck Enamel. Unlike or­ walls, wood­ dinary deck enamels, Marble-Like work, and stays put under foot even after repeat­ other busy ed scrubbing sand exposure. Stays “likely to get Home bright and spotless clean. dirty’’ spots around the house. It cleans lARBLE-LIKE DECK ENAMEL whistle clean easily. Dutch Hoy•’ Blended Pali^ TILE-LIKE ENAMEL The old masters blended their 5«5 $1 85 pAanidn t tthoe g“ivDeu ptcicht uBreosy l”a shtains gb bleenaudteyd. CAL 9T. his new paint to give your honut lasting beauty. IN 5-GAL. LOTS Remember: It’s “Dutch Boy”! It’» 8i/oeer si/rs Blended! And it’s here! $5.75 Per Gal. 100% PURE HOUSE PAINT For real paint economy, here’s our special lead, zinc, titanium house house. Come in and lift this gallon of L. Z. T. and compare weights—see for yourself! $398 CAL. Painters Flat Paint................... ...... gai. $2.75 Bruce Floor Cleaner___qt. 68e Painters Gloss Enamel ................... gal. $2.75 O'Cedar Self Polishing Floor Wax..................qt. 69c 4-Ft. Step Ladders.................................. $3.95 Butchers Self Polishing BEAUTIFUL WALL PAPER Extension Planks ................................... $8.25 Floor Wax..................qt. 98o $1.00 RUBBER STAIR TREADS Johnson’s Cleaner___gal. $1.25 ves you time $I.S9 8 Roll Room Heavy duty. 90fi Aluminum Paint, Heat Resistant...........qt. $1.25 d energy..... Rolls as low as 9e Black .................. Aw Plasticized Drop Cloth.. .$1.25 Open 8 A.M. Until 6:00 P.M. Daily BASEMENT LEAKY? NO MORE STORE HOURS: Open 8 A.M. Until 9:00 P.M. Monday and Thursday OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Get Your PAINT BRAUN PAINT COMPANY > BONDEX ODORS and ,st pour a teaspoon into a gallon OAT M e- Distinctive Wallpaper—Paints—Painters’ Supplies paint. Does not harm, injure nor KEEP a07-09 So. 5th Ave. Maywood 2721 ute paints, varnishes or lacquers, YOUR immended by Parents’ igazine. Recommend- ^dlte ihg j^urpo5e WALLS BONE DRY! by Good Housekeep- IPa9« S n« HEBJULD TV Program Friday Commended Wednesday Is zation. In honor of the occasion, Aids Cancer Drive (Continued from page 3) Maywood’s president, Earle K. Two hours of variety entertain­ tion has protected the people School Patrol Broberg, has proclaimed that day ment by top stars in Chicago, and his village; moreover, he School Safety Patrol day in the informal talks with celebrities of won special commendation frc| village. the sports and show world, will the state’s attorney’s office Day in Maywood In tribute to the patrol organi­ be televised on behalf of the Illi­ picking up wanted offenders. zation, he says, "These boys and nois division, American Cancer It was Captain DeRoche wlj girls daily give their time and Society, over WENR-TV from 10 responding to complaints fr<] The annual picnic for the safety efforts to safeguard the lives of p.m. to midnight tomorrow (Fri­ several Berkeley mothers, id patrol hoys and girls of School their schoolmates from hazards day). year apprehended Ernest J. bJ District 89 will be held next of street traffic. Their devotion Don McNeill and the cast of the ler, Berwyn man sought as f Wednesday, May 24, sponsored by to duty has helped reduce fa­ Breakfast Oub will drop in for a molester of small children. Beel the Citizens’ Safety Patrol organi- talities among school-age groups "visit” during the show and Patsy was sentenced on May 9 to I approximately one-third in the Lee will sing. Danny O’Neill, term of eight years in the stJ last 28 years, despite a tremen­ Myron Cohen, Jack Carter, and prison at Joliet. In commend)T dous increase in the numbers of other favorites will appear. Among Captain DeRoche for this arrcf motor vehicles in the streets. the sports figures who will make Chief Investigator Daniel Gilb| 1 urge all citizens to give their an appearance are Jack Kramer of the state’s attorney’s ofi full cooperation to this valuable and Poncho Gonzales, tennis stars; commented, "This type of crU nal, who molests small childrl H. J. Jotnnson traffic safety effort Jesse Owens, former track star,, On behalf of the citizens of and Johnny Lujack, quarterback is the most vicious we have ' Maywood, I commend the mem­ with the Chicago Bears, famed contend with!” bers of the school safety patrols Notre Dame football king. The arrest of two Chief) UMSURANCE for their distinguished service in Many other entertainers and hoodlums in. connection with! protecting the citizens of tomor­ athletes, as well as newspaper col­ holdup in Berkeley last Janud AyTOMOeiLE row from traffic hazards of to­ umnists Tony Weitzel and Irv broke up a gang of auto thie| • FIRE day.” Kupcinet, and television and radio that had stolen 20 cars and 'This year, for the first time, favorite, Ernie Simon, will appear robbed and beaten several • PILATE GLASS the picnic will be held in May- during the show wishing the so­ sons. Chicago Police Capt. Thon • LIFE wood park, according to the an­ ciety good luck in winding up its Harrison cited the Berkeley poll for their efficient work in help| nouncement of Police Sgt. E, V. 1950 Cancer Crusade. Webb, 1404 South 17th avenue, Residents of the suburban towns break up this gang. CAR FiNANCE president of the Citizens’ Safety are urged to watch the program Lt. Charles Bertolini, in mj Patrol organization. and to encourage their friends to ing a routine inspection of 900 S. Sih Avenue More than 500 boys and girls donate during the show. It is be­ village last month, picked upj will be guests of the organization. lieved that this two-hour enter­ suspicion Damon Thomas. Ud MAYWOOD T.2I8 Each child will be served with tainment will probably put the further investigation it was foij “hot dogs and everything,” not to 1950 campaign over the top— that Thomas was wanted for mention pop, ice cream, cookies target for the state of Illinois is murder of two elderly women] and candy. Games will be played, $900,000 and for the suburban Indiana. with awards for the winners. area, $110,(XK). Last year, DeRoche’s first | chief, was the only year Berke IT'S A FACT had no treiffic deaths. In making the traffic saf| HOSPITALITY award at the ceremonies in AND GOOD FOOD! cago May 3, William Ericks! You can have an Yotirs fa Enjoy! president of the Cook couj traffic commission, praising keley for having the lowest a<j When you dine out you want to dent rate on record for tovT enjoy yourself—and that means IRON FIREMAN you want not only excellent food, 1,000 and under in 1949, sa but efficient service and a pleasant "The Berkeley police departml atmosphere. You’ll find them all has done an outstanding job f here—-for your all around dining ■j' making the community accide satisfaction. Stop in tonight! conscious.” The police department in OIL BURNER ANDERSON'S keley consists of Captain Roche, Lieutenant Bertolini GOOD FOOD SINCE 1913 Patrolman Dwight Wulf. Shi $. FIFTH AVE. MAYWOOD F$76 are so arranged that the villa Open Daily 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.—Sundays, 12 to 8 P.M. has police protection 24 houri^ Closed Saturdays day. The Most Economical Burns lowest price Domestic Oil with Highest Heat Units. $ 29950 m With Toiwfe ci«d Cemtrels—CeimpSefely Imstcilled Recidy to Run in Few Hours. NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 Montlss f® Poy As Low As $9oS8 Momflislly FREE siuifYey ®f yoiuir ploim# wifisoiist oiMy ©blSgffltion a*®; gloiio’"* ^ ®iso We cam fake coire ©f y©M pr©mpfly V,ee» wifii HIGHEST GRADE FUEL OIL LV fr©m our ©wit Bulk Flonf 556* ala aeU' PHONE US MAYWOOD 4717 neve* cake date Madison Fuel & Supply Co. 2010 MociHson Sf. M©yw©©d, s. S'® 48 t-S"* — OUR RECOUD — 25 Years ®f Neighborly Service fc J©hn GBerum Jerry Stahmer George Lciubly Don McCollum ' BUTTER COFFEE CAKES r- George F. Sfoiiiimer 9j\ he HERALD Page 7 hnisday. May 18, 1950 )pens Lido E Y N S ^ verything ou eed for umjie 'ook Reviews AU tH &tvH JfugMwhooil THIS COUPON OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT WORTH 36c A 95c VALUE FOR ONLY 59c 5 GALLONS COMPLETE WITH, I QUART SCREEN 4-INCH PURE BRISTLE PAINT BRUSH ENAMEL Reg. $25.50 SI 795 Reg. Price 75c Quart Special at ... HANDY SCREEN PAINTER UWN MOWERS Our famous guaranteed outside House Regularly 20c Virginia Kendal] Upham, whose Paint has been used by thousands of our satisfied customers . . . and they keep Beautify and protect your amatic and informative delinea- Rubber tired, 4- coming back for more! In various colors screens and frames now with ms of contemporary literature bladed, sturdy, efiB- C | #S98 and white. A durable, long-lasting finish. this quick-drying, long-wearing ive been popular in Chicagoland cient lawn mowers. I Congress quality. Enamel! Applies easily with a I id the midwest for 10 years, Reg. $16.95 value. brush or handy screen painter. L mes to the Lido theatre stage 1 p.m. tomorrow (Widay) to 59 Johnson’s Gleaner BOTH FOR en the series of four Friday ONLY ernoon book reviews the Lido sponsoring. Other reviewers I GAL. OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31 II be Jerry Schmal, Margaret $125 Name .............................................. )dd Brown and Florence Bourke is. Address .......................................... Mrs. Upham will review “Love For walls, vene ory,” tthe new book by Ruth tian blinds, rugs, cKenney, who also wrote the upholstery, etc. No hard rub­ pular “My Sister Eileen.” Mrs. WHEEL BARROW bing, so easy to >ham, besides being featured re- use! Buy a gal­ ewer at Warner Brothers’ the- lon today! res’ book review matinees in Strong, sturdy wheel barrow with steel handles and rubber any communities and at Gardi- r General hospital, conducts aARDEN HOSE vtiarleu. eR, egsupleacri a$l1 4.95 J 1250 Cincy Wallpaper Cleaner onthly book clubs throughout only ........................ hicagoland and for a time wrote Supplex plastic gar- AO Gets all dirt with PAINT ROLLER weekly book column for a Chi- den hose in choice of a light touch! go newspaper. red or green. 25-ft. W o n’t stick, “Roll it on the easy way Ed Kennelly, Lido manager, re- leave smudges Lamb’s wool Roller is made of 50-ft. $5.95 or crumble. specially treated long fiber woool >rts, “We have seldom had such Fine, too, for Sturdy tray designed to give you flood of favorable comment on window shades. the right amount of paint. Ideal ly entertainment we have spon- for applying the new deep tones. red as we received last week 25c Buy now—save during this Pkgs. I the announcement of this Fri- great Sale! ly matinee book review series. ROLLERS.........98c up 1 e are delighted at the enthusi- m with which local groups and Stair TRAYS ...........98c up dividuals have received this in- )vation.” Treads WINDOW SHADES For these Fridays, the Lido has UWN CHAIRS Black stair anned a special schedule. Doors treads save ill open at 12:30 p.m. so that the Wood and canvas, no arms, ad V o u r stairs ;view can get under way prompt- justable in height. Col- and add to ' at 1 p.m. orful and comfortable. their appear- Advance note—the second book Reg. $3.25 value.......... .w a n c e. ;view in the series, on May 26, BROOM RAKE 18 29c 'ill be Ardythe Kennelly’s “The 24 39c Make light of your raking tasks! eaceable Kingdom” reviewed by Sweeps clean, can’t clog with erry Schmal. leaves, grass. Light [P•arya cfotirc, e anind Gliofed wwihlla tgeivveer ity otuo wsteeeigl htte, etfhla. t Saslpe rpirnicge nP W MRAG MOP Enhance the beau­ >u more abundantly.—Pusey. Fine quality green yarn mop twyi tho f neywo urs hhadomese! with sturdy wooden 98 All colors. ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS handle. $1.50 value for only 5 Ft. Step Ladder WE RENT: BEVERAGE SET LAWN ROLLERS Colot;ful pitcher with six match­ ing glasses. Ideal for serving LAWN SPREADERS cold drinks in sum- ft ■ IO mer. $1.75 value for ^ 1 • 5F SANDING MACHINES only ............................... I FLOOR EDGERS Strong, sturdy quality construc­ FLOOR WAXERS Toilet tion. Each step reinforced with a steel rod. Large strong paint shelf. ft^AQ Seats Made from select WE HAVE: woods. 4m PRUNING SHEARS White or col­ ored plastic GLASS Heavy spring action toilet seats. FLAT Very special WINDOW SHADES pruning shears to OUR NEW BEGINNERS' PLAN lighten your garden­ 59 at only KEYS PAINT ’•rofessional Instrucfion and Radio ing chores. Regular $099 13 Colors trtisfs fo Start Your Musical Career 98c value, special at Scores of other spring cleaning GALLON br Yoa. only ............................... and decorating needs! $1I95 FREE USE OF ACCORDION IN YOUR HOME QUART Open Monday and Thursday Evenings Until 9:00 P.M. 70' FREE BAND LESSONS—No Obligation $2.00 Sundays 10.00 A.M. Until 1:00 P.M. ALL FOR WECKLY Spanish Gulfar—^lano—Sa« Clarinet-—Drum SILVERMAN'S HARDWARE BROOMS Xylophone—Trumpet We Have Accordions of AH Durable, 5-sewed brooms of ex­ Makes—Italfan or American ceptionally fine quality. Full- Monti’s Music Center "Ben Treats You Right" bodied, long-wearing, corn fiber construction. Smooth handles. iianuie! 17S1 ST. CHARLES RD. 718 SO. FIFTH AVENUE MAYWOOD 236 A spring cleaning 99 MAY. 8SA2 necessity. Only ........................ Child Clinic Tuesday cated »t LeMoyne and 3Sth ave­ B. J. Toppel Awarded recognition in the Island press a writer. Choice bits from h nues. in Stone Park Atomic Fellowship article on "Flying to Paradis The mothers in West Melrose The Stone Park Child Welfare Park are invited to attend these Bert Jack Toppel, 645 South which was run in The Herald, center will conduct its next con­ conferences. Dr, Leonard will be 20th avenue, Maywood, instructor pear in the April issue of Paradi ferences on Tuesday, May 23 at on hand to give her expert advice of physics at Illinois Institute of a large, attractive magazine pi 12:30 p.m. in the fire station lo­ on all child problems. Technology, has been awarded a lished in Honolulu. pre-doctoral fellowship in physical Vincent De Lorenzo's busint sciences by the Atomic Energy HERE DRAPEmS-SIMOVIltS' is picking up watches at a reast commission. able price and selling them for Toppel, a 1943 graduate of Pro­ and bit higher—but last Monday nig viso township high school, will do he picked up a lady’s wrist wai VENETIAN BLINDS work in nuclear physics in the In­ THERE at no price at all. It w^u5 lyi stitute’s Van de Graaff laboratory. on the sidewalk at the doorway He received his bachelor of science his jewelry shop, 812 South Fi; • DRAW WITH TRAVERSE ROD degree in 1948 and his master’s t in ^yyjci^woocl avenue. Mr. DeLorenzo will g degree in January, 1950, both at as good a bargain as he got on t • REGULAR DRAPES Illinois Teeh. watch: the owner may have it • DEAUTIFUL UPHOLSTERED CORHIGES He was appointed instructor in identifying it, he says. irfiysics in February after previous Miss Florence I. Otis, retired experience as a graduate assistant Mrs. Agnes Wechsung, 71, FREE ESTIMATES—DAY OR EVENING and research assistant. He is a Proviso teacher who went to the rived by plane last week fr member of the American Physical Hawaiian Islands last year to Herford, Germany, to spend t SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME society. teach in a girls’ school, is winning months with her daughters e - TO CHOOSE FROM their families, Mr. and Mrs. Eln Rabun, 205 South Eighth aven and Mrs. O. J. Bush of Chica * Custom-Made Slip Covers and to greet her two grandso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS George and Elmer Rabun. IV * Zippers and Box Pleats Rabun’s reunion with her moth OF PROVISO TOWNSHIP! after 28 years' separation, v * Guaranteed Perfect Fit tearfully joyful. The elderly lady declared sto * Custom-Tailored Draperies ly that she had thoroughy enjoj the plane trip, and was not * Florals, Plains, Stripes mayed even when the plane "Last Two Weeks to to return to reland after its fi * Hundreds of Beautiful start, due to engine trouble. Patterns Lloyd C. Bachand, 618 Soi Third avenue, a Maywood resid' Pay the First Installment for 18 years, completed 30 c secutive years of service with P lie Service and Commonwea Edison companies last Friday, of Your 1949 Taxes' started with Public Service upon graduation from high sch in 1920, and is now senior gene accounting clerk in the gene Eiccounting department of Co Penalty of 1% per month added after June 1st. monwealth Edison Co. The DAV organization repo Failure to receive your 1949 tax bill does not that it has returned a set of 1 excuse penalty as all bills were mailed out. keys to E. P. Buechler of M wood, holder of one of the D Tax payments can be made at the Collector’s Idento-Tag miniature license t, for key rings. office, 416 Madison Street, Maywood, every day Recent visitors were Dr. except Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., or the Mrs. Charles M. Wayne, of ’ Angeles, Calif., who visited Melrose Park National Bank, Forest Park National doctor’s brother, Stephen Bank, or the First National Bank of Maywood, Wayne and family, 1021-C So 12th avenue, and witnessed the during their working hours. stallation of the men’s sisi ANDERSEN'S Cecelia Meltz, as president of Respectfully, auxiliary to Fost 632, Jewish BLIND AND DRAPERY CO. VeterEins. WILLIAM T. COLLINS, JR. Dr. Wayne, a physician, ente 504 St. Charles Rd. Collector of Proviso Township the army at Fifth and Washing here. Since his discharge he MAYWOOD 2140 been practicing in Los Angeles, and Mrs. Wayne were en route Washington, D.C., when tl stopped off here. Addresses Clinic CARLOAD SALE! Managers Harry B. Davidson, manager the Joslyn clinic, attended a gional meeting of the National sociation of Clinic Managers h in Peoria May 14. Mr. Davids I i I i'NlI FRICIOMRE I III FRI6IDAIRE | If I FRI6IDAIRE f if | FRIGIDAIRE I If who is a lawyer by training, c ducted the seminar on proble 1 ■" I. .............................-'■mj’yrw - arising out of partnership. Wh his particular session dcEilt wi the technical aspects of clinic 3 TYPES • 4 SERIES • 10 SIZES • ALL NEW! FRIGIDAIRE ganization, the general tenor the meeting concerned itself, always, with ways and means “Thri^-30” giving improved medical service FRIGIDAIRE patients. Electric Range When the Marshall High Schc Refrigerators Alumni association holds its 36 annual reunion Wednesday, M • Biggest oven of any 24, at the school, 3250 West Adar household range street, among Maywood resider Frigidaire has a model ond price to e Cooks more food on will be Fred Huebenthal, 14 suit your exact needs I South Eighth avenue, promine no more current resd estate man and former pre: e New styling—inside and out e One-piece, all-porce­ dent of the Chicago Real Esta e New ad|uslable aluminum lain oven board. shelves • Provides more cooking e New twin stack-up Hydrotors -space up front Area Scouts Prepar • New Meat Storage Tray e High-speed, waist-high for Band Concert Model shown DM-90 e New improved Meter-Miser broiler Lincoln school in River Fore is the scene of much activity 309I” Look at it outside I $ I7r‘oo Saturday mornings, as membe * ^ Look at it inside I DOWN of the Boy Scout and Cub Scoi You can't match a Frigidairel band rehearse for their first coi OTHERS FROM $189.75 CASH PRICE $169.75 cert, which will be presented Moi day. May 29, at 8 p.m., in tl Children’s theatre. Forest avem AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES and Lake street. Oak Park, und« the direction of Harry Brooks. The band includes Scouts froi throughout the Thatcher Wood 10 BROADWAY r. a. kuhlmanndon onorato MELROSE PARK 485 area. Spirited marches, novelt numbers, ensembles and solos wi give variety to the program. feterans Plan Lutheran Choir the memory of Dr. Walter A. eral of his rallies at the Obicago j long associated with him tai oM tfitw* Maier, founder and only regular Stadium, and their director was I local rallies and other broodcaato. Concert Sunday speaker on the 17-year-old Inter­ 7iant July 4 national Lutheran Hour who died Honors Dr. Maier last January. These young chor­ >isplay Here isters won their way into the The Chicagoland Lutheran Chil­ heart of this famous radio YOU dren’s choir will present a Walter preacher by participating in sev- Fireworks will flash again after A. Maier memorial concert Sun­ years. When it gets dark the day, May 21, at 4 p.m., at the are invited to hear Lutheran Church of Our Re­ ;ht of July 4, residents of May- deemer, 6430 South Harvard ave­ lod and other township villages VISIT 11 be able to see a real display nue, Chicago. how ce again. This outstanding choir of boys and girls, selected by audition This will be one of the ev'ents FEERY'S from Lutheran schools in Chicago Christian Science heals the enjoyment of the Fourth July celebrants at the Proviso and suburbs, is directed by John idium, where the local Maywood G. Rieck, director of music at Tabor Lutheran church on Chi­ LIQUORS terans’ council will hold its com- FREE LECTURE inity program. cago’s northwest side. It includes children from Maywood, Melrose ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE lacked by Maywood’s officials Park, Bellwood and Forest Park. 2130 S. ISTH AVE. 3 leading service clubs, the cele- ition will mark the return of Theodore Lams of Mount Pros­ Subject: Christian Science: The Way of big Fourth of July celebrations pect, professor of music at North­ BROADVIEW Man's Deliverance from Evil ich were traditional in May- western university, will offer sev­ od. eral organ selections, and Berwyn Lecturer: Herschel P. Nunn, C.S.B. of Portland, Oregon Lemke, choirmaster of St. Ste­ FREE DELIVERY The fireworks display will be Mambar of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. phen’s Lutheran diurch, 65th and The First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston. Massachusetts • gmented by the American Le- Peoria streets, will be choir ac­ •n Post band, community sing- $2.00 Miwimwiii Place: First Church of Christ. Scientist companist. A brief memorial ad­ and entertainment of a high dress will be delivered by tbe Rev. of Oak Park, Illinois iber. Underwriting this affair the Maywood Veterans’ coun- Lutber A. Schuessler, pastor at PRONE MAYWOOD 87 H 200 North Oak Park Avenue Our Redeemer. composed of Maywood post 133 This second annual benefit con­ Time; Tuesday Evening. May 23, 1950 at eight o'clock J John Shelton post 838, Amer- cert by this choir is in tribute to CDm|ilete Line of Paekage n Legion; Winfield Scott post Doora open at 7:15 p.m. >3, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Goods njamin Rosenblatt Proviso post The Public is cordially invited Jewish War Veterans; Em­ How to Saw Money it Casey chapter 144, Military 3er of the Purple Heart; West Safely on wns Ship 115, Navy club and land Schaede detachment, Ma- e Corps league, AUTOMOBILE lepresentatives of the council 0 have met to formulate plans isider that the seating capacity INSURANCE the Proviso stadium, 3,000, al- vs enough adults at 75 cents children at 50 cents each to Allstate Insurance Co., organ­ for the fireworks display, ofits wilt be deposited in a fund ized Sears, Roebuck, asks put on a Bataan day commemo- you to COMPARE its rates ion program in the village at and other bigger value fea­ ne future date. tures with any other auto in­ Members of the committee ar- aging for the display, headed by surance — and see how much ilip Bechely, are promising one more it means to have Allstate. the most elaborate pyrotechnic No obligation. See or phone libitions ever “ahh . . . ed” at the village. World Fireworks the Allstate Insurance Co. .play company has the contract Agent today. promises a wonderful show, 'he Proviso township high 001 board has authorized the Allstate Insurance Ce. of the stadium. Tickets are SEARS ROEBUCK ANO CO. sale by members of all May- BUILDING * od’s veteran organizations. They 700 South Fifth Ava. ly also be obtained from Charles jndinger, ticket chairman, at Maywo9«l 44S iywood 1571, or Donald Nelson Sears First Line Maywood 9352. Quality Assures BE WISE - HIGH Mileage at Extra LOW Cast Store Your Furs t« Yen! NOW! Reg. $51.80 6:00x16 size NOW 39 6UARAINT££0 15 ONLY eld tires MONTHS plus ted. tox '^Clean Furs tire Healthy Furs” $4 Down, $5 Month on Sears Easy Terms ^ WE USE EXCLUSIVE FURRIER'S METHOUS— (Usual Carrying Charge) • CLEANING • REMODELING Reg. $12.95 Ea. • GLAZING • REPAIRING Reg. 5.50 Safety Tabes (bomdl«<d) • STORAGE (imstuiredll ALLSTATE 6:70x15 FREE MOTHPROOFING ALLSTATE quality raisans the best CUSHION TIRES Drive Safely ^50 4 Demplete Set ef 4 00 Drown keeps air Seften eut the 52 read Plant ONd Main Offiea during Puncture CORNER 3RD AVE. AT MADISDN ST. BuHf fer leng life Toi>f» Old Tube fflijri PHONE MAYWOOD 710 Thus giving centre! ter stepping Reg. $62.6D Wes Old Tlfn$, P&d, Tm 9 PICKUP AND DELIVERY fCADC MAYWOOD STORE BRANCH STORE SS SO. 19TH AVE. et-yrmi A/umjf ^ao4' jEHK3 700 S. Fifth Ave. MAYWOOD 712 Page 10 The HERALD Pack 77 Has Double Event Week Thnisday. May 18. 1950 Cub pack 77 committee met at fine and sounds forceful. How wi STRUTZEL’S Dan Cameron fo the home of Mrs. Tosch on May your boy respond to roll call? 1 to plan the pack’s two events The Cubs were justly proud Go to Arizona for May. Tonight, May 18, is the the tastefully decorated coffi Dan Cameron, 1623 South 14th date of the pack’s monthly meet­ bottles that they had made, avenue, a maintenance department ing, 7:30 p.m. in Garfield school. their dens, for Mother’s Day gift Each den of boys has been prac­ foreman here Race Saturday for the Public ticing a secret den yell for the Each den has been assemblin den yell contest. Of course there Service com­ an apparatus on wheels, tactful pany of North­ will be noise, but who can sepa­ called a racer, that will be enteri ern Illinois, an­ rate noise from boys? in the soap box derby this Satu nounced his re- Each den is hoping to bag the day. May 20, 2 p.m., on Tenth av' tirement re- attendance award ribbon, so all nue back of Garfield school, cently and parents will want to be present to block will be roped off for the rai shortly will back their Cubs at the meeting. and Cubs, their families a: move to Pres- A Cub who answers roll-call say­ friends will enjoy this exciti; c o 11, Arizona, ing: “Here sir, with nobody,’’ looks event. All spectators are invit where he and forlorn, feels fidgety and sounds to stay on the east side of tl Mrs. Cameron fatigued; a Cub who can answer street, by the school playgroun will make their 0»ik CameroB roll call saying: “Here sir, with so that our fun will not be at tl future home. mother and father,” looks fit, feels expense of tender blades of ne^ Cameron, who started his util­ born grass in front of resideno ity career in Evanston and trans­ taking pictures and playing golf Remember the two pack dat ferred here in 1936, has been as­ when he has settled in Prescott. for May—tonight is the pa sociated with maintenance de­ One son. Bob, lives in Los An­ meeting and Saturday is the so partment work during his entire geles, Calif., while another. Jack, box derby. career. who resides at home, works in the An avid photography fan, he stores department at the utility’s Twin Symbols of expects to spend most of his time general shops here. Independence— The Liberty Bell and DOVIGI’S DRIVE-IN U.S. Savings Bone Roosevelt Road—'A mile west of Mannheim Rood A quota of $34,367,000 in Seri “E” U.S. Savings Bonds has be­ ANNOUNCES; set for Cook County for Ind pendence Drive which will be progress May 15 through July FROZEN CUSTARD it has been announced by Arno J. Rauen, state director of U. S. Treasury Savings Bonds DRIVE-IN SERVICE vision for Illinois. The state quo is $56,048,000. People are bei urged to invest in governme — Complete Fountain Service — bonds under tthe slogan, “Sa An addition to our Tasty Sandwich Counter for your independence!” As a feature of the drive, full-scale one-ton copper repli PLENTY OF PARKING AROUND BUILDING of the Liberty Bell will tour t state. It will be on display many points in the Chicago ar- SCOOP! WE’VE SAVED YOU *25! IfORJE^MTOR MAGIC! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY TOPCOATS-REDUCED 20 % OFF REGULAR PRICE TWEED TOPCOATS Regular $35.00 to $59.50 Values THIS SALE 28“®*4750 * A TIMELY SPECIAL PURCHASE GABARDINE TOPCOATS MADE THIS LOW PRICE POSSIBLE! Actual $54.50 Value! Regular $39.50 to $69.50 Values 50 This Sole 29 *31 50 *5550 and KREITMAN JOS. H. STRUTZEL & SONS FURNITURE COMPANY KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES 604 S. FIFTH AVE. MAYNWOOD 509 417 VY. LAKE STREET 5832 W. CHICAGO AVENUE Open Mondoy ond Thursday Evenings Moywood Chicago

hardt. West Towns general man ager; riders on passes, transfers,. 6-cent fares or . in the evening with fireworks . Broberg, has proclaimed that day.
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