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The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and English Standard Version PDF

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Preview The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and English Standard Version

Genesis l'�l1i/2= l'�i/ln �1O "O.nl.VNi1O "·Nii N?i::ln "t.z>1N1 i Th::leC r eatiooftn h eW orld and-the-etahret-he ·a ratnhd- th•el --Tvh ee-nas ).. G,.,.o ·d:: he-JeTc aTr tedi n-l.b eg••i: nning 1Int heb eginniGnogd,c reated theh eaveannsd tehaer t2hT .h e miio i;in -;� m:i.1 i1"ni1 "l� earth wwiatsh ofourtm a ndv oida,n d and--SJp:iritth-e,.,o- fd :e efpJac. .:ef - oove·r and-darknaensds- emT ptinfoersmsl essnesshsJeT :- wT asd arknewassso vetrh e faocfte h e deep. And tShpei roiftG odw ash overing iiN" i1"O "?iiNi Oit3N1: "Oi1D "J-!:l; n�n !lioo" �iJ o?vetrh efa ceo ft hew aters. ,., J•: l• •:: •: ) - • IT - J. .: ... l·:- : 3 And God said",L ett he·rb ee lightl et-him-bGeo d and-he-stahied- watfearcse f- oover hovering God lighatn;dt' h erweas l igh4At n.d G od ?1:iit:i1i 9 i�i;:t -n� O"?iiNN iti41 :ii�"N1i1 "saw that theg oloidgA.hn tdG owda s J. .: -- -.,� •)• ·:: :s-- I • : 1- separattheed lfriogmh tt dhaer kness. and-hea-rsaetpegdo od thatt he-light God and·he-salwi ghta nd-he-wsaG so dc alltehde l ighDta y,a nd the IO "ii?NlNi?� 51 :1J:ivJ;:t iNiil o"�iJ d?arknehsesc allNeidg hAtn.d t here <" ·:: l T wase venianngd t herwea sm orning, God and-hcea-lled the-darkneasnsd -betweetnh e-ligbhett ween God thefi rsdta y. · �i1"1" :J.i-.,l';,.,, i1'"N'pi 1V?J:171 oi1�i ?N 6A ndG ods aid, t"hLeerbtee a n • : 1- ·i:·: • :1 -T :nT T JT T expansientl h em idsotf t hew aters, and-he-weavse ninagn d-he-wNaisg ht he-callaendd -thdea-rknesDsa y -the-ligahntd iltse etp artahtweea tefrrosm the 0"0i11il) f " . "i1o""�iJ i?r.J!t6N1: n1NO ii"�j? water7As :n'dG odm adet2h e expanse l?i?.l ands eparatedw attehrtesh awte re •n T - r : ... J - IT •: ) the-watienr-sm idste-xopfa nslee t-him-bGeo d and-he-saiodn e day morningu nder etxhpea nfrsoem the waters -n�'b .,�D ?.iZJ 1J17lt :"OO?0: 9 "i1"wt1ahsasw toe s.rA ean bdGo _eov tdh eec xapltalhneeesAd xen p.dai nts e -J-- • IT T 1"# J• • God and-he-madet o-waterwsa terbse tweesne parat.ainngd -let-hiHme-abvee nA.nJdt herwea se venianngd l?"Pl7 nD!JQ1vJ � b:�tt ?i�:;i1 therwea sm ornintgh;es econd day. ."i?l?lQ 9A nd Gosda i"dL,e tth ew ateurns­ 1#" dert heh eavebnesg atherteodge ther to-the-expfraonms-eu nder that the-awtersb etweena nd-hep-asreatedt he-expanse intoon ep lacaen,d ledtr ylt ahnead p ­ NJi?�81 l?"i?.71 ?l?Oi t.VNo:Q tt T";pPea rA:n'd i tw ass oJ.OG odc alltehde _.,i}i; J-•• l": -: dryl anEda rtha,n4d twhaet ertsh at and-he-calsloe da nd-he-wtaos- the-expfraonms-oev er. w hich the-watearnsd -tbweeen were gatheredh etc oaglelSteehdae sr. o;ii i?�- :J.il'- .,;,.,, O"Ol?"t.z>i?. lO�" iiAn?dG Nods awt haittw asg ood. :W" � -"ii} ;·: r: • :1 -• nT T ·r ·:: 11A nd Gods aid",L etth ee arth secondd ay morninga nd-he-weavse ninagn d-he-waHse av-etnh e-expansGeo d sprouvte getatpiloann,t ysi5e lding Oi?i9-?� b :Qo/iJ ntJpQ0: 0$ 1iT1 o"�iJ i?r.J!t9N1s eeda,n dfr uittr eebse arifrnugi itn ... J- whicihst hesiere d, aecaccohr dtion g place intot heh-eavenfrso m-undetrh e-watleerts- themt-hbeer-egda God and-he-saiitdksi ndo,nt hee artAhn:d'i tw ass o. IO "ii?NlNi?� 110 -.,;,.,, i1t,zj ::i lt i1i1iN n11 Ti1N2T h ee arth brfoorutgvhhe tg etation, G<"o d·: : and-he-cal:lpseod and•- h:1e --wtahse n-T dT r-y--groaunndd-l": l eT t••- :h er-ao.p Tnp •ee: arpo lwnak nyitinsed alsnd,sdi ten regaed cbe cesoa rrditfrinoutng ihg ite n i r Niti10 "0N"pi O"i1D i1JQj?7l hl.Zi::iit?whi cihs t heisre ede,a cha ccording :i-- ,.,. - JT T • l-- T T -- to kitisn d. GAondds awt haittw as and-he-saSwe as he-calltehde -watearnsd -collectioEnacrotfh - the-dry-groguonodd1 .3A ndt herwea se venianngd NV/i fl�Q Nt.z>1.no "�iJ i?OitNn1 : i":i O"iit?herNe mw oarsn intgh,et hirdady . <.. : 1- •: J - I -.,� l• ·:: 14 And sGaoidd ",L etth ere be what-is-gtrheee-ne arlteht -her-prodGuoced and-he-saigdo od that God it.VN iQl7" ) iliVb (( l'P. Pitl' "i:Jt.OiZJ21O0 rrl'fa asc ha niooaapnllsyvesvoe;ode r r;1s7s 6,e8e3 s, 1Qr 4S ,k ay1l5;2s,0 o 17, r: -: "!?1 ... < "!!? - J•: - ... ..< vers9,e1 s41 ,5 1,7 2,0 2,6 2,8 3,0 2;: 14 Qr which accord-itnog-ki-nhdi-mo ffruitm akingf ruitt ree-osfe ed yieldinvge getatiLoanna dl;svo e rs11e1,s2 2,2 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,8 3,0 ; l'�l( i/ N�) 1. 1r112 .,;,.,,. l'�li/ -?� i:i -;pit2:1s ors mapllla anltsvsoe; r s12e2,s9 :p -• :1 - l the-earatnhd -she-broughsto- ouatn d-he-wtahse -eartohn in-hims eed--hoifm "i-;i!:lw� r1P. vit "J�l?F :iwp ·i·: fruitm akinga nd-traecec ording�to-kinsde-eodf -yhieilmd ivnegg etatwihoant -is-green :i":i O"?iiNN iti1 iJi1?" O i:i -;piti t.VN I _.,:>• l. ·:: :i-- ,.,.. · : l r: -: good thatG od and-he-saacwc ord�itnog-ki-nhdi-mo fin-hims eed-of-hwihmi ch o"�iJ i?Nr.J!t141 :"o/.7�" o;i ii?� :i1B 13 ... J - -"i};J1 -i}";J1 God and-he-said third day morninga nd-he-waesv eninagn d-he-was GENEISS1 :-1236 2 Hebr(eBwH S) lighitnts h eex panosfte h hee avetnos tJilri1? ":;iiJ7°1o Q;o/iJl? "i?.:;ll h1T?N separtahtedea yfr om theni ghAtn.d l - "rt; letth emb efo rs iganns dfo rs easo1n sa,n d-between the-dayt oe-bpseatrwaetteehn eh -eavenisn -expanslei-gohft -soluertce-sh im-be and fodra yasn dy ear1s5, alnetdth em :"JtJTW 1tJ: l'"T O ": 'tJi'"-O J1:; 1' i:i iT" i1:1i1 T"? -�:i1ll T bel ighitnts h ee xpanosfet heh eav­ I' < enst og ivlei guhpto nt hee arth:' Aanndd -yearasn d-fory-sd aand-foarp-pointed-tifomre-ss ignsa nd-let-thetmh-eb-en ight itw ass o1.A 6n dG od madteh et wo l'�l;:t-? l} i�";:t7 o:Qo/iJ 1i1T"115 : grealti ghts-gtrheea tleirg thotr ule < theda ya ndt hele ssleirg thotr ulteh e the-earutpho n to-give-ltihgeh-tvh eenas in-expansteo--olfi ght-soaunrdc-else t-them-be night-atnhdes tar1sA7.n dG od se-tn �o ?"1�iJ n1N7PiJ -n�tJ D"?� -;,, themi nt hee xpanosfte h ehe avetnos "o/t. . .,• .,:-1 givlei gohntt hee artlBho,t r uloev er the-gtrheea-tli ght-stowuor-coefs God and-he-masdoe and-he-was thdea ya ndo vetrh nei ghatn,dt os ep­ lbiJj? iNiT� i1--n �1o i�n?Wi1T?9 7' ?1�i�iJi rpiJ aratthele i gfhrto tmh dea rkneAsnsd. < Gods awt haitwt a sg ood1.A9 n dt heret he-smallt-hoen-el ight-saonudr-cet he-dafoyr -authoritthye--ogfr eatt-hoen-el iguhrtc-es o wase venianngd t herwea sm orning,l? "i?.:;ll tJ"'iiNo pN m�171: "�tJi;>::>iJn �1;i ?�;iJ n?WT?97 thefo urtdha y. 20A nd Gods aid",Le t wtahtee rsi n-expanse-Glo'o fd·: : -them and-he-setth e-starasn d- the-nigfohrt- authority-of swarmw ith swarmlsi viocnfrg e a­ tureasn,dl ebti rdfsl2ay b ovteh eea rth i1T' ":' :J.tJ!tii:J. :f�l;:t i"i1TN; tJ :'ll" TT-O Wi1 acrotshse e xpanosfet heh eavens:' - - J- l' and-over-theo-vneirg-htth e-adnady- to-rulteh e-eartohn to-give-ltihgeh-tvh eenas 2S1o G odc reattehdeg reaste ac rea­ tureasn de verlyi ving crtehaattu re tJl'" ii'NlJN�l 1WiJ� i"?.i it;ti;:t '":;iiJ1�7= movesw,i twhh icthh ewa tesrwsa rm,-t h�a.,t Go·d:: and-he-stahwe -rdkanesas nd-betwetehne -ligbhe1"tt� we ean nd-to-rsaetpea accordtiont gh eikri ndasn,d e very wingebdi radc corditnoig t ksi nd.o "�iJ i?.0lrJ.N 1.-:2 " 01'" tJ:J.ii" -"1i1 ":J.i1'-., ,;, .,:1i:i9t> And Gosda wt haittw asg ood2.2A nd I' • : J . : ,- ',')',' ' :1 - I Godb lesstehde ms,a yin"gB,efr uit­ God and-he-saidfo urth day morninagn d-he-weavse ning and-hgeo-owda s fualn dm ultiapnldyfi ltlh wea ters l'in l;:t�- ?l} tipiv ; ;il'I!t-TnW J!J','J iJ:�: i W" thes eaasn,d bliertdm su ltiopnlt yh e ·: • eart2h3A: n' dt herwea se venianngd the-earatbho vel et-hliym a-nfd-biradl ivec reatusrwea rm-of the-lweatt-etrhsswe amr-m therwea sm ornintgh,fe i ftdha y. tJJJrl"i1-n � o"�;:; ;NJTi'- :J. :lrtJ '1I"T i1 T-O 2 W1 ":J .9 24A nd Gosda id",L etth ee arth l' • -- l": brinfogr thl ivicnrge atuarcecso rdintgh e-seeaa-tcurres God so-hcer-eatetdh eh-eavense xpanse-foacfe f- aocross tot heikri nds-liveasntdoc crke ep­i:� iQi TwW•� n','iv6', 1I'Ti1 1 i1 Jn llTi1 W'J!J,'',J-? ' ::> n "N tJiT:" i1? 1J ingt hingasn db easotfst hee arth - -1 ,.,. l: - accordtiont gh ekiirn dsA:n'di tw as they-swarwmh ich the-omnoev-ing the-alivec-roenaet uerev ery-oafn d- the-great so2.A5 ndG odm adet heb easotfts h e i�i1Q"7 �f� -;f n�1 oii J7" 9o:�(iJ eartahc cordtiotn hge kiirn dasn dt he tiW livestaocccokr dtiotn hge kiirn ds, aancdc ording-toof--khiinmwd i-ngb ird-eovfe ry-aonfd -accord-itnog-kionfd-st-hetmh e-waters everythtihnacgtr eeopnst heg round iJi .9i:f?N ?tJ �"�; opN 1�1;212:i'? :i tJ�";� Nlri1 accordtioni gt ksi ndA.n dG ods aw -.,� :-i- thaittw asg ood. be-fruitftuol- say God -them and-he-blegsosoedd that God and-he-saw 26T henG ods aid",L euts m ake :f�l� :i1� �W;:t1o "�� b;�iJQ -n�i �71Q i1:J.1 manJ oiunri magaef,t oeurr l ikeness. 1O ra ppointtiem2dOe r sfl yitnhgi sneges ; on-the-elaertt-hhm iuml-tipalnyd -the-ibni-rtdh e-tsheea-sw aters and-filaln dm-ultiply b(Leeacvdoiaimtt1tsmie1hh )pcs:egeru1 e 9osn-p 3en2teTra0erhim Hr Aecefem d ob mrara wmenow kr ifdno mdra ann dtJ GD"o;�d aind·:- N0hJe2ll-4s a1i :-dWIfi 'f" t•" h-: OtJd anJyi m io"r�nj? in ga n-"d•- h1:i11e --w "ae:J.sv e·:nir:i n1'agn_ .,d .- :h1i1 ,-e-3w2.,a s i1J0":J.T i1 i1T"J O' 1;i !tT n- W!J,'J l' �l;:t N*in : • : ','(' livestocakc cording-toof--khienrd a-live creature the-eartlhe t-her-bring-out ivl};�21s -.,1;, ., i1l'I"JTO ? -;n:" niviO i1 :1� • : 1- • : : ,- ','• J,''T and-he-masdoe and-he-waacsc ording-to--hkeiren adr-tohaf nd-beasatn-do-fc reeping-thing hoT:i;i ;i" i1Q�7" l'�l;:t n�D- n� b.,;J;� : - the-livestaoncdk- accord-itnogi-nkd-of-hetrh e-eartbhe ast-of God iJi1"0'i1l 10-Ti1NI: T Tiv OJ',i' - ?T::>n N1 i1T"J O' II" ·: •J": • : according-toof--khiinmtd h-e-grocurnede ping-theivnegr-yo-afon fd -according-toof--khienrd - tJ•1TJ NTi1 iv1'oJ" �iJ ?i0lr2N16:i :it> tJl"?'iiN Nlri1 man letr-:m-u :a 1s-k-e God the·:n -Jh- e-sagiod oI d -th�a.,t God.. and-:i-h-e-saw Engl(iEsVSh) 3 GENESI12S:7 -:25 OT�i1 -nJ1.:;i Qrr r1 unm:1 :> u;a:� :;iAn dl etth emh avdeo minioovne trh e ,.,.. . l" :- fisohf t hes eaa ndo vetrh eb irdosf the-seao ver-fish-oafn d-let-them-arcucloer ding-to-likeneisns--iomfa-g-ueus-s o tfheh eave.an sndo verth el ivestock -;��11 f�lQ -;�:;ii hrtD�if o:Qo/iJ tiil}i:;i ando vearl tlh e eaarntdoh v eerv ­ eryc reepitnhgin tgh actr eeopnst he and-over-evtehrey--eoafra tnhd -over-aalnld--oofv erl-itvhees-ttohcek- vheenasa nd-over-bieradr-tohf: ' 01�-n;:}� I O rf"'� Nl:;i27�: fll �-;1JQ i.V9.1iJ W9'JQ 27 SoG odc reatmeadni nh iosw n the-man God so-hcer-eatedt he-earotnh the-onree-epcitnhge -creeping-thing image, NJiT:J;i � mTi i:>JtTi nTNN J iT·T:J . 0 "i6oN);: � :;ii 769� int hei magoefG odh e creatheidm ; he-creataendd -femalmea le -h/\ im he-cr'eateGdl' o ·d:: in-','i','magei-nom-fai ge-of-him malaen df emahleec reated iJi:!:lO i�6 "� o;lT; i9 N.1l !t b"�iJ b'Tn N1 ;1t;2s1: onINT them. be-fruitfuGl od to-•:t hema nd-he-saiGdo d -them and-he-ble-stsheedm 2sA ndG odb lesstehde mA.n dG od n.l•1 ::i (( mTv/\ ::i.':> "il' l i)� -n� iNm;• i•)::J. isanaiditfi dolt tlhh eeem" a,Br efrta uhni dts fuaubnlddm u uielta t,ni dp ly ove<-fir:s- h-ofan d-nha·vep-d omiannido-ns ubdue-thheer- earth aJn :d i-lfl and-multihpalvyde o minioovne trh fei sohf tsheea n',i.VJ1'i1D'T ,'li1 l!tTn --T;:ii :> :O •"T -b -Wtii1ilJ:;i i b!tT i1aovn- edoer vv eetrrlh yibe v iirtndohgsfit nthgheh a emtao vveeanosnsn d thee art2h9A: n'd Gosda i"dB,e hold, on the-omnoev-ingl iving-tahnidn-go ver-evetrhyeh--eoafv enasn d-over-bitrhde--osfe a I -;f -n� o'T:J,' ;' • r-rtT u Oi"��6 i9N�l29:f lQ� Iih nagsv eeet dhg aiiytvsoo e unent v heer yfa ocfpaey ll iatlehn letd ­ ve:igeiptapteivo enr y-of to-youI -have-gibveehno ld God and-he-satihde -earetahr th,e vaenrdty r ee wsieteihdn i ts fruitY.o us halhalv et hemfo r food. -,�w -;T:> -n �1l' �li)- ;� "}�. -;1Ji w� vti.u it 30A ndt oe verbye asotft hee artahn d -J" toe verbyi rodf t heh eaveannsd t o which the-treevee ry-oafn d- the-earth faaclelf-- oofo n that seedb earing n;�D-; �7�30 : � �?i17;il� �;:i o#?v xil? J.tl' P.- .,,�i:;i eevveerryytthhttiihhnnaahgcgtta r ste hebeopr nset ahoteefh al eri,tf hI, havgei veenv ergyr eepnl afontr food:' ali-voene-aonfd -to-everfyo-ro-ff oohde -willt-ob-ey osue edb earintgr eefr uit-oifn -himA ndi tw ass o3.1A nd Gosda we very­ l'�lQ- ;1J tvaiiI; :j ;O!J•Q-" W-Ti1 -T; :>:; i thintgh ahte hmaadd ea,n db eholidt, J" J wasv ergyo od. tAhnedwr ae se vening the-earothn oner-ecepinagn d-to-evetrhye--ovhfee nasb ird-oafn d-to-evetrhye--oefa ratnhdt here mwoarsn intgh,es ixdtahy . il/\:;NTT :>; :i. ip:p Pl·J �-;f an-•Ni1:T � \Vn-!J J ','J',' b T2heS evenDtahy G,o dR ests for-food vegetatwihoant -is-gerveeerny -of aliveb reath-ionf- him Thust heh eaveannsd t hee arth :i.ilt>- ;,� ;:1.. 1i1TW 1'iTw �-; f- n�b "iJ�' Nl;31�J:?. l :-" • :1i11- "thewme2.Ar nfedi n iotsnhha esen eddav, le tlnhd tehah oyG sootdf gooda nd-behhoeld- had-matdhea t all-of God and-he-ssaow and-he-wfiansi shheidws o rk thheah ta d done, :"tf.>o�;iiiJ �j? -"D;J:i.17 p -";IDJ1 /\N: Da ndh er estoendt hsee vendtahyfr om alhli wso rkt hahteh add one3S .o G od the-sixdtahy morninagn d-he-ewvaesn inagn d-he-wvaesr y blesstehdes evendtahy and made it '?-2; 1:�O:t¥ -;�1f lQ�10 :iJ9 o/ i??l;1 2 hhoiwlsboy er,ck t ahuaohstne ei tGh odadodr n eiesn ctfr reoedma a tlilo n. and-hien-ifshehdo sotf--theamn d-alla-nodf- the-etahret-hh eavtehnuss -they-were-finished TheC reatioofM na n aWnodm an t:J!ti:J i1W1' i\ViN:> rt;ND"" lJ:J.i1W t:J!ti:J0" 'i1N /\TT : l Thesaer et hge enerations on-tJ h-e-adnady- he-rehset-ehda d-dotJn'he,'a- t wor:k --of: -hti'h me -' se:v eo-nnt-htJ -he-daGy' o •d:: oft heh eaveannsd tehaer th -n�b ;J.,;� 1l;;t31 :W �i1i tp� i.t:i?N?9-; f "µ":;io/iJ int hedw ahyte hnta hte wyte hreeG oLcdOr ReDa ted, God so-he-blessed he-thhaadt- wdoornke- of-hfriomm -Qall -tohfe -seventh made tehaer tahn dt he -T;a• :!l h:i.-\VT i:i. ":>i nN1V J.i?;l "µ"o/:;liJ O�i heavens. < J' /\ sW henn ob usho ft he fi1ew lads from-all-hoef- restoend- him because- him and-he-made-thhoel-ys eventh ydeatiy n-t ohfel anda2n d nsom alpll anotf ns;: n, ;;i;.;..J " N4 :inI .u-tv:- ;O l"' ·:i:6N NJiT T :J - ,win�N? ?91O ro pecno turn2yO re aratlhvs;eo r 6s e generationst-hoefs e to-do God he-hacdr-eatedt hat work-of-him Ol'"N·: ii :i1'J 1":Tni1 tvi.u O/\iN:IT:J' T i1 :J:l' lQ�1tJ" 'D•JWT--i1 •) -: God Yahweh to-makei n-day-wohfe n-to-ebaet-ecdr-thaenmd -the-etahret-hvh eenas -;�1l'�l :t �.;;i��0 1�i1 °1o/iJ n"i.V1 j;s1 :0:9 o/1f l� - J' J : 1 :a3p 0r obabilnys e'rDt bDeJfo re and-all-ionf- the-lhaen-dw as nott-hyee-tfi ebldu sh-owfh en-everya-nodf- hveeans earnth� GENEISS2 :16-9 4 Hebr(eBwH S) thefi elhda dy ets prunugp -fort he i11i1" \ no�., oi i1ii.Z:.'i1 �i.Vll LORDG odh adn otc auseidtt or ain <T : �6· � flT : • •t>:J• : \•:T - ... .,. ont hel anadn,d t herwea sn om ant o Yahwe.h he-caused-ton-orta ifonr he-had-sprunngo-tu-py etth e-fievledg ettiaon-of wortkh ger oun6da ,n da m is1wt a sg o­ iN1:6i1 01Ni1 jj.lh OiN1fl ;:t� inugp fr omt hIea: nadn dw asw atering \••: IT T -: IT l -: 1- JT T : thweh ole ofacfte h eg round-th7e n and-mistt he-ground to-workn ot and-mant he-lando n God thLeO RDG odfo rmedt he moafdn u st :i10iN-i1" .l-!:l; :;,- nN f�l;:t i1,l)" from theg rounadn db reathiendt o IT T -: IT 1••: T 1·: J•:-:1 - hinso strtihlebs r eaotfhl ifaen,dt he the-groufndac ef- oall-of and-he-was-wattehrei-nlga nd he-was-going-up manb ecamae livcirnega tusAr ned. n��i119 1�D1 �olJ1� v -ntt OD"'� i11i1" theL ORD Gopdl antae gda rdeinn -1Q T : Eden,t hieena satn,dt herheep utt he and-he-btlheew- groufrnodm dust the-man God Yahweht hen-he-formed manw homh eh adfo rmed. 9 And out p6!t1:8;i !tWn!J .l;O iNi1" i1"O1" !tnno w.J 1"::JN:a ospftr hiegun rpgeo vuentrdthy reL e OteRh Dai tsp G lmoeadad setta oon ta nd-he-planatlIeTi- dv et o-.e..c ,a..r. t :u rtehl Te T- mITa ann d,-.:h 1 -e-walnsif•- eb rJe-a:t• h-ionf- nloT s-ot:fr -ihlism- thes igahntd g oodfo rf oodT.h et ree 1WNO iNi1- nNO W OiV"1 O"ii'i1N1 i1" of lwiafesi nt he miodfts htge a rden, andt hter eoeft hken owledogfge o od Wrh: O-m: thlTe T- ImT an •: thTe rea nd•-:JhT -e-pfruotm -easitn -Edegna rden G..,o d·:: YahSTw e: h ande vil. ioA river floouwtoe fdE dent o f -;f i1¢1�-QDb ;J.,;� i11i1" :1�' watetrh gea rdeann,dt hered iivti dedtP. ree e very-tohfe -groufn1rdo m God Yah<Tw e: h and-he-madper-otuot-h se-haITdT -formed andb ecamfoeu rr ive1rTs1h. e n ame oft hefi rsitst heP ishoInti. st he one O""nfi1P.l ;:JNO�;it> ii1 N10;i On.l thaflto weadr ountdh weh ollea nodf the-garidenn- middlet-.ho -fee, -- lanifd-treef-flToo -rf: -- fo:o da ndJ- g: oodtW o -:s -i: ghbte iJnT g:-• :d esired Havilawhh,e re tihseg roel 'd1.2A nd thgeo lodft halta nidsg oodb;d elliunm ii(iJ7o/ iµlP.N ¥.;,1 ;i.J10·i : v ii� it? n�JiJ fµ1 ando nyxs tonaer teh er1eT3.h en ame · T T: ITT oft hes econrdi viesrt heG ihonI.ti s to-awter from-Edeng oing-oauntd -vreir and-evgiolo d the-knowledagned--otfr ee-of theo net haflto weadr ountdh weh ole OWn :O "WNi11lJ :J.1Ni1;� l;:t i"\�: �iJ lanodf C ush1.A4 n dt hen ameo ft he ,.. 1• T JT T :- : bo/Qi 1 thirrdi veirst heT igrwihsi,c fhl owsn ame-of heads to-four and-he-whaes- diviadnedd- from-thtehree- garden easotf A ssyrAinad.t hefo urtrhi ver- wi�i1 ?"1�Q fl� -;f n� ��iJb Nii)1i o/"$ i1Jttv ist hEeu phrates. lSTheL ORDG odt ootkh mea na nd where theH-avilalha nd-oafl l-of the-onoei-ngg-arouhned Pishont he-one put hiintm h gea rdeonf Edetnow ork �l n;1:io;i w�i N1i1fi1l �;:t� i1i121 :� i1�oi1 w ita ndk eepi t1.A6 n dt heL ORDG od P - l : - JT t>fl l. - •J--:I ITT - lT commandetdh em an,s ayin"gY,o u and-stonet-hoef- bdelltih'uemr eg ood the-thatth e-lanadn d-gold-tohfe -goltdh ere mays ureelayot f e very otftr heee gar-­;n:;,N ��;o;:i NiJi tit:t�"" t.DW in�.iJ -wo113: Do'f>ti den1,7 obuftt h ter eoeft hken owledge T \•• ofg ooda nde viylo us hanlolte atfo,r all-of the-ognoei-ng-arouhned Gihont he-sectohnerd-i vearn d-name-tohfe -onyx isuntr heeddl aiyyet :h'ay to ue ato2fi ty ous hall '17.h� Ni!i ;i?'lW"7Do/ iJ1 D�iJ OWl1 4:W fi fl� 1sT hent heL ORD Gosda id, "eIats t-otfh e-one-gohien g Tigrist he-thitrhder -ivearn d-name-oCfu sh land-of iahlsino m"on. t1Igew N9o;io o lmwdtla h koaethuto hit fetm m a h ah enge s rlhopfiouetunrfot lbd rhde 3e -ntt oG"o�dry Y i1ah;:tiwe;hi anndj?-�-h1e1-tEos:uopk1nh r!?at Nehsei J i1"t\h• lJe•- "fo: IuT� ratn11hd J-Ti1i1T t rh -�ie:v -i1e1rA1 s'i fls yWr-iNa LORDG odh adfo rmede4v erbye asotf :;,iow;ii1 i�lJ'n µ ii1n�!t,O iNi1 1O rs prin2Og r w heynoe ua 3Ot r IT : T : lT : T : -1J� J••. -- flT T IT correstpoalos;ovn edri2s0ne4 g 0 rA nodu otf and-to-keep-hteor- work-herE den in-garden-aonfd -he-put-hitmh e-man thger otuhnLOedR DG ofdo rmed -f ;:,o 1bN;O iNi1- ;�0" i�6� i1li1" 1�1;61 P- ) . fl •• lT T IT JT : tree-offr om-every-toof- sayt he-manu pon God Yahweh and-he-commanded i pii� :;:JN;r-1:, N �) 6 TT t>J 1•• J T r0n not and-eviglo od the-knowledbguet-r-ooffm- tree-oyfo u-may-etaot- eatth e-garden :nmr-i nio U�Q �i7� o:�i U�Q ;:JNn I T ) .,� \- you-shall-tdoi-ed iefr om-him to-eat-yoiun -day-ofofr from-him you-shall-eat -;,iVlJN;, �, O'J�v ni;�wi t?_N ,O D"'�i1 }1; ·: r·:: : fl - : I-wimlalk-e alone-hitmh e-mant o-beg ood not God Yahweht hen-he-said OD"'� i11"i"l Q1 �191 :i 1.l.J:;)1 ilJ i� T : ¥ I •:: : ...\ •• ) God Yahweh now-he-had-formaesd-t hat-which-co-rhriems phoenldpse-rfoo rf-him GENES2I2:S0 -3:6 Engl(iEsVSh) 5 trb'J:>i1tiil? -?f h�1h 1iZ:ii1n �n-? :>i1 61i1N- 10th fei ealndde verbyi rodft hhee avens • -T - •: T - <-- T T T -: IT andb rougthhte mt ot he mtaons ee the-vheenas bird-oefv ery-oafn d- the-fieladl ei-vone-eovfe ry-otfh e-groufrnodm whath ew oulcda ltlh em. Awhnadt ­ Qj?1 i?-N i?l�- �;, n�il7t:J1 �D- ?� k:�:iie vetrh e mcaanl leevde rlyi vicnrge a­ n ••T - turet,h awta si tnsa me2.0 Tmhaen what and-all--ohfi m he-callwehda t to-seet he-man to and-hber-oughtg avnea metso a ll livaensdtt oot chke t:J1i1N Nli?�p:oi nN1wi1 ;i�Wn!J·:.l t:J1i1N ;; -Ni?l:bi rodfst hhee aveannsdt oe very beast T T IT I : ) lT - r: •JT T IT s oft hef ielBdu.tfo rA dam1 t herwea s the-maann d-he-canlalmeed- of-hitmh at alivec reaturteh e-man- him he-callneodtfo unda helpfietrfo r him2.1 S o i11iZ:inJ�i1D ?�17 o:Qo/tiiJilJ 17 -;�7n 6iiP theL ORDG odc ausaed de ep stloe ep falulp ont hem an,a nd whhiel es lept n"."T - hT?t9iJ the-fiebleda st-of and-tot-heev-evhreeyna-sao nfd -to-bitrhde-v-oelfsi toctko -all-noafme s toookn eo fh irsi basn dc losuepdi ts Q.p;12�1 :ii.l.l:> 1tN1'� O - t:J1N1? place flweisth2h.2 Atnhdre i tbh at the I ":." : "."l "" JT T �I 6 T T : LORDG odh adt aken ftrhoemm a n so-he-caused-atso--tfahlalt -which-coofr-rheismph oenldpseh-re -founndo t but-for-Adahme madien2ta ow omana ndb rought hD� nR�l1 "¥?�1t:J ]ij� -?JJ i1911It:JD s·"? ·: iiN:i1 1i1hert" ot h em an.2 3 Thtehne msaani d, T : one and-he-toaonkd -he-sltehpet- manu pon deep-sleepG od Yahweh "Thiastl asitsb onoe fm y bones It:J "iii1?1Ni1Q p"� 2 12: 1i1r-m1ni.V :;i1 l0�1 shaesn hdfla eblselcoh af ml yl fWeoldme asnh,; GSo" d•: : YaTh w:e ha nd-he-buiinl-tTp Il"o.a":f c-eh-erf llT eT sha nd-Jh e:- c• l-osferdo-mu-pr oifb-sh-im becaussheew ast akeonu to f Man:'3 -?� i1�N"1 -1w�v 2¥-nD� T l"."" : - 24T hereforae m an shallle avhei s to and-hber-ought-thoe-r womatnh e-mafnr omh e-hadk-etna which the-rib fathearn dh ism othearn dh olfads t 1i.V1� "b�lJOt:J l)� tJJJ$iJ ntN" 1bN1i1n 2N3:� 11t:JNti1oh i sw ife, ands htahlbeley c ome lT T - T -: I"" ·: "."< J T T TI "." - ITT IT onefl esh2.sA ndt he maann dh is and-flesfrho m-bonoefs--me bone the-occurrtehnicset he-matnh en-he-stahied- manw ifwee reb othna keadn d wenroet :Nn·t- i11:1Wi?:"?.�Q i1o/� NJ.it hN7t "1i.V:;iasnha med. I "?. II" T : • thiss he-was-tfarkoemn- man bewcoamuasne he-shall-be--cthailslf erdo m-flesh-ofT-hmeFe a ll i�N- n�1 1"�N -�tlJt;.>" 3N ow tsheer pewnatsm orec rafty n • l" T T-:-1 thaann yo thebre asotft hefi eld mother-of-hainmd - father-of-him man he-shall-leaveu potnh ust hatth Le ORDG odh adm ade. 1"i12s� :11n1Ni.V? � 1�ij1 io/tl�� i'?-11· He satiotd h ew oman",D iGdo d < : 1·- IT "." JT T : actuaslaly'y,Y ous4h anlolte aotf a ny and-they-weroen e to-flesha nd-they-shaolnl--iwebf-eo- fhim and-he-sh·al lt-rdeiientn hgge a rd'e?n2"A n dt hweo man :1 wnw.,::i N?ii nwNt:J11i1 Nt:J "11Q.P. "J.Wsaitdot hes erpe"nWte,m aye aotf t he IT : " l : n : " : lT T IT bD ..fru iotf t het reiesnt heg arde3nb ,u t they-were-asahnadm-endo atn dw-ief-o-fhim the-man nakedbo tohf--themG ods ai'dY,o suh anlolte a otf t hfer uit i1i.V1'1 WNi1 iiZ:ini1n� 1?:n�m il'i1 "i1wn 111m 3 goaftr hdeten rnee,tie ht ahstehi raniyt l sohl ue t omuiciodhtflts , eht se t lT T J"."- : "." T - J-- T JT T T T - : he-had-matdhea t the-fiebleda st-moofr e-than-acnrya-ftoyfh e-wanso w-the-serpenyto ud ie": B4u tt hes erpesnatit dot he N?t:J i�i"?� 19�_.,f. ti�i1 o/�D -?� 19Nl� t:Jr.i"?� i1);i;wGoo mdka nn"o,Yw ostwu hi alwntlho etsn uy roeudel iayetso F . foi rt not God he-sairde alliyn deetdh e-womant o and-he-saiGdo d Yahweh youery ewsi lbleo peneadn,dy ouw ill wn;i11 -?� i1Wi1N 10nN21 =nrD l'P. ?:>" nf ;N:Jnb6 S elo wi hkGeeont d hk,wen o omwainsng agowt o hdaat nthde te vr iele: ' nT T - lT " IT ·: J - l : I the-serpetnot the-womaann d-she-stahied- gardterne e-offr om-any-yoofu -shall-Oert ahmte a n2H ebrbewu i3Tl hteH ebrew I -1i�n 1WN "13!:l n:ii.? N.l1 -n� "")�Q wsoorudfnasodlw ri 4o kI menH a enb rye(owaii nuspsdm hl aus(nrihi anvals eh hr)s) e s J"." -: J": • �iJ 1-5 in-midst-tohfa t the-tree b-ufrtu-iftr-oowmfe -may-etahte -gardterne e-forfo ·m-fruit-of if N71 U�Q�? �N.t;iN? t:J i�i"?�1 9�i iJ� W�D on-himy ou-shall-atnodu-cnho t from-yhoium- shalln-oeta t God he-satihde -garden s 11.t;i:�f;l nT?i- N? i1WN-?i1� Wlj�iJ19 N;14:1 1.t;if;l�- 1� .,� nT " IT for you-willt-od-idei neo t the-womant o the-serpent buty-ohue--dsiaeil de st t:J�J"�" i?�1 U�Qt:J 7?�'.? O�i "t:Ji�i"?� iT� -? .,� �:I" eyes--yoofut hat-they-will-frboem--ohpiemtn oe-de at-oyno-ud ay-tohfa t God knowing �i"t>:>i1 WNi1N 16r1 :11)71�t> i "1'°'1 t:J"i1°?N:> goodt Jh"a tt heT -"w IoT mawnh en"."-J"s-" h e-saanwdI -TTe vgiolJo dk nl"o" :gw -fio nl"i keI"-" aGn0odd-1)y ou"-w:il�l-b1e GENES3I:S71 -6 6 Hebr(eBwH S) wasg oodfo rf ooda,n dt haittw asa yµ;:i ionJ1t:J "j"Nl)m' -mNn .,�,; :JNOf; ij� deligthott h ee yesa,n dt hatth et ree <T : •:: ·- ••T J T-: 1- s·: T -: - : wast ob ed esirteomd a keo new is1e ,t he-traened -being-detsoi-rtehde -eyhees delighta nd-thatfo r-food the-tree shet oookf i tfrsu iatn da tea,n ds he -o�m r:i1 ;N�.r-11 i"1!:10 nj?-D1' �"o/iJ? alsgoa ves omet oh erh usbanwdh o ,,- - l : • wasw ithhe ra,n dh ea te7T. h ent he also and-shaev-eg and-she-atfreo m-fruit--hoifm then-she-totook- make-wise eyeosf b otwhe re opeanneddt ,h ey t:J�"�v? "J"l)h �r:i��D1:7�; N!tn1DlJ nW"N; knewt hatth ewye rnea keAdn.d t hey J•• .. 1- - lT • •JT • : sewefidg l eavteosg ethaenrdm ade botohf--theme yes-otfh en-they-were-oapnedn-ehde -awtiet h-hert o-husboafn-dh-er themlsveelso incloths. iiVlJ!t;i1 jN;i;nl) �1:;,1n !tt:Ji1t:J D1".,1'� iV!t11 LOsRA DnG dot dh ehwyea alrkitdinht ne shg oe gu anroddf te ihnne and)- t-:h --ey-mfiaTgd -•e•t :r eleeJ . a.- f: -aonfd -the: y: -• s1-ewed-tthno·e·g ye tnl0h ae•••rk r ·e dtrh ata nd-t:hJ··e-y-knew htihwseci ofoheloi 2fdt htedha eyam,n sfrdeto lhmvemt e ahsnpea r neds ­17.1:1iJ0 t:J•")' ii·:: 'i1NST1 : i1"; ;p iV: O:• 1W- !t:in s1I n- .l: o;l'i;." T encoeft hLeO RDG oda montgh ter eesw alking-abouGto d Yahweh sound-of and-they-helaoridn cloftohrs- them coaftl hletge oadt r hdee 9n m.Baa unnttd h eL sOtaRoiDhG d io md, if.llJ!�1 t:J1Ni1 N�1J1:1�1 t:Ji!ti1 mi; "Wheraer ey ou?1"A30n d hsea i"dI, T T IT n - - J : r�n and-wife-of-thhiem- mana nd-they-hidl-vtehse tmhsee-daya t-wind-ionf- tghaer-den heartdh se ounodfy oui nt hgea rden, andIw asa fraibde,c auIsw ea sn aked,i1 );1; NJi?�:r1n9 iJfP. t:J"i�;;i1�1 i1" andI hidm ysel1fH'1e said",Wh o Yahwehb ut-chael-letdh e-gardterne es-ionf- midst-oGfo d YahJTw e: h frmo-prnecsfee -o tolydo ut hayto uw eren akedH?a ve youe aten of thweh itcrIhce oem ­of �?P 10�11N0:i1 �!tN;; 10!tN1t:J1 N-i1; Nt:J "ii'N mandeydo un ott oe at?1"T2 h em an sound--yoofu and•: -he--sawihdeT r •:e1 --yotuo -l hiamn d•: -hJe --stahniTe d-T ImTa nt o•: Gl0 o·d:: sai"dT,h weo manw homy oug avteo bew itmhe ,s heg avme e fruiotf t he :N J.nN1., �jt:JN1 "1'- .,� N1"N1 "rllJOW treaen,dI a te1:T3'h ent heL ORDG od I. .T ••T ' l T ) .. I' •JT ' T 1�� : l- T saitdot hweo man, "Wihsta htit sh at and-I-hyisde-lmf naked becausea ndI-- wa-asfraid in-thaer-dgen I-heard youh aved one?T"h ew omans aid,i w�r µ;:i i1rlNt:J 1"1'., � �71 "�D i9N�111 "The serdpeecneti vmeed,a ndI a te:' -100T n T l •• )0 "Q 1T4h eL ORD Gosda itdo t hes er­which the-tre?e- from you naked thtaot- youh e-tolwdh o and-he-said pent, hl.VNi1t:J 1Ni11 0!t1N12: n;�NU DO- ;�"Nrl ;J.�;"t:l "�¥ T ' IT nT T IT •: l - T :I T T l".' ' T -: J' ': : "Becausyeo uh avdeo nteh is, the-womtahne -maann d-he-syaoiud- have-freoamt-ehni m eat to-noIt- commanded-you cursaerdye o ua bove all 19N1�13:; ?.N1f .,� -;iJnNJ1 i1" iD;ilJn nJ1 WN livestock P.;:t- 01 )' T :I T •J' ' T ' T J-T J."' -: anda bovael ble asotfts h e then-he-saanidd- I-atthee -tree tfroo-mm es heg-ave she with-mey ou-gavweh om field; i1WNi1 n"iVlJn N-�;i o i1l.VN;t:J "ii'i1N1 i1" ony oubre lyloyu s haglol, andd usyto us haelalt theT -'w IoT maann d-she-syaoiud- Nh aTv e-dotnheiJ s what to-ltT h'e -T womaGn•J' o d.. YahSTw eh altlh dea yosf y oulri fe. "'wnJ-;i; Nt:J "ii'i1N1 i11" 9N1!t1:4;?. N1 "JN"l.Vwi1n J;i is I wpilulte nmitbye tween you T T- I'." I J' '.": T : . \- JTT - andt hew oman, the-serpetnot God Yahweha nd-he-saaindd -I-ahtee- deceivedt-hmee- serpent ' andba entdhw eeroye fonsfu porrf ifnsgp;r ingi14 0i1:Ji1 -;�o hnN 1i1N.h �N n"iV1' .,� hes hablrlu iysoeu hre ad, T •• : - T • T - < T T J' T J' thev-elsitockm ore-than-ally-oouf being-curstehdi s you-have-dobneec ause andy ous hablrlu ihsiehs e el:' 1!Jl)1 17.D i11Wi1n n!t ;jo1 16oT thweo manh es aid, JT T : �1h� n'." T - J-- l • and-dusyto u-shallb-eglol y--yoofu on the-fielbde ast-oafn d-more-than-any-of "Iwi lslcu hriemlluydl bteiayproliuypnr ga ;ii nn and-betwebeen�t twee#n-yI no-uw '"i lTl W-aIpni1uNdJt T-J. e• •n": m 15iNtyl1 = eif f"-��-oy.odu1J"ar y•: s 0-O-af"l ;Tl - �oyfo; ul--�shNalnl- eat inp aiyno us hablrli nfogr th children. n1'1T i"�i :r�nr i"?.i i1WNi1 Yourd esisrhea blelfo r5y our nT :- T ' IT husband, he Seed--hOefr and-between seed--yoofu and-betweetnh e-woman andh es harlull oev eyro u:' i1l.VNi1 :pJ.� U!JiWrl i1rlN1W Ni 1w; 1O rt goi ivnes i2Hg ehbtrwe wi n3Id nH ebrew thJeT- •w To mant o heel you-rw: ill:- bruisaenl-dT h--iy: mo u head he-�w-?ill-bruise-you yoiuss inguilnva err s9ae ns d1 1 He4b rew seesodt ;hr ougGheonuetss O irsa gianst :l�l):J 1�1rn 1}.iJ.¥1:' h:;g.1� i1:J1i1 1DN ·: l':." <T : - - T in-paina nd-childbe-ayroiun g-poafionf--you I-iwll-multitpolm-yu ltiplyh e-said -;woN"i �11D ii?'¥T;l 1W"� -;�t:J1" J:t .,,;n T : • J' : .I. he-shall-arnudl-eh ed esir-ey-oouf husband--yoofu and-toc hildryeonu -shall-bring-forth Engl(iEsVSh) 7 GENESI3S1:7 -4:4 ?i?i? nimw 1Q� 01�176 1 1A7n dt oA damh es aid, :1:J .l)°Tfo/ � T : - T _,1· :> JT T : IT wifeo-f-you to-voice-yoofu -have-lisbteecnaeuds eh e-saiadn d-to-Adaomv er-you "Becauysoeu halvies tetnote hde ?N::>nN ;i b;N �'D'1<1W-:"¥Ny .";:i µ -1Q '?:;>N1f.1 voicoefy ouwri fe l- J •• andh aveea teonft het ree you-shalln-oeta tt o-sayI -commanded-yowuh ich the-trfreoem and-youv-eh-aeaten ofw hicIhc ommandyeodu , ?j i1JNt.nb 1i:li!?�)i1 10Ni1i1<1 11Nu �o 'oYus hanlolte aotf i t; l T 0-." : I T T -: IT T -: ,,... . cursiesdt hegr ounbde cauosfe all-oyfo u-shalolf--ehaetr- in-painb ecauosfe--yout he-groubnedi ng-curfrsoemd- him you; .n?N::>i TJ'9¥D 1J1l1 fii?l :1'�.D '9,; inp aiyno us haelalot f i ta ll 1� 18 thdea ys yooful ri fe; lT : - T : and-you-shafolrl--yeoauts he-shall-asnpdr-otuhti asntdl-et horlnei f-f-oyodua ys-oifs thorannsd t histiltse hsab lrli ng )1 :;no/. 1<1'o-ry ? ;:;>J)N )1 '�)-? n<v-19r:i1 :;i 1 iz:.':ii1iv v forthfo ry ou; andy ous haelaltt h pel anotfs ••: 1•:T - ... J .. to-returnu-nytoiulb ready ou-shallf-aceeaft-y- ooub y-sweat-tohfe -fievledg etation-of thfiee ld. -?�1i1 .n1N!J V T;l7:1iR?. i1�JO' :li1 10i1N -?� 19 Byyt ohusse hw aeelaaltbyt ro oeuffaar cd e, ,du�st >?an d-to yTo u- dJuT sT t you-were-tafrkoTem nl-0 .h•" e rfo ir· thTe -T g-:rJ To untdo tiylolu r eturnt htgeor ound, i1nN'1i11i ' :l OJ�� N'JTiPO :i�:iT;l forfoy roo uau rtode fiu tyso tu, wetraek en; lT: IT J0 •r i�lJ!�m p andt od usyto us harlelt urn:' she-wass he because wief-o-fhimn ame-otfh e-maann d-hel-lceady ou-shall-return il.V.nN;it:J 1Nt:J;' fli1?)i1 1N' Qt.V . ��211: '-n; :>t:J N 20 Tmhaen c allheids ew'insfa me and-•J fowri: -•f e: --hoifmfo rS-T AT d:a m G• o·d:: YahT we: h and-he-maadlei IvTe -oanleTl -omfo tJh. .e r-oEfv e, becsahuwesa set hmeo theorfa ll liviIn 2gA1.n dt heL ORDG odm ade 01i1N t:J'�f;t, i1i11'1 N0iti:2o 2w :;i;iitiinv i Jn:l I forA dama ndfo rh iwsi fe garments thTe -T ImTa bnme ho ld God YaJhT w:e ht he•n: -hJ e--saanidd- h,.e. -.c : l-o-theds-ktli hnge amr Jm :e nTt s-oofs2f k2T i hnaesnnt d ch leLo OtRhtDeGh doe dms .a id",B e­ n?V?: -1-? I;i .nviv: n:i "i n�J7 UlpQ 1nNh':li1 ho ldt,h e man behcaso mlei koen e JT - : J J-- : T T of iunsk nowinggo oadn de viNlo.w , he-stretchelse-sotua tn d-now ande-vil good to-knowf rom-usl ike-onhee -isl eshte r eacohu th is haannddt ake :?ov? 'm ;N:>it:J �D'ry l'P.Td t:J�< ii'al sooft het reoefl ifaen d eat, and live IT : i-T l-T : T forever2-3t" h erefotrheeL ORDG od for-eterannidt-yh vee-sl aind-he-eatthsie f-elfr om-treea-losfo a nd-htea-kesh ando-f-hims enhti mo utfr omt hgea rdeonfE den 1::iv? O'?iiNi1 i11' ii1n �-il.V32' tow orkt heg round from whhei ch to--w:i o-rknE deP.n from-garden-oGfl. o ·d.- : YaJhT w:e h thereef-•oJ.h .r: e -s: ,e-nt-ouwatan-sdhat itatm kh eee2n a4H.s oe tfd t rhoegv aoeru dtteo hnfeEm daenn, t:J1i1N- nN l.V1i.l42' :t:J ¥/Q ni?-?. itp�i1 19�hDep l actehdce h erubainmda fl aming swortdh attu rneevde rwya y gtuoa rd flT T IT 0." 0."l T: - and-he-pltahcee-dm an and-hder-ove-ofruotm -thehree- wask-etn awheret he-groutnhdwe a yt ot het reoefl ife. "'i1 -<- Caiann dA bel 4 the-sworflda me-ofa nd- the-cherubim Eden to-garden-froofm -east Now Adam knew hEivswe i fe, :'t:Jniti;l' Y.11 J-n� i 67lJ! n:;>$iJ�.t;iiJ sayainn"dsgIh h, ace vo en cgeoitaavmt neaeddnn w 2bi otrtheh eC ain, 1·- 1- thief-elt ree-woafy -of to-guatrhde -one-turtniinnuga-lchloeynl opf t he LOR2AD n:d'a gaisnh,e 1;.ni i1DJ- n� v:r:01 �m14 bako erheeip bseor rfso htehAeeabprne, dl NC .oa wiA anbw eowlra kse r ...J . - 1iJD1 ifl .n: • l.VN oft heg roun3dI .nt hec ourosfet ime and-she-baonrde- schoen-ceivweidef -of-hiEmv e he-knenwo w-the-man . Caibnr ougthott heL ORDa n oeffring -n�n 1?7 tii)t;?21 :i;i ;i'-n NW 'N oft hefr uiotf t heg roun4d ,a nd Abel IT : 0." l0 'Dt.'i? 1:i?al sbor ougohftt hefi rstboorfnh is to-beaarn d-she-gdaiidn- Yaahweh with man Ih-ave-gotatnedn- she-Csaaiind flocka ndo ft heifart portions. And ;i:;:it: l� 1N� .m t} ';0� -'ii1 '?�n-n � rnN theL ORDh adr egarfodr Abela nd he-wasa nd-Caisnh eepo ne-keepinAgb-eolf now-• h: 1e--waAsb el brotlh0e T r-of-1Eh visemo unldistk heHe e brewl eifo-frg ainvde r '1!:1t:0r i? N:l) i t:J'Ol'iP.'.Q 'i13': 0ii11 N1� v rtehHseee bmrtbfehlwoweegor sor td tlfeionvr i ngs ou2nCldiaski en !l s·: ••T - n• T l0: -1 IT T -: from-fruitC-aoifna nd-hber-oughdta ysfr om-end-aonfd -he-wagsr oundo ne-working-of nij:;iio Ni-i1oJ N':l;i1��11 4 :i1 i1'i11'n Ji1O10 i1N frmo-iJf tr:sb •o fr n-hoe•J also he-br r..o ugahntd -Abelt o-IaTYh w1e-h offleTr: i• ngt h•JTe -T -g:r Tlo und -;�1? :i;i- ;� i1ii1'p l.Viti iJN� m�7iQ 9. and-to A.b.. el"." l to YaTh we: h and-h-eJ-•-heagadr-dr anfdor-m-aftf--tohefml olc k-of-him GENES4I:S15 -7 8 Hebr(eBwH S) hiso fferinsgb ,u tfo rC aina ndh is i1Wl.? innJ-?�o1 1i?-:-?�1s :ninJo offerinhge had rengoa rSdo.C ain nT T �J 6 l T: • I T : • wasv ery anagnrdhy i,fas c efe ll6. Theh e-harde-gard not ofefring--hoifm and-to Cain but-to offering-of-him LORDs aitdoC ain",W hya rey oua n­ 18:- ?� i1�11;QN ;61 :"��1 i7��i1 9N 1:7� 11J1� grya,n dw hyh asy oufarc ef all7e nI?f youd ow ellwi,l ylo un otb ea cceptC­ain to Yahweh and-he-sfaacidef --hoiamn d-they-vfeelrly as-for-Casion- he-was-hot ecdr1o?A u ncdhi ifytn ohgudde ooa n otor Itd.td o swe esliislrsfoi,e rin 2s '.".J�-"oD�N? iw7 =�r"�.�17� � i17f�l 1? i11Di17f 7 youb,u ty oum ustr uloev er it:' you-doe-lwl if ?-not facef--yoout hey-have-afanldl-ewnh ays -to-you hew-hiys -hot AnsdC w ahiennt hsewptyeoo Ark ibeen e t hlh ifiesbe rloCdta,hi enr .3 f�1 nWND n.D7� :rt?"D N?·b� 1n �iJ? rosuep a gainhsitbs r othAebre aln d desire-ofa-nhdi-mt o-ycoruo uchings in at-the-dyooour- doe-lwln ot and-itfo -lift-up killheidm 9.T hent heL ORDs aitdo 1n"N '�-n; �i?- 1:D!t) -8N 1 : i::l- 1?wo.ni1 .r1-N1 Cain",W heriesA beylo ubrr other?" n• T r · I T : • lT : He sa"iIdd ,o n otk nowa;m I my brother-of-Ahbieml to Cain and-he-saiodv er-himy ou-are-to-bruutl-ey ou brothekre'esp er1?A0"n dt heL ORD 1r:J�" ?�-�1,� 1i?-:Oj?1�1i1 1o/� Oitt";:i�;i:l ;J, said",W hath avey oud oneT?h e voicoefy oubrr othebrl'osoi dsc ry­ brothe-rh-iomf Abel againCsati na nd-he-rosien--utph e-fiwehledn -to-be-atnhde-mh e-was innogwt omy eou frc ouamrr tsehfre egod rm o tuhneg1dr A.o1n u dn d, ?r.J� 1�:- ?�;-q ;i;1 QN�19 :iil�iJl�l "� whichha so peneidtm so uttho r eceive and-he-sbariodt he-ry-oouf Abelw hereC ain to Yahweht hen-he-asnadi-dh e-killed-him youbrr othebrl'osof dr omy ouhra nd. n"ivi1l?D 1 D!t1N1:0:J "Nj "nN 11VDi1 ".rll.?N11?" 1W2h eny ouw orkt hger ounidts, h all r nol ongeyri eltdoy ou isttsr ength.T n• T J"." •: l - • I T l" T · -: • : -T J you-have-dwohnaet a nd-he-said brother-of?-o-mnee -keepinIg--konfo wn ot Yous hablela f ugitainvdae w anderer ont heea rtBhC:a'i sna itdot hLeO RD, i1l.?.rl-111: 1J i11i1N -1Q O"i?.�!? �r"D� "9.1 "Myp unishmiesgn rte attehraI nc an anldT -n: ow thIeT- T g-:r IoT u,nf dr om cryoiuntgb- rothe-ry-oouf blofo dv-;ooic;e-pof bear1.4B4 e holydo,uh avder ivmene todaayw ay frtohmeg rounadn,d i1"§ i1tt¥�i w�h9 10�- 1Q;i i;i� 1i1N from yourf acIe s halbleh iddeIn . T • · J T shalble a fugitiavned a wanderteore- creivmeo utho-f-her she-has-opwehniecdh t he-groufnrodm you being-cursed ont hee arth, whaonedv efirn dsm e -N;;i 16-i1N- nN1 vjn"::l<" 1 2: 'Tf7;Q 'Tf"r:J� "9.1-n � wtiohl ilm ",mkN eio:lst1'lo T 5I !h fa e nnty hoenL eO RkDsi alilds nCoIat i tnh,Te -T g: rJT ound• : you--: w1-orwkh en from-hanodf--yobu rothoefr--youb lofo d-o vengeasnhceab lelt akeonn h ims ev­ i11.ry� ;:i iJ1 1? HlJj ·nn enfoldA:n'd t heL ORDp utam arko n v� tipn Cainl,e satn yw hofo undh ims houldy ou-willa-nbde- onaen-dwerionnge -roamitnog- yosut rength-otfo--ihgveers he-shall-continue attack 1hT6ih me.n C ainw enta way :N ivJD "iJl? 1?ii111i1.-'t;- �;1 :1i?-QN;131: fl:t� fromt hep resenocfte h eL ORDa nd I :• l" -: J T settlientd h el ando fN od,e5a st omfo re-than-top-ubneiasrh ment-ofg-rmeaet Y ahweh to Caina nd-he-saoind- the-earth Ed1e7Cn a.i nk newh isw ifea,n ds he i110-Ni1" l� 'JJ?Q oi�iJ .nt.V-1.-'t q1 1iJ4 conceiavneddb orEen ochW.h enh e thTe -T g: rTlo unfd Jac"": e f- ofrom-upon the-day -me you-Th a: v-e••- drivebne-hooutl d buial tc ihteyc ,a lltehden ameo ft he 1J1 VJ "n"'im noN 'Tf".�J,Qi citayf ttehren ameo fh isso nE,n och. TT • • T : n•• T •: 1H ebrweiwt lhlen robete l iaf utp[i onyfgo u r and-onaen-dweringo ne-roaminagn d-I-shalIl--sbhea ll-be-haidndfdeor-nm fa-cfe-y-oou fSeapcte2u]0ra?aS g gyiraniiV3taun,Hecls b,gtr aae dStwdLae; m e uatgsr o io tutaton , i?1 :N1J !tls1 :J "li11" "N�b-? :::>i1 "i11 mtehfaeinw es4a Ol nrdM d yge uriiitlsnot ggo r etaot bsN eoadr to-J himt he·n-sh -e-shaei-d•w , • i• :l l---1 kiolnle--lm"fie: n ding-amneyT -ofa nd-IThT e:- wiloln--bteh e-earth ow• ;l 1 o:.r-ww :;i lJ.h -1,f la;.l ?i1 i"i1 08:. ri? T : and-he-hpeu-ts hallr-eivnecnugre-s evenfold oCanien- killianngy--ooff for-Ytahhuwse h :Ni�b - :;) inN·n iiJ:J "!J7n�i7N1 7: �i11"i1 I : ;T l <T : onei-nfding-of-hainmy -of- him strike to-not sign on-CainY ahweh -m�,l;·ri?��1 f:i lip�.1 i1)!i; '?.�.Q t:i?- Nr�-1!t61 � ··· east-oNfo d in-landa-nodf- hsee-ttlYeadh wehf rmo-ot-psreenfc eCa-ion then-he-went-out 1itO-n� i?n1 ittp1; r.np� -n�lt : l i?V 1<�17J :µ,p Enoch and-she-abnodr-es hoen-cceivweidef -of-him Caina nd-he-knEedwe n 41:5a S yriVaucl,g aTthee,o dotion:,1 it) i)J ::iO W::l1 "l?ow;:J Nlli? ,�µ., i1:J j; 1i1, " Spy�6mm achuSse,p tuagoiunxot v,r w=<; En�ochs ono-f: -hima s-ln""a: me-tohfe -cintaym e-oafn d-he-caclilteydb u·ilJ dianngd •- : he--was 9 GENES4I1:S-8 54: Engl(iEsVSh) -n� ,,.,, .,.,1l1'"l?, -n � 1iDJ? ,;1i8�18T o, E nowcahs b ornI raadn,d I rad ;�·;'?11:1 l-T T • : <'' T'- fatherMeedh ujaaenld,M ehujafae­l Mehujael he-tfahereda nd-IradI rad to-Enocahn d-he-was-tbhoerrne d Methaunsdh aeMle,t hushael :19?n � -, 't ;Nil.Vnm;N �nwn-n N ,,.,; .,N�nnfatiher Leadm ech1.9A nd Lamech ;J-T l" T : " T J : •: -T "T ' : tootkw ow iveTsh.e n ameo ft heo ne Lamec h he-afthereadn d-MethushMaeetlh ushael he-fatheraendd -Mehujaweals Adaanhd,t hen ameo ft he other c·wi i1ih1'n Ni1cw C"W"Po/J 19?. i' -nr?-;.119Z ill2a0Ah d.a hb orJea bahlew; a st he J": · TT - - IT <" n' T J fatheorf t hose wdhwoe liln t ents and-name-Aodfa h the-firsnta me-ofw ives two-of Lamteoc-hh ima nd-he-toaonkd h avel ivestoHcik.sb r2o1th er's :itp," .,��;i:;:i N i}i; �-n;� i1 JJ?i ?.p21:0�i1 ¥n� W"iJn amew asJ ubahle;w ast hefa theorf . altlh osweh op latyh el yraen dp ipe. one-dwellifantgh-eorf- ohfe -wash e Jabal Adah and-she-bZoirlel athh e-seco2n2Zd i llaalhs boo rTeu bal-chaeiw na;s ":;l1:� i1�Ni1i i1;:i i1"" nNc l.Vi2 1: �.i1Qi?i ;;itNhfeo rgoefar l iln strumoefnb trso nze andi roTnh,e siosftuTebra l-cwaaisn TT J nT l' T )" : ·: l father-hoef- was he Jubalb rother-of-ahnidm- name-oafn d-livestotcekn t Naamah. -n� ;,,;ND1 -Jc i1�2�2:1l :lV1i1 i3iv�!J .h -;� 23L amecsha itdoh iwsi ves: ., sheT -:b IoT res he also andJT- •Z :i llaahn IdT -p:i pel ylr. e one-J'p' layinegv-eoTr fy -of ''Adaanhd Z illhaeha;mr y v oice; youw iveosfL amech, li·s ten to nin;Ntiin :il.Vih J·w in -;� 1�:' �il) whatI say: i -: 1- n·: : - ·: l : J" T Ih avkei llaem da nfo r and-sistaenrd--oifr obnr onzeo neism-plementinagl-lo-fk indosn-eo-ffo rgingT-uobfa l-ca:in woundimneg, 1>J9o/;,; �i1,11' 1"WJ19;? i 9N12�3i1 9:i�t :iT;�iT;l ay ounmga nfo rs trikmien.·g T • : <T T T T : 24 IfC ainr'esv enigsse e venfold, ·hear and-ZillAadha h to-wives-ofL-ahmiecm h and-he-saNiada mah Tubal-cain theLna mec'hsi ss eventy­ )" rl) .l1W."i1N " :> "n·N1 ni13i1T 1N97 "WJ" ?ii' sevenfold:' ,. : -T <' J' n' T : Tl": - J" : I-hvae-killemda n for word-of-me hear Lamech wives-ovfo ice-of-m.e2 sA ndA dam knheiwws i faeg ain, t:iZ -�c.:.C "n1'":124�W : n"i;::i n,,,., "-1?¥�7 ands heb orea sona nd calhliesd ' l-T : ' J• I' T "· - : ·:w: nameS ethfo,r shes aid",G odh as Cain he-ivse-naged sevenfold 'if for-injoufr-ym-e and-boyfo r-wounodf--me appoin1tf eodrm e anothoeffrs pring io/f.l� -n� 1vi C1N V1) 2�51:i1 1':1bW"11' :l·19l.V1?. insteoafAd b elfo,r C aikni llheidm :' JT T IT : : )' : 2T6o S eth aas losnow asb orna,n dh e wief-of-him againA dam and-he-kneawn d-sevens eventyt hen-Lameccahl lheidsn ameE noshA.tt hat time .,, -nw .,�n w inw-n � NJi?1T:l 1� ,;n,p eoplbee gatno c alulp ont he name d <' IT J' n" l : ·:J " - oft heL ORD. to-meh e-haapsp-ointedfo r Sethn ame--ohfim and-she-csaolnla endd -she-bore -cn�w7 i62:1 �: i1lt! "f.; �ryn nni �tj VT1O "iA56daTm hN'iDsise s ste chned nabtotosoof tNk ho eag he nera­ alsoa nd-to-SeCtahi nh e-killedfo-rh iAmb el in--pJl-acea-nooft hers e-Je•:d G• o·d:: tionosfA dam.W henG odc re­ TNW iNJ inw NJ�i?11� 1�-.N:.i ai1temd a n, mhaed eh imi n tlhiek en·e ss ofG od.M a2l ea ndf emalhee c reated he-was-beagtu-ntJ Th at-Etninom •:se:·h n amel -:- ohfim and-hcea-llesdo nh e-was-bohren thema,n dh eb lesstehde ma ndn amed :� i;;i CW:jl Nli?7 3tW hheemMn Aa dna2wm hh eandl itvhwe1eed03ry y e ce raerhaset, e d. fatheresdo nia n h iosw nl ikenaefs­s, Yahweho n-name-toof- call nm::ii c�1b ;:;.,�; Ni::ici :jl C�J n71ni 1Q-? ter ihmiasg ea,nd n amedh imS eth. .; 4T hed ays Aodfa ma ftheerf athered in-lJ ik: e•n emsasn- of God toc-<r e: atoen -day-Aodfa m generatiobnoso-ko-fo ti1Jfh i 1s s Setwhe r8e 0y0e arasn;dh eh ado ther miN1 1;�1 C1N::l i1 i1 :>2T: n iNi1 iv1'C "ii1S' estoNhu nld isk teh Hee brefwo hr eap pointed T nT T: �i?.-t JTT I JT T l' ·:: 2H ebreawd am -them and-he-blehses-ecdr eated-atnhdee-mmf alem ale -him he-made God ""n3l :C1N::li1C i."C ::liNbo w -n� NJ�i?1 J': -1 IT : IT ' l : T T T : when-he-hvaedd- tloi-bcer-eated-tohne-md ay-Moafn nameo-f-them and-he-called imni::i ,;i�;iij l,V CW";l.Vc N i l : • ... -J T T <' : T T in-liken-ehsism- otfhen-he-fathered-yae-acrh ialndd -hundred-otfh irty Adam c1�-Q "; ��;:i;.41: wn iT?o/- n� NJ�i?1 it?7:P� Adam days-aonfd -they-Sweetrhen ame--ohfim - and-he-caaclcloerdd ing-toof--ihmiamg e- C"Ji::l?i; 1i1 Jo/n� � i1�o/. nwb n�- iT;i7 ;in1N sol' nT s andt-hheer-efady ear hundredse ight Seth toa-tfher-hima. f.t -e:r J4-o:1n d2a T5tarhi ganunsm e'Tsrma,trr =t g i1uPm"")s e1?ud�o­

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