The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against DiseaseC Page 1of 3 ON-LINE BOOK Irwin Stone. Picture courtesy of Oscar Falconi The Healing Factor Vitamin C Against Disease By Irwin Stone With forewords by Nobel Prizewinners Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Intro and Part I (cid:122) Chapter 1 - The Beginnings of Life (cid:123) 12/11/2011 The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against DiseaseC Page 2of 3 Chapter 2 - From Fishes to Mammals (cid:123) Chapter 3 - Our Ancestral Primate (cid:123) Chapter 4 - The Evolution of Man (cid:123) Chapter 5 - From Prehistory to the Eighteenth (cid:123) Century Chapter 6 - The Nineteenth and Early Twentieth (cid:123) Centuries Chapter 7 - Finding the Elusive Molecule (cid:123) Chapter 8 - The Genetic Approach (cid:123) Chapter 9 - Some Effects of Ascorbic Acid (cid:123) Chapter 10 - "Correcting" Nature (cid:123) Part II - Pathways to Research (cid:122) Chapter 11 - Breaking the 'Vitamin' Barrier (cid:123) Chapter 12 - The Common Cold (cid:123) Chapter 13 - Viral Infection (cid:123) Chapter 14 - Bacterial Infection (cid:123) Chapter 15 - Cancer (cid:123) Chapter 16 - The Heart, Vascular System, and (cid:123) Strokes Chapter 17 - Arthritis and Rheumatism (cid:123) Chapter 18 - Aging (cid:123) Chapter 19 - Hay Fever (cid:123) Chapter 20 - Eye Conditions (cid:123) Chapter 21 - Ulcers (cid:123) Chapter 22 - Kidneys and Bladder (cid:123) Chapter 23 - Diabetes and Hypoglycemia (cid:123) Chapter 24 - Chemical Stresses - Poisons, Toxins (cid:123) Chapter 25 - Physical Stresses (cid:123) Chapter 26 - Pollution and Smoker's Scurvy (cid:123) Chapter 27 - Wounds, Bone Fractures, and Shock (cid:123) Chapter 28 - Pregnancy (cid:123) Chapter 30 - The Future (cid:123) References (cid:122) Copyright © 1972 by Irwin Stone 12/11/2011 The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against DiseaseC Page 3of 3 Many thanks to Irwin's son Steve Stone for granting the Foundation permission to electronically publish this book! Additional thanks to John Jenkins for correcting errors and scanning all the figures, diagrams and tables. Vitamin C Foundation 12/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 1of 50 "THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK ON HEALTH EVER WRITTEN" - National Health Federation Bulletin - THE HEALING FACTOR VITAMIN C Against Disease ____________________________ By Irwin Stone With forewords by Nobel Prizewinners Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi ___________________________________________________ Vitamin C may save your life! A noted biochemist reveals for laymen the exciting research into ascorbic acid's powers against such deadly enemies as cancer, heart disease, strokes, mental illness, old age, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, hepatitis -- even cigarette smoking! 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 2of 50 AGING - ALLERGIES ASTHMA - ARTHRITIS - CANCER COLDS - DIABETES & HYPOGLYCEMIA EYE TROUBLE - HEART DISEASE - STROKES KIDNEY & BLADDER AILMENTS - MENTAL ILLNESS STRESS SYNDROMES - POISONING - POLLUTION ULCERS - VIRUSES WOUNDS & FRACTURES SHOCK COULD THEY BE THE RESULT OF VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY? COULD THEY BE PREVENTED BY TAKING MORE VITAMIN C? COULD THEY BE TREATED WITH VITAMIN C? IS VITAMIN C REALLY A VITAMIN? IRWIN STONE SAYS YES, YES, YES AND NO! After 40 years research, Irwin Stone unfolds his startling conclusion that an ancient genetic mutation has left the primate virtually alone among animals in not producing ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in his own body. By treating it as a "minimum daily requirement" instead of the crucial enzyme it really is, we are living in a state of sub-clinical scurvy whose symptoms have been attributed to other ailments. The answer is to change our thinking about Vitamin C and consume enough to replenish this long-lost "healing factor." Stone illustrates, with massive documentation, Vitamin C's remarkable ability to fight disease, counteract the ill effects of pollution and prolong healthy life -- easily and inexpensively! GD/Perigee Books are published by The Putnam Publishing Group ISBN 0-399-50764-7 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 3of 50 THE HEALING FACTOR ______________________ "VITAMIN C" Against Disease Irwin Stone A GD/Perigee Book 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 4of 50 Perigee Books are published by The Putnam Publishing Group 200 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10016 Copyright (cid:31) 1972 by Irwin Stone All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Published simultaneously in Canada by General Publishing Co. Limited, Toronto. Library of Congress Catalog Number: 72-77105 ISBN 0-399-50764-7 First Perigee printing, 1982 Printed in the United States of America 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 5of 50 This book is dedicated to my wife, Barbara whose patience and collaboration over the years made it possible. 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 6of 50 CONTENTS Forewords Linus Pauling Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Acknowledgements Introduction 1 Part I: Our Deadly Inheritance 1. The Beginnings of Life 2. From Fishes to Mammals 3. Our Ancestral Primate 4. The Evolution of Man 5. From Prehistory to the Eighteenth Century 6. The Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 7. Finding the Elusive Molecule 8. The Genetic Approach 9. Some Effects of Ascorbic Acid 10. "Correcting" Nature Part II: Pathways to Research 11. Breaking the "Vitamin" Barrier 12. The Common Cold 13. Viral Infection 14. Bacterial Infection 15. Cancer 16. The Heart, Vascular System, and Strokes 17. Arthritis and Rheumatism 18. Aging 19. Allergies, Asthma, and Hay Fever 20. Eye Conditions 21. Ulcers 22. Kidneys and Bladder 23. Diabetes and Hypoglycemia 24. Chemical Stresses -- Poisons, Toxins 25. Physical Stresses 13/11/2011 New Page 1 Page 7of 50 26. Pollution and Smoker's Scurvy 27. Wounds, Bone Fractures, and Shock 28. Pregnancy 29. Mental Disease 30. The Future References Cited from the Medical Literature Glossary The numerals set off in parenthesis in the text are intended to guide the reader to the appropriate medical citation listed at the end of the book. 13/11/2011