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THE HANDBOOK OF PERSONALITY DYNAMICS AND PROCESSES Edited by P . D . J F. R ROF R OHN AUTHMANN ChairofPersonalityPsychologyandPsychologicalAssessment BielefeldUniversity,Bielefeld,Germany Contributors Jonathan M. Adler Olin College of Engineering, G. Leonard Burns Department of Psychology, Needham,MA,UnitedStates Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Balca Alaybek Department of Psychology, George UnitedStates MasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA,UnitedStates NicoleM.Cain DepartmentofClinicalPsychology, GraduateSchoolofAppliedandProfessionalPsy- JayneL.Allen UniversityofNewHampshire,Dur- chology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, ham,NH,UnitedStates UnitedStates Jens B. Asendorpf Department of Psychology, EricaCasini DepartmentofPsychology,University HumboldtUniversityofBerlin,Berlin,Germany ofMilan-Bicocca,Milan,Italy Mitja D. Back Department of Psychology, Univer- sityofMu€nster,Mu€nster,Germany Daniel Cervone University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago,IL,UnitedStates Sanna Balsari-Palsule Wharton People Analytics, D. Angus Clark University of Michigan, Ann University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Arbor,MI,UnitedStates United States; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada GiulioCostantini DepartmentofPsychology,Uni- versityofMilan-Bicocca,Milan,Italy NicolaBaumann UniversityofTrier,Trier,Germany Reeshad S. Dalal Department of Psychology, AnnaBaumert MaxPlanckInstituteforResearchon George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United CollectiveGoods,Bonn;SchoolofEducation,Tech- States nicalUniversityMunich,Munich,Germany EmorieD.Beck WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis, Rebekah L. Damitz Department of Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, St.Louis,MO,UnitedStates UnitedStates Vero`nicaBenet-Martı´nez CatalonianInstitutionfor M. Brent Donnellan Michigan State University, AdvancedResearchandStudies(ICREA)andPom- EastLansing,MI,UnitedStates peuFabraUniversity,Barcelona,Spain LauraE.R.Blackie UniversityofNottingham,Not- CharlesC.Driver MaxPlanckInstituteforHuman Development, Humboldt University, Berlin, tingham,UnitedKingdom Germany Gabriela S. Blum Department of Psychology, David M. Dunkley Department of Psychology, TechnicalUniversityDresden,Dresden,Germany McGill University, Montreal; Lady Davis MarleenDeBolle HudsonBelgium,Ghent,Belgium Institute—JewishGeneralHospital,Montr(cid:2)eal,QC, Annette Brose Humboldt-Universit€at zu Berlin, Canada Berlin, Germany; KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; ElizabethA.Edershile DepartmentofPsychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United Berlin,Germany States AshleyD.Brown UniversityofSouthernCalifornia, DavidM.Fisher TheUniversityofTulsa,Tulsa,OK, LosAngeles,CA,UnitedStates UnitedStates xv xvi Contributors WilliamFleeson WakeForestUniversity,Winston- Christian Kandler Department of Psychology, Salem,NC,UnitedStates UniversityofBremen,Bremen,Germany Marc A. Fournier University of Toronto Scarbor- Julia Krasko Department of Psychology, Ruhr ough,Toronto,ON,Canada UniversityBochum,Bochum,Germany R. Michael Furr Department of Psychology, Wake Julius Kuhl University of Osnabru€ck, Osnabru€ck, ForestUniversity,Winston-Salem,NC,UnitedStates Germany Marco R. Furtner University of Liechtenstein, Filip Lievens Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Vaduz,Liechtenstein Singapore Management University, Singapore, Josef H. Gammel University of Munich, Munich, Singapore Germany Brian R. Little Wharton People Analytics, Univer- Christian Geiser Department of Psychology, Utah sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StateUniversity,Logan,UT,UnitedStates States;CarletonUniversity,Ottawa,ON,Canada SamuelD.Gosling TheUniversityofTexasatAus- Corinna E. Lo€ckenhoff Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,UnitedStates tin, Austin, TX, United States; The University of Melbourne,Melbourne,VIC,Australia MaikeLuhmann Department ofPsychology, Ruhr Birk Hagemeyer Institute of Psychology, Friedrich UniversityBochum,Bochum,Germany SchillerUniversityJena,Jena,Germany AaronW.Lukaszewski DepartmentofPsychology, Sarah E. Hampson Oregon Research Institute, California State University, Fullerton, CA, United States Eugene,OR,UnitedStates GabriellaM.Harari StanfordUniversity,Stanford, DillonM.Luke TheUniversityofTexasatAustin, Austin,TX,UnitedStates CA,UnitedStates P.D. Harms Department of Management, Univer- E.J. Masicampo Department of Psychology, Wake sityofAlabama,Tuscaloosa,AL,UnitedStates Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, United States Patrick L. Hill Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University St. Louis, John D. Mayer University of New Hampshire, St.Louis,MO,UnitedStates Durham,NH,UnitedStates Fred Hintz Department of Psychology, Utah State RobertR.McCrae Gloucester,MA,UnitedStates University,Logan,UT,UnitedStates Jay L. Michaels University of South Florida, Sara- JoeriHofmans DepartmentofWorkandOrganiza- sota,FL,UnitedStates tional Psychology (WOPs), Faculty of Psychology Lynn C. Miller University of Southern California, andEducationalSciences,VrijeUniversiteitBrussel, LosAngeles,CA,UnitedStates Brussel,Belgium Brian Monroe Department of Psychology, Kai T. Horstmann Institute of Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, United Humboldt-Universit€atzuBerlin,Berlin,Germany States Nathan W. Hudson Department of Psychology, Alain Morin Department of Psychology, Mount SouthernMethodistUniversity,Dallas,TX,United RoyalUniversity,Calgary,AB,Canada States D.S.Moskowitz DepartmentofPsychology,McGill Hans IJzerman LIP/PC2S, Universit(cid:2)e Grenoble University,Montreal,QC,Canada Alpes,Grenoble,France Daniel K. Mroczek Department of Psychology, Joshua J. Jackson Washington University in St. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United Louis,St.Louis,MO,UnitedStates States Eranda Jayawickreme Wake Forest University, Sandrine R. Mu€ller Columbia University, Winston-Salem,NC,UnitedStates NewYork,NY,UnitedStates xvii Contributors MarcusMund Department ofPersonalityPsychol- Michael J. Roche DepartmentofPsychology, West ogy and Psychological Assessment, Institute of ChesterUniversity,WestChester,PA,UnitedStates Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Gentiana Sadikaj Department of Psychology, Jena,Germany McGillUniversity,Montreal,QC,Canada Steffen Nestler Universit€at Mu€nster, Mu€nster, Manfred Schmitt Department of Psychology, Uni- Germany versityofKoblenz-Landau,Landau,Germany FranzJ.Neyer DepartmentofPersonalityPsychol- Oliver C. Schultheiss Department of Psychology, ogy and Psychological Assessment, Institute of Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Jena,Germany MateuServera DepartmentofPsychology,Univer- Andrzej Nowak Florida Atlantic University, Boca sityofBalearicIslands,Palma,Spain Raton, FL, United States; Department of Psychol- Brinkley M. Sharpe Department of Psychology, ogy,UniversityofWarsaw,Warsaw,Poland University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United Monisha Pasupathi Psychology, University of States Utah,SaltLakeCity,UT,UnitedStates Nicole M. Silva Belanger Department of Psychol- MarcoPerugini DepartmentofPsychology,Univer- ogy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, sityofMilan-Bicocca,Milan,Italy UnitedStates Le Vy Phan University of Luebeck, Lu€beck, JoannaSosnowska DepartmentofWorkandOrga- Germany nizationalPsychology(WOPs),FacultyofPsychol- Mike Prentice Wake Forest University, Winston- ogy and Educational Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Salem,NC,UnitedStates Brussel,Brussel,Belgium EmanuelePreti DepartmentofPsychology,Univer- Seth M. Spain Department of Management, Con- sityofMilan-Bicocca,Milan,Italy cordiaUniversity,Montreal,QC,Canada Markus Quirin Technical University of Munich, ClemensStachl StanfordUniversity,Stanford,CA, Munich;PFHGo€ttingen,Go€ttingen,Germany UnitedStates Famira Racy Department of Psychology, Mount Kateryna Sylaska Carthage College, Kenosha, WI, RoyalUniversity,Calgary,AB,Canada UnitedStates JohnF.Rauthmann BielefeldUniversity,Bielefeld, Antonio Terracciano Florida State University Col- Germany legeofMedicine,Tallahassee,FL,UnitedStates StephenJ.Read UniversityofSouthernCalifornia, Sophia Terwiel Department of Psychology, Ruhr LosAngeles,CA,UnitedStates UniversityBochum,Bochum,Germany William Revelle Northwestern University, Evans- Robert P. Tett The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, ton,Il,UnitedStates UnitedStates Juliette Richetin Department of Psychology, Uni- Mattie Tops Department of Clinical, Neuro- and versityofMilan-Bicocca,Milan,Italy Developmental Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam; Developmental and Julia Richter Department of Psychology, Bielefeld Educational Psychology Unit, Leiden University; University,Bielefeld,Germany ICLON Leiden University Graduate School of RainerRiemann DepartmentofPsychology,Biele- Teaching,Leiden,TheNetherlands feldUniversity,Bielefeld,Germany Nicholas A. Turiano Department of Psychology, Whitney R. Ringwald Department of Psychology, West Virginia University; West Virginia Preven- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United tion Research Center, Morgantown, WV, United States States xviii Contributors Robin R. Vallacher Florida Atlantic University, WilliamC.Woods DepartmentofPsychology,Uni- BocaRaton,FL,UnitedStates versityofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,UnitedStates ManuelC.Voelkle MaxPlanckInstituteforHuman Aidan G.C. Wright Department of Psychology, Development, Humboldt University, Berlin, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United Germany States SarahVolz DepartmentofPsychology,WakeForest Cornelia Wrzus Psychological Institute, Ruprecht University,Winston-Salem,NC,UnitedStates Karls University Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Peter Wang University of Southern California, Los Germany Angeles,CA,UnitedStates AlexandraZapko-Willmes DepartmentofPsychol- Joshua Wilt Case Western Reserve University, ogy,UniversityofBremen,Bremen,Germany Cleveland,OH,UnitedStates DavidC.Zuroff DepartmentofPsychology,McGill DustinWood AlabamaTransportationInstitute,Uni- University,Montreal,QC,Canada versityofAlabama,Tuscaloosa,AL,UnitedStates THE HANDBOOK OF PERSONALITY DYNAMICS AND PROCESSES Preface Sinceitsinception,personalitypsychologyhas throughouttheliterature(s).Differentliteratures concernedthedynamics,processes,andfunction- are also concerned with different forms of ing of individuals. While early scholars such as dynamicsandprocesses,andtheyoftenoperate GordonAllportkeenlyemphasizedthedynamic in isolation from each other. It is thus time to aspects of personality, interest shifted later to bringtogethertheseliteraturesinonehandbook. morestructuralapproachesconcerningtheorga- Todotheburgeoningfieldof“dynamic”per- nization of traits. However, in the last 15years, sonalitypsychologyjustice,thishandbooktakes there have been multiple efforts to bridge more an inclusive approach to personality dynamics structure-andmoreprocess-focusedaccountsof andprocessesandthuscompilesadiversearray personality – and thus there has been a renais- oftopicsandmethods.Althoughthetopicsand sanceofdynamicapproachestopersonality. methodsarevaried,theyaretiedtogetherbythe Currently, personality psychologists are motivation to understand personality and indi- showingareinvigoratedinterestinthedynamic vidual differences from a more dynamic per- interplay of thoughts, feelings, desires, and spective. This dynamic perspective is not only actions within persons who are always embed- intellectually stimulating (e.g., for building ded into social and cultural contexts. Several explanatory models and causal theories) but different phenomena (e.g., within-person vari- also practically relevant (e.g., for better under- ability,developmentalprocesses,socialdynam- standing processes related to job performance, ics, gene-environment interplay, psycho- health,orinterventions).Itwillthusbeintegral pathological functioning) are studied with a in building toward a more explanatory and range of methods and statistical analyses that practically useful science ofpersonality. take their dynamic nature into account (e.g., Thishandbookseekstoprovidethefirstcom- experience sampling, network modeling, prehensivecompendiumonpersonalitydynam- systems-theoretical models). In these lines of ics and processes, with 51 chapters falling into research, dynamics and processes are tracked core concepts and content domains of study in different domains (e.g., cognition, emotion, (Section I: Chapters 1–17), conceptual perspec- motivation, regulation, behavior, self), contexts tives and theories (Section II: Chapters 18–27), (e.g.,socialrelationships,work),andtimescales methods and statistics (Section III: Chapters (e.g., in daily life, across the lifespan). Not sur- 28–40), and applications (Section IV: Chapters prisingly,dynamicapproachesarequitehetero- 41–51). It was my goal that readers interested geneous. Complicating matters further is the inamoredynamicunderstandingofpersonality factthattermssuchas“dynamics,”“processes,” would have all relevant theory, methods, and “mechanisms,”or“functioning”areusedinter- researchassembledinoneplace.Thishandbook changeably, haphazardly, or differently canthusserveasagatewayintodynamics-and xix xx Preface process-focused approaches for novices, but it Iamdeeplythankfultoallauthorswhohave can also be used by experienced scholars and contributedtothishandbookandputtheirtime, teachers to read up on recent developments energy, and expertise into their well-crafted andtrends in the literature. chapters. Additionally, I am also grateful for Being the editor of this handbook, I not only their continued support and patience as it took got to closely read all chapters and immerse quite a long time to compile this handbook. myself deeply into new and fascinating topics, However, I am confident that the end product but also had the privilege to work with some wasworththewaitandhopethatthishandbook of the finest personality-psychological scholars willinspireawholenewgenerationofpsychol- of our time and many rising stars who will ogists to adopt more dynamic perspectives becomefutureleadersofthefield.Theseexperts when studying personality and individual dif- have written easily accessible and engaging ferences—and thus showcase how broad the chapters that summarize the state of the art field of personality psychology is and what it and future directions. I hope readers of this has to offer. handbook will find the chapters as interesting, John F. Rauthmann informative, and educational as Idid. Bielefeld, May 2020

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