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The Handbook of Electrical Resistivity: New Materials and Pressure Effects PDF

488 Pages·2012·20.908 MB·English
by  G. Dyos
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Materials and Devices Series 13 The Handbook of Electrical Resistivity NT The Handbook of eh we New materials and pressure effects m H a tean Electrical Resistivity r iad lsb ao no d New materials and pressure effects k TEhleisc trbicoaol kR uepsidsatitveitsy aHnadn edxbpoaonkd, sb rtihneg iendg ittoorg'se tahcecrl aaidmveadn ces Genoorrdmoonu Ds yvaorsie itsy aonf seuxbpjeercimts,e fnrotaml p hhiygshic-cisutr rwehnot ssep awrko rgka psps aton st haen pres of in the field over the last two decades. In this period, much measurement of plasma wake concentrations in model atmospheric s hsuaps ebrceoennd aucchtiiveivtye.d in the fields of new materials and rptehu-eles nhetadrly oa gmrce inlsig schileet rssa,o mlouiwrcc ehssop.b eH,e etdr a ilnnasvmpeinirnataetirdo f nltoh wceo ocwoliinnngdce otpuft n panlnaesdlsm daaen vtdoe rlmochpe egda watt ure eElec Torehfs ieissx tnpaenewrciem voeofnl uotamvl eedr ap4tra0o 0vini d egelersam pahe cincotamsl, fpcoorremmhe ponofsu tinvhede s cr eoasmnisdpt iiavlailtltoyio/yns nMfooro zprzerle orsde ucaecnnidnt glys ,tw ehereol ushghahest e dmt ecevuettaltoli npfrgeo dpm roa p c1oe2ws0sdekesWr eu dgsli onfewge pddlsaistsocmhckaa.r gItnoe r rcfeuhtreinresa.m cee nt ffecttric in three sections. The first section deals with resistivity as he has worked as a consultant to a plasma torch company and a s a a function of temperature, the second section deals with defence department. l resistivity as a function of temperature and pressure, whilst Now in his latter years of retirement he is developing new ideas in R novel illumination, a possible plasma transformer and the retro-fitting e the third deals with the normalised resistance of materials of a system to de-ice overhead power lines. s as a function of temperature and/or pressure. i s t i v i t y Edited by G. Dyos E d ite d b y The Institution of Engineering and Technology D www.theiet.org yo s 978-1-84919-149-4 Electrical Resistivity.indd 1 06/07/2012 10:23:14 IETMATERIALSANDDEVICES13 The Handbook of Electrical Resistivity Othervolumesinthisseries: Volume8 PhysicsandtechnologyofheterojunctiondevicesD.V.Morganand R.H.Williams(Editors) Volume9 ElectricaldegradationandbreakdowninpolymersL.A.Dissadoand J.C.Fothergill Volume12 Handbook of microlithography, micromachining and microfabrication, 2volumesP.Rai-Choudhury(Editor) The Handbook of Electrical Resistivity New materials and pressure effects Edited by G. Dyos TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology PublishedbyTheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology,London,UnitedKingdom TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnologyisregisteredasaCharityinEngland& Wales(no.211014)andScotland(no.SC038698). ©2012TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology Firstpublished2012 ThispublicationiscopyrightundertheBerneConventionandtheUniversalCopyright Convention.Allrightsreserved.Apartfromanyfairdealingforthepurposesofresearch orprivatestudy,orcriticismorreview,aspermittedundertheCopyright,Designsand PatentsAct1988,thispublicationmaybereproduced,storedortransmitted,inany formorbyanymeans,onlywiththepriorpermissioninwritingofthepublishers,orin thecaseofreprographicreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissued bytheCopyrightLicensingAgency.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethose termsshouldbesenttothepublisherattheundermentionedaddress: TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology MichaelFaradayHouse SixHillsWay,Stevenage Herts,SG12AY,UnitedKingdom www.theiet.org Whiletheauthorsandpublisherbelievethattheinformationandguidancegivenin thisworkarecorrect,allpartiesmustrelyupontheirownskillandjudgementwhen makinguseofthem.Neithertheauthorsnorpublisherassumesanyliabilityto anyoneforanylossordamagecausedbyanyerrororomissioninthework,whether suchanerrororomissionistheresultofnegligenceoranyothercause.Anyandall suchliabilityisdisclaimed. Themoralrightsoftheauthorstobeidentifiedasauthorsofthisworkhavebeen assertedbytheminaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisproductisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN978-1-84919-149-4(hardback) ISBN978-1-84919-117-3(PDF) TypesetinIndiabyMPSLimited PrintedintheUKbyCPIGroup(UK)Ltd,Croydon,CR04YY Contents Preface vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 ContinuationoftheElectricalResistivityHandbook 1 1.2 Explanationofthegraphicalformat 1 1.3 Materialclassification 1 1.4 Electronicconductioninsolids 2 1.5 Puremetals 5 1.6 Metallicalloys 6 1.6.1 Dilutealloys 6 1.6.2 Concentratedalloys 7 1.7 Semiconductors 9 1.8 Summary 9 1.9 Abbreviations 10 2 Measurementtechniques 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Fourprobemethods 13 2.3 Temperaturevariationofresistivity 14 2.4 Eddycurrentmethods 15 2.5 Stepfunctionmethods 16 2.6 Periodicallyvaryingfields 17 2.7 Inductivetechniques 20 2.7.1 Self-inductance 20 2.7.2 Mutualinductance 20 2.7.3 Inductivetechniquesandtemperaturevariations 22 3 Explanationofgraphs 25 3.1 Dataanalysis 25 3.2 Cataloguesystemformaterials 25 3.3 Materialcomposition 25 4 Textreferences 27 5 Indexofmaterials 29 vi Thehandbookofelectricalresistivity:newmaterialsandpressureeffects 6 Materialresistivitygraphs 39 6.1 Electricalresistivityasafunctionoftemperature 39 6.2 Electricalresistivityasafunctionoftemperatureandpressure 380 6.3 Resistancemeasurementsasafunctionoftemperatureand pressure 427 7 Resistivityreferences 461 Preface Since the publication of the Electrical Resistivity Handbook by the IET, edited by G.T.DyosandT.Farrellin1992,interestinhigh-temperaturesuperconductivityhas grown. I was approached and commissioned by the Institution of Engineering and Technology to produce a further volume covering the electrical resistivity of new materialsproducedinthelasttwodecadesandtheeffectsofpressureonresistivity. Iwouldbepleasedtoreceiveanycopiesoforiginalreferencedpapersdescribing theresistivityofmaterialswhichmightbeofinterestforinclusioninafurthervolume atalaterdate. IwouldliketothankmywifeMurielwhohassupportedmeduringthisproject, oftenonlyseeingmewhenIemergedfromthestudyatmealtimes.AlsoIwouldlike tothankProfessorJ.LawtonforhissupportandhelpfuldiscussionsandIETstafffor sortingoutproblemsintheINSPECsearches. GordonT.Dyos GTInnovations YsguborNewydd Llandrillo,Corwen,UKLL210SY Chapter 1 Introduction G. Dyos andT. Farrell 1.1 Continuationofthe ElectricalResistivityHandbook This volume incorporates two sections dealing with the resistivity of elements, compoundsandalloysasafunctionoftemperatureandpressureandathirdsection dealingmainlywiththeresistanceofvariousmaterials. The compilation of this volume was made easier by the search facilities of the IET’sINSPECdatabasecontainingsome13millionpapers.Fromwhichtheleading authorsofapproximately3000paperswerecontactedbyemailandpostalservices. It was very disappointing that only 35% bothered to reply and some 30 authors wanted a free copy of the book! It was very much appreciated by the editor for theplauditsreceivedfromuniversityprofessorsforundertakingthiswork. 1.2 Explanationofthegraphicalformat Thevastmajorityofthedatapresentedherehasbeengatheredfromtechnicalpapers publishedinthelasttwodecades. Somegraphicaldata, whichwereincludedinthe ElectricalResistivityHandbook,havebeenincludedinthisvolume,wheretheycover alargertemperaturerange. Thedatahasbeenobtainedfromcopiesofthepertinentpaper, eitheringraph- ical or in tabular format. In the case of the graphical format, the graphs have been scanned into the computer and the axes calibrated and the data coordinates used to produce a graph based on a standard graphical format.The resistivity data is expressed in units of ohm metre (ohmm)×10−8, temperature in kelvin (K), pressureingigapascals(GPa)andresistanceinohms. 1.3 Materialclassification The catalogue system used in this volume is the same as that used in the Electri- calResistivityHandbook.First,thematerialsarelistedinalphabeticalorder.Where

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