WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pagevi WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pagei Praise for The Handbook of Board Governance “ProfessorLeblanc’sHandbookcomesforthatanintegralmomentintheevolutionofcorporate governance. In the midst of increasing global demand for corporations to be responsible to employees, civil society, and the environment, the role of directors and shareholders in the creationofsustainablelong-termvaluesitsatcenterstage.TheEUDirective,COP21,andlaws requiring quotas for women on boards are only the latest examples of citizenry demanding corporate sustainability and inclusion. Intolerance for the role corporations played in the financial crises of 2002 and 2008 now requires boards to go beyond consideration of strategy and C-suite succession planning and rise to the outcry for integration of nonfinancial impacts intothestewardshipoflong-termcapitalandvaluecreation.Dr.Leblanchasassembledafirst- rate list of global authors to explain why this movement is here to stay.” —Christianna Wood, Chairman, Global Reporting Initiative; Institutional Investor; Nonexecutive Director; and Former Chair, International Corporate Governance Network “The board of directors sits at the center of the governance framework in a wide range of organizations.ThisnewHandbookwillbeaninvaluablereferenceforbothboardmembersand academicsseekingtodeepentheirunderstandingofboardroomfunctioning. Thebreadthand depthofthevolume’scoverageisbothimpressiveandindicativeofthechallengesandrisksfaced by the modern director.” —Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman, Institute of Directors “This Handbook is a truly comprehensive and invaluable compendium of governance best practicesandinsights.IhaveworkedwithDr.RichardLeblancforcloseto20yearsandhavehad the privilege to see him develop into a foremost mover and an informer of key governance practicesandtrendsinCanadaandinternationally.Heprovesthisagainwiththepublicationof hisHandbookofBoardGovernance,whichisabrilliantpieceofworkbycontributorswhospanthe who’s who in the world of governance subject matter expertise. I think it should be on every director’s and corporate secretary’s desk.” —Lynn Beauregard, President, Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries “The Handbook ofBoardGovernance isan invaluableresourcefor boarddirectors andcorporate governanceprofessionals.Acollectionofgovernanceexpertsfromaroundtheglobehascreated aguidethat’sunparalleledinscope,exploringnotonlycorporategovernanceasitstandstoday, but where it’s headed. As the corporate governance field continues to experience dramatic change,thishandbookoffersreadersaninvaluablesetofbestpracticestoimplementwiththeir own boards.” —Darla Stuckey, President and CEO, Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pageii “RichardLeblanchaspulledtogetherawho’swhoofglobalcorporategovernanceandinvestor activismthinkersforthisbook.Inafieldwheretoomuchoftheinformationweseeisgeneral, self-serving,ornarrowlyacademic,TheHandbookofBoardGovernancemanagestocoverallthe bases with intelligent insight.” —Ralph Ward, Publisher, Boardroom INSIDER “This book provides not only insights but guidance about how to ensure governance is appropriate and effective. With such authors as Bob Monks and Yılmaz Argüden how could anyonemissreadinganddigesting?Corporategovernanceisanessentialpartofafuturecapital marketsystemthathasfinancialstabilityandresultsinsustainabledevelopment.Whenaligned with effective stewardship codes and an information architecture of integrated reporting, I cannotemphasizeenoughhowcriticalboardgovernanceistothenewinclusiveandlongerterm system that the world needs.” —Paul Druckman, CEO, International Integrated Reporting Council “TheHandbookofBoardGovernanceisthemostcomprehensiveandup-to-datedocumentonthe range and complexity of tasks today’s boards are expected to perform. This is a must-read for every director serving on boards today and the ones who aspire to do so in the future. Dr. Leblancistobecomplimentedforundertakingthischallengeanddoinganoutstandingjobof pulling together in one place the views of practitioners and thought leaders on this important topic.” —Raj L Gupta, Chairman, Delphi Automotive PLC; Executive Chair, Avantor Materials Inc; Board Member HP, The Vanguard Group, IRI, and Tyco International “I am pleased to endorse and welcome this much-needed book and the work of Dr. Richard Leblanc. I am particularly pleased to see an entire Part devoted to ‘The Rise of Shareholder Accountability.’Director–Shareholderengagementandaccountabilityisvitallyimportant,and arguablyessential,toawell-functioningcorporategovernancesystem.Thisbook,andthework by all authors, make a significant contribution.” —Catherine McCall, Director of Policy Development, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance “The Directors College, the Gold Standard in Governance Education, enthusiastically wel comes The Handbook of BoardGovernance to theinternational marketplace. Fifty global experts cover, in-depth, all topics of relevance to practicing directors. Under the watchful eyes of Dr Richard Leblanc, he has assembled a who’s who gallery of authors and of best governance practices. This book is a must-read resource for any director or advisor to boards. I highly recommend it!” —Paul Forgues, Managing Director, The Directors College “ViaRailiscommittedtoeffectivecorporategovernance.HavingworkedwithDr.Leblanc,Iam confident this comprehensive handbook will provide practical guidance to all who share our commitment.” —Yves Desjardins-Siciliano, President and Chief Executive Officer, Via Rail Canada WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pageiii “Amajorstrengthofthishandbookisitsinternationalperspective,withsubjectmatterexperts from across the globe, including Australia. There are also divergent points of view, which contribute to healthy debate and dialogue. It is a very noteworthy contribution, and I highly recommend this book for any director or student of good governance.” —Rob Elliott, Adjunct Professor, Macquarie Graduate School of Management; Former Executive Director, Governance Leadership Centre, Australian Institute of Company Directors; Former Chair, Policy Committee, Global Network of Director Institutes “Professor Leblanc has put together a very impressive array of authors for this Handbook, including Michael Useem, Dennis Carey, and Ram Charan, among many others. The field of governanceisconstantlychanging,andwisedirectorsshouldkeepabreastofchangesandtheir responsibilities. This Handbook is highly recommended to directors who wish to do that!” —John A. Krol, Former CEO of DuPont; Former Chairman of Delphi Automotive, Dupont and Pacolet Milliken; Former Lead Director of MeadWestvaco and Tyco International; Former Director of Ace Insurance, Armstrong Flooring, JPMorgan, and Milliken Company; and Former Director of Bechtel Corp., and Teijen Ltd. Advisory Boards “The Handbook of Board Governance is a must-read for any director keeping abreast ofconstant corporategovernancechange.Itiswellwritten,bydirectorsfordirectors,andcoverstheentire field of corporate governance in one handy manual.” —Larraine Segil, CEO, Little Farm Company; Board Member, Frontier Communications; Board Member and Chair of Nominating Committee, National Association of Corporate Directors Southern California “IhaveguestlecturedforProfessorLeblancduringhissummercorporategovernanceclassesat Harvard University, on ‘lessons learned,’ and I am pleased to endorse this book. I remain committedtospeakingandeducatingonmistakesmadeandwhathasbeenlearned.Iampleased to review and endorse this book and the work that Professor Leblanc has done in the field.” —Andrew Fastow, Former CFO, Enron Corp. “The governance landscape is littered with theoretical discussions about what ought to be importantintheboardroom,andmuchofwhathasbeenwrittenignorestheroleoftheboardin workingnotonlytoprotect,butalsotogeneratesustainablevalue.Inthisvolume,animpressive groupofcontributorsoffersvaluableinsightsabouttheissuesthathigh-functioningboardswill want and need to address.” —Frank M. Placenti, Leader of Corporate Governance Practice of Squire Patton Boggs, LLP, and Founding President, American College of Governance Counsel WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pageiv “Thisworkcontainsanextraordinarybreadthanddepthofcoverage,withthoughtfulanalysis, oftherapidlyevolvingfieldofcorporategovernance.Itaddressesbothlong-standingissuesin the field (such as CEO succession) and newer areas (such as shareholder engagement and cybersecurity). In addition to the governance topics common to all boards, there are separate chapters on the particular issues that are faced by boards with unique roles, such as start-up company boards and nonprofits. This will become a must-read for board members looking to improve their board today, and for serious students of corporate governance.” —Nancy E. Hopkins, Q.C., (Hon) CPA, ICD.D Partner, McDougall Gauley LLP “TheHandbookofBoardGovernanceputtogetherbyRichardLeblancwillopennewfrontiersin theliteraturefordirectorsofalltypesofcompanies.Iespeciallylikethatthereisinformationon privatecompanygovernanceasthatisanemergingareathatcriesoutforgoodgovernance.The authorsrepresentedinthishandbookareindustryexperts,andthetopicsarenotonlyrelevant but necessary for any board member to fulfill his/her duty to the shareholders, and where appropriate, other stakeholders as well. Reading this book should be required of anyone who even thinks of being in the C-Suite or serving on boards.” —Dennis McCuistion, Executive Director Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance, University of Texas at Dallas “Aboardofdirectorsconsistsofagroupofindividualshavingdifferingbackgrounds,beliefs,and experiences.Thatdiversitybringschallengesandopportunities.Thiscomprehensivehandbook providestheframeworktohelpboardpractitionersidentifythosechallengesandtransformthem into opportunities. Filled with cutting-edge insights from many of today’s leading experts, Dr.Leblanc’scollectionisamusthaveforanyoneworkinginthecorporategovernancearena.” —James E. Nevels, Lead Independent Director, The Hershey Company “Romewasnotbuiltinaday,norcangoodcorporategovernancebemasteredinaminute.Inan era of instant access to overnight ‘expertise’ in 140 characters or less, this comprehensive, indexed reference book stands as towering proof that excellence takes time, and experience counts. Professor Leblanc has identified tomorrow’s most critical boardroom topics and has recruiteddomainleaderstoteacheachone.Theresultisanindispensablecompanionforeach board’s long but rewarding journey to good governance.” —Alexandra Lajoux, Chief Knowledge Officer Emeritus, National Association of Corporate Directors (USA) WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pagev T H E H A N D B O O K O F BOARD GOVERNANCE WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pagevi WEBFFIRS 05/05/2016 1:46:10 Pagevii T H E H A N D B O O K O F BOARD GOVERNANCE A C O M P R E H E N S I V E G U I D E F O R P U B L I C , P R I V A T E , A N D N O T - F O R - P R O F I T B O A R D M E M B E R S R I C H A R D L E B L A N C E D I T O R W i t h J O H N R . S . F R A S E R FFIRS 05/07/2016 11:17:45 Pageviii Coverimage:MartinBarraud/GettyImages,Inc Coverdesign:Wiley Copyright2016byJohnWileyandSons,Inc..Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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Title:Thehandbookofboardgovernance:acomprehensiveguideforpublic,private,andnot-for-profitboard members/editedbyRichardLeblanc. Description:Hoboken,NewJersey:JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,[2016]|Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2016009161(print)|LCCN2016015713(ebook)|ISBN978-1-118-89550-4(cloth)| ISBN978-1-118-89560-3(epdf)|ISBN978-1-118-89537-5(epub) Subjects:LCSH:Boardsofdirectors.|Corporategovernance. Classification:LCCHD2745.H36342016(print)|LCCHD2745(ebook)|DDC 658.4/22–dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2016009161 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1