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MGunDiOgest DERN ® Book of GUN VALUES The Shooter’s Guide to Guns 1900 to Present 16 th Edition Edited By Phillip Peterson Copyright ©2011 F+W Media, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a critical article or review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, or electronically transmitted on radio, television, or the Internet. Published by Gun Digest® Books, an imprint of F+W Media, Inc. Krause Publications • 700 East State Street • Iola, WI 54990-0001 715-445-2214 • 888-457-2873 www.krausebooks.com To order books or other products call toll-free 1-800-258-0929 or visit us online at www.gundigeststore.com. ISBN-13: 978-1-4402-1831-6 ISBN-10: 1-4402-1831-5 Cover & Interior Design by Tom Nelsen Edited by Phillip Peterson Printed in the United States of America MGunDiOgest®BDook ofERN GUN VALUES 16th Edition Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................4 Inspection Guide to Used Guns ...................................................6 Guide to Evaluating Firearms Condition .....................................17 Illustrated Guide to Condition .....................................................25 Firearms Restoration ...................................................................27 Better Than Book: Factors that Increase A Gun’s Value ............30 Arms Pricing & Reference GUNDEX ® ....................................................................................32 Directory of Handgun Manufacturers .........................................83 Handgun Listings ........................................................................84 Directory of Rifl e Manufacturers ...............................................267 Rifl e Listings ..............................................................................268 Gary Reeder Custom Guns Feature .........................................433 Directory of Shotgun Manufacturers ........................................480 Shotgun Listings .......................................................................481 Directory of Commemorative Years .........................................675 Introduction to Commemoratives & Limited Editions ..............676 Commemoratives Listings ........................................................664 Firearms Trade and Proprietary Names ....................................706 Introduction T his ing over 3000 photographs of 20th- and alphabetical manufacturers’ listings; by companies as Astra, Star, and Llama. These and 21st-century handguns, rifl es, consulting the comprehensive “GUNDEX” index guns fi lled a mid range price niche 25 years ago. shotguns and commemoratives – as it section; or by consulting the “Manufacturers’ They were not hot sellers and rarely received is a guide to current used fi rearm values. Directory” that precedes each respective section favorable reviews. Recently published histories As a basic reference work, it provides of the book. We have attempted to improve of these three fi rms have contributed to these specifi cations for most of the world’s small the illustrations shown in this book wherever guns sliding into the "collectible" category. arms manufactured in or imported into the possible and especially in those cases in which Often when a book is published that focuses on United States since 1900. Over 7000 fi rearms illustrations help the reader to differentiate a specifi c arm or manufacturer, new collectors are documented and valued in these pages. between similar models. will buy up existing models and make these For some of the more widely collected We have established a three-tiered pricing formerly common guns quite scarce. fi rearms – such as Colt Single Action Armies, approach for each fi rearm based on the six Some older fi rearms may be in scarce supply High Standards, Lugers and Mausers – our NRA Modern Condition Pricing Standards: yet are not in demand by collectors. Without coverage includes most if not all of the most New, Perfect, Excellent, Very Good, Good demand, regardless of availability, the dollar commonly encountered variations as well as and Fair. Each fi rearm has been evaluated to value of the fi rearm will be low. some rarely found in even advanced collections. determine which three NRA standards most Condition We also include selected military fi rearms such accurately refl ect the condition in which the Of the three factors used to establish value, as Nambus and Tokarevs, but our focus is on particular fi rearm is most likely to be found condition is perhaps the most important and commercial fi rearms. on the used market; the fi rearm is priced certainly the factor most frequently used by Because of its historical base, Modern accordingly. For example, fi rearms currently shooters as well as collectors for determining Gun Values does include some prototypes, on the retail market, or manufactured in the the price of a fi rearm. A “like new” example experimental pieces and one-of-a-kind last four years, will most always be found in of a relatively common older Colt, Smith & developmental or evolutionary models which are New or Perfect condition on the used market, Wesson, Luger or other arm popular with very rare and seldom, if ever, seen on the used while most older fi rearms will rarely be found collectors can bring up to twice the price of fi rearm market. These rarities are important and in any condition exceeding Very Good. The another that easily ranks as “Excellent.” On interesting to document but, as non-production three pricing levels we provide refl ect current the other end of the scale, a scarce, popular fi rearms, next to impossible to price since they observations of prices seen at gun shows, in collectible in “Poor” or even “Fair” condition have little history on the used gun market. the gun shops or in the various periodicals, often will go begging at a fraction of its value in Modern Gun Values is not 100 percent dealer’s catalogs or at auction sales. more acceptable shape. comprehensive – nor can it be, given that Of course, neither condition nor pricing is ever manufacturers have their own product KEYS TO DETERMINING VALUE absolute. There is no such thing as a fi xed price. development cycles that may or may not It’s an axiom among gun enthusiasts that there coincide with our production schedules. There are three primary factors that are key are only two conditions any two collectors can Also, many manufacturers provide private or to establishing a fi rearm’s value. These are agree upon and those are “New” and “Junk”; “boutique” models for large distributors that demand, availability and condition. everything in between is highly subjective and virtually defy categorization. Any attempt to Demand and Availability subject to debate. For example, a shooter include data on every fi rearm manufacturer looking at a potential acquisition might rate a over the last century would result in a book One of the factors driving demand – and thus gun with little fi nish but mechanically tight and twice the size of the collected US Tax Code, the value of a particular fi rearm – is availability. with a fi ne bore, “Excellent”; to the collector When demand exceeds availability, the price and twice as burdensome. However, we are that same fi rearm would rate only a “Good” of the fi rearm increases. This pertains not only quite confi dent that this edition of Modern or possibly “Very Good.” An old Luger with to collectibles but to shooting guns as well. Gun Values will prove of inestimable value in most of its original blue but with the bore badly For example, it is not unusual for a current- identifying and assigning realistic dollar values pitted from corrosive ammunition would rate production fi rearm in limited supply to sell in to 95 percent of the used fi rearms frequently an “Excellent” from most collectors but only a the marketplace for prices considerably above encountered. For those readers seeking more “Fair” from a shooter. Collectors and shooters the manufacturer’s suggested list price. Even comprehensive treatment, we recommend alike fi nd the line between “Good” and “Very some Colt and Smith & Wesson models have these other Gun Digest book titles: Standard Good” or “Very Good” and “Excellent” a fuzzy enjoyed such run-ups. However, realize that in Catalog of Firearms, Standard Catalog of one. When angels tire of dancing on the heads this case when supply fi nally catches up with Military Firearms and Flayderman’s Guide To of pins, they discuss fi rearms condition. demand prices will dip. Antique American Firearms and Their Values. One notable case is occurring as this edition A note on "tactical" or military style fi rearms: goes to press. In 2010, Kel Tec released its WHAT? NO MSRP? Existing listings for tactical fi rearms remain in PMR-30 semi automatic pistol in .22 Magnum, We have deleted MSRPs (manufacturer’s this edition of MGV, but we have not added many featuring a 30 round magazine. MSRP of this suggested retail prices) from this edition new models or entries for new manufacturers. gun supposed to be around $395. They are of Modern Gun Values because they are With the expiration of the 1994 -2004 "assault currently bringing $500 to $600 on internet meaningless. In this internet age, guns sell for weapon" ban, the production of this type of auctions and at retail storefronts. Time will tell whatever the market will bear, and discounting fi rearm has exploded. There are hundreds of if they ever come down to the price range they is rampant. When a new model is introduced small manufacturers now offering a variety of are "supposed" to be. on the market, it may sell for more than MSRP fi rearms. These Include 30 or more makers of For collectibles, although the supply is fi xed, because of consumer demand. As the gun AR-15 pattern rifl es as well as boutique builders demand plays a similar role in establishing value. in question is produced in greater numbers, of semi automatic copies of belt fed machine In the used fi rearms markets, demand seems to discounters reduce the street price below guns from WWII and builders of Cold War era come in instinctive waves, much as a school MSRP. The result? MSRP means nothing. Soviet AK-47s. A thorough listing of just this of minnows will wheel and change direction in Federal courts have found that manufacturers type of fi rearm could fi ll another book. perfect synchronicity, as though by telepathy. cannot dictate street pricing to their distributors Actually, It has. Consult Gun Digest Buyers' Believe it or not, there was a day when Webley and retailers. (They can control their own Guide to Tactical Rifl es by Phillip Peterson for a commercial revolvers in excellent condition channels of distribution, but that’s another caoutmopmraethice nfi sreivaer mlissti.ng of these fascinating semi cfooru lidn flb aet ihoand. fTohr ewne llo unned edr a$y1 0W0,e ebvleeyns a dcjauusgtehdt mana tMteSr.)R PH otwo etvheer,ir mpraonduufacctstu troer sb ec auns eads s“ifgonr on for some reason and values doubled and comparison purposes only.” The difference HOW TO USE THIS EDITION tripled, seemingly overnight. The same process between MSRP and street pricing is well- MODERN GUN VALUES is divided into four is occurring now, although at a slower rate, known to anyone who has ever bought a new major sections – Handguns, Rifl es, Shotguns with many commercial fi rearms made in the car. All prices in this book are street prices. and Commemoratives. Within each of these 1970 - 2000 era. As this editor reviewed current sections the individual fi rearms entries are listed market trends it is noted that values for S&W, THE INTERNET – AND WHY WE Colt, Ruger and other American made revolvers in numerical model, then alphabetical, order. (A of the era are increasing as prices of current SHOULD LOVE IT valuable reference section is also included in production examples creeps upward. In the past, fi rearms street pricing was the back pages of this book.) Another area of recent interest is semi established at retail gunshops and gun shows. Readers can locate a particular gun in three ways: by browsing through the sections automatic pistols made in Spain by such Today, the internet has made everyone with an 4 INTRODUCTION FFL an internet retailer, or e-tailer. if properly done is often diffi cult to tell from location would detract from originality. In assigning values to new fi rearms for this original factory work. Fortunately, many knowledgeable collectors book, I found an enormous range of prices But how does the value of a restored fi rearm and dealers are able to distinguish even the offered by internet retailers operating through compare with that of an original in like condition? best restoration work from “factory original.” one of the web’s fi rearms auction sites. A truly fi rst-class job can bring close to the price In addition, in the current marketplace it is not On this particular day, I can go to an internet of an original-condition example; however, very at all unusual for an owner or seller to not only fi rearms auction site and search for a Remington few restorations are that good. Generally, a admit restoration, but to state with pride that Model 673 Guide Rifl e (alas, lately discontinued very good restoration is usually worth at best a certain arm was restored by a specifi c well- by Remington). Now, MSRP on the Model 673 half as much as a nice original. Two warnings: known restorer. was around $929. Yet I fi nd new in-the-box First, beware of restorations passed off as Ethically, of course, the fact that restoration Model 673s being offered for as much as $725 original. Second, be extra aware of a common work has been done and to what extent and for as little as $524.99. So what is the value model that’s “restored” into a rare variation by should always be disclosed to a prospective of a new Model 673? One thing’s for certain: it modifying markings, barrel length or the like. purchaser. Not to do so has, in the case of sure isn’t MSRP! When in doubt, ask an expert and refer to the some very valuable collectibles, resulted in The internet makes everyone a seller and NRA’s Code of Ethics. Misrepresentation can expensive and embarrassing legal actions. everyone a buyer. It has infused an enormous be fraud. volume of fresh blood into the hobby. In the NRA MODERN CONDITION past, a shooter or collector had to comb the NRA CODE OF ETHICS STANDARDS classifi eds, drive to every retail shop in the A listing of practices considered unethical To give a fi rm foundation for the pricing county, and attend gun shows to fi nd a rare and injurious to the best interests of the structure of this edition, it is essential to or scarce model. Nowadays virtually any gun collecting fraternity. establish a set of condition standards by which can be found after a few minutes’ searching 1. The manufacture or sale of a spurious a fi rearm can be judged. We have adopted online. The result? For newer guns, it’s a copy of a valuable fi rearm. This shall include the well-respected and popular National Rifl e buyer’s market. For scarce vintage or antique the production of full-scale replicas of historic Association’s Modern Condition Standards as models, it’s a seller’s market, at least as far as models and accessories, regardless of easily a guideline to the various grades of condition the internet is concerned. effaced modern markings, and it also shall but have made slight modifi cations (italics) At any rate, the effect of the internet on include the rebuilding of any authentic weapon to further help readers determine condition fi rearms pricing can neither be ignored nor into a rarer and more valuable model. It shall not degrees. overestimated. The worldwide web is the single include the manufacture or sale of fi rearms or New: In same condition as current factory greatest infl uence on modern gun values, and accessories which cannot be easily confused production, with original box and accessories. we can all use it to our advantage, either as with the rare models of famous makers. Perfect: In new condition in every respect, buyers or sellers. Such items are: plastic or pottery products, but may be lacking box and/or accessories. miniatures, fi rearms of original design, or other Excellent: Near new condition, used but little, A REMINDER examples of individual skill, plainly stamped no noticeable marring of wood or metal, bluing with the maker’s name and date, made up as perfect (except at muzzle or sharp edges). Remember that the values shown here should examples of utility and craftsmanship, and not Very Good: In perfect working condition, no be taken as guidelines, not absolutes. When a representative of the designs or models of any appreciable wear on working surfaces, visible rarely seen gun that you’ve been wanting for a old-time arms maker. fi nish wear but no corrosion or pitting, only long time shows up at a price somewhat higher 2. The alteration of any marking or serial minor surface dents or scratches. than we indicate, it still may be worth buying number, or the assembling and artifi cially Good: In safe working condition, minor wear because the pleasure of ownership is often well aging of unrelated parts for the purpose of on working surfaces, no corrosion or pitting worth the higher price. Many collectors freely creating a more valuable or unique fi rearm that will interfere with proper functioning. admit they rarely regret the fi rearms they buy, with or without immediate intent to defraud. Fair: In safe working condition, but well but all too often regret the ones they didn’t buy. This shall not include the legitimate restoration worn, perhaps requiring replacement of minor On the other hand, don’t be too quick to buy a or completion of missing parts with those of parts or adjustments, no rust, but may have common gun that you’d like to have when you original type, provided that such completions corrosion pits which do not render article see it at market price, since one will likely show or restorations are indicated to a prospective unsafe or inoperable. up sooner or later at a lower price. buyer. ******************** From the buyer’s standpoint, pricing at 3. The refi nishing (bluing, browning, the extreme ends of the condition scale or plating) or engraving of any collector’s A fi nal word: May your fi rearms collecting (New to Poor) generally refl ects the most you weapons, unless the weapons may be clearly experience be rewarding and enjoyable, and might consider paying for a particular fi rearm marked under the stocks or elsewhere to may you be the lucky soul who fi nds that one- in a particular condition. From the seller’s indicate the date and nature of the work, in-a-thousand “diamond in the rough” that was standpoint, these values refl ect ballpark fi gures and provided the seller unequivocally shall passed over by less fortunate bargain-hunters where you might start your pricing, leaving describe such non-original treatment to a who did not have this book! yourself ample room for negotiation. In a buyer.* Cordially, bidding or other competitive situation, however, 4. The direct or indirect efforts of a seller Dan Shideler, Editor all bets are off. Whoever wants the item the to attach a spurious historical association to a And the past editors of Modern Gun Values most, and can reinforce his sentiments with his fi rearm in an effort to infl ate its fair value; efforts ******************** to “plant” a fi rearm under circumstances which checkbook, will ultimately obtain it. The sky’s Appeal to Our Readers are designed to infl ate the fair value. the limit. 5. The employment of unfair or shady Because Modern Gun Values is an ongoing With any luck, however, the buyer’s and the practices in buying, selling, or trading at research project, we welcome input from our seller’s comfort zones will overlap at a certain the expense of young and inexperienced readers. No one can hope to know everything point, and that will be the fi gure for which the collectors or anyone else; the devious use about the more than 7000 fi rearms found fi rearm is sold. of false appraisals, collusion and other sharp here. Thus, we ask any collector or enthusiast practices for personal gain. who wishes to contribute information on RESTORATION 6. The use of inaccurate, misleading, or the fi rearms found here or other fi rearms For collectors in particular, there’s another falsifi ed representations in direct sales or not found in these pages, but known to be important aspect of condition that needs in selling by sales list, catalog, periodical manufactured or imported into the U.S. in the to be addressed and that is restoration. As advertisement and other media; the failure to last 100 years, to please contact DBI Books the demand for many collectible arms has make prompt refunds, adjustments or other in writing. This includes historical insights to exceeded the supply of those in “acceptable” proper restitution on all just claims which may fi rearms that played a role in U.S. and world condition, many rare, and even not so rare, arise from arms sales, direct or by mail. events. Submissions made on “all rights, non- fi rearms have been restored. Pitted areas built *When the NRA formulated this Code of returnable” basis, subject to our evaluation. up by welding, missing or damaged parts Ethics many years ago restoration was rarer Unusable submissions returned if accompanied remade, obliterated markings re-rolled, grips than it is today and some restoration was by SASE. and stocks with re-cut checkering, or the metal indeed marked. However, such marking is Write to: polished and refi nished using the techniques rarely if ever done today and restoration is not Modern Gun Values of the original maker are some examples of only considered ethical but desirable when Krause Publications the restoration work possible. A fi rst-class appropriate. Furthermore, for many, a restorer’s 700 East State Street restoration is an expensive proposition, but mark in even the most inconspicuous internal Iola WI 54990 MODERN GUN VALUES, 16TH EDITION 5 Inspection Guide To Used Guns by Patrick Sweeney W HILE THE SATISFACTION of buying a new fire- better do well under an inch with its provided ammo, arm, from the standpoint of warranty and or you may have cause to return it (assuming you can features, appeals to many shooters and shoot that well). If the dealer doesn't have a written collectors, sometimes "used" is the only route. After warranty, ask what the return policy is. all, how many new-in-the-box Winchester pre-64s still If you are not buying from a dealer, you have the exist? Sometimes the only way to acquire the firearm standard business-school Latin to guide you – Caveat model, or the firearm with the features you desire, is Emptor: "Let the buyer beware." One approach that by buying it used. We all have budgets, and purchas- some of my customers took – and more should have ing a used gun is much easier on them! Read on and – was to have their purchase inspected by a pro. If you learn how to buy "used" – safely. have any doubts about an attractive purchase, take If at all possible buy from an established dealer, it to a gunsmith and explain things. Don't just drop with a track record and reputation. Even better, a it off for a "strip and clean" and count on him (or her) dealer who has an in-house gunsmith who inspects uncovering hidden problems. all their used firearms and makes sure no lemons slip Come right out and explain: You just bought it, and through. In the event one does, a reputable dealer will you want it inspected for safety, durability, function take it back or make it right. and headspace. If there is a limited return time, the What should the dealer warranty? The normal and gunsmith needs to know in order to inspect it within expected performance and durability of that model the allotted time. Many gunsmiths are booked solid firearm, and that he presented it correctly as to its fea- for months and may not get it back to you in time if tures and performance. If you buy a plain old used 30- you leave your purchase for what the ‘smith under- 30 and find it shoots three- to four-inch groups at 100 stands is just a "regular cleaning." By explaining your yards, don't expect to be able to return it. If, however, inspection period time constraint you can get your it shoots those groups four feet to the left or right, you new purchase back in time to meet the refund terms have every right to return it. An as-new benchrest rifle of the sale, should you need to return the gun. General Inspection of a Used Firearm To start, give the firearm in question a quick length? Is the muzzle uniform? Does the chambering visual inspection. I call it the "tire tracks and ham- marked on, the barrel match what the seller tells you mer marks" look, and it is the same regardless of the it shoots? Try to get a “feel" for the history and typi- type you are thinking of buying. The inspection of a cal condition of the gun you are looking at. Does it firearm to determine the percentage of finish remain- match the description of the one the seller is trying to ing is covered elsewhere. The purpose of this initial sell you? A firearm that doesn't match what the seller inspection is to uncover damage, repairs or abuse. Is describes is probably best left on the table. the stock straight and clean? Is the barrel straight? Just because you are looking at a worn, used-to-gray Are the sights centered? Are there dents, scratches, rifle the seller describes as "the best he's seen" doesn't cracks or repairs to be seen? Does the bluing have the mean he's fibbing. If you are holding a Remington 700 right color? Are the barrel markings clean and crisp, or in 308 Winchester – yes, he is. On the other hand, if you are they blurry or smeared? Is the barrel, the correct are holding a pre-'64 M-70 in 300 Savage – no, he isn't. RIFLES Open the action. With a light or While many rifles will shoot rough. Ask if you can dry fire it to reflector – and with the action open accurately with a slightly pitted check the safety. and bolt removed if appropriate bore, some won't – and all will Some people do not like to have – look down the bore. Clean, shiny require more frequent cleaning. any gun in their possession dry- and clear of obstructions, right? If Work the action and see if there are fired; others don't care. If you not, let the bargaining begin! any binding spots or if the action is cannot, you may have to pass on 6 INSPECTION GUIDE the deal. Or, you can assure the owner that you will restrain the cocking piece to keep the striker from falling. Close the action and dry-fire it. How much is the trigger pull? Close the action, push the safety to ON, and pull the trigger. It should stay cocked. Let go of the trigger and push the safety OFF. It should stay cocked. Now, dry-fire it. Is the trigger pull different than it was before? If the pull is now lighter, the safety is not fully engaging the cocking piece, and you'll have to have someone work on it to make it safe. If the rifle fires at any time while manipulating the safety (even without your having touched the trigger) it is unsafe until a A rifle fired with a poorly-fitted stock, or one dried out from decades of storage, will gunsmith repairs it. often crack light behind the tang. Look closely for cracks or repairs. While you were checking the safety, just what was the trigger pull? A very light trigger pull is not always bad, but may need adjustment. As an example, if you are handling a Remington 700 or Winchester 70, and the trigger pull is one pound, someone may have adjusted the trigger mechanism. If you are handling a Winchester '94 and the trigger pull is a pound, someone has been stoning the hammer or sear. On the first two, you or your gunsmith can adjust the weight back to normal ranges. On the '94 you may have to buy a new hammer or sear – or both – to get the pull back into the normal range. Inspect the action and barrel channel. Is the gap between the barrel and the channel uniform? Ordoes the forearm bend right or Are the screw slots clean, or are they chewed up? This screw is just tolerable. Any left? Changes in humidity can warp worse and it would indicate abuse instead of 59 years of indifferent attention. aforearm and, if the wood touches the barrel, alter accuracy. The owner may be selling it because the accuracy has "gone south," and not know that some simple bedding work can cure it. Look at the action where it meets the stock. Is the wood/metal edge clean and uniform? Or do you see traces of epoxy bedding compound? Epoxy could mean a bedding job,and it could mean a repair of a cracked stock. Closely inspect the wrist of the stock, right behind the tang. Look for cracks and repairs. Turn the rifle over and look at the action screws. Are the slots clean, or are they chewed up? Mangled slots indicates a rifle that has been taken apart many times Check the edges of the stock where the action rests for signs of glass bedding. – and at least a few of those times Bedding is not bad; in fact, it can be good. But don’t pay collectors’ prices for a with a poorly-fitting screwdriver. working tool that has been modified. MODERN GUN VALUES, 16TH EDITION 7 Remove the barrel to inspect the bore. Is the bore clean of plastic? Is the choke clean? If not, swab them clean. If there are screw-in chokes, do they unscrew easily and smoothly? While you have the forearm off an autoloader, look at the gas system. Is it clean? Or is it crusty from powder residue? Powder residue can be wiped off, but rust requires more a vigorous remedy, and may leave the shotgun as a non-cycling autoloader. Be sure of the chambering, and be sure it is clearly marked. This Marlin was not a 38- 55 when it left the factory; but is now and is clearly so marked. Double-Barrel Shotguns Doubles require a different inspection. While looking over the barrels, look to see that the side or bottom ribs are smoothly attached along their length. A lifted rib that has been repaired will have a different appearance at the repair. Open and close the action. Does the lever move smoothly into place, or do you have to push it the last fraction to fully close it? How far does the lever move? Levers are initially positioned to not go fully to the centerline. As the action wears, the lever moves further and further, Consider rarity when assessing condition. A 30-06 with signs of honest use and taking up the wear. A shotgun with hunting wear is a tool. This same rifle, were the barrel marked “300 Savage” or “35 a lever too far past the centerline Remington,” would be a collector’s dream. may have been shot a great deal, or been taken apart and put back Remove the bolt if you can. If not, inspect the rib (if there is one) to together with the lever mis-timed. use a reflector or light to illuminate see if it has been dented. While Next, check to see the barrels the bore. Is the bore clean and a dented barrel or rib can be are tight. Often, the forearm will bright? Look at the bore near the repaired so the damage is almost put enough pressure on the action muzzle. Do you see jacket fouling or unnoticeable, you can still see to make it seem tight. Remove the lead deposits? Many an "inaccurate" evidence of the repair. forearm and then check barrel rifle can be made accurate again simply by cleaning the jacket fouling out of the bore. While looking down the bore, hold the barrel so a vertical or horizontal bar in a window reflects down the bore. If the reflection of the bar has a ‘break’ in it, the barrel is bent. Sight down the outside of the barrel and see if you can spot it. A slightly bent barrel can still be accurate, but will walk its shots when it heats up. A severely bent barrel must be replaced. SHOTGUNS Pump-Action & Autoloading Shotguns Pumps and autoloaders require the same safety check as rifles do, with a few additions. Safety on, pull the trigger, let go, safety off. Dry fire and see if the weight of the trigger pull changes. Are screw-in chokes easy to remove? Or do you have to wrestle with them? A bulged When inspecting the barrel, choke may mean a ruined barrel. Always unscrew the chokes to make sure they work look for dents or creases. Also, as intended. 8 INSPECTION GUIDE and each has sub-types with In Colts and old Rugers, open their own peculiarities. The four the loading gate, cock the hammer types we'll cover are the single- back to the (half-cock) notch that action revolver and double- frees the cylinder, and rotate the action revolver, single-action cylinder. Look to see that it isn't autoloading pistol and double- loaded. On new Rugers, opening action autoloading pistol. the loading gate frees the cylinder to rotate. To close up both action Single-Action Revolvers "systems," close the loading gate, The single-action revolver is cock the hammer and, with your known by many as the cowboy thumb on the hammer spur, pull revolver. Your quick visual the trigger and ease the hammer The screw-in chokes in this barrel, while inspection of the exterior should forward while holding the trigger functional, doom the barrel for resale. start with the sights, to make sure back. Check the cylinder for play. The wall was cut too thin on one side they are straight, and the grips For those who may not know, and chipped out. The owner will never be to make sure they are without spinning the cylinder at high speed, able to sell the barrel, for who would buy cracks or dents. Also look at the or fanning the hammer are both it? You might, if you neglected to check. exterior edge of the muzzle, and the considered abusive handling, and corners of the frame, for signs of will likely end the sale before it tightness. Does the barrel assembly dropping. Bent sights and cracked starts. Don't do either! move or wobble when closed? Can grips indicate a dropped handgun. Does the cylinder move back and you see the joint at the action Dropping can bend the barrel, warp forth? Called endshake, it can be changing size when you try to the frame or throw off the timing. easily fixed, but if there is too much move the barrel? A loose barrel is Hold the revolver up to the light, it indicates a revolver that has seen a an expensive repair, so be sure to sideways, and look at the cylinder lot of use. On a Colt-pattern revolver check. Pull or twist the barrel in gap. There should be daylight, but it could mean that the cylinder has all three axes; attempt to move the not too much of it. The SA comes in been replaced and not properly rear side to side, lift as if you were the Colt pattern, old Ruger, and the fitted, or the bushing is worn – or opening the action (but not pushing new Ruger. peened – from heavy loads. the lever), and pull the barrels forward. The action should be as tight as a bank vault. Next, the triggers. You'll need snap caps and the owner’s permission. Insert the snap caps and close the action. Put the safety on. If the double is a twin trigger, check to make sure the safety blocks both triggers. If it is a single trigger, make sure the safety blocks the trigger when the barrel selector is set to each barrel in turn. Push the safety to OFF and snap one of the barrels. Open the action (keep your hand over the action to stop the snap cap from The wood on this shotgun can be repaired, but what being launched across the room) caused it? If a previous owner used magnum shells in then close it and select the other a non-magnum-capable gun, the action may be loose. barrel. Snap that barrel and open Check the tightness of the barrels to the receiver. the action again, stopping the snap cap from being ejected. Both barrels work? Good. Close the action, snap one of the barrels, and then slap the butt of the shotgun with your hand. If the shotgun has a non-inertial trigger – like the Ruger Red Label – you can forego the slapping. Does the second barrel now fire when you pull the trigger? If so, the inertial trigger is working. If not, you may have to slap it harder, or the inertia weight needs adjusting. HANDGUNS Handguns come in two types: revolvers and autoloading pistols, On doubles, check to see if the top lever is easy to move and the action easy to open. MODERN GUN VALUES, 16TH EDITION 9

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