GrandmaRsetpeerr t9o ire The GriinfeDledf ence VolumeT"Wo By BoriAsv rukh QuaClhietys s .uqalitycuhke www Firesdti t2i0Io Ibn y Q uailtCyh eUsKsL td Copyrti©g2 h0IIB orAivrsu kh Grandmas9t er Repertoire - ThGer fiDneffeVelondlcT uewm oe Alrli grhetssee drN.vo p artt hopifus b licmaatybi ero enp rodsutcoerde,d inr eat rsiyesvtaelm or itnar nafynor smmo irt atbneymyd e anesl,e ncitcro, eleocsttramtaigcn,et taippceh ,o tocorpeycionrgod,roi tnhge rwwiitsheo,u t prior permiosfst ihpoeun bs lhier. PaperIbSaBc9Nk7 8-I-907982-00-2 HardcIoSveB9rN7 8-I-90I7-998 2-0 Alsla loeres n qusis rhioeubledd i retcoQt ueadl iCthyeU sKsL td, 20B alvieM iRnlogaaedv,G,i l sagoGw6 27 TAU,n itKeidn gdom e-maiinolf@:q lit.yccoh.eusks Disterdii bnUu Sta nCda nabdySa CBD istriGbaurtdoerCnsaa,lo, ir fnUiSa , www Disterdii bnRu etsotft hWeo rlbdyQ ualiCthyeU sKsL ttdh rough Sunrise HaSnmydcizckr4oa/wft9a2s8 ,0, - 8L4u4b lPionl,a nd TypesbeyJt a cAoabg aard EditbeyCd o lMicnN aabn Adn drGerwe et ProroefabdyJ ohSnh aw Covdeers ibgyAn d masoDne sign Prinitne dE sbtyTo anlliianR naaa matuorjrLaiiL kCi k Preface Thep osiwthiioocnch c uarftset rho ep enmionvgel ds.4 lt:l f62 .4gc 63 .ltldc534 c.xdlt:l5x dw5i ll provtihdseet artinfgort hpitoshis,ene tc ovnodl uimnme y t wo-pwaorrotkn t hGer iienlfd. (I am nostu riefG" riienlfDdefe nciers"e alalcyc uatrnea rtImen .c )a stehr ee aidnesor yt e ftma iliar witVohl umOen eI,w iolnlc aeg asihna trhese t oorfhy o wIb ecaamd ee vootfte hewi osn rdfeul openiAs nIgw .r otet hPeir nae cfteot hfei vrosltu me: "AfteImr o vetdoI srian1e 9l95 m yo penrienpge rwtaosi rresa ahtkhyse,odr u rimnyfg i rst fwe montthhse Irm ea daes erieoffourstt oi mporviet F.o rtuntahtBeee leyr -SChleuvba anidt msa nagIelry aLheuv ant ptrhobeve ispdtoe sds ible fcoro nsdwuioctrhiMk oy.fn isr st coaicnhI srwaaeMsla rTks ietlwihno,mI c ontitnoru eeg aarssd o metohfi 'naGg r eiilndf gurIu '.ar lescoe hiivgeqdhu alyis tuppfoorrmtAl exH uzmaans ,t ropnlga yeri bswe hsot knowfnorb eitnhgle o ng-termB ocroGiaesacl nhfd .o f Evesri enm cyf ifreslwt e sswointMsha rIk ,i mmeduinadteerlstyth otaohtGde r iienlfwda s thoep enfiornm ge I.w as atbtyrt ahcet ecdo mbadtyinvaepm oiascn idtt iowo hniscl he aidts , anrde litshhpeer do sopeffc itg hftorit nhigen iiattwiivttehh b el apcike cIewtsa .ess pecially helptfhuaaltl t lh set ropnlga yienmr ysn ewc lukbn etwh oipse nwienlgIl n.d eientd h,e presweonrttk h ree adweirlf lin pdl eyno tfr eefrentcote hsge a meosfM arTkse itAllienx, HuzmaAnl,oG nr eeelnVfdi,c tMoirk halaenvAdsl keFixi nkAettl ti mtehi en fluoefn ce thceo mputenro stwos a tsr oanngbd,y a nasliyntgo gewtehm earn agteodd i scaol voeotrf interiedsetTaihsneG.g r iienlfhda rse maimnyef di rcshto iacgea i1nd.s4ft or s ixtyeeeanr s (ancdo un!t)wih,neg raegaasi lne.s4th aIv ceh anqgueidat l eo t." Int hfei vrosltu Imm ee ntitohnpeer do bolffe img hatginansitgth Fei ancVharetitaotw ihoinIc, h harde ocmmnedeidnG randRmeasptee2rr -t Io.idVor4le u TmweBo h isn owttah ose n ltyi me Ih atdo o ffearna nti'daoagtienm syts eIlh fa' etdhm ea ilni niensv ol3v.iltl3nc gd4 5c. xd5 lt:lxd55e .4i nn umergoaumsew si tthh weh iptiee caensdI,c ontitnoru eel tihscehh allenges presebnytt heGedr iienlffdor me itheorft hsbeio daerO dn.eo fm yf vaourwietaep ownistt hh e whiptiee hcaebsse etnh fema ou8sJ !1sb y stema,sy obcuua tsn e ienC hapt1e-3r61s,B lack is currednotilfnyig n e stoIhh earvebe,e efnor cetdoe xplootrheae vrne uewsh epnl ayaignagi nst myp eotp eniAnngo.t hcerri tical biastt ht7ei.l. ce4gs ryosutanegdma ,i wnhsitcI dh e cided too ffera chboeitcwee edn iefftrweaonp tp roafcorBh leascd ke,t aoifwl hsi cchab ne f oundi n Chapt1e-7r21s. Thiss eocnvdo lucmoem plmeytG ersa ndmReapstetoireinrtrh eGe r iienlfIdh .a vgea inale odot f enjoyamswe enltasl e xecllreeunsltt st hobevo earwr idt thh is ogpreenaiatnn gId , htohpaemty twboo owkisl l thhreee laptd eodr ot hsea me. BorAivrsu kh Beer-SJhuen2ve0a 11, Contents Keyt oS ymboulsse &d Biblgriaophy 6 Vario5utshM ovelsd .4lLJf6 2.c4g 63 lLJ.c3d 54 .xcd5lLJ xd5 4.cxctJdx5d 55 .ctJf3 7 2 5.ctJa4 19 3 5.id2 26 4 5g.3 41 Vario7utshM ovels .4dlLJf6 2.c4g 63 .lLJcd354 .dcx5lLJxd55 .4elLJxc3 6b.xc�3g7 5 7.gi5 57 6 7.ia3 62 7 7.\Wa4t 69 8 7.ibt5 78 ld.4lLJf6 2.c4g 63 .lLJcd35 4.lLJcxxdd555 .elLJ4xc63 .bx�cg377 �.e3 9 TwoR ookM oves 89 10 8.ctJf3 108 11 8.\Wd2 134 ld.4lLJf6 2.c4g 63 lLJ.c3d 54 .dcx5lLJxd55 .elLJ4xc63b. xc�3g 77 lLJ.f3 12 Vario8utshM oves 144 ld.4� f6 2c.4g 63 �.c3d 54 .dcx5� xd55 .4e �x6cb.3x cJ.3g 7 7�.f3 c5S J�bl 13 Vario9utshM o ves 162 14 ll.YMd2 169 15 ll..idYM2x a2- Introducatnid ono therM ov1e3tsh 181 16 13.gi5 194 l.4d� f6 2.c4g 63 .�cd354 .dcx5� xd55e .4� xc63b .xcJ.3g 77 J..c4 17 Vario9utsha nd1 OtMho ves 203 18 10. .ig.4 212 19 12.E:1b 222 20 10. .YM.c 7 229 21 ll...b6!? 241 VariatIinodne x 255 Ketyso y mbuoslesd t Whitisesl hitgbleyt ter i Blaicsskl igbhettltye r ± Whitibese tter + Blaicbske tter +- Whitheaa sd eciasdivvaen tage -+ Blahcakas d eciasdivvaen tage equality iii witcho mpensation � witcho unterplay m unclear --+ witaht tack t witihn aittiive aw eak move ?? ab lunder ag oomdo ve !! ane xecllmeonvte !? am ovweo rth considering ?! am ovoef dtofuvuball ue # mate Bibliography AagaaSrtda:grO tuitThn:eG runDfeefeldn cEevr,ey ma2n0 04 AvrukGhr:a ndmRaespte2er -rtJ o.iVodrl4eu TmweQo u,a liCthye2 s0s1 0 CoxS:t ianrOgtu 1t d:4 E!ve,r ym2a0n0 6 DaviTheesG :r unDfeefeldn cEev,er y2m0a0n2 DeariCnhagll:ge intnghG ern nfeQludal,iC thye 2s0s0 5 Delc&h eAgvr eTshtSe:a fest GCrnhenSsfetslda 2,r01s 1 DembPola:ty h Ger unEfevlde,r y2m0a0n7 RowsonU:n daenrdgsti thne GrGuambnife1tld99 ,9 SakaAenvE :x peGrutit'sdto eh 7 e. Bc4 GCrhueeSstnsa fe2rld0s0, 6 Periodicals Newi nC heYseasr books SecroefOt pse niSnugr pr(iSsOeSs) Electronicr/eIsnotuerrnceets ChessMBaagsaneze i Vari5otMuhos v es 4cx.d5� x5d. �53£ VariIantdieoxn I.dtD4f6 2.c4g 63 .tD3c d45. dcx5 tDxsd.5tD f3 s. .i.g.7 A)6 .3g 8 B) .i6d 20. - 0? .:atDcbl6 9 B18).3 e 9 B2) .i8g 5 10 • C)6 .�b3 13 D)6 .�a4t 14 E)6 .i g5c 5? .:atDcxlc 83h .xc03- 0 16 • E1)9 .�d2 16 E2)9 .e3 17 B2n)o tteol .ld5!? B2a)f tle.lrd 5!? E2a)rf elrl .�e2 a b c d e f ga hb c d e f g h a b c d e f g h 1.2g. 4.! N l.l�. x.c 3t!N l.!..Wid5!N 8 Vario5utsMh o ves ld.4� f6 2.cg64 3 .c�3d 54 .c:xd�5x d56 �xc3 7.bxc3 b6!? ..• 5.�.if3g7 The normcalo ntinuwaotuilbdoe n . c.75 . 8.! g.2 tt:l c6t,r ansptoots hileni g5n ge.3 .! g7 6. .!g2 7tt:lb.xxccc3358 .3tt:ltt:l fc6a,sa nalysed inl inBe o fC hapt4e.Thr e immediate fiancohfeB tlta'ocsl k ight-sbqiusahirosep d ani nteraensqdtu iinptgre o miaslitnegr native, whicehn ablesse ctophnleda yteon re utralize anpyr esasluortnehg he 1 a-8d iagonal. s.i g..i2 b 79. �� Bla'cspk osition pseherocfutsllaedyf,a sb e showbnyt hfeol lowiiulnslgt rlatiinvees . a b c d e f gh Thisp osiitsif roqenu enrtelayc vhiead the movoer doef4r tt'l .f3.! g75 .xcd5tt:l xd5Th.e main ilosif cn oeu rseb u6it.n te h4pe,r esent chaptweirpl alway et tenttoti hoseni gnificant sideloifAn )e6 s. gB3)6, .i d.2 C,)6 J�Yb3, D)6 .WI'aa4nEdt) 6 .i g.5 . -07 .4ett:l b6 leaap doss itftoori mo n Chapt2e,br e ginwniitnthgh 4 e. xcd5tt:l xd5 aovoer der. a b c d e f gh A)6 .g3 IO.i e3 • 1.0 .!waa3ps l ayientd h e ogladmCeeor t ta -MorBie,l Hoo riw1n6t9e6A .t t hipso int Black hcaovqueul eds titohpneeo ds itioning oft hbei shwoipt h etnheer g1e.0tc .i5.c! N, witthhp eo itnhtaa ftte lr.l dxtt:lcd57 1 .2!!bl 'Wic71 .3cxbtt:l6x b6B lachka sp romising i 10� d7l .lWI'clc 51 2.i h6 !!1c.3.iS x g7 •.. • �xg7 Whihtaems a nagteotd r atdhdeea rk-squared bishboupttsh ,ie d ehaac so hsitm qaul ioottfe timaen,id n t hfeol lowgianmgBel awcakas b le a b c d e f gh too btatihunep phearn d. Thpiasr timcouvolera drae lrl Bolwasac nek x tra 14.WI'Wl'ac371 5!!d.fle 61 .6!!a!!cdfl81 7.e3 optiwohni,Ich ha ve cthoeo xspelhnoe rree . Chapt1e 4r-.x cdtLl5x d55tLl .f3 9 �e41 8.Y;Ycb471 9.hc!Llge2l2 0.xc!Llgc!Ll2f6 i 9. .i.x.c 3t! Blawcaks m orceo mofrtaibnlM ee ie-r Thisi s iamnp oritdawenhati scohl Bvlekas'c s VachiLearg rKavhea,n ty-Ma2n0s0i9y.s k probleeamssi ly. 1.0xbc3 B)6 .�d2 1J'!0xc3a lsloe andosw hefrore W hite: 10 .d.l 1t.'. 1W'it>xxdtLl1a 41!.2 l'!a(321 .l'!cl l'!d8t1 .3'it>etLl1x b2 galisvoBe lsa ncko proble1m.2ttJs. x..b) 2 1t.3 'it>ctLllc 41 .4l'!c3 ltla51 .5e4 .i1g.64ltl e.i5e 6B lacwaks absolfiuntiee nPl ayar nte-nH almeenmaki, Finl2a0n10d. 1.0W. x.d l1t1l'! .xdltJ1a 41 .2cttJ4c 61 .3.i h6?! l'!e81 .4�e3� e61 5l'!.b.i1x c14.6 g.i3a 6 Blacpko'ssi twiasoa nl repardeeyrfb alien R.N ils-sKoonr a,nc yoir1r89.8 . Bl8). e3 8 Thisc asno mmeetsti ranstpoto hsbeee tter 7 know5n�. d2l inbeu,tt h earreale s os ome indepepnodsesnitb ilities. 6 6. 0.-.70 Jkl 5 7.etLl4x c83. x�c�3g 4r eacahp eoss ition 4 examivnietadh 5 e.i d.2 movei nlo irEnd ee r 3 ofC hap3t.e r 2 7. �.b.6 NowW hi'tmsea ipno ssibairBleli 8t).i3 ee s anBd 28). �g5. a b c d e f gh 8.4� f 8. �.c6.! Thiisns o dta ngeralolu.s at Blacpkr . 5.a dvancweh,i ch 8. c.59. d. xc5 shouelnds uarnae c tgiavmefe or h im. 8 Iti sw ortmhe ntioni8n. gttJ.8 .dt 7ih sta oto passainvfdeol ,l ow9i.naag45 1! 0 .ee514 . 1d5 7 c61 .2�g.i5f6! 1 3�.e3W hitoeb taisnoemde 6 advanatnawdgo ena v ery nicToep aglaomve , 5 -ChepnaorvSi,o fi2a0 08. 4 3 9.�b5 Itn aitsu frora lW htiott rey dainsudcr oage 2 hiosp potn'eisnd eIant. h eeev notf9 .�ee52 a b c d e f gh