THE GROWTH OF THE MEDIEVA L CITY A History of Urban Society Europe In General Editor: Rohert Tiftler This major series investigates the variety, functions and character of the cities of Europe, and the changing lifestyles of their inhabitants, since early medieval times. Strong in outline and rich in detail, each volume will synthesise the present state of scholarship on the often controversial issues involved; and each will offer interpretations based on the author's own research. The books will be necessary reading for students of urban and social history, and enjoyable and informative for non-specialists as weIl. ALREADY PUBLISHED The Growth cif the Medieval City From Late Antiquity to the Early Fourteenth Century David Nicholas The Late Medieval City 1300-1500 David Nicholas The Early Modem City, 1450-1750 Christopher R. Friedrichs of The Growth the Medieval City From Late Antiquity to the Early Fourteenth Century DAVID NICHOLAS First published 1997 by Addison Wesley Longman Limited Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OXI4 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint ofthe Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © Addison Wesley Longman Limited 1997 The right of David Nicholas to be identified as author of this W ork has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanicaI, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd., 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9HE. ISBN 978-0-582-29906-1 (pbk) British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nicholas, David, 1939- The growth of the medieval city : from late antiquity to the early fourteenth century / David Nicholas. p. cm. - (A history of urban society in Europe) Inc1udes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-582-29907-1 (CSD). - ISBN 0-582-29906-3 (PPR) 1. Cities and towns, Medieval. 2. Cities and towns, Ancient. I. Tide. II. Series. HT115.N53 1997 307.76'09'02-DC20 96-27185 CIP Contents 01 List Maps and Plans xi Editor's Priface XlI Priface XlV Acknowledgernents XVI11 PART ONE: ANTIQUITY AND THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES 1 1. The Urban Legacy of Antiquity 3 The Roman and the medieval city 3 Organic and planned cities 4 Roman Urbanisation in the Early Empire 6 City types and public administration 6 The beginnings of urbanisation in Roman Gaul 7 Roman urbanisation in Britain 9 The Third-century Crisis and Its Aftermath 10 The walled city as an urban type 10 The Fourth Century 14 The Mediterranean basin 14 Gaul and Britain 16 Christianity and the Urban Fabric of Late Antiquity 17 The Fifth Century: The Catastrophe of Roman Urbanisation 18 The Mediterranean 18 Gaul and Britain 20 2. Suburbanisation and Deurbanisation in Merovingian and Carolingian Gaul, 500-830 24 V Contents Capitals 26 The bourgs 27 Episcopal cities and merchant suburbs 28 Urban society in the Merovingian age 30 Episcopal cities and public lordship in Merovingian Gaul 30 Monastic cities 31 The fate of Roman urbanisation in southern and western Gaul 33 Episcopacy and urbanisation in the Rhineland 34 Urban life in pre-Carolingian Italy 35 Urbanisation in early Britain 37 The Economy of the Early Cities: the Problem of the Seventh Century 38 Quentovic and Dorestad 40 Urban life in Britain in the seventh century 41 Urban Life in Lombard and Early Carolingian Italy 42 Urban Life in Northern Europe in the Early Carolingian Age 47 Trade in Carolingian city and suburb 49 The coastal emporia 50 The Islarnic cities 51 3. Challenge and Response: the Scandinavian and Muslim Attacks and the Revival of Urban Life in the West, 830-1000 54 The Scandinavian attacks and urbanisation 54 The Low Countries 56 The Mlik 58 Urbanisation in England in the Viking age 58 The Burghal Hidage and English urban organisation 60 The Saxon burhs: the example of Winchester 61 The Scandinavians and urban development: the examples of Y ork and Dublin 63 The Tenth-century Revival 64 France 65 En&and 67 Germany 69 Eastern Europe 72 Merchants and craftsmen in post-Carolingian Italy 74 City and contado in early medieval Italy 77 The Low Countries 81 Retrospect: a millennium of urban development 81 vi Contents PART TWO: THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH CENTURIES 85 4. From Seigniorial to Economic Urbanisation: Landowning, Commerce and Industry in the Cities of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries 87 Residence and city 87 Lords and fortresses 88 Jewish capital and urban growth 89 The Physical Expansion of the Cities 90 The terminology of urbanisation 90 The urban parishes 91 Extension of the walls 92 The planned towns of the central Middle Ages 96 City plan and city wall 98 Expansion and form of the urban markets 100 Neighbourhoods, occupational segregation and public amenities in the twelfth-century city 102 The Beginnings of Economic Urbanisation 104 . Transport and urbanisation 106 Politics and urbanisation 108 The early development of urban/ economic regions 110 Fairs and urbanisation 113 Urban Society in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: From Landowning Elite T oward Merchant Patriciate 115 City and contado in the Mediterranean basin 117 Ministerial elite or commercial patriciate? 125 Guilds and Social Organisation 129 The early guilds: landowners and merchants 129 Merchant guilds in Germany and the Low Countries 133 Merchant guilds in France and Italy 134 Craft guilds 135 Craft statutes, quality control and regulation of the market 139 5. Urban Law and Government in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries 141 Lords and corporations: the beginnings of urban govemment in northem Europe 141 Municipal liberties in France, England and the Low Countries 146 The communal movements 146 Communal institutions and the growth of municipal govemment 150 Jurisdictional heterogeneity in the cities 152 Vll Contents Merchant law and urban law 154 Freedom and freedoms in the medieval city 155 Urban Government in Southern Europe 157 The urban consulates of Italy 157 The movement for municipal independence in Italy: the communal movement and the first Lombard League 163 Urban consulates in France 166 The example of Toulouse 167 PART THREE: THE MATURING OF MEDIEVAL URBANISATION, c. 1190-c. 1270 169 6. The Expansion of the Cities in the Thirteenth Century 171 Industrialisation, long-distance trade and urbanisation 171 Diversification and domestic demand 174 Trade, manufacture and the wealth structure. Distribution of goods 175 Urban networks and demographic patterns 178 Urban regions 179 The region and population replenishment 181 Urban privilege and the regional market 182 Changes in the City Plan. The Walls, Inner Cities and Suburbs 184 Reims: a case study of planned topographical expansIOn 186 The street plan and social geography 187 The land market and urban rent 189 The market square 191 Public buildings on the market 193 The first city halls 195 Urban renewal in thirteenth-century Italy 196 The example of Bologna (Plan 14) 200 7. The North European Cities in the Thirteenth Century 202 Citizenship: the nature of the urban community 202 The cities and their lords 204 The urban churches in the thirteenth century 208 City and countryside. Urban administration in the environs 210 Urban leagues 211 The city militia 212 Urban Social Structures 213 Formation and definition of urban elites 213 V111 Contents The elite of Metz 219 The Merchant Guilds in the Thirteenth Century 220 Crafts and craft organisations 222 Urban Govemment in the Thirteenth Century 228 Govemment through councils 228 The Low Countries 229 France 230 The communes: mayors, jures and public administration 231 Germany 234 England 236 The special case of London 238 Early City Finances 239 The French royal domain and the south 241 England 243 Germany 244 8. The Commercial Cities of Thirteenth-century Italy under 'Popular' Oligarchies 246 The Italian urban farnily 247 City Govemment in Italy During the Early Thirteenth Century 248 The executive: senator, doge, podesta 248 Coumili ~2 The administration of the contado 253 City finances in Italy 255 Merchants, crafts and guilds 258 Municipal Govemment under the Popolo 262 Guelfs and Ghibellines 266 The popolo at Florence 268 The popolo and the guilds 270 PART FOUR: A HALF-CENTURY OF CRISIS 273 9. Merchant as Craftsman, Magnate as Guildsman: The Transformation of the Medieval City, c. 1270- c. 1325 275 Economy and demography 275 England 282 London: the metropolis as paradigm 283 Freedom of the city and the crafts 286 France 287 The special case of Paris 287 Citizenship 288 The crafts in French cities 289 IX