THEGROWTH OFMATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE SYNTHESE LIBRARY STUDIES IN EPISTEMOLOGY, LOGIC, METHODOLOGY, AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Managing Editor: JAAKKOHINTIKKA, Boston University Editors: DIRKVANDALEN, University ofUtrecht,The Netherlands DONALD DAVIDSON, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley THEaA.F.KUIPERS, University ofGroningen, The Netherlands PATRICKSUPPES, Stanford University, California JAN waLEN-sKI, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland VOLUME 289 THE GROWTH OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE Editedby EMILY GROSHOLZ ThePennsylvania State University, U.S.A. and HERBERT BREGER LeibnizArchives,Hannover and Universityof Hannover.Germany , .... Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y: AC.I.P.Cataloguerecord for this book isavailablefrom the LibraryofCongress. ISBN978-90-481-5391-6 ISBN978-94-015-9558-2(eBook) DOI10.1007/978-94-015-9558-2 Printed onacid-free paper All Rights Reserved ©2000SpringerScience+BusinessMediaDordrecht OriginallypublishedbyKluwerAcademicPublishersin2000. Softcoverreprintofthehardcover1stedition2000 No part ofthe material protectedby this copyrightnotice may bereproduced or utilizedinany form or byany means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying,recording orbyany information storageand retrieval system,without written permissionfrom the copyrightowner. TABLEOFCONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ix INTRODUCTION xi NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS xxxix PARTI:THEQUESTIONOFEMPIRICISM THEROLEOF SCIENTIFICTHEORYAND EMPIRICALFACTINTHE GROWTH OF MATHEMATICALKNOWLEDGE JAAKKO HINTIKKA/KnowledgeofFunctions inthe Growthof MathematicalKnowledge MICHAELS.MAHONEY/Huygensand the Pendulum:From Device to MathematicalRelation 17 2 DONALD GILLIES/An EmpiricistPhilosophyofMathematics and Its Implications forthe HistoryofMathematics 41 IVO SCHNEIDER/ The MathematizationofChance inthe Middle ofthe 17th Century 59 MICHAEL LISTON /Mathematical Empiricism and the MathematizationofChance:CommentonGillies and Schneider 77 3 EMILYGROSHOLZ/The Partial Unification ofDomains,Hybrids, and the Growth ofMathematicalKnowledge 81 CRAIG FRASER/Hamilton-JacobiMethods and Weierstrassian Field Theory inthe Calculus ofVariations 93 4 PAOLOMANCOSU/ On MathematicalExplanation 103 FRAN<;OIS DEGANDT/Mathematicsandthe ReelaborationofTruths 121 v vi TABLEOF CONTENTS 5 MARK STEINER/Penrose and Platonism 133 MARK WILSON /Onthe MathematicsofSpilt Milk 143 PARTII:THEQUESTIONOFFORMALISM THE ROLE OFABSTRACTION, ANALYSIS, AND AXIOMATIZATION IN THE GROWTHOFMATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE. CARLOCELLUCCI/TheGrowth ofMathematicalKnowledge: An Open World View 153 DETLEFLAUGWITZ/Controversiesabout Numbersand Functions 177 CARLPOSY/ Epistemology, Ontology, and the Continuum 199 2 HERBERTBREGER/Tacit Knowledgeand MathematicalProgress 221 MADELINEM.MUNTERSBJORN/The Quadratureof Parabolic Segments 1635- 1658:AResponse to Herbert Breger 231 MICHAELLISTON/MathematicalProgress:Ariadne'sThread 257 COLIN MCLARTY/Voir-Dire inthe Case ofMathematical Progress 269 3 HOURYA BENIS-SINACEUR/The Nature ofProgress inMathematics: The SignificanceofAnalogy 281 EBERHARDKNOBLOCH/Analogyand the Growth of Mathematical Knowledge 295 TABLE OFCONTENTS vii 4 ALEXEI BARABASHEV/ Evolution ofthe Modes ofSystematization ofMathematicalKnowledge 315 ISABELLA BASHMAKOVAAND G.S.SMIRNOVA/Geometry, the First UniversalLanguageofMathematics 331 III.THEQUESTIONOFPROGRESS CRITERIAFORAND CHARACTERIZATIONSOF PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICALKNOWLEDGE PENELOPEMADDY / MathematicalProgress 341 MICHAELD. RESNIK / SomeRemarks on MathematicalProgress from aStructuralist'sPerspective 353 2 VOLKERPECKHAUS/ Scientific Progress and Changes inHierarchiesofScientific Disciplines 363 SERGEI DEMIDOV/Onthe Progress ofMathematics 377 KLAUS MAINZER/Attractors ofMathematicalProgress: The Complex Dynamics ofMathematicalResearch 387 CHRISTIANTHIEL /On Some DeterminantsofMathematical Progress 407 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Emily Grosholz and Herbert Breger would like to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Transatlantic Cooperation Grant (1994-1997) in the context ofwhich the two conferences that gave rise to this book were planned. The Humboldt grant represents quite precisely the intention of this project, to bring together in a more effective waytwo communities ofscholars ontheEuropean andNorth American shores oftheAtlantic Ocean. Wewould also like to thank the Office ofContinuing and Distance Education ofthe PennsylvaniaStateUniversity for itsgenerous support oftheconferences andthis volume, and in particular Patricia Book, Associate Vice-President for Outreach and Executive Director ofthe Division ofContinuing Education, forher faith inthe project. We would also like to thank a variety ofunits at the Pennsylvania State University for their support: the Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies, the Department of Philosophy,the College ofthe LiberalArts, the College ofEarth and Mineral Sciences, the College ofScience, and the College of Engineering, as well as the Department of Mathematics and the Department ofGermanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures. Finally,wewould liketothank Abe Schenitzer andAnik and Pierre Kerszberg fortheir generous help with the translation of some of these essays; and Professors Boris Kushner, Fritz Nagel, Abe Schenitzer, and Robert Thomas, and Drs. Lisa Shabel and Aaron Lercher fortheir interestinandattendance oftheconferences. Emily Grosholz would like to thank the American Council of Learned Societies fora Fellowship (1997) which allowed herto work onthe Introduction to this book, andto Clare Hallaswellasthe Department ofHistory and Philosophy of Science atthe University ofCambridge, which welcomed her asa Visiting Fellow during 1997 98. The 1997-98 lecture series at King's College, London (in which Grosholz, Breger, Mancosu and Gillies participated) wasespecially helpfuland illuminating. She would also like to thank the graduate and undergraduate students at Penn State in Philosophy 570 (Spring 1995) and Philosophy 512 (Spring 1996) for their support ofthe conference inmanyrespects(Englishing, copy-editing, translation aswell as hosting participants): Nathan Anderson, Derrick Calandrella, Evgenia Cherkasova, Peter Costello, Russell Ford, Albert Frantz, Michael Jarrett, Ravinder Koul, Franklin Perkins,Gregory Recco, DianaRhodes,CoryStyranko, andErnst-Jan Wit. Finally, she would like to thank Evgenia Cherkasova, Gregory Recco, and Rebecca Wayland for their role as research assistants in the preparation of this manuscript. The many hours they have spent laboring with her over the linguistic, computer-related, and mathematical complexities of the text are effectively uncountable. Rebecca Wayland's ability to organize a large,multifarious plan ofwork wasespecially valuable. This volume is dedicated to Isabella Bashmakova in honor of her great achievement as an historian of mathematics and to Evgenia Cherkasova, Professor Bashmakova'sstudent andmine,inhonorofhergreat promise asaphilosopher. IX EMILYGROSHOLZ INTRODUCTION Mathematics has stood as a bridge between the Humanities and the Sciences since the days ofclassical antiquity. For Plato, mathematics was evidence ofBeing in the midst of Becoming, garden variety evidence apparent even to small children and the unphilosophical, and therefore of the highest educational significance. In the great central similesofTheRepublicitisthetouchstone ofintelligibilityfordiscourse, and in the Timaeus itprovides in an oddly literal sense the framework ofnature, insuring the intelligibility ofthe materialworld. For Descartes, mathematical ideas had a clarity and distinctness akin to the idea of God, as the fifth of the Meditations makes especially clear. Cartesian mathematicals are constructions as well as objects envisioned by the soul; in the Principles, thework ofthe physicistwhoprovides aquantified account ofthe machines ofnature hovers between description and constitution. For Kant, mathematics reveals the possibility of universal and necessary knowledge that is neither the logical unpacking ofconcepts nor the record ofperceptual experience. Inthe Critique ofPure Reason, mathematics is one of the transcendental instruments the human mind uses to apprehend nature, and by apprehending to construct it under the universal and necessary lawsofNewtonian mechanics. The doctrines of these three great philosophers have been typical of the Western tradition as a whole, up to the present century. The mathematician is both a visionarywho testifies to an intelligibledomain, andademiurge whomakes worlds out ofnumbers, figures,and their offspring.Mathematics isboth aknowing and amaking; it leads the philosopher to both metaphysics and science. But in our era, philosophers have lost sight ofthe full significance ofour own tradition. Contemporary philosophy ofmathematics, whichtendstousethe instrumentoflogicalanalysistotheexclusion of the methods ofhistory initsstudy,focusesonthe constructive, scientific dimensions of mathematics. This approach is surely sound, but ought to be augmented by a more historical and reflective approach, that will do justice to the other, metaphysical and visionary, dimensions ofmathematicalthought. Thisgeneral insightgainsurgency andconcreteness when brought intorelation with the current state ofaffairs in philosophy of mathematics, where a crisis has been emerging in the last decade. Since the days ofFrege and Russell, philosophers have been examining mathematical rationality,methods ofdiscovery and methods ofproof, anddeep questions aboutthe nature ofmathematical objects, by means offormal logic. That is,they haveusedfirstandsecond orderpredicate logicandthetheory ofrecursive functions as tools for analyzing mathematical knowledge. While this approach has contributed immensely to reflection on mathematics in the twentieth century, modem philosophy of mathematics has left certain questions unanswered and has only incompletely addressed others. xii INTRODUCTION The philosophy of mathematics, tied to logic so closely in this way, has exhausted many of its original possibilities and failed to attract renewed interest and support from working mathematicians. This situation characterized philosophy of science thirty-five years ago, when Thomas Kuhn wrote his ground-breaking The Structure ofScientific Revolutions (1962), abookwhich insistedthatthe analytic tool of logic must be supplemented by a philosophical study ofthe history ofscience. Kuhn argued that philosophers must weigh their pronouncements about scientific rationality against the evidence ofhistory, that is,against the actual practice ofscientists past and present. He pointed out that a philosophy ofscience thus renovated should also prove more interesting and more helpful to scientists.CriticismandtheGrowth ofKnowledge (1970) edited by Imre Lakatos andAlan Musgrave, TheStructure ofScientific Theories (1977) edited by Patrick Suppe, and Scientific Revolutions (1981) edited by Ian Hacking, are three collections ofessays that chart the response to Kuhn's book during the past decades. Philosophy of mathematics has been slow to draw the analogy from the Kuhnian sea-change in philosophy of science, but during the last decade, a growing number of younger philosophers of mathematics have turned their attention to the history ofmathematics and tried to make use of it in their investigations. The most exciting ofthese concern howmathematical discovery takes place,how new discoveries are structured and integrated into existing knowledge, and what light these processes shed onthe existence andapplicability ofmathematical objects. The collections of essays that best document this recent philosophical development are History and Philosophy ofModern Mathematics (1988) edited by Philip Kitcher and William Aspray; The Probabilistic Revolution (1987) edited by Krueger et al.; Revolutions in Mathematics (1992) edited by Donald Gillies; and The Space ofMathematics: Philosophical. Epistemological. and Historical Explorations (1992) edited by Echeverria et al. These books show clearly that the younger North American and British philosophers ofmathematics at itsforefront take their inspiration from the primary archival and editorial work of European scholars who are rediscovering, translating, and editing forgotten or overlooked mathematical manuscripts, journals, and books. Impressive as these collections are, each one has its limitations. The collections edited by Aspray and Kitcher and byEcheverriaetal. bring together essays by philosophers and historians, but these essays sit, as it were, side by side. The sheer fact ofjuxtapositiondoesnot amount to substantive interaction between representatives ofthe two disciplines.The collection edited by Krueger et al., while an inspiring example ofinterchange among Europeans and Americans, is focussed on the single domainofprobability theory. Perhaps themost satisfactory synthesis isproduced in the Gillies volume, though it tends to subordinate historical to philosophical considerations. The present collection of essays arose from the editors' conviction that important issues in the philosophy of mathematics could be illuminated by a more highly structured dialogue between philosophers and historians, perhaps inthe form of case studies drawn from the history ofmathematics answering to philosophical essays. Wewanted to seephilosophers ofmathematics makedeeper andmore systematic useof