ne In p1r1t The Growl2007 Jones Count igh School 339 Railroa Street Gray, G 31032 John Trim 11, Principal Ninth Academy Gr~(l 110 Maggi aliff Street Gray, <G 31032 Clinton Bu st n, Principal A Gre hound Farewell The 2006-2007 chool year bring an end to an era here at Jone County High School. With a combined 54 year of ervice, Mr. John Trimnell and Mr . Judy Morgan both decided to kick up their heel and relax a bit. The JCHS chool community will certainly feel the loss of the e two dedicated educator For the pa t 23 year , John Trirnnell ha erved at the helm of J one County High School. It wa not unu ual to ee hi truck parked at the chool from 4:30 am until 10:00 pm. Anyone riding by on weekend or during the summer wa a likely a not to ee him on the tractor or unloading nack from his late t trip too Sam' . The final econd before the tardy bell will not be the arne without hearing hi voice calling out "45 SECO DS!" Tho e word certainly got the traggler moving ju t a little fa ter. Then there were the morning announcement . The student body wa all ear waiting to hear the "wra tlin" re ult from "yesterdee" and the reminder to come ign up for a half day of Saturday School. Mr. Trirnnell wa truly a leader from the word go. He knew the name of all tudent and staff at JCHS. Though there were di gruntled tudent over the year , 4 e Will Miss You di gruntled tudent over the year , when it came down to it, everyone knew Mr. T. wa alway there and always doing what he thought was be t for JCHS. Mr . Judy Morgan ha been a member of the JCHS Engli h Department for the past 31 year . She ha helped tudent get through their enior research paper, pa the graduation te t and learn to communicate throughout their live . In addition to her time in the cla room, he ha dedicated her elf to organizing the annual White Chri tma program for the past 15 year . Her en e of humor and her caring spirit made for many a ucce ful program and brought in much needed toy and money for the children of Jone County. She led the Engli h department through the implemetation of the new Georgia Performance Standard with great ucce . The JCHS tudent body will certainly mi her pre ence. Mr. Trirnnell and Mr . Morgan, thank you both for all your year of ervice to Jone County and her tudent . The impact you have had on the live of the many you have touched i without bound. We are all proud that we had you among t u and wi h you the best a you retire. 5