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TheISMEJournal(2017)11,2407–2425 ©2017InternationalSocietyforMicrobialEcology Allrightsreserved 1751-7362/17 www.nature.com/ismej MINI REVIEW The growing tree of Archaea: new perspectives on their diversity, evolution and ecology Panagiotis S Adam1,2, Guillaume Borrel1, Céline Brochier-Armanet3 and Simonetta Gribaldo1 1Unité de Biologie Moléculaire du Gène chez les Extrêmophiles, Département de Microbiologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; 2Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France and 3Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, 43 bd du 11 novembre 1918, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France TheArchaeaoccupyakeypositionintheTreeofLife,andareamajorfractionofmicrobialdiversity. Abundant in soils, ocean sediments and the water column, they have crucial roles in processes mediatingglobalcarbonandnutrientfluxes.Moreover,theyrepresentanimportantcomponentofthe humanmicrobiome,wheretheirroleinhealthanddiseaseisstillunclear.Thedevelopmentofculture- independent sequencing techniques has provided unprecedented access to genomic data from a largenumberofsofarinaccessiblearchaeallineages.Thisisrevolutionizingourviewofthediversity and metabolic potential of the Archaea in awide varietyof environments, an important step toward understanding their ecological role. The archaeal tree is being rapidly filled up with new branches constituting phyla, classes and orders, generating novel challenges for high-rank systematics, and providing key information fordissecting the origin of this domain, the evolutionary trajectories that haveshapeditscurrentdiversity,anditsrelationshipswithBacteriaandEukarya.Thepresentpicture isthat ofahuge diversityofthe Archaea, which we areonlystartingto explore. TheISME Journal (2017) 11,2407–2425; doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.122; published online4August2017 Following the first report of the wide distribution of comparison, the number of isolates and newly archaeal lineages in the marine environment described species has remained stationary (Figure 1), (DeLong, 1992), a commentary by Gary Olsen stated and mainly concerns members of well-characterized enthusiastically: ‘…overlooking the Archaea has lineages, stressing the need for a stronger isolation been equivalent to surveying one square kilometre effort.Tothatend,metabolicpredictionsderivedfrom of the African savanna and missing over 300 genomicdataofunculturedarchaeallineagescanalso elephants’ (Olsen, 1994). Today, this analogy has provide unprecedented information to guide culture been largely verified, and the initial expectations strategies. have even been exceeded. A burst in the availability The analysis of the first genomic data from these of the first genomic data from a large number of newly sequenced lineages has had a strong impact uncultured archaeal lineages has been witnessed in on archaeal systematics, leading to the proposal of a the past few years. According to the NCBI genome multitude of new clades at various taxonomic levels database, 1062 archaeal genomes have been made (orders, classes, phyla, superclasses, superphyla), available as of December 2016 (Figure 1), of which with a wealth of new assigned names that have 186 are from metagenomes and 111 are single cell replaced the original acronyms from environmental genomes. Twice as many are sequenced but not yet 16S rRNA studies (Table 1). It is important to releasedaccordingtotheGOLDdatabase.Giventhat remember here that there is no established criterion the symbolic number of 100 complete genomes was to propose a new taxonomic status above the Class reached only six years ago (Brochier-Armanet et al., level, an important priority to address in modern 2011), this provides a measure of how rapidly the field of archaeal genomics is moving. As a microbial systematics (Gribaldo and Brochier- Armanet, 2012). Moreover, the phylogenetic coher- ence of already established high-rank systematics in Correspondence: C Brochier-Armanet or S Gribaldo, Unité de both Bacteria and Archaea based on 16S rDNA BiologieMoléculaireduGenechezlesExtrêmophiles,Department divergence is far from uniform (Yarza et al., 2014). ofMicrobiology,InstitutPasteur,28rueduDrRoux,75015Paris, France. Thecurrentandfuturedelugeofgenomicsequences E-mail:[email protected] from an ever-larger fraction of uncultured microbial [email protected] diversity prompts for the urgent establishment of Received2December2016;revised7April2017;accepted7June 2017;publishedonline4August2017 commoncriteriabasedongenomicdata,particularly ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2408 1200 Cumulative number of genomes Cumulative number of species 1062 Number of genomes Number of species 1000 s e ci e p 800 s & s 682 e m o 600 n e of g 481430 470 480 ber 400 354 367 410390 um 284 299 310 330 N 200 148 160 176 192 209 216 227 243 259 158 210 130 100 2 2 3 4 11 15 17 20 24 33 50 58 75 0 Years Figure 1 Number of archaeal genome sequences and validly described archaeal species over the last 20 years. The orange line and histogram indicate respectively the annual and cumulative number of novel archaeal genome sequences (that is, complete genomes, chromosome, contigs and scaffolds) released in public databases (NCBI, latest update December 2016). The blue line and histogram indicaterespectivelytheannualandcumulativenumberofvalidlydescribedarchaealspecies(Source:ListofProkaryoticNameswith StandinginNomenclaturewithnamespublisheduntilJuly2016—http://www.bacterio.net/). in the frame of nomenclature and classification constituting the proposed DPANN superphylum consistency of major reference databases. (Rinke et al., 2013) have been treated separately, Under such a deluge of genomic data, the estab- because their monophyly and phylogenetic place- lishment of a robust phylogenetic frame for the ment are unclear, and will be discussed in a Archaea, and, in particular, the placement of all the dedicated section. new uncultured lineages, becomes of paramount importance.Thisisessentialtoinferthenatureofthe last ancestor of Archaea and the very origin of this The expanding TACK superphylum domain of life, as well as its relationship with eukaryotes. Also, it allows understanding the evolu- TheTACKsuperphylumwasproposedin2011based tionary processes that led to present-day archaeal onphylogeneticproximityandsignaturessharedwith diversity and drove the emergence of specific eukaryotes (Guy and Ettema, 2011). At that time, it metabolic capacities and adaptations to different included the Thaumarchaeota, the Aigarchaeota, the environments, well beyond extreme niches. CrenarchaeotaandtheKorarchaeota(GuyandEttema, The majority of the new genomes originate from 2011; Table 1). An additional TACK phylum named uncultured lineages representing a sizeable propor- Geoarchaeotawassuggested(Table1;Kozubaletal., tion of microbial life in sediments and water 2013),butwassubsequentlyindicated torepresenta columns, and may significantly increase the already deep-branching lineage of the Crenarchaeota (Guy well-recognized importance of Archaea as major et al., 2014; Table 1), consistently with our analysis players in global biogeochemical cycles (Offre (Figure 2). Based on a large-scale phylogenomic et al., 2013). Thus, access to genomic data and the analysisithasbeenrecentlyproposedthattheTACK associated metabolic potential of the first represen- represents a kingdom-levelcladenamedProteoarch- tatives of these lineages is an important step toward aeota (Petitjean et al., 2014). In recent years, the understanding their role in the environment, and genomic coverage for members of the TACK has providesanewoutlookonthemetabolicdiversityof substantially increased, providing a better view on the Archaea (Table 2). its diversity and evolution. Hereafter, we will present an overview of some of the most significant recent findings, which are discussed based on an updated robust phylogeny of Thaumarchaeota and the origin of archaeal the Archaea obtained from a large taxonomic nitrification sampling including all the new uncultured lineages Foralongtime,thephylumThaumarchaeota(former (Figure 2). The fast-evolving nanosized lineages Group I Crenarchaeota, Table 1) has been identified TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2409 Table1 Newlynamedarchaeallineageswiththeiroriginalacronymsandcorrespondingetymology(whenapplicable) Originalname/acronym New/Proposedname Reference Etymology Newphyla GroupICrenarchaeota Thaumarchaeota Brochier-Armanet θαύμα(thávma)=miracle etal.,2008 HotWaterCrenarchaeoticGroup(HWCGI) Aigarchaeota Nunouraetal.,2011 [claimed]αυγή(avgí)=dawn/[correct]αίγα (aíga)=goat MiscellaneousCrenarchaeotalGroup(MCG) Bathyarchaeota Mengetal.,2014 βαθύς(vathys)=deep Novelarchaealgroup1(NAG1) Geoarchaeota(basal Kozubaletal.,2013 γαία(gaía)=earth Crenarchaeota) DeepSeaArchaealGroup(DSAG) Lokiarchaeota Spangetal.,2015 Loki=Norsetrickstergod MarineBenthicGroupB(MBG-B) Thorarchaeota Seitzetal.,2016 Thor=Norsegodofthunder ND Odinarchaeota Zaremba-Niedz- Odin=Germanic/Norsegodwithadiverse wiedzkaetal.,2017 portfolio DSAG&AAG-related Heimdallarchaeota Zaremba-Niedz- Heimdallr=Norsegodwhokeepswatchfor wiedzkaetal.,2017 Ragnarök TerrestrialMiscellaneousCrenarchaeotaGroup Verstraetearchaeota Vanwonterghemetal., afterProfessorWillyVerstraete (TMCG) 2016 Newclasses MarineGroupII(MG-II) Thalassoarchaea Martin-Cuadradoetal., θάλασσα(thálassa)=sea 2015 WSA2/ArcI Ca.Methanofastidiosa Nobuetal.,2016 methane+fastidiosa(=highlycritical) SouthAfricanGoldMineEuryarchaeotic Hadesarchaea Bakeretal.,2016 Άδης((h)ádis)=Greekgodofthe Group(SAGMEG) Underworld MediterraneanSeafloorBrineLakeGroup1 Persephonarchaea Mwirichiaetal.,2016 Περσεφόνη(Persephóni)=Queenofthe (MSBL-1) (proposed) Underworld,wifeofHades MarineBenthicGroupD(MBG-D) Izemarchaea(proposed) Lloydetal.,2013 Ίζημα(ízima)=sediment MarineGroupIII(MG-III) Pontarchaea(proposed) Lietal.,2015 Πόντος(Póntos)=thesea,Greekseadeity, consortofThálassa Z7ME43 Theionarchaea Lazaretal.,2017 theion=sulfur Neworders RiceClusterI(RC-I) Methanocellales Sakaietal.,2008 Methane+cell AnaerobicMethanotroph1(ANME-1) Methanophagales Meyerdierksetal., Methane+-phag-(-φαγ-=eater) (proposed) 2010 RumenClusterC(RCC)/RiceClusterIII(RC-III) Methanomassiliicoccales Iinoetal.,2013 Methane+Massilia(Marseille)+coccus (κόκκος=grain) SippenauerMoor1(SM1Euryarchaeon) Altiarchaeales ProbstandMoissl- altus=tall,deep Eichinger,2015 GoM-Arch87 Syntropharchaeales Laso-Pérezetal.,2016 AftertypegenusSyntrophoarchaeum (proposed) Newfamily RiceClusterII(RC-II) Methanoflorentaceae Mondavetal.,2014 Methane+florens(flowering,blooming) Newsuperclasses MG-II,MG-III,DHVE2,RCC/RC-III,TMEG,and Diaforarchaea Petitjeanetal.,2015 διάφορα(diáfora)=various,miscellaneous Thermoplasmata Methanopyrales,Methanobacteriales,and Methanomada Petitjeanetal.,2015 Methane+ομάδα(omáda)=team,group Methanococcales HadesarchaeaandMSBL-1 Stygia(proposed) Στυξ/Στύγα(Styx/Styga)=theriverbound- arybetweentheEarthandtheUnderworld Thermococcales,DG-70,andWSA2/ArcI Acherontia(proposed) Αχέρων(Achéron)=the‘riverofwoe’inthe Underworld Methanogensclass2,Halobacteria,ANME-1, Methanotecta(proposed) Methane+τίκτομαι(tíktomai=tobeborn)= GoM-Arch87,Archaeoglobi thosebornfrom/inmethane Newsuperphyla Lokiarchaeota,Thorarchaeota,Heimdallarch- Asgard Zaremba-Niedz- Asgard=InNorsemythology,oneofthe aeota,Odinarchaeota wiedzkaetal.,2017 NineWorlds.HometotheÆsirgods Thaumarchaeaota,Aigarchaeota,Crenarch- TACK/Proteoarchaeota GuyandEttema,2011/ Πρωτεύς/Πρωτέας(Protéfs/Protéas):Greek aeota,GeoarchaeotaandKorarchaeota Petitjeanetal.,2014 shapechangingseagod Diapherotrites,Parvarchaeota,Aenigmarch- DPANN Rinkeetal.,2013 Acronym aeota,Nanohaloarchaeota,andNanoarchaeota Abbreviations:ND,notdetermined;TMEG,TerrestrialMiscellaneousEuryarchaeoticGroup. Citationsreferspecificallytothearticleswherethenewnameorsystematicsassignmentwasgiven.Somenamesareproposedintheframeofthis review.Forgrammaticalcorrectness,Greekcompoundwordsintaxonomicnomenclature(neologisms)shouldbeformedusingonlythestemofthe prefix.Occasionally,alinkingvowelcanbeinsertedforreasonsofeuphonye.g.Hadarchaea/Hadoarchaea. with the ecologically important aerobic ammonia et al., 2011). Increasing availability of genomic data oxidizing archaea inhabiting marine (Group I.1a/ from three new thaumarchaeal lineages (Figure 2) Nitrosopumilales, Nitrosopumilus, Nitrosoarch- has drastically changed this picture and provided aeum,Cenarchaeum),andsoilenvironments(Group substantial insights into the still largely unexplored I.1b/Nitrososphaerales, Nitrososphaera) (Pester metabolic versatility of the Thaumarchaeota. These TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2410 genomes correspond to Fn1 (Group I.1c) obtained marine, and subsurface environments (Hedlund fromdeepanoxicpeatlayers(Linetal.,2015),andto et al., 2015) which robustly branch as the sister Beowulf (Group I.1d) and Dragon (Group I.1d) clade of Thaumarchaeota (Brochier-Armanet et al., obtained from acidic (pH ~3), thermophilic 2011 and Figure 2). Obtained from a subsurface (65–72°C), iron oxide and sulfur sediments of geothermal water stream, the metagenome of ‘Can- Yellowstone National Park (Beam et al., 2014; didatus Caldiarchaeum subterraneum’ was the first Table2).AlthoughFn1ispredicted toobtainenergy to be published (Nunoura et al., 2011), and was and carbon from β-oxidation of volatile fatty acids, followedbyseveralSAGsfromvarioushydrothermal either by using fumarate as terminal electron environments(Rinkeetal.,2013).Anothercandidate acceptor or in syntrophy with methanogens (Lin species named ‘Ca. Caldithenuis aerorheumensis’, et al., 2015), both Beowulf and Dragon Thaumarch- from an oxic, hot spring streamer microbial commu- aeota appear to be versatile chemoorganotrophs, nity, has been the target of a metatranscriptomic potentially growing on diverse carbohydrates, pep- analysis, providing the first insights into the meta- tides and amino acids (Beam et al., 2014). Surpris- bolic potential of Aigarchaeota in situ (Beam et al., ingly, while mostly complete, none of the genomes 2016). They appear as filamentous microorganisms from these three Thaumarchaeota lineages contains that are capable of chemoorganoheterotrophy by the amoABC genes for ammonia oxidation (Beam using several organic carbon substrates (Table 2). etal.,2014).Thisindicatesthattheabilitytooxidize Seemingly,Aigarchaeotaareauxotrophsforvitamins ammonia is not a general characteristic of the and cofactors, as well as heme, which they might Thaumarchaeota. In this respect, further genomic obtain from othercommunity members (Beam et al., data and exploration of the metabolic potential 2016). and phylogenetic placement of the three lineages, The phylogenetic placement of Aigarchaeota in particular Fn1, which appear to be the closest makes them a key lineage to investigate the emer- relatives of aerobic ammonia oxidizing archaea gence of Thaumarchaeota and their specific meta- (Figure 2), will provide key information on the bolic adaptations. For example, the presence of an emergence of ammonia oxidation in the Heme Copper Oxidase, HCO, in the majority of Thaumarchaeota. available Aigarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota gen- Fn1, Beowulf and Dragon might also provide omes indicates that the capacity to grow aerobically significant information on the adaptation of ammo- is a widespread trait of these lineages (Beam et al., niaoxidizingThaumarchaeotatoaerobicconditions. 2016).Thisraisesthequestionofwhetheradaptation Fn1 members were in fact isolated from anaerobic to aerobic environments preceded the divergence of environments (Lin et al., 2015), Dragon members Aigarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota or instead it were obtained from hypoxic conditions, and have occurred independently in the two phyla. genes indicating the ability for elemental sulfur reduction(Beametal.,2014),whileBeowulfmembers were isolated from oxic conditions where they might Bathyarchaeota: key players in the global carbon cycle useoxygenasterminalelectronacceptor(assuggested TheTACKsuperphylumhasrecentlyacquiredanew bythepresenceofaHemeCopperOxidase,HCO),but member lineage, the Bathyarchaeota (former Mis- might also be capable of growing anaerobically by cellaneous CrenarchaeotalGroup,MCG,Table1),an reducing nitrate to nitrite thanks to the presence of a emerging clade of great ecological interest. Bath- narGHJI gene cluster (Beam et al., 2014). yarchaeota are robustly indicated as the sister line- Finally, the deep branching of Beowulf and age to the Aigarchaeota/Thaumarchaeota (Figure 2). Dragon lineages (Figure 2) may support the hypoth- Thisphylogeneticaffiliationisalsosupportedbythe esis of a thermophilic ancestor for all Thaumarch- fact that many genomes of Bathyarchaeota contain aeota and a subsequent adaptation to mesophilic homologuesoftheeukaryotic-likeTopoisomeraseIB environments(Barnsetal.,1996;Emeetal.,2013),a (Meng et al., 2014), a character so far defining the trend becoming more and more evident for many Thaumarchaeota/Aigarchaeota (Brochier-Armanet archaeal phyla. Additional genomes and isolation of et al., 2011), pushing the origin of this enzyme the first members of these lineages, combined with further back in archaeal diversification than pre- specificphylogeneticanalyseswillclarifytheoverall viously thought. The Bathyarchaeota are ubiquitous phylogeny of the Thaumarchaeota and allow further in both terrestrial and marine anoxic sediments assumptions on the diversity and emergence of (surface and subsurface) where they can represent a various metabolic capacities in this important major fraction of the archaeal community (Kubo phylum. et al., 2012; Lloyd et al., 2013). The extensive diversity of this lineage, divided into as many as 17 subgroups (mostly at the family level), suggests a Aigarchaeota and adaptation to oxygen wide variety of metabolisms and environmental Genomic coverage has also substantially expanded adaptations (Kubo et al., 2012). The genomic data for the Aigarchaeota (former Hot Water Crenarch- now available for six subgroups has revealed a aeotic Group, HWCG I, Table 1), a diverse lineage common capacity to degrade peptides to obtain widespread in moderate to extremely hot terrestrial, carbon and energy, and a more variable ability to TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2411 S-cycling — Elementalsulfurreduction/thiosul-fatereductionMethylated-thiolreductionElementalsulfurreduction/sulfideoxidation? — ND — ND Elementalsulfur/thiosulfatereduction Methylated-thiolreduction — Sulfitereduction Elementalsulfurreduction n o N-cycling — N-fixation2 — Nitritereduction NitratereductionND — ND — Methylatedaminereducti Nitritereduction Nitrite/nitratereduction — s, entlydescribedarchaeallineages C-cycling 13fixation(WLandC)CO2 afixation(partialWL)/peptides,aminoacids&CO2carbohydratesdegradation +R-CH)Methanogenesis(H23 fixation(partialWL)CO2 fixation(partialWL)/peptides,aminoacids&CO2carbohydratesdegradationND fixation(partialWL)CO2 ND aCOfixation(partialWL)/peptides,aminoacids&2carbohydratesdegradation Peptides,aminoacidsdegradation/methanogenesis+R-CH)(H23 afixation(WL)/fattyacids,peptides,aminoacidCO2aromaticcompounds&carbohydratesdegradation/+R-CH?)methanogenesis(H23 Fattyacids,peptides,aminoacids&carbohydratesdegradation Peptides,aminoacids&carbohydratesdegradation c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c yclesofr Aerobic/Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Anaerobi Aerobic Anaerobi c distributionandpotentialimplicationinelemental Environment Cold(MuehlbacherSchwefelquelle,Germany)andhot(CristalGeyser,USA)subsurfacewater,estuarinesediment(WOR) Estuarinesediments(WOR) Organic-richenvironments(anaerobicdigestor) Estuarinesediments(WOR,anoxicmethane-richlayer)andhotspring(YNP) Anoxichypersalinesedimentsandwatercolumn(BrinePoolsoftheRedSea)’Marinesediments(AB&LokisCastle) ’Marineandfreshwatersediments(Lokiscastle&Coloradoriveraquifer) High-temperaturehabitats(LowerCulexBasin,YNP&RadiataPool,NZ) –Marine(WOR,sulfatemethanetransitionzone&AB)andfreshwatersediments Freshwatersediments,soil,hydrocarbon/orgnanic-richenvironments(anaerobicdigestor),coalbedmethanewells(SB) Freshwater,estuarine(WOR)&marine(AB&GBs)sediments,coalbedmethanewells(SB) Geothermalwaterstream(YNP),moderatetoextremelyhotterrestrial,marine,andsubsurfaceenvironments(mine,Japan) Elementalsulfurdepositionzoneofahotandacidicspring(DragonSpring,YNP) al nt Table2Environme Lineage Altiarchaeales Theionarchaea Methanofastidiosa Hadesarchaea Persephonarchaea(MSBL-1)Heimdallarchaeota Lokiarchaeota Odinarchaeota Thorarchaeota Verstraetearchaeota Bathyarchaeota Aigarchaeota Dragon TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2412 Table2(Continued) LineageEnvironmentAerobic/C-cyclingN-cyclingS-cyclingAnaerobic BeowulfIronoxidematsofahotandacidicspringAerobicPeptides,aminoacids,aromaticNitrateSulfuroxidation(BeowulfSpring,YNP)compoundandcarbohydratesdegradationreduction ——Fn1Soilandpeat(deepfenlayer,MEF)AnaerobicFattyacidsdegradation —SyntropharchaealesMarinesediments(hydrothermallyAnaerobicShort-chainalkane(butane&propane)degradation(SyntrophicwithheatedGBs)sulfatereducers) ——+CO)MethanoflorentaceaeRicefield&peat(StordalenMire,Sweden)AnaerobicMethanogenesis(H22 ——aIzemarchaea(MBG-D)Freshwater,estuarine(WOR)&marine(AB)AnaerobicFattyacids,peptides,aminoacids&sedimentscarbohydratesdegradation ——a,aminoacids&Pontarchaea(MG-III)Marinewatercolumn(GBw&Caribbeansea)AerobicFattyacids,peptidescarbohydratesdegradation ——aThalassoarchaeaMarinewatercolumn(PugetSound,GBw,Medi-AerobicFattyacids,peptides,aminoacids&terranean&Caribbeansea)carbohydratesdegradation —TMEGMarinesediment,soilandpeat(deepbogAnaerobicFattyacids&carbohydratesdegradationSulfite/organosulfo-layer,MEF)natereduction ——SG8-5Estuarinesediments(WOR)AnaerobicPeptides&aminoacidsdegradation Methylated-thiolMethanomassiliicoccalesAnimaldigestivetract(human,cow&termite),AnaerobicMethanogenesis(H+R-CH)Methylated23reductionsoil,sediments,anaerobicdigestoraminereduc--fixationtion/N2 Abbreviations:AB,AarhusBaysediments,Denmark;GBs/w,Guyamasbasinsediment/watercolumn;MEF,MarcellExperimentalForest,USA;ND,notdeterminedinthestudydescribingthosegenomes;NZ,NewZealand;SB,SuratBasin,Australia;TMEG,TerrestrialMiscellaneousEuryarchaeoticGroup;WOR,WhiteOakRiverestuarysediments,USA;YNP,YellowstoneNationalPark,USA.aIncludingextracellulardegradationofpeptides.Therelationtooxygenispredictedfromtheenvironmentoforiginandfromthepresence/absenceofgenesforaerobicrespiration.RolesinC,N,Scyclesarereportedfrompublishedanalysesofthe‘—’genomes(mainlypredictionfromgenecontent)andmaynotconcerneverymemberofthelineages.symbolssignifynoreportedusageofNorScompoundsaselectrondonors/acceptorsforrespiration.RoleinelementalcyclesthroughassimilatorypathwaysisonlyreportedforCOandNfixation.COfixationwaspredictedbasedonthepresenceofgenescodingfortheWood-22213Ljungdahlpathway(WL),andbyexperimentalmeasurementof13Cinlipids(C).WLcouldalsobeusedinoxidativedirectionforfattyacids,peptides,aminoacidsorcarbohydrates. TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2413 Figure2 PhylogenyoftheArchaea.Bayesianphylogeny(PhyloBayes,CAT+GTR+Γ4)basedona41genesupermatrix(8710aminoacid positions).Scalebarrepresentstheaveragenumberofsubstitutionspersite.Nodesupportsrefertoposteriorprobabilities,andultrafast bootstrapvaluesbasedonathousandreplicatescalculatedbymaximumlikelihood(IQTree,LG+C60).The41genesconsistof36genes fromthePhylosiftmarkergeneslist(Darlingetal.,2014),plusRNApolymerasesubunitsAandB,andthreeuniversalribosomalproteins (L7-L12,L30,S4)from(Liuetal.,2012).Thetreeisrootedaccordingto(Raymannetal.,2015),butalternativerootsareindicatedwith numberedreddots(seemaintextfordiscussion).Greyfontindicatesthecladesforwhichnoisolatesareavailable.Currentlyproposed taxonomicstatus:C=Class;P=Phylum;SC=SuperClass;SP=SuperPhylum. TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2414 use carbohydrates, fatty acids or aromatic com- and the Odinarchaeota (Seitz et al., 2016; Zaremba- pounds (Lloyd et al., 2013; Meng et al., 2014; Niedzwiedzka et al., 2017). The Thorarchaeota Evans et al., 2015; He et al., 2016; Lazar et al., (former MBG-B) were described based on partial- to 2016; Table 2). The utilization of a diverse range of near-complete genomes obtained from sediments of organic compounds for heterotrophic growth is also the White Oak River estuary, in the sulfate–methane supportedbyincorporationof13C-labelledmolecules transition zone (Seitz et al., 2016). The Odinarch- (Seyler et al., 2014). In addition, several members of aeota, and the Heimdallarchaeota genomes were the phylum possess a complete H MPT-type Wood- obtained from high-temperature habitats and marine 4 Ljungdahl (WL) pathway and genes for acetate sediments, respectively (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka formation suggesting the possibility of growing et al., 2017). Along with additional metagenomic autotrophically by acetogenesis from H +CO , a bins of Lokiarchaeota and Thorarchaeota, they were 2 2 capacitypreviouslythoughttobelimitedtoBacteria shown to possess further eukaryotic signature pro- (He et al., 2016; Lazar et al., 2016). Moreover, some teins, such as eukaryotic-like tubulins, homologues members possess markers of methanogenesis, sug- of the ε DNA polymerase and membrane-trafficking gesting a possible role in the methane cycle (Evans components (TRAPP complex, Sec23/24 family et al., 2015; see below). The potential metabolic proteins), and proposed to form a new superphylum flexibility between autotrophic and heterotrophic which was named Asgard (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka growthonawide rangeofcompoundsrepresentsan et al., 2017, Figure 2). Further evolutionary analysis ecological advantage for the Bathyarchaeota and ofAsgardlineagesmightprovideimportantinforma- underlines the importance of this abundant benthic tionontheprocessesthatledtotheemergenceofthe group in the global carbon cycle. first eukaryotic cell. To confirm and extend these results,isolationofthefirstrepresentativesofAsgard members are paramount priorities. Lokiarchaeum, Asgard and the origin of Asgard lineages are common inhabitants of anae- eukaryotes robicmarine,estuarineandlakesediments,andthey might have an important role in the global carbon Amongthemajoraccomplishmentsoftheexploration cycle(Table2;TeskeandSørensen,2008).Metabolic of uncultured archaeal diversity is the discovery of prediction suggests that Thorarchaeota are able to new lineages proposed to be the closest relatives of degrade organic matter, contributing to the carbon eukaryotes. The phylum Lokiarchaeota was defined cycle,butalsomayhavearoleinintermediatesulfur following the sequencing of the first metagenomic cycling (Seitz et al., 2016). Based on the presence of datafromtheunculturedDSAGlineage(Spangetal., analmost-completeH MPT-typeWLpathwayandof 4 2015, Table 1). De novo assembly and binning was some electron-bifurcating hydrogenases coding applied on DNA extracted from deep marine sedi- genes in its genome, it was proposed that Lokiarch- ment samples (3283m below sea level) at the Arctic aeummightbeanaerobic,autotrophicandhydrogen- Mid-Ocean-Ridge, in the vicinities of the hydrother- dependent (Sousa et al., 2016). More in depth mal Loki’s Castle site (Jorgensen et al., 2012). This genomic analyses and the isolation of representative resultedinthe reconstruction of onenearlycomplete members will be necessary to clarify further the (Lokiarchaeum) and two partial (Loki 2 and Loki3) metabolic potential of the Asgard superphylum. genomesrelatedtothislineage.Thesedatarevealeda surprisingly large number of eukaryotic signature proteins previously thought to be absent in Archaea, Methanogens, methanogens everywhere! in particular genes coding for components related to membrane remodelling and cytoskeletal functions in Methanogenesis is an important and ancient meta- eukaryotes (for example, actin, small Ras GTPases, bolism that is specific to the Archaea (Thauer et al., extended ESCRT complex; Spang et al., 2015). 2008). For a long time, the known diversity of Consistent with their genomic content, the inclusion methanogens was known to fall into two large of the three Lokiarchaeota in a universal tree of life clades, which were called Class I methanogens indicated them as a sister clade to eukaryotes, (Methanococci, Methanopyri, Methanobacteria) and suggesting that Lokiarchaeota may represent a ‘miss- Class II methanogens (Methanomicrobia: Methano- inglink’betweenthetwodomainsoflife(Spangetal., sarcinales and Methanomicrobiales) (Bapteste et al., 2015). Additional studies have been consistent with 2005). These two clusters have been confirmed and this hypothesis by analysing the Lokiarchaeum enriched by new genomic data. In particular, the genome for homologues of a few eukaryotic-like monophylyofClassImethanogenswassupportedby processes, such as the membrane-trafficking system a large-scale phylogenomic analysis of the archaeal (Klingeretal.,2016)andtheselenocysteine-encoding domain leading to the proposal of the superclass system (Mariotti et al., 2016). Methanomada (Table 1 and Figure 2; Petitjean et al., Very recently, genomic sequences have been 2015). This additionally stabilized the oft-unclear obtained from three additional uncultured phyla placementofMethanopyriinthearchaealphylogeny closely related to Lokiarchaeota (Table 1 and as robustly branching with Methanobacteria, a Figure 2): the Thorarchaeota, the Heimdallarchaeota relationship also supported by a shared derived TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2415 character,thepresenceofpseudomureinintheircell reliant on methyl-dependent hydrogenotrophic walls (Albers and Meyer, 2011). methanogenesis in an energy-conservation process ConcerningClassIImethanogens/Methanomicrobia, that is not completely resolved (Borrel et al., 2014b; they now firmly include two novel divisions: Metha- Lang et al., 2015). Moreover, the Methanomassilii- nocellales (former Rice Cluster I) and Methanoflor- coccalesusespecificmethyltransferasesthatcontain entaceae(formerRiceClusterII;Table1),aswellasthe the rare 22nd proteinogenic amino acid pyrrolysine non-methanogenic Halobacteria (Figure 2). More spe- (Pyl), which is incorporated during translation by a cific analyses are, however, necessary to fully resolve sophisticated process involving a specific amber theinternalrelationshipsofthisclade,inparticular,to non-sense codon suppressor tRNA (Borrel et al., clarifywhichlineagerepresentstheclosestoutgroupto 2014a). This genetic code expansion is potentially the Halobacteria, whose specific amino acid composi- handled by distinct mechanisms compared with tion might be at the origin of incongruent placements the few other Pyl-containing bacteria and archaea, indifferentpublishedstudies.Thiswillbeessentialto and even among different Methanomassiliicoccales understand the process of adaptation to a halophilic, (Borrel et al., 2014a, b). aerobic and heterotrophic lifestyle from a methano- The discovery of Methanomassiliicoccales under- genic ancestor (Nelson-Sathi et al., 2015; Groussin linesourstillpoorunderstandingofthediversityand et al., 2016). Given a possible common origin from a role of archaeal methanogens in human health and methanogenic ancestor, we propose uniting former disease, an important area of future research (for a Methanogens Class II with their closely related non- recent review, see Gaci et al., 2014; Bang and methanogenic lineages (Halobacteria, ANaerobic Schmitz, 2015). Indeed, trimethylamine (TMA), MEthanotrophic (ANME-1), Syntropharchaeales, which can be depleted into methane by Methano- Archaeoglobi) into a new superclass called Methano- massiliicoccales, is generated by the gut microbiota tecta (Figure 2 and Table 1). from nutrients and is further converted in the liver Recently,importantprogresseshavebeendoneon into the pro-atherogenic compound trimethylamine the characterization of methanogenesis cofactors N-oxide (Brugère et al., 2014). Analyses of human- (Zhengetal.,2016;Mooreetal.,2017),andenzymes associated Methanomassiliicoccales have supported (Wagner,2016).Also,anovelpathwayforutilization their role in trimethylamine utilization in the gut but of methoxylated compounds (methoxydotrophic alsorevealedthatmembersofthetwo maincladesof methanogenesis) has been discovered in a member Methanomassiliicoccales have contrasting associa- of Methanosarcinales, with important implications tions with subject health status and microbiota fordeepsubsurfacemethanogenesis(Mayumi,2016). (Borrel et al., 2017). Many aspects of the biology of In addition, the diversity of archaea capable of Methanomassiliicoccales remain largely unknown. methanogenesis appears much larger than pre- For instance, there are currently no genomic data viously thought, and among the most exciting and no isolate/enrichment culture from the large discoveries in the archaeal field is the identification diversity of environmental members. This will pro- of a large number of new lineages of methanogens. vide important information on the role of Methano- massiliicoccalesintheenvironmentandonthepaths that led to their adaptation to the human Methanomassiliicoccales: from deep sediments to the gastrointestinal tract. human gut The Methanomassiliicoccales (former Rumen Cluster C/Rice Cluster III, Table 1) are a novel order of Methyl-dependent methanogenesis: more widespread methanogens present in various environments such than previously thought as marine and lake sediments, sewers, soils and also ThetypeofmethanogenesispresentinMethanomas- animal digestive systems (insects, ruminants, siliicoccales is not an isolated case and as been humans; Dridi et al., 2012; Paul et al., 2012; Borrel recentlyinferredinanumberofunculturedlineages. et al., 2013; Söllinger et al., 2016; Raymann et al., The genome sequences from an uncultured novel 2017;Table2).Importantly,theyrepresentthesecond methanogenic lineage, WSA2/Arc1 (Table 1) were lineage of methanogens, other than the Methanobac- acquired from a wastewater treatment bioreactor teriales, to include members consistently adapted to (Nobuetal.,2016;Table2).BecauseWSA2/Arc1did the human gastrointestinal tract (Gaci et al., 2014). not appear to group with any of the previously TheanalysisofthefirstgenomesofMethanomassilii- known methanogens, it was proposed that they coccales isolated/enriched from the human gastro- represent a new class, tentatively called ‘Ca. Metha- intestinal tract showed that they are unrelated to any nofastidiosa’ (Nobu et al., 2016). This is consistent previously known Class I and Class II methanogens, with our phylogenetic analysis (Figure 2), where but are rather affiliated to a large clade of non- Methanofastidiosa are robustly placed within a methanogenic lineages (Borrel et al., 2013, 2014b). potentialnewsuperclass,theAcherontia(seebelow, In agreement with their placement, the Methano- Table 1). Interestingly, the metabolism inferred massiliicoccalesdisplayuniquecharacteristics,such from these genomic data indicates absence of ascompletelackofgenescodingformethanogenesis CO -reducing or aceticlastic methanogenesis, simi- 2 from H +CO and the MTR complex, making them larly to Methanomassiiicoccales, and a potential 2 2 TheISMEJournal ThegrowingtreeofArchaea PSAdametal 2416 specializationonmethylated-thiolreductionwithH allows to break the branch leading to Methanopha- 2 (Nobu et al., 2016; Table 2). gales,sofarrepresentedbyasinglegenome,andmight Moreover, potential new lineages of methanogens clarify the evolutionary processes that led to loss and have been reported for the first time within the tinkering of methanogenesis (Borrel et al., 2016). TACK superphylum. Metagenomic analysis has Based on their phylogenetic proximity with Synthro- highlighted the presence of methanogenesis phoarchaeales MCR homologues, it has been sug- markers (for example, McrA) in two members of gestedthatBathyarchaeotaMCRmaybeinvolvedina the Bathyarchaeota, and it has been proposed that similar metabolism (Laso-Pérez et al., 2016), which they may proceed through reduction of methyl will require experimental demonstration. compounds by H , like the Methanomassiliicoccales These new data provide a novel view on the 2 (Evans et al., 2015). Genomic data from a second diversity and evolution of methanogenesis and lineage of putative methanogens with a similar associated metabolisms (for a recent discussion see metabolism of reduction of methyl-compounds (Borreletal.,2016)).Inparticular,theyhighlightthe (methylamines, methanol and methylthiols) was widespread distribution and the likely underesti- obtained from various anaerobic environments mated environmental importance of methyl-depen- (Table 2) and proposed to represent a new phylum, dent hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, and the Verstraetearchaeota (Vanwonterghem et al., question its potential antiquity (Borrel et al., 2016). 2016; Table 1), which robustly cluster with the In addition, they are consistent with the hypothesis Crenarchaeota (Figure 2). Interestingly, both Ver- of a methanogenic ancestor for the Archaea, and a straetearchaeota and the potentially methanogenic scenario whereby multiple independent losses/tin- Bathyarchaeota are predicted to be able to gain kering of this metabolism occurred during archaeal energythroughmetabolismsotherthanmethanogen- diversification (Raymann et al., 2015), the details of esis (for example, fermentation of peptides), an which remain to be fully understood. observation never reported for any previously known methanogens. New emerging clades in the archaeal tree Beyond methanogenesis: variations on a theme The availability of genomic data from previously Experimental characterization of members of these uncharacterized lineages has allowed identification novel putative methanogenic lineages is needed to of several interesting new clades. clarify their role in methane cycling and more generally in carbon cycling. Indeed, enzymes tradi- tionallyconsideredasmarkersofmethanogenesis(for The Diaforarchaea: a model clade to study adaptive example, MCR) can also be used for anaerobic processes in the Archaea methane oxidation in several ANME lineages Following the availability of genomic data from (Timmers et al., 2017) and have even been shown to previously uncharacterized lineages, the new super- catalyse reactions thatdo not involve methane in two class Diaforarchaea was recently proposed (Petitjean recently characterized strains of a new genus called et al., 2015; Table 1). All Diaforarchaea members ‘Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum’ (Laso-Pérez et al., 2016; sequenced so far share two common characters: the Table 2). The two ‘Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum’ strains lack of eukaryotic-like histones otherwise largely wereenrichedfrom gas-richhydrothermal sediments. presentinarchaeaandthefactthattheir16Sand23S Their genomes contain MCR-like complexes that are rRNA genes are not clustered in the genome likely used to activate butane toward butyl-CoM, and (Brochier-Armanet et al., 2011; Borrel et al., 2014b). this intermediate is further metabolized into acetyl- The Diaforarchaea currently contain at least six CoA by β-oxidation and finally to CO through the well-defined lineages (Figure 2). Other than the 2 methyl branch of the WL pathway (Laso-Pérez et al., already-mentioned Methanomassiliicoccales, they 2016). To perform this novel anaerobic alkane- include: the Thermoplasmatales, which include the degradation pathway, the two ‘Ca. Syntrophoarch- only known examples of wall-less archaea and aeum’ strains are dependent on a syntrophic partner, inhabit extreme acidic, hot, solfataric environments, the sulfate-reducing bacterium ‘Ca. Desulfofervidus andareimportantcontributorstothereleaseoftoxic auxilii’ (Laso-Pérez et al., 2016). Direct cell-to-cell acid mine drainage into the environment (Bakerand electron transfer through nanowire and cytochromes Banfield, 2003); the Deep sea Hydrothermal Vent may occur between ‘Ca. Desulfofervidus auxilii’ and Euryarchaeota group 2 (DHVE-2, Aciduliprofun- ‘Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum’, similarly to what has been dum), making up 15% of the Archaea at hydro- observed between ANME and sulfate-reducing bac- thermal vents, where they contribute to sulfur and teria (Wegener et al., 2015; McGlynn, 2017). The two ironcycling(TakaiandHorikoshi,1999;Reysenbach ‘Ca.Syntrophoarchaeum’arerobustlyplacedassister etal.,2006);theMarineBenthicGroupD(MBG-D),a group to ANME-1 (proposed Methanophagales, class-level lineage abundant in anoxic deep sedi- Figure2,Table1),andwethereforeproposethatthey ments (for which we suggest the name Izemarchaea, represent a new order, the Syntropharchaeales Table 1) that has a key role in the global carbon (Table 1). This placement is important because it cyclingthroughdegradationoforganicmatter(Lloyd TheISMEJournal

Université Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, 43 bd du 11 novembre. 1918 last ancestor of Archaea and the very origin of this domain of life Table 1 Newly named archaeal lineages with their original acronyms and corresponding etymology (when applicable).
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