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The Grotowski Sourcebook (Worlds of Performance) PDF

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RIS T o B P y aN S l : ( O0 2 c4 3 t1 4 a5 m v 1 i m o3 1 ( 21 x 31 1 41 5 m 6 m m m x ) 1 5 6 m m ) ( 2 1 0 ) THEGROTOWSKI SOURCEBOOK WORLDSOFPERFORMANCE What is a "performance"? Where does it take place? Vvhoare the participants? Not so longago these were settled questions,but today such orthodox answers are unsatisfactory, misleading, and limiting. "Performance"asatheoreticalcategoryandasapractice hasexpanded explosively.Itnow comprises apanoply of genresrangingfrom play,to popular entertainments, to theatre, dance, and music, to secular and religious rituals, to "performance in everyday life," to intercultural experiments,andmore. For more than forty years, TheDrama Review(TO!?), thejournalof performance studies,has been at the cutting edge of exploring these questions. The Worlds of Performance Series is designedto minethe extraordinary riches and diversity of TORs decades of excellence, bringingback into print important essays, interviews,artists' notes,and photographs. New materials andintroductions bringthe volumesup to date. Each Worlds of Performance book is a complete anthology, arrangedaroundaspecific themeor topic.EachWorldsof Performance book is an indispensableresource for the scholar, a textbook for the student,andanexcitingeye-openerfor thegeneralreader. RichardSchechner Editor, TOR SeriesEditor Titlesintheseries: Acting(ReJConsiderededitedbyPhillipB.Zarrilli HappeningsandotherActseditedbyMariellenR.Sandford A Sourcebook ofFeminist Theatre andPerformance: On andBeyond theStageeditedbyCarolMartin TheGrotowskiSourcebook editedbyRichard Schechner andLisaWolford A Sourcebook of African-American Performance: Plays, People, MovementseditedbyAnnemarieBean BrechtSourcebookeditedbyCarolMartinandHenryBial THEGROTOWSKI SOURCEBOOK Edited by Lisa Wolford &Richard Schechner London and New York Firstpublished1997 byRoutledge 2Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN SimultaneouslypublishedintheUSAandCanada byRoutledge 270 MadisonAve, New YorkNY 10016 Paperbackeditionpublished2001byRoutledge RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup Transferredto Digital Printing2006 Editorialmatter©1997LisaWolford&RichardSchechner. Individualcontributions©1997individualcontributors. Thiscollection©1997Routledge. TypesetinTimesbySolidus(Bristol)Limited Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbook maybereprinted or reproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,or othermeans,nowknownorhereafterinvented,including photocopyingandrecording,orinanyinformationstorageorretrieval system, withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublishers. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Acataloguerecord forthisbook isavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Grotowskisourcebook/ editedbyLisaWolford &RichardSchechner p. cm.- (Worldsofperformance) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1.Grotowski,Jerzy,1933- -Criticismandinterpretation. I.Wolford,Lisa. II.Schechner,Richard,1934- . III.Series PN2859.P66G73 1997 96-53490 792'.0233'092-dc21 CIP ISBN0415131111 Publisher'sNote The publisherhasgonetogreatlengthstoensurethe qualityofthis reprintbut pointsout that someimperfectionsinthe original may beapparent Printed and bound byCPI AntonyRowe, Eastbourne ISBN 978-1-1361-6728-7 For my moms, Selma Sophia Schwarz Schechner Artis Martin RS For Bos, with abidinggratitude for what was given to me, and infinite regret for myrebellious nature. Iremainalways your Nivedita. LW Grotowski,drawnbyMarilynChurch CONTENTS List ofIllustrations xi NotesonContributors xv Acknowledgments xxi Preface xxv General Introduction: Ariadne'sthread LisaWolford PARTI:THEATREOFPRODUCTIONS,1957-69 2 Introduction:RichardSchechner 23 3 TowardsaPoorTheatre JerzyGrotowski 28 4 InterviewwithGrotowski RichardSchechnerandTheodoreHoffman 38 5 DoctorFaustus:Textualmontage EugenioBarba 56 6 Wyspianski'sAkropolis LudwikFlaszen 64 7 TheatreLaboratory13Rzedow EugenioBarba 73 8 "ISaidYesto the Past":InterviewwithGrotowski MargaretCroyden 83 9 A MythVivisected:Grotowski'sApocalypsis KonstantyPuzyna 88 10 ExternalOrder, InternalIntimacy:InterviewwithGrotowski MarcFumaroli 107 11 Introduction:TheLaboratoryTheatreinNewYork,1969 RichardSchechner 114 12 TheLaboratoryTheatreinNewYork,1969:A set ofcritiques StefanBrecht 118 13 WhyShouldITakePart inthe SacredDance? JanKott 134 " CONTENTS 14 Let GrotowskiSacrificeMasculinityToo CharlesLudlam 141 15 Asian TheatreandGrotowski Donald Richie 144 16 GrotowskiRight- DidtheWord ComeLast? WalterKerr 152 17 A PolishCatholicHasid RichardSchechner 157 18 JerzyGrotowski HaroldClurman 161 19 DearGrotowski:An open letter EricBentley 165 20 Grotowski'sLaboratoryTheatre:Dissolution anddiaspora RobertFindlay 172 21 InMemoryofRyszard Cieslak FerdinandoTaviani 189 PARTII:PARATHEATRE,1969-78, AND THEATREOFSOURCES,1976-82 22 Introduction:RichardSchechner 207 23 Holiday [Swieto]: Theday that isholy JerzyGrotowski 215 24 TheVigil[Czuwanie] Francois Kahn 226 25 LaboratoryTheatre/Grotowski/TheMountain Project JennaKumiega 231 26 Route to theMountain:A prosemeditation onGrotowski aspilgrim RonaldGrimes 248 27 TheatreofSources JerzyGrotowski 252 28 TheTheatreofSources RonaldGrimes 271 e CONTENTS PARTIII:OBJECTIVEDRAMA,1983-86 29 Introduction: LisaWolford 283 30 TuesIefilsdequelqu'un JerzyGrotowski 294 31 Grotowski,or theLimit JanKott 306 32 BaliandGrotowski:Some parallelsinthetrainingprocess IWayanLendra 312 33 SubjectiveReflectionsonObjectiveWork LisaWolford 328 34 GrotowskiinIrvine:Breaking the silence CharlesMarowitz 350 35 JerzyGrotowski'sDivinationConsultation: ObjectiveDrama seminaratU.C.-Irvine J.Ndukaku Amankulor 356 PARTIV:ARTASVEHICLE,1986- 36 Introduction: LisaWolford 367 37 Performer JerzyGrotowski 376 38 Grotowski,ArtasaVehicle PeterBrook 381 39 GrotowskiBlazes theTrails:FromObjectiveDramato Art asVehicle ZbigniewOsinski 385 40 WhereisGurutowski? HalinaFilipowicz 404 41 Action, Theunrepresentableorigin LisaWolford 409 42 TheEdge-pointofPerformance(Fragments),Interviewer: LisaWolford Thomas Richards 432 43 Exoduction:Shape-shifter,shaman,trickster,artist, adept, director, leader,Grotowski RichardSchechner 462

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