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by  JentschelM.
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Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [J.Res.Natl.Inst.Stand.Technol.105,25(2000)] The GRID Technique: Current Status and New Trends Volume 105 Number 1 January–February 2000 Michael Jentschel, Hans G. IntheGRIDtechniqueonemeasures Keywords: atomiccollisions;gamma Bo¨rner, and H. Lehmann Doppler-broadenedlineprofilesof(cid:1)transi- rayspectroscopy;interatomicpotentials; tionsusingthehighresolutioncrystal nuclearstatelifetimes;nuclearstructure. spectrometersGAMS,whichareinstalled Institute Laue-Langevin, atthehighfluxreactoroftheILLGreno- F-38042 Grenoble, France ble.Oneoftheessentialapplicationsof Accepted: July22,1999 thistechniqueisthemeasurementof nuclearstatelifetimes.Inthepresent and contributiontheprecisionandtheprincipal limitsofthetechniquearediscussed. Availableonline: http://www.nist.gov/jres C. Doll Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany 1. Introduction 2. GRID Basics During the last three decades, crystal spectrometers A detailed description of the GRID technique has havebeendevelopedandinstalledatthehighfluxreac- beengiveninaseriesofpublications[1,2,3]andthere- tor of the Institut Laue-Langevin. Currently, three fore only the basic ideas should be presented here. devicesareavailable:thesinglebentcrystalspectrome- Thermal neutron capture produces an excited terGAMS2/3andthetwodoubleflatcrystalspectrom- nucleus, which deexcites either by (cid:1) emission or other etersGAMS4andGAMS5.Theyareinstalledinlineto decay processes. Whenever an emission process takes an in-pile tangential beam tube. In this beam tube place, the nucleus is recoiling due to momentum con- targets can be placed at a distance of 55 cm to the servation. In the particular case of a (cid:1) cascade this reactor core where the thermal neutron flux equals meansthatthemeasuredenergyofanysecondary(cid:1)ray 5(cid:2)1014s–1cm–2.Ageneralschemeoftheexperimental might be Doppler shifted by a recoil induced during a set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The combination of the prioremissionofanother(cid:1)ray.Duetothespatialdistri- intense(cid:1)fluxandtheultrahighresolutionofthedouble butionoftherecoildirections,itisaDopplerbroaden- flatcrystalspectrometersGAMS4andGAMS5hasal- ing,whichwillbeobtained.Thebroadeningdependson lowed the development of the Gamma Ray Induced the velocities of the recoiling nuclei at the time of the Doppler broadening technique. Currently, this secondaryemissionandthereforeonthreefactors:i)the technique is widely used for nuclear state lifetime initial recoil velocity, ii) the time between the initial measurements and the study of atomic collision pro- recoil and the emission of the observed (cid:1) ray e.g., the cessesinsolids[2].Itisthepurposeofthiscontribution lifetime of the intermediate level and iii) the slowing to give a brief description of the technique itself. downoftherecoilingparticles.Themeasurementofthe Furthermore, an attempt to estimate quantitively the Doppler-broadening allows extraction of information sensitivity of the technique in nuclear state lifetime ononeofthesequantities,assumingtheothertwotobe measurements is presented. known. 25 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Fig. 1. Experimental set-up of the crystal spectrometers installed at the in-pile tangential beam tube of the high flux reactor of the ILL. Forillustration,weconsiderfirsttheverysimplecase was first solved within the so-called Mean Free Path ofatwostep(cid:1)cascade,wheretheintermediatelevelis Approach(MFPA)[4].Lateralsootherapproacheslike fedto100%byaprimarytransitionofenergyE .As Molecular Dynamics simulations [5] or Restricted (cid:1)1 the initial recoil velocity is known to be (cid:3) =E /Mc, Molecular Dynamics [8] have been applied. R (cid:1)1 where M is the mass of the recoiling isotope and c the Iftherearenoothersourcesofadditionalbroadening, velocity of light, the Doppler-broadened lineshape of Eq. (1) and a known function (cid:3)(t) would allow the secondary transition E depends only on the extraction of a nuclear state lifetime and a direct com- (cid:1)2 lifetime of the intermediate nuclear state and the parison with the experiment. However, there exist two slowing down of the recoiling atoms. furtherfactorswhichmustbetakenintoaccount:i)the In order to have a description for the slowing down instrumental response function and ii) the Doppler- process of the recoiling atoms Jolie et al. [2, 4] have broadeningduetothermalmotion.Bothofthemcanbe assumedamodel,inwhichtheslowingdownprocessis determinedexperimentally.Infact,withthedoubleflat assumed to be isotropic. Here, the description of the crystalspectrometersGAMS4andGAMS5thedetermi- recoilmotionisreducedtothedeterminationofthetime nation of the instrument response function is possible dependenceoftheaveragevelocity(cid:3)(t)ofallrecoiling with very high accuracy in the so-called nondispersive atoms. This assumption is strongly based on the use of mode (for more details see Ref. [2]. The thermal powdertargets.Inthiscase,the(cid:1)raysareemittedfrom Doppler-broadeningcanbedeterminedbyscanninga(cid:1) a large number of microcrystals and any microscopic transition, which depopulates a very long lived state anisotropyoftheslowingdownprocessisaveragedout ((cid:5)>10ps).Inthiscase,itcanbeassuredthatthestate due to the random alignment of the microcrystals. ismostlydepopulated,whenanyrecoilmotionisslowed Assuming (cid:3)(t) to be known, the Doppler-broadened (cid:1) down and the atom moves with typical thermal lineshape is given by the equation velocities.Comparingsuchascanwithanondispersive (cid:1) scan of the same transition (yielding the instrument (cid:4) response function) a direct extraction of the thermal I (E)dE=C exp(–t/(cid:5))dt D Doppler-broadening is possible. The knowledge of the 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:5)(cid:6) thermal Doppler broadening allows extraction of a (cid:6) (cid:3)(t) targettemperatureT,whichwillenterintothecalcula- (cid:2) arctan E –E 1– 2 (cid:1)2 c tion of the initial and final values of the function (cid:3)(t) (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7) within the different slowing down models. Conse- (cid:6) (cid:3)(t) quently, the Doppler-broadened lineshape I (E) will –arctan E –E 1+ , (1) D 2 (cid:1)2 c depend on the target temperature. The total lineshape, which needs to be compared to an experiment can be written as where(cid:6)representsthenaturalwidthand(cid:5)thelifetime ofthedepopulatednuclearstate.Thecalculationof(cid:3)(t) I (E)=I (E)*R (E), (2) T D 26 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology where I (E) denotes the total lineshape obtained as a atomswithinacertainspheresurroundingtherecoiling T convolutionofaDoppler-broadenedlineshapeI (E)and atom. D the instrumental response function R(E). Assuming InbothMDandRMDsimulations,alargenumberof theknowledgeof(cid:3)(t)ithasbeenshownthatitispossi- recoil events (typically several thousands) is calculated ble to extract lifetimes of nuclear states in the range of and an average velocity (cid:3)(t) deduced afterwards. As 10–15 s to10–11 s using the least squares fitting routine these two models do not directly calculate the average GRIDDLE[9].Alsotheinverseproblemcanbeconsid- velocity they can be used to test the model of an eredifthelifetime(cid:5)isknownandthefunction(cid:3)(t)has isotropic slowing down. This can be done by replacing to be extracted, which allows the study of the atomic Eq. (1) by the following expression motion in solids. (cid:9) (cid:1) M (cid:7) I (E)=C d(cid:8)sin(cid:8) 3. Accuracy D 1 j=1 0 The structure of Eq. (1) suggests that the precision (cid:1) with which a nuclear lifetime is extracted depends on (cid:4) exp(–t/(cid:5)) (cid:2) dt . (4) theaccuracyof(cid:3)(t).Duetothelowrecoilvelocities,the [E–E {1+c–1(cid:3)(t)cos(cid:8)}]2+((cid:6)/2)2 0 (cid:1)2 j theoretical description of the atomic motion can be re- stricted to classical mechanics, i.e., to the solution of Newton’s equations of motion for point mass particles HereC isanormalisationconstant,(cid:3)(t)thevelocity interacting via a classical interatomic potential. 1 j ofthej-threcoilingatomand(cid:8)istheangleunderwhich Within the MFPA the slowing down process is the j-th particle moves with respect to the direction of consideredtobeonaverageasequenceofbinaryatomic observation. The summation goes over M recoil events. collisions, where the recoiling atom looses in every The first integration takes account for the isotropic collision half of its kinetic energy. Between collisions alignment of the microcrystals and the second integra- theatomsareonaverageassumedtomovewithconstant tionintroducestheemissionprobabilityofthesecond(cid:1) velocity. The result of this assumption can be summa- ray. Comparing lineshapes, which were calculated via rized as a step function Eq. (4) to lineshapes calculated via Eq. (1) has shown (cid:9) thattheisotropicmodelcanbeusedforpolycrystalline 1 k (cid:5) (cid:3) (t )= (cid:3)(t ), t = k , (3) targets. k+1 k+1 (cid:8)2 k k k k=1 (cid:3)k–1 In all three models mentioned above, the basic input isdefinedbytheassumptionofaninteratomicpotential. where (cid:5) describes the mean free paths between two Essentiallytwopotentialsareused: TheMFPAisbased k collisions. They can be calculated knowing the density on a Born-Mayer type repulsive potential [7]. The MD of the target material and assuming an atomic interac- andRMDsimulationsallowimplementationofanytype tion potential [2]. of potential, but mainly screened Coulomb type poten- Amorepreciseapproachforthecalculationhasbeen tialsareused[11].Thereexistsonlyasparseknowledge introducedtotheGRIDtechniquebyKuronenetal.[5], ontheatomicinteractioninsolidsatkineticenergiesof who used Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations for severalhundredsofeV.InFig.2,thefunction(cid:3)(t)was thecalculationof(cid:3)(t).Thistechniqueisquitecommon calculatedfor36ClatomsrecoilinginNaCl,usingdiffer- inthecomputersimulationofionbeamsolidinteraction enttheoreticalapproaches.Withinatimeintervalofup [11]andisexactwithinclassicalmechanics.Themotion to 2(cid:2)10–13s the choice of the interatomic potential of the recoiling atom is considered within a simulation seems to introduce the dominating uncertainty in the cell containing N atoms, where N=500 to 1000. slowing down description. Later, the difference of the Newton’sequationsofmotionofallNatoms,interacting slowing down models becomes dominating. via an interatomic potential, are simultaneously inte- Inordertoquantifytheinfluenceoftheuncertainty grated. However, the computational procedure is rather in the slowing down description on the lifetime deter- complicatedasN(N –1)/2equationshavetobesolved. minationupto5(cid:2)10–14s,thefunction(cid:3)(t)wasapprox- Therefore, a slightly simplified approach (Restricted imated by an exponential behavior (cid:3)(t)=(cid:3) exp(–t/T). 0 Molecular Simulations) has been introduced to the The parameters (cid:3) and T represent the initial recoil 0 GRID-technique [8]. It can be argued that the interac- velocity and the average slowing down time, tion of atoms far away from the recoiling nucleus is respectively. Although this model is rather simple, it negligible. This allows restriction of the integration to gives a surprisingly good fit to the simulated (cid:3)(t) only those equations which describe the interaction of curves for time intervals up to 2(cid:2) 10–13 s. Using this 27 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Fig.2. Timedependenceoftheaveragevelocityofrecoiling36Cl-atomsinaNaCltargetcalculatedwiththreedifferentslowingdownmodels. Theenergiesineveryplotcorrespondtotheenergyofthe(cid:1)ray,whichinitiatedtherecoil.ThethickdashedlinesshowstheresultfromMolecular Dynamicssimulations,thefulllinetheMeanFreePathApproach,andthedash-dottedlinetheRestrictedMolecularDynamicssimulations.Inall threeofthemtheBorn-Mayerpotentialhasbeenusedtomodeltherepulsiveatomicinteraction.Thethickfulllinedescribestheresultsobtained fromRestrictedMolecularDynamicssimulationsusingascreenedCoulombpotential(KrC). 28 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology approximation the function I (E) can be analytically levelofinteresthastoberatherlong.Insuchawayan D calculated to be upperlimitforthelifetimeestimationcanbeobtained. In the second case, the velocity distribution contains a I(E)dE maximum number of low energetic recoils, yielding (cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:2) (cid:10) (cid:4) (cid:5)(cid:10) (cid:7) such the lower limit for the lifetime. = C 1 T/(cid:5)–1 (cid:3)T/(cid:5)–1– c 1– E T/(cid:5)–1 dE, Anotherpossibilityfortheassignmentofthemissing T/(cid:5)–1 (cid:3) 0 E intensity is given by a so-called (cid:9)2 analysis of the ex- 0 (cid:1)2 perimental data. Here, a certain parametrization of the (5) missingpartoftherecoilvelocitydistributionischosen. Theparametervaluesarethenincludedinthefitproce- whereCdenotesanormalizationconstant.Thenuclear dure for the evaluation of the experimental data. A statelifetimeentersintoequation[5]onlyas(cid:5)/T.From typical parametrization is given by a two step cascade thisitcanbeconcludedthatanyrelativeuncertaintyof (see Fig. 3). Here, all missing populating intensity is theaverageslowingdowntimeTgivesthesamerelative assignedtoatwostep-cascadeabovethelevelofinter- uncertainty for the lifetime extraction. An analysis of est and the lifetime and the energy of the intermediate the calculations presented in Fig. 2 yields an average level are used as parameters. For illustration the two variance of T and therefore (cid:5)of about 36%. A similar step cascade parametrization has been applied to the resultwasobtainedin[2],whereadetailedcomparison evaluationofdatatakenwiththe1327keVtransitionin ofseveralsimulationshasbeenperformed.Accordingto 158Gd(Fig.3).Astheevaluationisbasedontheincrease the calculations presented in Fig.2 it seems that the ofparameterswithinaleastsquarefit,thedatahaveto validity of the interatomic potential is the dominating yield sufficient statistical significance to allow a uncertainty.However,allcomparisonssofarhavebeen constructiveoptimizationoftherecoilvelocitydistribu- performed for lifetimes up to 10–13 s and a check for tion.However,anyresultobtainedwithinthisapproach longerlifetimesisstillmissing.Thisismainlycausedby will fall within the limits of the extreme feeding the bad numerical efficiency of MD simulations. assumptions. Up to now considerations have been based on the assumption of a fully primarily fed nuclear level of 4. Sensitivity interest. In the more general (and more frequent) case, thelevelofinterestisfedbyseveral(cid:1)cascadespassing The simple model of an exponential slowing down several intermediate levels. Here, it is difficult to canbeextendedtoincludethermalmotion.Thiscanbe estimate the velocity distribution of the recoiling done by folding Eq. (5) additionally with a Doppler- nucleus, when the level of interest is reached. If the broadened lineshape, as it results from thermal motion intensities of all (cid:1) transitions and the lifetimes of all at temperature T with a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribu- intermediate levels are known, this distribution can be tion. This takes account for the variance of the initial calculated.Inmostofthecasesthisdoesnotapplyand recoilvelocityandthefinalconvergenceoftheslowing the uncertainty of this missing knowledge has to be downtoanaveragethermalvelocity.TheresultI˜ (E,(cid:5)) quantifiedwithrespecttotheextractionofnuclearstate D can not be given in analytical form. However, numeri- lifetimes from Doppler-broadened lineshapes. For this callyitiseasytohandleandcanbeusedtodemonstrate purpose several approaches are used: the sensitivity of the GRID technique to the different Aratherconservativeestimationcanbedonewithin parameters,whichhavetobeusedforanevaluationof the so-called extreme feeding assumptions. They are a measured lineshape. As the evaluation of the data is based on the comparison of the summary intensities done by means of a least square fitting, the following populatinganddepopulatingthelevelofinterest.Ifthe function shall be considered summary intensity of all depopulating transitions is greaterthenthepopulatingone,themissingpopulating (cid:9)(cid:10) (cid:10) intensity can be used to formulate the extreme feeding I˜ (E,(cid:5)+(cid:11)(cid:5)) I˜ (E,(cid:5)) 2 assumptions. In one extreme all missing intensity is (cid:10)2= D i D i assigned to a primary feeding and in the other one it i (cid:8)I˜D(Ei,(cid:5)) maybeassignedtoatransitiondepopulatingaverylong livedstate,whichhasanenergyofabout1MeVhigher (cid:12) then the level of interest. In the first case the velocity (cid:9)(cid:10) I˜ (E, (cid:5))(cid:10) distribution contains a maximum possible number of (cid:11) (cid:12)(cid:5) D i 2. (6) highenergeticrecoils.Thismeansthatinordertoobtain i (cid:8)I˜D(Ei, (cid:5)) acertaingivenDopplerbroadening,thelifetimeofthe 29 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Fig.3. Theconceptionofatwostepcascadeanalysisisdemonstratedforalifetimemeasurementin158Gd.Theunknownfeedingofthe1407keV stateisreplacedbyatwostepcascade,wheretheenergyandthelifetimeoftheintermediatestatearevaried.Foreveryrealisationofthiscascade alineshapefithasbeenperformedandthelifetimeandthe(cid:9)2areplotted.Amostlikelyfeedingscenariocouldbeidentifiedbytheminimum(cid:9)2 value. Here,E arediscretepointswithacertainspacingof(cid:11)E timeonthesensitivityhavebeeninvestigated.Following i ontheenergyaxisrepresentingtheanalogtoexperimen- the upper left plot in Fig. 4 the instrument resolution taldatasamplingwithinascan.Thefunction(cid:10)2hasthe showsnosubstantialinfluencewithinthetypicalranges sameanalyticalstructureasthepartialderivativeofthe of variation. The thermal velocity (cid:3) (upper right plot) T optimization function (cid:9)2 in a least square fit. Thus, an appearstobeastronglylimitingfactorforthesensitiv- increaseinthevaluesof(cid:10)2meansanincreaseinsensi- ity to lifetimes longer than 10–12 s, as with increasing tivityinlifetimeextraction.InFig.4thedependenceof target temperature more and more statistics is required (cid:10)2 has been calculated as function of (cid:5)for assumed toextractacertainlifetime.Thescaninterval(lowerleft parameters of (cid:3) =0.5 Å/fs for the initial velocity, plot)appearstobeofnosignificanceforthesensitivity. 0 (cid:11)(cid:5)/(cid:5)=0.1 for a desired precision of the lifetime mea- Astronginfluencecomesfromtheslowingdowntime. surement,T=50fsfortheaverageslowingdowntime, As expected from Eq. (2) an increase in the slowing (cid:11)E =10eVforthescanspacingand(cid:3) =0.03Å/fsfor downtimewouldallowtoextendthetechniquetowards i T thethermalvelocityand(cid:13) =20eVasFWHMofthe longer lifetimes. HW instrument response function. In general it can be out- linedthatthehighestsensitivityofthetechniqueisgiven in the lifetime region of 10–14to10–12 s. At lower life- 5. Conclusions time values the decreasing sensitivity will be compen- satedbyanincreasinginfluenceofthenaturalwidthof The GRID technique has been shown to be a sensi- the intermediate level. For lifetimes longer than one tiveexperimentaltechniquefortheinvestigationofnu- picosecond the technique loses strongly in sensitivity. clear state lifetimes in the range of 10–15to10–12 s. It This can partly be compensated by increased statistics. requires the knowledge of atomic motion with several For example, for the extraction of a lifetime of hundredsofeVkineticenergyandthefeedingscenario (cid:5)≈2(cid:2)10–12therehavetobetakentwiceasmanyscans of the nuclear level of interest. as for (cid:5)≈1(cid:2)10–12. Therelativeuncertaintyofthetheoreticaldescription Usingthefunction(cid:10)2theinfluenceoftheinstrument of atomic motion can be quantified in certain cases. It resolution,thetargettemperatureandtheslowingdown results mainly from the unknown atomic interaction. 30 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Fig.4. Thefunction(cid:10)2isshownfordifferentparametersetsforthecalculationofI˜ (E,(cid:5)).Ineveryplotoneparameterhasbeenvariedand D i compared to a reference calculation (dashed line), which was calculated for E(cid:1)=1 MeV, (cid:3)R=0.5(cid:2)105 m/s, (cid:11)(cid:5)/(cid:5)=0.1, T=50(cid:2) 10–15 s, (cid:11)E =10eV,(cid:13) =20eVand(cid:3) =0.03(cid:2)105m/s. i HW T Lifetimesintherangeof10–15to10–13smeasuredwith 6. References the GRID technique have the same relative uncertainty [1] H.G.Bo¨rner,J.Jolie,F.Hoyler,S.J.Robinson,M.S.Dewey, as the slowing down description. Recently, efforts have G. L. Greene, E. G. Kessler, and R. D. Deslattes, Phys. Lett. been made to improve the current status and to study B215,45(1988). explicitly the atomic interaction using the GRID tech- [2] H.G.Bo¨rnerandJ.Jolie,J.Phys.19,216–248(1993). niqueitself.Thiscanbedoneusingsinglecrystaltargets [3] A.Jungclaus,ProceedingsoftheEighthInternationalSympo- (Crystal-GRID), which allows a significant increase in siumonCaptureGamma-RaySpectroscopyandRelatedTopics, WorldScientificPublishing,pp.888–899(1993). theamountofinformationobtained.Furtherdetailscan [4] J. Jolie, Habilitation, Universiteit Gent, Faculteit derWeten- be found in Refs. [12, 13]. schappen(1992). Anadditionaluncertaintyforthelifetimeextractionis [5] J.Keinonen,A.Kuronen,P.Tikkanen,H.G.Bo¨rner,J.Jolie, causedbyanunknownfeedingscenarioforthelevelof S. Ulbig, E. G. Kessler, R. M. Nieminen, M. J. Puska, and interest. It can be quantified using the concept of A.P.Seitsonen,Phys.Rev.Lett.67,3692(1991). [6] M. Jentschel, K.-H. Heinig, H. G. Bo¯rner, J. Jolie, and E. G. extreme feeding scenarios, which yields the maximum Kessler,Nucl.Instr.Meth.B115,446(1996). variation of the measured lifetime value as it can be [7] A.A.Abrahamson,Phys.Rev.179,161(1969). produced by the unknown feeding. Using the approxi- [8] M. Jentschel, H. G. Bo¨rner, and C. Doll, Proceedings of the mationofatwostepcascadeforthemissingfeedingone CGS9Budapest,Springer(1997)p.755. can find a most likely recoil velocity distribution and [9] S.RobinsonandJ.Jolie,TheComputerCodeGRIDDLE,ILL InternalReport92RO15T. extract the most likely directly from the experimental [10] M.PosseltandK.H.Heinig,Nucl.Instr.Meth.B102,236-241 data. Alternativelly, the missing feeding can be calcu- (1995). lated using statistical models of the nucleus [14]. [11] W. Eckstein, Computer Simulation of Ion-Solid Interaction, SpringerSeriesinMaterialScience,Vol.10(1991). 31 Volume105,Number1,January–February2000 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [12] M.Jentschel,K.HHeinig,H.G.Bo¨rner,J.Jolie,andE.G. Kessler,Nucl.Instr.Meth.B115,446(1996). [13] N.StrittandJ.Jolie,J.Res.Natl.Inst.Stand.Technol105,71 (2000). [14] F. Becvar, M. Krticka, and M. Jentschel, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand.Technol105,113(2000). About the authors: Dr. Michael Jentschel is a post doctoralfellowattheInstitutLaue-Langevin(ILL).His special interests are high resolution gamma spectroscopyandatomiccollisionprocesses.Dr.Hans Bo¨rner is the Group Leader for Nuclear and Particle PhysicsatILLwithspecialinterestsinhighresolution gamma spectroscopy, nuclear structure at low excita- tion energies, and fundamental physics with neutrons. Christian Doll is a thesis student at the Technical University of Munich with special interests in high resolutiongammaspectroscopyandin-beamactivation analysis.Dr.HugoLehmannisapostdoctoralfellowat theILLwithspecialinterestsinhighresolutiongamma spectroscopy and nuclear structure at low excitation energies. 32

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