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, the YHO UND ^GRE LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MARYLAND’S STUDENT NEWSPAPER VOL. 75, NO. 13 STRONG TRUTHS WELL LIVED SINCE 1927 JANUARY 29, 2002 http://GREYHOUND.LOYOLA.EDU Campus police cracks theft case byDaveO’Brien Contributing Editor A suspect wanted in a string of theftsfromLoyoladormsandaca- demic buildings was apprehended Thursday, Jan. 24 in the Humani- ties building by members of the LoyolaCollegePoliceDepartment. Anadministratorworkinginthe building, alarmed by the presence ofa suspicious person wandering around the premises, called cam- pus police Thursday evening. Responding to the call. Officer Doug Often stopped a suspicious ChiefJusticeRyanCroninaddressestheSGA’sExecutiveCouncil, individual from fleeing the scene, outliningwhatarethestrenthsofproposedconstitutionheco- A searched the suspect and later authored. reviseddraftwillbesubmittedforstudentapprovalinthe nextmonth. turned him over to the Baltimore Thesuspectaccusedofastringofrobberiesoncampuswasableto photo by Mike Memoli Police Department Major Crimes enterGuilfordbecausestudentslethiminthedoor.Althoughthe Unit for questioning. frontentrancehasadeskassistant,thebackdoorremainscom- Constitution revised Accordingtopolicesources,the pletelyunguarded. ^ ^ suspect has admitted to several ph,oto b,yDave O Brien crimes as well as an ongoing drug SGA after debates habit supportedbythefts and bur- Smith also supported the assertion on his patterns and physical de- glariesinthecityofBaltimoreand that property crimes such as theft scription to aid in his capture. on Loyola’s campus. and burglary are how the suspect “Hedoesn’tlooklikeayouthful byKevinRyan and SGA President Ryan Nowlin Reports suggestthatthe suspect supports his ongoing drug habit. student,” Smith asserted, “butthe Managing Editor took the podium —to deliver five was in possession of drug para- “Loyolapolice were really high concernwasthathewas transpar- minutesoliloquies Cronininfa- phernalia,namelywhatwasidenti- on catching this guy,” Smith said, entto the community.” The Executive Council of the vor of the proposed constitution fied as acrackpipe, whencampus adding that it was hard to prevent Onestudentwho letthesuspect Student Government Association andNowlin against. police stopped him. the suspect from entering the intoGuilfordandwishednottobe (SGA)heldadebatefortheirmem- Oneofthecrucialpointsdebated Incidentalerts,sentbye-mailto dorms behind students, who often identified, did sobecauseshewas bersonWednesday,Jan. 23,todis- waswhethermostoftheExecutive membersofthecollegecommunity, held doors open for him, allowing convincedhewasalegitimatestu- cuss a proposed draft ofthe new Councilpositions, suchasthecur- alerted students, faculty and staff access to restricted areas ofcam- dent. constitution. According to SGA rent vice presidents, should be ofthe arrest on Friday. “Informa- pus. The suspect was last arrested ChiefJusticeRyanCronin,anum- appointed or elected. tion like this is important to pass Campus police postedphotos of in2001 forpropertycrimes,tried, berofcompromises weremade to Currently,thevicepresidentsare on to the community,” said Rick the suspect, taken after a previous convicted and sentenced to three the document based on the feed- elected. In the draft ofthe consti- Smith, director of Public Safety. arrest,andeducatedthecommunity continuedonpage3 back given during the tw'o-hour tution debated, all but the vice meeting, significantly raising the president ofSocial Affairs would Discussing the agony of Ecstasy oddsthatitwill passwhen itisput be appointed by the president of up for a student referendum vote theSGA. byMikeMemoli than 25 years and is specifically in lateFebruaryorearlyMarch. “We’ve made many ofthe Ex- News Editor / focusing on why individuals Cronin, who was the driving ecutive Council positions ap- choose Ecstasy as a “quick fix” force behind the creation of the pointed because the student body As concern grows in the medi- to feelingbetter. new constitution, said, “The main told us to,” Cronin said. cal community over the dangers “It’s easy to get high with goal that arose during the process “We asked students who voted associated with Ecstasy, the Al- drugs, it’s harder to get high on ofcreatingthe constitution was to and they said that when they log cohol and Drug Education and life,” Tommasello said. “Unfor- bring as many student organiza- onto Privare to vote there are too Support Services office is hosting tunately the front-end advan- tions and leaders together as pos- many positions to follow to know a lecture tonight by Dr. Tony tages of drugs are 180 degrees sible.” who the best candidate [is].” Tommasello, a professor at the fromtherisksandeventuallydet- Atthestartofthemeeting,which “Theideaofreplacinganyofthe UniversityofMaryland School of riment to the people who use tookplaceinthebasementofKnott currently-elected members ofthe Pharmacy who specializes in the these for pleasure.” Hall,approximately80SGAmem- SGA with appointments doesn’t fieldofdrugaddiction. Theevent, Studies have shown that Ec- bers were given a draft ofthepro- serve the student body whatso- entitled“SeekingEcstasy,”begins stasy is responsible for destroy- posed constitution. ever,”saidNowlin. at7p.m.inKnottHallBO1 andwill ingnerv'etracks inthebrainthat After reading the constitution, “We already have a reputation center on America’s sensation- workwithmemoryandappetite. Michael Dalo, the vice president oncampus,outsideofthe SGA,as seeking culture. AcloseuponftvoEsctasypills— Tommaselloalsobelievesitcan forAcademicAffairs,clarifiedany being elitist. Ifyou support a cul- Ecstasy, or MDMA, is a popu- brandedwiththeMitsubishilogo. impair the maturing process of photo courtesyofU.S. questions that the audience had ture of appointments within the larsyntheticdrugintheclubscene the brain from adolescence to regarding specific passages and SGA, all you’re doing is support- thathasrisen inpopularityamong Dept, ofJustice adulthood. sections. ingacultureofelitism.” young Americans in the past five While not as pervasive as Followingtheclarification,sena- Nowlinseemedtoinsinuatethat years. minds,” Parcover said. “It’s not so Loyola’s alcohol problem, tors, class representatives and having the RAC, Commuter Stu- According to Cynthia Parcover, much that we see that it’s a huge Parcovercitedanecdotal evidence members of the Resident Affairs dent Association (CSA) and assistant director of Alcohol and problematthecollege,butwhatwe that drug use is on the rise. Council(RAC)weregiventheop- Multicultural positions onthe Ex- Drug Education and Support Ser- dosee isthatthere isalotofmisin- “We’re trying to address the portunity to voice their opinions ecutive Council appointed by the vices,useofEcstasyoranyillegal formation out there about it.” drug issue,” she said. “It’s diffi- on the constitution. president would be encroach on drug on campus is of great con- Tommasello was invited to ad- cult to do because first ofall it’s After the members ofthe SGA the autonomy ofthose groups. cern to the college. dressjustthatproblem. Hehasbeen soillicit. ... Peoplearedoingitbe- expressed their opinions, Cronin continuedonpage2 “It’s something that lays on our in the field of addiction for more continuedonpage3 NEWS: OPINIONS: FEATURES: SPORTS: CVS addresses issues offaith and Nick and Geoff’s suggestions for this New film version of The Count of Troubled by lack ofattendance at justice inhighereducation. box have been rejected — find out why. Monte Cristo loses duel with our re- sporting events? We may have the — page 4 - page 8 viewer. — page 11 answer. JANUARY 29, 2002 PAGE TWO News Members debate proposed Black History Month: Loyola celebrates a piece of SGA changes to structure American and history culture continuedfromfrontpage “TheCSAandtheRAC byMonicaLeal moth’s theme: “A Convergence ofCulture arenottechnicallyinany- Editor in Chief andTradition inAmerican History.” way affiliated with the In an effort to support the work ofSGA SGA. Their money does TheMartin LutherKingConvocation of- andALANA(African, Latin, Asian,Native notcomeoftheSGAbud- ficially kicked American)Ser- get. They don’t have to off the 2002 vices the Event Schedule: technicallyanswertoany- Black History Green and thing the SGA says, nor Month events Grey Society do we have to answer to on Wednes- Friday. Feb. 8 willcontinueits anything that they say,” day, Jan. 23., 1001 BlackInventions Soap Box Se- saidNowlin. with a keynote Fourth Floor Programming Room, ries with a “Right now we have address by Na- town meeting 7-9 p.m. threeleadershiporganiza- tional Public on diversity. tions in the student body SGAmemberErinO’Keefevoicessupportforproposals Radio’s Talkof The date and with significant amounts madetoaltertheorganization’sstructureatlastTuesday’s the Nation Saturday. Feb. 9 locationareyet of power; RAC, Senate meeting. hostJuan Will- Fences, a play by to be deter- photo by Mike Memoli and Executive Council. iams. Augyst Wilson, mined. But unfortunately at this Williams is Everyman Theater, 8 p.m. Back by college, these groups are getting in each the reputation thatthe SGA has ofbeing an the author of Tickets $10 popular de- other’swaymorethantheyarehelpingeach elitist organization - but for different rea- EPyresioznet:he mand is 1001 other,” Cronin said. sons. Black Inven- Tuesday. Feb. 12 “Under this system that we’ve set up all “People have been opposed to this for America'sCivil tions pre- these groups would work underthe Execu- many reasons. It’s more thanjust a piece a Rights Years, Green and Grey Society Soap Box sented by tiveCouncil. Itisunacceptabletohavelead- paper. It’smorethanjustmakingsimplead- 1954-1965 Series on Diversity Washington ership bodies on this campus be opposed justments to the constitution. This is about and Thurgood Location and time TBA D.C.’sPinpoint to one another.” changing the student leadership at this col- Ma rshall: Theater. American Nowlinsaidheagreedwithsomepartsof lege from the culture ofconfusion and in- Friday. Feb. 15 Author of the constitution, like the assembly - pro- consistencytoacultureofeffectivenessand Revolutionary. Your Blues The Knights ofJazz videdthatnopositionsareeliminated inthe cooperation,” Cronin said. Last year, the Ain’t Like McQuire Hall, 5-7 p.m. structure ofthe government. Themeetingendedwithanunofficialand seven-parttele- Mine,Brothers “I do agreewiththe ideaofthe assembly. anonymous vote on the proposed constitu- vision series and Sisters, One ofthe reasons that I commissioned to tion, the results ofwhich were unavailable based on Eyes Thursday. Feb. 21 Singing in the have the constitution revamped this year atpress time. on the Prize Author Bebe Moore Campbell Comeback was because I feltthe students who partici- The main purpose ofthe vote was to find was aired on McQuire Hall, 7-9 p.m. Choir, and her pated in the Senate do a greatjob and they out what problems that the SGA had with the Events latest book can do a betterjob ifthey get streamlined the draft of the constitution, intended to Channel. What You Owe withthereps,” saidNowlin. gauge opinion, not approve the document. According Me, Bebe “However, Iamnotinsupportofeliminat- For more information on the process of to Student Government Association (SGA) MooreCampbellwill lectureon“TheColor ing any positions from the class reps and updating the constitution, visit http:// Multicultural Representative Karla Jenkins Linerevisited. IsRacismdead?”onFeb.21, senators,” he said. greyhound.loyola.edu/issues/120401/ Black History Month is an opportunity to focusing on woman ofcolor and their con- Both Nowlin and Cronin commented on news/newsS.html educate the Loyola community about the tributions to the culture. Campus Around the world Police Blotter ... From wire reports Selected excerpts from reports Rumsfeld: AfghandetaineesarenotPOW's Thursday.Jan. 17 SecretaryofDefenseDonald Rumsfeldheld firmagainst international criticism ofthe A student reported the theft ofa 24-inch Bundy Trombone from his locker in the United States' treatmentofal QaedaandTaliban captives thatare beingheld in Cuba. College Center. The student told campus police that he had last seen the trombone Rumsfeld, whotouredCampX-rayon Sunday,saidtheywouldnotbegiventhestatus beforeChristmasbreak,butthatwhenhewenttogethistromboneforclassit, along ofprisoners ofwar. with the case and lock used to secure the locker, had been stolen. SenatorssavArafattiesmaybesevered Friday.Jan. 18 Speaking on the Sunday talk shows, several prominent U.S. senators echoed Presi- An individual reported that he left his bicycle and duffel bag ofski clothing and dent Bush in raising the possibility ofsevering all ties with Palestinian leaderYasser equipment in an unlocked room in the College Center. When he returned approxi- Arafat. Governmentofficialshavebeencritical ofArafat'sroleintheMideastconflict, matelyanhourlater,thebikeandbagweremissing.Theindividual statedthathedid accusing him ofbuyingarms for Hezbollah terrorists responsible forkilling scores of not observe any suspicious persons in the area. Baltimore City Police Department Israelicitizens. wasnotified. FederalReservemayhaltrate-cuts Tuesday.Jan.22 Saying the U.S. economy is turning the comertoward recovery,Alan Greenspan tes- AresidentreportedasuspiciouspersonwanderingabouttheseventhfloorofGuilford tified last week that one ofthe most aggressive series ofrate-cuts in history may be Towers seeminglyoutofplace andwithoutpurpose. The complainantdescribedthe finished. TheFederalFundsratehasbeencut 1 1 times since2001. nowsittingata40- individual as an oldermalewith curly blonde/brown hair, wearinggray sweatpants. yearlowof1.75percent. Campus police searched the entire building without locating anyone that matched the description. Poll:AmericanssuspiciousofRepublicansinEnrondebacle Anothersuspiciouspersonwasreportedinthe samearea in Guilford laterthatnight. ACBS News/Aevv York Times survey shows that moreAmericans believe that Enron Theindividualwasdescribedasatallmalewearingadarkbluebaseballcap,ablack hadclosertieswithRepublicansthantheydidwithDemocrats.With39percentsaying long sleeve shirtand blue denim pants. No one matching this description was found the Enron crash is ofgreat importance to the nation, the poll showed thatAmericans either. Campus police advise that all students report suspicious activity, and never are suspicious ofthe Bush administration's ties to the energy company. to allowpeople intoresidence halls without identification. StateoftheUnionAddresstonight Wednesday.Jan.23 With his approval ratingstill solidlyabove 80 percent. PresidentGeorgeW. Bushwill An individual contacted campus police to report that her bag and its contents were deliverhis first State ofthe Union addresstonightbefore ajoint session ofCongress. stolenfromthelowerPrimo’sdiningarea.Thecomplaintantplacedthebagonachair Bush is expected to strongly push for his economic stimulus plan which Democrats while eating dinner. She then got up to use the phone near the automated teller saywill onlybenefitthewealthy. Bush willalsolikely updateAmericansonthestatus machine and returned to find her bag missing. A search ofthe stairwells and bath- ofthewaragainstterrorism. rooms yielded negative results. JANUARY29, 2002 PAGE THREE News Tommasello to speak on club drug Suspect apprehended I “We don’t hear a lot Tommasello, followed by a 23- about it,” Parcover said in minutevideoaboutmakingeupho- in string of robberies reference to Ecstasy on ria, and then a question-and-an- campus. “We hearabout it swer session. continuedfromfront when there’s a problem, Tommasello called the Q & A page when someone has a bad session “the most importantpart,” reaction. It’s so illicit that adding that he hopes to be infor- years in prison. Re- people don’t really talk mative and also persuasive. He leased less than six about it that much.” wants to make it known that no months later, he was Both Parcover and drug is really addictive, but rather back on the street. Tommasello hope that that there is a philosophy to drug Two of his favorite tonight’s event serves to addiction that makes it a danger- targets were appar- dispel some common mis- ous practice. ently the Humanities conceptions aboutEcstasy “Drugs are simply one element building, for the Alargequantityof“CU”ecstasypills. and as a catalystto further oflife that people get compulsive amount of unlocked photo courtesy ofwww.erowid.org discussion of Loyola’s about,” he said. “In the way the and frequently visited drugproblem. brainworksanddrugsworkonthe officesitcontains,and continuedfromfrontpage The program for the event be- brain,it’saveryalluringactivityto Guilford Towers, hind closed doors.” gins with opening remarks by become involved in.” where several stu- Loyolastudentstaketheirsafetyfor According to the 1999 dentswerevictimized. grantedbyleavingvaluablessuchaslaptops Harvard Study, marijuana PercentageofLoyolastudentswhoreporteddoingEcstasy, OnTuesday,Jan.22, andwalletsinunattended,unlockedrooms. was Loyola students’ drug ketamine,orGHB6monthspriortoenteringtheirfreshmanyear juniorJulie Ryderhad OnthesecondfloorofGuilford,twolaptops ofchoice,withmorethan56 14% several credit cards wererecentlystolen undercircumstances percent of students saying stolenfromherwallet, such as this. they had done it at least 12% which was left on a photo by Sara Jerome once.Eightpercentsaidthey couch in her common usedcocaine,whilelessthen 10% roominGuilford. “Idon’tunderstand,”Rydersaid 10percenthave done LSD. Accordingto Ryder, the doorto when askedhowshe feltaboutthe By comparison, the per- herroomwasclosedbutunlocked, capture ofthe suspect in the theft centage ofLoyola students and when she later picked up the ofhercreditcards,whichwerelater whoconsumealcoholiswell wallet, she noticed that all ofher used to charge several items at into the 80s. credit cards, save forthe only one SuperFresh and Giant, “He just The annual Loyola fresh- that was openly visible, were sto- keeps getting caught doing this.” man survey showed that len. Inaddition, campus police have seven percent of both men Ryder and her roommates now asked the community to remain and women in the class of lock theirdoor“all the time.” Ad- “vigilant” in observing possible 2005 had used Ecstasy, Fres»Mfl€fi Sophomores Jjoiors Serwrs. ditionally, one of Ryder’s room- suspicious behavior, and to alert ketamineorGHB inthe last informationfrom Loyolai NormativeAssessmentsurvey mates has been “hearing things Public Safety if such an event that aren’t there” since the thefts. should be witnessed. sixmonths. Baltimore 410-727-7004 229 W. Chase Street At Martin Luther King Drive DC 202-898-0555 Nw Washington 1250 'T Street, Between NY Ave. & "I” St. utrecht.com LOY130 . \ 1927 - The Greyhound - 2002 Faith-justice conference InhonorofYhtGreyhound’s 15thanniversaiy, aseriesofarticlesfrompreviousyears targets Nike in lecture are beingreprintedin each issue. Thisweeksarticlecomesfrom theOct3, 1988 issue o/The Greyhound. byTraceyGiordano philosophyatFordhamUniversity,willtackle Security increases as StaffWriter the issues from a different perspective, de- scribingthewaysinwhichonemayusethe- What is the mission of education in ology and philosophy to critique the con- plan enacted is today’s society and how can educators crete doings ofsociety. move towards a well-educated solidarity? Athirdlecture,bySr.PatriciaMcLaughlin, These are only some of the questions the SSNDexecutivedirectoroftheCarolineCen- Security updates protection measures faith-justiceconference,hostedbytheCen- ter (ajob training center for women based ter for Values and Service, will address on downtown), as its title suggests, addresses byBernadetteMurphy ready this summer new lights have been Wednesday, Feb. 6. “Faith, Justice and Advocacy at the Local News StaffReporter added), screens on the windows and an The CenterforValues and Services com- Level.” increased patrol ofthe west end ofcam- posedthedaylongconference The conference is capped pus. based on anotable speech by offwithalecturecalled,“Starv- SteveTabeling,headofsecurity,iscom- New cameras have also been installed Head Jesuit Rev. Peter-Hans ing for the Swoosh.” Leslie pleting his three-year plan to improve this summer and Tabeling plans to con- Kolvenbach, S.J.,inwhichhe Kretzu and Jim Keady, direc- safety on Loyola's campus. Many stu- tinueaddingcameras,especiallyinAhem addressedthemissionoffaith tors of Educating for Justice, dents have noticed an obvious increase in and McAuley. and justice in the context of will present the story oftheir security, as there have been city police This fall, security has purchased small higher learning in the United time—spentlivinginaNikefac- officers on campus for the first time this two passenger vehicles that will be used States. tory where they, along with year. Tabling has asked the Baltimore po- for easier access to Ahem and McAuley The event includes a special presentation theirf—ellowfactoryworkers,werepaid$1.25 lice force to “keep an eye” on the city as well as forthe security escort system. on the impact ofNike sweatshop practices a day and the impact it has on those in- streets surrounding campus. Thesecurityofficehasbecomeincreas- inTangerang, Indonesia,andnumerouspre- volved. He believes that an increased visibility ingly more modem, now the officers are sentations in which various speakers will AccordingtoDenk,thepresentation asks withBaltimorepolicewillgreatlyimprove able to get computerreadouts ofcampus address the issues offaith andjustice from thatlisteners understand faithandjustice in the college’s security. When asked if he incidents telling the exact location, time various angles. a global sphere, raising such questions as, foresawanyproblems withthe citypolice and nature ofthe incident which enables According to Kurt Denk, S.J., assistant “If we are a people of faith, aware ofthe interferingwithproblemsusuallydealtwith security to know which areas on campus coordinator of the Center for Values and realitiesofwhatisgoingonglobally,whatis by resident assistants, (like on-campus are in need ofthe most attention. Service, the eventaims to explainthe ques- thejust thing to do?” parties). The security office continues to offer tion, “What is the link between faith and Denk,who,alongwiththeCenterforVal- Tabelingsaid,“Citypolicearenotcom- self-defense courses for interested stu- justice ... inthecontextofoursocial life?” ues and Services designed the conference, ing on ourproperty, they are not here po- dentsaswellasawarenessprogramsdeal- Following a mass in Alumni Chapel, the hopes that “people will take the time to lis- licingLoyola.” ing with assaults and rapes. day kicks off with a speech by Dr. John ten, especially to different perspectives, re- Along with the added protection ofthe Tabelingstressestheimportanceofstu- Palmucci,vicepresidentforAdministration allyengagingtheirown educational experi- citypolice,Tabelinghas increasedtheon- dent cooperation in maintaining a safe and Finance, which explains the roles that ences and applying them.” campussecurityforcefromapproximately campus. He says,“Wedo everythingthat faith andjusticeplaywithin therealm offi- Denksummedupthemissionforthecon- 12 officerstothe current21 is reasonable to protect students [but] nance. ference,saying,“[The.conference] ispeople The officers were subject to increased everyone is responsible for security.” WhilePalmuccispeaksfromaneconomic from,different circumstances and perspec- trainingthissummerandtheyarealltrained All of the new additions to security perspective. Dr. James Marsh, professor of tives working togetheras God’s children.” infirstaid. have resulted in ageneral decrease ofin- Eventually,Tabelingwouldliketohave cidents on campus. FEBRUARY FRIDAY, 1 security guards stationed at every resi- Especially apparent is a large decrease dencehallfrom4p.m.to8a.m. invandalism in Butlerand Hammerman. Meyerhoff SympUoMy Hall More ofTabeling’s long term goals in- Tabeling believes that this is because of pm clude lighting inAhem andMcAuley (al- the increase in security in these areas. at 8 JACK EVERLY, conductor Dorm incidents decrease with help ofRAs Conductor Jack Everly and the BSO salute by JiJl Jasuta only suspended forthe weekend, butalso the great—Hollywood musicals from News StaffReporter fined SI50 and puton disciplinaryproba- The Wizard ofOz to tion forthe restoftheyearas well. — Cigi in an extraor- These sanctions followed two counts dinary staged perfor- Security responded to three calls ofal- ofalcohol violationandonecountofpub- mance with costumed cohol violation and one call ofvandalism lic disturbance during a Butler party on dancers and a cast fromAugust27to29atButler. Sincethen, Saturday, August 27. of singers. therehavebeenno alcohol violations,and Thefouroffenders,whodidnotwishto Everly onlyonecountofvandalismandonetheft, disclosetheirnames,describedthemselves StMcIcnt/^ are invited according to Steve Tabeling, director of as “scapegoats.” to a FREE PoAt-Concert security. “Theyusedus as anexample,”saidone The number of offenses after the first offender. Reception week is lower compared to last year, said Theybelievedthepoliciesweretoostrict Tabeling. and their punishment was too severe, but • Meet & Greet BSO Musicians . The reason for this decline is the in- theysaid,“Welearnedourlessonthehard • Free Food & Sodas creased visibility of security guards and way.” the enforcement ofmles by the RA’s and They also said that the RA’s have been • Si Capitol City beer for students Student Life, accordingtoTabeling. more lenientsincethe firstweek. with valid photo \D (21 or older) Assistant Director ofStudent Life June Larry Horlamus, the RA who wrote up EntertoWin Great PrizeA! Gunthersaidthatsincethefirstweek,very the violators, declined to comment, but few students have been forced to leave anotherButlerRA, EdAshton, explained CONCERT campus forthe weekend. the strict policies. “They know no one is TICKET: ^10 Sheaddedthatshepreferstospendtime over21 inButler.” with valid Atndent ID offering ser\'ices andprograms to the stu- Ashton said of the strict enforcement dents instead ofdisciplining them. andstiffpunishmentinthefirstweek,“It’s Approximately 13 freshmen in Butler positive as far as keeping the dorm dam- wereforcedtoleavecampustheirfirstfull agedownandenforcingschoolpolicy,but weekend at Loyola because of disciplin- negativeasfarastherelationshipbetween ary action. students and administration goes.” This may be the largest amount ofBut- Guntherdisagreed, saying she sees itis ler students Loyola has seen kicked off an opportunity to listen to the students ForMore InlorMiatioM campusinthefirstweek. Thehighnumber and to stop the behavior from happening 410.783.8000 is due to stricter enforcement of alcohol again.” policy, accordingto Gunther. Gunther believes that the students un- Atleastfourofthesefreshmenwerenot derstand why they are being punished. wuvw*baltimoreAyMipliotfy•coiti JANUARY 29, 2002 PAGE FIVE Opinions Reality leaves us with faith no more THE mmsKinmi I don’t think it’s a stretch to say faith and goodness now not living side --well it’s easier to get into that a majority ofLoyola students according to the rules he had Rootie’s than to be positive these grewup inareligious atmosphere. taught me? days. In other words, it’s not as if With alarge percentage ofthe stu- In social matters, as you’ve therequirementsforbeingoptimis- Editorials, comments and opinions dent body coming from private probably guessed. I’m pretty lib- tic arejust being female and hav- Catholic or otherwise religiously- eral. Butlikeagoodnumberofcon- ing the $10 covercharge. affiliated schools to a private servatives, I believeinthestrength I have faith in my friends, but ofthetraditional fam- it’s nota soothingreligiousfaith. I ily.Asthe son ofa di- havefaith inourjusticesystem,but Monica Leal vorced couple. I’m it isn’tthe same as God’sjustice. I not a big fan of the even have faith that the govern- practice unless it’s ment will do what has to be done Editor in Chief necessary to separate to protect our nation from threats, an abusive husband though this faith may sometimes or wife from their be misguided and naive. None of spouse, adultery is in- thesetaketheplaceoffaithinGod, Kevin Ryan volved or something though. I know that the question, Catholicuniversity,thereligiousin- criminal is going on. In my view, “Why do bad things happen to structionisthere. IknowIwasvery parents who love their kids, treat goodpeople?”hasbeenasked,and Managing Editor nervous about philosophy and them well, and tell them that they answered, millions oftimes. I still theology classes because I went are lovedarethebestkind. Parents haven’t found just the answer I to public school, where religion who beat their children, abuse needthatwill givemethestrength was afour-letterword. them, and tell them that they are to believe again. A friend of mine from the not loved, on the other hand, are Some things give me hope, Howe Bonnie Delbarton School in Mendham, only good for one thing: populat- though. People ofall faiths came NJ,wassurethat“theCatholicswill inghell. together this past September Business Manager get you yet.” He was convinced Myparentswereofthefirstkind. against terror. Despite the pres- thatI would be converted, regard- They told me I was loved, treated ence ofNapster and all the MP3 less ofmyproteststothe contrary. melikeahumanbeing,letmelearn websites,aswellasadropinrecord Ofcourse,he’satDukenow,where from my mistakes and above all sales last year, consumers bought A Not-so indecent proposal the only religion is basketball, so supportedme. Buttheydidn’ttake more Christian music than ever what the heck was he talking good enough care oftheirown re- before. This couldjustbebecause about? lationship, which came back to new,popular rockbandslikeP.O.D. Itwas refreshing to see lastweekthatthe Student Govern- beIcdoimden’tintdhioncktrIiwnaotuelddbcehcaanugseeorI hauTnhtrotuhgehm wfahitehn. tIh’evye dwievaotrhceedr.ed a“CnhdriCsrteieand”abraendcso.nsTihdeerefdacttothbaet mentAssociationwastakingaproactiveapproachtotheques- wasprettysetinwhatI believed. I disease, deaths in the family and people are taking their faith more tionofreformingthewayitservesthestudentsofLoyolaCol- haditallfiguredout. Iwasn’tpres- the cruelty of some of the less seriouslymakes me feel betterfor elexgaec.tTlyhothuagthretshetrreucatrueruinndgosuhbotuelddlpyrcoocnefelidc,tiitnwgaopsicnlieoanrstohnathtohwe tmsouyrdelodibaeornrayltpPhrrioontdgedsetthdaanttoirwsomeu.nlcFdroauonrfkalfgye,enddI gbeervlooiulepvv.iendDgivmmooerrmcebe,tehrtashnoeuovgefhr,mthylaetfttphemeerere toihnneeafpeulotssueir’tesi,vfebaiewtcahaywu.islel mruabybofefsonommee- questions raised were out of a legitimate concern for the knewmoreaboutboththeBibleand wasn’t much worth believing in I try hard not to be really de- organization’sfuturewelfareandnotforfearoflosingtitleswhich the Catholic Church than some anymore. Add to these feelings of pressed about it though. The old couldbe sovaluable onamember’sresume. CatholicsImet. betrayalandangerthefactthatour adagethat“Godworks inmysteri- Amongthemoretouchydebateswasthatovertheshapeand Then my parents divorced, and nation was attacked and innocent ous ways” couldwell applyto my sizeofthe SGA,particularlyinthelegislativebranch. Thepro- my faith was tested. How could I people killed, and that our leaders situation.Youknow,maybeit’sall remain attentive to faith with my now call upon God to be with the part ofsome masterplan, which is posedeonstitutionas formulatedbyChiefJusticeRyanCronin family broken up, and my father, United States in our war on those one ofthose things that the faith- andhis associates calls forareduction in size ofeach class’s who I had held up as a model of whoalsoclaimthatGodisontheir ful say. representation. Proponents pointed outthatthe few students THE whovotedonotputmuchthoughtintochoosingsixcandidates GREYHOUND outofafieldofeight, forinstance. Severalrepresentatives got defensive, sayingthatanyreductioninthesizeoftheAssembly Online Edition: wouldmake the SGAless effective. Apparently, losing even SGA http://greyhound.loyola.edu justonememberwillthrowtheactivitiesofthe intodisar- ray. Somememberswent as farto saythattheirpositions are The Greyhound is published weekly during the school year by the students fuU-timejobs. of Loyola CoUege. The writing, layout, photography and format are the AswewritethisUnsignedat 11 p.m. onSundaynight, aftera adrmeisnpiosntsriabtiiliotny,offactuhletyEdoirtosrtiuadlenBtosarudnlaesnsdsdpoecniofticraellpyressteantetdt.hSeivgineewdscoofltuhmens fullweekendofwriting, editingandlayingouta20-pageissue. represent the opinions ofthe authors and do not reflect the opinions or The Greyhoundis gladto hearthat other students atthis col- editorial position ofthe paper. legearejustascommittedtotheirextracurricularpursuitsaswe are. Butbecausethis small, committedgroup ofeditors does Associate Features Photography sacrificeasignificantamountoftimetothispublication,wefind Editor Katie Perrone Meghan Signalness therepresentatives’ elaimsoffull-timecommitmentssomewhat Faith Hayden Editor hard to believe. This is not to say that Ryan Nowlin and his Sara Klassen Editor Patrick Valasek executivecouncildonotputapplythemselvesfullytotheirjobs, Doug Dryer Photographer because itis clearfromwhatthe SGAhas achievedthis year News Assistant Editor Gerry Tobin thattheydo. Butitisdoubtfulthateachclassrepresentativeand Artist Sara Jerome Sports Copy Desk senatorisdoingthe same. Mike Memoli Withthisinmind. TheGreyhoundinvitesourloyalrepresen- Kristy Burroughs Sara Klassen tativestoproveuswrong.WewouldliketoproposetoNowlin, Editors Editor Copy Chief hisexecutive councilandtherepresentativesofeachclassthat Opinions AnthonyPanella theytakeonthe seriouschallengeofproducingacollegenews- Assistant Editor Online paperforjustoneweek. We, ofcourse, wouldgladlytakethen- Liz Genco places in the SGA and do whatever it is exactly each one of Editor Scott Emrich themdoes eachweek. Nick Alexopulos 4501 N. Charles St Editor This would certainly give both ofthe SGA and The Grey- Assistant Editor GardensB 01 Kimberly Micheels MD houndsnopportunitytolearnfromeaehother,andatthesame Contributing Baltimore, 21210 Francis Twomey timeprovidewhatcouldonlybegood-naturedrivalry. TheGrey- (410) 617-2282 Craig Plunkett houndencourages any SGA rep to take a few seconds away Editor grFeayxh:ou(n41d0@))o6y1o7l-a2,9e8d2u AndrewRomano fromyourbusyschedule and callusup sowe can schedule a Dave O’Brien Assistant Editors timeandplaceforthisexchange. JANUARY 29, 2002 PAGE SIX Opinions my Thumbs Guard: get your hands off sack! byMikeD’Imperio Myfirstexperiencewiththenew see in the distance. Jon and I both small handbags.Thedifferencebe- StajfWriter airport security procedures, on carried lunches, complete with tween the two regarding potential Jan.2,impressed me. Check-inwas drinks (inplasticbottles, inaccor- security risks still escapes me. Returning juniors — Sup kids, Classrooms-1don’tknow;there no different from my flights prior dance with a remarkably sensible Afterwasting a gallon ofliquid thanks for coming back from are some pretty crazy places stadium rule prohibit- each and attempting to hide my abroad. We know you all had a where classes are beingheld this The World ingglasscontainers)in now-emptybagbehindadumpster great time, but, you know, it semester.I’mwaitingtocheckmy abackpack. (we later found it inthe dumpster, wasn’tthesamewithoutyouhere schedule and find the roof of According to Approaching the strategicallyripped so astorender at Evergreen. Now that you’re Wynnewood listed under“Loca- massofpeoplewaiting it completely useless, presumably back, let’s party hardy and get tion” pretty soon. Krauss to enterthe stadium (it bythefriendlyguardorhisassoci- ryeeaard!y for senior Earlyreturn—OK, by Brian wmaossthacredrltayianllyinwe,aasnndoitt ateAsf),teJronananedxtIewnasiitveedwtaoitb,ewferiwskeerde. so didyou noticewe Krauss movingbriskly),ayel- searched simultaneously. Neither Bull and Oyster are back at school a low-jacketedguard in- guard checked ourwaistband, our Roast — Oh you weekearlierthanlast to Sept. 1 1, although the security formed me that plastic drink con- legs or even under our hats, and crazy alumni, how year? They slipped checkpoint was noticeably more tainers were prohibited. the foot-long hero Jon carried wild you proved that one through vigorous.Whenmybeltandwatch My confusion immediately somehow avoided suspicion. yourselvestostillbe. withoutmanypeople set off the metal detector, I was turned to anger as I realized the He could have walked in with a I can’twaituntil I’m noticing, but I am searched more thoroughly than reason forthe ban: the incident in foot-longstickofdynamiteandno analum andI have a here to tell you that usual, and I was asked to remove ClevelandtheSundaybefore,dur- onewouldhavebeenthewiser. I’d valid excuse to two weeks ago we mybootswhenthemetaleyeholes ing which unruly fans hurled per- send a letter to management, but stumble around the should have all still set offthe hand held detector. mitted plasticbeerbottlesontothe I’m not sure they could read it. Student Center been at home sleep- The security at the airport gave field. The reactive, spectacularly The argument here is not that drunkasafool.Yes,Isaidavalid ing 12 hours a day. me no reason to doubt my strong stupid rule reeked of grammar new rules to heighten security in reason! sense of safety. The debacle my school group punishments; some- the wake of Sept. 11 should be Gymcrowds—Asallregulargym- friend Jonathan and I experienced thing like an entire class missing scaledback,butthewoefullyinad- Fr.Brown,theProvincial~Con- goers know, second semester at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, recess because of the transgres- equate execution of these mea- gratulationsonbeingnamedPro- means huge crowds in our gym however, left me praying that al- sions ofthe class troublemaker. sures on display by the security vincial; it’s a true reflection of because Spring Break is only a Qaedadoesn’temployEaglesfans. To my chagrin, backpacks were staffatGiants’ Stadium (and else- your greatness. We are going to fewweeksaway. Ifyouronlydo- After parking in a lot located also forbidden. An absurd notion where, undoubtedly) only gives miss you here, but thanks for all ingittolookgoodinCancun,get closer to Veterans’ Stadium in on its own — bags had previously folksmorereasontofear.Thesemo- of the amazing things that you back on the couch and dream of Philadelphia than to Giants’ Sta- beensubjectedtosearch,andnoth- ronicmlesbadlyinconveniencethe have done. Loyola is a different looking good so all ofus who go dium, the generous team officials ing had blown up yet — the rule fans and annoy everyone except and more wonderful place be- year round can stop having to provided us with buses for trans- was made evenmore idioticbyits the group they’re designed to an- causeofyourworkandpresence. waitinlines. port to the arena we could barely jrovision permitting purses and noy. MLK Loyola’s Jesuit values teach us to still heroic despite flaws From the treat all otherhuman beings with the utmost respect and dignity. The fine Desk byDennisMclver attemptto deter us from cheating, everdid before. of print of those values should read, StaffWriter gave us a paper talking about the As Americans, we have a ten- SGA “Especially fellow Loyolans.” After evilnessofplagiarizing.Theauthor dencytoover-emphasizethegreat- the reading Frank Golom, Class of‘04’s Martin Luther King, Jr., was, mentionedthatMLKplagiarizedon ness ofour greatest heroes, with- LettertotheEditorlastweek,itisclear with no doubt, one ofthe greatest hisdoctoralthesis. It furtherstated out remembering their humanity. President thatsomemembersofourcommunity heroes of the 20th century and that MLK was unfaithful to his Think about it. How many of us do nothave a firm grasp onthis con- beyond. His lessons, through his wife. rememberthestoryofWashington cept. Harassing someone because of speeches and personal experi- Afteryears ofdelusion, reading chopping down a cherry tree? hisorhersexualityis completelyunacceptableonthis campus, notto ences, are some that have molded thisinformationwas shockingand On the other hand, we have a mention inthe worldtoday. meandcountlessotherpeople.His angering to me. Among my angry tendencytoover-emphasizetheer- Frank was absolutely right: Homosexuality should not create the example ofleadership is one that rants was the thought, “This is rors ofour leaders today, without dividinglinesthatcurrentlyexiston ourcampus. Ifyoufeelthatyou even the youngest person strives someone we are supposed to realizing the great things that are being persecuted for who you are, you should make your voice toobtain.However,inmyopinion, honor?”There was irony, because they’vedone.GeorgeW.Bushand known. This does not only apply to victims ofhomophobia, but it his flaws are whatmake him such I was planning a breakfast in his BillClintonareprimeexamplesof reachesouttotargetsofracism,sexismandclassismaswell. Theonly a great hero. honoratthesametime.Forawhile, this. Although I’m guilty ofmak- way that w'e can make a difference on this campus is ifwe become When I was a child, my mother IfeltasthoughthelegacyofMLK ingafew“Dubya”jokes,Ialsorec- trulyawareofthe injusticesthatgoonhereeveryday. IapplaudFrank purchased a book on Martin was not one ofgreamess, but one ognize the great things he’s doing for his honesty. Although nothing can erase the experiences he de- LutherKing,Jr.,forme.Thebook, ofhypocrisy. forthecountry. Someofourgreat- scribes in his letter, I sincerely hope that the parties responsible for short and filled with pretty pic- Despite the anger, over time, I est leaders are bound to screw up, his maltreatmentaredealtwith accordinglyandwith severity. tures,wasawonderfulbookabout realizedthathisflawsdidn’tdimin- but that should not totally detract On a lighter note. I’d like to correct an omission from The Grey- MLK,anddepictedhimasperfect. ish his accomplishments, but it fromtheirleadership. houndarticle on recycling lastweek: DerekConover, Class of’02, is As an impressionable youth, I ratherupliftedhishumanity. MLK This isn’t to say that we should theSGADirectorofRecyclingforthisyear, andhis effortshavebeen held him as a personal hero. As I was someone who struggled with excuseourleadersfortheinexcus- vital to getting this movement offthe ground. Major props to him, grew older, I learned more ofhim his own problems, like every hu- able, but I believe that as follow- and I hope that everyone willjoin in the effort. Every can that you through movie specials and after- man does. ers, we have an obligation to un- save and drop in abin on campus will addup to a big difference. school programs, yet never saw But despite his personal chal- derstandsomeflawsand mistakes. In other news, look out for the anyflawsinhim. lenges, he mobilized a nation to By expecting that leaders be per- newSGAConstitution,upforrefer- Flash forward to the twelfth push forequal rights forall. In my fect, we are setting a standardthat endumbyallofyousometimesoon. RyanRNowlin grade. My English teacher, in an eyes,IadmirehimmorenowthanI no one can reach. Getthevoteout;seeyounextweek. The Campus Questionnaire: Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? KateBohen,‘03 NicoleAnderson,‘05 “The BillsovertheOilers.” “The Patriotswill beatthe Rams.” MattLoughran,‘03 JimDiGiulio, ‘03 Nick Barbera, ‘05 “Patriots.” “Rams cross the Patriots.” “Patriots with the spread." 1 — JANUARY29, 2002 PAGESEVEN Opinions £ LOYOLA’S GATEWAY TO INSANITY Mi Walker guilty of treason; needs a fake ID Goodies for still New issues in this country are exposing for adventure with blatant acts oftreason. But Walker basks in the freedoms pro- the week of moreproblemsthanexpectedaftereachand OurresponsetoWalker’s capture exhibits a vided for him by the greatest country on every one ofus discovered the debilitating list ofall that is awry in our society and ig- this planet even afterhe supported an actof Jan. 29, 2002 leaks in our domestic safety on Sept. 1 1. I noring those issues is almost as dangerous cowardicethat leftover3,000 ofourfellow stillcannotquitecomprehendcriesforpaci- as ignoringthe lingeringthreatofterrorism. citizensmurdered. Hehatesthecountrythat fism and appeasementatthispoint, but I do I’ll start with the youth of America be- is keeping him alive as though such a state Nostalgia ofthe Week: cause whether we like it or not, Loyola’s ofmindwasperfectlynatural. Living vicariously through the latest The Book student body is still part ofthis group of Sadly, John Walker Lindh wants every- issue ofNintendo Power, you flip morally-diminished drones. I, may I add, thinghiswayjust liketherestoftheAmeri- directly to the middle section containing am no exception, and neither is John can youth that can’t leave the house with- that month’s brand new listing ofsuper ofSteele WalkerLindh. Hepersonifiesthenewface out a cell phone and borrowed money from secret codes for games like Battletoads, ofAmerica’schildren; Heexpectsthebest their parents. Walker’s case differs only on Bases Loaded, Mega Man IV andNinja by Nick of everything without consequence. the scale of evil, substituting cell phones Turtles the Arcade Game. Thenext day Alexopulos Adopting the ideals of the Taliban and and borrowed cash for a long beard and you lend the magazine to your friend and practicing its radical form ofIslam shows high-five’sfromOsamabinLaden. he never gives it back to you. The us that Walker was attracted to that par- Moreover, this issue proves once again resulting rift in your friendship causes understand that everyone is entitled to his ticular way oflife and felt disenfranchised thatmindless drivel raises mediaratings. In you to take his younger sister to the or her opinion. But now we are faced with withtheculturehere inAmerica. CNN’s website version of this story. prom. Goyou. the John Walker Lindh issue, which has re- Well, Johnny boy. I’ve got news foryou. Walker’s father is quoted as saying, “John vealed a new flaw in the social structure of Let’splayalittlerole-reversalgameandpre- loves America. ... John did not do anything Cheap Fun Thing To Do of America—aflawalmostas gruesomeas at- tend(withyourimagination,thatthingCus- againstAmerica.” Yeah, except that slip of the Week: tempting to ‘understand’ the Taliban. toms impounded when you waltzed into logic when he conveniently forgot to warn Here’s a quick summary: John Walker Afghanistan) that you are of Afghan de- usthatcommercialaircraftwouldsooncrash Wake up early on Super Bowl Sunday Lindhisa20-year-oldconvertto Islamwho scent and moved to America at your age. intooursymbolsofcapitalistfreedom. Sorry, and compromise the television forthe was,untilhiscaptureinNovember,anAmeri- Withinafewshortmonths,youembracethe Johnny, but ‘Oops’ doesn’t hold water in duration ofthe day. Refuse to cooperate with your pleading roommates and push can fighting on the side of the Taliban in lifestyle of your colleagues in the United therealworld. Afghanistan. He now stands trial in the Statesandgrowtoloveandadorethiscoun- Which brings me to his defense, where them further and furtheruntil they United States on charges of conspiring to try.Toyourdismay,thissameconflictarises the problem is most obvious because HE physicallyremoveyou from the couch. killAmericansandfacesalifesentence ina andyouareproudtojoininthefightagainst DOESN’THAVEONE. Inastatementtothe Keep fighting back so they actually hurt federal prison ifhe is convicted. your native home because you believe the press.Walker’slawyersobbed,“For54days, you. Suethem formental anguish A cut-and-dry case, correct? No, we are battle is just. Tragically, you are captured theUnited StatesgovernmenthaskeptJohn damages and live out the rest ofyour forgetting w’e live in a new America that and imprisoned bythe Afghan armyduring Lindh awayfromalawyer.”Yes, it’srough, life on aboatyou buy. Dock only on SuperBowlSunday. proudly stands on a foundation of blind, fieldcombat. butthose 54dayswon’tmakeup forallthat infallible understanding. Walker himself Here’s the catch: In this situation Walker time he spent learning how good terrorists ComingNext Week: adopted the same understanding of the wouldbe dead.Actually, scratchthat.After killlotsofAmericans. chargesagainsthim,happilyreplying,“Yes, afewdaysoftortureanddehydration, prison I’m sure I’ve outraged a large amount of * “We knew that was going to happen” I do” to thejudge’s inquiry. guards would beat his hemorrhaging body peoplewhowanttofightforthiskid’srights. SuperBowlpredictions. In short, the degradation ofAmerica’s until hewas within an inchofhis life. Then Here’s a suggestion: Go to Afghanistan. * Dating tips for the obsessive introvert value system is upon us and it rests on the they would shoot him. Then he would be There’salotofroomthere. Iwon’tgetinthe inallofus. shoulders ofaboy who quenched his thirst dead. way,Ipromise. New Top Ten Student Life policy “disturbing behavior” We Top Ten Lists Aren’t Just when you thought Loyola’s alcohol topartake in. Right. very hard for students to find things to do Allowed to Publish policy could not get more inane. Student So what is this student supposed to write that do not involve drinking. It is not im- Life rises to the occasion and enacts a new aboutinhisreflectionpaper? “Well,Ireally possible. However,thenon-drinkingLoyola 10. Top ten reasons why Nick and violation that leaves the drinking students wasn’t drinking in the first place. I guess studentoften findshimorherselfgoingtoa Geoffare the only two students on baffledandthenon-drinkingstudentsafraid nowaftermypunishmentforacrimeIdidn’t partywiththe intentofjustbeing ableto be this campus who openly admitthey commit. I’ll be less likelyto notdowhatI with friends. Alcohol is an unwanted and The Ninth was not doing in the first place.” superfluous factor to these individuals. drink Our school encourages students to not Now, they are being penalized for making Circle of drink.Theytellusthatdrinkingisharmful the right decision 9. Top ten rejected headlines for our andto eitherdo itresponsiblyortonotdo Myroommatehas neverhada beer inhis articles SaSSO^^ it atall. Nowtheypunish us foracting in life. Hespendsagreatdealofhistimedoing Geoff .,1^ accordance with what they tell us. How work and reading. This includes many in- 8. Top ten ways Loyola wastes our does that work? stances when we held “social gatherings.” tuitionmoney Sasso Getoffyourhighhorse. Youarenotthe He feels that the policy is unfair towards moral police. Students who fulfill the himandothers likehim. Hestated, “1 don't 7. Top ten favorite bars ofLoyola to do what they have been doing. present at a disorderly gathering” require- thinksomeoneshouldbedisciplined forthe students ...tthheayt twheeryew2ould go to if OnAelccoahnohlapvoeliacipeoslcicaynlgiokeonmeyosfitstweor’wsauynsi.- mtheentneaerdebtoeipnugngisohodthkiedms?. Whydoyoufeel binegh,avsiinocreoIfoatmherbse.inIgmpiugnhitsahsedwealnlybweadyr.i”nk- versity. She described herschool’s attitude Despite my beliefs, 1 do understand the Whenmyapartmenthasaparty,myroom- 6. Top ten Student Life policies that itinesaantmAyIMschcooonlvearresabtigi.onLiakses3u0ch0,^0“0Thpeeopplaer.- pAurlpotosoefLboeyhoinlda tshtiusdennetswwteyrpee coofmvpiloalaitniionng. mwaanttesdotoesstnaoyt,wtahnentttohalteaisvehitshedercoiosmi.onIfanhde don’t make sense (look to the right) Then the cops come in and say, ‘Everyone ofbeing slappedwith fines foralcohol they topunishhimforthatiswrong. Irealizethe is underarrest ... who isn’tdrinking.’ Then didnotdrink. Thiswas unfair. I realizethe intentions inthismatterweretoimprovethe 5. Top ten failed Loyola attempts to they party with everyone.” new violation attempts to discern between existingpolicy. However,therearetoomany diversifyourstudentbody That is quite a big leap from our current the two groups of students and punish ac- grayareas foritto be effective. I challenge situation. I am speaking, ofcourse, ofthe cordingly. the administration to rise above this and 4. Top eight kids at this school who policythatleviescriminal-likefinesandAA- However,thecorrectpunishmentfor“stu- make apolicy thathas portions ofthis new can still considerthemselves “de- -type alcohol education classes on a fresh- dents present at a disorderly gathering” is change but the added bonus ofnot punish- voutlyCatholic” man who displays two emptycans ofNatty no punishment at all. I do not care ifyou ing the innocent. Light on his counter. This policy forces thinkitisfairbecausetheyareexcusedfrom Geoff and Nick’s “What’s 3. Top ten party drugs you won’t Lcaoryeofullalys,tuidnenmtusctho hthoeldspaamretiemsanqunieertltyhaatnda tmhuesftinwea.sTtheethfeaicrttthiamtenoant-eddruicnaktiinognstculdaesnstess Hot/Not” ofthe Week: find at Loyolaparties junior high school burnout hides his mari- andwritereflectionpapersisinexcusable. If juana from naive parents. I ever receive this punishment, you will re- Hot:Hatemail. 2. Top ten things Loyolawould The new guideline, entitled “Attending a ceive this article as my reflection paper. I rather fund than academics Social Disturbance,” really does not make willnotwastetimeonwhatIfeel isaridicu- Not: Hatemailthatcallsfortheexecu- any sense. Students who are not drinking louspunishmentforanuncommittedcrime. tions ofcertain college newspaper Top ten reasons why free speech are forced to attend classes that educate Itcanconsumealotoftimeandmoneyto writers. 1. doesn’t exist forNick and Geoff them on the wrongs ofsomething that they go outintothe city. Therefore, ourcampus have alreadymade aconsciousdecisionnot has its fair share ofsocial gatherings. It is JANUARY 29, 2002 PAGE EIGHT Opinions New constitution promises a Tales from my high school mob positive change for students by ChristineDelliBovi someone I knew, someone I name, sohewasweird. StaffWriter saw everyday and who is My friends from home byAlanDanzis thisbythevicepresident,as classwillmeetasacomplete real to me, that supposed talked to me about Mike’s StajfWriter well asthejuniorandsenior group onlyforspecialtimes Since my former high clicheismoretruethanever. story, and they’ve said classpresidents. SGAPresi- (such as approvingthe bud- school hosted a handful of Ican’tsayforsurethatitwas things like, “We could have As a sometime liberal, it dent Ryan Nowlin believes get). The committees that scandals in the last year, in- the jokes or taunts from seen it coming,” or “Ifany- feels strange to support the thiswillcreateanelitistsys- are now part ofthe Senate cluding a football partythat classmates that drove Mike one was going to become a new proposed Loyola con- tem. Idisagree. (like Public SafetyandCol- had lots of alcohol, drugs todothethings he did, butI murderer,itwashim.” stitution written by Ryan Under the old system, legeServices)wouldbecome and strippers, I have gotten havelearnedtobemorecare- These comments areeasy Cronin and the Supreme where we had more elected thepriorityoftheExecutive used to seeing my former ful in passing judgments to make in hindsight, but at Court, which is going to positions,wehadapopular- Cabinet.Therestofthetime. classmates in the news. about people. thetimenoneofusimagined make the Loyola Student ity contest. Under the new Assembly members would But I was totally unpre- I realize that I was guilty thathewascapableofthiev- Government Association constitution, ifthepresident work under the class presi- pared to read on The ofjudgingMike.Ididnotlike ery or murder. We underes- (SGA) run like the US fed- decidestopickjusthisorher dents working on class ac- NewYorkTimes'websitethat him,butifanyonehadboth- timated him in many ways, eral government. But I do. friends, the Assembly will tivities. a boy I went which hap- This new constitution will votenooneverysinglecon- Nowlinsayshavingfewer to high pens all the revolutionize the way the firmation. The president than ten assembly members school with time in every SGAruns. would have to defend his or per class is a bad idea. Can named Mike school. Thatscaresalotofpeople. her choice before the As- youimagine40peoplefight- Drachev is We are not It shouldn’t. Here’s why: sembly. ing in an Assembly meet- affiliated immunetothis First off, the SGA presi- Under the new constitu- ing? with a Rus- offensehereat dent and vice president will tion, therightpeople forthe Besides, often there are sian crime Loyola. There run on the same ticket. This rightjobswillbechosenbe- more positions available group and is arepeoplelike means that two people will causeofthenominationand than there are candidates ontherunas Mike every- get together, decide on a confirmationprocesses,and interested in running. Last a suspected StudentsrunfromColumbineHighSchoolin where, and strategy and plan for how the fact the president gets year, Iwas electedasenator murderer Littleton,Colo,duringtheinfamousschoolshooting students who theywould run SGA ifthey to choose who will work becausethreepeopleranfor and at- on April20, 1999. are different tempted won. bestwith his orherteam. four positions. photo courtesy ofmembers.tripod.com/Zanazl/ stand out at a The president’s main job People also hate the fact Plus,having32peoplear- thief Columbine/ school like wouldbetoassembleanEx- wehavemoreappointments guing in the Assembly is There was Loyola where ecutive Cabinet. The presi- thanelections.Croninmakes muchmoremanageablethan akidlikeMikeateveryhigh ered to ask me why, I there is almostno diversity. dentwouldappointtenmem- the pointthatthereweretoo 40. And ifeight people are school. Hewastheloud,ob- wouldn’t have been able to Although violence at bers (such as the Directors many positions for every not enough, the class presi- noxious kid who wanted to give a very good answer. I schools is less common on of Student Affairs, Aca- studenttofolloweveryplat- denthas the authorityto get be friends with everyone, probably said he was loud collegecampuses,itstillcan demic Affairs and Finance) form. And when less than more people to help out (al- when the tmth was every- or annoying, or some other happen. totheExecutiveCabinet. half of the students vote, though they will not sit on onehatedhim. Hetriedway vague characteristic that There is no reason why ThereasonbehindtheEx- why should we have more the Assembly). too hard to be funny and even someone at my school someone who doesn’t want ecutive Cabinet, according elections than appoint- I’vetriedtoshowyouwhy was rude to teachers in who had never had contact togooutfournightsaweek, toCronin,istostreamlinethe ments? I believe the new constitu- class. I had a couple of with Mike wouldhavebeen doesn’t like wearing Resident Affairs Council There’s also a system of tion is a good idea. People classeswithhim,andIknew able to attach to him. makeup, likesto dress other (RAC),thecurrentExecutive checks and balances. The who don’t like it have good himasthekidwithnofriends In high school, as well as than preppy or has a differ- Council and the Senate into presidentcan’tappointany- points. I personally don’t who made bad jokes in in college, students judge ent sexual orientation one cohesive group that one without confirmation likethe partthatallows out- chemistry class. others incredibly quickly should feel excluded. Not works on things together. from the Assembly, and the going seniors to vote. But Itseems like acliche, like andwithlittleconsideration. only is it closed-minded to The Executive Cabinet Assembly can’t pass legis- whatI know isthatthisnew thePearlJamsong“Jeremy” Mikemovedtomytownhis cast such people aside, it is would also include the four lation without the president constitution, still in draft orthethemethatranthrough sophomore year and had to also potentially dangerous. elected class presidents. approving(unlessmorethan form, is an incredible im- the Columbine shootings: adjust to a new school and The truth is, we were Many people do not like two-thirds ofthe Assembly provement over the other. the outcast kid who seemed community. He couldn’t do lucky. I realize now that the idea that the president agree). You need to learn about harmless enough, but it fast enough, meaning something like that could gets to appoint ten people, TheAssemblyisacombi- the new constitution be- turned out to be more dan- within a day or two, and so have happened, and it some of whom used to be nation of the current class cause you’re going to vote gerous than anyone would he was never accepted. He wouldn’t have mattered to elected by students. The representatives and sena- onit.TheSGAisyours. De- have thought. made bad jokes, so he was me that to the rest of the president will be assisted in tors. Eightpeoplefromeach cide how youwant it run. Nowthatit’s happenedto annoying. HehadaRussian world. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Student’s escort hell W ith “Thank You that before the inception of underage consumption of counts; but I do believe byFaithHayden I drove back to campus Santa, and Stu- the disorderly gathering alcohol will be required to that it is representative of Features Editor notknowingifsomeonewas dent Life” [the writers of] policy, non-drinking stu- attend alcohol education. an ongoing and earnest ef- ever going to show, and the Unsigned proved once dents attending parties at The repeat breach ofthe fortbytheOfficeofStudent Everyone knows of ended up standing outside again that they are never which underage drinking disorderly gathering policy Life to promote the devel- Loyola’s parking problems. foroverahalfhourbefore I better than when they are was taking place were sub- mayindeedmeritmoreseri- opment of responsible At least the school makes gaveup,andwalkedbackto lobbing unsubstantiated jecttothe samechargesand ous sanctions; but the in- communityamong itsresi- someattempttocompensate my dorm scared and cold. accusations at administra- sanctions as those actually tent ofthe policy is not to dent students. the students for the incon- I’m sorry, but I don’t be- tive offices without taking drinking. Certainly as they get people in trouble for Thepolicydoesnotseek venience by making an es- lieve that requesting a ride the time to investigate the say “many students got something they previously to singleoutmore students cort service available. This backtomydormistoomuch . . . subject oftheir derision. let off the hook,” but that got out ofas the Unsigned asthreatstothecommunity isallwellandgoodbefore 1 to ask at 2 a.m., especially This latest attack con- was an erroneous applica- would have the student but rather to acknowledge a.m., but ifyou dare come when it is theirjob to pro- cerns the new Student Life tion of the policy and was bodybelieve. Instead, itisa that such gatherings in backtocampusanylaterthe vide this service to students policy on disorderly gath- notthe case in all incidents. way of ensuring that non- themselves are a threat to dispatchers will nothesitate who need it. erings, apolicywhich they The letterreceivedbythe drinkers are not subject to community,andthatpartici- to give you grief Campuspolice stressesto obviously have not read, studentbodymade no men- thesamesanctionsasdrink- pation inthemmayormay Iwascomingbacktocam- students that walking the much lesstakenthetimeto tion of sanctions whatso- ers under the proper appli- not involve a violation of pus and I called Campus streets of Baltimore alone understand; and they serve ever,andIam intriguedthat cation ofthe Code ofCon- the alcohol policy, but is Police before I left, hoping late at night is a bad idea, to confirm once again that the Unsigned leapt to the duct; but the Community disruption of community someone would be able to but then are unwilling to the copies of the Loyola conclusion that students Standards make clear that nonetheless. pick me up soon after I ar- make themselves available Community Standards found responsible for at- any gathering at which un- In the future, it is my rived at the Fitness Center. when students who attempt given to all residents at fall tending a disorderly gather- derage students are con- hope that “The Unsigned” After copping an unpro- to avoid putting themselves check-in fall into the same ing would be sanctioned sumingalcohol isdamaging willputasidetheirdesireto fessional and highly unnec- inhami'sway. blackholethatconsumesall withanalcoholsession. This totheverysenseofcommu- instigate reaction from the essary attitude with me, the The setvices available to ofmyleftsockswithinmo- actually isn’tthe case at all. nity the Standards seek to studentbodywith incendi- dispatcher told me I’d just students, especially dealing ments ofunlockingoftheir Non-drinkingstudentsat- engender in Loyola’s resi- aryandreactionarywriting have to wait till someone with safeU. shouldbetopof apartment doors (sic). tending a disorderly gather- dence halls. As an RAand a and actually investigate doingtheirrounds camebe- the line. No student should If they had bothered to ingwillreceivethestandard memberofLoyola’sPeerJu- theirsubject matter. cause she was not going be forced to feel \ulnerable read the Code of Conduct sanction ofa written reflec- dicial Board,Irecognizethat havesomeonewaitingforme on this campus when it is concerning underagedrink- tion and reprimand; only thispolicywill undoubtedly KatherineLeahy when 1 got there, and luing public safet> 'sdut> tomake ing, theywould have noted those found responsible for make myjobharderon both Class of '02 up the phone. sure this does not happen. JANUARY29, 2002 PAGE NINE Opinions THE greyhound PRESEFTS THE SECOND ANNUAL... DougDryer Assistant Features Editor: Rams28-7-It’stimetogivethe KevinRyan 1; JamesBraunstein MonicaLeal Rams some respect. Managing Editor: Sports columnist: Editor in Chief: Rams31,Patriots I Rams34-10--no With littleknowledgeoffootball, I’m 17. The Patriots winner has ever going to go with my gut instinct: New are going to be come outofNew Englandbyaslim margin. spending their time England. : on Bourbon St. drowning thier sorrows after they get slaughtered. Patrick Valasek MikeMemoli Photographer: News Editor: Ramsby 1000. InaYankee-likedominatingperformance. Rams27,Pats7. DaveO’Brien Contributing logos courtesy ofsuperbowl.com Editor: Rams 31-20witha4th quarter touch- SaraJerome down and a field Neva’s Editor: goal. NickAlexopolous I’lltell you who should — Assistant Opinions be there the Ravens. Editor: But since they’re out of IthinkI’lljust it, I guess I’ll have to go watch Iron. withtheRams.21-10. LizGenco Opinions i ^ Editor: Drew Bledsoe has a cute butt, so Pats21-6. FaithHayden Kristy Features Editor: Burroughs Go McDonough Sports Editor: Rams! Ohwait, Patriots28-24 that’s my high That’s all I’ve school. JANUARY 29, 2002 PAGE TEN Features Coffeehouse Walsh, student answer question: Is there showcases room for pagans in a Catholic education? Loyola talent byKatherineTiernan major in based on where they would make Hecameacrossclassicshisjunioryearof StaffWriter themostmoney. He feltitwasashamethat college and decided to major in them be- this student didn’twant to learn something cause “there are very clearaspects butthey byDarcyMcCusker OnWednesday,Jan. 16, Dr.JosephWalsh, theylovedjustbecausetheywantedtolearn left a lot of room for interpretation,” said StaffWriter ofthe classics and history departments, de- it. Walsh. He felt his lecture only began to livered the fifth lecture in the seven- part Walsh said, “Once we’ve seen to our scratch the surface ofwhat is useful in life Sophomore Alicia Arcieri, a co-founder NewmanLectureSeries. physical necessities, Newman believes our and what is not. andsingerfortheLoyolaCollegegroupLast, The speech, entitled “What are a Bunch verynaturedrivesusto learnandtoexcelat At the end ofthe lecture, Loyolajunior wasn’tnervousabouttheirfirstperformance ofOld Pagans Doing at a Modem Catholic learning.” PeterVajda,adoublemajorinchemistryand this past Thursday at the Coffeehouse, as University?,” discussed why John classics, gave the response. This was she had performedw'ith various groups be- Henry Newman thought the study of the first time a student gave the re- fore. the classics was important in a Catho- sponse to one ofthe lectures. Thegroup,whichincludesKatHarrison lic education. WalshsaysheaskedVajdabecause on vocals, Chris Wittman on guitar, Kyle Thelecture,giveninthefourthfloor he wanted to encourage student par- Burke on drums, BillyKarasz on cello and programming room in the Andrew ticipation in the series. “I thought he Dan Ranalli on piano, turned in a crowd- WhiteStudentCenter,attractedamixed would do a greatjob,” said Walsh. pleasing show, covering hits from such art- audience ofstudents and faculty. In his response, Vajda said he was ists from Sarah Mclachlan to U2 to Sheryl The series is a celebration ofschol- drawn to classics because ofthe rev- Crowto CatStevens. arship. In 1852, the year ofLoyola’s erence for human excellence dis- The event drew more than 100 students founding.CardinalNewmandelivered playedbytheGreco-Romans.Hefeels and professors, more than halfthe normal speeches in Dublin to encourage the the classics give one a positive view tally. Irish to found a university. These oflife. Vajda focused especiallyon a The freerefreshments, oversizedpastries speeches were later compiled into a lackofself-esteemseenincollegestu- from Marriott and coffee from Starbucks, bookcalled TheIdeaofa Universityin dents today. w'ere finished in the first hour. All in all, it 1873. “The idea of accepting our faults was a successful night. Walshwasattemptingtoanswerthis withnointenttochangethemisfright- The Coffeehouse, which is located inthe question: Why should we, as Catho- eninglydefeatist,”Vajdasaid.Hecon- Andrew White Student Center third floor lics, study people who had such dras- tinuedby sayingthere isno shamein readingroom onThursday nights, began in ticallydifferentbeliefs? reaching one’s full potential. 1999. He was also tryingto give an expla- WalshandVajdamadeagoodteam It is meant to bring students together, nation to why we should study clas- ProfessorWalsh lectureson the studyofClassics at Wednesdaynight. Both spoke intelli- building community by serving as a social LoyolainthefifthNewmanLectureoftheyear. sics, something that seems to have no gently and with a great deal ofpas- outlet for students while providing an op- practicaluse. Heansweredtheseques- photo by Katherine Tiernan sion. portunity for students to share their talents tionsashediscussedNewman’sworks. Theymade use ofhumor and con- with others. Typically, attendance at this WalshexplainedthatNewman advocated ItwasexplainedthatNewmanfeltaliberal temporary scenarios to make the material eventranges anywherebetween 50 and 150 studying the classics because “he consid- education,which includesstudyoftheclas- more accessible to the audience members, students over the course ofthe night. ers western civilization to be the invention sics, history or philosophy, is more useful and received glowing praise. There was a All members ofthe campus community ofthe ancientGreeks.” than we think on first glance. pointduringthereceptionafterwardwhenit are welcome to attend what is now consid- WalshwentontosaythatNewman’sidea It is importantbecause “it is not so much seemed as though one wouldhave to stand eredaregularlyscheduledLateNightevent. ofcivilization was intellectual at the core, thatwebecomesmarter,thoughwedo, [but] in lineto speakwith eitherpresenter.. Senior Debbie Anderson and junior not material. He then appliedthis to liberal ratherthatwe become wiser, broader, more Theywereabletotakeasubjectthatcould ChantelleDishon,the studentleadersofthe education as a whole. perceptive—inaword,morecivilized,”said have been frighteningly boring and instead Coffeehouse,hopeto make itmorepopular Walsh was dealing with the idea ofedu- Walsh. Walsh, whoreceivedhis Ph.D from made the audience laugh, think, andunder- for students to hang out in the cushy low- cationforeducation’s sake. He gavetheex- the University ofTexas inAustin, has been stand why we should pursue a liberal edu- keyambianceoftheReadingRoom. ample ofa student trying to decide whatto on staffsince 1987. cation. Aftertakingoverthispastfall,Anderson’s goalwasto maketheeventmore organized 1927 The Greyhound 2002 and attract more Loyola-based student tal- ent. The Coffeehouse operates onaweek-by- In honor o/The Greyhound’s 75th anniversaiy, aseries ofarticlesfrompreviousyears are being reprinted in each issue. This week’i week schedule, but Anderson hopes to article comesfrom the March 19, 1982 issue q/The Greyhound. change that. “We want to have a contract for the cof- Wry Wiskey brought Ireland to Loyola feehouse, so that the whole semester is plannedout. Thatisthegoalforthis semes- ter,” Anderson said. by Cathy Bowers constantlyrequestedwas“DainkenSailor.” “Is that MAC or MC?” The Greyhound The Coffeehouse features an eclectic The lyrics go, “What do you do with a journalist asked.Tlie band memberputhis range ofperformances from artists on and Loyola Irishmen and lasses Irishjigged drunken sailor?” They lyrics should have hand over his heart and fell backward. offcampus,fromjazzgroups,folkrockand thenightawayatthe St. Patty’sDayThirst been“WhatdoyoudowithadrunkenLoyola “You’re breaking my heart lass. MAC is MC poetry readings, which is a possibility for Part last Thursday night. student?” Scottish, is Irish.” theValentine’s Day edition. And if any of the beer “Sorry,” said thejournalist. JuniorKinaBealeexplained, “[It’s]much guzzlers remember that Then the band memeber for- better than the usual one guy on guitar do- night, they couldtell you gave her, poured her a beer, then ing Dave Matthews covers.” thattheyhave neverseen guzzled one down himself The Not everything about the Coffeehouse so much green in other Irish singing members are drewravereviews.Theacousticsintheread- Loyola’sgymnasium. Dan Cummins and Bill Phelin, ing are spotty, and patrons have to seek Greenblurredfromone both Loyola graduates. outthe bestplace to sit and listen, which is end to the other — green The Loyola student, usually usually towards the back. hats, green pants, green mostlyinterestedinrockandroll, This creates a problem when other stu- shirts,greenhotdogsand stated to really get into the Irish dents want to chat during the show, which sauerkraut wellnotre- tunes. ... is condoned, but not always welcome. ally —justgotalittle car- “When we play at non-Irish “1think [theCoffeehouse] isagreatcon- riedaway. places,” Bob said, “we ha\e to cept;Ilikeitalot,”statedfreshmenNicScott. And some little Loyola first educated the audience. We “But as a musician, 1 don’t think we’re leprechauns were even play continuously and gettheau- complimented very well bythis sound sys- brave enough (or maybe WryWhiskeymembersCindyKirschner,BillPhelin,andBob dience used to Irish music. Once tem.” drunkenough)to venture Smithgavethethirstpartysongstojigby. theybecomefamiliarwiththemu- GeorgeMiller,Loyola’sChapelChoirdi- onto the dance floor and Greyhoundfdephoto sic, the people start requesting.” rector,said,“It’sahardroomtoplayin. But do a leg kicking Irishjig. Too bad most of WryWiskeymemberBobSmith,aLoyola True, the Loyola students did start re- I think it’s a great program, something for thedancerscouldnotstaystandingontheir graduate, said the Loyola crowd was great questing. But there is one thing 1 do not people to do to ease into their weekend.” two feet. and the band would like to play at Loyola understand. The organizers hope to become a week- Music was provided by Wry Whiskey, a again. When did the Irish bands start pla>ing end staple. If they have more groups like band that has been playing Irish tunes for “We play weekend at the Cat’s Eye Pub, “Brick House'.’” Did not know The Com- Tast, theywill be ableto pull it off. aboutayearand ahalf One song that was McPatrick’s Pub,and McGinn’s,”Bobsaid. modoreswere Irish.

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