TheG reeaknsd U s THEG REEKASN DU S . CAo mparaAtnitvher opoofl ogy AnciGernete ce MarceDle tienne TranslbaytJ eadnL elto yd With ap refbaySc ireG eoffreLyl oyd polity Firpsutb liisnFh reedni cn2h 0 0b5yE ditPieornarssiL e nGs r ecestn ous © Per2r0i0n 5 ThiEsn gltirsahn s©l PaotliPiortney 2s 0s0,7 PolPirteys s 65B ridSgter eet Cambridg1Ue R U,CK B 2 PolPirteys s 35M0a iSnt reet MaIdMAe n0,21 48U,S A Allr igrhetsse rEvxecdef.po ttrh qeu otaoft sihoonpr ats sages for the purpoofcs rei tiacnrides vmi neopw a,ro tft hpiusb licmaatyi obne reprodsutcoeirdnea,r d e trievaolrt rsaynsstmeiimnatt, nef ydo ,ro mr bya nmye anesl,e ctmreocnhiacn,pi hcoatlo,c orpeycionrogdr,i ng otherwwiitsheto,hu et ppreiromri osfst ihoen publisher. ISNB-IO:0 -5746-3900-3 ISBIN3:-9 7087-456-3900-0 ISNB-IO:0 -5746-3910-(1P b) ISBIN3:-9 7-805746-39017-( Pb) Typesienlt I o1n3 p tB erling byS erFviilsm seLtttdMi,an ngc hester Prinatnebddo unidnI ndbiyRa e plPirkeaPs vstL .t d. Fofurr thienorfr matoinPo onl, vi itsoyiuwtre bswwiwte.:pl Ouvrpaugbel aiveel cec oncoduuMr isn isfrtaenrs;ceah iasrd gele a cult-uCreen tNraet iodnuL ailv re. Publishtehdae s wsiitsohtf ta hnFecr ee nMcihn iostfCr uyl t-ure NatioCneanltf roer Btohoek . This ibssou opkp obrytt heFedr enMcihn ifsotFrro yr eAiffgania rss , parotft hBeu rgpersosg rahmemaedf eotdrh Fer enEcmhb aisns y Londboytn h Ien stFirts;auantdi usR oyaume-Uni. instiftruatn cais ." Contents LiosIftl lustrations vi Praecfe vii Foreword xii 1 DoiAnngt hropwoilttohhgG eyr eeks 1 2 FroMmy ttho MythForloNomag tyi:Av mee ricans toA nciGernete ks 15 3 TranscrMiybtihonoggli Ferso:Jm a pan and NewC aledtootn hiPeao nsto ifRff ome 41 4 ThWei d-eOpeMno utohfT ru th 60 5 'iDggIinn:F'g r oOmed ipoufTs h ebteos ModeNrant ioIndaeln tities 76 6 ComaprabiVliietwifeoredms t hVean tage PoionfPt o litics 101 Afterword 126 NotaensRd e efrences 131 Nameasn Gde neIrnadle x 153 o;�:��:s:I��I �II�I�I�III�I��II KUTUPHANESI 0808882 LisotfI llustrations Plates 1 MounOtl ympus 2 Epiudrautsh,te h eaatnrmdee etpilnagc e 3 Segetshtteae :m piltes elf 4 Paes-tPuomsiadboonodifAeat :eh ne 5 Dionyhsoulsdt ihnlega rdgrei nvkeisnsg el 6 ApololfVoe ipii ctausra e dc arnigvoodr ous 7 ThTero ajnHorisnae c tion 8 Hopliintb etast ilenp, h alfaronmxa tion 9 Agoonr,c ontoefss ktif lotlrh, fue n eroafPl a troclus 10R adisamnitol fte h Pee plos Kore 11E ntraMnaceenda d 12H eroafS amousp,r iing hhettr e mple Preafce Int hee ar1l9y 60tsh resec holbaarssei dnP arbiesg atnot ransform thes tudoyfG raeco-Roamnatni qulietayn:- PierreP iVeerrnraen t, Vidla-Naquaentd t hea uthoorf t hep resewnotr kM,a rcel DetienTnhee.yb rougthotg etahtet rh eC entrLeo uiGse rneta dynamgirco uopfr esearcwhheorr esv olutioounrui nzdeedr stand inogf G reemky thG,r eetkr ageGdrye,er ke ligtihoensi,or c ibaalc k grounadn de arlGyr eetkh ougihntg enerDaelt.i ensn Teh'e GardoeAfnd so n(Hiass soc1k97s7,t: h eF renocrhi gihnaadbl e en' ) publisihne1 d97 2 wash ailbeydL evi-StirnaF ursasn caen d greetweidtg hl owirnegv iebwyas,m onogt heErdsm,u nLde acihn Britaaisan b ,r illaipapnlti caotfsi tornu cturtaoGl riesemmk y th ologTyh.i bso oke xamintehdes tructruerlaalt bieotnwse tehne mytha ndf estiovfAa dlosn ainsd t hosdee votteoDd e meterre,v eal inign t hper oceisnss igihnttGsor eetkh inkoinnd ge itoines se,x u aliotnyt ,h e symbooflp ilsamnf toso,d staunffdps e rfumes, thereby totaslulpye rsebdoitnhtg h el iteral-maicncdoeudno tfGs r eek mytholiongs yu chha ndbooaksts h aotfH .1 .R osaen dt hefl orid speculaatbioounvtse getagtoidoisnnF razeGro'lds eBnog uh. Thabto obkr ougDhett ieninmem ediianttee rnatiroencaolg ni tioanl,t houhgewh a sa lreardeyn owniendF ranfcoear s erioefs pioneebroionkgos nt het ransifrtoimor ne ligtiopo hni losoapnhdy itcsu ltuarnadel c onombiacc kgroTuhnedt .h ree bhoeop kusb lishientd h iasr e(aH omeHrees,ie oPtdy et haPgooeresepti:h e i loso phidea nles py thagoriasnmcei1 e96n2,,C riasgrea iertae t titude religciheHeuezss ei 1o96d3e,a ,n dD ela pensreegeeliu iscl elap ensee phiplohsioqLuaen :o tdioedn a imdoann les py thoargismaen cien, ) 1963culminaitnae ndo thpeart h-bresatkuiddnyeg v otteodt he viii Preface rolaensdm odeosf o peratoifao unt horfiigtuyro efsd ifferteynpte s ina rchaGirce ecIent. h ihses howetdh ew ayisn w hicthh ec ate gorioefps o et, ksienweger r,te r ansfoarsmt ehdo sweh oo ccupied themj ostfloeprdr estwiigteoh n ea nothaenrdw itthh en ewly emergifinggu roefst hpeh ilosoapnhdte hres owka s entitLleeMsda itdreve esn etnGe r eacrec haoff1 q9u6eb7u ,ti ·th a d tow aiutn ti1l9 9t6ob et ransleavteendt uaaslT lhyMe a stoefr s TrutihAn r chGariece ce. Closien teracbteitowne etnh el eadifinggu reastt heC entre LouiGse rnetw asa featuorfte h eiwro rkT.h eb ookD etienne wrotwei tVhe rnainnt1 97t4r,a nsliant1 e9d 7a8s C unning IntgenelcilenGi reCeukl taunrSdeo ciewtyas,t hef ruoifto nep ar ticulfarruliytc fuoll laborOantcieao gna.i cno,n ventivoineawolsf thed evelopmaenndet s sencthiaarla cteorfiG srteierckas t ionality weroev erturnWehde.r seo m anye arlsiteurd piuetst hee mphasis ont hei nventoifdo end uctainoddn e monstraatnidto hneb, i dfo r certaiDnettyi,e nannedV ernanfto cusoendt hei mportaonfc e everytthhianOtgd yssewuist,hh i wsi laensd 'c unning int,e lligence' stoofdo irn,c ludtihnaegb iltiowt iyn a rgumeanntdcs o mpetitions byf aimre anosr,e vebny f ou(lp roviydoeuwd e rneo tf ounodu t.) Itw asn ots yllogbiustnt oinc- deduicntfievreet nhcaweta st hek ey inm oscto nteoxftp sr actriecaaslo nTihnigts.o, o w,a sa w orkt hat hada fa-rreachiinnflgu enwceelb le yontdh ed omaionfc lassical studiIetas n.t icipianst eevde rreaslp etchtews o rokf s cholsaurcsh asC arlGoi nzbuarngdU mbertEoc oo ns iginn ference. Therteh efno llofuwretdh beoro kbsyD etienonnDe i onysouns , Apolloons, a criofincl ei,t eraaswc eyl als o nm ytholoBgyy1 .9 92 heh adm ovedt ot heU SA tot akuep t heB asLi.lG ildersleeve ChaiorfC lassaitlc osh nHso pkitnhso,u hgehc ontinfuoesrde veral morey eatrost eacahl saott heE colPer atidqeusHe a uteEst udes atP arWihsi.l hee h asm aintaihnieesda rliinetre raensdtc so ntin uest op ubliesxht ensiivnte hlefiy e ldIhs a vjeu smte ntionheed , hasb ranchoeudti nt won ewd irectiinpo anrst icnualmaerlt,yh e studoyfh istorioagnrdac pohmyp araatnitvher opoIlnto hgefiy r.s t arehai,Cs ompalr'eirn com(p2a0r0ea0nbg)ale g ienas s cathcirnig tiqoufec ertianiwna rd-lonooktti osn agny,a tiontaelnidsetn icni es Frenhcihs torioignr appahryt iculmaary.b e' Firnacnocmep arable', butt of ocuesx clusiovnte hlayht a so ftenb eenno m oret haann Preface ix excutsoea voicdo ntextuailtihszi isntgoa rnydi tasc hievements. Worsset ialrtleh es implificiantvioolnvsre edp riens eFnrtainncge 's gloraisse osm ehotwh ceo ntinuoaftt ihoonso efa ncient GIrne ece. thes ecofinedl hde h asu ndertackoelnl aborsattuidvioeens s u ch themeassp olythetihsebm e,l iien'f a utochtahnodnt yh'ef, o un datioonfcs i tiTehsec. o llecotfei sosna hyese dituendd etrh et itle Quvie uptr enlad praer oilen2 ?0 0u3n covetrhsev arioeftf yo rms thapto litaiscsaelm bhlaivetesa keinna ncieenatr,ml oyd erann,d existsioncgi eties. Int hep resebnoto kt her eadiesrt reatteoad n e xhilarating overvioefDw e tienscn uer'r etnhti nkoinnm ga nyo ft hper oblems tow hichhi se xtraordifnearrtisilclyhe o lacralrye hears. b een devoteIdnt. h efi rscth apt'eDro,i nAgn thropolwoigtyth h e Greekhse'e ,x plawihnasit s d istinacbtoiuvhtei osw na ppro.a ch He critichiezreeas,n di ndeethdr oughtohuebt o okt,h osweh o takteh eG reekass' ouarn'c estwohross ,e ew hati sd istinctive abouEtu ropecaunl tuirnec,l ud'idnegm ocriatcsye'al shf, a ving descenmdoerdeo rl esdsi recftrloyam n cieGnrte ecaen dw hou se sucahr gumeinnts se lf-congramtoudleta ott rourmyp tehtse u pe rioroifWt eys tetrnr aditFioolnlso.w uipnt gh et hesoifCs o mparer ['incomhpeah rearcebh lea,r gmeasn ya nciehnits torwiiatnhs havinag c oversto,m etimaenso penn,a tionaalgiesntdB au.t philoloagrieas ltstsoa ketnot asfko trh eniarr row-mindedness. Whatw en eedD,e tienanreg uiessa ,m ethotdh aatp proximates rathteosr o ciaanlt hropo(lnootgthy a htea ccepetvse rytthhiantg thadti scipsltiannfedor s.) H ed escrihbiaesps p roaacs'h c ompar ativaen'd' experimetnhtoaulgt'hh, e' experimiennq tuse's tion arneo tth osoeft hnea tusrcaile notfic sotu,rb suetr,a thtehro ught experimetnhteks i,n idn p laiyn t hec omparisaonndcs o ntrasts betwetehneb eliperfasc,t aincdei sn stituotfdi ioffnesr aenncti ent andm odems ocieatcireosts hsew orld. Thee ffecotft himse thodoliostg ory e defimnaen yo ft hep rob lemcsu stomadreialwlyit t bhy a nciehnits toriinaa nne sx clusively GraecRoo-manf ramewoGrrke.e mky tha ndm ytholocgayn not bes tudiienid s olaftriooamnl tlh eo thewro rko nm ytht hahta s beenu ndertaiknet nh ew akeo fL evit-rSausmsa'gsi sterial MythgoilqouHeersec.,h apt2ep rl ottshe r emarkatbrlaen sforma tiotnhsa hta voec currientd h es tudoyfm ythfr om Lafitaaun d x Preface Fontenienlt lheee ighteecnetnht utrhyr,o utghhel ikoefsT ylor, Langa ndF razdeorw,n t ot hep ost-struct'uFrraoml ismttyost .h reasoinsa' s logtahna hta sr epeatbeedelinyn vokbeudt,t os ee thema ss impolpep osiitsde ese pfllayw eBdu.t t hen wphraetc isely ist hep ositciovnet ribuotf'i moynt ht'ot hed evelopmoefn t abstrtahcotu gAhntd?w, h ahta ppewnhse nm ythgse ttu rneidn to mytholoacg oyr,p oufsm ythtsh abte comteh eo bjeocftt h se tudy ofs pecialCihsatpst3?e c ri teexsa mplfreosm JapaMne,l anesia, IsraaenldR omea sw elalsfr omG reetceoa nalytsheeeff ecotfls i t eracwyh,e nm ythasr wer ittdeonw ni,l lusttrhavete irndygi fferent polituisceatslo w hicthh eayr peu ta ndt hed ifferreengti moefs histortihceigyto ty o c onstruct. Chapt4er re tutrnoss omoef t hteh emeosfT hMea stoeTfrru st h, nuanciDnegt ienneea'rsla inearl yosfti hsei nteracotfti hoedn isf feretnytp eosfi ntellelcetaudaealrtw s o rki nt hea rchapiecr iod, showihnogw t heve ruys eo fl anguaagnedt, h mee chaniosfmt sh e intelliencdte,ec dh,a ngeadsd iffereinntd ividaunadgl rso ups fougthote stabtlhiesciho rm peticnlga itmosd elivtehret ruth. Theraer eD,e tienancek nowlerdugpetsu,ar nedds i scontiinnu ities Greetkh ougfhotsr,u rbeu,t tihneeyv ittaubrnlo yu tt ob em ore completxh ani sg eneraallllyo wiendg rannda rratoifvt ehse advanocfer rh eunn dertaak secsi ntillating survoefyd ifferteynpte osfp olitfiocuanld atwiiotnehsx ,a mples rangifnrgo mt hep enaclo lonoifeA su stratlhirao,u Ggrhe ece, RomeS,w itzertloam nodd,e mF ranacned S erbWihaa.t i si tt o claitmob ea utochthobnoornuf sr,ot mh lea ndH?o wa rdei fferent imagoefsn ationhcooonds truDcetteide?n pnoei nttots h er oloef whath ec almlyst hideoliontg hiaeptsr ocess.h isTthoer airaen s amontgh osweh oh avaek eyr oliens upplytihnegss eoo, n caeg ain nationaalnidsh miss torioagrrdeae pehpyil nyt ertwined. Drawinogn t hem aterifraolms Q uiv euptr endlar pea role? chapt6e urn dertaak weisd e-ranging ofat nhaefl oyrsmiossf thep olitiincsatli tutthiadotin ffse rseoncti ehtaivefesa vouriend decision-Wtea akriein ngt.r odutcote hde e videnfcoerC ossack assembltioelasdb, o utth osoeft heO chololfoE thiopoifta h,e Senofoofut heI vorCyo asatn,dt hosfeo unidnm edievIatla lian citiwehsi,lo efc ourtsheei nnovatoifto hneFs r enrcehv olutionar ieosf 17 89a rneo fto oa rues etdot hinkaibnogu t