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THE GREATEST MYTH THAT THE JEWS BELONG TO THE ABRAHAMIC FAITH by Al-Haj Mofsowitz Potashnickh [ex Jewish Rabbi from Romania] This book is a gift to: ___________________________ Given by: __________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ There is no copyright on this book. Any method of distributing, whether by electronic, print or other means is permitted and encouraged. Kindly email the author requesting a free copy in PDF format: [email protected]  Contents Preface page 3 Analysis of The Greatest Myth that the Jews belong to the Abrahamic Faith page 7 ‘Jewish History, Jewish Religion’ by Prof. Israel Shahak - Summary by Gore Vidal page 28 Quotes by Jewish Personalities page 42 What Jesus said about the Jews according to the New Testament! “The Children of the Devil” page 50 Quotes by Popes page 52 Quotes by World Famous Personalities page 54 Richard Falk- United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories page 65 Holocaust Denied: John Pilger page 70  PREFACE The recent genocide in Gaza has once again turned the world’s attention towards the Middle East and the ingenious charade of the Jewish lobby and Zionist propaganda in facilitating the concealment of the latest ‘holocaust’ perpetrated against Palestinian women and children by the brutal Zionist Israeli army. In South Africa, the usual suspects are again at play. Hark at the rampant hypocrisy of professional propagandists such as David Saks and Rabbi Warren Goldstein who shamelessly defend the indefensible in the print media. Killing, mass-murder and the rape of Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers does not seem to irk the conscience of these Israeli apologists. However the recent chain of events once again places the spotlight on a troublesome people who are hell-bent on legitimizing the last remnant of an apartheid state in the Middle East (i.e. Israel). In the ongoing anguish, voices of sanity need to brought to the fray. Groups such as the Neturai Karta (being honourable exceptions), often take the stand amidst the plethora of enraged froth emanating from fronts such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Bnai Brith rationale for the distribution of this tract. Jewish scholars such as Israel Shahak and Jewish academics such Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky have been the champions of justice and truth over the  decades exposing the inequity in Jewish society. And so this takes us to the current rationale for the distribution of this tract. Very few people out there are aware pertaining to the clichéd slogans and contextualization surrounding the history and development of the Jewish nation. It is critical that we unpack the terminologies causing the rampant conundrum in the world today. The meaning of the term ‘Jewish’ and its cognates, including ‘Judaism’, thus becomes in the context of Israeli politics as important as the meaning of ‘Islamic’, when officially used by Iran, or ‘communist’ when it was officially used by the USSR. However, the meaning of the term ‘Jewish’ as it is popularly used is not clear, either in Hebrew or when translated into other languages, and so the term had to be defined officially. According to Israeli law a person is considered ‘Jewish’ if either their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother were Jewesses by religion; or if the person was converted to Judaism in a way satisfactory to the Israeli authorities, and on condition that the person has not converted from Judaism to another religion, in which case Israel ceases to regard them as ‘Jewish’. Of the three conditions, the first represents the Talmudic definition of ‘who is a Jew’, a definition followed by Jewish Orthodoxy.  The Talmud and post-Talmudic rabbinic law also recognise the conversion of a non- Jew to Judaism (as well as the purchase of a non-Jewish slave by a Jew followed by a different kind of conversion) as a method of becoming Jewish, provided that the conversion is performed by authorised rabbis in a proper manner. This ‘proper manner’ entails for females, their inspection by three rabbis while naked in a ‘bath of purification’, a ritual which, although notorious to all readers of the Hebrew press, is not often mentioned by the English media in spite of its undoubted interest for certain readers. I hope that this book will be the beginning of a process which will rectify this discrepancy. But there is another urgent necessity for an official definition of who is, and who is not ‘Jewish’. The State of Israel officially discriminates in favour of Jews and against non-Jews in many domains of life, of which I regard three as being most important: residency rights, the right to work and the right to equality before the law. Discrimination in residency is based on the fact that about 9 per cent of Israel’s land is the property of the state and is administered by the Israel Land Authority according to regulations issued by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), and affiliate of the World Zionist Organization. In its regulations the JNF denies the right to reside, to open a business, and often to work, to anyone who is not Jewish, only because he is not Jewish. At the same time, Jews are not prohibited from taking residence or opening businesses anywhere in Israel. If applied in another state against the Jews, such discriminatory practice would instantly and justifiably be labeled anti-Semitism and would no doubt spark massive public protests. When applied by Israel as a part of its ‘Jewish ideology’, they are usually studiously ignored or excused when rarely mentioned. In the last 50 years, the term ‘Jew’ has acquired a dual meaning, to the great confusion of some well-meaning people, particularly in the English-speaking countries, who imagine that the Jews they meet socially are ‘representative’ of Jews ‘in general’. In the countries of east Europe as well as in the Arab world, the Jews were liberated from the tyranny of their own religion and of their own communities by outside forces, too late and in circumstances too unfavorable for genuine internalized social change. In most cases, and particularly in Israel, the old concept of society, the same ideology - especially as directed towards non-Jews - and the same utterly false conception of history have been preserved. This applies even to some of those Jews who joined ‘progressive’ or leftist movements. An examination of radical, socialist and communist parties can provide many examples of disguised Jewish chauvinists and racists, who joined these parties merely for reasons of ‘Jewish interest’ and are, in Israel, in favor  of ‘anti-Gentile’ discrimination. One need only check how many Jewish ‘socialists’ have managed to write about the kibbutz without taking the trouble to mention that it is a racist institution from which non-Jewish citizens of Israel are rigorously excluded, to see that the phenomenon we are alluding to is by no means uncommon. It is important to note that all the supposedly ‘Jewish characteristics’ attributed to Jews in 9th and 0th century popular culture are modern characteristics, quite unknown during most of Jewish history, and appeared only when the totalitarian Jewish community began to lose its power. Take, for example, the famous Jewish sense of humor. Not only is humor very rare in Hebrew literature before the 9th century (and is only found during few periods, in countries where the Jewish upper class was relatively free from the rabbinical yoke, such as Italy between the th and 7th centuries or Muslim Spain) but humor and jokes are strictly forbidden by the Jewish religion - except, significantly, jokes against other religions. Satire against rabbis and leaders of the community was never internalized by Judaism, not even to a small extent, as it was in Latin Christianity. There were no Jewish comedies, just as there were no comedies in Sparta, and for a similar reason. Or take the love of learning. Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism). Large parts of the Old Testament, all nonliturgical Hebrew poetry, most books on Jewish philosophy were not read and their very names were often anathematized. Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history - even Jewish history - was completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism. This booklet then attempts to at the very least to provide some context behind the scenes and clear up the misunderstanding across the divide. It does not purport to be an academic thesis nor does it make any pretences to be one; but in simple layman’s term unravels the true history which is generally ‘dazed’ amidst the 5 ‘designer history’ presented as the “truth” before all of us. Any labeling of the author and compiler as “anti-Semitic” will be ridiculed with the contempt that it deserves. The writer of this preface and author would more than welcome measured critique and it is hoped that this work would generate critical debate, much lacking in our world where topics of this nature are deemed ‘taboo’. There are no sacred cows in the world today and any community regardless of its religious persuasion which cannot withstand or engage in self-critique is destined for the ‘dustbin of history’. Open your mind now before it is too late! Moshe David Goodman Professor of History .MEMORABLE QUOTES “A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.” Baltasar Gracian: Spanish philosopher and writer, 1601-1658. “This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation’s homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of peoples normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.” Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. “No man survives when freedom fails, The best men rot in filthy jails, and those who cry ‘appease, appease’ are hanged by those they tried to please.” Hiram Mann.  Analysis of the Greatest Myth that the Jews belong to the Abrahamic Faith “to seek out the truth...” “We present this important information as a service to all truth seekers... It should not be construed as the Authors or that it relays endorsement of our beliefs... or as our endorsement of theirs… the Truth will stand on its own Merit.” HeLPInG oUR FeLLoW HUMAn BeInGs, tHe JeWs, to FInD tHeIR tRUe Roots - BY sCHoLARs AnD ReseARCHeRs oF tHe BIBLe! How the Jews Came Into existence According to historian Paul Johnson in his book titled ‘History of the Jews’ he states that the Jews came into existence from the rapings by the Greeks and the Romans of the women of Palestine during their periods their occupation there. This claim, in our opinion is quite valid as it concurs to some degree with certain verses of the Arabic Glorious Qur’ân. We shall discuss this point later on in our analysis. The motivation for the compilation of this evidence is that the Jews / Zionists of “Israel” claim to have a God given right to the land of Palestine through their book called Torah which they share with the Protestant Christians. They have completely manipulated the minds of the Christian world to submit to their belief that they are the true indigenous people of Palestine. This notion will be fully discussed in the following analysis of the truth. The history of the Jews is hidden behind a great wall of confusion! Most believe without evidence that the great Prophet Ibrâhîm (Allâh is pleased : The name Abrahamic is a misnomer. This name was fabricated by the pagan Europeans to describe the faith of Prophet Ibrâhîm who never named his way of life as ‘Abrahamic.’ See verse 7, chapter  on next page. However we shall use this connotation for ease of reading for the benefit of non Muslims, but we wish to make it very clear this in no way means that we agree with the name. The belief and way of life of all prophets as mentioned in the A.G. Qur’ân is stated as Dînul Islâm, meaning: to believe in one Allâh and submit to His will. 7 with him) was the original ancestral father of the Jews. To understand from where the Jews originated, one has to go step by step to uncover the truth. It is common sense and a fact that one father does not produce different tribes or nations. The Divine Book states: “3:67: Ibrâhîm was neither a Yahûd (Jew) nor a Nasârâh (those that made a man from nazareth a God), but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim; and he was not one of the polytheists.” Before a person makes a conclusion about a subject, especially when the subject relates to a period beyond one’s time, then a thorough investigation is required. The case of the Prophet Ibrâhîm (Arabic) is the bone of contention. The non-Muslims used a European pagan name called Abraham whom they first called A’bram only after the Greeks created what became known as the Hebrew2 language; the name was then changed to Abram in Hebrew, which means ‘the Father is high’. What one has to understand is the fact that no one has factual written or otherwise evidence from divine revelation before the advent of the Arabic Glorious about the name of the father of Ismâ’îl3 and Ishâq. Let us introduce the following verses of Chapter 6 of the divine revelation in order that one may understand better: 83. “And this was Our argument which We gave to Ibrâhîm against his people. We exalt in degrees whom We please. Surely your Rabb is Wise, Knowing. 84. And We gave him Ishâq and Ya‘qûb. Each did We guide; and nûh did We guide before, and of his descendants, Dâwûd and sulaimân and Ayyûb and Yûsuf and Mûsâ and Hârûn. And thus do We reward those who do good (to others): 85. And Zakariyyâ and Yahyâ and ‘Îsâ and Ilyâs; each one (of them) was of the righteous, 86. And Ismâ‘îl and Al-Yash‘a and Yûnus and Lût; and each one (of  : “Hebrew” is a Greek word. According to Peake the whole Hebrew language was created by the Greeks. See Peake’s Commentary on the Bible. 99, p. . : The Europeans fabricated names for the sons of Prophet Ibrâhîm as “Ishmael” and “Isaac”. 8 them) We made to excel the people; 87. And some of their fathers and their descendants and their brethren. And We chose them and guided them to the right way. 88. This is Allâh’s guidance wherewith He guides whom He pleases of His servants. And if they had associated others (with Him), all that they did would have been vain. 89. These are they to whom We gave the Book and authority and prophecy. Therefore if these disbelieve in it, We have indeed entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers in it.” Let me give an account as composed by Paul Johnson the historian: “The Jews who worked the Bible into something approaching its present shape evidently thought that their race, though founded by Abraham, could trace forebears even further and called the ultimate human progenitor Adam. In our present state of knowledge, we must assume that the very earliest chapters of the book of Genesis are schematic and symbolic rather than factual descriptions.” [our emphases in Italics].4 It is sad to say that in spite of the advancement of knowledge in the twentieth century, and today in the twenty-first century, the so-called scholars use terms without investigating how a name of a people came into existence! Nowhere in the history of humankind, do we find that the two well known persons Âdam and Ibrâhîm (Allâh is pleased with them), were known to be referred to as Jews. It is also not possible to make it a fact or to claim that the Jews descended from them! The lands where the Prophet Ibrâhîm appeared were always known to be the lands of the Arabs. The Children of Isrâ’îl –Banî Isrâ’îl-in Arabic- are so named as they were the great-grandchildren of the Prophet Ibrâhîm. The term Jew or Jewish only appeared on the scene after the Greeks and Romans entered and caused havoc in Palestine. The pagan Greeks first5 raped the women of the Children of Isrâ’îl, as they were not pagans, and whose offspring became known as the Sons of Darkness. Thereafter came the Romans6 {another pagan nation}, who  : A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson 978 published by George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited London page 7 5 : Could possibly refer to Chapter 7 v 5. Arabic Glorious Qur’ân  : Could possibly refer to Chapter 7 v 7. Arabic Glorious Qur’ân 9 raped the women of the Sons of Darkness and their offspring became known as the Jews. These facts were made known by John Allegro, a researcher of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which cost him his life! However, it was too late as he had already revealed the secret before he was murdered! Arabic Glorious Qur’ân Chapter 7:4/8 4. “And We made known to the Children of Israel in the Book: Certainly you will make mischief in the land twice, and behave insolently with mighty arrogance. 5. So when of the two, the first warning came to pass, We raised against you Our servants, of mighty prowess, so they made havoc in (your) houses. And it was an accomplished threat. 6. Then We gave you back the turn against them, and aided you with wealth and children and made you a numerous band. 7. If you do good, you do good for your own souls. And if you do evil, it is for them. So when the second warning came, (We raised another people) that they might bring you to grief and that they might enter the Masjid as they entered it the first time, and that they might destroy, whatever they conquered, with utter destruction. 8. It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you. And if you return (to mischief), We will return (to punishment). And We have made hell a prison for the disbelievers.” Arabic Glorious Qur’ân Chapter 5 :78/79 78. Those who disbelieved from among the Banî Isrâ’îl were cursed by the tongue of Dâwûd and ‘Îsâ son of Maryam. This was because they disobeyed and exceeded the limits. 79. They forbade not one another the hateful things they did. Evil indeed was what they did. It is true what Paul Johnson said, viz: ‘The Jews who worked the Bible into something approaching its present shape...’7 This fact reveals that the Bible 7 : Arabic Glorious Qur’ân - 2: v. 79: “ Woe! then to those who write the Book with their hands then say, this is from Allâh; so that they may take for it a small price. So woe! to them for what their hands write and woe! to them for what they earn.” 0

Contents Preface page 3 Analysis of The Greatest Myth that the Jews belong to the Abrahamic Faith page 7 ‘Jewish History, Jewish Religion’ by Prof. Israel Shahak -
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