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Preview The Gravitational Wave Signal of a Core Collapse Supernova Explosion of a 15M$_\odot$ Star

TheGravitationalWaveSignalofaCoreCollapseSupernovaExplosionofa15M Star (cid:12) KonstantinN.Yakunin1,2,3,AnthonyMezzacappa1,2,PedroMarronetti4,EricJ.Lentz1,2,3,5,StephenW.Bruenn6, W.RaphaelHix1,3,O.E.BronsonMesser1,4,7,EirikEndeve1,2,8,JohnM.Blondin9,andJ.AustinHarris10 1DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy, UniversityofTennessee, Knoxville, TN37996-1200, USA 2JointInstituteforComputationalSciences,OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,P.O.Box2008,OakRidge,TN37831-6354,USA 3PhysicsDivision,OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,P.O.Box2008,OakRidge,TN37831-6354,USA 4Physics Division, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22207 USA 6DepartmentofPhysics,FloridaAtlanticUniversity,777GladesRoad,BocaRaton,FL33431-0991,USA 5Joint Institute for Nuclear Physics and its Applications, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6374, USA 7NationalCenterforComputationalSciences,OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,P.O.Box2008,OakRidge,TN37831-6164,USA 8ComputerScienceandMathematicsDivision,OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,P.O.Box2008,OakRidge,TN37831-6164,USA 7 9DepartmentofPhysics, NorthCarolinaStateUniversity, Raleigh, NC27695-8202, USAand 1 10NuclearScienceDivision, LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory, Berkeley, CA94720, US∗ 0 2 In this Letter, we report on the gravitational wave signal computed in the context of an ab initio, three- dimensionalsimulationofacorecollapsesupernovaexplosion,beginningwitha15M starandusingstate-of- n (cid:12) the-artweakinteractions.ThesimulationwasperformedwithourneutrinohydrodynamicscodeCHIMERA.We a J discussthepotentialfordetectionofourpredictedgravitationalsignalbythecurrentgenerationofgravitational wavedetectors. 5 2 Introduction.– The first direct detection of gravitational art weak interactions. Our signal predictions are based on ] E wave (GW) signals from binary-black-hole mergers [1, 2] the simulation data detailed by Lentz et al. [28]. (See also H openedanewerainobservationalastronomy. Thishassetthe Melson et al. [29] for the case of a low-mass progenitor and stage to prepare, even more fervently, for future detections, Melson et al. [30] for the case of a massive progenitor but . h especially of other of the primary sources of GWs, among with modified neutrino scattering cross sections.) Because p themcore-collapsesupernovae(CCSNe). CCSNearephysics this simulation includes all of the relevant physics, albeit in - o rich with many physical processes operating in conjunction some instances with some level of approximation (e.g., ray- r toproduceasupernova. Supernovamodelsare,therefore,in- by-rayneutrinotransport),andbecauseofthesimulationout- t s natelycomplex. InthecaseofaGalacticevent,aGWdetec- come,thecomputedGWsignalbasedonthissimulationdata a tion is possible [3]. Such a detection, along with a detection isunique,withimplicationsforthepredictionoftheGWsig- [ of the SN neutrinos, would provide direct information about nalamplitudeasafunctionoftime(forbothpolarizations),its 1 theseprocessesandtheSN‘centralengine’,inturnallowing frequency distribution and evolution, and the energy emitted v ustovalidateourmodels. Moreover,inconjunctionwithde- intheformofGWs. 5 tailedGWsignals,ourmodelswouldprovideinsightintothe 2 Methodandinitialmodels.–OurGWanalysisisbasedon nature and role of multidimensional fluid instabilities in the 3 thedatageneratedinthe2Dand3Dcorecollapsesupernova proto-neutron star (PNS) and supernova core, the rotation of 7 simulations performed by Lentz et al. [28]. The simulations thestellarcore,andthestructureoftheremnantPNS,aswell 0 werebothinitiatedfromthe15M progenitorofWoosleyand . asthePNShigh-densitynuclearequationofstate(EoS),with (cid:12) 1 Heger [34] and were carried out with the CHIMERA code, implications for fundamental nuclear physics – e.g., nuclear 0 which includes multigroup flux-limited diffusion neutrino forcemodels. 7 transport with a state-of-the-art set of weak interactions and 1 ManystudiesofGWemissionincorecollapsesupernovae an effective gravitational potential that incorporates the gen- : (CCSNe) based on a variety of 2D/3D CCSN models were v eralrelativisticmonopoleandcommensuratecorrections(e.g., performed in the past [4–15], including our studies [16, 17]. i gravitational redshift) to the neutrino transport [35]. The 3D X Progress on multidimensional CCSN modeling has been ar- computationalgridcomprised540(r)×180(θ)×180(φ)zones r guablyexponential,inlightoftheincreasinglypowerfulcom- equally distributed in the φ-direction only. The φ-resolution a putationalresourcesavailabletomodelers,culminatinginthe wasuniformly2◦. Theθ-resolutioninthe2Dmodelwasuni- recent 3D modeling efforts of a number of groups [18–33]. formly 0.7◦. The θ-resolution in the 3D model varied from A subset of these have been ab initio simulations with full 2/3◦ near the equator to 8.5◦ near the poles. The radial res- physics (i.e., general relativistic with a complete set of neu- olutioninbothsimulationsvariedaccordingtoconditionsof trinointeractions)[28–31]. Inturn,asubsetofthelatterhave the moving grid and reached 0.1 km inside the PNS. In both reportedonexplosions[28–30]. simulations,weemployedtwoequationsofstates(EoS):Lat- InthisLetter,wereportonourGWsignalpredictionsbased timerandSwesty[36](incompressibilityK = 220MeV)for on an ab initio, general relativistic, multi-physics, 3D sim- ρ>1011 gcm−3andanenhancedversionoftheCooperstein ulation of a CCSN of a 15M progenitor using state-of-the- (cid:12) [37]EoSforρ<1011gcm−3. Inouterregionsweemployed a14-speciesα-network[38]. Themodelswereevolvedin1D during collapse and through bounce. At 1.3 ms after bounce ∗[email protected] randomdensityperturbationsof0.1%wereappliedtothemat- 2 terbetween10–30km. thePNSandgeneratethehigh-frequency,large-amplitudeex- WecomparetheGWsignalsofthesetwomodels: C15-2D cursions evident in rh+. In the 3D case, there are a larger and C15-3D. We employ the quadrupole approximation for numberoffunnelsfromneutrino-drivenconvection,eachac- extracting the GW signals from the mass motions, using the cretinglessmassthanthosein2D,thatimpingeonthePNSto expressionsdetailedin[17]. Toisolatetheimpactofdimen- inducethesamebehaviorinbothrh+ andrh×. Inperform- sionality, all comparisons of the GW emissions in C15-2D ingacomparisonoftheamplitudesofrh+ acrossthe2Dand and C15-3D have been performed using the same evolution 3Dcases,itisimportanttokeepinmindthepresenceoftwo timeframe,whichisdictatedbyour3Drun(0–450ms),and polarizationsinthe3Dcase. TheoverallstructureoftheGW thesamesamplinginterval(∆t = 0.2ms). Whilethisisnot signals, and their relationship to the phenomenology of the particularlyimportantforcomparisonsofthewaveformsasa stellar core, is similar, and consistent (in the sense that there functionoftime,acomparisonoftheGWspectraisnotpossi- is no physical argument as to why we should expect any of bleunlessthetimeframeoverwhichthespectraarecomputed thephasesassociatedwiththe2DGWsignaltobeabsentin iskeptthesame. 3D),acrossthe2Dand3Dcases. Acomparisonofthesignals Results. – Direct comparison of the GW signal ampli- infrequency,discussedbelow,supportsthis. Boththespectra tudes from models C15-2D and C15-3D (Fig. 1) should be and the total energy emitted are based on the complete GW performed with cognizance of the fact that 3D admits more signals–inthe2Dcase,onthe+polarization,andinthe3D degreesoffreedom–specifically,that3DadmitstwoGWpo- case, on both the + and × polarizations. In 3D and during larizations (+,×) whereas 2D admits only one (+). Gossan thefirst∼450ms, westillseethreephasesofGWemission. etal.[3]emphasizedthattheavailabilityoftwoindependent The prompt convection phase is very similar in timing and polarizationsin3Dincreasesthechancesofdetectionby40%. amplitudetothe2Dcase. Thequiescentphaseispresent,and startsandstopsatthesamepost-bouncetimesrelativetothe ThepromptconvectionphaseoftheGWsignal.–Theearly 2Dcase. Thethirdphasebeginsatthesamepost-bouncetime GWsignalisproducedbyLedouxconvectioninsidethePNS relativetothe2Dcase,exhibitsthesamequalitativebehavior, along with matter perturbed behind the quickly expanding as neutrino-driven convection and the SASI develop and in- shock. It lasts for the first 70–80 ms after bounce. Fig. 1 duce downflows onto the PNS. The fourth, explosion, phase showsthatthe3Drh signalhasgenerallylargeramplitude + hasnotyetbeenobservedinthe3Dcase. relativetothe2Dsignal. However,thedifferencelikelydoes notariseentirelyfromthechangeindimensionality. Aswas The explosion phase of the GW signal.– Rapid shock ex- pointed out in Yakunin et al. [17], this phase of the signal is pansion at the onset of explosion in the 3D case is delayed verysensitivetomodelparametersandgridresolution. Usage by approximately 100 ms relative to its 2D counterpart [28]. of a constant-µ grid for the 3D model (a practical necessity Consequently,duringthe∼450msconsideredhere,wedonot for this model given its computational cost) and a constant- observethelow-frequencytailofrh associatedwithprolate + θ grid for the 2D model likely contributes to the difference. or oblate explosion. In the 2D case, the tail is evident in the 3D runs to study the effect of resolution are planned for the final100msofavailabledata,andgiventhe∼100msdelayof nearfuture. Resolutionaside,itisclearthatanearlyGWsig- explosionin3D,another∼100msbeyondtheendofthe3D nalphaseispresentin3D,inbothpolarizations,andpossibly simulationpresentedherewouldbeneededtoseeevidenceof morevigorousinthe+polarizationrelativetothe2Dcase. theexpectedtail.However,wedoexpectthemagnitudeofthe The quiescent phase of the GW signal.– The quiescent tailinthe3Dcasetobesmaller. Thehigh-entropybubblethat phase–atransitionphasebetweentheearlyandstrongsignal initiatestheoutwardaccelerationoftheshock[28]in3Dcon- phases – is coincident (80–120 ms after bounce) in the two tains a smaller mass fraction than that in the 2D case, where models. Moreover, the signal during this phase is similar in thehigh-entropybubbletakesupmuchofthevolumebehind magnitudeineachmodel. Aswewilldiscuss,thefundamen- theshock. tal difference between the C15-2D and C15-3D signals does TheGWenergyspectraandtheintegratedGWenergyemis- notariseuntilneutrino-drivenconvectionandthestandingac- sionwithtime.–Figure3plotsthedecompositionofourC15- cretion shock instability (SASI) [39] develop. The quiescent 2DandC15-3DGWsignals. Botharecomputedatthesame phaseisparticularlyevidentintheplotofrh×(t)inFigure1. post-bounce time of 450 ms. Qualitatively, the GW spectra Theneutrino-drivenconvection/SASI(i.e.,strong)phaseof areverysimilar. Afrequencyshiftintheenergyspectra,from theGWsignal.–ThestrongestphaseoftheGWsignalstarts high(C15-2D)tolow(C15-3D)frequencies,isevidentinthe at∼120msforbothour2Dand3Dsimulations. Thisisnot time-integrated spectral energy distribution dE/df. This re- surprising given that the shock is still quasi-spherical at that sultsfromthelackofaxisymmetry(l=2,m=0only)in3D time(seeFig.2),andtheangle-averagedshocktrajectoriesin thatallowsatransferofconvectiveenergyintomultiplel=2 2Dand3Dstillfollowoneanotherratherclosely[28]. How- modes (l = 2, m = −2,...,+2) that are absent in 2D. Fig- ever, after ∼150 ms the shock behavior is very different in ure3alsoshowstheangle-averagedcharacteristicGWstrain thetwomodels. Inthe2Dmodel,weobserveglobaloscilla- spectrah (f)[40]ofour2Dand3Dmodels,alongwiththe char tionsoftheshockduetotheSASI[35], buttheSASIisless broadbanddesignnoiselevelsofadvanced-generationGWin- pronouncedin3Dduringtheinitial∼450mswindowconsid- terferometers,assumingasourcedistanceof10kpc. Mostof ered here [28]. Global SASI oscillations in the 2D case in- the detectable emission is within 20–2500 Hz and at essen- ducetheformationofafew,massiveaccretionfunnels. When tially the same level of ∼1-4 of 10−21 Hz−1/2. A Galactic thesefunnelsimpingeonthesurfaceofthePNS,theyperturb event (at 10 kpc) appears to be well detectable by upcoming 3 the emitted GW energy clearly seen in our 2D model corre- spond to sudden increases in the accretion rate. In the 2D case, mass accretion is mediated by a few, massive funnels. Theaddition,orloss,ofsuchafunnelwouldbeaccompanied byasignificantchangeinthemassaccretionrate.Onthecon- trary, the jumps in the emitted GW energy are absent in the 3Dcase,withthisenergygrowingsmoothlywithpost-bounce time. In the 3D case, mass accretion onto the PNS is medi- ated by numerous, lower-mass accretion funnels. The addi- tion,orloss,ofsuchafunnelwouldnotresultinasignificant changeinthemassaccretionrate. FrombothGWspectraand frequency-integratedGWenergyemission,weseethatthenu- merous downflows we observe in our 3D model produce a responseofthePNSsimilartothefewer,moremassivedown- flowsobservedinour2Dmodel.Thus,onemayconcludethat thecharacteristicfrequencyoftheGWsignalsdependonthe internal properties of the PNS (e.g., its high-density nuclear equation of state and the associated radius, density profile, etc.),whoseevolutionissimilarinC15-2DandC15-3D. FIG.1. Top: Therh componentsoftheGWsignalsproducedin + theC15-2DandC15-3Dmodels. Bottom: Therh componentof × theGWsignalproduceintheC15-3Dandtherh componentofthe + GWsignalfromtheC15-2Dforcomparison.Bothcomponentsseen by an equatorial observer. Inset: The first 150 ms of gravitational waveformsproducedintheC15-2DandC15-3Dmodels. FIG.2.EntropydistributionsfortheC15-2Dmodel(left)andforthe equatorialsliceoftheC15-3Dmodel(right)at120msafterbounce. FIG. 3. Frequency analysis of the GW signals from C15-2D and detectors. C15-3Dmodels. Top: Spectralenergydensitydistributionsfor2D Thetotal,frequency-integratedGWenergyemittedisplot- and3Dmodels.Bottom:Characteristicspectralstrainh (f)f−1/2 char tedinFigure4. TheemittedGWenergyinC15-2DandC15- of 2D and 3D models at a distance of 10 kpc compared with the (cid:112) 3D follow one another closely. However, the fundamentally design noise levels S(f) of Advanced LIGO in the broadband different character of the mass accretion onto the PNS be- zero-detuninghigh-powermode(aLIGOZD-HP),KAGRA,andAd- vancedVirgoinwidebandmode(AdVWB). tween the 2D and 3D cases is imprinted here. The jumps in 4 aremadetotheaxialvectorcouplingconstantintheneutral- current scattering cross sections. In all four cases, these au- thorsfindnosignificantGWproductionforthefirst∼175ms afterbounce. Thedifferencesbetweenourpredictionsforthe early GW signal and the predictions of the Garching group will need to be explored further. However, for non-rotating (spherical) progenitors, we do not expect to see significant differencesinthe2Dand3Dcases,whichiswhatweobserve (seeYakuninetal.[17]forthe2Dcase).Theconditionsinthe inner regions of the PNS at these earliest times after bounce simplydonotdiffersignificantlyaswemovefrom2Dto3D. In contrast, the 3D predictions of Andresen et al. [41] differ fromtheGarchinggroup’spredictionsinthe2Dcase[8]for the same progenitor masses within the same set of progeni- tors(e.g.,WHW02vs. WH07). Ofcourse,itisnotclearhow productive a comparison of the early signal obtained by dif- ferentgroupsisinthecaseofnon-rotating(spherical)progen- itors. Amuchmorerobustearlysignalwillbeobtainedinthe context of first-principles simulations with rotating progeni- FIG.4. EnergyemittedintheformofGWsduringthefirst440ms ofCCSNexplosionfortheC15-2D,andC15-3Dmodels. Thestep- tors,whichwillproducestrongsignalsatbounce. Moreover, likebehaviorofE intheC15-2Dmodel(see,forinstance,300ms thebouncesignalswillbelesssensitivetosimulationdetails GW and400ms)reflectstheevolutionofthesingledominantaccretion (numericalmethods,gridresolution,etc.) and,rather,willde- downflowinthismodel,incontrasttothemultipledownflowsinthe pendonthephysicalinitialconditionsassumed.Atlatertimes 3Dmodel. afterbounce,duringthedominantphaseofGWemissionas- sociatedwithneutrino-drivenconvectionandtheSASI,wedo Summary, Discussion, and Outlook.– Our ab initio, multi- seeareductionoftheamplitudeofthestraininthe3Dcase, physics, 3D simulation of a CCSN explosion allowed us to relative to the 2D case, for the + polarization, but in 3D the computethedetailedtimedependenceoftheGWsignalsfor emissionissharedbetweenthe+and×polarizations,making boththeh andh polarizations. Forthetimewindowcon- a comparison difficult. We do not see significant differences + × sidered here, which is approximately the first half second in the GW energy emitted as a function of time between the of evolution after stellar core bounce, we provide the corre- two cases, and, for the first ∼450 ms, the 3D GW spectrum sponding spectral decomposition of the total signal, as well exhibitsasimilarstructurerelativetothe2Dcase,includinga as the total energy emitted in GWs (from matter) as a func- peakinthespectrumat∼1000Hz. tionofpost-bouncetime. Quantitatively,the3Dsignalsdiffer WhiletheGWsignalpredictionspresentedherearebased fromthesignalsobtainedinour2Dcounterpartmodelforthe onabinitiomodelsthatexhibitanoteworthylevelofrealism, reasons covered above, but they confirm the existence of the future models can and should develop in obvious ways: first 3 phases of the GW signal accessible in this study: a (1) While the use of the “ray-by-ray” neutrino transport prompt convection phase followed by a quiescent phase fol- approximation may be a better approximation in 3D than lowed by the dominant GW emission phase from neutrino- in 2D [42], definitive 3D models will require 3D neutrino drivenconvectionandtheSASI.Thefinal,explosionphaseis transport. (2) The use of the GR monopole correction to the notaccessibleatthistimegiventhesimulationpresentedhere Newtonian self-gravitational potential should be replaced by coversonlythefirsthalfsecondafterbounce. Theresultspre- a more sophisticated treatment of GR, such as the Confor- sentedherearequalitativelyconsistentwiththepredictionof mally Flat Approximation (CFA) [43], or a full BSSNOK a4-phasesignalfirstpresentedbyMurphyetal.[5]. Clearly, treatment[44]. (3)Tofullyresolveturbulentcascadesin3D our understanding of the GW signals from (neutrino-driven) CCSN simulations, which is relevant for GW predictions, corecollapsesupernovae–thedetailsofthesignalsandtheir one requires angular grid resolutions of less than 1◦ and association with the underlying CCSN phenomenology – is radialresolutionsinsidethePNSoflessthen0.1km[45,46]. maturing. (4) Future 3D CCSN models will need to begin with 3D Equally important, the predicted signals presented here progenitor models. Recent studies have demonstrated that were shown to be detectable by LIGO and other extant GW the impact of improved initial conditions on CCSN mod- observatoriesforaGalacticCCSNevent. Foradetailedstudy elsandtheirpredictedoutcomesispotentiallysignificant[26]. ofthedetectabilityofsuchanevent,wereferthereadertothe workbyGossanetal.[3]. This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Recently,Andresenetal.[41]documentedtheirpredictions Energy Offices of Nuclear Physics and Advanced Scien- for the GW signatures from several of their 3D models, al- tific Computing Research, the NASA Astrophysics Theory thoughfordifferentprogenitorsthantheonesconsideredhere. and Fundamental Physics Program (grants NNH08AH71I Three of the four models presented by Andresen et al. [41] and NNH11AQ72I), and the National Science Foundation donotexplode. Onemodeldoesexplodewhenmodifications PetaAppsProgram(grantsOCI-0749242, OCI-0749204, and 5 OCI-0749248)andGravitationalPhysicsProgram(grantGP- (ALCF),whichareDOEOfficeofScienceUserFacilitiessup- 1505933). 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