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The Gracious Quran A Modern-Pharased Interpretation in English - Arabic PDF

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THE GRACIOUS �URAN AMODERN-PHRASED INTERPRETATION IN ENGLISH ALSOB Y DR. AHMAD ZAKI HAMMAD The Gracious Quran + + A Modern-Phrased Interpretation in English Deluxe Edition � c== Volume One + + TheC ompleEtneg lTiesxhot ft hTer anslaAtninoont;aN taemde osf SuraahnsdS; u bstaInntdievxee s Volume Two + + TheA rabTiecx otft hQeu raCno;m preheInnstirvoed utcott hiGeor na ciQouursa (nA ra&b Eincg lish) andG enerNa alt easn dB ackgroEusnsda ys Other T-Vorks The Opening to the Quran + + Commen&t Vaoryc abRuelfaerroyefa nl c-eF iitiba Lasting Prayers + + otfh Qeu ra& nt hPer opMhuehta mm�a d One God: The Everlasting Refuge + + Commen&t Vaoicya bRuelfaerroyefS n 1"craeal t- Ikhlas Father of the Flame + + Commen&t Vaoryc abRuelfaerroyefS n ucraeal t- Masad The Fairest of Stories + + ThLei Sfteo oryJf o seSpoohnJf a ciontb h Qeu raAnnI: n terCloimnmeeanrot nSa urryYa uts uf Mary: The Chosen Woman + + T11Meo thoeJfre siunts h Qeu raAnnI: n terCloimnmeeanrot nSa urryMa atry am Understanding]uristic Differences + + A Primoentr hS ec ieonafcl -eK haill-aFfiI qnLh gihit o ft hSeh anS�oauhr ces + ...L...>. �I .J.!1 + $ • , ,, + ,J·�"'] I 1��1,.. 'U:· :"�:•_-:•.q + �· 1<Y-'· 1�'-"· ��'-"� ..Lo--t.. � 1 f--"-'"'"",1 1�. r I.A?':!"' The Quintessence + + ofth Sec ieonftch Peer incoifIps lleaLasmw ,i Acl -Mustmaisn'ra ! Iaml -UsbfiyAl b,i1Ij amiAdl -Ghazalf TransliantT ihorneV eo lumweist,ah O neV olumSet udy The Great Tiding + + LiEfvee rl:a sGAtl iinmgIpnstteho He e reafter TheQ uesatnitdoh nQe u raAnnI: n terCloimnmeeanrot nSa uryr Aalt- Naba' THE GRACIOUS ...........__URAN AM ODERN-PHRASED INTERPRETATION IN ENGLISH ARABIC-ENGLISH PARALLEL EDITION SIXTH PRINT Ahmad Zaki Hammad, Ph.D. Professor Ahmad Zaki Hannnad, author and translator, currently teaches Islamic Studies at the University of Al-Azhar, Faculty of Lan­ guages Translation, Department of English, as well as at Al-Azhar's Faculty ofSharicah, Department ofJ uristic Studies. His books in­ & clude and LastPiranygeef rt shQ eu raann tdh Propeh etA1 ubamm�a;d 1'v1 aryT7:1 Ceh osTVoemna n; OneG odT71:e E verlRaesftuigneg. LUCENT INTERPRETATIONS, LLC JI �1 P.O. Box 3931 Lisle, IL 60532-8831 USA Enuil: [email protected] Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 by Ahmad Zaki Hammad All rights re©se rved, including the right to reproduce this book or any portion thereof in any form. The text of ThGer acQiuoruasn : may be quoted and/or reprinted without the express written permission of Dr. Ahmad A J.\1odern-PhrIansteedr pirentE antgiloins h Zaki Hammad with the following qualifications for this and all previous editions: Up to and inclusive of twenty (20) words may be quoted in printed form provided that the verses do not amount to a 1. complete surah, or chapter, of the Quran translation. 2. quotations from must conform accurately to the text All The GraciQouurasnA : M odern-Phrased EInngtleirsphr etation and may not be altered or modified in any form and must remain in their original context. Any use of text must include a proper acknowledgment with a no­ TheG raciQouurasnA : M odem-PhIrnatseerdp irneE tna,_e,tliiosnh tice of copyright that must appear on the title or copyright page of the work as follows: "Translation taken from Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 by Ahmad Zaki Hammad. UT1sed1 beGy rpearmcisiQsioortranun. s:A rMigohtsd reesernrv-edP."h Iransteedrp rienrE antgiloins h, © When quotations from the All text are used in noncommercial, nonprofit, ThGer acQiuoraunsA: �M odern-PhIrnatseerdpi rnEe ntgaltiisohn or nonsalable n1edia such as school bulletins, posters, transparencies, or similar media, a complete copyright notice is not required, but author and title information must appear as follows: by Dr. Ahmad TheG racQiuoraunsA: Ai odern-PhIrnatseerdpi rnEe ntgaltiisohn Zaki Hammad. Quotations and/ or reprints in excess of the above limitations, or other pen11ission requests, must be submitted in writing to: Dr. Ahmad Zaki Hammad, P.O. Box 3931, Lisle, IL 60532-8831 USA. First edition published 2007. Second Edition 2008. Printed in Lebanon 14131211 1009080706 12345 ISBN: 0-9787849-3-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hammad, Ahmad Zaki Mansur, 1946- The gracious Quran : a modem-phrased interpretation in English Ahmad Zaki Hammad. --Arabic-English parallel ed. p. cm. I Includes indexes. ISBN 0-9787849-3-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) L Koran. English Arabic 2008. IL Title. & BP130.4.H24 2008 297 .1 '22--dc22 2008028271 @)The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for lnfonnation Sci­ ences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. The typeface for the text of the translation is Bembo, a world classic and typographic gem. Originating in Venice, Italy, in the late 15th century", }·.1._ldus 1\1anutius the 3rd published an essay by the Italian scholar Pietro Bembo using this typeface for the text. In the mid-16th century, Francesco Garamond, the French type-founder, cut the font and duplicated the design, thereby spreading its influence throughout Europe. In the year 2005, M. Seddik, produced a new rendering ofBembo for this translation, featuring diacritical marks for Arabic transliteration, such as: c. Other icons featured in this new rendering include:�,�,,�, A, a, I), c;l, I:f, I;, 'tf, ,I a, nSd, �t.h Te ,b rt,a c0k,e tUs,: -Z",, �:;;:, )>.Humanist hand-script is used for the title page and Palatino Diac;:Drit1i,c b±i fo1, r�'. th,e & sur, a�h t'i t�les., �, ,:gj>, ?l*', www.azhammad.com .TRANSLITERATNIOOTNE Thet ransliteorfAa rtaiboinnca measn dt ermisn tEon glisfho llowtsh ew ell-estabslcihsehmesedh ownb elow. Fora moree xtensive diosncA ursasbiioacnst hel anguaogfet heQ urana ndt hep ronunciaotfiA orna bic lettaenrdsw ordss,e e" A Noteo nt heA rabiLca nguagaen dI tTsr anslitearnadtP iroonn unciatiinVo onl" ­ umeI Io ft heD eluxEed itioofnIh e Gracious Quran: A Modern-Phrased Interpretation in English. j ..........z J ..........q I .......... ao ra i...J'" .......... s !] . . .. . k y .......... b J' ..... . .s h J. .. ..I. ....:_., .......... t f··· f' .•...... . rn 0 ......t.h. .. 1...}:o •.• .. Q 0 .n .... j .b ..........\ .. .h c ....h. . Ji,.. . ? J ...... . . U oru . .k h. vv (consonant) t , . . . . d t· ..g h 0·· .... i orio ri yy ;. .....d.h. .. ...f. . y (consonant) _) ..........r Witht hee xceptoifto hnem aitne xotft het ransliattsienolenf,a relvye rmye ntioofnt hen ameo f ProphMeut]:i ammad isfo llowebdy t hAer abic whicmha yb et ransalas"t Geoddb lehsism g; "16" andg rahnitm p eaceap, r"a yoefer n dearmreenflte ctMiunsgl ivme nerafotrit ohnPe r op:�h-etThe ArabPirca yer alsmoa ya ppeaafrt tehrne a meosfo theprr oph(eatwsse lalsA ngeGla briel �1), meani"npge abceeu pohni m,a"ne xpresosfMi uosnl ilmo vaen de stefoerme acohft hem. TheE nglmiesahn ionfgo st hAerra biicco fnesa tuirnte hdne e wr enderoiftn hgBe e mbfoon tfo r this translaartleii osnit net dh tea bbleel ow. Highly exalted is He, and most high God be pleased with both of them (dual) � The One to whom belongs absolute power and majesty God be pleased with them (plural, masculine) .% � God bless him and grant hi1n peace God be pleased with them (plural, feminine) $, c'di;, Peace be upon him Marks the beginning of the or quarter part �i �l� rube, Peace be upon her Marks a place at the end of a Quranic verse calling for Peace be upon them (plural, masculine) tf ritual performance of the or bowing down �1 sajdah, God be pleased with him Marks the beginning and end of a Quranic citation £'l5 God be pleased with her in English � QURANICC ITATIONNO TE Referetnoct ehQseu ran's ivnte hribssoe osak r cei ted folalnoe wsitnagbl siysshte"edSm u:r a(hQ"u ran Chaptnearm)e ";C omma""N;u mbeorfS"u ra"hC;o lon""N;u mbeorfv" e rsFeo.er x amptlheet,hi r d verse oft hQeu rasnfir'st surah (ocrh aptiescr i)t aesdSu rat Al-Fatibah, 1:3. BRACKETN OTE Withsionm ter ansltaetxaetrdshe a lbfr acketst hacto ntacilna ritfyeixnttgh asth oubledr ead c ' asi fi tw erpea rotft htee xFto.re xampHlee is: t he One who pronounces blessinc<?S that descend upon you c ' with His mercy...( ThQeu raSnu,r Aalt- Ab.zab, 33:43). FOR PeaocneE arth Andf oarli lnt hEen glish-wsoprewlahdko i ng mayd erfriovmet hHee aveBnoloyek v,ei nnt he smaldleegsrtte hieem, p utloss eeed ki vine guidafnoacrm e e aninlgiffuel, heraen idn t hHee reafter. AND FOR Thvee rsyp ecpieaolp le whoh ave immeasurmaybl liyf ee nriched - asas onab, r ot,h heaur sbaafn adt,,h er af rieasn tdu,d aennadtt ,e acher­ anwdh oh aveen abmleet doe njoy ane ver-rewsatruddiyn g oft hGer aciQouursaa nn tdh ger acPerdo phet g, AND Especfioamrly wl iyf e, ab eacoofun n failing light throaulgtlhhr ee acohfme ysl i-fe mays hbeee vebrl eswsietGdho dl'isg ht. JNT HEN AME OF GOD,T HEA LL-MERCIFTUHLE,M ERCY-GIVING dent deen. gwe.J �The Quran, 59:21-24 CONTENTS XI BeforeY ouR ead! XIV TheQ urana ndY ou XXI AnnotatCeodn tents 1 TheG racioQuusr anA: M odern-PhraIsnetde rpretiantE inognl ish 1103 A Libraorfyt heP rinciSpoaulr coefsI slam 1 PresentTihnegG racioQuusr an 1245 Indexes

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