THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SPIRITISM Contains explanations of the moral maxims of Christ in accordance with Spiritism and their application in various circumstances in life. by ALLAN KARDEC Author of THE SPIRITS’ BOOK Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every Human epoch. ____________ This English translation is taken from the 3rd edition of the original French, as being the one containing all of Allan Kardec’s final revisions, published in 1866. L’ÉVANGILE SELON LE SPIRITISME CONTENANT L’EXPLICATION DES MAXIMES MORALES DU CHRIST LEUR CONCORDANCE AVEC LE SPIRITISME ET LEUR APPLICATION AUX DIVERSES POSITIONS DE LA VIE PAR ALLAN KARDEC Auteur du Livre des Esprits. Il n’y a de foi inébranlable que celle qui peut regarder la raison face à face, à tous les àges de l’humanité. _____________ T R O I S I È M E É D I T I O N REVUÉ, CORRIGÉE ET MODIFIÉE. _______________ P A R I S LES ÉDITEURS DU LIVRE DES ESPRITS 35, QUAI DES AUGUSTINS DENTU, FRÉD, HENRI, libraires, au Palais-Royal Et au bureau de la REVUE SPIRITE, 59, rue et passage Saint-Anne 1866 Réserve de tous droits. (Facsimile of original) Original title ‘L’Évangile Selon le Spiritisme’ first published in France, 1864. 1st Edition of this translation 1987 TRANSLATORS COPYRIGHT © J. A. Duncan, 1987 All rights reserved. ISBN 947823 09 3 Cover design by Helen Ann Blair Typesetting and Artwork by Mainline Typesetting Services Unit 2, Millside Industrial Estate, Southmill Road, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. Printed by Masterprint Unit 4-5, The Maltings, Station Road, Newport, Essex. The entire proceeds of this book are donated to the ALLAN KARDEC STUDY GROUP, a non-profit organization whose workers are all voluntary, which has been set up for the purpose of the dissemination of the SPIRITISM DOCTRINE, based on the lines of the codification by Allan Kardec. Printed in Great Britain for THE HEADQUARTERS PUBLISHING CO LTD 5 ALEXANDRIA ROAD LONDON W13 0NP I INDEX NOTE: The numbers placed at the end of the various items in each chapter indicate the number(s) of the paragraph, for quick location. PUBLISHER’S FOREWORD VII TRANSLATOR’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS VIII TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE IX PREFACE 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1. The objective of this work. - 2. The authority behind the Spiritist doctrine. The Universal control of the Spirit teachings. - 3. Historical facts. - 4. Socrates and Plato, the forerunners of the Christian idea and Spiritism. Chapter 1. - I HAVE NOT COME TO DESTROY THE LAW 23 The three revelations: Moses, Christ, Spiritism: 1 - 7. - The alliance of science and religion: 8. - Instructions from the Spirits: The new era: 9 - 11. Chapter 2. - MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORD 31 The future life: 1 - 3. - The regality of Jesus: 4. - A point of view: 5 - 7. - Instructions from the Spirits: An earthly regality: 8. Chapter 3. - IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE ARE MANY MANSIONS 37 The different states of the soul in its spiritual wanderings: 1 - 2. - The different categories of inhabited worlds: 3 - 5. - Earth’s destiny. The cause of earthly miseries: 6 - 7. - Instructions from the Spirits: Superior and inferior worlds: 8 - 12. - Words of tests and atonements: 13 - 15. - Regeneration worlds: 16 - 18. - The progression of the worlds: 19. II INDEX Chapter 4. - EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN AGAIN HE CANNOT SEE THE 45 KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Resurrection and reincarnation: 1 - 17. - Reincarnation strengthens family ties, whereas a single life would destroy them: 18 - 23. - Instructions from the Spirits: Limits of incarnations: 24. - The need for incarnation: 25 - 26. Chapter 5. - BLESSED ARE THE AFFLICTED 55 The justice of afflictions: 1 - 3. - Causes of present-day afflictions: 4 - 5. Past causes of afflictions: 6 - 10. - Forgetfulness of the past: 11. - Motives for resignation: 12 - 13. - Suicide and madness: 14 - 17. - Instructions from the Spirits: To suffer well or badly: 18. - Evil and its remedy: 19. - Happiness is not of this world: 20. - Losing loved ones. Premature deaths: 21. - If he had been a good man he would have died: 22. - Voluntary torments: 23. - True misfortune: 24. - Melancholy: 25. - Voluntary trials. The true hair shirt: 26. - Should we end our neighbour’s probation?: 27. - Would it be licit to hasten the death of someone incurably sick who is suffering?: 28. - Sacrificing one’s own life: 29 - 30. - Making one’s own suffering useful to others: 31. Chapter 6. - CHRIST THE CONSOLER 77 The gentle yoke: 1 - 2. - The promised consoler: 3 - 4. - Instructions from the Spirits: The advent of the Spirit of Truth: 5 - 8. Chapter 7. - BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT 81 What should be understood by the words ‘poor in spirit’?: 1 - 2. - He who exalts himself shall be debased: 3 - 6. - Mysteries that are hidden from the learned and prudent: 7 - 10. - Instructions from the Spirits: Pride and humility: 11 - 12. - Mission of the intelligent person on Earth: 13. Chapter 8. - BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART 91 Simplicity and pureness of heart: 1 - 4. - Sinning by means of thought. Adultery: 5 - 7. - True pureness. Unwashed hands: 8 - 10. - Offences. If your hand is the cause of an offence, cut it off: 11 - 17. - Instructions from the Spirits: Let little children come unto me: 18 - 19. - Blessed are those whose eyes are closed: 20 - 21. Chapter 9. - BLESSED ARE THE MEEK AND THE PEACEMAKERS 99 Insults and violence: 1 - 5. - Instructions from the Spirits: Affability and mildness: 6. - Patience: 7. - Obedience and resignation: 8. - Anger: 9 - 10. III INDEX Chapter 10. - BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL 105 Forgive others so that God may forgive you: 1 - 4. - Reconciliation with your adversaries: 5 - 6. - The sacrifice most agreeable to God: 7 - 8. - The mote and the beam in the eye: 9 - 10. - Do not judge others if you do not wish to be judged in return. He that is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone: 11 - 13. - Instructions from the Spirits: The pardoning of offences: 14 - 15. - Indulgence: 16 - 18. - Is it permitted to reprehend, observe imperfections or to comment on the evil in others?: 19 - 21. Chapter 11. - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF 115 The greatest commandment. Do unto others as we would have them do unto as. The parable of the creditors and the debtors: 1 - 4. - Give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar: 5 - 7. - Instructions from the Spirits: The law of love: 8 - 10. - Selfishness: 11 - 12. - Faith and Charity: 13. - Charity towards criminals: 14. - Should we risk our life for a criminal?: 15. Chapter 12. - LOVE YOUR ENEMIES 125 Return goodness for evil: 1 - 4. - Discarnate enemies: 5 - 6. - Whosoever shall smite thee on they right cheek, turn to him the other also: 7 - 8. - Instructions from the Spirits: Vengeance: 9. - Hate: 10. - Duelling: 11 - 16. Chapter 13. - DO NOT LET YOUR LEFT HAND KNOW WHAT YOUR 135 RIGHT HAND IS DOING Do good without ostentation: 1 - 3. - Hidden misfortunes: 4. - The widow’s mite: 5 - 6. - To invite the poor and the lame. To give without thought of recompense: 7 - 8. - Instructions from the Spirits: Material and moral charity: 9 - 10. - Beneficence recompensed by ingratitude: 19. - Exclusivist beneficence: 20. Chapter 14. - HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER 151 Filial devotion: 1 - 4. - Who is my mother and who are my brothers?: 5 - 7. - Corporeal relationship and spiritual relationship: 8. - Instructions from the Spirits: Children’s ingratitude and family ties: 9. Chapter 15. - WITHOUT CHARITY THERE IS NO SALVATION 159 What the spirit needs in order to be saved. The parable of the good Samaritan: 1 - 3. - The greatest of the commandments: 4 - 5. - The need for charity, according to Saint Paul: 6 - 7. - Without the Church there is no salvation. Without truth there is no salvation: 8 - 9. - Instructions from the Spirits: Without charity there is no salvation: 10. IV INDEX Chapter 16. - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SERVE BOTH GOD AND 165 MAMMON The salvation of the rich: 1 - 2. - Preserve yourself from avarice: 3. - Jesus in the house of Zacchaéus: 4. - The parable of the bad rich man: 5. - The parable of the talents: 6. - The providential utility of riches. Trials of riches and misery: 7. - The inequality of riches: 8. - Instructions from the Spirits: True property: 9 - 10. - The application of riches: 11 - 13. - Detachment from earthly possessions: 14. - Transference of riches: 15. Chapter 17. - BE PERFECT 179 Characteristics of perfection: 1 - 2. - The good person: 3. - The good Spiritist: 4. - The parable of the sower: 5 - 6. - Instructions from the Spirits: Duty: 7. - Virtue 8. - Those who are superior and those who are inferior: 9. - The worldly person: 10. - Look after both body and Spirit: 11. Chapter 18. - MANY CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN 191 The parable of the wedding feast: 1 - 2. - The narrow door: 3 - 5. - Not all those who say: Lord! Lord! will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: 6 - 9. - Much will be asked of he who receives much: 10 - 12. - Instructions from the Spirits: To those who have will be given more: 13 - 15. - A Christian is recognised by his works: 16. Chapter 19. - FAITH TRANSPORTS MOUNTAINS 201 The power of faith: 1 - 5. - Religious faith. The state of unshakable faith: 6 - 7. The parable of the dry fig-tree: 8 - 10. - Instructions from the Spirits: Faith, the mother of hope and charity: 11. - Human and Divine faith: 12. Chapter 20. - WORKERS OF THE LAST HOUR 207 Instructions from the Spirits: The last shall be the first: 1 - 3. - Mission of the Spiritists: 4. - The workers of the Lord: 5. Chapter 21. - THERE WILL BE FALSE CHRISTS AND FALSE PROPHETS 211 A tree is known by its fruits: 1 - 3. - The mission of the prophets: 4. - The prodigies of the false prophets: 5. - Do not believe all the Spirits: 6 - 7. - Instructions from the Spirits: The false prophets: 8. - The character of the true prophet: 9. - The false prophets from the spiritual world: 10. Jeremiah and the false prophets: 11. V INDEX Chapter 22. - WHOM GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER LET NO MAN PUT 221 APART The indissolubility of marriage: 1 - 4. - Divorce: 5. Chapter 23. - STRANGE MORAL 225 Hate the parents: 1 - 3. - Abandon father, mother and children: 4 - 6. - Leave to the dead the care of burying their dead: 7 - 8. - I have not come to bring peace, but dissension: 9 - 18. Chapter 24. - DO NOT HIDE THE LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL 233 The light under a bushel. Why Jesus spoke in parables: 1 - 7. - Do not keep company with the Gentiles: 8 - 10. - The healthy do not need a doctor: 11 - 12. - The courage of faith: 13 - 16. - Carry your cross. He who will save his life, shall lose it: 17 - 19. Chapter 25. - SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND 241 If you help yourself then heaven will come to your aid: 1 - 5. - Behold the fowls of the air: 6 - 8. - Provide not gold in your purse: 9 - 11. Chapter 26. - GIVE FOR FREE WHAT HAS BEEN RECEIVED 247 GRATUITOUSLY The gift of healing: 1 - 2. - Paid prayers: 3 - 4. - The moneychangers expelled from the Temple: 5 - 6. - Gratuitous mediumship: 7 - 10. Chapter 27. - ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN 251 The quality of prayers: 1 - 4. - The efficacy of prayer: 5 - 8. - The action of prayer. Transmission of thought: 9 - 15. - Intelligible prayers: 16 - 17. - Prayers for de dead and for suffering Spirits: 18 - 21. - Instructions from the Spirits: The way in which to pray: 22. - Happiness proportioned by prayer: 23. Chapter 28. - A COLLECTION OF SPIRITIST PRAYERS 261 Preamble 261 1. GENERAL PRAYERS 262 The Lord’s Prayer: 2 - 3. - Spiritist Meetings: 4 - 7. - For the Mediums: 8 - 10. VI INDEX 2. PRAYERS FOR THE ONE WHO PRAYS 270 To Guardian Angels and Protecting Spirits: 11 - 14. - To turn away the bad Spirits: 15 - 17. - In order to ask that some defect within ourselves may be corrected: 18 - 19. - To ask for strength to resist temptation: 20 - 21. - Thanksgiving for victory over a temptation: 22 - 23. - To ask for advice: 24 - 25. - Afflictions of life: 26 - 27. - Thanksgiving for the obtaining of a favour: 28 - 29. - An act of submission and resignation: 30 - 33. - When in imminent danger: 34 - 35. - Thanksgiving for having escaped a danger: 36 - 37. - At bedtime: 38 - 39. - On sensing approaching death: 40 - 41. 3. PRAYERS FOR OTHERS 280 For someone who is afflicted: 42 - 43. - An act of thanksgiving for a benefit received by someone else: 44 - 45. - For our enemies and those who wish us ill: 46 - 47. - Thanksgiving for blessings received by our enemies: 48 - 49. - For the enemies of Spiritism: 50 - 52. - Prayer for a child that has just been born: 53 - 56. - For one who agonizes: 57 - 58. 4. PRAYERS FOR THOSE NO LONGER ON EARTH 286 For someone who has just died: 59 - 61. - Those for whom we have affection: 62 - 63. - For suffering Spirits who ask for prayers: 64 - 66. - For an enemy who has died: 67 - 68. - For a criminal: 69 - 70. - For a suicide: 71 - 72. - For repentant Spirits: 73 - 74. - For hardened Spirits: 75 - 76. 5. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND OBSESSED 294 For those who are sick: 77 - 80. - For those who are obsessed: 81 - 84. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF SPIRIT COMMUNICATORS 301