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The Gospel According to Luke X-XXIV PDF

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TC.A.TL. $18.00 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKEX-XXIV JOSEPH A. FITZMYER THE GOSPEL ACCORDING 'ID LUKE X-XXIV is Volume 28A in the Anchor Bible series of new, book-by-book transla tions of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha. This is the conclusion of Joseph A. Fitzmyer's two-volume study of Luke. Included here is Fitzmyer's work on chapter 10, in which Jesus continues his journey to Jerusalem, through chapter 24, his Resurrection and appearances. The translation relies on the commen tator's familiarity with the Greek and Semitic languages, while the exegesis commands a thorough knowledge of the vast cultural, technical, and lin guistic information he has gathered from an international selection of Lucan literature. Each of the fifteen chapters here is studied and discussed in respect to the Gospel as a whole, Acts, and the Old Testament. The two indices refer to both volumes on Luke. In "joining the spirit to the letter" and scholarship to faith, Joseph A. Fitz- ( continued on back flap) (continued from front flap) myer has produced a worthy successor to his The Gospel According to Luke I - IX, which Theowgical Studies described as "extraordinarily learned and rich ... a benchmark in Lucan studies." Joseph A. Fitzmyer is a Jesuit priest and professor at the Catholic U niver sity of America. A past president of the Society of Biblical Literature and the Catholic Biblical Association, Fa ther Fitzmyer has also published three bool<s of essays on the New Tes tament and its relation to the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as four handbooks on the study of Aramaic texts and Qumran. He is one of the editors of The Jerome Bible Commentary. GENERAL EDllDRS OF THE ANCHOR BIBLE W. F. Albright, Professor Emeritus, Orien tal Seminary of Johns Hopkins University; internationally regarded as the dean of bibli cal studies [d. 1971). David Noel Freedman, Professor in the De partment of Near Eastern Studies and Direc tor of the Program on Studies in Religion, University of Michigan. JACKET DRAWING BY PAUL HOGARTH JACKET DESIGN BY FRED TROLLER Printed in the U.S.A. 0585 The Anchor Bible: THE COMMENTARIES THE CONTRIBUTORS The Old Testament Francis I. Andersen, Professor, Studies Abraham]. Malherbe, Professor of New I. GENESIS in Religion, University of Queensland, Testament Criticism and Interpretation, 2. EXODUS 0 Australia. 24, 24A, 25, 25A Yale Divinity School. 32B 3. LEVITICUS 0 4. NUMBERS 0 Markus Barth, Professor of New Testa C.S. Mann, Special Assistant, Human 5. DEUTERONOMY 0 ment, University of Basel, Switzerland. ities Projects, Coppin State College, Bal 6. JOSHUA 34, 34A, 34B timore. 26, 27 6A. JUDGES 7. RUTH Robert G. Boling, Professor of Old Tes ]. Louis Martyn, Professor of Biblical 7A. LAMENTATIONS tament, McCormick Theological Semi Theology, Union Theological Seminary, 7B. ESTHER nary, Chicago. 6, 6A. and Adjunct Professor of Religion, Co 7C. SONG OF SONGS lumbia University, New York City. 33A 8. I SAMUEL john Bright, Profess~r Emeritus, Union 9. II SAMUEL Theological Seminary, Richmond. 21 CarolL. Meyers, Associate Professor, De 10. I KINGS 0 partment of Religion, Duke University, 11. II KINGS+ Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Professor of Durham. 25B 12. I CHRONICLES Biblical Studies, Union Theological 13. II CHRONICLES Seminary, New York City. 29, 29A, 30 Eric M. Meyers, Associate Professor, De 14. EZRA, NEHEMIAH partment of Religion, Duke University. 15. JOB George Wesley Buchanan, Professor of 25B 16. PSALMS I 1-50 New Testament, Wesley Theological 17. PSALMS 1151-100 Seminary, Washington, D.G. 36 Jacob Milgrom, Professor of Hebrew and 17A. PSALMS III 101-150 Bible, University of California, Berke 18. PROVERBS, Edward F. Campbell, Jr. Professor of ley. 3 ECCLESIASTES Old Testament, McCormick Theological 19. FIRST ISAIAH 0 Seminary, Chicago. 7 Carey A. Moore, Chairman, Department 20. SECOND ISAIAH of Religion, Gettysburg College. 78, 40, 21. JEREMIAH Mordechai Cogan, Chairman, Depart 40A, 44 22. EZEKIEL 1-20 ment of Bible and Ancient Near East, 22A. EZEKIEL 21-48 0 Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Johannes Munck, Professor of New Te~ 2234.. THHOES EBAO OK OF DANIEL Israel. 10, 11 lDaemnemnat rkE. x3e1g e[ds.i s1, 96A5]a rhus Universitro 24A. AMOS, MICAH 0 Mitchell Dahood, SJ., Professor ofUgari 25. JOEL, OBADIAH, Jacob M. Myers, Professor Emeritus, tic Language and Literature, The Pontifi JONAH 0 Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettys 25A NAHUM, HABAKKUK, cal Biblical Institute, Rome. 16, 17, 17A burg. 12, 13, 14, 42 ZEPHANIAH 0 [d. 1982] 25B. HAGGAI, ZECHA Kevin G. O'Connell SJ., Chairman, RIAH 1-8 + Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M ., Professor Department of Religious Studies, John 25C. ZECHARIAH 9-14, of Old Testament, Catholic University of Carroll University, Cleveland. 2 MALACHIO America, Washington, D.C. 23, 39 William F. Orr, Emeritus Professor of The New Testament Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ., Professor of New New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Testament, Catholic University of Seminary. 32 26. MATTHEW America. 28, 28A 27. MARK + Marvin H. Pope, Professor of Northwest 28. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING ]. Massyngberde Ford, Professor of New Semitic Languages, Yale University. 7C, TO LUKE I-IX Testament Studies, University of Notre 15 28A. THE GOSPEL ACCORD Dame. 38 ING TO LUKE X-XXIV Jerome D. Quinn, Professor of Sacred 29. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING Victor P. Furnish. Professor of New Tes Scripture, St. Paul Seminary, Minnesota. TO JOHN I-XII tament, Perkins School of Theology, 35 29A. THE GOSPEL Southern Methodist University, Dallas. ACCORDING TO JOHN 32A Bo Ivar Reicke, Professor of New Testa XIII-XX! ment, University of Basel, Switzerland. 30. THE EPISTLES OF JOHN Johnathan A . Goldstein, Professor of 37 31. THE ACTS OF THE History and Classics. University of Iowa. 32. AI CPOOSRTINLETSH IANS 4I, 41A jmohennt ,H eLuumthaenrna,n PTrohfeeoslsoogr icoafl NSeewm Tineasrtya , 32A. II CORINTHIANS Moshe Greenberg, Professor of Biblical Philadelphia. 33B 32B. I & II THESSALONIANS 0 Studies, Hebrew University, Israel. 22, 33. ROMANS 0 R.B.Y. Scott, Professor Emeritus, De 33A. GALATIANS 0 22A partment of Religion, Princeton Univer 33B. PHILIPPIANS 0 Louis F. Hartman, C.SS.R ., Professor sity. 18 34. EPHESIANS 1-3 of Semitic Languages, Catholic Univer 3344A8.. CEOPHLOESSISAIANNS S4, -6 sity of America. 23 [d. 1970] PLaatnrgicuka gWe.s , SCkaethhaonl,i c PUronfievsesrosri tyo fo Sf eAmmietirc PHILEMON 0 Delbert R. Hillers, W.W. Spence Profes ica. 39 l d. 1980] 35. I & II TIMOTHY, TITUS 0 sor of Semitic Languages, Department 3367.. TT]AOHM ETE HESEP, IPHSETETLBEERRSE, WOAFNS D oUfn Niveearrs itEya, sBtearlnti mStourdei.e 7sA, Johns Hopkins mE.eAn. t Sopfe Oiserrie, nCtahl aSirtmudaine so, fU thneiv eDrseiptya rot f Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. l [d. 1965] JUDE Leander E. Keck, Dean, Yale Divinity 38. REVELATION School, New Haven. 33 H ayim Tadmor, Professor of Assyriology, Hebrew University. 10, 11 Apocrypha Baruch A. Levine, Professor of Hebrew, 39. WISDOM OF BEN SIRA 0 New York University. 4 James Arthur Walther, Emeritus Profes 40. JUDITH sor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theo 40A. TOBIT 0 P. Kyle McCarter, Jr., Professor of Re logical Seminary. 32 41. I MACCABEES ligious Studies, University oT Virginia. 41A. II MACCABEES 8, 9 David Winston, Professor of Hellenistic 42. I & II ESDRAS and Judaic Studies, Graduate Theological 43. THE WISDOM OF john L. McKenzie, Professor Emeritus of Union, Berkeley. 43 SOLOMON Old Testament Theology, De Paul Uni 44. DANIEL, ESTHER, AND versity, Chicago. 20 G. Ernest Wright, Professor of Divinity JEREMIAH: THE Curator of Semitic Museum, Harvard ADDITIONS a- University, Cambridge. 6 [d. 1974] + On Press. 0 In Preparation. ISBN: 385-155112-5 5-85 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE X-XXIV VOLUME 28A THE ANCHOR BIBLE is a fresh approach to the world's greatest classic. Its object is to make the Bible accessible to the modern reader; its method is to arrive at the meaning of biblical literature through exact translation and extended exposition, and to reconstruct the ancient setting of the biblical story, as well as the circumstances of its transcription and the characteristics of its transcribers. THE ANCHOR BIBLE is a project of international and interfaith scope: Protes tant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from many countries contribute individ ual volumes. The project is not sponsored by any ecclesiastical organization and is not intended to reflect any particular theological doctrine. Prepared under our joint supervision, THE ANCHOR BIBLE is an effort to make avail able all the significant historical and linguistic knowledge which bears on the interpretation of the biblical record. THE ANCHOR BIBLE is aimed at the general reader with no special formal training in biblical studies; yet, it is written with most exacting standards of scholarship, reflecting the highest technical accomplishment. This project marks the beginning of a new era of cooperation among scholars in biblical research, thus forming a common body of knowledge to be shared by all. William Foxwell Albright David Noel Freedman GENERAL EDITORS THE ANCHOR BIBLE The Gospel According to LUKE (X-XXIV) Introduction, Translation, and Notes by JOSEPH A. FITZMYER, S.J. DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, INC. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 1985 NIHIL OBSTAT Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J., Censor Deputatus IMPRIMI POTEST V. Rev. Joseph P. Whelan, S.J., ProYincial Maryland Province, Society of Jesus IMPRIMATUR Rev. Msgr. John F. Donoghue, Vicar General Archdiocese of Washington 16 February 1983 The nihil obstat and imprimatur are official declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the nihil obstat and imprimatur agree with the content, opinions, or statements expressed. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised for volume 2) Bible. N.T. Luke. English. Anchor Bible. The Gospel according to Luke. (The Anchor Bible; v. 28-28A) Includes bibliographies and index. I. Bible. N.T. Luke----Commentaries. I. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. II. Title. III. Series: Bible. English. Anchor Bible. 1964; v. 28-28A. BSl92.2.Al 1964.03 vol. 28A (BS2593] 220.7'7s [226'.4077] ISBN 0-385-00515-6 (v. I) ISBN 0-385-15542-5 (v. 2) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 80-702 Copyright © 1985 l:>y Doubleday & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America First Edition Second Printing

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