Modern or antique; benign or malevolent; porcelain, stuffed, articulated, or life-size, dolls have long been a subject of fascination. This eclectic collection of diminutive tales explores the many enchanting facets of these inanimate curiosities and their secret ways. But then again, "inanimate" is just the assumption...
Genres include horror, psychological horror, science fiction, and speculative fiction with moods ranging from sweet and heartwarming to disturbing and horrific.
Featuring all original stories by:
Piers Anthony
K. B. Bailey
Matthew Brady
Gary Clifton
Benjamin Michael Greene
Connor Kuntz
Ronald Linson
Rhiannon Lotze
Tim Mendees
Rachel Nussbaum
Deidre J Owen
Gary G. Power
"The Good, the Bad, and the Cute: The Secret Ways of Dolls" is a Mannison Minibook Anthology published by Mannison Press, LLC.
CONTENT WARNING: Some stories contain depictions of violence and disturbing allusions...